Home Steering Magician tarot meaning in love. The meaning of the tarot magician. In the "78 Doors" deck

Magician tarot meaning in love. The meaning of the tarot magician. In the "78 Doors" deck

With such a trump card in your hands, you can start the game! The time for waiting and inactivity has clearly passed, it’s time, it’s time! New opportunities are emerging to solve old problems and achieve set goals, and events are expected to develop soon. The Magician is a very energetically saturated and positive card, and it calls for equally energetic and creative action on the part of the questioner (“I wanted it myself, I did it myself”). The magician says - you have power. Right now, you are given the ability to control the course of events and control your environment. Strain your will and mind - and you will be able to subjugate the elements in the game, people, resources, and the driving forces of the action. Don't you want this? Carpe diem! This is a rare opportunity to transform the situation, move to a qualitatively different level of existence, surpass oneself, master new areas of life, reach new heights (material, intellectual, romantic, creative, spiritual - whatever). The Magician, as the first card of the first seven, always means the beginning of some new period of life, when nothing has been decided yet and no mistakes have been made.

The magician says that the entire process about which the question is asked takes place under the direct control of the questioner, he is the main character, and therefore he decides in which direction the situation should be turned.
As a rule, the Magician's card suggests that the present time is a period of relative security and success, when it is quite possible to create favorable conditions for yourself and generally take something under your control. The card makes it clear that there is every opportunity to transform and improve your life. According to the Magician, changes usually come from the questioner himself, although it also happens that life is transformed by some external factor (surrounding cards can give a hint of this).

The magician reports an excellent opportunity to turn his plans into reality. It foretells success and heralds a physically tangible beginning of action. It can indicate the beginning of an enterprise no worse than the Jester, a sudden insight, enlightenment. If the energy of the Jester is chaotic, then the energy of the Magician is a very purposeful and orderly impulse. What will happen next with this impulse and what it will lead to will be shown by the surrounding cards.

The main thing that the Magician does is make changes to cause the desired results to appear. He can do this as an artist, a commander or a doctor. In addition, the Magician asserts himself and transforms the world to suit himself, and invites the questioner to do the same. As a rule, a person is well aware of where that area of ​​life is in which it is time for him to be active and take the initiative into his own hands. Perhaps he resisted this for a long time and he does not want to take the bull by the horns. But it is precisely the Magician who says: for implementation there are all the necessary resources - a plan, material prerequisites, time, people, skills, personal qualities, mature karma... whatever you want to call it. Everything is available, everything works for you, you can do it. All you have to do is add initiative and enterprise, and you're done! The Magician has one purely esoteric feature - his actions “resonate” very far. They always cause consequences. Sometimes it looks like pure magic - you did a little thing, made a very small change, but the processes began unimaginably and the consequences fell like a cornucopia (it’s not a fact that they were exactly the ones the person was counting on). Well, this is exactly how magicians worked (and still work), making changes in the magic circle and causing other changes far beyond its borders. So the Magician is a kind of warning that now actions (including at the level of intentions, desires and imagination) will have increased effectiveness. Life is full of miracles. And last but not least, we must learn to control our thoughts, because now it is consciousness that determines existence.

There are many Arcana in the Tarot, which mainly emphasize the power of the unconscious. The magician emphasizes the power of consciousness. The magician is characterized by originality and creativity, intelligence, quick wit, an active life position, an independent spirit, willpower, self-confidence, the ability to control one’s own actions and influence other people, and the determination to see things through to the end. The magician knows no fear.

The forest is waist-deep to him, and the sea is knee-deep - this is his distinctive feature. He doesn’t know what it is to shake, avoid and put off, which is why his biography risks becoming a bestseller during his lifetime. Intelligence, skills - everything is with him. He is capable of catching fire with an idea himself and attracting others with him. And what seems unattainable to ordinary people, Magu sees only as another “peak” on his path. The magician is a master of communication; what he knows is how to communicate. Unlike the tough and uncompromising Emperor, the Magician is more flexible and cunning (and, as a rule, does not fully reveal his strategy to anyone). He can influence other people not only in an imperative way and his dominance is not so straightforward, and therefore may be less noticeable, but he can easily try to take power into his own hands. His actions are not random, chaotic or illogical - he KNOWS what he is doing. But he doesn’t always fully understand what he’s doing...

Some authors clearly interpret the Magician negatively, as a fraudster who should not be trusted (a similar negative distortion occurs in the case of the Priestess). Apparently, this is the result of some personal observations, and it cannot be considered the only correct one. The magician is capable of greatly influencing reality in pursuit of his goals, this is all we know about him. These goals may well be honest and noble, and the methods of influence may be sensitive and ethical. Although, of course, this is not always the case, and sometimes such an ability can completely corrupt a person.

If the Fool, without realizing himself, is identified with the Creator, then the Magician card presupposes a clear vision of himself, and an extraordinary vision. This is the first Tarot card by number: any path begins with self-awareness and self-determination. The magician loses the absolute free will of the Jester, but adds knowledge to his will, making him a master of his craft. He is full of creative male power. It can be associated with the Sun and Mercury. Mercury in its high hypostasis is a symbol of Will, Knowledge and the Word-Logos, creating worlds. In ancient times, Hermes (Mercury) was considered the patron saint of soothsayers and secret sciences; he served as the messenger of the gods, conveying their will to mortal people, but the same Hermes is the deity of cunning, and the businesslike ancient Greeks turned to him when they started any commercial business, especially not very legal. The winged messenger can report the receipt of some important information - this is another meaning of the card. The mediating, borderline role of Hermes the Magician is noted by Banzhaf and Akron (referring to another author): “In borderline situations and systems that have reached their limits, the Hermes-Mercury archetype appears everywhere: he knows how to fog, disorient... him liberating laughter shakes the system. In times of social cataclysms, revolutions and uprisings, a great many tricksters and cunning people always appear.”

It’s not for nothing that the magician is the first card of the deck. She points out at the very beginning of the journey that everything created is nothing more than a dream, the existence of magically created divine elements, and life is a continuous game of chance. The apparent miracles of nature are simply the works of a cosmic magician. In fact, the Magician is like God. The lemniscate above his head represents access to higher knowledge and the Hermetic principle “as above, so below.” In his raised hand is not a sword at all, but a staff. Wands are the personification of will and thought that controls the elements (the spirituality of the cup or cross, the pentacle of the earth or the freemason’s square, and the energy of the sword). The image on the Arcana suggests that the Magician is the ruler of the four elements of the world and the tributary of the four principles of magic: to know (cups), dare (swords), desire (wands) and remain silent (pentacles). The magician personifies the power of consciousness and confidence in one's abilities (partly rooted in ignorance), power over the forces that move this world. For him, there was contact with previously inaccessible wisdom, and as a result, an increase in realization power.

Although the card indicates a high potential of consciousness, this does not mean that the potential of other, subconscious forces at this time can be neglected. On the contrary: the readiness for action, for success, which the Magician points to, is based precisely on the harmony between consciousness and subconsciousness. It is only through the self-confidence that arises from this harmony that we can truly move mountains. The Magician's right hand is raised and absorbs power from above. The right hand is controlled by the rational left hemisphere of the brain. The wand in the right hand of the Magician attracts creative energy from heaven, consciously focuses it (in this sense it is a “magic wand”). Although it can be assumed that the Magician’s acquisition of inspiration and creative vision occurs outside of logic. But through the left hand directed at objects, controlled by the irrational right hemisphere, its influence descends on manifestations in the world. It is also often recommended to draw cards with your left hand, so that the process is carried out not so much logically as intuitively. The Magician's body is an energy channel for the embodiment of ideas, a kind of tool. Through him, that which wishes to be created rushes into the world. This magical gesture, which allows consciousness to project itself into the world, symbolizes the principle: “as above, so below.”

A magician is a young free demiurge, his thought is material, the universe in his mind becomes the reality of the universe, what he thinks will come true... the question is what. This is individualistic creative self-expression, not yet fully curbed by responsibility. The stage in spiritual development at which the formation of personality occurs through creative abilities, autocratic subordination of all aspects of life while mastering the key, there is great potential to manage oneself and the world. But in reality, the Magician is still naive and arrogant. The world seems to him like a playground, he cheerfully demiurges, but with the childish approach of Alexander the Great - to reach the end of the world, why go there... The magician does not yet know that his power over the world will end with a map where there will be only the World, and his there won't be one. The Magician embodies the childish arrogance and power of the Atlanteans, who used their energetic and gnostic abilities left and right until the planet went crazy. So there is always a specific risk here. Any Major Arcana, at any stage of development, has its own risk. For the Magician, this is the risk of “messing things up, but you won’t be able to sort them out.”

Speaking about the youthful arrogance of the Magician, the LHC - the Large Hadron Collider - comes to mind. Bidstrup-style picture: a cloud floating above a collider, two elohim sitting with their legs dangling and looking down with curiosity. One says to the other:

- Listen, what did they build?
- Yes, they want to understand how ALL THIS is done! Looking for...
- A-ah!...what are they looking for?
- Yes, some kind of Higgs boson...
- Oh well...

The Magician really rules over the inner and outer world, and therefore already at this stage there is a temptation to believe that the goal has been achieved (although in fact this is just a “playroom”, the first step on the path of growth, the formation of abilities through objective activity, and the Magician is Student). This is the God complex at the childhood stage of spiritual development. A powerful, arrogant personality with a sense of limitless ability to influence reality. Iron willpower, courage and a sense of omnipotence are a rather adolescent set of self-affirmation at the stage when for the first time it is possible to demonstrate independence. But if suddenly too much happens, life will force you to learn much quieter, more precise and careful behavior (“think first and understand” - but this is for the next Arcanum, the Priestess).

Magic can also mean initiation - a rite of passage for the uninitiated. This is an extremely important threshold in the life of every person.

The magician speaks of making a profit through enterprise and the use of his abilities. Nothing will fall from the sky for nothing, but knowledge and skills will be appreciated and will help you earn money. This is a classic indicator of business and entrepreneurial activity. The magician helps you proactively deal with money issues and take control of your finances. He also says that a person understands how the world works, where money comes from and what needs to be done to achieve results.
In any case, the Magician says that now there is an opportunity to transform the situation in the direction you desire.

The Magician is an ambiguous card in love.
On the one hand, he has gained fame as a sign of powerful, bright, confident male sexuality. One is the archetype of a masculine number, and the Magician’s wand is a phallic symbol. The partner described by the Magician is a bright personality, sexy, courageous, self-confident, possessing all the fullness of physical and spiritual abilities. Not so rare - a subtle dictator and manipulator, regardless of gender. The magician knows how to charm and charm. He knows how to take the first step or attract without taking this step, but motivating another to take it.

With not particularly favorable surrounding cards (the crown here, of course, is the Devil), the Magician emphasizes issues of power, control and confrontation between the parties (“in that duel of self-will, who had only the ball in whose hand?”). When the Magician's motto is “I want!” falls on the motto “But I don’t want to!”, viscous power relations are formed (“you will be mine!”), serious games, confrontations, a struggle of wills, sometimes “until victory”, after which the universe cannot be restored. The magician is a very enterprising and strong-willed comrade, and in essence rushes like a tank, eliminating all obstacles on the way (although outwardly this may not look so straightforward, but very veiled, especially for female Mages). He is characterized by exceptional self-motivation (namely “self” - the other side may not motivate and even kick back in every possible way), and he does not calm down until he achieves his goal. Sometimes it is indicated that he is used to getting everything at once, and patience is not his strong side, but one can argue with this. The magician focuses on the task with all his will, “with all his thoughts, with all his understanding” (this is why the magician is an excellent card for medical type training, during which a person is ready to go through everything and subordinate himself to the goal). In general, his “professional advice” is to devote body and soul to the business. And in this case, the “business” becomes the conquest of another person. Therefore, as the great Bulgakov would say, be trustworthy. If this is truly his goal, he will find means.

At the same time, the Magician is a great individualist. A unit is a unit. His individuality is so strong that he does not feel any special need for additions. He is selfish, smart, not particularly sentimental and endowed with a strong will to act - for example, to end a relationship that does not suit him, or to start a relationship that he now needs. He is not always inclined to pay attention to the moods and feelings of other people (or rather, he takes them into account insofar as it is in his interests).

As in everything else, the Magician says that it is in our power to transform the situation in the desired direction - to find the other half, divorce the first... in short, to create an ordinary miracle. The advice that a Magician can give in love is to solve problems! Forge with your own hands a new, unprecedented happiness, learn and teach, build relationships the way you want, create day after day your masterpiece, a garden in the place of the desert.

In fact, according to direct symbolism, the Magician personifies vitality and clearly says that a person is in excellent shape.
For some reason, traditional interpretations are very negative, perhaps due to the close association with the healer, and since the healer came, it means something happened - trouble, misfortune, suffering, grief, frustration, illness, illness, weakness, melancholy, pain, doctor , healer.
In modern interpretations, it is believed that the Magician foretells a favorable outcome if the question concerns health problems (the doctor will be able to provide the necessary help, and it must be taken into account that physical and mental health are closely related).
The inverted Magician generally strongly emphasizes mental imbalance (perhaps because in the natural state the mind and will are at their best - here they are blocked or a painful manifestation develops).
The Jester faces severe stress, the danger of losing his mind, perhaps because both cards symbolize the descent of information from above into the weak human mind.
With the Seven of Swords in ancient interpretations, you won’t get sick, this is for the better.

A reversed card can indicate two different things: blocked energy flow or misapplied energy. In the first case, it is weakness of will and skills, impotence, and lack of self-confidence. It can signal indecision and uncertainty, a dismissive and unfounded attitude towards both oneself (as a person) and one’s abilities. Nevertheless, there are authors who assure that the Magician card is always positive - a person simply underestimates his control over the situation, the volume, so to speak, of the exercise of power. Inverted, the Magician can mean that the moment of choice has already been missed, that events have begun to unfold according to their own laws, so now all that remains is to wait for the result.
In the second case, the inverted Magician indicates the use of skills for destructive purposes, abuse of power and authority, and selfishness. As the wonderful author Mary Greer writes, “The Reversed Magician reminds me of a teenager who, having committed an offense, shouts “It’s not me!” I wasn’t here at all.”

Cunning, unprincipled and deceitful, playing on the weaknesses of others (for example, a fraudster, a blackmailer, a recruiter). In addition, this is a case where someone may have outwitted himself - the goal was achieved and it turned out that it was not at all what was needed. Sometimes it may indicate that the goal is good, but the means were chosen poorly (for example, an office romance in a given company is not the best way to build a career). Other cards in the layout will say more about this.
Sometimes the possibility is pointed out that someone is undertaking magical operations against the querent.

Cards that enhance the effect of the Magician in the layout include Judgment (foreshadowing final success and the most positive changes in life), Eight of Pentacles (development of skill), Eight of Wands (element of insight, comprehension of secrets), Two of Wands (gaining power). Surely, an enhancing resonant effect can be expected from other cards, for example, the Emperor, Strength, Sun, Six of Wands, Three of Pentacles.

A Star or Moon next to the Magician speaks of the benefits of developing intuitive abilities and the need to listen to your inner voice. It makes sense to act on instinct, even if from the outside it contradicts common sense.

Cards of opposite energy are the expectant introverted Priestess, the inactive, tied hand and foot Hanged Man, the Four of Swords who took a time out, and the Eight of Swords languishing from powerlessness and embarrassment.

The combination of the Magician and the Devil (“fear your desires”) and the Magician and the Tower (here comes the score) is eloquent.

This is Hermes Trismegistus, the Alchemist. He has comprehended everything, alpha and omega, and the symbol of infinity floats above his head, the fusion of consciousness and subconscious, the main Hermetic principle (as above, so below...).

Daedalus (brilliant ancient inventor)

Mage + Jester (I + 0)
Plans may go awry.
Stupidity. A setup.
Communication with a fool. Risk of insanity.
He sees neither himself nor the future.
Danger on or from water.
Maybe a small person.
A man to meet.
Ignorant magician.

Mage + Priestess (I + II)
Revealing the secret. The desire to penetrate the secret. Trade secret.
The project is up in the air. Idea.
Meeting a woman.
A man manipulates a woman. The woman doesn't trust him.
Secret woman dating man.
Beginning of esoteric studies.
Witchcraft, magic.
Secret health trial.

Mage + Empress (I + III)
The desire to start and create something. Passion for a new idea.
Well-being in entrepreneurship.
Encouraging results.
Fulfillment of desires.
Very strong creative aspect.
Relationship with a mature woman.
A woman's young lover.

Mage + Emperor (I + IV)
Reorganization. Interaction with a certain organization.
Self-control, self-discipline.
Organizational activities.
Tough manipulator.
We can talk about work. They will listen and take it. Support of the plan.
Acquisition of material goods.

Mage + Hierophant (I + V)
Increased trust.
Contact with authorities.
Get support in either love or union. Keep your peace of mind. Don't be annoyed!
There may be two men: a young one and an older one.
Relationship: student-teacher.
Transfer of knowledge.
Study, teacher, education.
Self-education, self-education.
Research, science.

Magician + Lovers (I + VI)
Acquaintance. Young lover.
The beginning of a love relationship.
There could be a love triangle.
Possibly the onset of sexually transmitted diseases.
A clear, conscious choice appeared in life.
He chooses the matter to his liking.
Contact, partnership.
Trade, negotiations.
Signing the contract.

Mage + Chariot (I + VII)
The beginning of the way. Movement. Drive. Journey.
Buying a car.
Change of activity. Doesn't stay in one place for long.
Project promotion.
Business. Risk. Management.
Mental programming.
Youthful maximalism.
Diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Mage + Strength (I + VIII)
Masterful self-control.
The presence of strength in a person to solve problems.
Obstacles will be overcome and strength will not diminish from this. Successful outcome of the upcoming battle.
A strong patron.
The presence of a competitor, rival or rival.
There is the power to win someone over. A meeting of lovers with some kind of manipulation.
Personal violence.
Knowing your passions, sexual experience.
Take a vacation. Have a rest. Improved health.

Mage + Hermit (I + IX)
A time of reflection and solitude. You have to be careful and wise to achieve what you want.
Wise magician.
Spiritual quest.
Concentration on ego problems.
Inward-directed activity.
Have your own opinion about everything.
Health problems.

Mage + Wheel of Fortune (I + X)
Go for a change.
Taking advantage of the moment, luck.
Make money.
Play for money.
Player of fate.
Meeting. Acquaintance.
A short trip in the company of a young man.
Buying a car.
The beginning of a new cycle.
Moving to a new job.
Manipulations with karma.
Cognition of cause and effect relationships.

Mage + Justice (I + XI)
Beginning of the legal process.
Take on the role of protector.
Legal agreement, contract.
The desire to enter into legal marriage or divorce.
A fair solution to the issue.
Use the law for your own purposes.
The beginning of a difficult stage.
Criticism, condemnation, punishment.
To tell the truth.

Magician + Hanged Man (I + XII)
Obstacles to the cause.
Get stuck in the situation.
Paralysis in action.
Desire, but inability to do or change anything.
Lack of initiative.
The error is related to a man.
You are being manipulated. Might be a crook.
You have to sacrifice your interests.
Beginning of pregnancy.
Poor health.

Mage + Death (I + XIII)
The end of the previous relationship.
Suspense. There needs to be a transformation.
Conquest of new territories.
Loss of capacity.
"Kill with a word."
Losing a man.
Having a serious illness.
Death of a brother.

Mage + Temperance (I + XIV)
Taking care of the project.
Don't miss the moment.
Short quick trip.
The presence of a guardian angel.
Attracting connections from space.
Experimenter, researcher, alchemist.
Doctor, assistant.
Combining two points of view or two professions, positions.

Mage + Devil (I + XV)
Dangerous manipulation.
Magical influence. Black magic.
Love spell.
Manipulator, manipulation.
Thirst for quick profit.
Everything can collapse.
Link to alcoholism.
Think about what you're getting yourself into.
Obstacles are within us.
Criminal business, mafia, drug trafficking.

Mage + Tower (I + XVI)
Initiation of the destructive process.
Suddenly there was chaos.
I couldn't get into college.
It's better not to go to work.
The desire to destroy everything in your life.
Personal destruction, self-destruction.
Problems with thinking.
Cause pain with a word.
The collapse of affairs. Unexpected accidents.
Suddenness. Argument. Conflict with a man.
Admitting mistakes. Conclusions.

Mage + Star (I + XVII)
Rising star.
It's a good time to start.
Having creative abilities.
Hope for a new acquaintance.
The dream is to go abroad.
Prediction of the future. Astrology.
Abstract thinking, mathematical and engineering abilities.
The healing process has begun.

Mage + Moon (I + XVIII)
Thirst to earn huge money.
The beginning of creating something new. Ideas for the work.
Dreamer, storyteller, illusionist.
Psychologist. Esoteric. Doctor.
Fear of self-expression.
Fear of masculinity.
Fear of acting, being active.
Beware of your opponent.
Relationships are illusory.
Violation of water balance in the body
Alcoholism in the male line.
Mental disorder.

Mage + Sun (I + IX)
Recognition of your skill or your idea.
A new beginning in life.
Going to college, getting a job.
There may be a victory over a man. Marriage.
Birth of a child.

Mage + Court (I +XX)
Get ready for changes in life. Slow process. The person wants them himself.
Retire from work.
If you haven't worked, then go to work.
Change in relationships.
Unlocking creative abilities.

Mage + World (I + XXI)
An idea that has received worthy implementation.
Do what you want.
Receiving titles and honors.
Or you complete the process and pass away.
The journey is complete.
Social relations.
Ego problems.
Knowledge of languages.

With the Ace of Wands card - movement behind the imagination.
With the “Two of Wands” card - make large-scale plans.
With the Three of Wands card - conquering new markets.
With the Four of Wands card - lay the foundation.
With the Five of Wands card - direct the situation.
With the Six of Wands card - movement towards the goal.
With the Seven of Wands card - use any means to stay on top.
With the Eight of Wands card there is an looming situation.
With the Nine of Wands card - pass the test.
With the Ten of Wands card there is a lack of abilities.
With the “Page of Wands” card - marketing research.
With the “Knight of Wands” card - speed up implementation.
With the “Queen of Wands” card - increased professionalism.
With the “King of Wands” card - a major project; business expansion.

With the Ace of Cups card - conception.
With the “Two of Cups” card - efforts to conclude a contract or agreements.
With the “Three of Cups” card - create a team.
With the “Four of Cups” card - you won’t see the main thing behind the routine; miss opportunities to promote the project.
With the Five of Cups card - unfulfilled expectations; clients can let you down.
With the Six of Cups card, start realizing long-forgotten plans or a childhood dream.
With the Seven of Cups card - untenable plans, unprofitable business.
With the Eight of Cups card - moving past the goal; creative stagnation; bad idea.
With the Nine of Cups card - open a restaurant.
With the “Ten of Cups” card - competent business management; movement towards prosperity.
With the “Page of Cups” card - consideration of the proposal.
With the “Knight of Cups” card - offer clients a contract.
With the Queen of Cups card - get engaged.
With the “King of Cups” card, ask for advice from a major specialist.

With the Ace of Swords card - business on the Internet; achieve clarity; grab a brilliant idea.
With the “Two of Swords” card - misunderstanding with partners, failure to fulfill conditions.
With the Three of Swords card it is a cruel miscalculation.
With the Four of Swords card, take a break.
With the “Five of Swords” card - an attempt to build happiness on someone else’s misfortune; Hit below the belt; dishonest business practices.
With the Six of Swords card, the business moves to a new office; start building a network business.
With the Seven of Swords card - political games; neglect your responsibilities.
With the Eight of Swords card - interference in your affairs; limiting your influence.
With the Nine of Swords card - on the verge of bankruptcy; the business is falling into disrepair.
With the Ten of Swords card there is no turning back; the loss of what was dear.
With the “Page of Swords” card - grab onto an original idea, but there is a danger of making a hasty decision.
With the “Knight of Swords” card, the matter is in crisis.
With the “Queen of Swords” card - parting with a business partner; business fragmentation.
With the “King of Swords” card - show independence.

With the “Ace of Denariev” card - measures to make a profit.
With the card “Two Denarii” - chasing “two birds with one stone”.
With the “Troika Denariev” card you can receive a profitable order.
With the “Four Denariev” card - control over expenses; tightening financial costs.
With the “Five Denariev” card it is a loss-making business; lack of clientele.
With the “Six Denariev” card - obtaining a loan for a business plan.
With the “Seven Denariev” card - long-term money; financial speculation.
With the “Eight of Denariev” card, you have a well-functioning business that generates income.
With the “Nine Denariev” card - expansion of the clientele.
With the “Ten Denarii” card - continue the family business.
With the “Page of Denariev” card - learning the basics of business management; introduction to the matter.
With the card “Knight of Denariev” - set the direction of the matter.
With the “Queen of Denarii” card, you can skillfully distribute financial expenses.
With the “King of Denarii” card - distribute financial flows.

From other sources:
V. Sklyarov "The Great Book of Combinations".

Magician upright with the Major Arcana
Priestess - Incredible successes in occultism, mysticism
Priestess lane - Advances in demonology
Empress - Karmic dependence on the female line of the family
Empress lane - Situation control
Emperor - Morbid passion for power.
Emperor lane - Defeat enemies. Capable of a strategist. Deliberate evasion of responsibilities
Priest - Divine Seal, Stigmata
Priest Per - Excessive freedom of morals
Lovers - The lot of fate, predestination from above
Lovers per - Conscious departure from the stage of life
Chariot - Unprecedented successes in military affairs
Chariot (trans) - The vicissitudes of luck or happiness built on the misfortune of another person
Justice - Justice for the sake of justice
Justice lane - Unstable position in society
Hermit - Loneliness at the pinnacle of achievement
Hermit Lane - Obtaining citizenship, residence rights
Wheel of Fortune - Divine luck. Fine.
Wheel of Fortune per - Approaching the desired results through your own efforts
Strength - Abilities for extrasensory perception, alternative medicine
Strength (trans.) - A call for mercy. Victory over yourself
The Hanged Man - Sacrifice in the name of ideals
The Hanged Man - Chasing the Crane in the Sky
Death - Karmic changes in life, top level
Death lane - Approaching the ideal
Moderation - Digestive disease
Moderation per - Failure to comply with the norms accepted by people
Devil - Curse / Karmic dependence along the male line
Devil Lane - Dishonor
Tower - Fall from the top. Cruel lot
Tower Lane - Devastation. Revolutions, riots, uprisings
Star - Failure of Hopes
Star Per - Success in any creative activity
Moon - Death of illusions, witchcraft, magic
Moon (transl.) - The death of the ship, the death of illusions
Sun - Supernatural abilities
Sun (trans) - Imaginary values
Court - Change of fate, “From lackeys to masters”
Court lane - “Delay is like death
World - World on the slope of a sleeping volcano
Jester - Mentally ill, sometimes mentally retarded, idiot
Jester (transl.) - Wounded pride

Magician upright with the Minor Arcana

The magician in upright and inverted positions is identical in combination with the minor arcana.

2 of Wands - Passing the disease crisis
2 Zhezlov lane - Chagrin. Quarrel with superiors. Death of a loved one
2 of Cups - Passionate desire for love
2 Cups Lane - Suffering. Love's agony
2 of Swords - Giving up something in favor of someone
2 of Swords Lane - Deception. Robbery. It will not be possible to reveal the culprit
2 of Pentacles - Return of the lost. Sewing business. Modeling of clothes, women's
2 of Pentacles lane - Impotence. Stagnation

3 of Wands - Using opportunities as intended
3 Zhezlov lane - Break of misfortunes
3 of Cups - Recovery
3 Cups lane - Lust. Voluptuousness. Kinky sex
3 of Swords - Desertion
3 of Swords lane - Hallucinations. Dangerous nervous disorder
3 of Pentacles - Personal Insult
3 of Pentacles Lane - Unprofessionalism. Betrayal of a friend

4 of Wands - High honors. Prosperity
4 Zhezlov lane - Caution. Balancing on the brink
4 of Cups - Lies in relationships. Loss of former affection
4 Cups lane - New happy acquaintance. Prophecy abilities
4 of Swords - Isolation
4 of Swords lane - Untimely actions. The collapse of beginnings
4 of Pentacles - Gifts from heaven, fate
4 Pentacles Lane - Disorder in the world around us. Unforeseen expenses

5 of Wands - Enmity under the guise of courtesy
5 Zhezlov Lane - Litigation, the fight against illusions, maximalism
5 of Cups - Orphanhood. Receiving an inheritance. Relative abroad
5 Cups lane - Surprises of fate. Unexpected news
5 of Swords - Natural disasters (earthquakes, fires, explosions)
5 of Swords lane - Abuse of power. Cruelty
5 of Pentacles - Unsuccessful marriage. Skew
5 Pentacles lane - Tax office. All kinds of checks

6 of Wands - Good luck in achieving what you want
6 Zhezlov lane - Fair fears
6 Cups - Past Achievements
6 Cups lane - Unexpected recovery of a loved one
6 of Swords - Business trips, trips that will mean a lot
6 of Swords Lane - Unnecessary “ranting”
6 of Pentacles - Present tense. Problematic in everything
6 of Pentacles Lane - Inappropriate Lust

7 of Wands - Unnecessary disputes, Unnecessary polemics
7 Zhezlov Lane - Failures. Doubts
7 of Cups - Wrong opinion. Lost success
7 Cups per - Failure of plans, but the will helps to achieve what you want in the future
7 of Swords - Illnesses are passing, fears are in vain, attempts are unsuccessful
7 of Swords Lane - No profit will be made. Criticism. Vain expectations
7 of Pentacles - Losing
7 of Pentacles lane - Lack of attention. Big concerns

8 of Wands - Agriculture, farming
8 Zhezlov lane - Quarrel. Poor relationship with management
8 of Cups - Belated good news
8 Cups lane - Abundance. Delight
8 of Swords - Accident (and if the client drives the car himself, then he will become the culprit of the accident)
8 Mechi lane - Unforeseen accident on the road
8 of Pentacles - Success in business. Hairdressing art
8 of Pentacles Lane - The destructive influence of the intellect on the body

9 of Wands - Bankruptcy of a company
9 Zhezlov lane - Force majeure. Delays. Unforeseen difficulties
9 Cups - Moderate Achievement
9 Cups lane - Imperfection Failed premiere. Perjury. Resourcefulness
9 of Swords - Bachelor. Spiritual person. "Married" bachelor
9 Swords lane - Funeral ceremony. Death of an older relative
9 of Pentacles - Avoiding troubles at the last minute
9 of Pentacles Lane - Security Threat

10 of Wands - Intrigue. Deception. Malicious intent. Losses
10 Zhezlov lane - Eager zeal. Disasters. Disappointments
10 of Cups - Home improvement efforts
10 Cups lane - Quarrels on a global scale. Scandal with management. Lack of diploma
10 of Swords - Insurmountable grief
10 of Swords lane - Unexpected success. Honoring. Proximity of anniversary celebrations
10 of Pentacles - Luck in lotteries
10 of Pentacles lane - Extravagance

Ace of Wands - Exaltation/Important Mission
Ace of Wands lane - Humiliation, descent through the ranks. Unwise use of opportunities, ideas
Ace of Cups - Hard-won happiness, a miracle
Ace of Cups lane - Change of fate
Ace of Swords - Triumph
Ace of Swords lane - Test of strength. Catastrophic situation
Ace of Pentacles - Finding deposits and treasures. Advances in alternative medicine. Miracle, natural phenomena, UFO
Ace of Pentacles pen - Wealth beyond expectations

King of Wands - Gifts from above. Location of Jupiter
King of Wands per - Ambitiousness. Business break. Constricted behavior
King of Cups - Achievement in the Humanities
King of Cups (trans) - Losses. Stagnation. Conservatism
King of Swords - Danger from the Powerful
King of Swords lane - Sophisticated crime
King of Pentacles - Embezzler. Fake values. Russian roulette
King of Pentacles pen - Ugliness. Ignorance

Queen of Wands - Forming a situation with the participation of higher powers
Queen of Wands lane - Temporary difficulties
Queen of Cups - A woman in a leadership position. Emotions
Queen of Cups lane - Prohibited techniques on the part of managers. Happy acquaintance
Queen of Swords - Widowhood. The husband will die before the wife
Queen of Swords per - Mischief from a black-haired elderly lady
Queen of Pentacles - Abundance, prosperity requires caution
Queen of Pentacles pen - Long illness

Knight of Wands - Receiving an invitation from a foreign partner
Knight of Wands Lane - Difficulties with the implementation of large-scale plans
Knight of Cups - Unexpected wealth. High dividends. Anticipation of even greater success
Knight of Cups lane - Arrival of the supreme leadership. Profitable business
Knight of Swords - Success in art
Knight of Swords lane - Aggravation of relations. Problems of parents and children
Knight of Pentacles - Success, coupled with a disservice. Success in international affairs
Knight of Pentacles lane - Ending conflict with unpleasant consequences!

Page of Wands - Messenger from afar
Page of Wands lane - Bad news. Breaking relations with a foreign partner
Page of Cups - Favor of management. Excellent education
Page of Cups lane - Fanaticism. Deviation in behavior. Psychoses
Page of Swords - Parasitism. Highest dependence on someone
Page of Swords lane - “Was there a boy?” Actions that did not bring results. Empty
Page of Pentacles - The disciple who will surpass the master
Page of Pentacles per - Investment losses. Risks

Magician in reversed position with Major Arcana

Priestess - Success in black magic
Priestess per - Neglect of the gift of foresight, neglect, arrogance
Empress - Flaunting feminine charms
Empress lane - Poverty. Financial difficulties, infertility
Emperor - Pimping, gigoloism
Emperor lane - Depravity, lack of demand
Priest - Fatal Marriage
Priest per - Lack of inspiration, God's disfavor, Fatal marriage
Lovers - Fatal Choice
Lovers (trans) - Split personality, tossing, psychophysical discomfort
Chariot - Failure of a responsible mission
Chariot (trans) - Violence, murderous tendencies. Maniacs
Justice - Contempt for the goddess of justice Themis
Justice lane - Disfavor of Fortune and Themis
Hermit - Madness
Hermit lane - Loneliness as a given from above. Espionage. Sometimes - enlightenment, spirituality
Wheel of Fortune - Bad Luck
Wheel of Fortune lane - Unexpectedly strong, unpredictable changes
Force - Improper use of force
Strength (trans) - Loss of authority, fear of difficulties, lack of mercy
Hanged Man - False Sermons
Hanged Lane - Unattainable dreams, spiritual. exhaustion. Possibly an epidemic with countless victims
Death - Fatal changes
Death per - Painful changes, sad events, unsuccessful endeavors
Moderation - Self-torture
Moderation per - Unpredictability, inappropriate behavior
Devil - Exorcism, exorcism
Devil Lane - Participation in bloody mafia showdowns
Tower - Captivity, Hostage-taking
Tower (trans) - Captivity, often - life imprisonment, the inexorability of fate
Star - Return of the Lost, Hope Found
Zvezda per - Natural force majeure (earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, etc.)
Moon - Witchcraft. Halloween
Moon (trans.) - Floods, Flood. Kidney diseases.
Sun - Twilight of desires (possible impotence for men)
The Sun (transl.) - Thunder from the Blue", Fortune's surprises
Judgment - Overflowing of the vessel of karma, the need to perform a good deed
Court lane - The verdict of fate. Separation for many years
Peace - Violation of peace agreements, non-aggression pacts
Mir per - Turning point, deterioration of the situation in all aspects of life and destiny
Jester - Manic-depressive syndrome
Jester (trans) - Danger from frivolity; brain diseases

The Magician card represents awareness, control over the written or spoken word, a love of new ideas, and a willingness to take risks. It also implies leadership of secret forces, and may have the meaning of deception and misuse of secret powers.

Symbolizes the beginning of some creative project, the transformation of thought into positive action. A sudden beneficial career change, a new direction in life, or an important breakthrough in consciousness.

Traditional designations

  • Start.
  • New relationships, research, things to do.
  • Magician, magician, magician.
  • Updates in the professional sphere.
  • Agility.
  • Abundance of talent.
  • Gambler, swindler.
  • Debutant.
  • Ability to persuade.
  • Something secret.
  • A young man or girl whose appearance resembles that of a man.
  • Insight.
  • Choice, decision.
  • Spiritualization of matter.
  • You have everything to move forward.
  • Oscillations.
  • Wisdom and its search.
  • Potential opportunities.
  • Initiation.
  • You need help.

Straight position

  • Willingness to succeed.
  • A newly started commitment will bring satisfaction and happiness.
  • Something new and exciting that brings triumph through courageous action.
  • Something that will change your future or powerful support from a loving friend.
  • A positive approach guarantees success.
  • Your knowledge will impress others and they will approve of your plans.
  • Spiritual powers and psychic abilities that will be used for others.
  • A triumphant new beginning. Creative success.

Reversed meaning

Man uses power for destructive purposes. The Magician's Card is a case study contrasting the right and left paths in spiritual development and energetic techniques. When the card is turned over, the sorcerer's club is located closer to the ground, to the material world. The Reverse Magus follows the left path, which represents the individual quest for self-fulfillment and personal honor.

The arcana in the reverse position also speaks of the use of forces of destruction, although this is not necessarily evil or negative. It means rebirth and transformation, progress, revolution, change, rebellion. Destruction, also victory over evil and overthrow of the status quo. The Magician's card is about breaking the taboo, personal anarchism and a focus on autocracy.

  • A warning that the methods that previously led to the goal may not be moral.
  • The chance of a new one has been ignored, or the fortuneteller may be looking for the wrong target.
  • Delayed success through lack of confidence.
  • A person must see both sides of an issue to be successful.
  • The Magician's time will be lost due to worry about risks.
  • Make sure you have all the right facts and that you are acting with the right motives.
  • Care is necessary to avoid misusing psychic abilities or controlling others.
  • The Wizard's success will come later through self-awareness.

Card combination

If the Sorcerer and Death are opposite each other in the fifth and tenth positions, the result will be a cancellation of the event. If they appear side by side somewhere, they balance each other. If the Magician is opposite the Devil or opposite the Wheel of Fortune in the fifth or tenth position, then a delay will occur.

If the card is in front of the High Priestess, it denotes secret power misused.

Major Arcana

  • Jester: intrigues, destruction of plans, danger from water, lack of will, madness.
  • Priestess: witchcraft, secrets, study of esoteric sciences, the project is worthwhile.
  • Empress - undertakings that give hope for success, materialization of desires, passion for ideas, creativity.
  • Emperor - well-being, reorganization, self-discipline.
  • Hierophant - support, patron, knowledge, trust.
  • Lovers - partnership, acquaintance, self-realization, trade.
  • Chariot - changes in work, new things, travel, risk.
  • Strength - great opportunities for solving important problems, patron, self-control.
  • Hermit - searches in the spiritual environment, loneliness, concentration on the inner.
  • Wheel - meeting, luck, you need to meet something new.
  • Justice - difficult stage, condemnation, justice.
  • Hanged Man - you are stuck in something, pregnancy, betrayal.
  • Death is illness, loss.
  • Moderation - help from above, reconciliation, do not miss opportunities.
  • Devil - slander, magic, crime, the presence of negative witchcraft.
  • Tower - chaos, aggressive behavior, quarrels, mistakes, accidents, destruction.
  • Star - time for something new, creativity, predictions.
  • Moon - illusions, thirst for material wealth, esotericism, fears.
  • The sun is the beginning of change, marriage, childbirth, reconciliation.
  • Court - the process is slow, the realization of creative talents, a change of job.
  • World - The path is completed, the implementation of ideas, sociality.

Combination with wands:

  • Ace - follow your imagination, creativity.
  • 2 - It's time to do large-scale planning, a new project.
  • 3 - business development, new directions.
  • 4 - it's time to lay the foundation.
  • 5 - correction of situations, take responsibility.
  • 6 - path to achievement, rise.
  • 7 - ready for dishonest actions for the sake of a goal.
  • 8 - clarity, clarification of situations.
  • 9 - testing, testing ahead.
  • 10 - you lack abilities.
  • Page - research in marketing.
  • Knight - innovation, implementation at an accelerated pace.
  • Queen - professionalism and its development.
  • King of Wands - expansion in the business sphere.


  • Ace - the magic of love, conception, creative self-realization.
  • 2 - contract.
  • 3-team work, recovery.
  • 4 - don't get caught up in a routine, otherwise you'll miss the opportunity for positive change.
  • 5 - your expectations will not give what you expect.
  • 6 - make your childhood wishes come true.
  • 7 - losses in business.
  • 8 - your ideas will not bring good luck.
  • 9 - go into the restaurant business.
  • 10 - you are moving towards material abundance.
  • Page is a good offer.
  • Knight - you can enter into a contract.
  • Queen - engagement to her beloved.
  • King - seek advice.
  • Ace of Swords - online earnings, ideas.


  • 2 - protest, misunderstanding.
  • 3 - error.
  • 4 - stop, you need a break.
  • 5 - dishonesty in business.
  • 6 - the right path, development, network business.
  • 7 - neglect of responsibilities, manipulation.
  • 8 - lack of initiative, lack of contacts.
  • 9 - your business is heading towards defeat.
  • 10 - fiasco.
  • The Page of Swords is a good, unconventional idea.
  • Knight of Swords - crisis.
  • Queen of Swords - losses in love or work.
  • King of Swords - become independent.


  • Ace - material success.
  • 2 - you shouldn’t try to catch 2 birds with one stone.
  • 3 - a profitable order is expected.
  • 4 - expenses will increase, it is important to control them.
  • 5 - your work suffers losses.
  • 6 - medical support.
  • 7 - money speculation.
  • 8 - professionalism in the field of work.
  • 9 - financial success, success in investments.
  • 10 - family business will give you ideas that will inspire you.
  • Page - learning the basics of how to run your business.
  • Knight - predetermine the direction; an idea that gives development.
  • Queen - competent management of affairs and tasks.
  • King - your cash flows need proper distribution.

Magician in Relationships

The sorcerer in the upright position speaks of a magnetic personality with charm. The opposite sex likes him. In love scenarios, it indicates that the time has come to take decisive steps towards your partner. Or, if you are telling fortunes about another person, then the card says that the person is ready to meet you halfway. The Magician also means reconciliation in relationships, overcoming conflicts.

The inverted lasso symbolizes a seducer hiding his true goals. You should not expect honesty and openness from him and enter into a love affair with him, since you will not get anything from it, he will build relationships only as he sees fit, as is beneficial for him.

Also, a magician in the opposite position can indicate an indecisive person who does not really know his desires in relation to you.


The Direct Magician personifies a professional who can easily solve problems and find successful options for developing his business. This is a leader, manager or businessman who is an excellent negotiator and successfully moves forward.

The card speaks of success, high social status and the conquest of one's bold goals.

An inverted lasso signifies a dead end in work, the futility of projects. Indicates a person who is ready to do anything for his own benefit, a dishonest person whose offer should be refused.


With his colorful robes and symbolic tools, the Magician is the master of his craft. Some draw a simple belt on the card, but others emphasize duality by depicting a belt that looks like a snake holding its tail in its mouth. It symbolizes eternal truth, knowledge, and duality, the union of the personal and the divine, power, subtlety and diplomacy.

On a negative level, it symbolizes the use and abuse of secret power, dominance, deception. The shoemaker wears colorful garments and a large brimmed hat shaped like a figure eight, which represents the ancient Egyptian symbol of eternal life. His left hand holds a small rod or tool, possibly derived from a caduceus.

The Wizard's various tools lie on the bench in front of him, including the four elements. The cup represents emotion and gender, the sword willpower and intellect, the magic figure symbolizes the financial and physical aspects of life, and spirituality is represented by the wand. Wearing a white robe for purity and a red sash for power, the magician points his baton toward the heavens while his other hand points toward land.

Such a gesture is a representation of the philosophy “As Above, So Below,” which essentially means that consciousness and materiality are connected.

Interpretation of the Magician Card by the Order of the Golden Dawn

  • Title: Magus of Power
  • Number: 1
  • Astrology: Mercury
  • Hebrew letter: Beth
  • Kabbalah: Distillation
  • Mythology: Thoth, Hermes, 4 talismans of Ireland
  • Chakra: throat
  • Color: pale yellow, lavender; reddish-gray; indigo, violet

Skill, wisdom, adaptation, manipulation, communication and travel. Represents the crown of understanding, the beginning of material production. The card represents a person who manages the affairs of life; one of his many skills is adaptation. These are experts, linguists, consultants, researchers.

Usually the Magician shows a situation that needs clear processing and communication; it must be subject to control. Sometimes it indicates an overly smart person, a deceiver or a manipulator.

The Golden Dawn usually interprets the lasso positively if there are no unfavorable conditions in the reading of the alignment. This card represents ideas, projects, success. The Arcana is both an exclusive and ambivalent card in nature, so in matters such as relationships, for example, it can refer to a monogamous partnership, but can also show a person dual interpretations and choices.

Quite often, fortune tellers admit that after this card falls out, they meet two people and have to make a choice. The magician can also point to someone who is developing their skills or knowledge. Development can be in any area, however, the main areas are communication and creativity. Communication can not only be through words, a person can also communicate through music, art or craft.

In business matters, the card can have the following meanings: skill, success, manipulation, creativity, talents. The interpretation will depend entirely on the surrounding cards or question. If you are guessing about property, the lasso shows negotiations and legal issues.

In spiritual matters, it is important to interpret the sorcerer according to its true essence of the symbol. For yes/no questions, for example, you are hesitant to buy a car, the answer usually means yes.

Affirmation that reflects the key: “I am capable, talented and qualified. They believe in me!

Detailed description and meaning of the card

The meaning of this symbol is "I", it is the father of numbers, it is the manifested monad after zero. All numerical values ​​are derived from it. The card is called the Magician, it combines all the skills and knowledge of the Wizard. It personifies the number of desires of the conscious Ego and is a masculine number, a masculine principle. Seeks events that will establish identity, individuality and a longing for full expression.

Using the English Cabal, the hidden numbers in the Magician are 39, which add up to 3 + 9 = 12 (The Hanged Man). And 12 is 3 (1+2) (Empress). 1 adds up: 1 + 1 = 2. Two is the feminine number of the mother, which should produce one third. In basic terms, man + woman = child. The Empress often represents a pregnant woman, but in more spiritual terms number 3 refers to the Trinity, which shows completeness, intelligence, emotions.

Another number of the Magician from the Pythagorean system is 1, therefore everything returns to itself, becomes its own world and is in harmony with all things and the Universe. On the involutionary path, the Magician is a mature Fool who has gained intelligence, skill and dexterity, he can be a juggler, a trickster or use the skills of the "O" card more positively. He is an expert on the evolutionary path.

In Hebrew writing, this card is associated with Beth, which, through abstract imagery, interacts with the concept of home, place or interior, realized through the human mouth. If we apply the information directly to the Magician, we get the following: using a request through the mouth to release of internal energy.

The fundamental concept of home, as applied to Beth, is a fundamental depiction of the structure of housing or an abstract understanding to study. It also includes the formula of Macroworld and Microworld, since a true Magician must study both worlds through interaction with nature.

The alchemical stage that this Key represents is Distillation, which includes other steps. This is the division of the Spirit, the separation of the changeable from the non-volatile. Here the card takes energy from the Spirit and transforms it.

The Astrological Magician is associated with Mercury, which rules intellect and communication. Mercury opens up higher forms of communication and learning and enables the intellect to grasp new ideals and concepts in pursuit of higher aspirations.

The psychological way of expressing the card is “Initiation”, from which a certain amount of freedom and independence is born in a new area or structure.

Modernization is happening on a scale that has never been attempted before. Its conscious expression must go through the path, explore it. The magician has a voracious appetite, he wants to learn and adapt. Through initiation he must look more deeply at his beliefs and structures and quickly adjust them when they do not satisfy his goals.

The Magus Chakra is the throat center. It is one of the most creative and connects higher and lower centers. This is the chakra of creative self-expression, the moderator of all human physical functions.

The card must cope with its environment. But if a person is weak in any of the elements, then the environment will control him and have the opposite effect on what he is trying to achieve. Only initiation into the structured realm of magical philosophy helps to break this barrier through the process of dynamic ritual.

The internal mechanism of the magician is associated with the unification of consciousness. The 12th path is “Intelligence of Transparency”, it looks beyond the manifested into the astral plane. Through the development of the lower there will be a connection with the higher.

From the twelfth path, it is important to allow a glimpse of Divinity to come in and to create the intention of what is sought, to try to tune into the right vibrations. It is also important to work with the cause.

Since the Magician works a lot in the astral planes, he must be very careful that the images he encounters are not false. Here, his sensory perception must be very subtle in order to correctly see the etheric energies with which he works.

The Egyptian form of God associated with this card is Thoth, who was considered the scribe of the Gods and teacher of all arts and sciences, including magical speech.

The magician must use the Macroworld and reduce it to the Microworld through meditation.

On the Altar, in front of it there is a Rod, a Sword, a Cup and a Pentacle. They were, in fact, the four magical talismans of Ireland in its pre-Christian period with a strong Celtic heritage.

The four talismans are arranged in the shape of a Pentagram, which, in itself, forms another support for working with the subtle level. She is a powerful symbol representing the Eternal Spirit and the Four Talismans.

There is an abundance of hidden symbolism in the image of the Magician. His hat has layers of meaning in itself. The first and most obvious thing is that the brim of the hat represents Figure 8. This is perceived by many as the image of a snake eating its own tail. The meaning of this symbol is actually infinity.

The conical center of the hat represents the highest part of the soul of cabalism. This is the inner core of a person, his center of spiritual life.

The Caduceus emblem on his chest, as well as his figure, shows the dual nature of the Macroworld and the Microworld.

In the tradition of the Order of the Golden Dawn, which is naturally considered the starting point of the entire European occult tradition in the 20th century. and later, Arcanum Magus was associated with the astrological planet Mercury, the symbolism of which goes back to the Roman and Greek messenger god, the lord of information, knowledge, roads, paths and gates. Hence the symbolism of discovery, knowledge, achievement of understanding and mastery of existence.

In the Kabbalistic tradition, this card is associated with the second letter of the Torah alphabet - bet. The image of the Magician necessarily includes symbols of all four elements, which are located in front of the Magician on the altar; he usually holds the magic wand - the symbol of Air - in his raised hand. Some interpretations say that on the altar of the Magician are laid out the instruments that the carefree Jester, who still does not understand anything, carried in a knapsack behind his back. Above the young Magician’s head is usually depicted an infinity symbol in the form of a figure eight lying on its side - this symbol was given to us by Ancient Egypt.

Card meaning

The meaning of the Magician comes from the understanding that the young man in the picture represents the Mind. The power of reason over the forces of nature, faith in the power of positive and clear thinking, which puts everything in order and brings order to the original chaos of the world. This card contains, as a rule, a huge amount of information for those who practice magic and contains symbolic clues to the correct understanding.

With our own minds we create the world in which we live, we set the flow of events that happen to us, and nothing in the Universe is responsible for our life, which we program for ourselves. The raised hand of the Magician shows the absence of any “higher powers” ​​that supposedly dominate the person. On the card, the Magician is depicted very lonely - there are no animate objects around him except flowers.

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Some variants of decks do not even have colors. His staff has two ends pointing up and down. The meaning of this is that the magician gives it that his aspirations and actions are aimed at the earthly world, but he realizes and uses higher forces, coming from higher layers of reality. The Magician’s clothing is simple; as a rule, it is just a robe of pure white color (indicating the purity of the adept’s intentions) and a red cape, the color of which indicates the energy, strength, and readiness for realization inherent in this card.

The magician is not a detached contemplator, engaged in reflection and abstract knowledge; the strength he found is needed for worldly activity, everyday life, movement towards goals - the Rod, which he holds in his hands, symbolizes in the Minor Arcana precisely the goals, aspirations, intention of a person, his will.

Arcanum Magus in a figurative structure stores the image of a student who, with all zeal, took on the task of completing a difficult but wonderful task. It denotes one who diligently learned, studied, went through all the bumps and dangers, having once started as a Jester, and came to power over himself and those around him. The card often denotes a professional, a Master of his craft, an expert with knowledge and experience.

Interpretation in the upright position

In the fortune telling procedure, the Magician in the upright position shows the formation of plans, far-reaching plans; the card symbolizes the idea that the Questioner wants to realize, his goal. When dropped in a fortune-telling procedure, this card contains a direct answer: The questioner not only has plans to implement his goal or plan, but also a unique moment when he has the necessary competencies, skills, knowledge, etc. for this.

All you need is dedication and concentration. There are quite a few cards with similar meanings in the Tarot, especially those associated with the Wands, but the Magician speaks of a deeper level of meaning; he shows that a person has reached a level where he can, of his own free will, achieve his goals. The magician shows dramatic changes, overcoming a certain threshold, when quantitative changes turn into qualitative ones and a person achieves new possibilities.

  • When asked about doing something, the card answers: “Yes, it can be done, and right now.”
  • In divination about judgment or healing, the Magician can mean a qualified lawyer or doctor, respectively.
  • In business it means a master, coach, business mentor, senior partner (depending on other cards in the layout)
  • Or the willingness to move to the next level of development, for example, from a small business to a medium or large one.
  • In love relationships, the Magician most often means a good match, which may well work out. For example, a rich young man with excellent education and knowledge, who is lonely and has not yet been too interested in the opposite sex.

Reversed Magician position

An inverted card shows the inconsistency and chaos of the Questioner’s actions, unrealized plans and plans. She also speaks of an unpreparedness for the intended task, and a fundamental unpreparedness, which is not of the nature of psychological uncertainty, but of a lack of necessary tools and strength. An inverted Magician is, for example, a skier who does not have professional skis or training. May also indicate:

  • An unjust or immoral act, during which a sound, but contrary to the Divine, plan is implemented.
  • If the card falls on a certain person, then in an inverted position it indicates a psychopathic personality - a swindler, a sophisticated liar, an author of intrigues and intrigues, from whom it is better to stay as far away as possible.
  • In business, fraud on the part of a senior partner or business owner.
  • In love affairs - a good, but unavailable match, or love for a good person, but who will not reciprocate or is not at all interested in any relationship at a given period.

1 Arcana Tarot The magician sparkles with gold, and gold is a symbol of the Sun, Light, Life, Masculinity and growth.

A magician is a self-confident person. Over his head infinity symbol, as a symbol of the infinity of possibilities that he possesses. White clothes The magician symbolizes the purity of his thoughts. Gold chain and cross on chest denote the harmony of the material and spiritual. A scarlet flower shining on the Magician's cross- activity and action. Wrapped around Maga's head snake eating its tail is an alchemical symbol of the infinity of the world and knowledge. In front of the Magician stands a quadrangular stone table, denoting reality. On the table there are objects symbolizing all the benefits at a person’s disposal. Cup– soul, love, feelings, creativity. Denarius- These are material goods, everything that can be bought with money. Sword– this is mind, health, physical strength, clarity of knowledge. In his right hand the Magician holds Rod pointing up, which means that the will of the Magician must reflect the divine will on earth. Rod symbolizes power, will, growth, action and magic. With the help of the wand, the Magician can achieve anything he wants, with the support of the Higher Powers.

The Magician's left hand points to the ground, warning that one should not break away from reality. Red curtain on the Arcana is half raised - this indicates that the Magician has found the right balance between the material and the spiritual. Behind the Mage ladder connecting earth and sky. She says that you can rise as high as you like (sky), you just need to plan everything wisely at the start (earth). Ladder also talks about the stages of human spiritual development.

At the feet of the Magician lie laurel wreaths- this suggests that fame and the opinions of others are not important to him. Mage- a self-sufficient strong personality, he sets a goal and goes towards it, regardless of the conventions of society.

Meaning 1 Arcana Tarot Magician in upright position:

Key meanings of the Arcana Tarot Magician in the upright position: Willpower, action, activity, determination, success.

Arcana Magician on Relationships in the upright position: Magnetism, attractiveness, initiative, possible use of magic.

Arcana Magician for Work in an upright position: Independence, confidence, initiative, skill, promising prospects.

Arcana Magician for Health in an upright position: good health, for recovery it is necessary to use internal reserves, show willpower and independently choose the way to heal the body.

Advice from Arcana Magician in upright position: set a clear, realistic goal and achieve it using all your strengths, abilities and capabilities. Don’t wait for help, but take on your future yourself.

Meaning 1 Arcana Tarot Magician in an inverted position:

Key meanings of the Arcana Magician in an inverted position: indecision, laziness, passivity, weak will, in some cases a liar, a charlatan.

Arcana Magician on Relationships in an inverted position lack of initiative, shyness, possible use of black magic, love spell.

Arcana Magician for Work in an inverted position: lack of new perspectives, unrealistic goals, inaction.

Arcana Magician for Health in an inverted position The cause of the disease must be sought in one’s destructive lifestyle and poor health.

Advice from the Arcana Magician in an inverted position: During this period, it is better to refrain from new projects and relationships. To change the situation for the better, reevaluate your view of the world, your lifestyle and those around you. Arkan Mage in this position advises not to act too assertively and self-confidently, not to take initiative, and even possibly show your weakness.


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