Home Salon Handles of ships, their forms and types. Steering and submissive devices The principle of operation of the vessel steering

Handles of ships, their forms and types. Steering and submissive devices The principle of operation of the vessel steering

Steering gear It is intended to hold the vessel in the course or a change in the direction of its movement. It provides ship handling.

The ships use the steers: ordinary, balancing and albalans.

Common steering wheel - This is the steering wheel, whose feather is located in the stern from the axis of rotation.

According to the design, 2 types of steering wheel are distinguished: 1-layer or flat, relying on the ribs, connected to RUDERPIS, and 2-h crying, or streamlined, in which the feather of the steering wheel consists of a frame that is covered with steel sheets. The empty space is filled with wood or harpius in order to prevent corrosion.

To hang out an ordinary steering wheel on the RUDERPIRS and RUDAPOST, loops are made. Holes in loops on the Rudpiers conical, and on the orthudation cylindrical. The lower loop on the rule does not have through hole And is a support that perceives the weight of the steering wheel. In the groove under the pin put "lentils". In the process of exploitation when depreciation, lentil is replaced. In order for the wrecking of the wheel of the steering wheel, it was not raised up and washed with loops, 1 from the pins, usually the top has the head. This design allows you to remove the steering wheel without entering the dock.

To prevent the steering wheel to an angle, more than 35 o, install limiters: protrusions on the RUDERPIRS and RUDAPOST, chains, protrusions on the deck.

The upper part of the RUDERPIRS is connected to the baller. The connection methods may be different, but should be completed 1-abundant condition: the steering wheel should be removed without a vertical shift of the baller. The most common is the flange connection on the bolts. The upper end of the baller is excreted on that deck where the steering wheel is located.

In order to prevent water flow into the vessel's housing through a neckline for the passage of the baller, it is placed in a helmport pipe, the combination of which with an outer sheaving and deck flooring is made waterproof.

The use of streamlined steering wheel allows you to reduce water resistance when the vessel is moving. This increases the controllability of the vessel and the power spent on the wheelchair decreases.

The frame of the hollow steering wheel consists of a rulepier, outdoor rim and several Röbembers. Sheets of the skin are connected to the frame with welding.

The hanging of an ordinary 2-Clay steering wheel is performed in the same way as 1-layer, but they make 2 pins, which makes it easier to bring the steering wheel to the ruder (it is also done by streamlined). It is a fixed part of the feather steering wheel - counterper. This design allows you to increase the vessel speed by 5-6%.

a) ordinary flat steering wheelit has the axis of rotation at the front edge of the steering wheel. The steering wheel of the steering wheel, made of a thick steel sheet, is backed by rigid ribs 8. They are cast or reorno at the same time with a thickened vertical edge of the steering wheel - rederterpirste 7 - with hinges 6, in which pins 5 steering pins are reliably fixed on the loop 4 RUDERPOST 1 . The pins have a bronze lining, and the loop of the RUDERPOST - the bunchy sleeves. The lower pin of the RUDERPIRs enters into the deepening of the heel of the Ahterstevnya 10, into which a bronze bushing with tempered steel lentils at the bottom is inserted to reduce friction. Ahterstevnya heel through lentil perceives the pressure of the steering wheel.

To prevent steering offset, one of the pins, usually the top, on the bottom end has the head. The upper part of the RUDERPIRs connects with the balller 2 steering wheel with a special flange 3. The flange is somewhat shifted from the axis of rotation, so the shoulder is formed and the turn of the steering wheel is facilitated. The displacement of the flange allows during repair of the steering wheel to remove it from the loop of the Ruderption without lifting the baller, disassembled the flange and turning the pen and the baller in different directions.

Ordinary flat steers are simple in design and durable, but create a large resistance to the movement of the vessel, so much effort is required for their smoker. The current vessels use streamlined, balancing and semi-bank rolls.

b)Pen streamlined steering wheel It is a welded metal waterproof frame, covered with sheet steel.

Peru gives a streamlined shape and sometimes installed on it. Additionally special doors - fairing. Ruderpost also make streamlined.

in)W. balancing steeringpart of the pen is shifted from the axis of rotation to the nose of the vessel. The area of \u200b\u200bthis part, called the balancing, is 20 - 30% of the entire Pen area. When the steering wheel, the pressure of the oncoming water streams on the balancing part of the pen contributes to the rotation of the steering wheel, reducing the load on steering machine.

d) a semi-bank steering wheel It differs from the balance sheet because its balancing part has a smaller height than the main one.

Handles balance and semi-abandon - These are steered, in which the feather of the steering wheel is located on both sides of the axis of rotation. These rudders require smaller overload efforts. Part of the area located in the nose from the axis of rotation is the balancing part of the steering wheel. The ratio of the area of \u200b\u200bthe balancing part to the rest is the degree of balancing and is expressed in%. In modern ships, the degree of balancing is 20-30%

The steering wheel is called balancerif the height of its balancing part is equal to the height of the main part of the steering wheel. If the balancing part has a smaller height along the baller's axis than the main part, then such a steering wheel - semi-bank.

The balance sheet steering wheel is hung on ahterstevine that does not have a rule. The steering wheel is hung on the 2nd loops at the top and the ribbon, but there may be a different design: the steering wheel is held by the baller, which has a spike at the bottom of the Helmport. Often there is a balancing suspended steering wheel. The pen of such a steering wheel does not have a support at all and is kept only with a ballers, which in turn lies on stubborn and support bearings.

Active rul It is a streamlined steering wheel equipped with a small propeller. When the steering wheel, the strength of the screw is added to the stealth arising. To increase the efficiency, the screw is placed in the guide nozzle. The screw rotates from the electric motor placed in a drop-shaped putter on the steering wheel. Installation power ranges from 50 to 700l.s. When the main machines accident, the steering screw can be used, the ship will retain the stroke of 4-5 nodes.

Nasal swelling devices. In the nose of the vessel, transverse tunnels are made, in which small rowing screws are placed. The diameter of the swelling screws reaches 2m, the power of the motor up to 800l.s. To change the direction of the jet, the damper system is used, as well as reversing the rowing screw.

Harvesting devices provide manageability in small and rear moves, allowing you to move even a lag. Can be applied on a wide variety of courts.

Secto drive with stormed storm transmission. On the ballet instead of the direct tapel, the sector is fixed. Each branch of Sturrusa on a special groove rushes the sector and is attached to his hub. With such a design, the slab is eliminated in the non-working branch of the Sturros. The central angle of the sector should be such that the Sturrros does not have large fuss. It is usually equal to the double corner of the steering wheel, i.e. 70 o.

When repairing the steering wheel in the sea, it is required to fix in a certain position. To do this, there is a brake on the steering drive. The sector set the brake arc to which the brake block is pressed with a screw drive.

IN sector drive with gear transmission The teeth are located on the sector arc and engage with a steering-wheel drive gear. The toothed sector sits freely on the ballet and is associated with a straight rift, fastened on the ballet hard, through the buffer springs. Such a connection protects the teeth of the sector and the gear from the breakage when the wave is blowing into the pen.

Currently, widespread use hydraulic driveswhich are a type of tieper drive. A slider is installed on the direct longitudinal tile, which is connected by rods with pistons of cylinders. The cylinders are connected to the pump shown in motion by the electric motor. When pumping fluid from the 1st cylinder in another pistons move and unfold a tape. The drive valve is included in the drive system. When the wave beats in the pen in the 1st of the cylinders, an overpressure is created, the liquid according to the additional pipeline through the bypass valve enters another cylinder, leveling pressure. In this way, rummer jerks are softened.

Steam machines and electric motors are used to translate steering drives. On large courts, as a rule, use manual drives installed in the steering wheelhouse. To facilitate the wheelchair between the steering wheel and the drum, the steering machine includes a toothed or worm gear.

\u003d Sailor II class (p.56) \u003d

The steering device is used to change the direction of movement of the vessel, providing a handle of the steering wheel to some angle at a specified period of time. The main parts are:

· Office post;

· Steering from the control station to the steering motor:

· Steering engine;

· Steering drive from the steering engine to the steering baller;

· Steering wheel or swivel nozzle that directly ensure the controllability of the vessel.

The main elements of the steering device are shown in Fig. 3.10.

Rule- The main body ensuring the operation of the device. It acts only on the go of the vessel and in most cases is located in the stern part. Usually one steering wheel on the ship. But sometimes to simplify the structure of the steering wheel (but not a steering device, which is complicated) set several steering wheels, the amount of the squares of which should be equal to the calculated area of \u200b\u200bthe steering wheel.

The main element of the steering wheel is pen. In form cross section Feather steering can be: a) lamellar or flat, b) streamlined or profiled.

Fig.3.10 Steering device

1 - pen steering; 2 - Baller; - 3 - tiller; 4 - steering machine with steering wheel drive; 5 - Helmport pipe; 6 - flange compound; 7 - manual drive.

The advantage of the profiled steering wheel is that the pressure of pressure on it exceeds (by 30% or more) pressure on the plate steering wheel, which improves the valid of the vessel. The distance of the pressure center of such steering from the incoming (front) edge of the steering wheel is less, and the moment required for the rotation of the profiled steering wheel is also less than that of the plate steering wheel. Consequently, a less powerful steering machine will be required. In addition, the profiled (streamlined) steering wheel improves the operation of the screw and creates a smaller resistance to the movement of the vessel.

The form of the projection of the feather of the steering wheel on the DP depends on the shape of the body's feed formation, and the area is from the length and precipitation of the vessel (L and D), the marine ships area of \u200b\u200bthe steering wheel is selected in the range of 1.7-2.5% of the submerged part of the area of \u200b\u200bthe diametral plane vessel. The axis of the baller is the axis of rotation of the steering wheel. Baller steering wheel in the stern case of the housing enters through the Helmport pipe. On the top of the baller (head) is attached to the knap of a lever, called a rump, which serves to transfer the rotational torque from the drive through the baller on the steering wheel.

Ship steers are customary to classify according to the following features:

According to the method of fastening the pen steering wheel with the hull of the vessel distinguish steers:

but) simple- with a support on the lower end of the steering wheel or with many supports on the rudepos;

b) semi-breeding - with a support on a special bracket in one intermediate point in the height of the steering wheel;

in) suspended- hanging on the ballers.

According to the position of the axis of rotation relative to the steering wheel, the steers distinguish:

but) non-balance - with the axis placed at the front (incoming) edge of the pen;

b) balancing - With the axis located at some distance from the front edge of the steering wheel.

Fig.3.11 Simple nonbalansional steering wheel.

Fig.3.12 Semi-breeding nonbalansional steering wheel.

Fig.3.13 Suspended nonbalansional steering wheel.

Fig.3.14 Simple balancing steering wheel.

Fig.3.15 Semi-lining balance wheel (semi-lining)

Fig.3.16 Suspended balancing steering wheel.

Steering wheel drive It is intended for the transfer of commands from the navigator from the steering wheel cutting to the steering machine in the taller compartment. Electric or hydraulic transmission is found. In small vessels, roller or cable drives are used, in the latter case, this drive is called sturdrossov.

Control devices Watching the position of the steering wheel and-aspiral action of the entire device.

Control devices transmit steering orders when manually controlled.

Steering device - one of the most important devicesproviding the vitality of the vessel. In case of an accident, the steering device has a duplicate power control post, consisting of a steering wheel and a manual drive located in a tie-free compartment or near it.

At low speeds, the vessel steering devices become insufficient and sometimes make the vessel completely uncontrollable. To increase the maneuverability on the modern ships of some types (commercial, towing, passenger and special vessels), they set the active rudders, swivel nozzles, swelling devices or wing propellers. These devices allow ships to independently perform complex maneuvers in the open sea, as well as pass without auxiliary tunnel tuggers, enter the raid and harbor waters and approach the colors, unfold and depart from them, saving time and means.

Active rul (Fig.3.17) is a feather of the streamlined steering wheel, on the rear edge of which the nozzle with the propeller is installed in motion from the rolk conical transmission passing through the hollow baller and rotating from the electric motor installed on the baller's head. There is a type of active steering wheel with the rotation of the screw from the electric motor of water versions (working in water) mounted in the pen steering. When the active steering wheel drive, working in it, the screw creates an emphasis that turns the feed relative to the axis of the rotation of the vessel. When the rowing screw of the active steering wheel, the vessel speed increases by 2-3 nodes. When the main engines are stopped from the operation of the row screw of the active steering wheel, the ship is reported to a small move to 5 knot.

Fig.3.17 Active steering wheel with conical transmission to screw.

Swivel nozzle, Installed instead of a steering wheel, when the boards, deflects the water-discarded ridge with a rowing screw, the reaction of which causes the reversal of the vessel's forage tip. Rotary nozzles are a rowing screw guide, reinforced on the vertical ballers, the axis of which intersects with the axis of the propeller screw in the plane of the screw disk (Fig. 29). The rotary guide nozzle is part of the propulsive complex and simultaneously serves as a control body, replacing the steering wheel. The nozzle derived from the DP works as a ring wing, on which side lifting force arises, causing a shy rotation. Hydrodynamic Moment occurring on the ballers (both in front and NA rear end) It seeks to increase the angle of its smoker. To reduce the influence of this negative point, a stabilizer with a symmetric profile is installed in the tail part of the nozzle. The angle of rotation of the nozzle relative to the ship's DP is, as a rule, 30-35 °.

Fig.3.18. Swivel nozzle.

Writing devices It is usually performed by the VVID tunnels passing through the housing, in the plane of the spangout in the fodder and

Fig.3.19 Schematic scheme Breaking device

Purpose technical means Office

On GDP ships and their types.

The basic requirements for the technical means of management for the ships of the internal and mixed (river-sea) of swimming are determined by the rules of the Russian river register (RDR), the federal body classification of the courts of the internal and mixed (river-sea) of the navigation. These requirements takes into account the type and class of the courts.

Technical controls are designed to ensure movement, control and hold of the vessel on the specified pathway. These include:

Motor-moving control system;

Steering gear;

Anchor and mooring device.

One of the main elements of technical controls is the steering.

The steering device is used to change the direction of movement of the vessel and hold the vessel on the line of the specified path.

It consists of:

From the management authority (steering wheel, joystick);

Transmission system;

Executive elements.

Court handling is provided by actuating elements of steering devices. As executive elements of steering devices on GDP vessels can be used:

Rules different types;

Rotary screw nozzles;

Romometric motor steering devices.

In addition, some types of ships can be applied:

Cheerful devices;

Wing motiferous steering devices;

Active and flanking steering wheel.

Handles of ships, their forms and types.

The highest distribution as an actuator received the steering of various types.

The steering wheel can include: feather steering wheel, supports, suspensions, baller, tiller, etc. Auxiliary devices (sorlin, Helmport, RUDERPIS).

R y and, depending on its shape and the location of the axis of rotation, are divided into simple, semi-bank and balancing; By the number of supports - on suspended, one-handed and multi-hydraulic. A simple steering wheel is located at the rear from the baller's axis, the semi-bank and balancing steering wheel part of the pen is located ahead of the baller's axis, forming a semi-balance and balancing parts (Fig. 4.1).

In the form of the profile, the steers are divided into plastic and streamlined (profiled). Balancing streamlined rectangular steers found the greatest distribution on the courtyards ships.

The steering wheel is characterized by: height H P.- distance measured along the baller's axis, between the lower edge of the steering wheel and the point of intersection of the axis of the baller with the upper part of the steering wheel; Lena L P. steering; displacement Δ. L P.parts of the steering area forward relative to the baller's axis (in the semi-bank steering wheel, usually Δ L P. up to 1/3. l P., Balancing Δ L P. up to 1/2. l P.).

Fig.4.1 Rules

The most important characteristic of the steering wheel is its total area Σ S P.. The actual steering area is characterized by an expression

S p Φ \u003d h p · l p (4.1)

The total required steering area, which ensures the controllability of the vessel is expressed by the equation

S P T \u003d LT (4.2)

where is the proportionality coefficient;

L. - the length of the vessel;

T. - The greatest sediment of the vessel.

To ensure manageability of the vessel, the required total steering area should be equal to the actual steering area, i.e.

The steering device is a set of mechanisms, aggregates and nodes that ensure the management of the vessel. The main structural elements of any steering device are:
- the working body - the pen steering wheel (steering wheel) or the rotary guide nozzle;
- Baller, connecting the worker with a steering wheel;
- steering drive, transmitting effort from the steering machine to the worker;
- steering machine that creates an effort for turning the worker;
- Control drive that connects the steering machine with the post of control.
At the modern ships, the hollow streams, consisting of horizontal ribs and vertical diaphragms coated with steel trim (Fig. 4). The trim is fixed to the frame with electric plates. Inner space The steering wheel is filled with resinous substances or direct polyurethane foam PP3s.
The steers are depending on the location of the axis of rotation:
1) balancing (Fig. 4, 6), the axis of rotation passes through the pen steering;
2) nonbalance (Fig. 5), the axis of rotation coincides with the front edge of the pen;
3) Semi-abandoned rudders.
The moment of resistance to the rotation of the balancing or semi-abandoned steering wheel is less than nonbalansive, and, accordingly, less required power of the steering machine.
By the method of fastening, the steers are divided into:
1) suspended, which are attached to the horizontal flange compound to the baller and are installed only on small and small small mining courts.
2) Simple.
A simple single-rope wheel steering wheel (see Fig. 4) The pin rests on the stubborn glass of the heel of Ahterstevnya. To reduce friction, the cylindrical part of the pin has a bronze cladding, and the bronze bushing is inserted into the heel of the acht. A steering wheel with a ballee is a horizontal flange on six bolts or conical. When cone connection, the conical end portion of the baller is inserted into the conical hole of the upper ends of the steering wheel and is tightly tightened with a nut, access to which is provided through the cover set on the screws included in the rudder. The curved baller makes it possible to separately dismantle the steering and baller (with their mutual reversal).
A simple dock-resistant nonbalance steering wheel (Fig. 5) is closed with a leaf diaphragm and a cast head having a flange for connecting the steering wheel with a ballers and a loop under the upper pins. Bowls, bronze or other bushings are inserted into the ruder support loop.
Insufficient rigidity of the lower support of the balancing steering wheel often causes the vibration of the vessel's feed and the steering wheel. This disadvantage is absent from the balancing steering wheel with a removable ruderpost (Fig. 6). In the pen of such a steering wheel, a pipe is mounted through which a removable rule is passed. The lower end of the ruderpost is fixed by the cone in the heel of the Ahterstevnya, and the top fasten the flange to the ahtershevny. Bearings are installed inside the pipe. Ruderpost in places of passage through bearings has a bronze lining. Fastening the steering wheel to the baller - flange.
Auxiliary rowing screw is placed in the active steering wheel (Fig. 7). When the steering wheel, the direction of the auxiliary screw is changed and an additional moment that turns the vessel occurs.
The direction of rotation of the auxiliary screw is opposite to the direction of rotation of the main one. The electric motor is placed in the steering wheel or in the tiered compartment. In the latter case, the electric motor is directly connected to the vertical shaft transmitting rotation to the gearbox gearbox. The screw of the active steering wheel can provide a ship speed up to 5 tons.
In many ships of the fishing fleet, instead of the steering wheel, the rotary guide nozzle is installed (Fig. 8), which creates the same steering force, lateral force with smaller corners of the smoker. Moreover, the moment on the ball-leverage of the nozzle is approximately two times less than the point on the balller of the steering wheel. To ensure the sustainable position of the nozzle at shorts and increasing its steering to the tail part of the nozzle in the plane of the baller's axis, the stabilizer is fixed. The design and fastening of the nozzle is similar to the design and fastening the balance sheet.

Fig.4 Workers of steering devices: The steering wheel is a balance sheet.
1 - Baller; 2 - flange; 3 - trim feather steering; 4 - delold the fairing; 5 - vertical diaphragm; 6 - horizontal edge; 7 - heel Ahterstevnya; 8 - nut; 9 - washer; 10 - steering pin; 11 - bronze pine facing; 12 - Bronze bushing (bearing); 13 - stubborn glass; 14 - Channel to dismantle a stubborn cup.

Fig.5. Workers of the steering devices: the steering wheel of the dual-resistant nonbalance.
1 - Baller; 2 - flange; 3 - trim feather steering; 7 - heel Ahterstevnya; 8 - nut; 9 - washer; 10 - steering pin; 11 - bronze pine facing; 12 - Bronze bushing (bearing); 15 - Helmport pipe; 17 - Ruderpost; 18 - Bakat.

Fig.6 The steering wheel is balancing with a removable rulepost.
1 - Baller; 3 - trim feather steering; 7 - heel Ahterstevnya; 11 - bronze pine facing; 12 - Bronze bushing (bearing); 15 - Helmport pipe; 19 - a ruderpost flange; 20 - removable ruderpost; 21 - vertical pipe.

Fig. 7 Active steering wheel.
3 - trim feather steering; 4 - delold the fairing; 23 - gearbox with a fairing; 24 - stabilizer;

Baller is a curved or straight steel cylindrical bar, derived through the Helmport pipe into the tape branch. The connection of the gelmport pipe with the outer sheaving and the deck flooring is waterproof. In the upper part of the pipe, the sealing gland and bearing of the baller, which can be supported and stubborn.
The steering must have drives: the main and auxiliary, and when they are located below the cargo waterline, an additional emergency, located above the deck of bulkheads. Instead of auxiliary drive, it is allowed to install a dual main, consisting of two autonomous aggregates. All actuators must act independently of each other, but, as an exception, they are allowed to have some general details. The main drive should work on energy sources, auxiliary can be manual.
The steering drive design depends on the type of steering machine. Electric and electro-hydraulic steering machines are installed on ships of the fishing fleet. The first is performed in the form of an electric motor direct current, the second - in the form of the electric motor - the pump in combination with a plunger, blade or screw hydraulic drive. Manual steering machines in combination with stormed, rolly or hydraulic steering wheel drive are found only on small and small mining courts.
The remote control of the steering machine from the steering wheelhouse provide teledamic transmissions, called the steering telecasts or steering teleclosures. In modern fishing vessels, hydraulic and electric steering television shows were used. Often they are duplicated or combined into electro-hydraulic.
The electrical TV shows consists of a special controller located in the steering tube and the associated electrical system With a steering device of the steering machine. Controller control is carried out using the helmet, handles or buttons.
The hydraulic television shows consists of a manual pump driven by steering wheel, and tubes that bind the pump with a steering device of the steering machine. The working fluid of the system is the non-freezing mixture of water with glycerol or mineral oil.
The management of the main and auxiliary steering drives is independently produced from the undercarriage, as well as from the manual separation. Transition time from the main on auxiliary drive should not exceed 2 min. If there are posts of control of the main steering wheel drive in the steering and commercial logging, the failure of the management system from one post should not impede control from another post.
The wheelchair angle is determined by the axiimeter installed in each post. In addition, on the steering sector or other parts, rigidly connected with the baller, is applied to the scale to determine the actual position of the steering wheel. The automatic consistency between speed, the direction of rotation and the position of the helm and the speed, the side and the angle of the steering wheel is provided by the servo.
The brake (stopper) of the steering wheel is designed to hold the steering wheel during emergency repair or during the transition from one drive to another. The most commonly used ribbon stopper, clamping directly baller steering. Sectoral drives have shoe stops in which brake shoe pressed against a special arc on the sector. IN hydraulic drives The role of the stopper perform valves overlapping access working fluid to drives.
Holding the vessel at a given course with favorable weather conditions without the participation of the steering provides the steering wheel, the principle of operation of which is based on the use of a gyrocompas or magnetic compass. Conventional management bodies are related to autorone. When the vessel falls on the specified course, the steering wheel is installed in the zero position and include the auto-power. If under the action of wind, unrest or flow, the vessel deviates from the specified course, the system motor, having received a pulse from the compass sensor, ensures the return of the vessel to the specified course. When changing the course or maneuvering, the steering wheel is disconnected and passed to normal steering.
General registry requirements for steering device are as follows:
- Each vessel, with the exception of ship barges, must have a reliable device that provides its turnover and stability on the course: steering device, a device with a swivel nozzle and others;
- taking into account the appointment and special operation of the vessel, the use of these devices together with the means active control vessel (saouse).
- the intelligence time of the fully immersed steering wheel or the rotary nozzle is the main drive (with the highest speed of the front turn) from 35 ° of one side by 30 ° of the other should not exceed 28 s, auxiliary (at a speed equal to half the highest speed of the forefront or 7 nodes, depending From what value is more) from 15 ° of one side by 15 ° of another - 60 s, emergency (at no less than 4 nodes) is not limited.
In the Register of Part III of Chapter 2, the requirements for all elements of the steering device are presented, formulas are given to calculate the effectiveness and steering and turning nozzles.

The steering device is used to change the direction of movement of the vessel or hold it on the specified course. In the latter case, the steering task is to oppose the external forces, such as the wind or the flow that can lead to the deviation of the vessel from the specified course.

Steering devices are known since the emergence of the first floating agents. In ancient times, the steering devices were large swap pads, fortified on the stern, on the same side or on both sides of the vessel. At the time of the Middle Ages, they began to replace the hinge steering wheel, which was placed on the Ahtershtevne in the diametrical plane of the vessel. In this form, it has been preserved to the present day. The steering device consists of a steering wheel, a baller, steering, steering, steering machine and control post (Fig. 6.1).

The steering must have two drives: the main and auxiliary.
Main steering wheel drive - these are the mechanisms, executive drives of the handling of the steering wheel, power units steering drive, as well as auxiliary equipment and means of a torque application to the baller (for example, a tape or sector) required for the steering wheel in order to control the vessel in normal conditions operation.
Auxiliary steering wheel drive - These are the equipment necessary to control the vessel in case of failure of the main steering wheel drive, with the exception of the RUPEL, sector or other elements intended for the same purpose.
The main steering wheel drive should provide a steering wheel with a 350 single side by 350 other board with a maximum operational sediment and the speed of the vessel of the vessel no more than 28 seconds.
The auxiliary steering wheel must provide a steering wheel with a 150 single board by 150 other boards for no more than 60 seconds with a maximum operational sediment of the vessel and speed equal to half of its maximum operating speed of the front turn.
The auxiliary steering control must be provided from the manual compartment. The transition from the main to the auxiliary drive must be performed in a time not exceeding 2 minutes.
Rule - The main part of the steering device. It is located in the stern and acts only on the go of the ship. The main element of the steering wheel - the pen, which in shape can be flat (lamellar) or streamlined (profiled).
According to the position of the steering wheel, relative to the axis of rotation of the baller is distinguished (Fig. 6.2):
- ordinary steering wheel - the plane of the steering wheel is located behind the axis of rotation;
- a semi-bank steering wheel - only most of the feather of the steering wheel is behind the axis of rotation, due to which the reduced moment of rotation occurs when the steering wheel arises;
- Balancing steering wheel - feather steering wheel So located on both sides of the axis of rotation, which at the wheelchair does not arise any significant moments.

Depending on the principle of operation distinguish passive and active steering wheel. Passive are the steering devices, allowing the rotation of the ship only during the course, more precisely, to say, during the movement of water relative to the vessel body.
The vitrol complex of the courts does not ensure their necessary maneuverability when driving at low speeds. Therefore, many ships to improve maneuverable characteristics are used tools of active controls that allow you to create the force of thrust in directions other than the direction of the diametrical plane of the vessel. These include: active rudders, pouring
Devices, rotary screw columns and separate swivel nozzles.

Active rul
- This is the steering wheel with auxiliary screw installed on it, located on the back edge of the steering wheel (Fig. 6.3). The electric motor is built into the pen, driven by a rowing screw, which is placed in the nozzle to protect against damage. Due to the rotation of the steering wheel, along with the propeller on a certain angle, a cross-stop, caused by the rotation of the ship occurs. The active steering wheel is used at low speeds up to 5 knots. When maneuvering on cramped water areas, an active steering wheel can be used as the main drive, which ensures high maneuverable quality of the vessel. At high speeds, the screw of the active steering wheel is disabled, and the steering wheel is carried out as usual.

Separate swivel nozzles
(Fig. 6.4). The swivel nozzle is a steel ring, whose profile represents the element of the wing. The area of \u200b\u200bthe entrance nozzle is larger than the area of \u200b\u200bthe day. Rowing screw is located in the most narrow section. The swivel nozzle is installed on the ballet and rotates up to 40 ° for each board, replacing the steering wheel. Separate swivel nozzles are installed on many transport ships, mainly river and mixed swimming, and ensure their high maneuverable characteristics.

Writing devices
(Fig. 6.5). The need to create effective tools The control of the nasal tip of the vessel led to the equipment of the courts by sublive devices. PU creates the force of thrust in the direction perpendicular to the diametrical plane of the vessel, regardless of the operation of the main propulsion and steering. Harvesting devices are equipped with a large number of vessels of the most detailed destination. In combination with the screw and the steering wheel, the PU provides high maneuverability of the vessel, the possibility of turning on the spot in the absence of a stroke, the departure or approach to the berth is practically lag.

Recently, the Electric Electric Propulsion Drive (Azimuthing Electric Propulsion Drive) has been distributed, which includes a diesel generator, an electric motor and a screw (Fig. 6.6).

The diesel generator, located in the engine room of the vessel, produces electricity that is transmitted by cable connections to the electric motor. Eletromor, providing rotation of the screw, is located in a special gondola. The screw is on the horizontal axis, the amount decreases mechanical gears. The vitrol column has an angle of reversal up to 3600, which significantly increases the shipability of the vessel.
Advantages Azipod:
- saving time and means when building;
- great maneuverability;
- decreases fuel consumption by 10 - 20%;
- the vibration of the vessel case decreases;
- due to the fact that the diameter of the rowing screw is less - the effect of cavitation is reduced;
- There is no effect of the rowing screw resonance.

One example of using azipod - tanker double action (Fig. 6.7), which is moving on open water as a regular vessel, and in the ice moves the feed forward as an icebreaker. For ice swimming, the Dat feed part is equipped with ice reinforcement for climbing ice and azipod.

In fig. 6.8. The scheme of the arrangement of instruments and control panels is shown: one remote control to control the vessel when moving forward, the second remote control to control the vessel when driving forward and two control panels on the wings of the bridge.

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