Home Generator Horoscope for Sagittarius girl for a year

Horoscope for Sagittarius girl for a year

However, your zodiac sign would not be a sign of the fire element if for you, dear Sagittarius, everything were so literal! In all centuries, Sagittarians have strived to live every moment of their lives in such a way that later they would not be ashamed of the years spent aimlessly. So the general peaceful and expectant mood of 2018 is disgusting to your nature. Events turn in your favor and in general life gets better, but the fire once lit in your chest says that this is wrong! In 2018, despite the positive vector of the whole year for Sagittarius, there is a high probability of ending up in negative situations, the initiator of which will be you yourself. No matter that you know that this is detrimental or problematic for you, you are not yet ready to go with the flow, catching the tailwind of surrounding events. One way or another, the night city attracts you, you are drawn to where there is conflict, movement, temptation. You need to be there to feel alive! Don't worry, you can cope with any adversity. First of all, Sagittarius needs to work on themselves, realizing that with the onset of 2018, a new period begins with its own characteristics and rules, to which you need to adapt as soon as possible. Is it necessary to do this - the big question is, do you really need to change something in your life to be happy? We see that you, dear Sagittarius, are happy only in those moments when you live 100%. Besides, is it possible to become happy by becoming a different person? Debatable... Well, we wish you, dear Sagittarius, to find answers to all your questions in 2018! And for some it is possible to find your way, to find a real life in which you can find happiness!

For the zodiac sign Sagittarius, whose patron is the mysterious Eris, 2018 will pass under the banner of slow but confident progress. However, there is no strict pattern between how lucky you will be and how much time you will spend at home or outside its walls. That is, you don’t have to try to move as little as possible. However, rapid progress from one point to another is clearly not for you. The fact is that in the year of the Yellow Dog you will have a lot of opportunities, but circumstances will not be unambiguously favorable to you, which means that at certain moments you will have to work hard to achieve what you want. On the other hand, in general this is a positive time, although many aspects will depend solely on your own worldview. That is, you yourself will determine how good or bad the events that happen around you are. Strictly speaking, people usually do this, because, as you know, everything is relative. But in 2018, this relativity will reach a fundamentally different level for you. The main thing is not to be afraid of sudden changes that will happen around you and will not necessarily affect you personally.

A dog, especially a yellow, earthy one, takes almost the entire zodiac system under its, so to speak, master's tutelage. But she will still have disagreements with some signs, and Sagittarius is precisely this exception. In 2017, the fiery Rooster had excellent contact with this representative of fire, in every possible way protecting him from problems, which the latter, of course, was accustomed to. Your thoughts and worries are not in vain; the mistress of next year does not share your interests and habits. In 2018, you should reduce the ardor of your temperament and listen to the advice of a wise dog.

General trends

The Earth Queen of the Year is in many ways not delighted with Sagittarius’ behavior, but she is a very responsible and hospitable person, so she will try not only to get along with him, but also to protect him from himself. The dog knows that Sagittarius often needs those who will stop them in a timely manner, put them in their place and not let them, as they say, “drink” too much. By the way, such guardianship will help many Sagittarius achieve their goal, achieve excellent results in different directions and aspects of life.

Many of the representatives of the fire element will be able to rise in their careers. If you are a subordinate, you have to surprise your boss. For those who hold a management position, the stars will allow them to improve the financial aspect of their work.

The first half of the year is given to Sagittarius to eliminate work problems and resolve financial issues. Work for your health, but remember about yourself. Winter exhaustion can lead to failure, so timely visits to the clinic, taking vitamins and healthy eating will be active helpers in your career.

The second half of the year will give you the opportunity to solve your love problems. Be prepared - the best meetings, dates, even weddings will happen at the end of summer and beginning of autumn.

Sagittarius love horoscope

Sagittarius is a passionate, amorous zodiac sign. The Year of the Dog will paint them with playful undertones and allow them to flaunt it. But, still, do not forget about human solidarity: if you do not need a person in the future, you do not need to waste your charms on him. Such behavior can have a detrimental effect on your destiny; tying a person in love to you is not always safe. Find the strength within yourself not to show off in front of everyone, otherwise you will either be left completely alone or acquire a heavy baggage of fans or fans.

Married Sagittarius should not often stay late at work; neither wives nor husbands have long believed such a charming, flammable person. Keep in mind that your alibi will be checked, so it’s better to be on the safe side right away. And it’s even better to actually be in a working situation, since the mistress of the year does not accept deception and infidelity. Zealous workaholics had better start making a profit, otherwise at home you will be constantly tested by complaints about lack of funds. Use your charm more often in your home, which remarkably calms the people around you. Be kind and gentle, then hugs, a warm dinner and loving eyes will definitely await you.

Free Sagittarius in love, as they say, “the sea is knee-deep”, no matter what the Dog advises you, you will still remain a womanizer, even in a skirt. You always have few fans, you always want adventures and romantic stories. Well, go out while you're young. The dog looks at young and carefree people like they look at their careless puppies: for the time being, everything is forgivable. But with the first steps into adulthood, please, find the strength in yourself to start being responsible.

Money horoscope for 2018

But in business, on the contrary, your ability to charm and aim accurately will be very useful. Remember what the Dog always says: your trump cards are charm and calculation. Think through every step you take in business, then dividends will not keep you waiting.

For those who are planning to open their own business, 2018 will be a successful year. Of course, provided that you even know what you are doing. No one is allowed to get into the financial system just like that. Gambling fiery people must remember that business is not roulette, but a serious step into their future.

Special efforts will need to be made from January to June, then there will be a certain lull in business life. Starting from October, you should take up active work again.

In case of any failures, do not blame the time - it is always inappropriate. It will make sense to reconsider your plans and calculations; perhaps you made a mistake somewhere. This is especially true for March and April, when a person’s internal resources are running out.

It is not very advisable to enter into business relationships or work in partnership with anyone. Your self-sufficiency and strong spirit will cause discomfort in your partner, and perhaps even rebellious thoughts.

2018 is a great time for business trips. Just an earnest request: do not waste time on novels, remember, you have completely different goals. If you don't follow this advice, forget about business and get busy with your personal life. You are simply an expert in this matter.

Health of Sagittarius in the year of the Dog

Sagittarians, one might say, are not deprived of health. These are hardy and bursting with strength people. At least until the age of 45-50. Further, of course, health is preserved only for those who maintain it. Sagittarians with bad habits, constant lack of sleep and overeating have nothing to do in the league of healthy people. Remember, the passion for continuous pleasure will deprive the body of most of its strength and health. Try to pull yourself together and not be led by your own weaknesses.

Over the winter, there is a high probability of accumulating a bunch of extra pounds. The abundance of holidays and, accordingly, festive tables cannot pass by Sagittarius. And, most likely, it is he who cannot pass by the cheerful company. He must be not only a leader among his friends, but also a generally accepted leader in any company. And this situation, accordingly, leads to constant and noisy feasts. Remember that the first half of the year is great for business and stop wasting time.

For people born under this sign, it is very useful to spend time in the gym, or rather, it is simply necessary. After all, if Sagittarius begins to look bad, he may become depressed. He is like a Leo, he does not like flaws in himself. Therefore, it makes sense to eliminate overeating, an overly active lifestyle and exercise. This is important for you, remember: success in many areas depends on how you look.

In the summer you will have to work a little, but the stars recommend devoting September to vacation. The noise of the human crowd is already irritating you, accumulated fatigue is looking for a “whipping boy”. A holiday in the mountains will suit you best. Saturating the body with oxygen will put your thoughts in order and help in further work.

Horoscope of Sagittarius women

Sagittarius women are incredible “truth-tellers” who always strive to express their opinions to everyone. Think carefully before you criticize someone or reprimand him: does he really need it? Will you become enemy number one for him because of your straightforwardness? These ladies very often lack tact. By idealizing themselves and their way of life, they strive to somewhat reduce the behavior of other people. On this issue they will disagree greatly with the humane Dog. She will not allow the weak to be offended and will strive in every possible way to protect them, and having the patroness of the year as an enemy is extremely undesirable. There is only one piece of advice in this case - do not criticize others, do not interfere in their private life, do not encroach on their freedom in any aspect of life.

The Year of the Earth Dog is a great time to solve love and family problems. During this period of life, you will be so charming and attractive that you can get married not once, but several times. The main thing is not to miss the moment and not ruin everything, as written above, by criticizing your partner. You shouldn't find fault with him over trifles. The Dog strongly recommends that married ladies stop nagging their partner or spouse. You have a lot of vitality, not everyone is given this. Try to use it for peaceful purposes: improve relationships, improve your intimate life, and ultimately just renovate your apartment. You are excellent at organizing in any direction, use this wisely.

During the winter, you will be busy at work, so try not to take it out on your household members because of your problems. As summer approaches, you'll want to take a break and relax, but the time isn't right yet. Leave these desires for the end of summer, beginning of autumn. Now there is an opportunity to earn money.

Horoscope of Sagittarius Men for 2018

Men of this sign have maximum attractiveness. To some extent, you should even hold your horses and not charm everyone. The dog, of course, will react to this with humor at first, and then simply begin to feel sorry for everyone who is next to you. Be polite and know how to deny yourself your own weaknesses. And, you know, the weaker sex knows how to be vindictive. Try to remember to whom and when you said what, otherwise women will hold you accountable for their own words, even in jest.

And one more important point - if you waste time on romance novels for days, you will quickly exhaust your strength. 2018 is more suitable for you for work moments, an excellent opportunity to prove yourself as a leader and running a business.

Married men need to watch themselves, their actions and statements. A spouse's jealousy is a terrible thing; she doesn't really trust you anyway. Try first of all to charm your other half, then perhaps they will let you go peacefully even on a hike with friends.

Spring will be a great time for whirlwind romances, and autumn, on the contrary, for serious relationships. If you mix it up, there is a high chance of divorce. Do not confuse the play of hormonal levels with serious thoughts.

For Sagittarius, 2018 will be a time of emerging from a protracted period of difficulties associated with being in your sign of Saturn. You can finally find psychological balance and restore the optimism that is characteristic of you. But 2018 is a transitional period when you need to gather your strength, be open to new trends, new information and prepare new projects, since the most successful time for you comes at the end of autumn.

Until November 8, the ruler of Sagittarius, Jupiter, will be in your twelfth astropolis. For you, this is a time of preparation for new starts. The advantage of this transit is that it gives you protection from serious blows of fate. At this time, even troubles are not as bad as they may seem at first. Another plus is that in 2018 Jupiter is not involved in tense aspects with slow planets. It will harmonize with Pluto and Neptune, encouraging your personal growth, self-discovery, introspection, helping you let go of things in the past that are no longer of value to you.

However, at first, progress in business may be insignificant. Some Sagittarius may be busy with current affairs and preparing new projects. Some of you may periodically have the feeling that life is passing you by, that it is difficult for you to get involved in the dynamics of external processes, that you lack strength or opportunity. Some may need occasional solitude and have difficulty determining what they want in life or how to achieve what they want. Some of you may be interested in spiritual issues, a desire to build your own philosophy of life and follow it. But you all need to remember that the limitations you may feel are for you to get in touch with yourself. What is important now is your internal dynamics, rethinking your previous experience, which will help you navigate the next period of life, since you are on the threshold of a new stage of self-realization, which will begin in November 2018, when Jupiter moves into Sagittarius. Therefore, you should outline plans and initiatives that you can implement in a more dynamic period, starting from the end of autumn.

Saturn has moved into your astropolis of finances and personal values ​​where Pluto is already located. This field is related to the money you earn, the movable property you own, and the talents and abilities you have that allow you to earn money. During this period, you will need to set priorities and reconsider your value system. This is a time to review your financial and investment policies. This is the time when you need to create a solid financial base by introducing restrictions in the financial sphere so that you can separate the important from the unimportant and not spend on what you can do without. During this time, it is helpful to reduce or eliminate expenses that are wasteful or do not serve your life purpose. The circumstances that will develop from mid-March to mid-May and in July will show what and how you need to change in your financial approaches. At the same time, from January to mid-October, Jupiter’s sextile to Pluto will allow you to maintain and strengthen your financial position, providing opportunities for earnings and income growth. But to keep your income at the desired level and increase it, you will need hard work. The good thing about this transit is that it teaches frugality and saving, so you can avoid debt and financial dependence.

In 2018, Sagittarius has a time when you canshow off your innovative talents,receive unexpected job opportunities that give you a financial advantage. From May 15 to November 6, Uranus, the planet of dramatic transformations, will be in your astropolis of work, daily responsibilities and health. At this time, you can expect changes in your work routine and working conditions. Circumstances may require changes in daily routine. Your relationships with employers, bosses and other authority figures may be reconsidered. There may be a need for more freedom, to create your own work schedule, following your own rhythm, and not the schedule set by the company or boss. Some Sagittarius will have the opportunity to change jobs or the nature of their workloads and responsibilities will change. Some Sagittarians may start working as a freelancer or in an unusual work environment. Someone will get the opportunity to work part-time. New forms of work, the use of the latest techniques available in your profession, and the use of new computer programs will be useful. Be open to all kinds of innovations, this is the key to new opportunities. Thanks to this, you will have an advantage as a specialist, and your work may be better paid. In caring for your health, alternative, non-traditional methods of prevention or treatment will be useful to keep yourself in shape or restore your health.

On July 13 at 20°41" Cancer will be in the eighth astropolis. In July, issues of loans, insurance, inheritance, family budget or your financial relationships with other people will come to the fore. In marriage, in business or family relationships, complications may arise related to spending joint finances. Forced expenses are likely. It is recommended to reconsider your financial approaches and plan your budget rationally. It is not recommended to make investments, large purchases, borrow and lend. At this time, there may be difficulties with financing the projects started, complications in financial relations. It is better to limit yourself current purchases and adopt a saving mode. Analyze your expenses and develop a new financial strategy for the future. Someone from your environment may present a tempting idea or proposal, but if it concerns financial investments in a new business or investments, it is better to refuse or wait until implementation until the end of August It may be necessary to change the style of financial relations with your partner. The affairs of relatives may require your participation; life changes related to relatives are likely. If you have to part with something or someone, don’t be upset, only what has lost its meaning will go away. The second decade of July is a good period for moving to a new job.

The period from July 26 to August 19 in the fifth astropolis falls on the period of eclipses and. This time may bring changes in your relationships with your children or romantic partners, and whether these changes will be positive depends on your ability to look at old problems in a new way. If difficulties arise in a relationship, look for common ground, reconsider your approaches, and move away from the usual patterns. Look for inspiration for creativity, spend time with your children and loved ones.This is a good time to restore old connections.At this time, it is useful to return to deferred creative ideas, topics or projects, revise them, and refine them. Now they may turn out to be relevant and receive a new impetus for implementation.At the end of July and beginning of August, problems that made themselves felt in mid-May or in the second half of June may worsen. This time can push you to make important decisions, but it is better to postpone decisions and initiatives until August 19, or even better, postpone them to the period after August 27.

The period from the second week of August is a good time to strengthen contacts with old acquaintances and partners from other countries, contacts with relatives from abroad are favorable.In the second half of August, you can find a solution to a long-standing issue by receiving support from one of your old acquaintances, but you yourself can provide an important service that will not go without gratitude.

From August 28 to the second week of September is a good time for new beginnings, for starting collective projects, business, romantic and friendly acquaintances. Friendly relationships can turn into romantic ones. Long trips are favorable. Collective work and social activities will work out well. This period promotes an active social life. In September you may receive a job or business offer, but the one that arrives before mid-September is more favorable. September 07-14 there may be problems with travel, with transport, complications in relationships with relatives, do not make hasty decisions these days. Be careful while driving.

October 5-November 16, and October 10-30 a stellium will be collected in the 12th field. Sextile Mars from the third field may bring the need to take on new challenges, but you may not have all the capabilities to complete those challenges. You may not get what you want, but now you can figure out what you really want and what needs to be changed in order to restore your sense of harmony. This is a time of review and awareness. This is a time of harmonization of your inner life, close relationships and preparation for a new period of self-realization. This is a good time for working in solitude and secret meetings, but new relationships at this time are not durable and unreliable. It is better to give preference to existing relationships in your personal and business life. During this period, you may receive income from sources that you did not expect, and an increase in business profits is possible.

The second ten days of October can complicate relationships with neighbors and relatives; old problems in relationships that were previously “swept under the rug” may resurface. Previous secrets and mysteries may become apparent. Be attentive to the information coming in, it will be important, but be careful in what you say so as not to reveal what you would prefer to hide.New ideas at the end of October may become important, if not now, then later, keep them in mind.

From November 17 to December 6 in your sign. November is a rather specific period for you. Jupiter entered your sign on November 8, there will be a need for new initiatives, but the circumstances of November are not conducive to the successful start of new projects. Now you need to rethink your initiatives and your role in the problems that will arise at this time and defend your interests. But it is important to hear feedback, the opinions of the people with whom you interact. This is the time when your loved ones or someone whose opinion you value can point you to something important, key to you. At this time, new partnerships, signing contracts, large purchases and investments are unfavorable. At this time, the question may arise about the need to move, repair, lease terms may change, previous contracts may be terminated or revised. But new contracts at this time will not be productive; there is a high risk of miscalculations and mistakes. Complications in relations with relatives or problems among relatives, disputes related to real estate or division of property, and the resolution of economic issues are likely.November 12-23, you need to be careful with new people and ideas, there is a high risk of illusions or deception.This period willat square Neptune.New business proposals will be dubious. Do not make important decisions and do not make promises; it is better not to schedule negotiations on these days. At this time, there will be a tendency to overestimate opportunities and underestimate risks, to get involved in unprepared projects. At the end of November, an important idea will come that is worth considering seriously. At this time, an interesting offer may come; old friends or partners may provide help and support in business. At the end of November, an issue that caused difficulties and problems in the previous period may be successfully resolved. But it is better to postpone important undertakings to the period after December 09.

From mid-May to mid-September and the lunar eclipse on July 27, read the recommendations for these periods in the general part of the forecast. This year, issues related to family relationships, property documents may be resolved, changes may occur in the lives of relatives, which will be for the better for you. To choose the best course of action and avoid serious conflicts, you need to remain calm. By the end of September the situation will generally return to normal. There may be changes in work conditions due to company reorganization, new job responsibilities, or as a result of your decision to change jobs. You are emerging from the protracted crisis of recent years. On November 8 until the end of the year, Jupiter enters your decan, bringing new opportunities. Prepare new plans and changes that you want to implement, from the second week of December you will have a great time for new beginnings.

Sagittarius, born 03.12-12.12 (Sun 11°-20°, II decan of Sagittarius)

The main aspects of the year that fall in your decan are the square of Neptune and the solar eclipse on August 11th. Neptune will square until February 2021, and this year you will need to adapt to its challenging influence to reap its benefits and avoid its pitfalls. This aspect increases receptivity, its energies provide finer tuning to the inner world and subconscious processes, enhance psychologism, your amorousness may increase, but sometimes this aspect can give misconceptions and mistakes, an unrealistic perception of people and circumstances. In 2018, you need to be careful with new people, ideas, projects, relationships, with new proposals, in particular in the days around February 17, in the last week of February, March 02-04, June 05-08, July 22-31, 12-14 September, December 05-08, December 23-25, but especially November 08-23. These periods require caution and vigilance in relationships and finances. Read the recommendations for November in the general part of the forecast.

On August 11 at 18°41" Leo will be in trine to your dean from the 09th astropolis. At this time, issues related to abroad, education, creative projects, foreign cooperation can be resolved favorably. This period can bring a favorable solution to long-standing problems. Good time to resume postponed projects. This period helps to promote your business interests, including abroad. You may receive an offer in business or work that will be promising.From December 20, Jupiter will be in your decan and the most successful period of the year will begin for you. Plan important initiatives and changes for this time. If you fail to achieve your plans in 2018, you can do it in 2019.

Sagittarius, born 13.12-21.12 (Sun 21°-30°, III decan of Sagittarius)

From the beginning of the year until May 15 and from November 6 until the end of the year, the Uranus trine favors the search for new ways of self-expression, the start of creative projects, new initiatives, the presentation of your ideas, new friendships and business relationships. You will have a desire to free yourself from what you perceive as limitations. Interest in new knowledge and ideas will bring changes in your outlook on life. The use of new technologies is favorable in work and creativity, and the avant-garde direction in art. From January to March 20, from April 17 to mid-May and from December 9 are the best periods for implementing plans, new projects, changes in those areas in which you want to make changes. At this time, new friendships can be formed, business and romantic acquaintances, and new cooperation are favorable. From February to May and from September to mid-October, you can expect an increase in profits in business; there may be an increase in salary or the opportunity to receive additional income at work.

February 15 at 27°07" Aquarius in the 3rd astropolis. This period will contribute to educational projects, the beginning of studies, including abroad, trips, contacts with relatives, resolving issues related to documents, the purchase of a vehicle. This is good time for change, the start of innovation, changing jobs or areas of employment. A good period for Sagittarius who work in the media, education, IT, commerce. At this time, new information, contacts in the immediate environment or with foreign countries can cause changes in your current plans, which will turn out to be for the better. Complications are likely in relationships with relatives, neighbors or someone from your immediate circle. Track information, it may turn out to be important and take care of your secrets.

In this forecast, I describe only the general trends of the year relative to the sun sign, without taking into account other planets in your natal chart. It cannot replace, which requires the exact date, time and place of birth of a person.


A person wants to lift the curtain and find out what lies ahead. The Sagittarius horoscope for 2018 will give a forecast for women and men. The Yellow Earth Dog will give Sagittarius confidence and give impetus to business. You should not worry that trouble will come unexpectedly. The Dog will take the reins of power in mid-February and declare good intentions towards those born under the auspices of Jupiter.

Year of the Dog for Sagittarius

The Red Rooster protected Sagittarius and gave privileges, but there is no need to be sad about parting with a benevolent bird. Representatives of the fire element in 2018 will not have to worry about problems in the love sphere of life or with finances. The dog will protect you from envious people and ill-wishers. There is no reason to worry for Sagittarius. The main thing is not to upset the yellow Dog.

Sagittarius horoscope for 2018 is optimistic. Romantic spring will bring acquaintances, the degree of sensuality and sentimentality will increase. Family Sagittarians will spend a lot of time with their spouses and children. Lonely Sagittarius will meet their soulmate. A single life does not make you happy, and the Dog senses it. There is no need to delay the birth of your baby; 2018 is an extremely favorable year.

By the end of 2018, the Earth Dog will learn to keep emotions under strict control. You should not resist if a person with experience gives instructions. The Yellow Dog helps you avoid fatal mistakes. The destinies of Sagittarius will change dramatically during 2018: competent patrons and investors for business will be found, the love of their life will meet, housing issues will be resolved.

For a man

At the beginning of 2018, representatives of the sign will be concerned about a difficult financial situation. Your significant other will not support you and will complain about difficulties. To save the situation, the horoscope recommends going to work over long distances - the Dog will help you achieve success. This is especially suitable for technical workers. Undertakings of this kind in the horoscope for 2018 promise to turn into success.

Some Sagittarius will succumb to doubts about whether it is worth going to work when a close relative is upset by a deterioration in their health. Astrologers recommend temporarily delegating care of the patient to loved ones. Financial support from abroad will be more useful and meaningful. The Sagittarius horoscope for 2018 promises changes in the usual rhythm of life, do not be afraid of this. The dog will support the representatives of the stronger half - the horoscope for 2018 promises a solution to all problems for the Sagittarius man.

For woman

In spring, the Dog will make you reassess your values ​​and ideals in life. The 2018 horoscope for a Sagittarius woman includes ups and downs. Inflated demands of family women on loved ones and excessive sensitivity will aggravate the situation. Representatives of the zodiac sign will form main goals that will become an incentive until the end of the year. From February, your energies will be directed towards finding new love.

By the middle of the year, girls will want to improve their living conditions: make repairs, change furniture, or even change their place of residence. The scale will depend solely on financial capabilities. If all tasks are completed on time, then the stars predict a trip to other countries. If your finances don't allow for travel, you can find a way to relax, study the celestial constellations, or spend time with friends.

What awaits Sagittarius in 2018

The first part of the year is a favorable period for career growth. Young Sagittarius should beware of more experienced competitors. January will bring a lot of joyful experiences. The next month will force you to put a lot of effort into solving urgent issues. The difficult period will last until April, already in the middle of it you will breathe deeply. You should not plan risky things for March, be vigilant. May will give Sagittarius a lot of surprises. Luck will continue until the end of the year; vigilance will have to be shown in mid-October.

Love horoscope

As 2018 approaches, relationships will come apart at the seams due to Sagittarius' attempts to command and give orders. Only a transparent, frank conversation will become a lifeline. If you are in a long-term informal relationship, then in the coming 2018 the Dog will force you to decide what you want from life and from your partner. The love horoscope for Sagittarius for 2018 is exciting and positive, but single Sagittarius risks abandoning a difficult situation due to their own fantasies. You should be on your guard so as not to go into all serious troubles.

Family horoscope

Family Sagittarius will devote a lot of time to relatives. Heart-to-heart conversations will lead to stronger relationships. Summer stress at work will not affect family relationships. In the second part of the year, your significant other will especially need your support. Try to be involved in each other's lives as much as possible. Joint affairs and household chores will strengthen the bonds of marriage. The family horoscope for Sagittarius promises family unity and strengthening family ties.

Health horoscope

In the coming 2018, the musculoskeletal system will be subject to special stress. The stars recommend that Sagittarius not neglect the help of doctors. Even a simple cold can give unexpected complications to the respiratory tract, kidneys or pancreas. Astrologers explain this by saying that the year will be stressful and the body may not be able to cope with it. To avoid wasting time on bed rest, carry out preventive measures in the off-season.

Finance and career

Astrologers do not foretell any serious financial problems. The stars urge you to treat your finances carefully and not waste money on unimportant things. At the beginning of summer, easy money will come to you. It is better to put them aside in case of urgent need. At the end of autumn, it is not recommended to lend money, especially significant amounts. You should not try your hand at risky operations, there is a high probability of failure.

Horoscope for Sagittarius by year of birth

Eastern horoscope sign

The stars promise good luck in your career.

Sagittarius Bulls are distinguished by their characteristic positivity; they are lucky in everything. Astrologers say that this sign will find it easy in all areas of life.

In relationships, the year promises good luck - there is a high chance of having a baby.

Cat (Rabbit)

Sagittarius Cats will bypass their malicious competitors on soft paws. A large number of fans will stroke your ego.

Representatives of the sign will be frivolous, but the Dog will help protect themselves from trouble. It's time for lonely Sagittarius Dragons to think about family relationships.

In 2018, the Earth Dog will strengthen your intuition and give clues even in your dreams. On the financial front, you will be lucky like never before.

Sagittarius Horses will be the center of attention and will become a welcome guest at all meetings. In business, things will be easy.

Goat (Sheep)

Punctuality and composure are your allies in the coming 2018. The Earth Dog will like your attitude and will promote good luck.


Naturalness and ease will help you achieve success on all fronts. It's time to think about having children.

The Year of the Dog will be happy and bring unexpected surprises. Sagittarius Roosters can become parents under the auspices of the Dog.

She will provide you with good luck and help you not to go astray. Take the chance, make an investment or improve your living conditions

Pig (Boar)

Merry fellows and adventurers will appease the Earth Dog and even their own zodiac competitors. On the love front, be serious, it’s getting close to the wedding.


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In 2019, Sagittarius plans to live as he sees fit, but will he be able to afford such luxury? The horoscope for 2019 contains many forecasts about various areas of life of representatives of the zodiac sign. After reading it, every Sagittarius will be able not only to find out the future, but also to plan it as successfully as possible and in full accordance with their ideas.

Horoscope for 2019 for Sagittarius

Sagittarians will reflect a lot in 2019. Representatives of this sign will analyze their entire past life. The Year of the Pig will bring many interesting ideas, but their implementation will require not only patience, but also responsibility, which people born under the sign of Sagittarius have always had problems with.

The work of Sagittarius in 2019 will be very productive. The horoscope for 2019 recommends not to be lazy and fulfill the demands of your superiors. This tactic will help you remain in demand and respected in the Year of the Pig. Problems are expected for Sagittarius in their personal lives. The horoscope for 2019 contains almost no encouraging predictions for love, but there are exceptions.

The horoscope predicts a successful period for Sagittarius in 2019 in mid-summer and late autumn. The horoscope does not provide for unfavorable months in the year of the Pig, but there are certain dates when danger awaits Sagittarius. They will be March 19, September 8 and December 16. The horoscope for 2019 recommends not planning any serious events on these dates.

Romantic horoscope for 2019 for Sagittarius

Sagittarians have long dreamed that soon on the horizon they will have a new feeling for the most beautiful person. The horoscope for 2019 dispels the dreams of many representatives of this sign about happiness in love. Sagittarians who have previously had unsuccessful experiences in romantic relationships will be able to meet their soulmate. The romantic horoscope for 2019 predicts happiness for representatives of the sign, subject to the resumption of relationships with former lovers. Everyone else will have to be content with what they have now, because the year of the Earth Pig turned out to be stingy in romantic joys for Sagittarius.

The owner of the year will not offend family Sagittarius. He will give them harmony and tenderness, so necessary to preserve the marriage. During the period of dominance of the Earth Pig, married people of this zodiac sign should not have any outside relationships. The symbol of the year will not tolerate betrayal even in thoughts and will do everything to ensure that nothing works out for traitors in the near future.

Financial horoscope for Sagittarius for 2019

Sagittarius, by nature, is relatively indifferent to money, but modern life forces him to find ways to make decent money. The previous year was successful for Sagittarius. They managed to earn good money and fulfill their small dreams, which required material costs. The Year of the Earth Pig promises to be no worse, so there remains hope for a decent and quite prosperous life.

People born under this zodiac sign can start a business at the end of the year. At the beginning of the period of dominance of the Earth Pig, it is better not to do this, since there is a high chance of burning out. Coins will also ring loudly in the wallets of elderly people thanks to new additional payments from the employer for length of service and all sorts of bonuses.

The horoscope advises the lucky owners of a large sum of money, born under the sign of Sagittarius, to keep their funds until better times and not to rush to part with them. Sagittarius will also have a period of crisis in 2019. It is planned by the horoscope for the beginning of summer. The main warning of the horoscope for 2019 is not to take on other people’s financial troubles.

Sagittarius career in 2019

Sagittarians are destined for brilliant professional success in 2019, but the stars cannot say for sure whether they will want to take advantage of it. The horoscope for 2019 predicts many opportunities for representatives of this sign to realize their potential.

Even if Sagittarians do not want to work fruitfully, they will still achieve success. Its level will depend only on the efforts of the representatives of the sign. Sagittarius will spend the year more in self-improvement than in devoting honest work. But such investments will help you make a wonderful career in the future.

Some Sagittarius are planning a job change for 2019. The horoscope will approve such a decision only if the move to a new place is not related to the size of the salary level. For Sagittarius who want to develop professionally, it is also better to stay at their previous job, where everything is familiar. In the future, the horoscope for Sagittarius predicts an improvement in their financial well-being in their old service and comfortable working conditions.

Sagittarius health in 2019

The health horoscope predicts that Sagittarius will feel worse in the first days of the new year. For people born under this zodiac sign, traveling will be dangerous during the reign of the Yellow Pig. In 2019, Sagittarius will also face difficulties in treating chronic illnesses. The horoscope for 2019 predicts a long course of illness for patients of this sign.

The horoscope identifies not only the somatic, but also the psychological health of the representatives of the sign as a risk zone. Sagittarius will experience severe stress, and will learn to cope with it only at the end of the period.

Aged Sagittarius people should be wary of nervous system disorders. The horoscope for 2019 warns of the risk of strokes and heart attacks for Sagittarius men during the full moon. Women of the sign should worry about their eyesight. For little Sagittarius, the horoscope for 2019 predicts a high probability of injury. Children of this sign should also be careful when swimming.

A successful year 2019 will be treatment in a sanatorium. Representatives of this sign should take the time to travel. If there is no opportunity to relax in a health resort, then in 2019 Sagittarians are recommended to undergo a full course of examination and take all preventive measures prescribed by the attending physician.

Horoscope for Sagittarius women for 2019

The women's horoscope for 2019 for Sagittarius predicts both successful and extremely unfavorable moments. Representatives of the sign will feel a crisis in the first months of the new period. Almost nothing will make them happy. The 2019 horoscope for Sagittarius warns that minor failures will fall on women one after another. Representatives of the sign will even think that the streak of bad luck will last forever.

Soon, women born under this zodiac sign will experience a successful period. The horoscope allocates three whole months for them, when they don’t have to worry about troubles. For Sagittarius girls, all days of May, the first half of June, July and the end of August will be favorable.

The horoscope for 2019 for Sagittarius women predicts good relationships in the family. The relationship with your loved one will be harmonious, but it will not be without quarrels. During scandals, women should control themselves so as not to offend their devoted and sincerely loving companion with a rude word.

Horoscope for Sagittarius men for 2019

The horoscope for 2019 for the Sagittarius man provides many positive aspects. The strong half of this sign can count on the favor of the stars in almost any endeavor. The Earth Pig is distrustful of men, so the horoscope also contains unfavorable forecasts for them, aimed solely at testing their strength and fortitude. Having proven to the owner of the year that Sagittarians deserve the best, they will be able to confidently take on any task and not worry about possible failures.

The horoscope for Sagittarius for 2019 advises men to start preparing themselves for serious changes in life. They won't come soon, but they shouldn't take you by surprise. Strong representatives of the sign in the year of the Pig will not be so wise, so they are not insured against mistakes. The horoscope predicts for them both a sudden marriage and numerous moves to other cities or a sudden change of job.

In the horoscope for men of this sign, the family occupies an insignificant place. Sagittarius will have to constantly listen to reproaches from relatives due to lack of attention. Sagittarius is unable to correct the situation. In the current period, men will have many more important tasks than spending time in a cozy family circle.

Horoscope for 2019 for other zodiac signs

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