Home Chassis Horoscope for Sagittarius

Horoscope for Sagittarius

2018 will be a turning point for most Sagittarius. They carried out significant internal work, thanks to which they became wiser and more reasonable. And now the perfect time will come for them to part with all the unwanted shadows of the past and begin to try to comprehend the essence of their own “I” and gradually reveal the secrets of existence. The mind and soul of Sagittarius will undergo a thorough cleansing, thanks to which their heart will become more open and their mind more sound and objective.

The ruler of Sagittarius, Jupiter, will be retrograde in relation to them from the second ten days of March (from the 9th) until July 10. This time will be optimal for bringing back to life what was put aside and did not receive proper development and completion. But at the end of the year, this planet will again begin to exert a harmonious influence on the sign of Sagittarius, so that people born under it will especially acutely feel what luck is and what a feeling of complete satisfaction lies in.

Relationships and love: horoscope for 2018 for Sagittarius

Positive and very significant changes are likely for Sagittarius in their personal life. They are entering a period when their desires and aspirations will coincide quite well with the influence of the stars and planets. And this can be considered a guarantee of the fulfillment of both their desires and aspirations in the sphere of relationships.

In the summer, Sagittarius will probably have several interesting meetings. These will be meetings with people whose role in their lives is quite significant. And some of them will experience an original transformation: those whom they consider their reliable and (or) long-time friends will begin to feel love for them.

Lonely Sagittarius should start visiting nightclubs, good bars and other similar places. It is there that they will have the maximum chance of meeting the person they like in life. Married representatives of this sign have great opportunities to renew their relationships and make them stronger and deeper.

Money and career: horoscope for 2018 for Sagittarius

In the professional sphere, Sagittarius will also have many opportunities to achieve their desired goals, since in 2018 they will find themselves in conditions that best suit their wishes and requirements. There will be an opportunity to solve a number of old problems - pay off a debt, or complete some long-term construction project at work, or something else.

An important feature of the astrological situation for 2018 is that Sagittarius will be excellent at things they have already begun. But it is advisable to treat new beginnings and innovations with caution. In particular, difficulties may arise for those of them who will be busy looking for work. And therefore, when the thought of changing a position or, even more so, a field of activity comes to Sagittarius, they should think many times about the feasibility of this.

Sagittarius may have difficulties with money. But not because their sources of income will dry up, but because during this period they will not be the most skillful business executives. Meanwhile, in the summer, Sagittarius may just need money, and there is a possibility that these will be completely unforeseen expenses.

Well-being: horoscope for 2018 for Sagittarius

The topic of health will be one of the most relevant for you. There will be reasons for this, although for many Sagittarius they will be associated not so much with obvious malaise, but with the desire to change something in their lives. But one cannot expect that all goals related to their well-being will be achievable. Therefore, it is advisable for Sagittarius to treat both their successes in this regard and failures, calmly and judiciously, that is, not to give up on what they have planned and to do what they should, without being disappointed or despairing. Each of them should understand that, in this way, he is making a good and correct start for the future, when Jupiter turns its positive side to the sign of Sagittarius and helps to improve one’s health, get rid of a bad habit, etc.

Sagittarius will need special care when driving. Risks will be created by their absent-mindedness and involuntary concentration on extraneous thoughts. In 2018, Sagittarians must always remember that driving is more dangerous than ever for them.

If your Ascendant... (You can ):

...in Aries: It is advisable for you to reconsider your attitude towards the opposite sex. More precisely, you should try to change the perception of yourself by this very opposite sex. You need a new strategy that will allow you to more sensitively feel your own importance. But you don’t have to worry too much about work matters.

...in Taurus: Do not expect significant problems from the professional sphere, but do not count on particularly significant successes. Plan your budget carefully. Beware of scammers, because in 2018, for some reason, you will find yourself in their field of attention more often than other Sagittarius.

...in Gemini: Don’t be afraid to rebel against what you consider fundamentally unacceptable to yourself. Release energy when you feel the need to. Expect good results at work and great success in love.

...in Cancer: You will get a great chance to improve your financial situation. You will be given many opportunities to climb several steps up the career ladder. But there are risks for your personal life. The main problem, presumably, will be this: it will seem to you that it is difficult or even impossible to love you.

...in Leo: Everything that you start in 2018 must be implemented with special care and precision. Any mistake will create a risk of problems for you, and the most difficult period in this regard will probably occur in the summer. And take a closer look at your relationships with the opposite sex. Some of the old techniques for dealing with the objects of your feelings will no longer work.

...in Virgo: You will be given a particularly subtle feeling of what is happening to you in life. And if you wish, you can change and improve a lot both in relationships, in your profession and in other areas of your life.

...in Libra: You should try to “find” the optimal balance between your professional sphere and your personal life, because excessive zeal in the first will inevitably lead to problems in the second.

...in Scorpio: 2018 could be a time of growth for you. You will have a chance to reach the heights of sexual pleasure. And mundane and mercantile matters will also be within your reach. In any case, you can fully count on improving your material well-being.

...in Sagittarius: You are recommended to exercise as much as possible. In addition, you must train your mind with equal diligence. Therefore, take advantage of every opportunity for intellectual activity - read, listen, observe, reflect.

...in Capricorn: This year you will have the opportunity to make money savings. Try not to miss it. There will be a chance to finally resolve some long-standing problems in your personal life and advance in your career aspirations. In a word, good luck to you!

...in Aquarius: Work may begin to take up too much of your energy and time. And this means high risks of stress. Think about this and try to draw the right conclusions and set yourself in the right frame of mind. Otherwise, not only your health will suffer, but also your personal life.

...in Pisces: Try to get yourself in a creative mood. In this state, you will be able to solve problems that arise in front of you in your professional field as quickly and easily as possible. And besides, this will help you make the right decisions regarding your personal life.

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Sagittarius horoscope for 2019, the yellow pig will educate and change all signs. Everyone can't wait to find out what surprises await them in the new year. The Sagittarius horoscope for 2019 predicts many obstacles on the path to a career and in creating strong family relationships. However, everyone can envy Sagittarius’s confidence and focus; others have a lot to learn from him. With the advent of the new year, promotions begin, so expect career growth. You will listen to people you have known all your life. Astrologers have compiled a detailed Sagittarius horoscope for 2019, which will tell you who to doubt so as not to attract trouble.

Sagittarius love horoscope

Those born under the sign of Sagittarius will feel a surge of sexual energy with the onset of the Year of the Pig. However, no matter how surprising it may be, they will treat their soulmate a little coldly. This sign will look for adventures on the side, fueled by other people. Just in the middle of spring, they will begin to actively demonstrate themselves to others, behaving provocatively. They will jump from one bed to another, without even knowing the person's name. For Sagittarius, this is simply a desire to find peace in random sexual contacts. Naturally, with such behavior, you are unlikely to meet your ideal. By summer, the passion will subside and you will be all at work.

In addition to work issues, your time will be taken up by children who will finally remember that they have loving parents. At the beginning of September, the Sagittarius love horoscope for 2019 will be full of colorful emotions, you will be floating in the clouds with love. Sagittarius, together with the person he adores, can legitimize their relationship. Towards the end of the year, lonely Sagittarius people also become more active. However, do not forget that you have a job, therefore, Sagittarius for 2019 should not switch to empty flirtations. The horoscope indicates that it is possible that because of your lack of seriousness there will be so many problems. Therefore, such depressed mood may adversely affect work.

Family horoscope for Sagittarius

Temptations will follow you around, but being in constant disagreement with yourself, do not forget that your family also wants attention and care. You will look amazing and people will be drawn to you. In some cases, the temptation will be so strong that Sagittarius will have to choose between passion and family happiness. The family horoscope for Sagittarius warns that your loved one will soon find out about everything and you will not be able to fix anything. It is very difficult to earn trust, but it is not difficult to lose it.

With the onset of summer, parents will often contact you asking for help. Not all Sagittarius will have a happy outcome after betrayal, but many of them will be able to strengthen their relationships with their family by going on vacation at the end of the year. With the onset of autumn, you will begin long-neglected renovations, which will take a little longer. However, you and your family have been through a lot and you will be able to repair it.

Horoscope for lonely Sagittarius

This year you will experience many personal incidents. Moreover, not every adventure you undertake can bring joy. Singles can get stuck in the company of private dreams of a desired passion. To get out of your fictitious crush, just talk to your friends and acquaintances. Remember, it is not necessary to bring every conversation to bed.

In the new year, you better engage in self-development, go to the cinema, to an exhibition, or just sit and chat with friends in a cafe. And finally, forget about this manic habit of finding someone and making them fall in love with you. At this rate, you will soon end up with an unwanted pregnancy. According to the 2019 horoscope, lonely Sagittarius will face a fateful collision. Therefore, save your strength for your loved one who is about to appear in your life. It is this meeting that will finally return you to normal life. You will be in seventh heaven, and your creative activity will get off the ground.

Sagittarius health horoscope

The health horoscope for Sagittarius for 2019 does not advise you to be afraid of medical workers, since there are diseases that cannot be treated with herbs. You will have to work hard to stop drinking, otherwise you will end up in drug treatment. In the new year, you will discover great methods for dealing with stress, and they are completely harmless. You definitely need to regulate your diet, watch what you eat, because it’s quite easy for you to gain extra pounds. In addition, the constant consumption of fatty, starchy and sweet foods has not made anyone healthy.

Fruits, vegetables, diet menu are your main food. Be sure to consult your doctor and he will be able to help you create an approximate diet for each day. In the summer, forget about the computer and take care of yourself in the gym, sign up for wellness treatments at the pool. In short, rest and relax to remove negative thoughts and cleanse your body at the same time.

Career and finance

The career and finance horoscope predicts a truly fantastic period when there will be plenty of money and your dream of promotion will come true. Your achievements should not pour into the ears of strangers, otherwise Fortune will find another object of adoration. However, in matters of career and finance, the horoscope advises being closer to your rivals and getting along with them. Being in such a gifted state, many Sagittarius will empty their pockets of money by throwing it away without looking at various nonsense. Here we can say unequivocally that this will lead to bankruptcy. It is better to invest the accumulated money in a profitable business to avoid such sad consequences. The financial horoscope for 2019 advises Sagittarius men not to build a business with friends, otherwise they will lose their faithful friends.

General forecast for Sagittarius for 2019

At work in the new year you will have luck almost all year round, but don’t forget to love work, Pig. You can safely take on more responsibilities; projects and deals will not fail. On the contrary, the boss will be delighted with your approach to work and so many ideas. The period of failure is no exception for you, since in February until spring the relationship with your loved one will be on the verge of breaking. However, in the summer you will experience profit and luck. You will acquire a promising position, build a strong family or improve relationships.

Take care of your health, because heart problems are possible. With the onset of autumn, you will be immersed in household chores, and your loved ones will need help. Soon there will be a little trouble at work, but you will have support. A mentor will appear in your life, thanks to whom life will return to normal. And from December everything will get better both in the financial sphere and in personal life. Therefore, you will definitely have someone to celebrate the New Year with.

Sagittarius woman horoscope

Unfortunately, they have a negative character trait; they immediately begin to “cut the truth” without fully understanding the situation. For a woman, the Sagittarius horoscope means that you need to think several times before groundlessly condemning a person. This way you will only make everyone your enemies, you clearly lack tact. You idealize yourself too much and believe that other people have no right to compete with you. Here you are making a huge mistake, because the Dog will not protect you, but other people. Therefore, change your point of view completely, since you have no right to meddle in someone else’s life.

The Year of the Pig provides Sagittarius with such an opportunity to completely change and deal with family problems. Women with such a character will surprisingly get married, but all you need to remember is not to constantly find fault with your man over trifles. You have a lot of vital energy, so it is better to direct it to a good cause, and not to “sawing” your loved ones. In the summer, you can take a break from your family and devote a little time to yourself, but not for long. In the summer you will have a lot of work, so go ahead, you will have an excellent income.

Sagittarius man horoscope

Men are also not inferior to Sagittarius women in attractiveness. However, curb your passion and avoid constant sexual contact with everyone. At the beginning of the year, the Pig will accept your behavior with humor, and then will begin to protect other people from you. She will not tolerate such immoral behavior. Learn to deny yourself weaknesses and you can avoid many problems both with your health and in your family.

Remember that not all people will tolerate such careless treatment. Don’t have affairs at work, women will not forgive you for such behavior. The exact horoscope for 2019 for Sagittarius men indicates that it is better to use time to achieve goals in the field of activity, in opening your own business. Thanks to your openness and sociability, you will not have problems in terms of career growth.

Those legally married need to watch their actions and words. The wife is jealous, but imagine what she will do when she finds out about the betrayal? Therefore, the Sagittarius man can be given one wise piece of advice. Take care and seduce your soulmate, spend time with your children, and often relax together. After all, you can bring the matter to divorce. Don't confuse the surge of hormones with real feelings.

Sagittarius felt excellent during the reign of the Red Rooster, so they will be sad to part with this bird. But there is no special reason for melancholy and sadness, because the Yellow Dog, who will become the mistress on February 16, 2018, promises them a joyful life and financial well-being. The 2018 Sagittarius horoscope will not allow this sign to worry about both work and love. Sagittarius will quickly find mutual understanding with a friendly Dog.

The horoscope for Sagittarius for 2018, who was born under the Fire element, predicts protection and guardianship from the Earth Dog. The main thing is not to lose your optimistic attitude in order to walk through life with confidence. Worldwide fame is expected from Sagittarius, who will quickly deal with competitors and take the reins into his own hands. Well, you shouldn’t pay attention to envious people. Over time, they themselves will understand that they need to take an example from Sagittarius.

The 2018 Sagittarius horoscope predicts success in personal business and commercial affairs. Even avid businessmen will be amazed at how quickly and easily Sagittarians rose to the top. If you spend money on nonsense, then by the middle of the Year of the Dog you may find yourself in a crisis situation. Try to save and put your finances in a piggy bank, as well as buy gifts for your loved one.

The 2018 horoscope for Sagittarius promises a romantic spring, with all the ensuing consequences. If you were not familiar with the word “sentimentality” before, then in the year of the Dog you will soar in dreams, confess your love and even write poetry. Family Sagittarius will go with their spouse and children on a pleasant trip, the impression of which will remain for many years.

Those Sagittarius who have not yet been pierced by Cupid's arrow will face a fateful meeting. Yes, and you yourself are tired of living a bachelor life and dreaming of an ideal. The dog will help you find a suitable match for marriage, but Sagittarius themselves should not be idle. By the way, the wedding and planning for a child are just around the corner.

The horoscope for Sagittarius for 2018 for the Dog predicts good and timely profits in the summer. If you want to have a holiday for body and soul, then go shopping. Jupiter's favorites can take care of their appearance, change their clothing style, and also make home renovations. In terms of health, Sagittarius should trust only experienced specialists and not self-medicate.

The horoscope for Sagittarius for 2018 does not advise doing boring and routine work, but it is better to find something that will really give inspiration and bring profit. The dog will tell you where to find a part-time job and with whom to make profitable deals. Creative Sagittarius will soar up the career ladder, and in the fall of 2018 they will be able to win the sympathy of talented individuals. Good luck will smile on you in literature, art and cooking. The main thing is to approach everything thoughtfully.

You couldn’t even imagine that everything would turn out this way, and you’ve already been told this more than once, but you continued to stand your ground. The beginning of the year will give you impressions that will stay with you, and the horoscope for 2018 for Sagittarius - the woman sees fueling her emotions to continue important things. Don't be afraid of beginnings and completely new directions. If you are offered something interesting, in your opinion, do not refuse, and find a new side in yourself.

The time has come for beginnings, discovering, first of all, about yourself. You have every chance of success, both in work and in relationships. Go for it, and you will succeed in literally everything. Time spent on yourself will be an excellent investment, and this can be either a simple trip to a beauty salon or additional courses or new education. Closer to July, an extraordinary femininity will awaken in you, a charm that you can easily use for various purposes, both to raise your own self-esteem and to achieve a higher status in the eyes of men in love.

Don't trust employees who are jealous of you. This is easy to understand, first of all, by the way they discourage you from taking a step forward, from developing, from your desire to climb up the career ladder. Don’t trust your ideas, don’t share a project that could be stolen from you. You have the remaining knowledge and strength to do the work yourself and get rewarded.

Personal life and a strong family are very important moments for a woman, but do not agree to a relationship in which you do not see yourself. There will be something in your life that will not pass by - reciprocity and a man’s desire to take care of you, take care of you and spend maximum time on you.

Learn to choose the most important thing among everything and pay maximum attention to what is now a priority. Now you can make peace with a friend with whom you have not communicated for a long time, “thanks” to a banal insult. Your first step should not be regarded as weakness, as an admission of guilt, because in fact it is a very strong gesture. The horoscope for 2018 for Sagittarius women is full of surprises. Do things for which you would not be ashamed.

Children will delight and support you, and if you are just planning a new family member, the end of the year will be a great time to conceive a baby. The year will give you many unexpected surprises, the main thing is not to give up and look at everything with positivity or even irony.

Sagittarius is a Sagittarius. He likes to point fingers at others and never considers himself to blame. It has long been joked that all the problems of people born under the sign of Sagittarius are associated with their inability to control their emotions - it just so happens that hacking away at the truth is their favorite pastime.

He is distinguished by his kindness and mercy, and sincerely believes that all people around him should be the same. And those who do not want to love people of their own free will must be forced to do so. Because of this desire for universal justice, although everyone fears Sagittarius, not everyone loves them. Another thing is that they usually don’t say anything to their face, which makes Sagittarius even more sad.

To teach Sagittarius to live in peace with the people around them, the Yellow Earth Dog will come to the rescue, who will become not just a guide for the next twelve months, but also a friend, capable of caressing and comforting. On the part of Sagittarius, all that is needed is unlimited trust in the actions of the symbol of the year and the desire to change. A more detailed prediction will be made by the horoscope for Sagittarius for 2018.

General forecast

If representatives of the sign listen to what the good-natured dog wants to tell, then serious changes await them, both at work and on the personal front. The work team in general and relationships with colleagues in particular will undergo serious changes for the better - people are unlikely to become kinder and fairer, but the main instigators of discord will change their place of work, thanks to which Sagittarius will breathe easy and will finally stop twitching at the mention of their name.

Changes at work and the establishment of a healthy work environment will lead to positive changes in your personal life. Instead of constantly thinking about how to resolve this or that conflict, Sagittarius will finally be able to devote enough time to themselves: take care of their health, make repairs, switch their attention to some hobby that they have been interested in for a long time.

As for romantic relationships, here, too, the astrological forecast predicts dramatic changes: young representatives of the zodiac sign will experience amazing acquaintances, one of which may well develop into a serious and lasting feeling. As they say, “cards in hand.”

The dog will create conditions for a further happy life, but whether Sagittarius will take advantage of them is a big question. In any case, it’s worth it, since life clearly does not end with the standard “work-home-work” pattern that Sagittarians are so accustomed to. And in general, in such philosophical questions, who else but Sagittarius will be able to make the truly correct decision, because one of the wisest teachers in the world was the centaur Chiron, who raised more than one generation of heroes. Why not channel your natural wisdom inward this time and make yourself the hero?

FAVORABLE COLORS: violet, purple, blue, light blue, turquoise, crimson, shades of red.

LUCKY NUMBERS: 3 (and all numbers divisible by 3), 4, 7, 13.

LUCKY DAY FOR SAGITTARIUS: Thursday. It is on this day that important things should begin.

Love sphere

As already said, young hearts of both sexes can count on a fateful meeting that will completely change their idea of ​​what family and relationships should be like. At least that’s what the heavenly office says, and it won’t lie. All that remains is to pacify your character and accept your partner for who he is - with all his shortcomings. And then Sagittarius is always missing something: either the girl complains that the roses are not the freshest, or the guy doesn’t have enough mayonnaise in his salad.

In order to avoid everyday disagreements and not shift the blame onto each other (especially for couples in which both partners were born under this sign), you need to learn to see a person as a person, and not a set of functions and stereotypes. Then Sagittarius has every chance to live with their chosen one all their lives, and a happy one at that.

More mature men and women, especially those who have experienced a divorce, can also count on the revival of a bright feeling in their hearts. The invaluable experience of living together with not the most suitable person taught Sagittarius to appreciate what they give, and not to demand a sky in diamonds.

It will not be difficult to understand who exactly from the surrounding crowd will form the party for the next few decades - the male gaze will unmistakably distinguish his woman according to the criterion that he wants to respect her - for her intelligence, life position or attitude to the surrounding reality.

And women - according to the feeling they will experience in the presence of a man. If, looking at a man, you suddenly have the feeling that you have become a little girl again, able to fall asleep on the chest of this kind and reliable man-wall, then it’s him, because Sagittarius’ intuition never fails.

By the way, it’s not for nothing that the symbol of the year volunteered to accompany Sagittarius at all the vicissitudes of life. The fact is that they have something in common, namely, an amazing ability to guess everything that is hidden from them and to sense deception a hundred kilometers away. Sometimes, when interacting with representatives of this fire sign, it begins to seem that the song about “The nose is like a dog, and the eye is like an eagle” was written about them.

Family Sagittarius You should pay attention to your reflection in the mirror. Unfortunately, in front of you will be the very person who is to blame for all the family troubles, no matter how much you would like to shift the blame to someone else - your loved one, the US State Department, or the exchange rate. It will be difficult to accept this fact, but it is possible, and therefore, get ready for hard work. No matter how anyone says that love actually lasts three years, don’t believe it. Love lasts until you start to destroy it.

The Year of the Dog for Sagittarius gives a favorable forecast for the development of the family sphere in the new 2018, so do not be afraid to throw all your efforts into awakening old feelings. At first, your chosen one may suspect that you crashed a car or bought a motorcycle with your shared savings, but then he will understand that your every action is caused by a sincere feeling of love and affection. And then you see, you can go to the maternity hospital and pick up a bundle of happiness that will prolong your physical and mental youth.

In general, next year is favorable for the birth of children, especially if conception occurred at the beginning of the year - such children will have time to be born before the end of 2018 and receive the protection of the Dog, which will endow the child with its best qualities.

  • Sagittarius has the best compatibility in love and marriage with zodiac signs of the fire element: Aries, Leo And Sagittarius. They suit each other in their outlook on life, character and temperament.
  • Well compatible with Libra And Aquarius in all areas. Next to each other, they feel completely satisfied with life. We can say that such couples are among the most harmonious.
  • Union with Virgo may be useful for your career. Such couples can teach each other a lot. Relationships can be successful if both partners are spiritually developed enough to trust each other and give each other personal space and freedom.
  • Union with Capricorn can be financially beneficial.
  • With Pisces- for emotional support. If partners love each other and know how to give in, then the union can be quite strong.
  • Have a relationship with Cancers there are prospects, but both will have to work on themselves. Learn to understand each other better and make concessions.
  • One of the best choices for marriage would be Twins. Thanks to each other's support and understanding, lovers will remain young at heart even in adulthood.
  • Partnership with Scorpio fruitful for spiritual development. A union can be good if partners have common hobbies or common causes.
  • Union with Taurus available. But both need to “nourish” their feelings and add variety to the relationship. The main thing is that both strive to be closer not only in body, but also in soul. Then their love will become brighter and stronger day by day.


We said a little about careers above: Sagittarius really expects an improvement in the working atmosphere, because widespread conflicts have not yet improved anyone’s mood. And after this, rapid career growth will begin. Without being distracted by civil strife, Sagittarius will finally be able to focus on unlocking their potential, and, as you know, we have honor and glory for talents everywhere.

The straightforward nature of Sagittarius, by the way, will play an important role in this increase, because sometimes you can still meet people who prefer to hear the truth in person and not behind their back. The main thing is not to take such behavior as a guide to action, otherwise you may pass for an ill-mannered person. Therefore, before you say anything to someone, pass your words through a sieve of truth, kindness and benefit, and think about whether someone needs your information.

Sagittarians who expect to be employed in the creative field need to learn how to make useful contacts. There is an opinion that Sagittarius is not satisfied with this situation, therefore, other things being equal and relatively stable behavior, they can count on the favor of a strong patron, be it a boss or a famous media person who cannot live without modern art.

It will be much easier for Sagittarians of a technical background in 2018, since their profession often does not involve long-term communication with people. Therefore, in this case, the stars recommend focusing on the problems of basic vocational education: perhaps the moment has come when it is necessary to improve your skills or gain additional knowledge. This will mainly be necessary to work on a new interesting project, work experience in which will significantly increase your value in the labor market.


The topic of health will often come up throughout the year, but it will not always relate directly to the health of Sagittarius. Thus, some representatives of the zodiac sign will be forced to seek help for their beloved pet - a family friend and main ally. In this case, the astrological forecast guarantees a favorable outcome - the animal will quickly recover and will continue to delight with its affectionate gaze.

However, it wouldn’t hurt to pay attention to your state of mind either. The previous year was rich in impressions, sometimes not the most pleasant, so Sagittarius simply needs to restore internal harmony.

To do this, you will have to work a lot, primarily because Sagittarius will have to force yourself to move - you should start taking steps towards calmness and tranquility with ordinary exercises, then you can dilute it with trips to the pool, gym and bike rides.

It sounds complicated and lazy, but everything is in your hands. And in general, movement is life!

Closer to spring, Sagittarius may be overcome by attacks of vitamin deficiency, but they are not so difficult to cope with. The only problem is that they can provoke laziness, and Sagittarius does not want to be lazy.


Regarding this area, everyone has long known that Sagittarians absolutely do not know how to keep finances under control. There will always be an unnecessary thing that you just need to buy.

Waiting for representatives of the fire element to suddenly correct themselves is completely useless. Perhaps you can force them to read books that discuss financial issues, but even here they will not have much success. Therefore, Sagittarians will live on an increased salary, which will appear after a change of position, or on a randomly received inheritance, which with a high probability they may receive next year.

However, those representatives of the sign who were born at the junction of the signs of Sagittarius and Capricorn can well count on good luck in organizing their own business.

At least in this case, cash flow will not cause problems, since the extraordinary intellectual abilities of Sagittarius and the hard work and financial acumen of Capricorn will greatly contribute to the formation of a stable income with the potential for business development for many years.

2018 is preparing a lot of surprises for Sagittarius, in any case, these events will be perceived by him this way. We can only hope that the representatives of the sign will listen to what the heavenly spheres are whispering and change their lives for the better.

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