Home Wheels Fortune telling on game cards for the future. How to tell fortunes with playing cards: a quick way to look at your future. Classic interpretation of suits in the main layouts for the future

Fortune telling on game cards for the future. How to tell fortunes with playing cards: a quick way to look at your future. Classic interpretation of suits in the main layouts for the future

Fortune telling with playing cards came to the modern world from ancient times. Various methods that made it possible to see the future were invented a long time ago. In those days, people did not yet know how to write and read, and the study of the world around them was based on intuition.

There is a huge variety of fortune telling that uses playing cards. With their help, you can get a forecast for a variety of events of interest. But the most popular are fortune telling, which allow you to predict the future. There are many options for fortune telling that do not have a complicated layout and can be done independently at home. But it is very important to remember that you need to follow all the rules of the ritual.

In order to get a correct forecast regarding certain events in a person’s life, you only need to use a new deck of cards. Moreover, you cannot use these cards for gaming in the future.

In addition, it is important to understand the following:

  • It is necessary to ask specific questions to the cards during fortune telling;
  • Any hypocrisy on your part will cause the cards to give you incorrect information;
  • It is important to sincerely believe that you can get a true forecast.

A very popular fortune telling for the future is the ancient fortune telling “Black Rose”. It uses a deck of 36 cards. According to professional fortune tellers, simple fortune telling on playing cards for the future can clarify all issues.

This method involves very simple steps. You need to take a deck of 36 cards, shuffle it and guess what you want to know about. Next, you need to draw out any card and place it in front of you - it will symbolize your inner state in the present time.

After this, the following actions are performed:

  • You need to take the top three cards from the top of the deck and place them to the left of the laid out card. Such cards will mean events that await you in the future.
  • You need to take the bottom three cards from the top of the deck and place them to the right of the laid out card. Such cards will mean how everything will end in the future.

The highest cards by suit symbolize the following:

  • Spades - hatred and anger that has accumulated in your soul;
  • Clubs - helplessness in the face of the current life situation;
  • Diamonds - a passionate desire to achieve justice;
  • Worms - love and tender feelings in the soul.

Minor cards by suit symbolize other feelings:

  • Peaks - sadness and anxiety that has accumulated in your soul;
  • Clubs - humility and unwillingness to fight;
  • Tambourines - a passionate desire to take revenge on the offender;
  • Worms - the expectation of love and the desire to achieve your goal.

After this, the cards located on the left are deciphered.

In this case, the interpretation is performed according to the meanings of the cards:

  • Six - disappointment in life and useless hopes;
  • Seven - life situation will be resolved in your favor;
  • Eight - you can expect real help from like-minded people;
  • Nine - your cherished wish will come true;
  • Ten - the emergence of serious obstacles and problems in life;
  • Jack - loved ones will become the source of your troubles and tears;
  • Lady - you will be deceived or used for personal gain;
  • King - only after solving all the problems will you be able to implement your plans;
  • Ace - you should prepare for an unpleasant conversation or illness.

The cards on the right are interpreted as follows:

  • Peaks - portend disappointment, trouble and perhaps even illness;
  • Clubs - warn that you will be a victim of rumors and gossip;
  • Diamonds - indicate that joy, love, money and success await you in the future;
  • Worms - portend changes for the better in the future.

When interpreting a card layout, you also need to take into account some combinations of cards:

  • “Ace - Ace” is the most prosperous, it foreshadows positive changes in life in the future;
  • “Ace - King” - warns that one should be wary of the influence of strangers, therefore, new acquaintances should be avoided in the near future;
  • “Ace - Queen” - indicates that a very influential woman will appear in your environment;
  • “Ace - Jack” - foretells a successful outcome of your project or any event;
  • “King - King” - you will be able to enlist the support of an influential patron and successfully resolve all your problems;
  • “King - Queen” - gossip surrounding you can greatly harm you.

When deciphering card layouts, you should always listen to your intuition. But even if, during fortune telling, a not very pleasant alignment appears on the cards, then you should not give up, but should take all measures to change the situation in your favor.

Each of us at least once dreamed of knowing our future destiny. One of the most accurate ways to tell fortunes for the near future is with a regular playing card deck. With the help of a simple layout, you can find out your destiny and attract good luck to yourself.

Fortune telling on an ordinary playing deck is primarily used by gypsy fortune tellers. Gypsy fortune telling spread over time and became available to everyone.

Simple card layouts will allow you to find out your future one day or week in advance. For successful and truthful fortune telling, you must follow several immutable rules:

  • the deck must be purchased specifically for fortune telling;
  • you cannot let another person use your deck;
  • you need to guess alone;
  • It is better to keep the deck in a certain place, and also have a special tablecloth for it.

The meaning of playing cards for fortune telling

6 peak: long journey, move or journey; unjustified hopes, boredom and dissatisfaction. Advice: it all depends on your efforts.

7 peak: discovery of something secret and hidden, an unexpected find. Advice: don't trust strangers.

8 peak: new connections and acquaintances, visiting, emotional communication. Advice: listen to the instructions of loved ones.

9 peak: obstacles and troubles, difficulties and obstacles; a difficult physical and emotional condition that you will have to cope with alone. Advice: fight for yourself.

10 peak: restrictions, asceticism, misunderstanding of others, violation of plans. Advice: give yourself time to be alone.

Jack of spades: uselessness, laziness, idleness, melancholy; depression; rumors and gossip. Advice: get over yourself.

Queen of Spades: an angry, unkind woman; hidden threat. Advice: be careful!

King of Spades: preparation of official papers; education. Advice: fate is on your side.

Ace of spades: bitter truth, bad news; unnecessary meeting; fears, tension. Advice: Be careful.

6 clubs: stable situation; things left to chance. Advice: this is not the time to change your circumstances.

7 of clubs: new information and conditions; changes in lifestyle. Advice: take advantage of the opportunity provided.

8 clubs: a meeting destined by fate; unexpected success. Advice: seize your chance.

9 clubs: big money; acquisitions. Advice: money will help solve the problem.

10 clubs: unexpected pleasant changes; gifts, new meeting; beauty. Advice: have fun.

Jack of Clubs: a lot of worries; helping other people; everything will depend on your decision. Advice: believe in yourself.

Queen of Clubs: success and humor; planned celebration. Advice: Take matters into your own hands.

King of Clubs: timely assistance; meeting with old friends. Advice: you are responsible for your actions.

Ace of clubs: a new meeting that will be beneficial. Advice: take a closer look at your friends.

6 diamonds: road; a pleasant surprise. Advice: follow your heart.

7 diamonds: celebration, joyful meeting; realization of a dream. Tip: Maintain your good mood.

8 diamonds: successful resolution of everyday difficulties; buying a home; repair. Advice: embrace change.

9 diamonds: egocentrism; new circumstances; Difficult choice. Advice: get yours at any cost.

10 diamonds: justice; improving health; quiet time; no problems. Advice: don't be alone.

Jack of Diamonds: sadness left behind; help from old friends; reconciliation. Advice: consult with your loved ones.

Queen of Diamonds: important decision; possible pregnancy. Advice: be careful.

King of Diamonds: a dream come true; your plans are close to fulfillment. Advice: don't give up.

Ace of Diamonds: favorable material expenses; entertainment, party, celebration. Advice: get as many pleasant emotions as possible.

6 of hearts: return of health; nice road. Advice: don't be afraid to insist on your own.

7 of hearts: intuitive knowledge, spiritual experience, mysticism. Advice: they are hiding a secret from you - wait for the moment and reveal it.

8 of hearts: surprise; sudden changes; Nice meeting. Advice: communicate more with new people.

9 of hearts: wedding; wedding; nice trip. Advice: Expect happiness.

10 hearts: romantic relationship; new romance, love. Advice: rely on your emotions.

Jack of Hearts: secret romance; guests and unexpected news. Advice: be vigilant, notice what is happening around you.

Queen of Hearts: healthy pregnancy; children; change for the better. Advice: Seek support from your family.

King of Hearts: safe journey home; work that brings joy and creativity. Advice: bring light and happiness to other people.

Ace of Hearts: communication with young children; long-awaited trip. Advice: know how to give in.

Fortune telling for tomorrow

This layout allows you to get a description of tomorrow, or any day that interests you. The layout shows what to expect from morning to evening, what course of events to prepare for and how to behave in order to spend the chosen day as well as possible.

Left alone, prepare a place for fortune telling and shuffle the deck. Then draw three cards with your left hand and place them in a row from left to right, face down. Then pull out the second three and place it in the second row under the first. Then repeat the action again, laying out the third row under the first two.

This layout completely characterizes your day: the top row tells how the morning will begin, the second - how the day will go, and the third - what to expect from the evening. After you have laid out all the cards, draw another one and put it aside: it is interpreted as advice.

Fortune telling for the week

A card layout for the week can help you roughly interpret each day and see the expected development of events. Having prepared the place for fortune telling, shuffle the deck, shuffling the cards with your left hand.

Then draw seven cards from the deck and place them in a vertical row from bottom to top. Then draw seven more cards and place them in the second row, copying the first. Then turn over the cards in both rows from bottom to top: the first two cards will tell you about Monday, the second - about Tuesday, and so on.

If you like to play solitaire, then a good way to find out your future would be fortune telling solitaire. With its help, you can paint a complete picture of what awaits you and receive comprehensive advice. We wish you a happy fate and successful fortune telling. Smile more often and don’t forget to press the buttons and

Playing cards are one of the oldest predictive systems, which are still used by many today. This deck is simpler than the Tarot deck, however, fortune telling with playing cards is no less interesting and very effective. They make fortunes about love, career, and the future; You can ask them any question and receive a very specific, comprehensive answer.

It is believed that fortune telling on a playing deck is quite simple. This is both true and false... Indeed, anyone can master it. However, firstly, in order to correctly interpret the layouts, you need to master a whole layer of information, and of a rather special nature, and secondly, working with playing cards, as with the Tarot, requires compliance with a number of conventions plus developed intuition. Meanwhile, online fortune telling with playing cards allows you to get the same result, but with a minimum of effort and time. Here you will find a whole section of such fortune-telling, and you can use them for free and at any convenient or desired moment. Here they are…

Fortune telling with playing cards

Fortune telling on playing cards by a person's name allows you to understand what exactly the person you have in mind feels towards you or thinks about you at the present time.

Fortune telling with playing cards is an opportunity to figure out how realistic it is to fulfill what you would really like, but what you currently doubt. Fortune telling is free, it works in on-line mode, so you can use it completely freely and at any time convenient for you.

Having a problem? Has the present raised questions for the future? We invite you to resolve all your doubts and get all the answers right now, online, using this fortune telling for the near future. Moreover - pay attention! - absolutely free. The layout is done on playing cards. It allows you to cover a time period from the recent past to the near future, and also shows slightly more distant prospects. With its help, you will see the full picture of the situation and be able to draw the necessary conclusions for yourself.

Free online fortune telling with playing cards for love is an ideal way to sort out problematic relationships with your loved one. In 6 positions of the layout you will find answers to key questions that usually arise in such a situation: what are his thoughts, what does this person want and what, on the contrary, is unpleasant for him, what could happen in the near future, etc.

This free layout is ideal for cases when doubts make it impossible to choose between several candidates for your heart. By the way, with its help you can identify sympathies that you don’t even know about. After all, it may be that someone from your environment is secretly in love with you, but is afraid, hesitant, or for some reason does not want to admit his feelings...

This online Yes-No fortune telling with playing cards will help you get answers to any questions. Moreover, very specific answers. This is convenient because we don’t always need long discussions “on a given topic”; more often we need a clear and accurate forecast - will it come true or not, will it happen or not, should we start or wait...

Fortune telling with playing cards online, which allows you to comprehensively consider the situation around your loved one. His (or her) aspirations, worries, doubts, and besides this, possible surprises and probable events - you will find the answers to all this in such a fortune-telling.

This free relationship fortune-telling will allow you to figure out whether there are problems in your union with your loved one, and to understand how deep and sincere the feelings of your loved one are. The layout is done on playing cards online, so you can use it exactly at the moment when it is most relevant to you.

You can guess with playing cards for any situation. They, like the Tarot deck, can be asked any questions. But correctly understanding the answer we receive from them is not the easiest task. And that is why we offer you a set of detailed meanings for each of the playing cards in the deck. With their help, you can interpret any layout, regardless of its complexity or the essence of the issue.

Every person has a desire to know his future or understand what he did wrong in the past. A simple magical ritual can help with this. Since ancient times, ordinary playing cards have been used for prediction. With their help, people learned about upcoming events in their lives.

Ordinary playing cards are actively used today to predict your fate.

Today, this method has not lost its relevance and is still one of the most popular and in demand throughout the world. There are different ways to tell fortunes with playing cards that even beginners can do.

Fortune telling rules

Fortune telling with playing cards is quite simple. Because performing magical rituals using them does not require special preparation. But you can get a completely correct answer to your question only if all the conventions and rules for using playing cards for fortune telling are followed.

The best time for fortune telling on cards is Friday and the 13th of each month.

You can make a card layout for one person only once a day. If the answer you receive is not satisfactory, you cannot guess again.

You can make a clarifying schedule. Be sure to give the cards a rest so that they can restore their magical powers. Never pick them up if you are not in the mood, or perform rituals with them out of idleness. After such treatment, they may begin to lie.

Regardless of what methods of fortune telling with playing cards are used, you should use only a full deck of 36 cards. It should be used only for magical rituals, and belong to one person. Under no circumstances should it be passed on to friends, sisters or other third parties.

You can purchase a new deck specifically for this purpose. You need to guess on paper playing cards. According to experts, to obtain the most accurate result for each layout, you need to have your own fortune telling cards.

Whatever methods of fortune telling with playing cards are used, the following rules must be observed:

  1. Concentration. You need to gather your thoughts and concentrate on performing the magical ritual. The questions asked must be clearly formulated. It is important not to be distracted by foreign objects and think only about what you are doing at the moment.
  2. Honesty. Under no circumstances should you lie. Because if you are not truthful, you will not be able to get an honest answer.

The meaning of the cards

You can look into the future using different layouts. But in order to read them correctly, you need to know the interpretation of the cards. Most often, their general meaning is used for fortune telling, which we will describe below. Each suit carries its own meaning:

Six of Spades says - an unpleasant long trip awaits you

  1. Six. Unpleasant long trip.
  2. Seven. Depression, sadness, frustration and tears. Difficulties in personal relationships.
  3. Eight. Sadness, difficult conversation.
  4. Nine. Serious illness.
  5. Ten. Unrealized plans.
  6. Jack. Fraud and deception.
  7. Lady. Strong devilish power. Damage and generational curse.
  8. King. Troubles associated with a high-ranking person.
  9. Ace. A controversial card that can foreshadow a big disaster or a festive feast.
  1. Six. A business trip on which your future career depends.
  2. Seven. Complex business negotiations.
  3. Eight. Fateful meeting. New job.
  4. Nine. Changes in life.
  5. Ten. Financial windfalls are closer than you think.
  6. Jack. Big problems.
  7. Lady. Ill-wishers, betrayal of a husband, quarrel with a close relative.
  8. King. An elderly man, a boss, a loyal friend.
  9. Ace. Important meeting. News regarding finance.
  1. Six. Nice card. Portends a pleasant trip that can change your life for the better.
  2. Seven. Joyful chores lie ahead. A profitable financial transaction may take place. Help from a loved one in implementing plans.
  3. Eight. Minor worries and resolution of the situation without any additional effort.
  4. Nine. Prosperity, successful progress of business.
  5. Ten. Climbing the career ladder. Betrayal of a loved one. An interesting proposal from management.
  6. Jack. Deception in financial matters.
  7. Lady. An unfaithful, frivolous young girl. You should beware of her, because there may be tricks on her part.
  8. King. A powerful person on whom the future depends. Meeting a guy and having a serious relationship.
  9. Ace. Great news. Favorable changes.
  1. Six. Date, uncertainty in relationship with lover.
  2. Seven. A secret admirer who will invite you on a date.
  3. Eight. Declaration of love.
  4. Nine. A pleasant conversation with your loved one.
  5. Ten. A long trip with a lover and conversations about a future together.
  6. Jack. Meeting with an unpleasant person.
  7. Lady. Good family relationships.
  8. King. Married man.
  9. Ace. Family hearth.

Ace of Hearts - family comfort and hearth

Gypsy fortune telling

Gypsy fortune telling on ordinary cards is used to find out your future. It is performed as follows. They take the deck, mentally ask a question, shuffle it and move its upper part towards themselves.

Then the cards are laid out in three rows of nine: from 1 to 3 you can find out the past, from 4 to 6 you can see the present, and from 7 to 9 you can understand what the future holds. Then they begin to decipher the laid out eras using the traditional meaning of the cards.

"Trident" layout

The great advantage of this layout is that it is done simultaneously for the near future and the past. Even a beginner can do this fortune telling using ordinary cards. It helps you learn a lot of interesting information about yourself and your loved ones.

The deck is shuffled and three eras are drawn. Place the drawn cards in a row and under each of them you need to put three more pieces, and one in the center of the layout. In the end there should be ten of them. The first row will tell about the past, the second row - about the present, and the third row - about the future. Horizontal rows tell about temporary events. It is also necessary to analyze which suit is in the majority:

  1. If the layout is dominated by clubs, then the person will face big troubles, mistakes and lack of money.
  2. Peaks report illness.
  3. Diamonds portend luck and fortune, pleasant events.
  4. Hearts foretell harmony, happiness and success to a fortuneteller.

Hearts in the “Trident” layout symbolize the achievement of harmony

Fortune telling for love

The theme of love worries every person of any generation. Therefore, magical rituals on this topic are the most popular among all others. With the help of love fortune telling, a person can find out whether his beloved loves him or not.

The deck is shuffled and a king or queen is chosen to represent a loved one.

The choice of suit depends on which person is being told fortune telling on playing cards. Older women are designated by the queen of clubs, and young girls by the queen of diamonds. The king of diamonds denotes a young guy who is free from any relationship, and the king of hearts denotes a married man. For an adult man, choose the king of crosses, and the king of spades for a high-ranking man.

The deck is shuffled and at this time they think about their beloved. It is important that at this time all thoughts are directed only at him. Then they take out one card from the middle and place it face down on the table. The deck is shuffled again and this action is repeated six times. Each card should tell something new about the beloved: his feelings, dreams, thoughts, experiences, fears, events in his life. For interpretation, the general meaning of the cards is used.

Career fortune telling

People who are looking for a new job, or are wondering how their career will turn out, will be able to find answers to their questions using a career chart. They will be able to see the reasons for failures in employment and career prospects.

The stirs are mixed and five pieces are laid out. The first card means the past, and the second - the present. The third will talk about the future, and the fourth will give advice of the day. By the fifth you can find out how it all ends. If spades fall, it means that you cannot trust everyone and you need to keep your thoughts and plans to yourself.

Clubs indicate success in any endeavor, and that the best time has come to realize your plans. Worms speak of the need to concentrate and direct all your efforts to work. Diamonds foretell good news, success and changes for the better.

Diamonds in a career scenario - good news, success and changes for the better await you

Alignment for the past and future

Most often they use cards to tell fortunes about the future and the past. They are also used to get advice on what to do to correct the situation. It is important to carry out the ritual correctly, and then the answer will be accurate and correct.

Fortune telling with playing cards should be done after sunset, and best of all at midnight. At this time, magical powers intensify. The deck is shuffled, five cards are removed and laid out on the table. The action is repeated two more times. At the end, one card is placed separately. You should get five rows of three washes each:

  1. The first row will tell about the person and his personal qualities.
  2. The second one will show alarms.
  3. The third will indicate what is happening to people in close circles.
  4. The fourth will tell about the past, and the fifth about the future.
  5. A separate card will give advice and tell you how the planned business will end.

The layout is described using the general meaning of the cards.

The result of any magical ritual depends on how much a person believes in it. After you tell your fortune, you can understand how to proceed further. With the correct use of the results of fortune telling on playing cards and different layouts, a person will be able to independently build his own successful life.

Fortune telling has been popular among people of different ages since time immemorial. Out of curiosity, a person wants to open the door to secret knowledge of his destiny. With the help of fortune telling, you can gain confidence before a particular event.

Fortune telling on playing decks is easy to do. This is because there is no need to look for and buy a rare deck; even fortune telling with Tarot cards requires a more professional approach.

For fortune telling, you need to purchase a new deck of cards that no one has played before, otherwise the interpretations will be incorrect. If you still can’t get new ones, you need to thoroughly mix the deck several times.

There is a belief that if you place an innocent girl on a deck of playing cards for a few minutes, you can perform fortune telling, and this is how the deck is cleansed.

For most methods of fortune telling, an incomplete deck is used - 36 pieces. The cards should belong to only one person; it is advisable not to give the same deck for fortune telling to girlfriends or sisters, as this can lead to the loss of the subtle magical connection that occurs during the first fortune telling.

Before you start, you need to hold the deck in your hands for several minutes, turning to them and asking yourself a question of interest. Then shuffle the deck again with your left hand, in the direction of the heart. Then you need to take a few pieces from above and move them down.

In the old days, Christmastide was considered the right time for fortune telling; this was the time when young girls carried out fortune telling in various ways, dreaming of seeing their future groom. Of all the days of the week, Friday is the most favorable for fortune telling; you can also tell fortunes every month, on the 13th.

Monday is an unlucky day for any fortune-telling; the interpretation simply will not come true.

Interpretations of all playing cards in any layouts

  1. Ace - means an event that occurs in the fall, unkind rumors, a government institution or the house of respected people;
  2. The king is a congenial comrade associated with military service. When the card is completely missing, this portends a collapse;
  3. A lady is a friend, a powerful woman, in some cases an unrecognized child;
  4. Jack - an assistant, a close friend, of a low military position; if among all the volts it lands first, the fortune telling is performed correctly;
  5. Ten – a critical situation in life associated with a fire;
  6. Nine - imminent inheritance, confusion, emotional conversation;
  7. Eight - death of a close friend, a rich house;
  8. Seven - a difficult path, profit in business, receiving an inheritance. In an upright position it will mean disappointment;
  9. Six - possibly a quick trip to the sea, the wrong path, a government institution.

  1. Ace - the home of the spouses, good news, spring time, a pleasant surprise;
  2. King - when dropped with a lady of the same suit, symbolizes a married man, brown-haired, good news, a long-awaited meeting;
  3. Lady - a married woman;
  4. Jack is an unpleasant interlocutor, an unwanted guest in the house, if there is a king of this suit in the layout, it symbolizes his thoughts, in some the situation means good news;
  5. Ten - imminent marriage, happy news, sometimes means a city;
  6. Nine - symbolizes a love letter, quick news, good or not, directly depends on the cards drawn nearby;
  7. Eight – relaxation, conversation with a pleasant person, a grueling journey;
  8. Seven - global changes, a company of cheerful friends, as well as the secret thoughts of the queen of hearts;
  9. Six - events on the path of life, failure in new endeavors.


  1. Ace - means hot summer, unexpected news;
  2. The king is an unmarried man, if there is no queen card nearby, a romantic date, meeting a pleasant interlocutor, a fateful meeting;
  3. Lady - young lady, unfaithful wife;
  4. Jack - good news, symbolizes a boy who can be trusted;
  5. Ten - replenishment of the budget, a pleasant surprise, a meeting with a close friend;
  6. Nine - money, if a queen or king of this suit appears, a pleasant impression from the fortuneteller;
  7. Eight - prophetic dreams, news about money, plans for the future;
  8. Seven - an expensive present, an important event in your career, pleasant chores;
  9. Six is ​​a good card that can outshine all nearby negative cards and portends success in money and personal life.
  1. Ace - night, winter time, losses, unpleasant news, when the king of a given suit is nearby, means uncontrollable passion;
  2. The king is an enemy, a person who dreams of annoying, a rival;
  3. Lady - discord in the family, major quarrels, grumpy, old woman;
  4. Jack - an unpleasant young man with dark hair, fights, unpleasant news, hidden thoughts of the king of the same suit;
  5. Ten - shattered dreams, imminent losses, bad news;
  6. Nine - a disagreement with a close friend, a long journey;
  7. Eight - illness, failure in business, home of a high-ranking person;
  8. Seven – lies, unexpected news;
  9. Six - loss of the king or queen of this suit, a difficult road.

Knowing the interpretations of all playing cards, you can begin the most interesting and magical part - fortune telling.

Alignment “What was and what will be” and interpretations

This is the most common fortune telling with playing cards. Before fortune telling begins, the card of the person asking is separated from the deck, according to the principle:

  • king or queen of diamonds - for free young people;
  • king or queen of hearts - for married people;
  • king or queen of clubs - for older people.

The deck is thoroughly shuffled, usually 3 to 5 times. After which you need to lay out three pieces at a time until you come across a suit that symbolizes a fortuneteller. If there are suits next to it that are similar in meaning, then the fortune telling is being performed correctly. The fortuneteller's card is set aside separately. Then the one for whom fortune telling is being performed moves part of the deck away from himself with the little finger of his left hand.

Under no circumstances should you remove the deck on yourself, otherwise there is a risk of negative energy transferring to the person. Therefore, it is once again better to protect yourself from the evil effects of magic. Afterwards, the person conducting the fortune telling begins to lay out 3 cards in 5 rows, then another card from the deck is put aside separately.

Each row has its own designation:

  • Row 1 – for yourself;
  • Row 2 – for the heart;
  • 3rd row – for home;
  • Row 4 – past events;
  • Row 5 – upcoming events.

The card set aside separately is the answer to the question “How will the heart calm down?”

Fortune telling for the near future using playing cards

One of the oldest fortune telling for the near future is fortune telling with 13 cards. The new deck of cards is carefully shuffled, and then pushed towards you with the left hand. Then, 13 cards are randomly drawn from the deck, which are laid out one after another and signify upcoming events. In order of order, the cards mean:

Alignment for love and relationships with a man

Fortune telling with 6 cards

Before starting fortune telling with playing cards, we determine the person asking. Then, having carefully shuffled the new deck, remove part of it with the little finger of your left hand, then take the card from above the deck.

After which the deck needs to be shuffled again, do this 6 times until there are 6 cards turned upside down on the table. Now you can watch the interpretations.

The number of cards dealt is not random. Each of them, in order of priority, means one or another event:

  • 1 card – thoughts of a loved one;
  • Card 2 – what’s in the lover’s heart;
  • 3 card – the near future of the beloved;
  • 4 card – dreams of a loved one;
  • 5 card – fears of a loved one;
  • 6th card – the attitude of my loved one towards me at the present time.

Fortune telling with 3 cards

A deck of 36 pieces is taken, from which it is necessary to select the king and queen, according to the principle:

  1. Diamond suit - brown-haired;
  2. Spades and cross suit - brunettes;
  3. Hearts suit - blondes.

The deck is shuffled several times, then 3 pieces are laid out in a fan shape in a vertical line until the coveted king and queen appear. After these suits appear in the layout, you need to lay out 2 more fans of 3 pieces.

In this scenario, the most difficult thing is to correctly interpret the events. If the lady and the king are located next to each other in the same fan, then such a union is harmonious and the relationship is strong.

When one card is located lower than the other, the couple has a lot of omissions, intrigues, quarrels, the one who is located lower is no longer interesting to the other partner.

It is worth paying attention to the vertical rows, the left, outer row is what happened between people in the past, the middle is present events, the outer row, on the right is the future.

In a harmonious situation, except for those on which they are guessing, no other kings and queens appear; if there is another one, there is someone extra in the relationship, a love triangle may have formed.

A bad sign is the appearance of a ten of spades in a reading - this is a relationship doomed to collapse.

If there are many cards of the club suit in a row, it means that the partners are engaged in common activities related to finance.

Fortune telling for wish fulfillment

1 way

One of the easiest ways to guess by wish is to shuffle a deck of cards and draw any at random - this will be the answer to the question asked. If during the reading one of them appears by chance, then this will be the answer, it must be taken seriously.

This fortune telling is suitable for solving minor issues and plans for the very near future; in case of solving life-changing problems, this method is not suitable.

Method 2

The deck of cards is shuffled and 15 are laid out in a row. After the deal, you need to select the aces and put them aside. Do this two more times, if during fortune telling aces of all stripes come out, the wish will certainly come true.

3 way

This method will help you find the answer to a specific question; the more accurate it is, the more truthfully the cards will answer. Before starting fortune telling, you need to remove all sixes from the deck. You need to take 4 pieces from the deck and make a wish on one of them. Shuffle the cards and lay them out like a pyramid, starting with 1 card, to make 6 rows. Depending on which row the intended suit fell out, it will mean:

  • top of the pyramid - will not come true;
  • 2nd row – doubtful;
  • Row 3 – don’t count on success;
  • Row 4 - will probably come true;
  • Row 5 - it will come true;
  • Row 6 will undoubtedly come true.

4 way

This fortune telling with playing cards will help give a specific answer “yes” or “no”, therefore, the questions should be simple. For fortune telling, you need a deck consisting of 36 cards, the interpretation will consist of two parts, the first - the higher powers answer the question, the second - what contributed to this.

4 cards are laid out in 9 rows, face down, then only the top cards are opened, if among all the cards of the same suit fall out, they are put aside and the next ones are opened. If all the cards are revealed, the wish will come true.

If this alignment was successful, the second part of the fortune telling is not required.

Then the cards are shuffled again and laid out face up, and the names are spoken, from Ace to Six, in order. If, having laid out a card, they named it, put it aside and so on until they have a few pieces - this is the reason for the unfulfilled desire.

What not to do when fortune telling with playing cards

There is nothing wrong with the fact that a person is interested in knowing his future, getting an answer to a question. The main thing to remember is that any fortune telling is a touch on secret knowledge, so accuracy and precision are important in this matter. Falling into dependence on fortune telling is a fairly common mistake that many inexperienced boys and girls make. If you use interpretations in the right direction, you can significantly improve the quality of your life and protect yourself from wrong decisions. You can perform fortune telling on playing cards in completely different ways, but their interpretation will still be the same.

In the next video there are more interpretations for fortune telling with playing cards.

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