Home Generator R-Keeper: what is it? R-Keeper program. R-Keeper system Cash register keeper

R-Keeper: what is it? R-Keeper program. R-Keeper system Cash register keeper

Currently, there are several ways to automate restaurants, bars, cafes and other establishments of this type. I would like to talk about one of them in my work.

R-Keeper - what is it and how does it work, and what functions does this system perform? I would like to note right away that this automation method is in incredibly high demand, as it allows you to save quite a lot of money, and also effort.

4.1 General provisions

To be more precise, the main purpose of the system is to automate public catering establishments as much as possible, that is, hotels, cafes, restaurants, and so on. Although, as practice shows, similar software is used for other purposes. R-Keeper is suitable for both single and chain establishments. The system has many tools at its disposal that allow you to manage not only the establishment, but also the warehouse, as well as production. But, in addition to this, the program contains a lot of innovative solutions that allow you to more competently organize personnel management. A distinctive feature of the system is that only minimal support is required, therefore, for R-Keeper, the instructions are quite simple and do not take a long time to understand. It should also be noted that the utility is suitable for use in establishments regardless of their size and type, which is extremely important.

For stable operation of the system, several conditions must be met. This includes uninterrupted power supply, modern computer equipment, and a cable network through which information about the restaurant or cafe will be transmitted. As for the complete software, this includes the following several modules: for waiters, cashiers, managers and a warehouse accounting system. In addition, this also includes a discount system (personalized). You also need to pay attention to the fact that to effectively use R-Keeper, staff training is absolutely necessary. The same applies to setting up the system, which must be performed by a specialist. I would like to note that since its foundation, which was back in 1992, the program has only been improved, and today every restaurant or cafe manager knows what “Erkeeper” is.

    1. Guest Loyalty Management Solutions

So, as noted above, the system has only developed since its founding, and today there is a whole host of innovative solutions that allow guests of your restaurant or hotel to feel cozy and comfortable. The presence of R-Keeper 6 allows you to organize an established delivery service. In addition, the ability to monitor the operation of the restaurant will be very useful for customers. But that’s not all, since the program provides for automatic reservation of tables in the hall and even an intelligent tracking system for the cash register area, which records the most important events. Regular customers of your establishment can receive their own virtual card, which provides a discount on their order, the ability to send an SMS message to the waiter, etc. Of course, all this is convenient, especially considering that this kind of software does not require any special maintenance, not subject to periodic updates.

Cash and managerial level of automation

So, let's talk about how to achieve the most effective results for the establishment. We will talk about automation. The operational method, also known as the cash method, ensures the formation of a sales database in the greatest possible way, and also automates the sales process itself. As for the restaurant office, that is, at the managerial level, the main task of this module is to create various directories, set up access levels and cash levels. This also includes the development of various marketing systems. As for organizing warehouse accounting, for this the R-Keeper system uses a program called StoreHouse. The utility is fully compatible with 1C, which makes the work even more comfortable and fast.

As noted above, Erkeeper is a fairly multifunctional application. Let's see what opportunities both clients and staff receive. Firstly, this is almost 100% automation of the work of the cashier and bartender, as well as the presence of an electronic menu for guests of the establishment, an iPad is used. There are also beer dispensing systems at tables, seat reservations, and warehouse accounting. Secondly, this is “smart” video surveillance, about which we have already said a few words. A rather important function can be considered planning the time of the establishment’s staff. If necessary, you can turn on control systems for billiards, bowling, etc. Of course, the capabilities of Erkeeper are not limited to this, and listing all the strengths will take too much time.

"R-Keeper" - program for cafes and restaurants

When the restaurant business in Russia was taking its first steps towards development, a software product appeared that allows you to competently manage your business - the R-Keeper system. UCS developed and launched the first version in 1992. Today it is an effective management tool in catering establishments.

The R-Keeper system has evolved along with the restaurant business, responding to its changes with new capabilities and functions. Thus, it was possible to create a program that takes into account the specifics of business and Russian legislation, and can be used in any catering enterprise, regardless of its format. Having chosen the desired configuration, with the help of R-Keeper you can organize the work of both a small family cafe and a huge complex consisting of a restaurant with delivery service, a cinema, gaming areas, a fitness center and so on.

The R-Keeper program is such a familiar and familiar program that any employee who has ever worked in a catering establishment, from a waiter and bartender to a chief accountant and manager, can use it. This is very convenient, as you do not need to waste time on staff training. But what is the secret of R-Keeper's popularity?

All details are taken into account

The specificity of restaurant accounting is that it reflects production and trade. The complexity of business is due to the presence of many objects and areas where goods move. The R-Keeper system provides many opportunities for effective business management. For example, you can use it to track inventory flows, control payments to suppliers, obtain information about the work of staff, analyze the attendance of an establishment, obtain financial results of operations, and much more.

The R-Keeper program was created to facilitate accounting and analysis of the enterprise’s activities, as well as to eliminate the possibility of selling unaccounted for drinks, preparing dishes from brought products and other types of fraud on the part of staff.

Control and control again

The R-Keeper system monitors the work of each employee of the establishment, recording all actions. Upon joining the service, an employee receives a personal magnetic card, which allows him to register in the system and undergo authorization if necessary to perform any operation.

R-Keeper consists of several separate programs. Each of them is intended for a specific category of employees, from waiters to managers:

  • Waiter module. Designed to form orders and send them to the kitchen. It also allows you to print documents for the visitor, cancel an order and much more. The program prescribes an algorithm for the employee’s actions and provides protection against intentional or accidental errors, which makes the task much more difficult for those who want to commit fraud.
  • Cashier module. It performs several important functions at once. First, the maintenance staff registers at the beginning of the shift. Secondly, it reflects payment of their bills. Receiving funds from the waiters, the cashier punches the fiscal receipt, which removes the order from the system and makes it possible to close the working day. At the time of execution, the products that were the ingredients of the ordered dishes based on the costing cards are also written off from the warehouse.
  • Model Bartender. It is necessary to serve visitors at the bar counter. It allows the bartender to serve as both a waiter and a cash register employee. That is, the bartender opens an account when an order is received and closes it when money is received from the visitor.
  • Manager module. In it, directories are filled out and adjusted (personnel information, menus, cards for suppliers and inventory, etc.), closing the working day and generating reporting information. If there is more than one manager in a restaurant, then employees work in one module, but each of them has access only to certain functionality necessary for his work.

Minimizing incidents of theft

Thanks to statistics, it is known that in the restaurant business the percentage of abuse can reach 50%, due to which the profitability of the enterprise is significantly reduced. Business owners know this, as do the developers of the R-Keeper program, who have made every effort to reduce the level of fraud to 10%, since it is not possible to completely get rid of theft.

To do this, it is proposed to integrate the work of the R-Keeper program and a video surveillance system, which allows for the effect of presence. In addition, the manager has the opportunity to generate a report on inventory balances at any time and immediately conduct an audit in the bar, kitchen or warehouse.

The R-Keeper system is capable of calculating theft patterns, most of which are already entered into the database. Thus, the program monitors fraud and identifies those responsible. The created schemes for the work of personnel are so strict that the implementation of fraud requires the performance of many manipulations that cannot go unnoticed by the manager. Suspicious connections can be tracked using reports. For example, if a manager, working in tandem with a certain waiter, refuses customers more often than usual, then this indicates theft.

Working to the max

Using the R-Keeper program allows you to increase the speed of service several times and increase the efficiency of staff. Many mistakes in the activities of employees are simply excluded. For example, the system prevents order confusion and incorrect transfer to production. As a result, the restaurateur notes an increase in the flow of satisfied visitors.

Each employee can only work on a specific module of the R-Keeper system. This limitation allows you to quickly find the culprit if a violation is detected. Employees should know that any information that gets into the system remains in it and cannot be deleted in one click.

Assembling the constructor

Automation of the restaurant business involves performing the following operations:

  • Installation of system equipment.
  • Installation of system elements taking into account the specifics of the enterprise’s activities.

Installation of workstations is carried out within a few hours, and the equipment itself is compact.

It is also convenient that for the R-Keeper program to work correctly, it does not require instant debugging of work processes, their configuration and testing. If necessary, you can supplement the installed system with other functionality quickly and easily. While the waiters are arranging furniture on the new summer area, specialists are expanding the functionality of R-Keeper.

Reports for everyone

The R-Keeper system generates reports at different access levels, which have managers, chief accountant and manager. They allow you to obtain the following information:

  • Revenue data is both general and for a specific waiter, table, dish.
  • Implementation information is general or detailed.
  • Analysis of the use of discounts.

And thanks to the reports, you can verify the absence of suspicious transactions indicating fraud.

For accountants, the R-Keeper system is also convenient because it easily integrates with 1C.

The ability to control everything anytime, anywhere

While outside the restaurant, the manager or business owner can monitor the operation of the establishment at any time. To do this, it is enough to have access to the Internet and it does not matter at all what part of the world a person is in at the moment.

After authorization, the manager can view reports, data on the work of personnel and the availability of inventory, analyze the performance of a specific employee and the establishment as a whole, and view images from CCTV cameras in recordings or online.

The proposed variety of reports helps you think, draw the right conclusions and make effective decisions. Using the R-Keeper system, you can track the dynamics of business development, as well as track changes in revenue over a certain period. It is also possible to determine the days that are most profitable from a commercial point of view, find out about customers’ favorite dishes, etc. All this will improve the efficiency of the establishment due to the fact that more attention will be paid to these parameters.

Uninterrupted operation guaranteed

When deciding in favor of business automation, you should not be afraid that one fine day the restaurant’s work will stop due to the fact that the system has failed. The main terminal (POS terminal) is distinguished by its reliable design. It can be damaged by dropping it from a great height or spilling liquid on it.

In addition, you should take into account the versatility of the R-Keeper system, which is limited only by your wishes. You have the opportunity to fully adapt the software product to the needs of your restaurant, choosing the necessary modules and tools from a large list of possible options.

The R-Keeper system is a set of information terminals in the hall and kitchen, a video surveillance system, printers, call buttons and other equipment. Your only job is to provide reliable and safe power. At the same time, the system is equipped with a function for saving important information in the event of an emergency shutdown of lights or other operational failures. And intentional or deliberate mistakes by personnel when working with R-Keeper cannot harm it.

Program for restaurants and bars

R-Keeper™– a fully functional IT system designed to organize high-level cash services in the service sector of various industries - from classic restaurants and cafes to entertainment centers, etc.

Automation kits
For seasonal travelers
This solution is built on the basis of a mobile terminal, it allows you to effectively manage a small establishment, fully control it, exercise full warehouse and financial control and receive data on current revenue on your mobile phone on-line. 77 000 Buy
For cafe
The solution is built on the basis of one waiter station and one accountant/manager workplace. Recommended for establishments with up to 200 seats (popular solution). A complete set of tools and effective control of work. 128 000 Buy
For restaurants
This solution is built on the basis of two waiter stations and one accountant/manager workplace. Recommended for managing fairly large establishments, up to 4-5 halls. 180 000 Buy

The price of the program is selected individually and depends on the number of computers and additional modules - such as reports, delivery management.

R-Keeper is an excellent assistant for financial management, allowing you to control the work of the hall, maintain warehouse records and track working hours. C R Keeper You will be able to solve many problems that arise every day when working with a cash register.

The system is easy to learn and has detailed manuals. Besides, CT Center specialists provide support in mastering the system.

The most tangible results are achieved in the following areas:

  • Maximum speed and ease of staff work when serving customers, which is achieved by minimal time spent on placing an order and organizing service printing in bars and kitchens
  • Calculation errors are eliminated and documentation of operations is maintained at all levels
  • Availability of a reliable system of protection against unauthorized access, using modern means of identification and separation of powers at the software level
  • Carrying out statistical calculations on sales
  • A database is created that can be used by programs for recording the movement of products in production, calculating personnel salaries, etc.

For the operation of the Back-Office system, it is desirable to use SQL Server. Operation is guaranteed for InterBase (SCO UNIX or Windows NT). Provides support for Microsoft SQL, SyBase SQL, Informix, Oracle; everything is TCP/IP.

System R-Keeper™ V6 runs on several cash registers connected to a local computer. net. The maximum number of such stations connected to one network is limited by the capabilities of this network.

Stations according to their purpose and functionality are divided into four types:

  • Cashier station
  • Waiter station
  • Bartender station
  • Manager station

An IBM PC compatible computer is used as a management station. The bartender and cashier stations are specialized IBM PC-compatible computers that have, as additional devices, magnetic card or electronic tablet readers, connectors for connecting receipt printers, interfaces for a cash drawer and a customer display. The waiter station is a specialized IBM PC - a compatible computer with a magnetic card reader.

For large restaurants with a large number of workstations, it is recommended to use a file server (IBM PC - a compatible computer with good speed characteristics). The additional costs are paid off by significant acceleration in system operation.

Federal State Educational Institution

R-Keeper: tutorial.– Omsk: OKTES, 2008 – 52 p.

This manual discusses the technology of working with the R-Keeper software package for automating restaurants of various directions and forms of service. Using the example of specific situations simulating real ones, the main, most typical operations in bars, cafes, and restaurants using the capabilities of the R-Keeper complex and special equipment are shown.

The main goal is to form in students a stable system of knowledge, skills and abilities to use problem-oriented application software to effectively solve professional problems in the workplace of managers, waiters, bartenders, and cashiers.

Compiled by: , teacher of the highest category OKTES;

Teacher of the first category OKTES.

Reviewer: , head of the department of Omsk Industrial -

College of Economics.

© OKTES, 2008

CHAPTER 1. Theoretical foundations of working in the R-Keeper 6 system


Main characteristics of the equipment. 6


2.2 Modifiers.. 8

2.3. Service printing. 8

2.4 Set meals. 8

2.6 Tariffing. 9

2.7 Consummation. 9

2.8. Table (order)………………………………………………………………………………….…9

2.9 Limited dishes. 10

2.12 Technology of work in a concept restaurant. 12

Preliminary stage. 12

Receiving and placing an order. 12

Fulfillment of an order. 12

Placing an additional order. 12

Printing a preliminary receipt. 12

Calculation. 12

The final stage. 12

2.13 Technology of work in fast food restaurants. 12

Preliminary stage. 13

Working with counting.. 13

Calculation. 13

Fulfillment of an order. 13

The final stage. 13


3.1 Starting the system.. 14

3.2 Launching the application. 14

Application window structure. 14

4. EDITOR………………………………………………………………………………...16

4.1 General information. 16

Features of editing operations. 16

4.2 Restaurant menu. 16

4.3 Working with groups of dishes. 16

Changing group.. 17

Deleting a group.. 17

4.4 Working with a dish... 17

Changing dish parameters. 19

Sorting by codes.. 20

Move to the next found dish. 20

4.5 Bottling control system. 20

Prohibition of food for sale. 20

Setting characteristics for a group of dishes. 20

4.6 Set meals. 20

Creating a complex dish. 21

Composition of a complex dish. 21

4.7 Menu for the date. 21

4.8 Modifiers.. 21

4.10 Service print groups. 22

4.11 Future restaurant menu. 22

Replacing the menu.. 22

4.13 Assignment of expense items for non-payers. 23

4.14 Personnel. 23

4.15 Reasons for deletion. 23

4.16 Expense items. 24

Setting the default article.. 24

4.17 Consummation. 25

Discount (markup) on a check. 25

Setting discount properties. 25

Coupons.. 26

4.19 Bonuses.. 27

4.20 Tariffing. 27

4.21 Tariffs.. 27

Using tariffs with a price of 0.28

4.21 Devices. 28



Deleting data. thirty


7.1 Preliminary operations. 31

Rules for turning on, booting and rebooting the system.. 31

7.2 Cash day manager operations.. 31

Manager registration. 31

The program work area on the Touch Screen. 31

7.3 Manager operations when working with current accounts. 32

Transferring a dish from one table to another. 32

Transferring a table from one waiter to another. 33

Setting discounts/markups manually.. 33

Setting discount/markup: 33

Cancellation (removal) of discounts/surcharges. 33

Deleting an empty account. 34

Cancel the check check flag. 34

Cancel manager functions. 34

In the “Receipt Status” window the icon will disappear......... 34

View a list of orders. 34

Waiter registration. 34

View receipts. 34

Search for a receipt. 34

View mode. 35

Deleting a check. 35

Restoring a receipt in the form of an order. 35

7.5 Functions of the fiscal registrar. 35

Service deposit of money. 35

Official issuance of money. 35

X – report. 35

Money box. 35

Z – report. 35

Printing a log after a shift.. 36

View system balance. 36

7.6 Revenue reports. 36

Consumption reports. 36

7.7 Special reports... 37


8.1 Termination of the manager’s work. 38

8.2 Closing the day. 38


CHAPTER 2. Practical part………………………………………………………………...40


CHAPTER 1. Theoretical foundations of working in the R-Keeper system


The P-Keeper program was developed by UCS and is intended for automation of restaurant business enterprises of various directions and forms.

The software package includes:

1. Cash level:

¾ cashier system (cashier station and fiscal registrar);

¾ waiter system (pre-check station);

¾ bartender system (bartender station and fiscal recorder).

2. Restaurant office:

¾ data generation system;

¾ reporting system;

¾ warehouse accounting system;

¾ ON LINE manager.

Main characteristics of the equipment

The R-Keeper system operates at various stations of bartenders, waiters and cashiers, integrated into a local area network (see Fig. 1.).

https://pandia.ru/text/78/197/images/image003_164.jpg" width="469" height="261 src=">

The manager’s task is to think through and organize the menu structure so that its further use is as convenient as possible.

2.2 Modifiers

The system provides the ability to take into account the guest’s wishes when preparing a dish and communicate them when placing an order to the kitchen or bar. Modifiers are used for this.

Modifiers are modifications in cooking technology or in serving a dish that are free for the client. Regardless of the modifier, the price of the dish does not change.

The modifier is characterized by its relative weight (from 0 to 99).

For modifiers that increase the consumption of products (“with sour cream”, “with lemon”), a relative weight of 1 or more is set.

For modifiers that do not lead to an increase in food consumption (“in one plate”, “with ice”), the relative weight is set to 0.

Modifiers can be used when placing an order for dishes, but are optional.

2.3. Service printing

The system automatically communicates the order to departments (hot shop, cold shop, bar. Each department has a service printer. At the moment when the waiter saves the bill, the system remembers the order and sends it to the appropriate departments. A receipt with the order is printed. According to the information On checks, dishes are prepared and their release is regulated.

2.4 Set meals

A complex dish consists of variant components, which are usually dishes themselves. This allows the client to select a dish from a certain set. Set dishes are convenient to use when implementing a business lunch, a set lunch with options for choosing dishes.

Each dish can be classified into a specific category by choosing a characteristic as a basis. Categories are used to assign discounts/surcharges, as well as to analyze the restaurant’s performance in selling dishes by category.

2.6 Tariffing

Tariffing is the sale of a resource, the price of which depends on the time and duration of use. The object of tariffication may be bowling, billiards, etc. services.

2.7 Consummation

Consumable rewards are a reward to an employee of an enterprise for selling a particular menu item.

1. The reward amount for a dish is determined on the dish card in the Consummation field.

2. Employees participating in the consummatory reward system are specified in the Consumants List of the main menu.

The system allows you to set up a flexible system of consumptive rewards with full reporting on personal sales and corresponding rewards.

2.8 Table (order)

When a guest arrives at the restaurant, a table is opened for him at the waiter and cash station. Data about the customer's order is entered into the table:

¾ list of ordered dishes indicating quantity and possible modifiers;

¾ table opening time;

¾ surname of the waiter (cashier);

¾ list of discounts/surcharges.

The following operations can be performed on client tables:

¾ addition or change of order;

¾ printing a preliminary check;

¾ combining tables, dividing one table into two, three, etc.;

¾ table removal.

After paying for the order, the table is closed, and a check is generated on its basis.

Information about open tables and table operations can be obtained in the corresponding reports.

2.9 Limited dishes

The system allows you to control the current balance of dishes. To do this, on the manager’s computer, the minimum amount of remainder is determined for the dishes that need to be controlled. The system displays information that the dishes are running out.

When the current remaining amount of a dish is less than the minimum remaining amount, a warning is printed on the printer.

2.10 Types of checks

1. Advance check

The preliminary receipt is presented to the guest for review. The waiter (bartender or cashier) can receive a preliminary check for the account only once. To obtain another copy of the pre-order, you must cancel the printing of the preliminary receipt (Manager function).

The provisional check does not have a number.

2. Fiscal check

The fiscal receipt is presented to the guest upon final payment. The check contains information: name of the enterprise, transaction number, check number, table number, date, time of opening and closing of the check, number of guests, printing date, name of the cashier (or waiter), total amount of the check, amount received from the client, change amount, fiscal data.

A fiscal receipt can be printed once.

The key for personnel access to the system is an individual code. The code value is stored on a magnetic card. Every restaurant employee should have such a card or electronic tablet.

The employee's last name and code are stored in the system in the Personnel dictionary.

The employee's position determines his functions when working with the system and the scope of rights. There are six of them in the system: waiter (work in the hall); bartender (work in the hall); cashier (work in the hall); hall manager (work in the hall); office manager (work on the manager's computer); system administrator (work on the manager's computer).

Waiter functions: opening a new account, saving an account, placing an additional order, printing a preliminary check. The waiter opens the table only in his name.

The bartender has all the rights of a waiter to access the system and partially performs the functions of a cashier. The bartender has access to cash drawer management operations. The difference between a bartender and a cashier is that he only has the ability to work with his own accounts.

The cashier has the right to access the station, pay the bills of any waiter or bartender, register waiters (bartenders), and transfer tables from one waiter to another. If there are settings, the cashier can edit the accounts of waiters (bartenders).

The functions of the hall manager may include: fulfilling check refusals, transferring dishes, deleting closed checks, removing the guest check flag.

Managers can be assigned various rights when working with the system.

The system administrator has the greatest authority in the system.

2.12 Technology of work in a concept restaurant

Preliminary stage

Before starting the restaurant, you must turn on all workstations:

1) manager’s computer;

2) cash server;

3) cash stations;

4) waiter and bar stations.

Receiving and placing an order

The waiter takes the guest's order.

After receiving the order, the waiter goes to the waiter station and registers using a magnetic card, opens a new table and enters its number.

The waiter enters the order and sends it to print. If a service is provided to a guest, the waiter starts the corresponding tariff for this table.

Fulfillment of an order

The order is printed on remote printers in departments. Based on the received printout, an order is prepared. The waiter is notified that the order is ready.

Placing an additional order

The waiter accepts the additional order, approaches the station, registers using a magnetic card, finds the required table in the table of accounts and enters the additional order. The additional order is sent for printing and output on remote printers.

Printing a preliminary receipt

The guest asks him to calculate. The waiter (cashier) prints out the preliminary check and gives it to the guest. If the guest used the service, the waiter (cashier) first stops the billing and the amount for the service is added to the check. After printing the bill, changes to the order are not possible.

The final payment is made at the cashier station. The cashier finds the order in the invoice table, opens it, prints a fiscal receipt and makes payments to the client.

The final stage

At the end of the working day, after the last guest has checked out, final reports are printed at all cash desks. These reports, along with cash proceeds, are submitted to the senior cashier.

After this, the procedure for closing the cash register day is carried out at all cash stations and fiscal registers.

2.13 Technology of work in fast food restaurants

Preliminary stage

All workstations must be enabled:

1) management computer;

2) cash stations.

The cashier begins work by registering at the cash station using a magnetic card or microchip, and a table appears for entering the account.

Working with the account

The cashier takes the order and enters information about the ordered dishes. If part of the order is prepared for takeout, then he indicates this in the set using special means.

After entering the order, the cashier prints a receipt and makes a payment. One receipt containing the entire order is printed on the fiscal registrar.

Fulfillment of an order

After the cashier has made the payment, the corresponding order will be printed on the service printer in the kitchen. An order is prepared based on the printout.

The final stage

At the end of the working day, final reports are printed at all cash stations. After this, the procedure for closing the cash day is carried out on all fiscal registers.


The manager system is part of the R-Keeper cash system and is located at the manager station. The management system runs on the MS Windows operating system.

3.1 System startup

To start the system, open the R-Keeper folder on the Desktop. The main applications of the manager part of the system will appear (see Fig. 3)

Russian language" href="/text/category/russkij_yazik/" rel="bookmark">Russian language into English and vice versa is carried out: Service - Language.


4.1 General information

The creation and adjustment of the main dictionaries of the cash register system is carried out by the manager in the Editor application.

The Editor application can work with cash register and waiter stations in ON LINE mode, i.e. changes to the menu and staff list are immediately transmitted to the stations.

Features of editing operations

Editing of all dictionaries can be done throughout the day; the most correct thing is to make all changes before the start of the restaurant.

Basic Rules:

1. If during the day it is necessary to change the name and characteristics of a dish, then you need to create a new dish and make the old one inaccessible to cash stations.

2. If you need to stop selling a dish, you need to make it inaccessible to cash stations.

3. Removing dishes from the menu, employees from the personnel list, etc. must be done after the closing of the cash register day.

4.2 Restaurant menu

The restaurant menu consists of a list of dishes, is created at the beginning of the system and can be adjusted.

The menu consists of groups of dishes, which contain a list of dishes. (Fig. 4)

Foreign languages" href="/text/category/inostrannie_yaziki/" rel="bookmark">foreign language) 25 characters, print group, barcode

5. Settings tab – enter price, min. price, indicate category, amount of consummation fee, cooking time, etc.

6. Modifiers tab – indicate whether modifiers are used, weight limit (1)

7. Image tab – assign an image (picture) for the dish

8. Remaining tab – indicate whether to control the balance and enter the min. remainder

9. Schedule tab – specify the schedule for displaying the dish in the menu

Each dish has a unique code and belongs to one of the groups; the dish has a price.

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https://pandia.ru/text/78/197/images/image009_93.jpg" width="504" height="359 src=">

Changing dish parameters

Removing a dish

Filling out a recipe for a dish

1. Select a dish from the Menu

2. Call the context menu – Editing – Recipe

3. Enter recipe text

Sorting by codes

Search for a dish

1. Select a dish from the Menu

2. Call the context menu – Find

3. Enter the name of the dish

Move to the next found dish

4.5 Filling control system

The restaurant may have systems for monitoring the consumption of draft drinks (coffee, beer, etc.). Typically, a filling control device includes several dispensers. For each dish, you can define several control conditions.

1. Select a dish from the Menu

2. Call the context menu – Filling control

3. Specify the group of stations, employee, type of control, number of presses of the dispenser key for one portion

Prohibition of a dish for sale

If a dish is not on sale today, then it does not need to be deleted.

1. Select a dish from the Menu

2. Call the context menu – Not in the menu today

The menu item will turn bright pink.

In order to allow a dish to be sold, repeat the previous algorithm.

Setting characteristics for a group of dishes

For all dishes of a certain group, you can set a modifier group, a dish category or a service print group. This procedure is carried out using a move operation.

1. Open the Menu window and the Modifiers window

2. Move the pointer to the group, press the left mouse button and move the pointer in the group of modifiers

4.6 Set meals

The system implements the ability to sell complex dishes that consist of component dishes.

Business lunch, set lunch, set breakfast - these are the offers from which the guest can choose dishes from a set.

Creating a set meal

1. Select a group

2. Call the context menu – Add a complex dish

3. In the dish card, enter the name of the dish (up to 25 characters), second name, code, barcode, access group, image.

Composition of a set dish

1. Select a dish from the Menu

2. Call the context menu – Composition of a set dish

3. ……………

4.7 Menu for date

To view the generated menu for a specific date

1. Call the context menu – Date menu

2. Enter the date of interest

A window will appear with a menu generated for this date. It can be printed.

4.8 Modifiers

Modifiers are divided into groups. Only one group of modifiers can be selected for a dish. For a dish, you can select a number of modifiers, the total weight of which does not exceed the maximum weight defined in the dish card.

The relative weight of the modifier is an integer from 0 to 99 (the relative weight has no relation to the actual weight of the products in grams).

Information about the consumption of modifiers with a relative weight of 0 is not included in the reports.

Example: for modifiers “with sour cream”, “with lemon” - relative weight of 1 or more.

For modifiers that do not lead to an increase in the consumption of products “on one plate”, “with ice” - the relative weight is 0.

To work with modifiers and groups of modifiers, you can use the Edit menu items or the context menu.

Payment" href="/text/category/vznos/" rel="bookmark">payment in cash, payment by credit card, closing an account for a defaulter and non-cash payment.

The system has four types of payments (Lists - Currencies):

1. Cash.

2. Credit cards.

3. Defaulters.

4. Cashless payments.

4.13 Assignment of expense items for defaulters

For non-payers, you can establish eligible expense items for registration. To assign expense items in the Defaulter's card, open the Expense Items tab and set the flags for those expense items that relate to this defaulter. The number of expense items for one defaulter is unlimited.

4.14 Personnel

Each staff member must be listed on the staff list. The list of personnel is created at the beginning of the system’s operation in the restaurant and can be adjusted in the future. Each employee is assigned an individual code, a position, according to which his powers when working with the system are determined.

Calling a list of personnel: Lists – Personnel.

When hiring a new employee who will work with the cash register system, he is given a magnetic card or electronic tablet, his data and code are entered into the list of employees.

https://pandia.ru/text/78/197/images/image012_69.jpg" width="469" height="264 src=">

4.16 Expense items

For “non-payers”, you can set expense items, thereby determining the level of access when closing an account and the categories of dishes allowed for non-payment.

Calling up a list of expense items: Lists – Expense Items.

When entering a new article, enter the name and access level. There are three levels of access:

1. Free - when registering an account at a cash station, no special powers are required for this item.

2. Registration of a manager - when registering an invoice at a cash station, this item requires registration of a manager.

3. Registration of the defaulter - when registering an invoice at the cash station, registration of the defaulter is required for this item. The “defaulter” code is determined in his card.

For each expense item, it is necessary to determine the categories of dishes allowed for registration. To do this, in the expense item card on the Categories tab for those categories of dishes for which payment will be allowed when registering an invoice for the “defaulter”.

Setting the default article

A default item is an expense item that is used at the cash register to issue an invoice to a defaulter if no expense item is defined for the defaulter. To set a default Item in the Expense Items card on the Parameters tab, set the Default Item flag (an item must always be defined in the list of expense items).

4.17 Consummation

Using the system, you can organize a system of consummation rewards. Consummation remuneration is a reward to an employee of an enterprise for selling a particular menu item.

Organization of the system of consummation rewards:

1. In the Dish card, determine the amount of consummation reward.

2. Create a list of employees participating in the system of consummatory rewards Lists - Consumants. Indicate the consumer's last name, first name and payment percentage.

The payment percentage can be set not only for each consumer, but also for the group.

The total remuneration amount is displayed in the Reports – Consummation report.

4.18 Discounts (surcharges)

The system provides the ability to set discounts (markups) both for the entire check and for different categories of dishes.

If the restaurant offers discounts during certain opening hours (breakfast, business lunch), then you need to define a list of time intervals: Discounts - Time intervals.

Discount (markup) on check

This discount (surcharge) applies to the total amount of the check.

Creating and editing discounts: Discounts – On receipt.

https://pandia.ru/text/78/197/images/image014_61.jpg" width="420" height="335 src=">

The owner of the coupon can pay the account. All types of coupons are entered in the Discounts – Coupons menu.

4.19 Bonuses

If the restaurant uses clients’ personal payment cards, you can use the function of accumulating bonuses on the client’s card.

Each time you visit a restaurant, a certain percentage of the bill amount will be credited to the client’s personal card. To work with the list of bonuses, use the menu Discounts – Bonuses.

4.20 Tariffing

Tariff is any price according to certain rules of the resource being sold (billiards, sauna, bowling). The term “device” is used to designate the tariff object.

To use the tariff system in a restaurant, you must fill out the tariff and device dictionaries.

4.21 Tariffs

Creating and updating a tariff dictionary: Devices – Tariffs.

When creating a new tariff, enter the name of the tariff, minimum paid time, price, category in the card.

The price of using the device may depend on the time of day.

Creating a tariff by time:

1. Select the appropriate tariff

2. Call the context menu

3. Add price by Time

4. indicate the name, time, price, category

Databases" href="/text/category/bazi_dannih/" rel="bookmark">databases!!!

To delete information for a period:

1. Accounts – Erasing data

2. Specify the interval

3. OK – Enter


7.1 Preliminary operations

Rules for turning on, booting and rebooting the system

1. Stations are turned on in the following sequence:

Dedicated server;

Cash station;

Bar and waiter stations.

After turning on the stations and during the cash day, it is necessary to monitor the cash date and the physical date and time at the station.

If changes have been made to the main dictionaries of the system, then to update the information at the stations, you must turn on the management computer. The data will be updated if the “Connection with cash register” flag is set in the Editor.

2. Exit from the program on all stations, except Touch Screen type stations, by pressing the Exit button.

Touch Screen stations turn off without any preliminary action.

Stations are turned off in the reverse order to how they were turned on.

7.2 Cash day manager operations

Cash day manager operations are usually performed by floor managers. These functions include organizational issues and cash system operations.

Manager registration

In order for a manager to be able to work with the system, he needs to register with his magnetic card.

To carry out operations with current accounts, the manager is registered directly in the account, before carrying out this operation. The current account must be opened by the cashier or waiter.

To enter the mode of working with paid invoices, the manager must register when the registration invitation is on the screen.

To register, you need to insert a magnetic card into the magnetic card reader and smoothly swipe it from left to right or from top to bottom, depending on the type of station.

The program work area on the Touch Screen

The screen can be divided into three areas:

1. Counting area

2. Menu area

3. Function button area

7.3 Manager operations when working with current accounts

Manager operations when working with current sets include:

¾ removing a dish;

¾ transferring a dish to another account;

¾ moving a table from one waiter to another;

¾ change of table number;

¾ assignment of discounts/markups;

¾ removing an empty table;

¾ cancellation of the check check flag.

All these operations can be performed at any of the stations (waiter, bar or cash station).

To carry out these operations (except for moving a table), you must open an account using a waiter's or cashier's card, then register with the manager's magnetic card. Upon successful registration in the account, an icon will appear in the “check status” window......

Removing dishes (refusals)

In a restaurant, situations may arise in which it is necessary to remove a dish from the bill, the order for which has been sent to the kitchen or bar. The reasons may be: customer refusal, the dish is out of stock or has lost its presentation, the waiter mistakenly entered the dish into the order, etc.

The manager can remove a dish from the account from any restaurant station, except the manager’s station; to do this, you must:

3. Places the cursor on the dish to be deleted.

4. Click the Delete button.

5. From the list of reasons, select the reason for deletion (staff error, guest refusal, transfer, etc.

The list of reasons for deletion is specified at the manager station.

A dish marked for deletion in the order is highlighted in white.

After deletion is completed, the system returns to registration mode and “refusals” for dishes are printed on service printers in the relevant departments.

To cancel deletion, place the cursor on the dish marked for deletion and press the Delete button.

If a bill has already been printed for the account, then changes can be made to the receipt only after the manager cancels the bill flag.

Transferring a dish from one table to another

In a restaurant, when serving guests, situations may arise when it is necessary to transfer dishes from one account to another. For example, guests sitting at the same table asked for separate bills, or guests waiting at the bar moved to a table in a restaurant and asked for one bill.

The operation of transferring dishes from one table to another can be carried out by a manager at any station.

The operation of transferring a dish on the Touch Screen terminal:

1. Log in using your cashier or waiter card.

2. Swipe the manager’s card across the reader.

3. Press the Transfer dish button.

4. Select the recipient table (Select table button).

5. From the list of waiters, select the waiter to whose table you want to transfer.

6. Select the recipient table number or create a new table.

7. Transferring dishes from one table to another is carried out using the commands on the Transfer panel.

Transferring a table from one waiter to another

In a restaurant, it is possible for guests to be served first by one waiter and then by another. Since in the system each of the waiters (bartenders) has the right to work only with his own accounts, it is necessary to transfer the right to work with this account from one waiter (bartender) to another. This operation can be performed by a cashier at his station or a manager at any station:

1. Register in the system.

2. Reports – View orders.

3. Activate the account for transfer.

4. Click the Transfer button.

5. From the list of waiters and bartenders, select the waiter's name and press Enter.

6. Change the table number if necessary and press Enter.

Setting discounts/markups manually

One or more discounts (surcharges) can be set on a receipt. Discounts (markups) can be set or edited at any time from the moment of opening until receipt of the preliminary check.

Setting a discount/markup:

1. Log in to your account.

3. Click the Discount button.

4. To call, press +.

5. Select a discount/surcharge and press Enter.

6. Close the discount/surcharge card X or click Cancel.

Cancellation (removal) of discount/surcharge

To cancel a discount that was incorrectly set on an invoice:

1. Log in to your account.

2. Register with a manager card.

3. Click the Discount button.

4. Activate the discount (markup) line and press –.

5. To exit the card, press X.

Deleting an empty account

If the account was opened by mistake and was not used during the day, it can be deleted:

1. Log in to an empty account.

2. Register with a manager card.

3. Click the Delete table button.

Cancel the check check flag

Once a provisional check has been received on the account, no changes can be made to the account. Only a manager can cancel the guest check status; you must:

1. Log in to your account.

2. Register with a manager card.

3. Click the Cancel guest check button.

After canceling the guest check status, the account becomes available for adjustments.

Canceling Manager Functions

In order for the cashier, bartender or waiter to continue working with the account, the manager must cancel his authority. To do this, click the Cancel manager functions button or log out of your account.

In the “Receipt Status” window the icon...... will disappear.

7.4 Operations of the manager for working with paid invoices and reports

To enter the mode of working with closed (paid) accounts, the manager must register.

View a list of orders

When you select View orders, a list of all open tables will appear on the screen. In this mode, the manager can view any order and move the table from one waiter to another.

Waiter registration

A manager can register a waiter in the system by:

1. Item View orders

2. Swipe the waiter’s card over the reader

3. The waiter's name will be added to the list of waiters working that day

View receipts

When you select View Receipts, a list of all past invoices for the current cash day will appear on the screen.

Search for a receipt

While in the list of accounts, you can find the required check by clicking the Search button. In the Check Search window, specify one or more search parameters: check number, table number, time of opening and closing the account, total amount of the account, currency.

View Mode

Any receipt can be viewed. To do this, you need to activate the desired list line and click the button. To view the type of payment, while in the receipt, click the Payment button.

Deleting a check

To delete a check, select the desired check from the list and click the Delete button.

Information on deleted accounts will be contained in the report on deleted checks, system balance, and fiscal Z report.

Restoring a receipt as an order

A deleted receipt can be restored as an order. To do this, activate the remote check and click the Transfer button - Yes. A duplicate account will appear, you can make changes to it, and the cashier can close it again.

7.5 Functions of the fiscal registrar

When you select this item, a menu will appear on the screen:

Service deposit of money

Official issuance of money

Money box

Printing the log after the shift.

Service deposit of money

Using this command, you can record the deposit of money on the fiscal registrar.

Official issuance of money

Using this command, you can record the withdrawal of money on the fiscal registrar.

After selecting the command, an X-report will be printed on the fiscal recorder.

Money box

When you select this command, the cash drawer of the cash station automatically opens.

When you select the Z – report command, the shift on the fiscal recorder is closed and the Z – report is printed.

Printing a log after a shift

When this command is selected, the cash register tape for the previous cash register shift is printed.

Viewing system balance

The manager can view data on the number of accounts and total cash receipts and other information. The structure of the system balance consists of three columns: number of guests, number of checks, amount in base currency. To print the system balance, select the Print operation.

7.6 Revenue reports

When you select the Revenue reports item, a menu will appear on the screen:

total revenues

Decoding by waiters

Decoding by cashiers

Decoding by station

Decoding by department

Waiter balance

Total revenue - contains information about the total revenue for the restaurant at the current moment.

Decoding by waiter - contains information about revenue for each waiter. Analysis of this report allows us to determine the bonus for each waiter.

Decoding by cashier - contains information about the revenue of each cashier for the current cash day.

Decoding by station – contains information about revenue by station.

Decoding by division - contains information about revenue by division.

The waiter's balance is based on paid checks opened for a specific waiter.

Consumption reports

When you select the Consumption reports item, a menu will appear on the screen:

Total food consumption

Bottling control system

Printing a bottling control report

Expense reports provide information about restaurant revenue and food consumption.

Total consumption of dishes – the report contains information on the total consumption of dishes in the restaurant.

Bottling control system - the report reflects information about the difference between the number of servings dispensed using the cash register system and the number of servings consumed using dispensers.

7.7 Special reports

When you select Special Reports, a menu will appear on the screen:

Check bounces

Deleted checks

Sales time report

Discounts/surcharges on checks

Personal discounts/surcharges

Consummation reports

Macro report configuration

Limited dishes

Printing an electronic journal

System balance in national currency - this report is similar to the System balance report, but the amounts in it will not be in the base currency, but in the national one.

Refusals from receipts - the report contains information about deleted dishes (quantity and cost) from the beginning of the cash register day until the moment the report is received.

Deleted checks - the report contains information about deleted checks for the current cash day.

Sales time report – contains information on the number of closed receipts and revenue for each hour of the restaurant’s operation.

Discounts/surcharges on checks – the report contains information about the number and amount of discounts/surcharges given per day.

Personal discounts/markups - the report contains information on the number and amount of discounts/markups, broken down by employee who assigned these discounts.

Consummation reports – provides the following reports: View consummation, Print consummation, Print consummation in detail.

View consummation – report on consummation remuneration of staff. To print this report – Print cosumation.

Printing of consummation in detail - serves to obtain more complete information about the sales of consumers.

Macro report configuration – allows you to print all the necessary reports selected from the list at once.

Limited dishes – you can enable the current balance control mode for a dish. The list includes the name of the dish and the remaining value, upon reaching which a message will be printed on the printer.


8.1 Termination of the manager's work

To complete work with reports, the manager must press X.

To finish working with the terminal, turn off the power.

8.2 Closing the day

A cash day in the system means the period of time between two closings of the day. The cash day closing procedure must be completed at each station where accounts are closed and money is accepted. These stations include the cashier station and bar stations.

Cash day closing sequence:

1) Close bar stations.

2) Close cashier stations.

When the cash day closes, the following occurs:

· automatic closing of the fiscal shift on the fiscal registrar and closing of the cash register shift;

· date is translated.

All account data accumulated for the current cash day is transferred to the management station.


1. Register with a manager card.

2. Closing the day - press Enter.


To set the date and time at the cash register station, you must interrupt the loading of the cash register station. To do this, when loading and calling the dtime command, press F1 several times. In the window, enter the date and time and press the Enter button.

Questions for self-control:

1. What is the procedure for turning on the equipment before starting the restaurant?

2. What are the stages of order fulfillment in a concept restaurant?

3. What groups can be created in the Menu list

4. Specify the path to the selected dish

5. Why the Menu has a hierarchical structure

6. Which dishes have modifiers

7. give an example of modifiers for meat dishes

8. Give an example of modifiers with weight 1, with weight 0

9. How to specify a modifier for a dish

10. How to create a Complete Dish

11. How to set a markup (discount) for a certain category of dishes

12. Name the tariff objects

13. How to set up a tariff dictionary

14. Name the data that is indicated in the order

15. What operations can be performed with tables (orders)

16. Which reports display information about tables and operations with them?

17. How to specify the minimum balance for a dish

18. What types of checks do you know, what are their features?

19. Who can be Defaulters

20. What items of expenses for defaulters do you know?

CHAPTER 2. Practical part

Practical work No. 1

Topic: “Basics of working with the R-KEEPER system. Filling out reference books"

Goal: to study the interface of the R-KEEPER program, learn how to fill out and edit directories.

Operating procedure:

1. Study the composition of the equipment connected to the PC. Show this on a diagram.

3. Open the Editor, enter password 1 – Ok.

4. Examine the appearance of the program window: Title bar, Menu bar, Toolbar.

5. Open the Menu Directory (Menu – Menu).

6. Open the Kitchen Menu, First Dishes group.

7. Explore the tools on the Toolbox, sketch and write down the purpose of the tools.

8. Enter a new dish name: Potato soup

price: 90 rub. for 1 serving

min. Discounted price: 85 rub.

cooking time: 20 min.

use fractional quantities

Modifiers: weight limit 1

Schedule: Action time

From 12.00 to 16.00 – OK

9. Change the characteristics of the dish with code 1319

10. Introduce a new name: Ukrainian borscht

1. Modifiers: use – OK.

11. Remove the entered dish Potato Soup from the Menu.

12. Search for a dish by name (okroshka)

13. For the dish Okroshka “Siberian Summer”, enter its recipe.

14. Mark any dish that is not on the menu Today (right-click on the name of the dish - Not on the menu Today)

15. Uncheck today not on the menu for Vinaigrette.

16. In the Kitchen group, create a new Business Lunch group.

17. Enter dishes for Business lunch

1. Open the Modifiers reference book (Menu – Modifiers)

2. Create a group for salad

3. In the created group, enter

Modifiers: mayonnaise, sour cream, olive oil, salad dressing

Assign the group For salads – General group for all dishes (context menu – General group – Yes)

4. Open the directory Dishes Categories (Menu - Dishes Categories)

6. View the dishes of the Alcohol category (context menu – Dishes of this category)

7. Configure the Category Control function: Menu – Category Control

Station group: All

Control: at least 1 glass

Practical work No. 2

Topic: “Technology of work in a concept restaurant in the R-KEEPER system (waiter/cashier mode)”

Goal: learn how to place an order for the kitchen based on a guest’s request, and make payments to guests based on the order.

Operating procedure:

1. Turn on the equipment.

2. Launch the R-KEEPER program from the Desktop.


3. Insert your magnetic card into the magnetic card reader and smoothly swipe it from top to bottom.

4. Point to a free table position in the list of tables.

5. Enter the table number - No. 2 – Enter

6. Enter the number of guests – 1 – Enter

An empty account will appear

7. Select the menu Kitchen – First courses – Borscht -

Salads – Caesar Salad –

Hot dishes – Kelk Pork –

To exit the order, click Yes/Ok

The order for the kitchen will be printed.

7. View your order details.

8. Register with the waiter's magnetic card.

9. Open the order, check it, click Precheck, the request “Print?” will appear. - Yes/Ok.

10. A preliminary check for the guest will be printed. View the bank account details.

11. Register with your cashier card, select table number 2 – Open, click Payment.

12. Enter the amount received from the guest - 500 rubles.

13. Select the type of payment: Cash – input, input

14. The receipt is printed at the cashier station. The change and check are placed in the guest's notebook.

15..gif" width="20" height="20 src="> ¿

6. Enter Hot dishes – Poached salmon – 1 Modif – Hollandaise sauce ¿

7. Add a dish with code Code to your order, enter 1309, enter. ¿ Which dish has this code?

8. Add additional Hole to the order. appetizers – Salmon – 2 ¿

9. Group the dishes of the same name in the bill - the Pack button on the screen. Determine what happens when you perform this operation.

Situation: A guest orders dessert but wants it to be served after some time. This must be reported to the kitchen.

For this

10. Click Later. A line will appear on the screen indicating that dishes entered after the line must be served later than the main order.

11. Enter into the order Dessert – Apricot Sambuco – 3 pcs., which must be served later.

12. (From 1 practice from No. 7).

Practical work No. 4

Topic: Processing complex orders.

Goal: Learn to take orders for the bar, kitchen, children's menu, and place dishes.

Operating procedure:

Situation: A family of 4 came to the restaurant. (parents and two children). Table No. 3

1. Turn on the equipment.

3. Open a table, enter the number of guests.

4. Place your order: Kitchen – The Perfect Storm – quantity 1; menu Bar 1 – Wines – White wines – Wines of France – Chardonnay LE – 1; children's menu – Mountain. zak. – Kebab “Tom and Jerry” - 2, Drinks – Mol. kokt. with fruit “Bambi” - 2

Situation: The child has allergies, you need to know what the dishes are prepared from.

3.1 View recipes for children's menu dishes.

5. Return to the menu. Submit your order to the kitchen and bar. View orders from different departments.

Situation: There is a children's show with clowns in the restaurant. The children want to see the show.

6. Buy 2 tickets for 50 rubles each. for a children's show.

Situation: The children got naughty and broke the plate.

7. Arrange 1 piece of dishes.

8. Get a discount. Discounts Discount amount Discount 5% A message appears indicating that it is impossible to provide a discount. Why is this happening?

9. Register your manager card. Get a 5% discount

10. Prechek

11. Complete the guest's payment.

Amount 720 rub.

12. Check the check details and analyze them.

1. Write down the topic and purpose of practical work in your notebook

2. Make a short algorithm of work

3. Answer questions in writing.

4. Complete the report and submit it to the teacher for review, attaching one of the receipts

Practical work No. 5

Topic: Working with orders

Goal: Learn to remove an accidentally opened table (order), adjust the number of servings of a dish, cancel an accepted order.

Operating procedure:

Situation: If an account was opened by mistake and was not used during the day, it can only be deleted by the manager; if there are dishes on the table, you should first remove all the dishes from the table and only then remove the table.

1. Turn on the equipment.

2. Open any table with an arbitrary number of guests, delete it.

3. Register in manager mode – Additional. Manager's functions - Ext. empty - x

4. Reopen table 6, number of guests 1

5. Select the menu Kitchen – First courses – Solyanka ¿; Salads - …………

6. Change the number of Solyanka servings – 2 + ¿

Situation: Guests refused the order.

You need to cancel your order.

In this case, the account clearing operation is only possible with the help of the manager!!!

7. Register using your manager card (save order)

Add. manager's functions, x¯, refusal,

1) Open table

2) An empty account appears.

3) Register with your manager card and check that the order has been deleted.

8. Manager card, View orders – Order report

Make sure table #6 is missing.

1. Write down the topic and purpose of practical work in your notebook

2. Make a short algorithm of work

3. Answer questions in writing.

4. Complete the report and submit it to the teacher for review, attaching one of the receipts

Practical work No. 6

Topic: Deleting an empty account. Removing ordered dishes. Removal of dishes and table after presentation of receipt.

Goal: learn to remove dishes from an order, empty accounts, cancel orders.

Operating procedure:

Situation: The guests sat down at the restaurant table, but left after a while. The waiter hurried to open the table, thinking that they would be ordering. You need to delete an empty order.

1. Turn on the equipment

2. Register with your waiter card.

3. Open any table, with any number of guests.

4. Delete the empty account.

Situation: Guests order different dishes, but did not wait for the order to be completed - they left.

It is necessary to delete dishes and delete the account.

1. Register with your waiter card.

2. Open the table (No. 7, number of guests – 1).

3. Select from the Kitchen menu:

– Hot dishes - ………- 1

– Salads - ……….- 1

4. Place the cursor on the dish, press Ext.

5. Delete the empty account.

Situation: Guests made an order and asked to tell them the amount of payment. The waiter took the order, sent it to the kitchen, and printed it out in advance. check. The guests refused and left.

1. Register with your waiter’s card (table No. 8, number of guests 3)

2. Accept the order (the same for each guest)

- Hol. appetizers – Salad shrimps

– Gor. appetizers – Pancakes with salmon

– Perv. dishes – Kharcho

3. Submit the order to the kitchen

4. Register with your waiter card

5. Print the preliminary receipt.

Situation: The guests have left. Cancel the order.

This operation can only be carried out with the help of a manager.

6. Register with your waiter card.

7. Log in to your account.

8. Register with your manager card.

Add. manager's functions → cancel guest bill → ¿ Ext. dish → Guest refusal → The dish is highlighted in red → x → Save order → yes

– Print out the refusal receipt.

9. Register with a manager card Additional. manager functions → Ext. empty

This deletes the empty account.

1. Write down the topic and purpose of practical work in your notebook

2. Make a short algorithm of work

3. Answer questions in writing.

4. Complete the report and submit it to the teacher for review, attaching one of the receipts

Practical work No. 7

Topic: Working with multiple orders.

Goal: learn to work with several orders simultaneously.

Operating procedure:

Situation: Guests came to the restaurant, sat down at a table, and made an order. After some time, other guests arrived (at another table) and placed an order.

1. Turn on the equipment

2. Register with your waiter card.

2.1 Create table No. 1, number of guests – 2.

2.2 Place an order (of your choice) – at least 3 types of dishes.

2.3 Save the order.

3. Create table No. 2, number of guests – 3.

3.1 Place your order according to your choice.

3.2 Save the order.

4. Return to table #1

3.1 Place an order from Bar No. 1

5. Return to table #2

5.1 Check the rest of the dish.

5.2 Place your order Hot snacks

The system allows you to control the current balance of dishes. To do this, the manager’s computer determines the minimum amount of remainder when the system should notify that the dish is running out.

1. Write down the topic and purpose of practical work in your notebook

2. Make a short algorithm of work

3. Answer questions in writing.

4. Complete the report and submit it to the teacher for review, attaching one of the receipts

Practical work No. 8

Topic: Consummation.

Goal: Learn to set up a flexible system of consumable rewards with full reporting on personal sales and corresponding rewards.

Operating procedure:

1. Turn on the equipment

2. Open the menu Bar 1st floor.

For drinks from the Cognac group, enter the amount of consumption

Hennessy VS 50 ml – 50 rub.

Hennessy VSOP 50 ml – 70 rub.

Hennessy XO 50 ml – 200 rubles; X

3. Open Lists, Consumers

4. Create a Dancer group.

5. Enter the surnames in this group: Orlova, Petrova.

6. For the Dancer group, set the payment percentage to 50%.

Add Ivanov to the group of consumers, set 50% payment.

1. Open table No. 3; 2 guests. Accept an order consisting of several groups of dishes.

Situation: The waiter Ivanov, serving this table, invited the guests to drink Hennessy cognac, the guests agreed to place this order and chose different types of this cognac.

2. Take your order from the menu Bar 1st floor.

Hennessey VS → general mod. → Consummation - Ivanov

Hennessey VSOP → general mod. → Consummation - Ivanov

Hennessey XO → general mod. → Consummation - Ivanov

3. Send the order to the kitchen, bar.

4. Make a payment to the guest.

IV Output of service check (consummation report)

1. Register with a manager card.

Special. reports → Consummation report → Print of consummation → Print of consummation in detail

2. Analyze the output report and draw conclusions.

3. Write down the topic and purpose of practical work in your notebook

4. Make a short algorithm of work

5. Answer questions in writing.

6. Complete the report and submit it to the teacher for review, attaching one of the receipts

1. Write down the topic and purpose of practical work in your notebook

2. Make a short algorithm of work

3. Answer questions in writing.

4. Complete the report and submit it to the teacher for review, attaching one of the receipts


1. Professional system R-KEEPER for restaurants. Manager's Guide. 2006 UCS company, Moscow, Russia.

2. Professional system R-KEEPER for restaurants. Guide for cashier, bartender, waiter. 2006 UCS company, Moscow, Russia.

Professional system for restaurantsR-Keeper: tutorial.

Reviewer: , head of the department of Omsk industrial -

College of Economics.

Computer typing and layout:

Release Responsible: Eva

Printed in the OKTES printing house: Omsk, B

Every restaurant owner sooner or later begins to think about how to take his business to a higher level. For this purpose, some add new dishes to the menu, change the interior or profile of the establishment, while others decide to use technical or software tools.

In order to significantly improve the work of public catering enterprises, domestic and foreign developers are creating various computer programs of the appropriate profile. For example, it is quite popular.

One of such developments, created by Russian programmers from the UCS company, is the R-Keeper system, which allows you to easily manage all processes in an enterprise, process orders and receive reports online.

History of the program's creation

The first version of the program appeared in 1992. R-Keeper software is constantly updated and improved by its creators, thanks to which it is very popular among restaurant and cafe owners both in Russia and around the world. The number of companies using R-Keeper in their establishments includes: Burger King, Subway, Shokoladnitsa and others.

System from UCS company is a reliable software solution that allows you to fully automate an enterprise, significantly increase sales volumes, reduce costs, keep track of orders, generate reports, control production, warehouses and employee activities, and develop a system of discount cards for visitors.

The R-keeper software product is perfect for managing both a small cafe and a large restaurant chain.

The customer can purchase only those modules that are needed specifically for his establishment.

Benefits of R-keeper

R-keeper differs from analogue programs in that it allows:

  • fully automate the work of cashiers and bartenders;
  • automatically plan employee working hours (Time Keeper module);
  • create an electronic menu on iPad;
  • automate delivery;
  • control beer bottling;
  • maintain warehouse records (Store House module);
  • install intelligent video surveillance at cash registers;
  • control bowling and billiards (Pool Jet module);
  • create a visualization system for orders and reservations for hostesses;
  • automate fast food establishments, including the drive thru system;
  • manage delivery (Delivery module);
  • create mobile terminals for placing orders at tables;
  • manage the entire restaurant chain from one office;
  • prevent possible fraud on the part of employees;
  • hierarchically structure the menu and divide dishes into categories;
  • authorize access to the system;
  • use modifiers;
  • work with magnetic cards Hard Copy and Card Pay System;
  • use hot keys when working;
  • issue fiscal and provisional checks to clients;
  • automatically transfer the order to the appropriate production department;
  • accept currencies from different countries and credit cards for payment.
The system will function perfectly together with other programs, such as 1C: Accounting or Restorun.

Program installation

The program modules are designed for platforms with 32-bit systems. The operating system of the computer can be either Windows or Linux. The program and system drivers are updated automatically. All user data is securely encrypted and sent to the SQL server, all information is stored in the cloud.

The program provides functions for automatic and delayed synchronization of directories, as well as automatic resumption of connection breaks. R-keeper supports TCP/IP network protocols.

The system involves the installation of special kitchen monitors, devices for calling waiters and printing receipts.

It is impossible to find the program on the Internet; R-keeper can only be purchased from official dealers, a list of which is published on the UCS website.

Price and user service

Installation of software, cash register modules and terminals takes 3-4 days. The kit includes a training video course, as well as a free demo version of the program. Pay Customers can purchase licenses and services in installments over one to two months. Sellers provide technical customer support 24 hours a day, the first month of service is free.

The cost of the software depends on the configuration. A “seasonal” kit, designed specifically for monitoring, maintaining financial and warehouse records on-line in small establishments, costs about 77,000 rubles.

A package for a cafe with 200 seats, including one station for waiters and one workplace for a manager/accountant, will cost the entrepreneur approximately 128,000 rubles.

The price of a modular package for large restaurants with 4-5 halls, including two waiter stations and one workplace for an accountant, is 180,000 rubles.

Feedback from catering workers

Entrepreneurs whose establishments have already installed the R-keeper system say:


“At first, when my cafe just opened, we carried out all the calculations in Excel. This took too much time, and I began to think about how I could speed up and simplify both my work and the work of my employees. I used both Samobranka and Tavern, and then I found out about R-keeper and settled on it. The program has a very user-friendly interface, many special functions, convenient little things, thanks to which we significantly save time.”

“They installed the program for me very quickly. If any questions arise, you can get help from the technical support service at any time. My accountants, waiters and bartenders really liked R-keeper! The system works without failures or glitches. I myself find it very convenient to work with readers and a printer. I recommend to everyone!"

“I can only praise the R-keeper program. The software takes into account all user requirements, when this makes it very easy to use. My employees were able to master the system in just an hour! The technical support service employs competent specialists who are always ready to help. The program was installed very quickly and has been working flawlessly for a year now. The system is reliable, proven, I recommend it to all restaurateurs.”Previous entry iiko program – a comprehensive solution to catering problems

    R-Keeper is the most popular restaurant automation program, with a wide range of capabilities. It is used by thousands of restaurateurs in different countries. Even the 2014 Olympics in Sochi were served by restaurateurs using this program. In St. Petersburg, the R-Keeper program can be purchased not from dealers, but from a branch of the developers - the company USiS SPb, which is located on Moskovsky Prospekt.

    I have been working with this program for 4 years, I am satisfied with everything. It is simple and easy to use and at the same time contains many useful functions. There are no problems in reporting either; you can find any information you need quickly and easily. Modifiers that can be divided into groups and use your own individual group of modifiers for any dish greatly simplify the work of waiters.

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