Home Steering Interpretation and meaning of Tarot: "Four of Swords". Four of Swords in Tarot Cards: meaning, description, combination of 4 swords meaning in relationships

Interpretation and meaning of Tarot: "Four of Swords". Four of Swords in Tarot Cards: meaning, description, combination of 4 swords meaning in relationships

Most often, the 4 of Swords Tarot decks depict a person who is alive, but lying on a tombstone with his arms folded over his chest. The image symbolizes a person who has retired from the bustle of the world, but the meaning of this card can be more complex.

In the article:

4 of Swords Tarot - card meaning in reverse and upright position

The 4 of Swords Tarot is a card whose image indicates a person who has withdrawn from the world, given up, buried himself alive. However, despite the fact that he lies on the gravestone, this man is alive. In the upright position, the card recommends abandoning hermithood and going out to people, perhaps joining the holiday, which is depicted on the stained glass window. Upside down she advises to postpone such actions, the time has not yet come for them.

The meaning of the Four of Swords Tarot also lies in a forced break, stagnation, rest, interrupted activity. The reasons were difficulties that are quite understandable to the fortuneteller. He is forced to take a break from business, but whether the forced rest will be beneficial depends only on the person himself. It is unlikely that he would take a break to work on himself of his own free will, but now there is a chance to take advantage of this opportunity, because activities have been temporarily suspended.

Take advantage of the situation and take time to relax. Activities in the current state of affairs will still be useless. Recuperation, vacation, travel, turning to religion or meditation - this is what you need.

Inverted The card advises you to fight laziness and act contrary to circumstances. She says that the forced break is over, it’s time to get to work. But in reverse, the 4 of Swords can warn of problems related to health and forced isolation. In addition, the card may portend a return to the past - a return to the previous workplace, reconciliation with a former spouse, etc.

In addition, the meaning of the 4 Swords of the Tarot may be the need for treatment. Perhaps the fortuneteller should consult a doctor. This meaning will be especially true if the alignment was carried out for health. One of the interpretations of the card is illness, but for a sick person it can promise recovery.

4 Swords Tarot - meaning in layouts for affairs and work

The meaning of the Tarot card 4 of Swords, when it appears when business or affairs are stagnant. The process does not proceed as planned. Your strength and capabilities have come to an end. There is no point in continuing what we have planned now; it makes no sense. The current state of affairs and the state of the fortuneteller can only lead the project to complete collapse.

The situation in business or at work encourages a pause. The fortuneteller needs rest, and perhaps a consultation with a doctor. Stress makes itself felt. Temporary peace is exactly what is needed, but the fortuneteller would not take a break from hectic activity of his own free will.

Only after strength and resources have been restored can you try to complete your plans. After a vacation, things may not seem nearly as difficult as they seemed under stress. The results you can achieve after taking a break may surprise you and your partners.

Four of Swords Tarot - meaning in self-development and spiritual life

The Four of Swords Tarot can tell that the fortuneteller has abandoned higher powers. He needs spiritual renewal. Perhaps we are talking about a change in religious views, but most often this card indicates the importance of prayers, meditations and other rituals that are provided for by the religion professed by the fortuneteller. Open your heart to spiritual insight, and it will not take long to arrive.

Every person feels safe within the framework created by habitual views and established opinions. However, the Four of Swords invites you beyond these boundaries and promises that a spiritually open person can go far beyond the everyday worries and daily routine.

Failures in creativity or learning when this card appears are caused by too much workload. Obstacles that were previously unnoticed have become serious hindrances in working on oneself. Continuing activities during this period can only lead to despair and loss of faith in one’s abilities. Take a break and forget about thoughts of wasting time. What seemed difficult before the break will be easily accomplished after the vacation.

4 of Swords Tarot - meaning in relationships

The meaning in relationships of the Four of Swords Tarot is isolation. A lonely fortuneteller feels abandoned by his former lover and does not find the strength for a new relationship. Perhaps he feels too ugly, old or uninteresting for the opposite sex. You think that your love conquests have come to an end, and you do not even want to try to create a relationship.

For fortune tellers who have a couple, the meaning in relationships of the 4 Swords of the Tarot lies in the loneliness that a person experiences when being with his loved one. Sometimes this card indicates fatigue caused by the current relationship.

In any case, the fortuneteller will be unhappy in the relationship or will remain alone if he continues in the same spirit. The card advises giving yourself some rest. You need a pleasant experience and no problems. Once you get yourself in order, your personal life can improve.

Four of Swords Tarot - what personalities it represents

Often, Tarot cards do not mean situations or emotions, but people who appear in the environment of the questioner. Often such card meanings are taken when clarifying questions that cannot be answered otherwise. It is known that fortune telling can indicate a person who has done evil or, on the contrary, is worthy of gratitude for an anonymous good deed.

Thus, the Four of Swords indicates a person who needs rest. He works too much, depleting the body's own resources. This is a workaholic or a person who finds himself in an unpleasant situation and is forced to cope with it without the right to rest. It could also be a hospital visitor, a patient, or a person recovering from an illness. This card may also indicate an employee of a medical institution.

Upside down The Four of Swords speaks of uninvited guests. We are talking about a person whom you would not like to see as a guest, but he does not pay attention to it. This may be a prisoner, but it is not always a person literally sitting in prison. Perhaps we are talking about a person who finds himself within a certain framework. She may be expelled from some circle of people, and also represent a person rebelling against the rules.

The meaning of the 4 of Swords Tarot card in combination with other cards

It is known that combinations of cards with each other can clarify the meaning of the layout and provide a more accurate result of fortune telling. Thus, the combination of the 4 Swords with speaks of the need for privacy. The cards recommend ending relationships that only bring harm and spending some time alone.

Other names for the Four of Swords tarot card: Spades, Leaves, Shields, Spears, Vines, Vini

The Four of Swords is a card of stagnation, interrupted activity and forced rest. In this meaning, it resembles the Hanged Man card, but its difference from it is that it is associated with specific events: the obstacles or difficulties pointed out by the Four are usually simple and understandable, and overcoming them does not require us to overturn all the foundations of life. This position is akin to illness, which is also one of the meanings of the card. We are forced to interrupt our active activities and take a break. Whether we suffer or try to use this pause to sort ourselves out depends only on us. At the same time, it is clear that we can use a pause to work on ourselves, but we would hardly arrange it for ourselves of our own free will.

Work and business

Stagnation. The matter cannot move forward because our strength has dried up. There is no point in continuing further, because the “resistance of the material” and our weakness can together lead us to complete collapse. In such situations, we need peace, rest, a pause, and maybe even the help of a doctor or consultation with a psychotherapist. Only when we have regained our strength, having been, for example, on vacation, can we again take on the solution of a problem that seemed so hopeless. And then we will be surprised to discover that things are going smoothly, like clockwork.


It is likely that we have given our intellect too much stress, and now it cannot connect even the simplest two thoughts. We stumble over obstacles that we would have easily overcome before, and we see no way forward. If we ignore the card's warning and still try to painfully continue working, this can plunge us into the abyss of despair. Instead, we need to finally take the long-needed break and surrender to the joys of life in order to forget about our problems for a while. To think that we are “losing precious time” is the greatest absurdity: we would lose more time, dragging in our current state along the treadmill that, after rest, we can run with ease and joy.

Personal relationships and love

Here this card means isolation. Either we feel abandoned, excluded from the Great Games of Love, or we feel lonely or exhausted in our union with our previous partner. Then the Four of Swords warns that we risk losing either ourselves or our partner. We urgently need to give ourselves a rest, throwing away all problems, and put ourselves in order, even pamper ourselves with something.

Inner meaning

Now you have to work through your problems and plan future actions. You need solitude and peace; don't avoid them. Tarot card four swords - a card of reflections and night vigils; almost a hermit. It also indicates the need for a recovery period after the situation you just went through. Use this time to reflect on everything that has happened and plan more wisely. Don't expect the heights you've enjoyed so far; as you have seen, they were not very good for you. If you rush to the same heights again, you may find yourself in this unpleasant situation again.

Combinations with other cards


8 of Wands: make a move, hurry

Wheel of Happiness: rapid pace, vigorous activity

Magician: manifestation of activity, desire to go beyond

10 of Wands: overexertion, taking on an exorbitant load


Nun: quiet rest, contemplation

Hermit: contemplation, tranquility

Hanged Man: rest, reduced activity

4 cups: contemplation, solitude




Jupiter in Libra

20°—30° Libra

Original title: Lord of Rest from Struggle Original composition in the Golden Dawn system: The Four of Swords is exactly like the Two (including the five-petalled rose and white rays), with the only difference that the hands extended from the clouds on the right and left hold two swords, not one by one.

Chesed color on the Prince scale: deep purple.
The colors of Jupiter on four scales: violet; blue; juicy purple; bright blue with streaks of yellow
Libra colors on four scales: emerald green; blue; rich blue-green; pale green
Formula: Four (Chesed) + Swords (Yetzirah) + Jupiter in Libra = TRUCE.

The Four of Swords is perhaps the most beautiful of all the number cards of this suit. Harris meticulously follows the color scales to create a stunning portrait of balance and order. On November 3, 1939, she writes to Crowley: “It would be nice if you could come here for a day next week and see the Swords. The thought of taking them to London unbalanced fills me with superstitious horror.”

Chesed is the sphere of Jupiter, hosting Jupiter in Libra as a welcoming but domineering hostess. Of course, the key words to this card are balance and justice, but Crowley points out that it also represents “an affirmation of dogma and the law associated with it.” Like any weapon, the sword fulfills its true purpose in the discipline of war, and not at all in peacetime. The “truce” that the Four of Swords enforce is a peace conditioned by the threat of violence, and therefore, by definition, short-lived.

The four swords are arranged in the shape of a St. Andrew's cross, meaning, according to Crowley, "fixed and inflexible." Their points meet at the center of a large rose with forty-nine petals, symbolizing “social harmony.” However, such a culture, which prefers to blindly obey authority rather than face the possible dangers of freedom, is built on conformity and deals with conscience.


Lon Milo Duquette "The Magic of Aleister Crowley"

Description of the lasso

The woman in this painting lives in a gray landscape filled with unreal, cut-out clouds. Through the window frame she can see light and life, and although she would like to pass through the frame - as we see in the colors of the rainbow appearing on her clothes - she is unable to do so. She thinks too much in terms of "What if?"

Straight position

They say that tomorrow never comes, but no matter how often it is said, it seems most of us tend to forget about it. In fact, the one and only result of procrastination is a mind-numbing and depressing feeling of incompleteness. You will feel freedom and space if you let go of all the dual thoughts that are preventing you from taking action right now. It will make you wonder why you waited so long.

The meaning of the card

Putting it off is simply stupid. Tomorrow you will also have to decide, so why not today? Do you think that tomorrow you will be wiser than today? Do you think that tomorrow you will be stronger than today? Do you think that tomorrow you will be younger than today, fresher than today? Tomorrow you will be older, you will have less courage; tomorrow you will be more experienced, you will have more cunning; tomorrow death will come closer - you will begin to hesitate and become more cowardly. Never put it off until tomorrow. Who knows? Tomorrow may or may not come. If you need to make up your mind, you need to make up your mind today. (Osho)

Basic meanings of the card in the upright position:
1. “bury yourself alive”, give up;
2. advice - do not isolate yourself from the world, go out to people, act;
3. calm;
4. self-contemplation;
5. need for treatment;
6. need for spiritual renewal;
7. stagnation;
8. interrupted activity, rest;
9. advice - take a break;
10. isolation in personal relationships;
11. feeling of loneliness in the union;
12. recovery, rest;
13. prayer, meditation;
14. calm before the storm;
15. travel;
16. period of careful planning;
17. You should not strive for the same heights, otherwise they will again lead to the current unpleasant situation.

Basic meanings of a card in an inverted position:
1. do not rush to act;
2. newly awakened activity;
3. insight;
4. no time to relax;
5. return to work;
6. healing;
7. resentment;
8. illness, isolation;
9. dissatisfaction, retreat;
10. expulsion, dismissal, imprisonment;
11. unpleasant environment;
12. economy, savings, stinginess;
13. forethought, management;
14. music;
15. distribution;
16. mercy;
17. some success;
18. imposed isolation;
19. envy, petty jealousy.

In the chapel, on a tombstone, lies a living man in knight's armor with his eyes closed and his hands folded on his chest. One sword is engraved on the side of the slab, the other three hang on the wall. The only bright, bright spot on this map is the stained glass of the Gothic window depicting the holiday.

In some decks, he sits in a graveyard or simply in an open area, deep in thought.

The card symbolizes a person who has decided to withdraw from the world. He gave up, abandoned his feelings, “buried himself alive.” But he is alive, and his brain is full of thoughts, so his idea is doomed to failure. There is no need to isolate yourself from the world, this card advises, it is better to get up and go outside, to the people who are waiting for you.

Thus, in the upright position, this Four recommends action, “going out to people.” In an inverted position, on the contrary, he advises you to postpone this: the time to act has not yet come.

In the Egyptian Tarot deck, four swords converge with their tips to one point, which gives it an additional meaning of reconciliation, truce (both in the upright and inverted positions).

(E. Kolesov “The ABC of Tarot”)

DESCRIPTION: This card depicts a statue of a medieval knight praying. He lies at full length on his grave under the traditional stained glass window of the church. Element: Air.

EXPLANATION: Called the "Lord of Rest from Struggle", the Four of Swords indicates that the chaos present in the Three of Swords has been eliminated. This card calms and encourages introspection. When you pull it out, you are invited to explore all the contradictory elements that require resolution within your inner being. You may need some kind of treatment. Another explanation for the Four of Swords is that you have retreated from higher powers and are in need of spiritual renewal. Prayer or meditation will open your mind and heart to spiritual insight.

MEANING OF THE REVERSED CARD: You are active again. Continue to move with caution and use your discernment.

SELF-DEVELOPMENT LESSON: Although we may feel more secure within our habitual belief system, if we open ourselves to higher spiritual guidance, we can move beyond our daily problems and conflicts.

(N. Drewry “Tarot. Step-by-step study guide”)

The Four of Swords is a card of stagnation, interrupted activity and forced rest. In this meaning, it resembles the Hanged Man card, but its difference from it is that it is associated with specific events: the obstacles or difficulties pointed out by the Four are usually simple and understandable, and overcoming them does not require us to overturn all the foundations of life. This position is akin to illness, which is also one of the meanings of the card. We are forced to interrupt our active activities and take a break. Whether we suffer or try to use this pause to sort ourselves out depends only on us. At the same time, it is clear that we can use a pause to work on ourselves, but we would hardly arrange it for ourselves of our own free will.

JOB: Stagnation. The matter cannot move forward because our strength has dried up. There is no point in continuing further, because the “resistance of the material” and our weakness can together lead us to complete collapse. In such situations, we need peace, rest, a pause, and maybe even the help of a doctor or consultation with a psychotherapist. Only when we have regained our strength, having been, for example, on vacation, can we again take on the solution of a problem that seemed so hopeless. And then we will be surprised to discover that things are going smoothly, like clockwork.

CONSCIOUSNESS: It is likely that we have given our intellect too much stress, and now it cannot connect even the simplest two thoughts. We stumble over obstacles that we would have easily overcome before, and we see no way forward. If we ignore the card's warning and still try to painfully continue working, this can plunge us into the abyss of despair. Instead, we need to finally take the long-needed break and surrender to the joys of life in order to forget about our problems for a while. To think that we are “losing precious time” is the greatest absurdity: we would lose more time, dragging in our current state along the treadmill that, after rest, we can run with ease and joy.

PERSONAL RELATIONSHIPS: Here this card means isolation. Either we feel abandoned, excluded from the Great Games of Love, or we feel lonely or exhausted in our union with our previous partner. Then the Four of Swords warns that we risk losing either ourselves or our partner. We urgently need to give ourselves a rest, throwing away all problems, and put ourselves in order, even pamper ourselves with something.

Fours in Tarot

The number four is associated with the Emperor card, the planet Saturn and the astrological sign of Aquarius. Saturn is the planet of order, work, strength, control, discipline, organization, structure, crystallization, solidity, foundation, practicality, patience, mathematical precision, economy, property, real estate, endurance, eternal values. The negative traits of Saturn and Aquarius are dogmatism, inflexibility, stubbornness, depression, melancholy, and excessive seriousness. Aquarians are progressive, have a humanitarian mindset, are independent, bohemian, unusual and somewhat eccentric.

The presence of fours in a reading indicates the right time to lay the foundation for future success. Now a period of hard work, organizing new things and structuring your life begins for you. Sometimes Saturn gives you the feeling that you are being limited in some way or that you have taken on an unbearable burden. You may need to make an important decision right now, but you should do it very carefully. During this period of time, illness may await you, or you may simply need to properly rest and regain your strength. Aquarius' influence attracts unusual or eccentric people into your life.

In astrology, Saturn is associated with karma. If there are many fours in your reading, then perhaps you are paying off your karmic debts. It will be good if you pay attention to detail, self-discipline, putting things in order, organizing and structuring your life. All important decisions and major changes should be made only after careful consideration.

Four of Swords upright

Key words and phrases: The need for rest and relaxation. A break. Need for renewal. Slow period. Restoration of strength. Recovery. Rest. Time-out. Lights out. Relief from stress. Long awaited break. Health recovery. Inaction. Regrouping. Retreat. Need for vacation. Loneliness. Prayer. Meditation. Going deeper into yourself. Contemplation. Revaluation. The calm before the storm. Stay in the hospital. Visit to the hospital. Visit to the doctor. Vacation. Journey. Peaceful surroundings. Getting away from everything. Give me a break. Let's pray.

Situation and advice: Are you under stress? A temporary respite awaits you. Now is the time to rest and recover after a period of struggle and conflict. You need a recovery period that allows you to calm your thoughts and regain your physical strength. The most suitable situation to relax and regroup your efforts. Some may seek solitude in prayer and meditation. Taking time away from your daily routine will help you gain a new perspective on the future. Meditation will help you gain clarity in this situation. You may be feeling completely drained and need to take a break from your daily responsibilities. How about a vacation or trip to help you take your mind off things? If you have suffered some kind of illness, then the time has come for you to fully recover. You can visit the hospital solely for the purpose of prevention. The Four of Swords is a card of meditation.

People: Those who need rest. People recovering from illness. Employees of medical institutions. Hospital visitors. Patients.

Four of Swords reversed

Key words and phrases:(Positive meanings) No time to relax. Resumption of action. The vacation is over. Call to action. Return to work. Healing. Coming to your senses after a previous activity. Forward! Forward to the assault!

(Negative meanings) Illness. Insulation. Discontent. Retreat. Resentment. Refusal. Exile. Loneliness. Imprudence. Problems at work. Dismissal. Anxiety. Opposition. Strikes. Boycott. Disorder. Conclusion. Detention. Link. Ostracism. Unpleasant environment.

Situation and advice: The positive meaning of this card is that it marks the period of ending rest and resuming action. You've had a forced break, and now it's time to step up your activities. You have refreshed your strength and can confidently continue to deal with stressful situations in your life.

The negative meaning of this card is that it can indicate general problems, poor health, and possibly a whole period of forced isolation. Often the card indicates the resumption of action in a difficult situation. The questioner resumes previous interests, love affairs, careers that occupied him in the past.

People: Uninvited guests. Prisoners. Prisoners. Exiles. Striking workers.

The meaning and inner meaning of the Four of Swords lasso

Meaning of the Four of Swords in the upright position:

  • Solitude, Desert, Refuge, Hermitage.
  • Expulsion, Removal.
  • Uninhabited, Separate, Abandoned, Abandoned.
  • Coffin, Tomb, Funeral.

Other meanings of the tarot four of swords in the upright position:

  • physical or spiritual rest, relaxation, meditation
  • hermit's refuge, exile, retreat, loneliness
  • rest, care, healing

The Four of Swords of the tarot traditionally represent order and stability, and if the quality inherent in Swords is added here, the card will predict the Client's upcoming temporary respite from problems. There will be an opportunity to relax and improve your health, shake off the burden of worries and stress by retiring to a secluded place. A specific interpretation of the Four of Swords Tarot is recovery from illness.

The meaning of the Four of Swords tarot card is loneliness and tranquility. Exile, retreat, the need to think and plan. Careful planning will give you an advantage over your enemies. Recovery. Alertness and prudence, economy and caution, all this is necessary now.

Interpretation in an inverted position:

  • Savings, Good behavior, Reasonable administration.
  • Foresight, Management, Economy, Saving, Stinginess.
  • Order, Arrangement, Relation, Decency, Concert, Chord, Coordination, Harmony, Music, Distribution.
  • Will, Caveat, Limitation, Exception.
  • Prudence, Outlines (separation), Restraint, Prudence, Sympathy, Mercy, Precaution.

Other meanings of the reversed tarot four of swords:

  • prudence and caution, the need to save money, stinginess
  • isolation, abandonment, exile
  • renewal of action, prudence, wise government
  • return of previous interests, some success

The reversed tarot card four of swords says that the Client has withdrawn too much into himself, and such isolation is fraught with negative consequences: instead of renewing physical and mental energy, he feels cut off from everyone and rejected. Perhaps such isolation was imposed on the Client, and he, of course, is outraged.

Another meaning of the four of swords tarot: greed. Perhaps a short illness or temporary financial difficulties. Envy and petty jealousy, either on your part or on the part of others, can derail your plans. The result is minor failures.

Inner meaning

Now you have to work through your problems and plan future actions. You need solitude and peace; don't avoid them. Tarot card four swords - a card of reflections and night vigils; almost a hermit. It also indicates the need for a recovery period after the situation you just went through. Use this time to reflect on everything that has happened and plan more wisely. Don't expect the heights you've enjoyed so far; as you have seen, they were not very good for you. If you rush to the same heights again, you may find yourself in this unpleasant situation again.


  1. N. Drewry “Tarot. Step-by-step guide to learning"
  2. E. Kolesov “The ABC of Tarot”
  3. Unknown author "Initial information for reading tarot cards"
  4. H. Banzhaf “Tarot Self-Teacher”
  5. Anthony Lewis "Tarot, plain and simple"

Key meanings of the Four of Swords in the upright position:

  • break
  • rest
  • spending time alone to think
  • contemplation
  • recuperation
  • passivity
  • relaxation
  • exile

Key meanings in reverse position:

  • anxiety
  • emotional burnout
  • slow recovery
  • end of isolation period
  • return to activity

The Four of Swords in the Tarot deck shows the figure of a knight lying in a chapel on a tombstone. His hands are folded in a prayer position.

Three swords hang above him, points down. One sword is carved on the side of the slab. This symbolizes that currently all the querent's thoughts are focused around one key issue or problem.

Although the knight appears to be dead, this is unlikely to be the case. He is simply amazed and depressed by the situation that happened to him. Excessive efforts or circumstances pulled the rug from under his feet.

The Four of Swords is primarily about rest and restoration. The past “battles”, the frantic pace of life, overwork, and emotional shocks have exhausted the body and mind. It's time to take a time out. Period of inactivity.

While indicating physical rest, this Four nevertheless symbolizes active mental activity. During periods of stagnation, solitude or inaction, your thoughts are occupied with solving the difficult situation you are faced with.

You may be reflecting on actions you have already taken. Or are you thinking about your next step. Not driven by external events, the mind is able to focus on details that were previously missed. This allows you to achieve a better understanding of the situation.

Four of Swords - interpretation and meaning in the upright position

The Four of Swords means peace and detachment, lack of fuss. When appearing in a reading, it takes on the meaning of solitude and isolation. Expulsion and retreat. Respite and temporary care.

Things are stagnant and it will not be possible to move them from a dead point yet. This card prevents you from trying to take any active action or change anything at the moment.

Now such actions will not only not be successful, but will also be extremely inappropriate. Don't waste your energy. It is better to wait for a more favorable period.

The Four of Swords describes a state where it is impossible to act. Losing oneself from the normal rhythm of life. The reasons can be varied, including sudden illness.

This tarot card also speaks of a possible delay or postponement. In particular, this concerns the fulfillment of monetary or other obligations.

The meaning of the Four of Swords in fortune telling is stagnation, forced peace. But the emergence of this state of affairs is caused by specific everyday circumstances that are simple and understandable.

In this meaning, punishment can have a positive or negative meaning. It depends on the topic of the question, on the neighboring lasso and on your attitude to the situation. You are forced to take a break from your active life. But it’s up to you to decide how to perceive it – as a respite or an exile.

This tarot card also indicates that you can stop worrying, let down your guard and take a break from the stressful situation you are in. At the moment, a truce has been established. And there is an opportunity to take a breath without fear of being attacked again.

However, it must be kept in mind that a truce and peace are not the same thing. The Four of Swords means that problems will return to your life as soon as you are ready to face them. So enjoy the peace, but don't forget that the fight is not over yet.

The Four of Swords is associated with illness or hospitalization in general. Recovery after surgery, staying in a hospital ward. The period when a person is bedridden.

Four of Swords - interpretation and meaning in reversed position

The period of solitude is coming to an end and the time has come to return to active life.

The Reversed Four of Swords can have a positive meaning to the interpretation. The time of inactivity, isolation, break, forced rest is ending. Gradually, careful movement and slow development of the situation begins.

This could be either recovery from an illness or the end of a prison sentence. May indicate the appearance of insomnia (a period of activity after a short period of rest).

Return to the normal rhythm of life and current affairs. But often this does not happen in a timely manner.

The Four of Swords reversed may indicate that you feel restless and want to do everything at once. The body is telling you to rest, but the mind is pushing forward, trying to complete a long list of tasks. As a result, you can get sick, get stressed or overworked. Therefore, it is important to force yourself to pause and recuperate at the right time.

Perhaps the questioner is trying to avoid a period of reflection, thinking about a situation for fear of experiencing negative emotions that may follow. That is, he pretends that nothing happened.

A card in fortune telling can symbolize stagnation and lack of change in life or situation, which leads to increased disappointment. Circumstances don't turn out the way you hoped. Perhaps precisely because of your passivity. You chose to “sit back” and do nothing in the hope that the situation would change on its own.

The cards that fell next to it will help you clarify the meaning of the inverted Four of Swords.

Four of Swords – love and relationships

In a relationship scenario, the Four of Swords in Tarot cards means temporary isolation, temporary loneliness. Pause in personal life. At the same time, a person can remain in this state for various reasons. How to voluntarily give up activity in a love relationship. Consciously giving yourself time to comprehend what is happening, your feelings and desires. So he is forced to find himself alone, due to circumstances beyond his control.

Exhaustion due to stress, quarrels with a loved one. You need to give yourself a break, put all your problems aside and put your thoughts in order. A period of temporary truce with a partner if a conflict situation has existed for a long time.

The card indicates a crisis in a relationship. However, the problems are still hidden. Partners try to avoid an open showdown. Or it can describe a situation where one of the partners remains calm in moments of conflict.

Another meaning of this arcana is cooling of relationships, detachment, isolation, lack of feelings. The passive position of the character depicted on the card symbolizes the lack of desire to take initiative and take any steps forward.

The period after a difficult breakup with a partner. This is the time when there is no desire to communicate with people, interest in life disappears. I just want to lie in bed and cry into my pillow.

The inverted Four of Swords in a love fortune-telling indicates that an unpleasant conversation or outcome of events will still happen and quite quickly. No matter how hard a person tries to avoid them, he will not succeed.

Also, the appearance of this card indicates that there is no longer an opportunity, desire or need to hush up the problem in the relationship.

Liberation from relationships in which a person felt like he was in prison.

If you have broken up with a loved one, the reversed Four indicates that you now feel strong enough to start living and loving again.

Work and career

In matters of work, the Four of Swords signifies stagnation, vacation, and periods of inactivity. Temporary refusal to fight for a place in a team or project.

Attempts to speed things up, change the situation, or start a new project will be useless. For now it's better to leave everything as it is. Maintaining a position of non-interference and neutrality.

Professional burnout, exhaustion. In this case, only after regaining your strength can you again begin to solve problems that seemed hopeless.

In addition, it may mean withdrawal from active participation in the work process to think about new plans, projects, or think about a problem.

Boring work or loss of interest in work or business.

The reversed card indicates the return to work after a long period of time. For example, a woman returning to work after maternity leave. Or a way out after an illness. The transition from individual work to team work.

Minor Arcana Tarot card Four of Swords

Description of the Tarot card Four of Swords

On the Four of Swords Tarot card, most decks depict a reclining man in knight's armor with his eyes closed and his hands folded on his chest. Three swords hang on the wall, and one lies nearby: the mind passively accepts the world as it is, but it is always ready to be fully armed. On the stained glass of a Gothic window depicting a holiday, a man knelt before a woman: consciousness bowed to more refined feelings.

General meaning and interpretation of the Tarot card Four of Swords in fortune telling and readings

Direct card position

Appearing in an upright position in fortune telling and readings, the Tarot card Four of Swords is a symbol of stagnation, interrupted activity and forced rest. Arcan also indicates a temporary or permanent cessation of an intrapersonal or any external conflict in life. The active phase of the conflict has ended or will soon end, but complete peace has not yet been achieved. This card should be considered as an indication that at the moment no particularly active, energetic actions should be taken, but it is better to wait for a more favorable period.

Reversed card position

In an inverted position, the Four of Swords reports that the period of peace and quiet is coming to an end, and a cautious, leisurely beginning of movement, progress, and development is taking place. The traditional interpretation of this Arcanum emphasizes caution. With the help of prudence, prudent management and a thoughtful approach, the fortuneteller will be able to avoid losses, difficulties and problems in life.

The meaning and interpretation of the Four of Swords card in fortune telling and layouts for work, affairs and career

Direct card position

In the sphere of work, affairs and career, the direct Four of Swords card symbolizes significant (sometimes insurmountable) difficulties, stagnation, and lack of prospects. The matter cannot move forward because the strength has dried up. There is no point in continuing further, because weakness can ultimately lead to complete collapse. There are no losses in the financial sector, but no profits either.

Reversed card position

When appearing upside down, the card indicates an unhealthy, conflictual situation in the team. The fortuneteller may face dismissal or forced leave, and temporary financial difficulties are possible. Such activity is forced, and there is no way to avoid it.

Meaning and interpretation of the Four of Swords card in layouts and fortune telling for health

Direct card position

Postoperative rehabilitation, maybe sanatorium treatment, recovery. Treatment in hospital (not in acute conditions).

Reversed card position

Impaired kidney function, risk of diabetes, skin diseases.

Meaning and interpretation of the Four of Swords card in fortune telling and layouts for love and relationships

Direct card position

In the upright position, the Tarot card Four of Swords means isolation, voluntary or forced. Either a person feels abandoned, unnecessary to anyone, or he feels loneliness and exhaustion of strength in an alliance with his former partner. Then Arkan warns that there is a risk of losing either yourself or your partner. In this case, it is useful to take a break from each other, by mutual agreement to separate for a while, to live separately.

Reversed card position

In an inverted position, the card warns that a person is going to commit an act that will discredit him in the eyes of his partner or quarrel with him. Sometimes Arkan indicates that keeping silent, avoiding an urgent problem in a relationship can no longer continue. No matter how the fortuneteller tries to postpone the unpleasant conversation, the showdown, the outcome of events, this will still happen, and in the fairly near future.

The meaning and interpretation of the Four of Swords card in layouts and fortune telling for personality assessment

Direct card position

Indicates a thoughtful, detached, philosophical person.

Reversed card position

Denotes a person driven by circumstances.

Meaning and interpretation of the Four of Swords card as a card of the day

The worst thing that can happen today is complete stagnation in business, and you have a feeling of worthlessness. But perhaps this will just be a delay in one of the tasks, or you will want to postpone some task due to lack of time. Even if such a break in business does not come entirely of your own free will, it can and should be used for reflection and relaxation.

Advice from the Four of Swords card in fortune telling and readings

Try to always think through your actions several steps ahead and carefully consider your words and intentions.

Minor Arcana Tarot. Swords

Online Tarot readings

The meaning of the Tarot Arcana Four of Swords is the topic of this article. This is a card of reflection and solitude from the bustle of the world. Having pulled it out, get ready for temporary seclusion and restoration of strength after difficult life troubles. It says that you need peace and relaxation, you need to restore vital energy.

Description of the Four of Swords

The classic deck of Tarot cards depicts a knight lying on the lid of a coffin with his eyes closed. He is alive, but in a deep meditative state. His tomb is located in some temple. The man lies completely alone, crossing his arms over his chest in prayer to Heaven and grasping the hilt of his sword.

Three more swords are at his head, waiting for their owner to awaken from a long rest. They are prepared for the moment when the knight regains his strength and continues the fight again.

In the meantime, the Higher powers have created conditions in which a person needs to understand his internal state and rethink his life.

In the Age of Aquarius Tarot deck, a knight is depicted in the saddle. But his whole appearance indicates that this person is completely exhausted and needs rest. He continues to hold the sword, which is lowered down. There are three more swords behind the knight, but he is not yet able to use them.

The Four of Swords never appears by chance. It always carries deep meaning. As a rule, its appearance means that the fortuneteller needs rest, reboot and restoration of vitality. It often falls out after severe shocks and stress, when the nervous system is at its limit and requires rest.

For some reason, a person is forced to leave the battlefield and rest. Although he often experiences a feeling of frustration that certain circumstances force him to be inactive at a completely inopportune moment.

Four of swords upright

As a rule, it is considered not the most pleasant card in the deck. After all, it indicates a long period of stagnation and forced inaction. And this is not very compatible with the fast pace of modern life.

The main meaning of the card is hermitage, isolation from the outside world, retirement from business. The upright position of the Four of Swords usually means:

  • Physical and moral peace, state of meditation.
  • Hermitage, exile, loneliness.
  • Stagnation, refusal to take further action.
  • Healing and restoration of strength.
  • Planning for the future.
  • Calm and stability.

The Four of Swords completely puts an end to the usual vigorous activity. Advises you to reflect on your life in search of the right decision, restore strength and health.

Its meaning is close to the Hanged Man card. But unlike it, it points to the specific circumstances that led to the forced stop. The cause may be illness or some other physical condition that precludes vigorous activity. There may also be certain obstacles and difficulties that a person is not able to overcome at this stage.

But don’t be too upset if you get the Four of Swords. It doesn’t foretell anything terrible, it just says that you need to take a break, a temporary respite and think privately about your future. And when your strength returns, you can return to your normal rhythm of life.

Four of Swords Reversed

The reversed position of the card conveys a more optimistic mood. Often indicates that a period of stagnation and isolation is coming to an end. Soon you will return to active activity under the influence of some circumstances.

If before this the Four of Swords fell to you in an upright position, the inverted position should definitely be considered as optimistic. Although she does not talk about final victory and breakthrough. Rather, these are the first steps that a person takes to return to an active life.

The card can also indicate that your actions are inappropriate. Perhaps you are doing something wrong and at the wrong time. Warns of caution and foresight, otherwise you can commit irreparable acts.

Despite the difficult situation and circumstances that are not in your favor, the Four of Swords calls for active action and coming out of the shadows.

Briefly, the meaning of this card can be described as follows:

  • The beginning of active actions, caution and meaningfulness of actions.
  • The emergence of interest in life, former glory.
  • Temporary financial difficulties, savings.

The Four of Swords encourages a person to come out of isolation. Otherwise, he may become too withdrawn into himself and forever be cut off from society.

The reversed position of the Four of Swords can also indicate health problems. This is especially true for health plans. But if a person was sick before, he can, on the contrary, talk about healing.

The meaning of the Four of Swords in relationships

For personal relationships, this is not a very good card, indicating loneliness. A person will be lonely for some long period. This can happen according to his will. In this case, he himself wanted to end the relationship in order to decide on his feelings. Also, certain circumstances or events could lead to this. Then the person will suffer from this feeling, but will not be able to change the situation.

The Four of Swords does not always talk about loneliness as such. This can be mental loneliness, when a person is in a relationship, but has withdrawn into himself and does not let his partner get close. For some reason, he feels abandoned and unwanted, and this prevents them from getting closer. Perhaps the person is wondering whether he needs this relationship at all.

Often the card indicates that the fortuneteller is avoiding relationships due to failures in the past. Apparently, he went through some kind of negative experience - treason, betrayal, loss of a loved one. He is afraid that the situation may repeat itself and prefers loneliness. He needs time to understand himself and heal his emotional wounds.

The Four of Swords can mean temporary problems in the sexual sphere. They can be caused by physical conditions or mental disorders.

In cases where the partners have not been getting along with each other lately, the card can mean reconciliation and calm in the relationship.

The inverted position of the Four of Swords indicates the end of a period of stagnation, which can lead to quarrels and showdowns. Partners may commit rash actions that they will regret later. An unpleasant conversation may occur that you tried to avoid before, and unexpected hidden information may emerge.

An inverted card indicates that relationships can no longer be in the same state they were in before the turning point. Irreversible changes are coming.

The meaning of the Four of Swords in the professional sphere

Typically, this card indicates a period of stagnation in work, temporary removal from business and rest. This could be vacation, child care, retirement, or leaving a position. If it was about a career struggle, it means that it did not end in your favor.

The Four of Swords suggests that you should abandon new projects and not make plans for the future yet. You need to rest and rethink your life. The risk of financial losses and illegal behavior is very high, which can lead to loss of position and even imprisonment. The neighboring cards in the layout will tell you about this in more detail.

Often the card indicates professional impotence and fatigue. Perhaps you need a new look at your work, a change in approach to it, an analysis of incorrect actions.

The Four of Swords can talk about passive work that does not require active communication with people.

If a person is currently actively looking for work, the card portends unemployment.

An inverted card indicates a way out of a stagnant period provoked by certain circumstances. But these may be incorrect and premature actions that will lead to miscalculations and losses.

It is necessary to carefully consider and plan your activities in order to be confident in the final result.

Card of the day

A day that is under the influence of this card is not conducive to active action. The current circumstances will contribute to this. It is worth listening to them and spending this day in peace and solitude.

There may be a feeling that you are incapable of anything, nothing is working out for you. But don’t be discouraged - just put everything aside and relax.

The reversed position of the card will bring you a hectic and hectic day, full of unexpected incidents. Events will develop at a rapid pace. You will not have a moment's peace.

Card of the Year

The Arcanum Four of Swords, which appears as the card of the year, promises a calm and uneventful year. Perhaps it will be a little boring and annoying with inaction. You may feel like life is passing you by. But don't be discouraged - use this time to relax.

An inverted card, on the contrary, is preparing a whirlpool of events for you this year. This period will be unpredictable, you will not have time to think about your actions. Events will develop at a rapid pace. You will be forced to make decisions instantly.

Arcanum Four of Swords gives advice to stop, rest and sort out your thoughts. Use forced rest and inactivity to recuperate.

The Four of Swords is a card that reminds you that now is the time to relax. You may want to end your current relationship. Or quit your job. It indicates relaxation, contemplation and meditation.

Description of the card image

The gloomy mood of the card is conveyed by the gravestone on which the knight lies. The knight's eyes are closed and his hands are folded on his chest in a position for prayer. Three swords hang above the tombstone; another sword, possibly the sword of the knight himself, is attached to the tombstone itself in a horizontal position. In the left corner of the map you can see a stained glass window with the face of Jesus Christ.

It can be assumed that the action takes place in a temple or chapel. It is difficult to understand whether the knight is alive or dead. Is this voluntary solitude and offering up prayer to Heaven, or has there been an intervention from higher powers, and death has come into its own.

This card may say that you should not ignore visiting the temple, neglect prayers, or repent. After all, it is in repentance that one can find spiritual balance and peace. And meditation practices will help you maintain harmony with yourself.

Interpretation of direct provision

Keys: passivity, depression, desire to rest. Immobility. Closed state. Distance from people. Search for shelter. Vigilance is required. It might be worth backing down. Hermit. A break. Peace is needed. Calm. You can plunge into thoughts. Meditations, prayers. Self-development and self-knowledge. Relief from heaviness and suffering. Fatigue. Rest and relaxation is necessary. Update and recovery. Strengthening the internal forces of the body. Finding peace. Offering prayers. Focus on yourself. Reflections. Temporary establishment of peace. Lack of harmony, justice, impartiality.

Most likely, you should give up the imposed struggle. Get out of the conflict and announce a vacation, arrange a vacation for yourself, acquiring peace and tranquility.

Now you are going through a difficult period of life. You are required to be decisive and firm; difficulties and problems do not allow you to calmly enjoy what you have achieved. But don’t be discouraged, a period of time has appeared when you can allow yourself to rest a little and step away from solving problems.

The 4 of Swords says that there is a period of rest, restoration and accumulation of strength, putting in order psychological balance, perhaps it is worth thinking about your health and strengthening your immune system.

The rest will be used in the right direction, the pause taken will be beneficial and you will return to duty with new strength and new energy. This will all allow you to get joy from your work and what you do.

To solve a problem, you should turn inside yourself or find the origins of difficulties. The answer to the question lies within, what surrounds you is only a reflection. External circumstances are a shell covering the truth.

What you need to pay attention to. You shouldn’t get into the thick of the situation; you’ve already done everything you could do. Calm down and bring yourself into balance. Now is the time to reassess values. Reconsider your plans and ideas, perhaps you will find a flaw there. Look at the situation soberly and assess your strengths. Don't waste your resources, both spiritual and material. Be careful, economical, but not stingy. The time will come and plans will be realized.

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Interpretation of the inverted position

Keys: outcast, imprisonment. Manifestation of wisdom. Prudence. Saving to the point of stinginess. Will. Exercise caution. Greed. Lack of material resources. Imprisonment. Activities are interrupted, progress and results are stagnant.

You are trying to isolate yourself from problems, close your eyes to difficulties and get away from what causes you inconvenience and trouble. Your actions are passive. Instead of solving problems, you stepped aside and gave up, missing opportunities and losing control over what was happening.

Remember that by fencing yourself off from everything indiscriminately, you not only avoid bad things, but also miss out on something important and good. You are missing out on the opportunity to gain life experience, learn a lesson from your situation, and make new friends and allies.

Advice: shake yourself up, make an effort and deal with difficulties. It won't take much time, and there will be fewer difficulties.

Precautions: Now is not the time to relax. Your inaction drains you more than active action. Slowness can be dangerous. Listen to your body.

The main enemies: rashness and haste.

Four of Swords in health

Diseases related to bones, chronic diseases, insomnia, fainting. Mental disorders, personality problems.

Straight position. The interpretation of the Four of Swords should be considered based on the person’s current health and his condition at the time of fortune telling. This can be either a complete recovery or a deterioration of the condition up to critical. Main characteristics of the position: immobility, coma, joint problems, stay in a hospital ward.

Most often, the meaning of the four of swords is regarded as an unexpected blow or attack that falls on a person. It is worth paying attention to the nearby cards.

Inverted position. Exhaustion, both physical, psychological and emotional. Emptiness. Lack of strength and energy. Imbalance and disharmony. It is worth considering the option of magical intervention: damage, evil eye.

Depending on the layout, the Four of Swords can also speak of restoration of strength, but in a very slow and difficult way.

Advice: in any situation, bed rest and home care will be beneficial and will bring relief and speedy recovery.

Four of Swords in Relationships

Straight position. Crisis situation in relationships. Resentment, conflicts. Claims and nagging from both partners. It is necessary to rethink the existing relationship. Perhaps we should take a break.

To survive a difficult period, you need to talk and discuss problems, not hide the true situation, and put the pretense aside.

Inverted position. There are disagreements and mutual distrust in the couple. Avoiding solving emerging problems. Unwillingness to resolve the situation, conflict, possible rupture.

Four of Swords at work

Professions and purposes of the Four of Swords: medium, signalman, philosopher, volunteer, seasonal work, remote worker.

Straight position. There is a crisis in work, there are no new projects, there are no new ideas and inspiration. There are no prospects for promotion, a passive attitude towards work and one’s position. Lack of time.

Reluctance to make contact with the team. Closedness, inability to find a common language with management or immediate superior.

But on the other hand, not everything is so gloomy. Either the person will think about changing jobs, or will begin to be active and try to move up.

Your strength is running out and you should not hope for a quick implementation of the project.

Inverted position. 4 of swords means an unstable situation, routine, stagnation. Unsatisfactory financial situation. The situation is getting out of control. Now is not the time to rush forward and solve problems. Stop and think about where you made a mistake, think about a plan of action.

Advice: go with the flow, accumulate energy until the next jump.

Remember: all situations are controllable. Any position can be stabilized.

Four of Swords about the current situation

Straight position. It is necessary to restore wasted strength. In your life, peace and tranquility is only temporary. You are absorbed in thoughts about your future, working out plans and your actions.

In the current situation, it is necessary to analyze the situation and think through further steps. It is necessary to soberly assess the situation, act wisely and not give in to emotions. Keep your feelings under control. Now is the time to accumulate strength, put your thoughts in order and wait for new opportunities to arise.

Tip: To find inner harmony and find peace, you can meditate.

Inverted position. You do not want to take active steps. Your comfort zone is too narrow and you don't want to expand those boundaries.

You are at the mercy of too much inaction and passivity. Only your willpower and desire to move can correct the situation. This is not the time to give in to laziness and follow the lead of the situation.

Advice: It's time to get everything in order, get up and take action. Realize your ideas and solve difficult situations.

Psychology of Personality.

The Four of Swords indicates that this is a Balanced person. Main advantages: restraint, calmness and adequacy. A person does not care about the environment, he is more occupied with his personal inner world, his knowledge and experience. Such a person spends a lot of time on introspection and self-development. His focus is on self-improvement and inner work. He examines any problem from the inside, trying to find the root of the problem.

To many, such people seem indifferent to others, indifferent and inattentive, but this is not so. A person is focused on the interlocutor and on those around him, he is simply trying to see their real essence.

Ideas for understanding the Four of Swords:

  1. It is necessary to focus on the internal, whether it is searching for inner harmony or considering a problem. Leave out external factors and external influences.
  2. Listen and watch, take into account all aspects, but make your own decision.
  3. Seeking refuge for recuperation and self-healing.
  4. Individual progress. You should not share your projects with anyone. Go it alone.
  5. Don't do something just for show.

Questions for analysis after the Four of Swords appears in the layout:

  • What is worth thinking about, what points require reflection?
  • The difficulties are left behind. What to do next?
  • Do you have a shelter? What place do you consider your refuge? Is it comfortable there?
  • Should you leave your comfort zone? For what?
  • Who are your Gods? Who do you pray to?

Card advice: what you think for yourself, what comes from your mind, is much more important than the words of others.

Warning. You shouldn't impose yourself on anyone. Keep it individual. If you decide to enjoy your solitude, don’t let it be disrupted.

The meaning of the Four of Swords in combination with the Major Arcana

With a jester. Irresponsibility and a state of laziness.

With a magician. Rest and gain strength and energy.

With the High Priestess. You will need all your acquired knowledge and past experience.

With the Empress. Recovery, healing.

With the Emperor. Peaceful situation, temporary calm.

With the hierophant. It's time to admit your mistakes and failures. First of all, to yourself.

With lovers. Stagnation, pause, possible rupture.

With a chariot. You need to think about your actions. Recover.

With strength. Vacation. Rest.

With a hermit. Voluntary fencing from people. Loneliness, which should be good for you.

With the wheel of fortune. The situation is under the control of higher powers. You are not able to change anything.

With justice. To find a compromise.

C hanged. Self-development. Renunciation of something.

With death. Overcrowded. Withdrawal from something. Hermitage.

With moderation. The condition is improving.

With the devil. It is necessary to retreat, make concessions.

With a tower of lightning. Indifference. Laziness.

With a star. The emergence of hope.

With the moon. Apathetic states, depression, depression.

With the sun. Finding comfort and joy.

With the court. You have assistants.

With peace. Normalization of the position. Awareness.

Interpretation of the Four of Swords in combination with the suit of wands

With an ace. Restoration of strength. Willingness to go and fight.

With a deuce. Plans need to be thought through.

With a three. Get better.

With four. Stability will come into your life.

With an A. Life tests you. Unexpected situations.

With six. Resolving difficulties.

With seven. Be careful.

With eight. A decision needs to be made.

With nine. Trampling in one place. Stagnation.

With ten. My health is getting worse. Take care of your health.

With a page. Forward movement.

With a knight. Unpredictability of the situation.

With the queen. Help will come.

With the king. Emotionality.

Combination of the Four of Swords with the Suit of Cups

With an ace. Opportunities arise.

With a deuce. Partnership.

With a three. Stabilization of the situation, satisfaction.

With four. Stop at one point.

With an A. Passivity.

With six. Say goodbye to the past, let it go.

With seven. Dreams.

With eight. Finding your way.

With nine. Solution of a problem.

With ten. Implementation of plans.

With a page. Your loved ones support you.

With a knight. Search for inspiration.

With the queen. The advice comes from a woman.

With the king. Protection.

Interpretation of the Four of Swords in combination with the suit of swords

With an ace. Confrontation. Competition.

With a deuce. Someone will decide to help you.

With a three. Complication in the situation. Difficult period.

With an A. Isolation. Detachment.

With six. Moving. It is necessary to change the usual environment.

With seven. Your knowledge and life experience will help you.

With eight. Fate is preparing trials for you.

With nine. You doubt it.

With ten. It's time to take stock.

With a page. Reconsidering priorities.

With a knight. You need to be more serious.

With the queen. Conflict.

With the king. Thinking about the problem.

The meaning of the Four of Swords in combination with the suit of pentacles

With an ace. The situation is moving towards resolution. Improvement of the situation.

With a deuce. The situation is unstable.

With a three. You doubt it.

With four. Security, support, help.

With an A. Psychological disorder, emotional emptiness.

With six. Balance in the situation, stabilization of the situation.

With seven. Increased energy, recovery.

With eight. Monotony.

With nine. Difficulties are solvable.

With ten. Good luck is with you.

With a page. Realization of creative potential.

With a knight. The responsible person. Reliability of the position.

With the queen. Tolerance, the ability to wait.

With the king. Be careful and cautious.

Tarot cards are a sure way to find out the answer to any question. It is enough to learn to understand your own intuition. Anyone can enlist the help of the ancient deck. You should start getting acquainted with mysterious symbols with the minor arcana. For example, from studying the meaning of the 4 Swords in the Tarot.

Description of the Saber suit

Each of the suits in the Tarot symbolizes a certain area in life. Having received one or another minor lasso, they evaluate the meaning of the suit in the topic of interest to the questioner.

Thus, the suit of Swords in different layouts can take on very different shades. But regardless of the topic of fortune telling, Sabers, as they are often called Swords represent the element of Air. This is a strong suit, the abundance of which in fortune telling reveals a difficult situation.

Swords are compared with a person's inner strength. This is the interaction of the individual with the outside world, his struggle for a place in the sun.

Swords - confrontation with the outside world, strength, power and authority. The ability to defend your point of view is also under the power of this suit.

Swords do not always represent a person’s battle with others. Often he finds himself in the ring with himself, fighting against his own fears, worries and prejudices. By dispelling negative doubts, the individual wins this battle. Succumbing to his own weaknesses, he loses. That is why the suit is depicted as a weapon. Tarot reminds us that victory is impossible without loss. If one side wins, the other must know defeat.

It is precisely about defeat that some symbols of Swords speak. For example, Four.

Meaning of the Four of Swords

You can also read the interpretation from the image of the Four of Swords. The card is often called "Respite". The drawing shows a man in armor lying on a stone bed. His hands are folded on his chest. Two people are standing nearby.

Three swords are suspended above the lying man. They are located point down. The fourth sword is carved on a pedestal occupied by the hero. The picture is quite gloomy, but one curious element illuminates it. There is a window in the wall of the tomb, decorated with Gothic stained glass. His drawing depicts a holiday. This engraving softens the gloomy atmosphere of the room.

Light from the window pours onto a living person lying on a tombstone. The meaning of the card is more than eloquent. A character who receives the Four of Swords tries to “bury himself alive.” But he is alive, and his head is full of thoughts, so this idea is obviously a failure.

The man tries to renounce his experiences and plunge into the unknown. He is tired and trying to find peace for his mind.

But the card advises turning to the people standing over the tombstone. There are those in the world who need you, the lasso tells the querent. You can’t give up on yourself while your heart is beating.

Often the map is interpreted as need for internal renewal. Exhausted by the chaos of the Three of Swords, the soul requires peace. It is worth turning to spirituality in search of the deep meaning of things.

Interpretation of the correct position

In the standard position, the Four of Swords of the Thoth Tarot symbolizes the warrior’s rest. The warrior in this case is the questioner. The layout is the battlefield.

Brief description of the correct lasso:

The card speaks of a quiet time to be enjoyed. This is a short break in the matter, when rest will benefit the questioner. But don't succumb to oblivion for too long. A person must fight as long as he lives. This is evidenced by the armor on the sleeping warrior. The card encourages you not to fuss and take a break. Now is not the best time for drastic changes.

Neighboring arcana will help you interpret the map. For example, the Eight of Wands indicates the imminent completion of this stage. Better times are not long to wait. Seven Coins speaks of the need to use this time profitably. You should consider your future path and set your goals.

Reversed card in a spread

In the wrong orientation, most cards take on a radically different interpretation. The Four of Sabers is no exception, the inverted position of which indicates a negative interpretation of the alignment.

Brief description of the irregular Four:

The card describes events that are unpleasant to the questioner, but carry a positive meaning. Perhaps we are talking about some kind of undertaking that does not bode well from the very beginning. Often the card also speaks of forced hermitage. For example, due to illness and immobility. The card can also talk about dismissal, which will provoke a depressive mood.

The Wheel of Fortune in the scenario speaks of the rapid development of events to which a person does not have time to adapt. The Empress points out the financial losses resulting from this event.

As a card of the day, the 4 of Swords predicts a time of passivity and inaction. At the same time, the deck advises to resist such stagnation in every possible way.

Perhaps a pause will occur for reasons beyond the questioner’s control. In this case, you should use the respite to your advantage. It is recommended to rest and start planning further work.

Career and financial affairs

In work layouts, the Four Sabel card describes significant difficulties in activity. They should be interpreted depending on the position of the card in the layout.

Standard sign orientation

Often problems turn out to be insurmountable, so strong is the negative interpretation of this lasso. Often the card indicates a lack of prospects in business. Sometimes the deck indicates a lack of time to implement your plans.

At the situational level the symbol represents isolation in the team when a person is “a stranger among his own.” Arcanum Tower in the scenario foreshadows a sad outcome of the problem. If the Eight of Swords also falls nearby, then the questioner will have to change his place of residence due to a change of job. Most likely it will be a long journey.

Reverse interpretation of the symbol

The Reversed Four describes the storm in the life of the questioner. Involuntarily, he became a participant in events that would shake up his existence.

But this interpretation should not be given a negative context. Sometimes a forced exit from a passive state becomes an impetus for useful activity. The Arcana Magician in the reading confirms this interpretation and says that changes cannot be avoided.

When describing personality, the Four of Swords (reversed) represents a confused character. His thoughts are chaotic and his actions are meaningless.

Fortune telling for love and relationships

The Arcana 4 of Swords of the Tarot has an ambiguous interpretation in a love reading. Its meaning in relationships describes a hidden problem in a love union.

Identifying problems in the union

This is not about open hostility, but about an attempt to avoid a frank conversation. Such behavior is unjustified, since it looks more like an escape from responsibility than a mature understanding of love.

Often the card points to outsiders depicted on it. Arkan encourages you to seek help from an experienced psychologist or loved one. Good advice given from the outside can save a crumbling relationship.

Often the map is interpreted as isolation in the union. The person is somewhat selfish or simply does not want to get close to his significant other. It may happen that this hermitage is not voluntary, and the chosen ones simply became victims of chance. In any case, this is a temporary phenomenon.

In combination with the Priestess, the Four indicates the need to rethink relationships. Partners should take a break from each other and think about their feelings. The Four of Cups speaks of passivity. Arcanum Emperor promises a temporary truce with a lover.

Important Deck Warning

In an inverted position, the Four Sabel predicts an important conversation between the chosen ones. However, you should not try to avoid this situation. The deck indicates inevitable changes in the alliance. The outcome of the conversation depends on the participants themselves.

The inverted lasso also warns of impulsive words that can quarrel lovers. Don't jump to conclusions or say anything rashly.

In combination with the Page of Wands, the forecast takes on sad notes. Such a proximity of cards promises separation of partners. Arcanum the Hermit portends distance, the cause of which will be external factors.

Health analysis

In fortune telling about health, the meaning of the Four of Swords is more than eloquent. A person lying on a bed symbolizes post-operative rehabilitation. This is also any recovery after a tiring period. The body and spirit need rest in order to recover. And it is recommended to acquire it in medical institutions, sanatoriums or in the fresh air.

If the card fell upside down, then its prognosis is less reassuring. It is worth paying attention to kidney function and blood sugar levels. It is also important to monitor the condition of your skin and exercise caution in dangerous sports.

Combination with the Major Arcana

All symbols in any layout form a complete picture. Adjacent cards in fortune telling should also be read together. It is also important to know how the major arcana affects the Four of Blades, since some cards strengthen it and others weaken it.

Combination of the Four of Sabers with the major arcana:

Any layout is a mystery that the questioner has to solve. The deck symbols serve as clues. But the querent must look for the final answer himself. His intuition will help him with this.

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