Home Chassis 3 bowls combined. Three of Cups combined with other tarot cards. General meaning of the Three of Cups in the layout

3 bowls combined. Three of Cups combined with other tarot cards. General meaning of the Three of Cups in the layout

Hey, there's wine all around!

This card means success in business, the fulfillment of all desires. The minor arcan Tarot card Three of Cups promises joy and indicates the best scenario for the development of events. In this article we will look at the description and meaning in relationships of an upright and inverted card, interpretation and combination with other cards in layouts for love, health, career and work.

The Three of Cups means happiness and enjoyment of life, but in a reading it can indicate a reveler and a drunkard.

General meaning of the Three of Cups card

Joy, a bright streak in life. Old relationships are restored, new connections are established. Prosperity and happiness in all endeavors, affairs and areas. Something important and beautiful appears in a person’s life. In a person’s soul there is fullness, gratitude, generosity and happiness from what is happening, an optimistic attitude.

The Three of Cups Tarot symbolizes the celebration of life. Carefree time, fun, enjoying what is happening. The soul rejoices, rejoices, triumphs, all the storms are behind. The card can also mean the emergence of a new friendly company, entertainment events and a riotous lifestyle.

The heart is happy. A time of joy and pleasure. The person is inspired and rejoices at what is happening. Unity with loved ones, joy from love and relationships. Time for pleasures and pleasures. Simple joys that help restore energy balance after a bad streak and enjoy life in all its diversity. Carefree and happy. A period of rest, a pause in life, during which victories need to be celebrated.

The Three of Cups means that a person has coped with the problem and crisis, he has found the right way out of a difficult situation and a happy solution. I received the support of fate and close friends, and met a team of like-minded people. Everything worked out in the best way for the questioner.

Personal Description

Positive features

Cheerfulness, optimism, perception of life from the positive side. The person is in an elevated, good mood, fluttering like a butterfly with happiness. There is no burden of problems and troubles. Happiness as a state of mind. Satisfaction, gratitude to fate. The period that came after hardships and troubles.

Three of Cups Tarot card meaning brings healing and peace to the heart and soul. A period of internal growth, prosperity and creative upsurge. Carefree spending time with a partner, looking at the world through rose-colored glasses. Harmonious emotional state. Heavy thoughts in the past, a period of fun and selfless stay in happiness.

On a deeper level

Emotions replace each other. At the same time, a person increasingly feels the positive vibrations of the changes taking place in his life. All this happens at the subconscious level. A person understands the process of creativity, he himself is the creator of his own destiny. He consciously becomes involved in the processes of change with the help of positive thought forms. He is happy both when communicating with other people and alone with himself, thanks to the richness of his soul.

Questions from visitors and answers from experts:

But we must not forget that everything has its own measure. An eternal holiday cannot continue forever. The fun and revelry must end. But it’s better to hide the holiday of the soul within yourself and show it only to close people in order to avoid the fading of the source of energy.

Thanks to the holiday of the soul, a greater amount of energy accumulates in a person, so that the whirlwind does not rage, it needs to be directed in the right direction, to do useful and pleasant things. Feelings need to be slightly controlled and their direction tracked with the help of thoughts.

Due to the large accumulation of emotions, as well as their rapid and chaotic changes, instability in the soul and disruption of harmony can occur. All this will be expressed in internal dissatisfaction. Condition: everything seems to be there, but something is missing or, as they say, “it’s going crazy.”

To correct the situation, you need to turn deep into yourself to your subconscious, it will give answers to all questions. You need to find life guidelines within yourself in order to understand the present and move on to the implementation of ideas that have not yet been realized. A person with the Three of Cups has very well developed intuition and the emotional spectrum of the subconscious, which allows him to read the “signs of fate” and see his guiding star.

The meaning of the Three of Cups in various layouts

For career and work

Satisfaction from a completed task, successful completion of the task. Completion of a major project, both you and your partners benefit. Positive solutions to problems related to career, business and work.

The Three of Cups Tarot card means luck, victory without much effort, as it may seem from the outside. But only you know how much work and talent you put into this project. Fortune smiled and you, having gathered all your abilities, emerged victorious from this fight.

The Three of Cups represents a promotion, good cooperation, partnerships, an excellent friendly team at work or a strong successful team in a project. You like your job and your income suits you too. But if you didn't have to earn money, you would still work.

People of the Three Thickets are suitable for creative professions - dancer, actor and others. These people work well where there is dynamics, creativity, emotionality, where a person can get a specific rapture from their activity.

For finances and property

Receiving profit from joint ventures, projects, investments. Prosperity, wealth, big earnings. Wishes will come true. Controversial situations will be quickly resolved and you will come to a compromise.

For love and relationships

The Three of Cups Tarot meaning in relationships symbolizes female friendship, but its interpretation is not limited to this. It indicates the improvement of relationships in a couple, in a team, at work.

The card symbolizes wedding bells. Meaning: engagement, marriage, romantic dinner or meeting, date, birth of a child.

It indicates strong, lively feelings, reciprocity, charm with each other. Bliss from love, overflowing. Partners are completely immersed in the relationship and give themselves entirely to their feelings and love. Harmonious relationships. Perhaps a kinship of souls, love carried throughout life. At the same time, all old problems and quarrels are eliminated.

Partners share love and enjoy each other.

The Three of Cups symbolizes prosperity, abundance, and love.

The Three of Cups Tarot card indicates very high principles that only exist in love of the highest order. Fulfillment of love desires, the state of falling in love in an already established union. Full trust of partners. Exchange of feelings and emotions. Respect and gratitude. Such relationships are rare.

Internal strength is great, delight overwhelms a person. Fullness of life, joy, passion, real feelings, highest feelings of trust and gratitude to each other. Abundance of pleasures in love. Sensuality, openness, merging with a partner. A child as an expression of true love.

Not a very favorable meaning of the card when it comes to friendships, especially for teenagers. Chaotic connections, many dubious friends and acquaintances. The Three of Cups symbolizes the expansion of interests and connections, the emergence of new companies and friends. At the same time, the card advises having one trusted friend or solitude in order not to lose yourself in chaotic connections and relationships.

For health status

The Three of Cups means recovery, good health, victory over illness.

A lot of entertainment, excessive emotionality - all this interferes with achieving goals. Do it first, celebrate the victory later. An idle life can lead to loss and loss. Get busy, when there is a result, then there will be a holiday. You need to be grateful to fate for what you have. Be able to accept help from others and help them. Pay attention to your surroundings.

The meaning of a reversed card

The Three of Cups reversed speaks of a loss of happiness, indicates disappointed hopes, a break in relationships, and a fading of feelings. May mean betrayal or a love triangle. Hard times for partners. There are obstacles in creating a happy relationship; whether they will pass soon, you need to look at the neighboring cards.

Waste of energy, excess in everything, especially in entertainment events and holidays. Excess of sensual pleasures. Also, the Three of Cups indicates the end of something. Achieving small goals. Project failure. It's a confusing situation.

In combination with other cards

How is the Three of Cups interpreted in combination with other cards:

  • With the Hierophant - concern for the common good, collectivism;
  • With the Hermit - breaking ties with the team, being alone;
  • With Moderation - unity of forces, joint work, synergy in the team;
  • With the Four of Wands - inspiration, triumph;
  • With the Nine of Wands - wariness, distrust of people (most likely unfounded);
  • With the Three of Swords - isolation, loneliness, cut off from the joys of life;
  • With the Six of Swords – sadness, depression;
  • With the Three of Pentacles - successful work in a team, synergy in a team;
  • With the Six of Pentacles - financial assistance will be provided out of goodwill and with warm feelings.

The Three of Cups is a card of friendship and celebration.
You can see that the three women have intertwined hands in which they hold cups.
These ladies are so close to each other that they seem like one person.
Working together is often more powerful than trying to do something alone.

The map shows a harmonious social life.

Questions to ask yourself when drawing the Three of Cups
  • Do you enjoy love or warm communication with friends and family?
  • What experience do you share with people?
  • Are you in a festive mood?
  • Are you working towards a common goal?
  • Have you outgrown any friendships?
Key Ideas
The difficulties are almost over, the problems are close to being resolved.

By overcoming difficulties, you get to know yourself better.
Self-knowledge helps you build self-confidence and gain control over your life.

Direct card: Good times are coming.

Apparently, a party or a joint hike is planned.
Reversed card: Time to look for new friends.
You no longer have much in common with your former friends.

Direct card: Working as a team will not only be an opportunity to learn something, but also great fun!

Reversed card: You are so busy making friends that you neglect your studies.

Direct card: Whether you are having an affair or not, you are a happy person!
Reversed card: You may have become the target of unwanted attention.
Direct card: A family holiday is approaching.
A great reason to enjoy life to the fullest!
Reversed card: Lack of communication with relatives is a source of problems.
Direct card: In your free time, you help other people, and this brings great joy to both you and them.
Reversed card: Time to look around for new interests that might challenge you.

Are you looking for volunteers needed?

Direct card: If you've been sick recently, you should be feeling better now.
Reversed card: Find out where you got your junk food and drinking habits from.
Direct card: You will soon find yourself in a healthier financial situation, or things may already be looking up.
Reversed card: It's hard when you don't have enough money all the time, but don't let poverty ruin your mood.

The situation will improve soon.

Fortune telling in half a minute
Dana wanted to know what she needed to do to make friends.
The card suggests that Dana will soon be surrounded by friends.
She needs to develop self-confidence, show people that she is interested in them, and become involved in their activities whenever possible.

Annie Lionnet. “Tarot. Practical guide."

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Overflowing cups mean overflowing joy and satisfaction.
This is one of the luckiest Tarot cards.
The number "3" on this card signifies the completion of the first stage of the process, which began with the Ace of Cups, and the Two of Cups marked its fruitful development.

The Three of Cups indicates the achievement of a result of great emotional value and upcoming celebrations on this occasion.
This card usually depicts overflowing bowls or the celebration of a joyful event: in White's Universal Tarot, this card depicts three dancing women raising bowls in the air in honor of some celebration.

However, even if we get these three cards, there is still a lot to be done before the mission of the cards of this suit is finally accomplished.

The Three of Cups is a card that foretells great happiness.

The first stage of the relationship is behind us, and we look to the future with confidence.
This is a time of joy and celebration, but the Three of Cups does not indicate that this happy outcome is irreversible and reminds us that there is still much to be done before we can feel like we are a finally established couple.

This is a map of our healing: spiritual, emotional and physical.
It strengthens our confidence in the future and confirms that everything will work out for us in the best way.
Any joyful event can happen in our lives - from a wedding to the birth of a child (although sometimes the word “birth” refers to the spiritual or creative sphere).

This card means that we are ripe for growth and mastering new ways of self-expression both in the field of physical development and when working on any creative project, the implementation of which will bring us deep satisfaction.

When you get the Three of Cups, it means that great happiness awaits you.
Whatever you celebrate will be a reward for your previous services.
You experience a deep sense of satisfaction knowing that you are loved and appreciated.

You enjoy the company of your loved ones and are very optimistic about the future.
This card can also signify a final recovery from an illness or accident, or foretell that your destiny will soon take a turn for the better.

Stuart R. Kaplan. "Classic Tarot. Origin, history, fortune telling."

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Meaning in fortune telling
Solution to the problem.
Satisfactory result.
Reversed meaning
Excessive pleasures.

Loss of prestige.

P. Scott Hollander. "Tarot for Beginners."

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The Three of Cups is a card of victory and success in business or personal life.

Inner meaning
This is a card of success and fulfillment of desires.
Whatever romance or venture you engage in will soon bring abundance and joy to the complete satisfaction of all concerned.

If the romantic relationship began earlier, at this point you can both say that you are in love.

Value in the layout
Direct or positive: success, accomplishment, abundance, joy.
Happy ending, fulfillment of desires.

Victory; achieving a great goal.
Reversed or negative: also success and achievement, but in a purely physical sense.
Excess; sensual pleasure.
Achieving small goals.

Mary Greer. "The Complete Book of Reversed Tarot Cards."

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After the pairings of the Two, the circle of interactions expands and becomes more open in the Three of Cups.
This card has acquired special significance as a significator of women's companies and gatherings, although it can, of course, also symbolize a male community, mixed friendly unions and workers' fraternities akin to medieval guilds.

It signifies kinship of souls, unions, alliances, parties, fun events, hospitality and generally having a good time.
You can go have fun, go to a concert or play, play some games, celebrate good luck, achievements, career advancement or successful completion of a project.

This success most fully correlates with the field of fine arts - literature, poetry, singing, music and dance.
You can take part in rituals, since the three figures on the card may well be engaged in the construction of a cone of power in parallel with the exaltation of the spirit.

In any case, the emphasis is on joy, contentment, fun, common cause and mutual support.
However, if other cards confirm this point of view, drug and alcohol abuse and various problems associated with codependency are possible.

Traditional meanings: success, recognition, fame.
The end of difficulties, a happy ending.
Recovery, liberation, consolation, healing.
Meeting, gathering.

Pleasures, entertainment.

Reversed Three of Cups
With the Three of Cups reversed, you may find yourself with less time for friends and fun than usual, most likely due to other commitments.

Life is gaining momentum, you simply have no time to hang out.
As a result, it can give a bittersweet feeling of nostalgia, regret for a loss or for faded friendships and good old days.
However, you may become too caught up in these experiences and eventually become tired of riding the same emotional tracks.

Perhaps you were disappointed by your friends and loved ones, or your usual pleasures suddenly seemed empty and giving nothing.
This card may indicate gluttony and drunkenness, as well as various additive disorders.

A dance can turn into a drunken brawl, or you can be disturbed by a playful mood where there should be serious work.
Support mechanisms may become blocked.
Sometimes the Three of Cups reversed means you don't want to hang out with your old crowd anymore.

If you want to successfully complete a particular project, the card indicates possible obstacles or lack of cooperation.
This may include exclusion from the fraternity or inner circle, ostracism and a feeling of loneliness and abandonment.

In one Tarot tradition, this is a theft committed by someone you know.
Instead of friends celebrating your victories, you may suddenly find yourself surrounded by those who are jealous of them, or who have completely different goals and values.

When projecting this card onto other people, they will seem to you like stupid dragonflies, carelessly frolicking while the sensible ants are preparing for winter.
In terms of health, it's self-indulgence, but also accidents and falls.

From a shamanic and magical perspective, this card represents the triple Goddess - Maiden, Mother and Crone.
These are offerings to the “little people” and elemental spirits, helping to maintain good relations with the forces of nature.

It is also a lifting and pumping up of energy for magical work.
Traditional Reversed Meanings: termination, completion.
Control of deadlines in business, speed, haste.
Obstacles that must be overcome for a happy ending.

Excessive pleasures, excessive abundance, excessive self-indulgence.
Loss of prestige.
Stealing books.

Larisa Moon. "All the secrets of the Tarot."

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Key phrase
The little joys of life merged into one huge holiday.
I'm happy.
Description of the card and its internal meaning
Most often, this card depicts three girls having fun with all their hearts.

They know neither sadness nor despair.
Their life, filled with blessings and happiness, flows easily and carefree.
The Three of Cups is a card of success and fulfillment of desires.
It is identified with the awakening of all kinds of talents, it says that everything in the life of the Questioner contributes to success, and the situation in which he is currently involved will soon bring joy and complete mutual understanding of all interested parties.

Connection of the card with other occult sciences
Letter - B, number - 3, Ruled by planets - Moon, Jupiter, zodiac sign - Cancer, Correspondence according to the Book of Changes - 54 hexagram ("Bride"), Weather conditions - rain, Corresponding color - yellow, According to Kabbalah - corresponds to the sephira of Binah.
Card meaning
Straight position
Joy, happiness, abundance of all material and moral goods - this is what this card predicts.
She speaks of a bright streak in the life of the Questioner, that any event, be it a meeting, acquaintance or getting a new job, will bring only joy and success.

The Three of Cups promises fulfillment of desires, happiness, completion of affairs with great benefit, achievement of goals and strengthening of relationships.
Sometimes a card can predict an upcoming engagement.

Inverted position
In this case, the meaning of the card remains unchanged - joy, happiness, success.

Only all these benefits will concern the worldly side of life: satisfaction from good food or sex, big purchases, spending on yourself, small everyday joys.
Sometimes the Three of Cups in an inverted position is interpreted as a warning about the appearance of a rival (the card shows three People, which can symbolize a “love triangle”).

In some cases, this Arcanum indicates excessive preoccupation with a lack of pleasure.
Does the Questioner need to strive so much for entertainment?
After all, pleasure sometimes turns into pain, and excess becomes a disadvantage.

You must show compassion and mercy towards others, and then you will regain your inner balance.

Daniela Chris. "Magic book of Tarot. Fortune telling."

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Three of Cups - a happy ending to something, growing love.
Academic success, career advancement, etc.
You find expression for your natural abilities and talents.
As for amorous and simply friendly relationships, there may be a gradually increasing isolation and alienation between you and loved ones.

Before the final break occurs, think about it and take action.
Reversed - an unhappy ending.
Clouds are gathering Your excessive addiction to pleasure will lead to troubles and health problems.

Often the card indicates the existence of a love triangle.

Original card meanings that come with the Rider White Tarot deck.

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III. Three - girls in the garden with their cups raised up, as if drinking to each other's health.

Straight position: thorough completion of some task, completion and fun; happy outcome, victory, accomplishment (of something), consolation, healing (of wounds).

Reverse position: expedition, sending (mail), achievement, horses (end).

Hayo Banzhaf. Self-instruction manual for Tarot.

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Astrological meaning: Venus as a symbol of joy and gratitude.
TROIKA OF CUPS The Three of Cups expresses joy, carefree and gratitude - feelings that are so clearly manifested in people, for example, at the traditional Harvest Festival.

It shows that something important and beautiful has come into our lives, or that we have received a gift (from a person or from fate itself) that has filled us with joy, happiness and gratitude.
On a deeper level, the card can mean optimism and a feeling of completeness of being; on an external (event) level, it can mean a holiday, a feast.

Rider White Tarot. Theory and practice. Series "Secrets of Predictions". Publishers: AST, Astrel, 2002

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Abundance Second decade of Cancer from July 2 to July 11.
Astrological equivalents: Neptune in the Seventh House.
The second decade of Cancer, ruled by Mercury, carries the idea of ​​understanding the processes of life creation and the conscious inclusion of feelings in these processes: switching from the inner world to the outer world and, conversely, from external impressions to the wealth of one’s soul.

It symbolizes abundance and prosperity.
On the Tarot card, among flowers and fruits, three beautiful girls raised CUPS, revealing the feminine trinity of the female incarnation.
But in the situation described by this card, it is recommended to adhere to the status quo so that the holiday of the soul that life gives us does not turn into a violent bacchanalia.

Feeling must follow thought, which helps to establish a correspondence between deeply hidden processes - changeable and elusive sensations - and the external world to which they are seemingly alien.

Emotional instability, rapid changes of feelings and thoughts are psychologically reflected in internal dissatisfaction.
But it forces us to turn to memory in order to find life guidelines and understanding of the present in repetitions of the past.

Three is a number associated with the ideal, with the desire to realize what is desired.
It signifies strong emotions and also develops intuition (which is generally characteristic of CUPs). At the level of the Three of Cups, the emotion seems to begin to take shape, but the real form will be at the level of the Four; at the Three level, only trying on takes place.

The trap is being overly involved with feelings.
Straight position: In the upright position, the position of the card can mean the resolution of problems, recovery, obtaining a satisfactory result, a successful ending (of something), victory in an undertaking that does not require special strength, coming to a compromise, improvement.

Three means that the initial emotional impulse takes some satisfactory forms.
In this case, one emotion can be replaced by another, more acceptable one.
Such games usually occur at the subconscious level.

Inverted position: In an inverted position, the card symbolizes excessive love of pleasure, lust, voluptuousness, a tendency to exaggerate, wasting one’s vitality on pleasure, excesses, lack of prestige, misunderstanding of the situation, delays, completion of some business, most likely with a very modest result.

Evgeny Kolesov. "The ABC of Tarot".

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This card usually shows three figures holding cups; it also means friendship and love, a time to rejoice and a time to share your joy with others.
This is the success of a planned business, the restoration of good relationships, the onset of a favorable “streak” in life, a successful journey, in a word, luck, although more likely of a spiritual than a material plane.

Unlike the Two, the Three indicates the success and improvement of relationships of many or at least several people who make up a family, group, team, etc. Owners of the “Egyptian Tarot” deck or other Kabbalistic variants should take into account that this card can mean marriage or a close karmic connection between two people.

Compared to the higher cards of the Cups, this card can mean a relatively small benefit (success) compared to other, more favorable chances - but without unnecessary risk.
Compare with the Six, Nine and Ten of Cups.

Inverted: It retains its favorable meaning, indicating only that at the moment something is interfering with success and good relationships, but this will pass over time.

The Three of Cups does not bode well for a person. Her appearance in a reading is a sign of kindness and success. The interpretation of the 3 cups is completely consistent with its image. Three people are holding filled cups.

The Three of Cups symbolizes overcoming difficulties

It gives the impression of celebration and fun. So the meaning of the Tarot card is connected precisely with this. Overcoming some difficulties, problems and establishing peaceful relations - all this characterizes the Three of Cups, on the positive side.

Description of the Three of Cups image

The illustrations of the 3 Cups have several similar variations. In some decks, girls are depicted on this Arcana. They are dancing in a beautiful clearing. Each of the girls holds a cup in her hand. In other decks, instead of young beauties, elders are depicted. They communicate with each other and share their wisdom.

But the cups remain unchanged. The peculiar celebration of three people determines that they are not strangers to each other. “Unity” is exactly the idea that the author put into his creation. And celebration is “success.” These two different concepts indicate the meaning of the Arcanum itself.

But there are also deeper, sacred differences in meaning. Having noticed these, you can significantly expand your own interpretation of the card in layouts. If you compare the Two and Three of Cups, you can easily determine the main difference between them. And above all, it is a dance.

The dancing girls of the Three of Cups personify a personal state - pleasure from the presence of surrounding loved ones.

The Two of Cups has no such meaning. So, a certain conclusion suggests itself. A person, without constraining his emotions, shares his joy with others. All “joy” comes from a “pure” heart. So in numerology, “3” is the number responsible for human emotions. And the Three of Cups fully shows this.

Meaning of the Three of Cups

  • victory in business;
  • reconciliation with a friend;
  • getting an answer to a pressing question;
  • recovery after illness;
  • prosperity and success.

The Three of Cups can speak of recovery from illness

And what is important is that any “good” rarely refers to the material World. After all, the number “3” is emotions. Likewise, a person is happy in heart and soul for receiving a “gift” or pleasant news. Sometimes, a drawn card indicates “new opportunities.” But if they are associated with a person’s emotional state, it becomes difficult to understand the meaning of them.

But it's not that difficult to explain. You just need to think about what areas of life emotions interact with. This is most often love or a favorite activity. This is especially true for creative individuals. And such “new opportunities” are a symbol of the beginning of a new successful development of events.

But there are times when the Three of Cups suit predicts completely banal meanings. The card can be interpreted as a “feast” and “celebration”. The prediction has a direct meaning from the image. A person is simply predicted to have a joyful feast with loved ones.

Reversed Three of Cups

If the Three of Cups is reversed, then its meaning is rarely considered bad. Most often, problems and interference occur in a person’s life. But they have little effect on the result itself. But since the card is emotional, the person himself torments himself with depressive thoughts about obstacles and methods of circumventing them.

But in reality it is dust. The person pushes himself too hard. Time itself can influence obstacles and they will disappear. And one’s own personal powers are capable of much. The whole point is that a person “makes a molehill out of a molehill.” The emergence of problems lies on his own shoulders.

But there are other variations of interpretation. Often, the Three of Cups Tarot card indicates excessive wastefulness, selfishness and frivolity. And such an approach will not bring “good”. It is difficult for a person to overcome himself. He uses his strength in the wrong direction, taking advantage exclusively of his shortcomings.

In the Tarot, the meaning of the Three of Cups in an inverted position may also indicate:

  • about infertility or problems with bearing a fetus;
  • about drug or alcohol addiction;
  • about material problems associated with loved ones.

Excessive emotionality can take over even a selfish person. By making some concessions to the people around him, a person drives himself into a dead end. Your own mistake leads to problems that are very difficult to get rid of. These are often not material, but spiritual. Feelings and depression are possible.

Combination of the Three of Cups with other Arcana

Neighboring cards from the Three of Cups Tarot have a great influence on the Arcanum itself. And even in an upright position, the Three of Cups takes on different meanings. It's all about stronger cards. Especially if among them there are the Major Arcana. Such differences can be noticed even in such combinations:

Three of Cups combined with Strength - jealousy

  • with “Jester” - flirting;
  • with “Chariot” - confusion of relationships;
  • with “Strength” - jealousy;
  • with “Devil” - seduction or deception.

But there is a whole series of cards with which the Three of Cups, when combined, gives something new, bright and joyful. Nothing gives a person all this like the birth of a new life. It is pregnancy that is indicated by combinations of the Three of Cups Tarot card with:

  1. Peace.
  2. Empress.
  3. Ace of Wands.
  4. Emperor.
  5. Wheel of Fortune.

But the third of these has a double meaning. In addition to the birth of a child, such a card simply determines the appearance of “new things.” This may be related to work or any other area of ​​human life.

Interpretation about relationships

For relationships, the Three of Cups card is a wave of fresh feelings and joyful emotions. This Arcana is one of the most favorable in the deck for couples in love. But such a card is even more useful for those people who already live as a full-fledged family. This predicts mutual understanding, devotion, strong love and cohesion.

In some readings, the appearance of the Three of Cups signifies the birth of a child. This often applies to young couples who are only at the stage of planning their family. And we should not forget about the emotionality of Arkan. All predictions will be made in a joyful manner, with happy feelings and care. This is a kind of gratitude to a loved one for a “new life.”

But everything changes upside down when this Arcanum falls out in an inverted position. In a relationship, there comes a period of discussion of pressing everyday problems. Mutual understanding and support will go nowhere. Possible: quarrels, separations, divorces and complete hatred of lovers.

Career decisions from the Three of Cups

The interpretation of the Three of Cups in relation to work is often determined by the same fact - the ending. And such an ending always has a positive meaning. In work, this interpretation determines the end of a difficult and exhausting project. For students, this is graduation from a university, accompanied by passing exams or defending a diploma project. For those already working, the meaning of the card will have a similar meaning. Even promotions are possible.

The Three of Cups can indicate successful completion of university

And most importantly, Arkan can show this action partially. When promoted, feasts can be organized to celebrate the worker’s honorable successes. Such an event will definitely remain in a person’s soul as a good time.

After all, Three suggests a good mood. And you don’t need to be afraid of sidelong glances, gossip or any discontent from your superiors. The map points specifically to entertainment. And any shackling of oneself is ineffective. After all, only in a relaxed state and in an informal atmosphere can a person show his best side.

What personalities corresponds to the Three of Cups suit?

If you analyze the Arcana, you can determine the character of the person to whom such a card corresponds. The first thing that is noticeable is emotionality. Likewise, people can be too sensitive and fixated on their inner world. Such a person must owe his success to others. Only in the company of loved ones does a person feel confident and relaxed. And even the love for noisy parties and feasts occurs only in moments of “unity” with friends.

The card symbolizes entertainment. Likewise, the profession of such a person is connected precisely with entertainment activities.

Ideally suit the following descriptions: theater and film actors, animators, comedians, etc. Such a person works only with people and for people, and gets pleasure from it.

With the Arcana reversed, the situation changes. Such people follow their own ideas and whims. And it doesn't matter whether they are good or bad. The very life of such a person is disordered. People are not constant in relationships, they can cheat and lie a lot to their loved ones. A series of failures also affects your sex life.

Lovers from such people are weak and worthless. And what is important, a tendency to alcohol and drugs can reject others. Even the closest relatives turn away from such a person.


Venus as a symbol of joy and gratitude.

Straight position:

The Three of Cups means that the initial emotional impulse is taking acceptable forms. This is a solution to a problem, recovery, the successful completion of a minor matter, coming to a compromise.

Reverse position:

A reversed card means: excesses, a tendency to exaggerate, misunderstanding of the situation, completing a task with insignificant results.

Three of Cups

Card name: Lord of Abundance.

Correspondences – air water; letter Wow; sephira – Reason

Explanation (general meaning): fun, celebration.

Event: fun party, friendship, “thinking for three.”

1. Corporate interests, internal agreements. Monopolies. High profits.

2. Excellent light condition.

3. Related (brothers, sisters), friends

4. The soul of the party, a cheerful fellow, easy to talk to, everyone loves him, he is good to everyone.

5. Advice: Team up with like-minded people, get involved with people, enjoy life.

Warning: “After sunshine there comes rain.”

6. Answer: “yes” Energy effect, your strength will increase.


Explanation (general meaning): insincere friendship, hangover.

Event: unexpected details, unpleasant consequences, devastation.

1. Discord between partners, mud-slinging, low profits.

2. Loss of strength, intoxication, poisoning (hangover).

3. Disappointment in the environment, checks for lice (both you and you); light vampirism.

4. Insincere, unfriendly.

5. Advice: go your separate ways.

Warning: your environment is insincere.

6. The holiday is not a joy, bad fun.

General value:

The Three of Cups expresses joy, carefree and gratitude - feelings that are so clearly manifested in people, for example, at the traditional Harvest Festival. It shows that something important and beautiful has come into our lives, or that we have received a gift (from a person or from fate itself) that has filled us with joy, happiness and gratitude. On a deeper level, the card can mean optimism and a feeling of completeness of being; on an external (event) level, it can mean a holiday, a feast.


The end of an important stage of work and a banquet on this occasion. This could be passing an exam, defending a dissertation, a promotion or salary increase, or concluding a lucrative deal. Or - a warm, friendly atmosphere in a team, a joint event, a picnic with colleagues.


The Three of Cups indicates that we have joyfully and gratefully come to the end of some important phase of our internal development - or achieved results that filled us with a feeling of joy and happiness. Or it shows that the period of crisis and testing has ended for us, albeit difficult, but extremely valuable in terms of the experience gained. Of course, it may mean that we are now simply feeling good and in a good mood, and we are grateful to fate for the opportunity to enjoy life.

Personal relationships:

Here this card means the joys of the “honeymoon” or simply a harmonious relationship with a partner. And also gratitude for the fact that we have such a wonderful partner - or for the addition of the family, expected or already taking place.

Three of Cups combined with other Tarot cards

With the “Jester” card - flirting.

With the “Magician” card - interference in relationships.

With the “High Priestess” card, she is a rival with strong influence.

With the “Empress” card - the birth of a child.

With the "Emperor" card - a new addition to the family.

With the “Hierophant” card - giving relationships a pious appearance.

With the “Lovers” card - the birth of a child.

With the “Chariot” card - “love triangle”; confusing relationships.

With the “Strength” card - jealousy.

With the Hermit card - loneliness.

With the Wheel of Fortune card - conception.

With the “Justice” card - to settle the legal side of the relationship.

With the Hanged Man card there is a “tied up” relationship.

With the “Death” card - changes in relationships imposed by life.

With the “Moderation” card - caring for each other.

With the “Devil” card - deception; seduction

With the “Tower” card - destruction of agreements.

With the “Star” card there is hope for getting rid of problems in relationships.

With the “Moon” card - “love triangle”; relationships built on deception.

With the “Sun” card - the birth of the “sun” in a relationship.

With the “Court” card - revitalization of relationships.

With the “Peace” card - the birth of a child.


With the Ace of Wands card - the birth of a child; project.

With the “Two of Wands” card - vacation.

With the Three of Wands card - first successes.

With the Four of Wands card - wedding; celebration; corporate

With the Five of Wands card - strife; inconsistency.

With the Six of Wands card - farewell; honoring.

With the Seven of Wands card - pressure from like-minded people.

With the Eight of Wands card - a productive period.

With the Nine of Wands card - a break; the need to decide: who is the third wheel.

With the Ten of Wands card - dragging the load for your loved ones.

With the “Page of Wands” card - emotional support, inspiration; happy news.

With the card “Knight of Wands” - a celebration on the occasion of departure.

With the Queen of Wands card, you will be the center of attention.

With the “King of Wands” card - prospects; foresight.

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The Three of Cups Tarot card is one of the minor arcana. In most cases, it depicts cheerful girls who are very beautiful. They do not know what sadness and despair are, they have no problems, they live their lives in fun and celebration, they feel lightness and carelessness. The girls are holding cups with some kind of liquid above their heads. The card is a symbol of love and friendship, a time when others are able to rejoice at a person’s successes, so you can tell them about all the good things that happen in the fortuneteller’s life.

General meaning of the Three of Cups in the layout

The direct position of the card predicts that a bright streak has begun in fate. Perhaps the fortuneteller may receive a valuable surprise or inheritance, changes have occurred in fate that bring beauty, the fortuneteller has found a lover or received a marriage proposal from him. The soul and heart are filled with happiness and joy. The card can also show that a person is quite happy with what he has. He is optimistic and confident that he will succeed.

The card can also mark the approach of a holiday or a fun feast, a pleasant pastime. The lasso can be interpreted as meaning that the difficult situation will soon be resolved for the better, all things will go like clockwork, an unexpected journey is expected, and in general, a bright streak will not be long in coming.

In an inverted position, the Three of Cups shows that there are still some problems that will not lead to large-scale troubles, but will make their contribution to the fate of the fortuneteller and will force him to work a lot to get out of the vicious circle. Also, the card often shows that a person dreams of an idle and prosperous lifestyle, does not want to do anything, but wants everything to fall from heaven. He indulges in dreams of an endless holiday, wants to taste what is currently inaccessible to him and wants to become the chosen one in this world, gain power and subjugate others. That is why you should carefully observe yourself and try to draw the right conclusions.

Three of Cups in work and affairs

In the upright position, this card shows that the most important stages of work have finally ended, the results turned out to be quite satisfactory, a lot was accomplished, so the person is extremely pleased with himself. Perhaps the fortuneteller passed an exam for which he had been preparing for a long time, or received a diploma, found a new promising job, was promoted, had his salary increased, and made a profitable deal with partners.

Also, the appearance of a card in a reading may mean that the fortuneteller feels comfortable in the workplace, communicates well with the team and does not experience psychological discomfort. He may go to a party or picnic with his co-workers. The card is a symbol of development, improvement of financial status and stability in professional activities.

In the reversed position, the Three of Cups in the Tarot can mean small opportunities, receiving less income than originally planned. The lasso can also mean that colleagues and management do not show due respect to the fortuneteller.

Three of Cups and its impact on health

The upright position predicts excellent health and rapid rehabilitation, but an inverted card can symbolize getting into trouble and increasing injuries.

Three of Cups in personal relationships and love

The upright position of the Three of Cups predicts strong and passionate feelings, complete harmony and stability in established relationships, kindness, care and trust. The card also symbolizes that soon the fortuneteller will have a new addition to his family or will receive a marriage proposal or legal marriage.

The Three of Cups always means love and friendship. Most often, its meaning is aimed at the state of affairs in the relations of a family or any group of people. If the alignment concerns two people, this card predicts marriage, love or a good, strong relationship. The Three of Cups brings harmony and joy.

Inverted, this card predicts a weakening of feelings for a partner, hopes will not come true, the relationship becomes colder, there will be a feeling that it is not worth continuing it, but that it is better to simply break up and look for a new love. However, in most cases, all this turns out to be temporary and soon the relationship will improve and feelings will flare up with renewed vigor.

Three of Cups and personality assessment of the fortuneteller

The upright position of this Tarot card shows a cheerful and friendly person, who is adored by others and has many friends. The inverted position of the card describes a person who is an egoist, he is used to indulging only his own desires and can calmly go over the heads of others, this person is angry and callous, he cares little about the experiences of others.

Three of Cups as the card of the day

Today you need to expect only good things. You should enjoy life and thank fate for what the fortuneteller already has. Then he can get even more. You can chat with friends and family, have a party or feast. All this will definitely bring positive emotions to the fortuneteller.

You need to accept all the favors of fate easily; it is also recommended to pay attention to those around you and try to get in touch with them. However, do not forget that tomorrow will soon come, and behave too frivolously.

Tarot card Three of Cups in combination with other arcana

With “Jester” - courtship, coquetry;

With “Magician” - someone will interfere in the relationship;

With the “High Priestess” - the emergence of a strong rival;

With “The Empress” - motherhood;

With “Emperor” - there will be an addition to the family;

With “Papa” - legal registration of relations;

With “Lovers” - the birth of a child;

With “Chariot” - confusion in relationships;

With “Strength” - possessive feelings;

With “The Hermit” - solitude;

With the “Wheel of Fortune” - conception;

With “Justice” - business problems will be resolved;

With “The Hanged Man” - stagnation in relationships, tension;

With “Death” - circumstances will make changes in relationships;

With “Moderation” - a caring relationship;

With the “Devil” - excesses, dubious friends;

With the “Tower” - the agreements will be destroyed;

With “Star” - a chance to solve problems in your personal life;

With “Moon” - the basis of the relationship is deception;

With the “Sun” - warmth in the existing union;

With the “Court” - improved relations;

With “Peace” - a child will be born.

With the “Ace of Wands” it’s a new thing;

With the “Two of Wands” - rest;

With the Three of Wands - the appearance of the first positive fruits of actions;

With the “Four of Wands” - a holiday, possibly a wedding celebration;

With the Five of Wands - contradictions, disagreement;

With the “Seven of Wands” - the obsessive opinion of allies;

With the Eight of Wands - fruitful activity;

With the “Nine of Wands” - putting things in order in relationships;

With the Ten of Wands - solve problems for someone;

With the “Page of Wands” - pleasant news, friendly help, understanding;

With the “Queen of Wands” - attract the attention of others;

With the “King of Wands” - forethought.

With the “Ace of Cups” there is a love triangle;

With the “Two of Cups” - good relationships with colleagues;

With the “Three of Cups” there is a holiday without fun;

With the Five of Cups - discord, involving several people;

With the “Ten of Cups” - friendly company;

With the “Page of Cups” - engagement;

With the “Queen of Cups” - being in search of pleasure;

With the "King of Cups" - a person who influences other people's emotions.

With the “Ace of Swords” - a matter that unites several people;

With the Three of Swords there are tense relations in the company;

With the “Four of Swords” - the desire to be alone, to take a break from communication;

With the “Nine of Swords” - a feeling of shame in front of someone;

With the Ten of Swords - to be rejected;

With the “Page of Swords” - show cruelty;

With the “Knight of Swords” - shameless interference in other people’s affairs;

With the “Queen of Swords” - categoricalness, intolerance;

With the “King of Swords” - interfere in someone else’s life.

With the “Ace of Pentacles” - receiving a gift;

With the “Two of Pentacles” - mood swings;

With the Five of Pentacles - a problematic period in relationships;

With the “Seven of Pentacles” - melancholy;

With the “Nine of Pentacles” there is a solid chance of financial success;

With the Ten of Pentacles - family celebrations;

With the “Knight of Pentacles” - joint work will lead to the development of the situation;

With the “Queen of Pentacles” - a hospitable woman;

With the “King of Pentacles” - joy due to the influx of finances.

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