Home Lighting Ace of Wands tarot meaning in love. Description of the Arcana Source (Ace of Wands) according to Osho. ✚ On request

Ace of Wands tarot meaning in love. Description of the Arcana Source (Ace of Wands) according to Osho. ✚ On request

How to interpret Tarot cards in fortune telling for love is one of the most frequently asked questions. in the sphere of feelings are supplemented by the meanings of the minor arcana for relationships. With their help, you can learn about your partner’s feelings, relationship prospects, and the opportunity to meet your other half.

Suit of Tarot Wands - meaning in relationships

In a deck of Tarot cards, the suit of Wands (Staves) belongs to the element of fire. In readings for relationships, love and feelings, the wands speak of the love fervor of partners. They can mean a temperamental partner or passion, strong sensual attraction, passionate romance. If too many cards of this suit appear in a love fortune-telling, it can be assumed that the relationship is exhausting the partners, due to excessive jealousy. If there are none at all, perhaps feelings are fading and a spark is needed to rekindle the former passion.

Ace of Wands

New acquaintance or revival of old relationships. The beginning of a relationship that happens suddenly and brightly. A flash of passion, a flaring flame of love. For a person who has been married for a long time, it speaks of a renewal of marital relations.

Reversed Ace of Wands. Destruction of relationships, feelings fade away. In combination with the Empress - problems with childbirth. In combination with Lovers - conflicts, quarrels.

Two of Wands

Thoughts, choices. The partners (or one of them) lack mutual interest in each other. Perhaps this cooling is temporary. The prospect of a new relationship that is not of interest.

Reversed Two of Wands. Alienation of one of the partners. Frustration, misunderstanding, loss of trust. Loud but empty promises. There is nothing behind them; they are said because of some benefit, calculation, or out of habit.

Three of Wands

The meaning of the card is to clarify the situation, clarify goals and intentions. A common cause that unites partners (child or work). If you put in the effort, a better life awaits you. But every couple has their own concept of a better life. If the relationship is not satisfactory, separation and release are possible. If people are happy in a couple, they will expect a strengthening of the relationship.

Reversed Three of Wands. Refuse joint plans. Unprepared for decisive action, a person is inclined to give in to difficulties.

Four of Wands

Sexual satisfaction, harmony in the union, a happy period. The most optimal development of relationships. The partner has good intentions and far-reaching joint plans. Family card.

Reversed Four of Wands. Divorce, living separately. The holiday is postponed. Happiness is incomplete or overshadowed by something.

Five of Wands

Lapping stage. Confrontation, rivalry, disputes, proving one’s rightness in relationships. Resentments have accumulated and it is necessary to let off steam. Sexual dissatisfaction. Theatrical acting out of dramas, hysterics in order to add spice to the relationship.

Reversed Five of Wands. Irritability, provoking quarrels, friction in a couple. Partners tend to go to extremes, which can lead to a crisis.

Six of Wands

Harmony, pleasure of sex. Difficulties are left behind. The beginning of a new relationship, winning someone's heart with beautiful courtship. Good prospects. Idealization and admiration for a partner. One of the partners loves to be praised.

Reversed Six of Wands. Reluctance to seek compromise. A lot of effort is spent, but the result is small. A long and unsuccessful wait for an offer to marry, live together, etc. Unsuccessful courtship.

Seven of Wands

The struggle for relationships, protecting your relationships from interference from someone from the outside. Rival. Condemnation or misunderstanding from friends and family. Changes are needed in the couple's love life. For a lonely person, he himself does not allow potential partners to approach him.

Reversed Seven of Wands. Uncertainty, indecision, due to which the opportunity to create new relationships may be lost. Lack of determination to dot the i’s. Conflicts with a loved one or loved ones.

Eight of Wands

Unexpected falling in love, spontaneous decisions, rapid development of relationships. Happiness in family life. Revitalizing relationships. Unexpected changes that will make you look at a situation or a loved one in a new way.

Reversed Eight of Wands. Stagnation, dead end in relationships, routine and routine. Lack of activity.

Nine of Wands

Closedness, distrust of a partner due to past negative experiences. Unfounded suspicions, unhealthy jealousy. Desired loneliness, for example, after a relationship in which a person was deceived, experienced betrayal, conflicts.

Reversed Nine of Wands. Quarrels, crisis in a couple. In a positive sense - an attempt to improve relationships.

Ten of Wands

A person perceives relationships or marriage as a heavy burden. The burden of past grievances. In some cases, the lasso speaks of unhealthy self-sacrifice and an exaggerated sense of responsibility in the partner. If the questioner is not in a couple, he perceives his loneliness very painfully, suffers from it and cannot find a way out of the situation.

Reversed Ten of Wands. A parting that brings joy and relief. Ending difficult, outdated relationships. Getting rid of an annoying boyfriend or annoying partner.

Page of Wands

A young guy or girl. Restlessness and lack of calm caused by the release of hormones. The card speaks of sexual desire, infatuation, excitement, flirting, inconstancy. Cute prank, adventure. May mean the first intimate experience in a couple. Revitalizing feelings, bringing something new into an established relationship.

Reversed Page of Wands. A violent feeling that disappears as quickly as it arises. Stupid, capricious behavior, lack of tact on the part of the partner, sexual disappointment in him. Problems in relationships.

Knight of Wands

A young, passionate, temperamental man. Finding new love. Willingness to conquer, passion, impatience. Strong sexual desire. Feelings flare up quickly and fade away quickly. Aggression or jealousy of the partner.

Reversed Knight of Wands. Disagreements, crisis, discord and even a break in relationships. Alienation. Rash behavior that can lead to problems.

Queen of Wands

Determined, temperamental, self-confident woman. If this card characterizes relationships, then they can be called stormy, active and long-lasting. A good period in love, when passion and feelings are harmoniously combined. New acquaintances. Sex appeal.

Reversed Queen of Wands. Inconstancy of feelings, jealousy, selfishness, stubbornness. Dominance in relationships, making others dependent on oneself. Insincerity.

King of Wands

Passionate, proactive, active male conqueror. But at the same time he is reliable and responsible. In fortune telling about relationships, a lasso can mean a sudden increase in sexual desire, a struggle for power in a couple. As a characteristic of a partner’s relationship or feelings – passionate, sincere, hot. For marriage - stability.

Reversed King of Wands. Pressure from a man, imposing his will. Dissatisfaction, criticism.

Suit of Tarot Cups - meaning in relationships

Cups (or Cups) in Tarot cards represent the element of water. They describe such an aspect of life as emotions, feelings, passions, and the internal state of a person that influence the situation and its development. In fortune telling for love, cards of the suit of Cups speak of tenderness and sensuality between partners. The predominance of such cards in the layout is a favorable sign. He speaks of sincerity, favorable attitude, selflessness, love, happiness, harmony, friendship, affection.

Love, romance, fidelity, passion, strong emotional attraction. A new feeling, a new relationship or strengthening of the old ones. Sincerity of feelings.

Reversed Ace of Cups. Illusions in love. Pretense of feelings. Negative changes in relationships, discord, end of love, disappointment. Unhappy, unrequited love.

Romantic meetings, dates. Mutual understanding, partnership. Sincerity, openness of feelings, trust. The beginning of a relationship when a person tends to see the other through rose-colored glasses. In an established relationship - a surge of warm feelings, reconciliation.

Reversed Two of Cups. Discord, quarrel. Parting. Insincerity. The desire to subjugate a partner. Actions are not out of love, but out of coercion.

Flirting, fun, lightness. Communication in the company. There is someone third in the relationship, it could be a rival, and one of the possible interpretations is pregnancy and the birth of a child. Not a serious attitude.

Reversed Three of Cups. Interference in family relationships causes a crisis that can cause a breakup. Problems in married life. Feeling lonely. Fading of feelings, which, however, may be temporary.

Personal life does not work out because a person is internally confident in advance of the failure of the relationship. An old maid, a confirmed bachelor. Pickiness. A person is absorbed in unpromising relationships and does not even want to think about other options. Stagnation, boredom in relationships. Disappointment, withdrawal.

Reversed Four of Cups. New relationships, new life, the period of apathy and melancholy is ending.

Suffering, disappointment, broken dreams. The collapse of the union. Strong resentment, pain from parting, big conflict.

Reversed Five of Cups. Suffering and experiences gradually pass. The person is again ready to see the positive in life.

Nostalgia, pleasant memories of falling in love, first love. Returning to a previous partner or wanting to start over in a relationship that has long since ended. Attraction, reconciliation after a quarrel, restoration of mutual understanding. Care, support. Friendly love.

Reversed Six of Cups. The desire to forget about the past, to leave some people or events in the past. A person lives in the past and thinks little about the future. Misunderstandings and misunderstandings in a couple.

Self-deception, euphoria, idealization of a partner, fascination with his image, which may have little in common with reality. Seeing your partner and relationships through rose-colored glasses. Sexual fantasies. Fear of real relationships. Love at a distance.

Reversed Seven of Cups. The real state of affairs and the real essence of the partner finally became obvious to the questioner. However, this truth may not be pleasant. Disappointment. Facing harsh reality.

Straight position. Fading feelings, hopeless relationships. Searches. Breakup due to circumstances. Parting with idyllic ideas about a partner.

Reversed Eight of Cups. Unproductive search for love. Relationships that have no prospects. Giving up something for the sake of a loved one.

Harmony, love, sensual pleasures, pleasure, pleasant pastime. Feelings arise unexpectedly, but can end just as suddenly and quickly.

Reversed Nine of Cups. Obstacles. Delay of personal happiness. Sensual excesses, boring pleasures. The joy of life turns into a pursuit of pleasure.

Mutual love, happiness. Serious, pure, deep, mature relationships. The partners are ready to get married and have children. New long-term acquaintance. Family.

Reversed Ten of Cups. Tension in relationships. Conflicts. Unrequited love. Joyless family life, divorce.

A sentimental, vulnerable guy or girl. Beautiful courtship, romance, emotions. Attraction, attraction, the leisurely bringing together of people. Calm, harmonious relationships that come after a period of misunderstandings. Marriage proposal. In combination with the Empress - conception.

Reversed Page of Cups. Tendency to manipulate in relationships with other people. Seduction. Not a serious relationship. Don't believe promises.

Emotional young man, idealistic and romantic. He does not hesitate to show his feelings. Joy, love, mutual understanding. A romantic trip, a pleasant time with your loved one.

Reversed Knight of Cups. Use love for personal gain. Unrequited love, deception, intrigue. The situation is not what it seems.

An understanding, soft, caring woman. Sincerity, devotion, honesty. In relationships, a person is guided by his heart, not by personal interest. Mutual understanding and trust. Love is a priority in a couple. A person appreciates the love he receives from his partner and gives the same feelings in return.

Reversed Queen of Cups. Doubts, lack of trust in communication. The desire to dominate and manipulate a partner. Feeling lonely in a couple. Angry woman. The presence of unsatisfied love desires.

A mature man, understanding, ready to take responsibility, father of the family. Happy changes in relationships. Love, manifestation of trust, attentiveness to the partner. Sexuality. The moment in a relationship when feelings are at their peak and the relationship is ideal.

Reversed King of Cups. A tough, inflexible person. A complex union. Lies, quarrels and hypocrisy. Lack of harmony.

Suit of Swords Tarot - meaning in relationships

Swords in the Tarot deck are the element of air. This suit represents logic, intelligence, rational approach, emotionless analysis, cold calculation. Law and order. In fortune telling for love, the appearance of such cards foreshadows conflicts, struggle, and excessive demands of partners towards each other. Obstacles, destruction of ideals, deception. You also can’t talk about deep feelings.

New love, stormy relationship. Passion. The desire to conquer, conquer. Clarification of the situation, lack of unpredictability, ambiguity in relationships. A clear understanding of what is happening. Getting answers to your questions, liberation from illusions. The result of this may be the collapse of the union.

Reversed Ace of Swords. Conflicts, anger, resentment, incontinence.

Difficult choice in love. It is necessary to choose between several options, but all of them do not suit the questioner. Reluctance to make a final decision. Truce, compromise. Doubt.

Reversed Two of Swords. Ignoring the problem. Reluctance to look for possible ways to solve it. This causes tension in relationships. The calm before the storm. Reluctance to be interested in your partner's problems.

Straight position. Disappointment in love. Broken dreams, broken heart. Heartache. Accumulated grievances spill out through conflict. Love triangle. Unhappy love. A break up.

Reversed Three of Swords. Bad choice in love. Inability to find a way out of the current situation. Cooling of feelings.

Moderation, the desire not to enter into conflict. The questioner avoids relationships. A period of calm after clashes and disagreements. Tired of disappointments. Detachment, passivity, isolation, loneliness in a couple. Parting for a while.

Reversed Four of Swords. The outcome of events is close, no matter how much a person tries to delay it. The problem can no longer be hushed up.

Straight position. The desire to dominate, to subjugate a partner, to force him to do what he does not want with reproaches and insistence. Get what you want by any means. Win the competition for your loved one. To achieve a partner, however, the process of conquest is more important than subsequent possession. Conflict, insult, revenge.

Reversed Five of Swords. Your actions hurt a loved one. Losing. Senseless destruction. Refusal to fight for a partner.

Moving, traveling, communicating with a person from abroad. To get out of a conflict situation, partners are ready to compromise. Changes. Parting with the old life and moving towards a new one.

Reversed Six of Swords. Inability to find a way out of the current situation. Relationships begin to be burdensome, a person considers them uninteresting and routine.

Straight position. Betrayal, deception, lies, insincerity. One of the partners wants to benefit from the other. Hiding real feelings and problems. Lack of openness of partners in relationships.

Reversed Seven of Swords. The secret becomes clear. The deception is revealed.

Complexes, fear, uncertainty from past relationships that do not allow you to be open with your loved one. Distance from your partner. You have to hide or restrain some aspects of your personality, as a negative reaction from your partner may follow. Frameworks in relationships. Being alone because you are not ready to accept another person.

Reversed Seven of Swords. Difficult relationships. Dependence on a partner, a subordinate position that cannot be changed. The situation is not as hopeless as it seems.

The relationship is at an impasse, but not over yet. Suffering, worries, broken heart. A feeling of guilt that haunts you. Fear of losing a partner. Anxiety for the future. The problems are not as big as the questioner thinks.

Reversed Nine of Swords. There are still problems, but they are already close to being resolved. The person is still worried about the conflict, but the negative feelings pass.

An unexpected, severe crisis. End of a relationship. Collapse, betrayal, disappointment in a partner. Hopelessness. Nothing can be fixed anymore.

Reversed Ten of Swords. After a difficult period, peace will come. The situation is returning to normal after a long conflict.

A young man whose intentions are not pure, not sincere. In relationships - minor quarrels, disagreements. Stubbornness, perseverance of partners or one of them to achieve their goal. But such stubbornness is most often ostentatious, with the goal of competing for championship in a pair.

Reversed Page of Swords. Deception, mutual misunderstanding. Lack of delicacy. Wishful thinking.

A conflicted, impetuous young man. A loner, family life does not appeal to him. The partner strives for independence and freedom. He needs personal space. He cannot be with his chosen one all the time, it depresses him and he feels like he is put in a cage. Cooling of feelings, relationships are built on rationalism. Sargent remarks and neglect of a partner can turn warm feelings into anger and hatred.

Reversed Knight of Swords. Sudden departure of one of the partners. Quarrels, arguments, rudeness. Trying to get what you want by force. Confidence in one's own rightness.

Smart, independent woman. Equality in relationships, a pragmatic approach that prevails over emotions. Unpreparedness or unwillingness to marry. Coldness of feelings. Unwillingness to put up with what you don't like.

Reversed Queen of Swords. Lies, insincerity in relationships. Feigned virtue, morality. Marriage of convenience. Lack of determination and firmness.

A cool, firm, reasonable man. One of the partners loves not with his heart, but with his head, mind, pragmatism. Priority of personal interests, disdainful attitude towards the partner. Clarifying relationships, bringing clarity, but often this is followed by alienation.

Reversed King of Swords. Relationships are built on calculation. Attempts to subjugate a partner. Manipulation, criticism, selfishness. It's hard to find a common language with your partner.

Suit of Pentacles Tarot - meaning in relationships

Pentacles in Tarot cards correspond to the element of earth. They are responsible for everything material in a person’s life. This is work, business, money, material wealth, social status, power, health. In matters of love, Pentacles mean earthly desires, the physical side of love, bodily pleasures.

Treating your partner as a gift from fate. Strong physical attraction. The relationship is strong and stable. If the card characterizes a new relationship, we can conclude that the relationship will be long-lasting. The partner is perceived as a good match. New acquaintance. Pregnancy.

Reversed Ace of Pentacles. Relationships based on material interest.

Partner changeability. He may behave differently in different situations. Select from several options. Frivolous attitude, flirting. Easy relationships perceived as a game. The person has not fully decided and is not sure what he wants. Revival of faded feelings.

Reversed Two of Pentacles. Uncertainty, hesitation. Meetings that do not lead to a relationship. Breakup, crisis.

Development of relationships, partners make efforts for this. They hear each other, are ready to compromise and adapt to each other. Partners are united by joint activities and cooperation. Intention to live together.

Reversed Three of Pentacles. Relationships do not develop. One of the partners is afraid or does not want to take the next step in order for the relationship to move to a new level. If there are disagreements in a couple, the lasso speaks of an unwillingness to correct the situation.

Reluctance to change. A person is not ready to sacrifice his freedom or interests for the sake of a relationship. Maintaining stability in relationships by any means. Control, a sense of possessiveness towards a loved one.

Reversed Four of Pentacles. Focusing on the material instead of the spiritual. Union of convenience. Conflicts over money.

Five of Pentacles

Some kind of inequality in relationships. This may be different origin, income level, intellectual level. Feeling abandoned and empty. One of the partners abuses the other's financial resources or feelings. Being together out of despair, a long marriage, a strong connection.

Reversed Five of Pentacles. Distance, cooling of feelings, discord. Comrades in misfortune. Financial difficulties. Poor lifestyle that affects the partner.

Six of Pentacles

The desire to look after a partner, to help him, including financially, support. I give to you, you give to me. Each of the couple has something that the other does not, and they complement each other harmoniously and mutually beneficial. One of the partners invests in the other.

Reversed Six of Pentacles. One only gives, the other only takes. One loves, the other allows himself to be loved. Using a partner. A victim who was not noticed.

Seven of Pentacles

Disappointment, dissatisfaction. A lot is invested in relationships, but the desired results are still not achieved. A lot of effort is expended, but there is no return. Marriage is a routine. Relationships develop slowly. Pregnancy.

Reversed Seven of Pentacles. Disagreements, lack of harmony, disappointment. Relationships don't develop.

Eight of Pentacles

Work on relationships, compatibility in everyday life. Mutual understanding, patience. Lack of romantic feelings, but only unification by common life. The natural development of relationships from acquaintance to marriage. If the questioner is lonely, the lasso promises positive changes in his personal life.

Reversed Eight of Pentacles. Relationships do not work out or have gone wrong, often due to the reluctance of the partners themselves to make efforts to improve the relationship.

Nine of Pentacles

Position stability. If the querent is in a couple, such a relationship is comfortable and strong. Perhaps they do not have mad passion and great love, but they completely suit their partners. If the fortuneteller is lonely, the card means the comfort of solitude.

Reversed Nine of Pentacles. Relationships lose their meaning. Disappointment. Loss of authority. Financial losses.

Ten of Pentacles

Love, a prosperous family, marriage, relationships leading to marriage, common life. Home comfort. Connection of generations, family ties.

Reversed Ten of Pentacles. Family discord. There is no support from loved ones. Relationships on a material basis.

Page of Pentacles

A pleasant young man or girl. Opportunity to gain valuable experience. Moreover, it can be in any area - from the first sexual contact to the experience of living together. A decisive step to move to the next stage of the relationship. Transition to closer relationships.

Reversed Page of Pentacles. Disappointment in partner. Contempt. Sensual cooling.

Knight of Pentacles

A young, reliable man with serious intentions. Stable, strong relationships. Physical attraction. The prospect of a new permanent relationship.

Reversed Knight of Pentacles. Boredom, routine, indifference, lethargy. Cooling, dissatisfaction.

Queen of Pentacles

Balanced, responsive, economic woman. Sensual pleasures. The joys of life. Warmth of soul. Loyalty, constancy, readiness to marry.

Reversed Queen of Pentacles. Intimate problems. Everyday life negatively affects relationships.

King of Pentacles

A mature man, firmly on his feet, the owner, the head of the family. The pleasure of physical love. Seriousness of intentions, reliability, constancy. No romance.

Reversed King of Pentacles. Control, suspicion, selfishness. Life is for pleasure. Sexual promiscuity.

The Ace of Wands represents life force or fire. This is the embodiment of masculinity, energy, will. The card indicates that a person combines an understanding of his needs and desires and the possibility of realizing them. The card promises good luck to the brave and determined.

In a more mundane sense, the card symbolizes male power. If the layout is made for a man, then he is endowed with all the qualities necessary for his gender, if for a woman, then she should look for a real man.

If the card comes out upside down, then do not rush to implement your plans - you may simply not have enough strength. In fortune telling for a man, an inverted Ace speaks of problems with potency; for a woman, it states the absence of a reliable male shoulder in her life.

Description by Sarah Barlet's method

Like the other Aces, the Ace of Wands suggests starting a new endeavor or a sense of surprise and novelty at seeing something new and unusual. But since the Wands are associated with energy and action, this card means some kind of action in the outside world aimed at obtaining results. Ace is inspiration, which gives not only original thoughts, but also gives energy to bring them to life.

In the Questioner position, the Ace of Wands suggests that you are in the spirit of enterprise. It could be a creative idea that flashes through your head, or a spark of optimism that will give impetus to bold action.

In the “Future” position, this Ace foretells that new great opportunities or unexpected events are on the way. Now it is better for you to take control of the situation and show your business skills. This card represents the moment when you need to trust your instincts to go ahead.

In the area of ​​relationships, this card says, “Seize the chance.” It advises bringing more life and creativity into love relationships to prevent stagnation and boredom.

In the “Obstacle” position, the Ace of Wands shows that you have become too assertive and self-confident, and your desires have blocked the way for other people. You feel the strength to change the world, but at this moment you should think about the limits of your capabilities.

Alternative description

A hand appears from the cloud, holding out a staff. The general idea of ​​the drawing is a gift from heaven. Three small flames burn on the rod - the flame of creativity, imagination and foresight. The three flames play a significant role - thanks to them, something inspired appears in the material world. The rod is slightly tilted to the left, towards creativity. The landscape is open and empty; the sky is clear and calm. In the distance you can see a castle, a symbol of the future embodiment of the idea. There is some space between the rod and the lock - it symbolizes, so to speak, the gap from the origin of an idea to its implementation.

Meaning in fortune telling

The Suit of Wands suggests action, movement and creativity. The Aces themselves in the Tarot, the first cards, symbolize the beginning of a new one. The Ace of Wands indicates a beginning full of energy and initiative. The Wands are associated with Fire, the element that is tireless, adventurous, and full of new ideas. The Ace of Wands indicates the arrival of a favorable time for new creative ideas, both in the field of art and in business. However, no matter what path you choose, starting a new project will require one essential component, namely a spark of inspiration, the symbol of which is the Ace.

The positive aspect of the Ace of Wands is great enthusiasm and optimism. True, it should be remembered here that any new idea must be carefully nurtured, otherwise it will turn out to be fruitless. In other words, if there is no connection between the rod and the lock, the idea itself will not achieve anything.

In the reading, the Ace of Wands means a surge of energy and the opportunity to take initiative, in other words, you will have a brilliant idea of ​​some kind, the idea will arise to implement some new project - from creating a creative work to organizing a manufacturing company.

“We sing a song to the madness of the brave.”

This card represents beginnings, initiatives and actions. The Minor Arcana Tarot card Ace of Wands (Staffs, Sceptres) means that the questioner has both desires and resources to fulfill them. In this article we will look at the description and meaning in relationships of an upright and inverted card, interpretation and combination with other cards in layouts for love, health, career and work.

The Ace of Wands is a symbol of determination and courage; in a reading, it is a call to action.

General meaning of the Ace of Wands card

The card gives the answer and advice in the area in which a person expects positive changes. The Ace of Wands Tarot indicates the onset of changes, new opportunities are on the way, it won’t be long to wait. Self-realization through risk, so there is no need to be afraid of new turns in life. Circumstances challenge the questioner, testing his ingenuity and courage. The card's advice is to show courage and enjoy the adventure.

The Ace of Staffs enhances the meaning of other cards in the layout. If negative arcana are present, then it serves as a catalyst for their impact on the situation. If there are positive cards, it means a bright streak in the life of the questioner.

The card symbolizes new ideas, a new look at old things, creative thought, the invention of something completely new. In the business sphere, it portends a new profitable enterprise. Ace of Wands Tarot, the meaning of the card is the birth of an idea, a new stage in life. It symbolizes conquest, struggle and victory in it, a breakthrough into freedom, liberation, a person throws off his shackles, cuts off his roots and, despite everything, grows and moves forward.

Ace is luck, strength, luck, a happy coincidence, a favorable significant event in the life of the questioner. The rod is given as a gift from above, it is either there or not, it is impossible to create this power on your own. The beginning of beginnings, activities and enterprises. There has been progress and a qualitative leap in the matter.

The card gives a positive answer to the question of fulfillment of desires. There is hope for a successful outcome of the undertaking, but if there are negative cards in the layout, the outcome will be unfavorable. The Ace of Scepters indicates vivid impressions, bold ideas, travel, business trips. The card means genus, genetics, origin, beginning of existence.

Personal Description

According to this card, there is an unblocking, release of personal strength and energy, but mainly masculine. Dynamics and fiery qualities, enthusiasm, activity, fearlessness are in full swing.

Positive features

A person takes risks with enthusiasm, inspiration and courage, strengthening will, beliefs and moral principles help restore self-confidence. The card indicates optimism, love of life, self-development and personal growth. A person lives in a higher level of energy, inspired by his ideas and deeds. He is ready to take on a challenge, he lives with an exciting idea. Will, determination to fight if necessary, but the fight is fierce and cold.

The Ace of Wands is a triumph of triumph and victory.

Negative traits

A person has an increased energy potential, which causes an excessive desire for distance, while there is complete indifference to what is happening around him, to what is not included in his plans. He stubbornly follows the course towards his intended goals, not paying attention to the needs of others and his own needs. The card warns against behaving like a cudgel. Straightforwardness and stubbornness lead to ignorance and obstacles along the way. The card says that trusting your instincts is good in moderation; a person is trying to solve old problems with new methods.

On a deeper level

The card symbolizes the divine, fertilizing power of creativity. There is a release of unfettered energy. Creative power is associated with the sexual energy of the masculine principle. It manifests itself when a person needs gunpowder in the flask to carry out his plans.

A powerful light of manifestation of higher powers, helping to see what is invisible to human eyes. The Ace of Wands is the tree of the World, on which a person learns the universal laws by killing the body.

The descending idea is perceived by the questioner as fire; it leaves a trace in the mind, giving him no rest until it comes true. The Ace of Staffs indicates creative power and divine gift. The emergence of new things, concepts, the beginning and acquisition of inaccessible knowledge, the emergence of meaning in life, creative thought creates a new idea, plan.

Questions from visitors and answers from experts:

The meaning of the Ace of Wands in various layouts

For career and work

The questioner enjoys the work. Tukh Zhezlov indicates inspiration from a new business or enterprise. It symbolizes successful plans, good ideas, circumstances that play into a person’s hands, successful business, profitable acquisitions, trips, big plans.

Creative creativity gives new visions in solving problems, a person receives new inventions and thoughts from above. The questioner passionately devotes himself to his work and reveals his full potential, as a result he receives a well-deserved triumph.

The card signifies social prestige. The Ace of Wands can lead a person to recognition and glory, or maybe to fall and oblivion. Social status is at stake. Here the course of circumstances does not depend on the person, but on the location of the stars in the sky and the blessings of higher powers.

For finances and property

It is possible to receive inheritance, income, real estate. The Ace of Wands signifies financial well-being resulting from career advancement. The card also indicates a new source of income, a new place of work. A person receives income from activities that he enjoys doing.

For love and relationships

Ace of Wands Tarot meaning in relationships indicates a flash of passion, excitement, initiative in love or a new hobby. But the new connection will not last long. An ace always means a chance that it would be a shame not to take advantage of, but a person does not always take advantage of the chance that comes his way. But in general, the card means a successful combination of circumstances and happiness in relationships.

  • The card speaks of a successful marriage if the questioner is a girl, albeit after some time, although a joyful event is just around the corner. Ace of Wands loves formalities and compliance with laws, so the process may take a little longer.
  • If the Ace of Staves falls to a man, then it indicates a strong masculinity, energy and male health;
  • If the questioner is a woman, then the card speaks of the revelation of femininity, the very flowering of beauty, fertility, the woman’s acquisition of a new role for herself, for example, wife, mistress, mother.

The questioner has the power of intention, an explosive temperament. How dangerous his character is and what such outbursts will lead to will be indicated by other cards in the layout. The Ace of Scepters characterizes a temperamental person. Vibrant, passionate relationships between partners, sparks fly in all directions, passions run high.

The card means birth, conception of a child, offspring; if the Ace of Wands is in an inverted position, then it indicates illegitimate children. Children receive the best genes from their parents, inheritance, clan, family.

The Ace of Wands breaks off old relationships that have long been disgusting and gives freedom to partners. An affair may arise on the side. According to this map, there is a smooth development of new relationships, successful interaction, and a harmonious union. The Ace of Posokhov indicates deep, serious relationships, stability and calm. Nothing happens, neither good nor bad. Relationships do not go beyond the boundaries of accepted decency in society.

But at the same time, the Ace of Wands is a time bomb that will explode at any moment. This is not surprising, since both partners have a temperamental character. Constantly holding back fire, for the sake of decency, can lead to a fiery explosion and the flames going beyond the boundaries. The manifestation of feelings can be rapid, unexpected, stormy, and it can be difficult to restrain your emotions, even in public.

For health status

The inverted Ace of Wands indicates problems with potency in men; for women it speaks of infertility and abortion.

The card advises you to let off steam, give free rein to your emotions, and not wait for a quarrel or conflict to occur. Showing emotions will help preserve the union, otherwise there will be a constant feeling that the partners are living like on a volcano, it is not known when the eruption will occur. You need to gain courage and do something you haven’t dared to do for a long time. Be alert so as not to miss the opportunities and chances that fate gives.

The Ace of Wands card shows a hand emerging from a gray cloud and clutching a staff, which is a symbol of power. Allegorically, such an image is a burning torch illuminating the way for a traveler at night. In the background there is a white castle, which symbolizes a person’s dream, and the mountains that are part of the landscape represent the person’s goals to which he strives. The inner meaning of the card is that you need to take a fresh look at life and move on. The Ace of Wands is a symbol of male vitality, inspiration and energy.

The meaning of the Ace of Wands card in an upright position

In an upright position, the Ace of Wands symbolizes new beginnings and receiving a well-deserved reward for them. Positive changes are planned in a person's life. This card can also be a sign of the completion of a certain life stage. The Ace of Wands can indicate significant events in a person's life, such as receiving an inheritance, marriage or the birth of a child.

This card appears in the layout during a period of life when the most favorable time comes for the implementation of ideas. A person has new opportunities, and he is full of determination to reach new heights. The card indicates that the most favorable time has come for unleashing a person’s creative potential. This is an optimistic sign indicating that a person is on the right path and his wishes will come true.

This card can mean the following:

  • In business matters, a very profitable offer may follow in the near future, which will bring good profits in the future. In addition, all human activity during this period of life will be aimed at the creation and successful implementation of original ideas and projects.
  • In personal relationships, the card portends well-being. It is interpreted as a sign of physical intimacy and sexual connection. For women, such a card expresses the desire to find a worthy man in life.
  • In matters of health, the card foretells recovery for a sick person.

The Ace of Wands in an upright position represents a very passionate and strong person. Often such people are entrepreneurs or people of creative professions.

The meaning of the Ace of Wands card in reversed position

In an inverted position, the Ace of Wands card appears in the layout when a person does not have the strength and energy to achieve a goal, and it turns into an unfulfilled dream. All undertakings during this life period will end in failure and there will be a large delay in the timing of their implementation.

Very often, such a card focuses attention on the lack of spiritual energy. It may also indicate that stagnation in business is closely related to the fact that someone around the person or he himself is extremely demanding and tough. In addition to various failures in life, a person may experience a period of painful loneliness, when it is impossible to count on the support of other people.

In other areas, this card may indicate the following:

  • In the area of ​​health, there is complete emotional and physical devastation. Very often, such a card indicates impotence for men, and infertility for women. It may also portend a miscarriage or abortion.
  • In your personal life, this period is not the right time to start a new relationship. Existing relationships are in crisis and filled with empty promises.
  • In the business sphere, career growth is impossible and you should not count on making a profit from previously started projects. But at the same time, minor victories are possible that will not have an impact on your future life.

The Ace of Wands in a reversed position represents boastful and stubborn people. The card also indicates that a person is surrounded by many unnecessary people, a promise with whom means nothing.

The Ace of Tarot Wands (scepters) is a card of the social spectrum. It never indicates the fortuneteller's feelings or experiences. The interpretation most often concerns a career, relationships with people around you without a hint of romance. It reflects a certain pattern or external manifestation of an exciting situation. Since the suit cycle begins with it, we can talk about new acquaintances, achievements and accelerated development of affairs.

In the Ace of Wands Tarot reading, it is called a spark - it enhances the energy of surrounding cards, regardless of their direction. In favorable fortune-telling, it promises even greater luck; when surrounded by negative Arcana, it aggravates their significance.

The scepter is in the hand of the Magician, so it is so important to treat it with care and not miss the opportunities provided. Fears and self-doubt will lead to a reversal of the Arcana, which is fraught with the loss of bonuses from fate.

Straight position

Start of a new project. Its structure and proposed development paths have not yet been formed, but the prerequisites are already looming on the horizon. It is unknown how long it will last and whether it will be successful. It all depends on how a person treats him. In a private aspect, we can talk about changing jobs or implementing a long-conceived plan. Now is the time to express yourself and try on unusual roles.

The ace is not always easy to distinguish. If you don’t listen to your own feelings and don’t pay attention to the signs of fate, then you can miss this creative flow. Some people see opportunities in front of them, but are unable to accurately predict whether there are any prospects behind them. Without receiving any confirmation from the outside, they simply refuse to take unjustified risks.

If fortune-telling was done with a question about the beginning of some enterprise, then the Ace of Wands Tarot gives a clearly positive answer. Now the best conditions for this. Fate especially favors creative and extraordinary individuals, as well as representatives of the field of innovative technologies.

Inverted position

The conditions for the implementation of the plan have not yet been formed. The questioner unreasonably assigns certain features to the future and feeds on illusions. He needs to carefully evaluate his actions, and not have his head in the clouds.

At some point, the usual principles of human relationships were violated, after which everything went awry. The reversed card teaches you not to have high hopes, because they will not be justified anyway.

When it comes to the work process or the start of a new project, there is excessive self-confidence and an inadequate assessment of one’s own strengths. There is not enough preparation, a thoughtful plan, confidence and resources to bring your plans to life. Some obstacles constantly appear on the way, all efforts made are in vain. How to get out of this state? Wait it out and don’t create illusions in the future.

If the fortuneteller asked a question, then the inverted Arcana Ace of Wands Tarot says a clear “no.” No matter how much you want change, at the moment it is not destined to come true. All that remains is to reconcile and wait for a more favorable time.

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