Home Lighting Brief History of Success Henry Ford. Ford Henry. Henry Ford. Biography in which year Henry Ford was born

Brief History of Success Henry Ford. Ford Henry. Henry Ford. Biography in which year Henry Ford was born

Henry Ford is one of the founders of the automotive industry in the United States. The car king never learned to read the drawings in his entire lives: the engineers simply did a wooden layout for the boss and gave him to court.

Henry Ford (July 30, 1863 - April 7, 1947) - American Engineer, Industrialist, Inventor. One of the founders of the United States automotive industry, the founder of the Ford Motor Company (Ford Motor Company), the organizer of the conveyor production.

Henry became the main manager. Being self-taught mechanic, Ford willingly hired the same nuggets to the plant: "The specialists are so smart and experienced that they know why it is impossible to do that and then, they see the limits and obstacles everywhere. If I wanted to destroy competitors, I would give them the hordes of specialists. "

The car king never learned to read the drawings in his entire lives: the engineers simply did a wooden layout for the boss and gave him to court.

In 1905, Ford's financial partners did not agree with his intention to produce cheap cars, because We used in demand dear models, The holder of the main package of shares, Alexander Malkolmson sold his share of Ford, after which Henry Ford became the owner of the controlling package and the president of the company (he was the president of the company in 1905 - 1919 and in 1943 - 1945).


Principles of Management Henry Ford

  • Do not be afraid of the future and do not relate to the past. Who is afraid of the future (failures), he himself limits the circle of its activities. Failures give only a reason to start again and more cleverly. Honest failure is not shameful: the fear of failure is disgraced. The past is useful only in that respect, which indicates the paths and means to develop.
  • Do not pay attention to competition. Let the one who best copes with the case. An attempt to upset whose business is a crime, for it means an attempt to upset in the pursuit of the hiring life of another person and establish the rule of strength in return for common reason.
  • Work for general benefits put the above benefits. No profit can be kept without profit. Essentially there is nothing wrong with the profit. A well-supplied enterprise, bringing great benefit, should bring big income and will bring such. But yield should be as a result of useful work, and not lie in its foundation.
  • Produce - does not mean cheap buy and sell expensive. It is rather, it means to buy raw materials at similar prices and to pay them with mightily minor additional costs into a benign product, then distributed among consumers. To keep a gaming game, speculate and act dishonest - this means just impede the specified process.

Henry Ford book: "My life, my achievements"

Henry Ford, download book: My life, my achievements (PDF)

Henry Ford teaches simple words everyday life. As simple as simple words, he explains the most complex production relations. The book is replete with examples. These examples are invaluable experience of models that are invented, embedded and work.

The simplicity of analyzing production, social, economic and financial relations clearly proves the vital importance of the basic ideas of Ford:

  • My goal is simplicity.
  • The economic principle is work.
  • The moral principle is human right to his work.
  • The well-being of the manufacturer depends, ultimately, also on the benefit that he brings people.

Henry Ford is often called the "father" of the automotive industry, because he created a whole network of automotive plants. Ford received 161 patent, so the greatest inventor is deserved. The industrialist dedicated the life to the production of cheap cars and sought to provide the machine of each wishing. Henry Ford first applied a conveyor for streaming machines. The brainchild of the businessman, the company "Ford Motor", functions today under the guidance of his descendants.

Childhood and youth

The future industrialist was born on July 30, 1863 at the father's farm near the town of Dirborn (Michigan). William Ford Parents and Marie Litogat emigrated to America from Ireland. The boy brought up with three brothers and two sisters.

Father and mother worked hard on the farm and were considered wealthy people. But Henry was confident that in the conduct of the economy of work, much more than the fruit of labor, so she did not seek to continue the case of parents.

The boy was educated only in church school and did not learn even write without mistakes. When Ford became the head of the company, he could not competently draw up a contract. Once in the newspaper, the industrialist was called "ignorant", because of what Ford filed to the publication. But the inventor was sure that the most important thing for a person was not literacy, but the ability to think.

In 12, Henry lost his mother, and this event shook the boy. At the same age, the future entrepreneur first saw a locomobile. Ford was delighted with the crew, moving under the action of a motor, and decided in the future to assemble a moving mechanism in the future. But the father wanted Henry to become a farmer, so the child's interest in mechanics critically perceived the interest of the child.

At the 16th age, Ford went to Detroit and became a student in a mechanical workshop. Four years later, Henry returned to the farm, where she worked at the farm, and at night she was engaged in inventions. To facilitate the father of everyday work, Ford created the throat, which operated on gasoline. Given the relevance of such equipment, the buyer soon found. Henry sold a patent for the invention, and then got a job in the company of this famous entrepreneur.


In 1891, Ford went to Detroit again to become a mechanical engineer at Thomas Edison. Henry held this position until 1899, but in his free time, it continued to work on creating a car. Ford did not just engaged in his favorite thing, but lived the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating available car. In 1893, Henry managed to achieve the result - designed his first car.

Edison's management did not support employee hobbies and recommended to abandon incredible clauses. Instead, in 1899, the future industrialist went from work and became one of the owners of the Detroit Automotive Company. But here the guy did not stay for a long time and three years later left the firm due to discrepancies in views with other co-owners.

At this time, the invention of a young entrepreneur was not in great demand. To attract the attention of customers, Ford drove around the city on his car. At the same time, Henry often ridiculed and called "obsessed" from the street. But the guy was not afraid of failures and despised the fear of losses. In 1902, Ford participated in the car racing and managed to get ahead of the existing US champion. The task of the inventor was a car advertising and a demonstration of his dignity, and the guy reached the desired result.

In 1903, a novice businessman created the company "Ford Motor" and began the production of cars "Ford A". The inventor wanted to provide buyers a versatile sample machine that would be distinguished by reliability and economy. Gradually, Ford made the design of the machine much easier, standardized various mechanisms and details. The inventor first used the conveyor for the production of cars, which was a real innovation. A talented businessman has achieved a breakthrough in the automotive industry and took the leading position in this industry.

Henry Ford was not afraid of difficulties and fought even with the strongest opponent. When Ford Motor faced a syndicate of automakers, a young entrepreneur had resistance. Back in 1879, George Selden received a patent for the car project, but did not realize it. When other companies engaged in the production of cars, the inventor began to go to court. After the first won business, a number of firms have bought licenses from him and created the Association of Car Manufacturers.

Judicial proceedings against Ford began in 1903 and lasted until 1911. The industrialist refused to buy a license and promised to protect his customers. In 1909, Ford lost the case, but after his revision, the court ruled that all the automakers acted under the law and did not violate the patent rights of the Selden, as the engine was used. As a result, the association of the automotive industry broke out, and Ford won the fighter fossa for the interests of buyers.

Success came to a talented inventor in 1908 with the beginning of the release of Ford-T. Ford's brainchild differed a simple finish, democratic price and practicality. Even chose this car, converted under the sanitary machine.

Car Henry Ford Model "Ford-T"

Sales of Ford Motor increased quickly, because Ford cars were high-quality, but inexpensive. At the same time, the cost of "Ford-T" over the years fell: if in 1909 the price of a car was $ 850, then in 1913 fell to 550.

For 1910, Henry Ford of the Highland Park plant has been building. Three years later, the assembly conveyor was used here. At first, the generator was collected, and then the engine. Several dozen workers were engaged in assembling each engine, which performed separate operations and reduced the production time. A moving platform was also used, with the result that the chassis was twice as fast. Such experiments affected many parties to the production process, increasing its productivity and efficiency.

Gradually, the industrialist purchased mines, coal mines and opened new plants. So Ford achieved a complete production cycle: from the extraction of ore to the release of finished cars. As a result, the businessman created a whole empire that did not depend on other companies and foreign trade. For 1914, Ford released 10 million cars or 10% of all cars in the world.

Henry Ford sought to improve working conditions at the factories. Since 1914, the salary workers have increased to $ 5 per day. But to receive such money, the staff necessarily spend their reasonably. If the earnings were spent on drinking, then the employee was dismissed.

At the enterprises, the mode of operation in three shifts of 8 hours was installed, instead of two to 9 hours. Also, the entrepreneur introduced one day off and paid vacation. Although the workers required compliance with tough discipline, good conditions Thousands of people attracted, and Ford did not have a shortage of frames. Nevertheless, until 1941, the plants of the American Industrialist acted a ban on trade unions.

In the early 20s, Ford sold more cars, rather than all competitors in the aggregate. Of the ten cars implemented in the US, seven manufactured by Ford. During this period, the industrialist began to call the "car king."

Since 1917, the United States participated in the war as part of the Entente. Then the plants of Henry Ford took up the fulfillment of military orders and produced helmets, gas masks, submarines and tanks. But the entrepreneur emphasized that he did not want to make money on bloodshed and promised to return the result of the profit. The patriotic gust of Ford was welcomed by compatriots, which raised the authority of the industrialist.

After the war, the talented inventor faced with new problem - Ford-T sales drop. The assortment "Ford Motor" was limited, and the buyer wanted a variety. Ford's statement that he can offer a car of any color, if such a color is black, corresponded to reality, but no longer answered the needs of the market. The entrepreneur did a bid on accessibility, implementing a car on credit, but the company-competitor "General Motors" suggested a variety of models and escaped forward.

Sales fell rapidly, and for 1927, Ford threatened bankruptcy. Then the inventor stopped the production process and engaged in creating a new car. Ford also helped the Son who participated in the design of the car design. In the same year, the industrialist presented the Ford-A model, which was characterized by spectacular external species and improved technical characteristics. These innovations returned Ford leadership positions in the automotive market.

Car Henry Ford Models "Ford-A" 1927

Back in 1925, the entrepreneur decided to create an airline, which was called "Ford Airways". The Ford then purchased William Stound and began to produce airliners. Subsequently, Ford Trimmimor was particularly popular. This passenger plane was in serial production during 1927-1933. 199 copies were produced, which were operated until 1989.

In the 20s, Henry Ford supported economic relations from the USSR. The first Soviet mass production tractor "Fordson-Putilovets", presented in 1923, was created on the basis of the Tractor "Fordon". During the 1929-1932, Ford Motor employees contributed to the construction and reconstruction of factories in Moscow and Gorky.

Henry Ford "Ford Trimmimor"

In the early years of the Great Depression, Ford confidently kept afloat, but in 1931 the crisis touched "Ford Motor". A drop in sales and increasing competition forced Ford again to close part of the factories and reduce the salary to the remaining employees. A perturbed crowd began to break through to the plant "Rouge", the police dispersed people only with the help of weapons.

Once again, Ford has found a way out of a difficult situation due to the new invention. The industrialist presented "Ford V 8" - a sports sample car, the speed of which reached 130 km / h. The new product made it possible to resume the full work of the company and increase sales volumes.

Political views and anti-Semitism

In the biography of Henry Ford there are several pages that caused condemnation from contemporaries. So, in 1918, the inventor bought the Edition "The Dearborn Independent" and two years later began to distribute anti-Semitic ideas. In 1920, a number of publications of this subject were combined in one book - "International Jewry". Subsequently, the ideas and publications of Ford were actively used by the Nazis to influence the younger generation.

In 1921, 119 outstanding US citizens were made with the condemnation of the inventors' views, including three presidents. In 1927, Ford recognized the mistakes admitted and published an emotion letter in the media.

The entrepreneur supported the connection with the NSDAP and even provided the Nazis financial support. Admired Ford and kept the portrait of the inventor in the Munich Residence. In the book "My struggle", only one American is mentioned - Henry Ford. In the occupied Nazi city of Poussi (France) since 1940, Henry Ford, who produced cars and aircraft engines acted.

Personal life

In 1887, Henry Ford married Clara Bryant - a simple farmer's daughter. The "car king" lived with Clara together and happily. The wife became reliable support for a talented inventor. Bryant believed in her husband when the townspeople laughed at him and criticized colleagues. One day, in an interview, Ford said that he would like to live another life only if he could marry Clara again.

Only one son of Edsel (1893-1943) was born from the spouses (1893-1943), who later became the main assistant of the Father. There was often disputes between Henry Ford and Edceel, but it did not interfere with their friendly relations and joint work. The father was a sober, loved rustic dancing and watching the flight of birds, and her son preferred modern art, jazz, noisy parties and cocktails.


The "Car King" was ruled by "Ford Motor" until the 30s, after which he handed over to the management of Edselu. The reason for the care of a businessman from the leadership of the company was conflicts with partners and trade union organizations. Ford's son since 1919 performed the presidential duties, so completely coped with new powers. After the death of the son in 1943, the old industrialist headed the automotive empire again from the stomach cancer.

But the old years did not allow Ford to manage the company at the proper level, and therefore two years later he gave way to the Brazda's grandchildren - Henry Ford II. The outstanding inventor died on April 7, 1947 from hemorrhage to the brain. At that time, Ford was 83 years old.

The "car king" managed to realize a children's dream, leaving after himself one of the largest automotive companies in the world. At the same time, the main task of the industrialist was not earnings, but an improvement in the lives of people with the help of beloved classes - inventions and production of cars.

After himself, Henry Ford left the autobiography "My life, my achievements", which described the methods of organizing labor in the enterprise. The ideas presented in this book adopted many companies, and the quotes from the statements of the inventor remain relevant today.

Back in 1928, a businessman received the Elliot Creson medal for achievements in the automotive industry. Many books and films are dedicated to the history of life and achievements of Ford. So, in 1987, the film was released by the film Allan Eastmans "Ford: a man-machine", telling about the inventor as one of the symbols of America.


  • "If you have enthusiasm, you can do whatever. Enthusiasm is the basis of any progress "
  • "When it seems that the whole world is configured against you, remember that the plane takes off against the wind!"
  • "My secret is successful in the ability to understand the point of view of another person and look at things and with him and from his point of view."
  • "Quality is to do something right, even when no one looks at
  • "If you demand from someone to give my time and energy for business, then take care so that he does not experience financial difficulties"
  • "Only two incentives forcing people to work: thirst for wages and fear of habit."


Henry Ford Biography for many is a benchmark for success. This the greatest engineer And the inventor was born in Diaburn, Michigan.

Henry Ford was born in big familyin which there were eight children. His father was from Ireland, he was engaged in farming. Henry studied in a village school in Diaborn, but this school was such a quality that he wrote with spelling mistakes to the end of life.

Already at the age of 16, he left home and headed to the city of Detroit, where he was very fucked by mechanics. In 1888-1899, he worked in the profession of mechanic engineer at the EDSon Electric Company.

In 1893, after several experiments at his farm, in a fully re-equipped Saraj, he collected the first car. Outwardly, it looked like a large box with wheels.

Meanwhile, Henry never spoke so on his brainchild, on the contrary, he improved him more and more. Already in 1895, he collected the first car on a gasoline engine, and in 1898 he improved the same car, gave her such qualities as lightness and reliability.

In 1899, with some of their like-minded people founded the "Detroit Automobile Company". Soon this company broke up, it was that Henry did not give his companions to overestimate the price of this car.

At that time, he cost only 850 dollars, however, the tires and chassis needed to buy. Yet until 1902, this company managed to release up to 25 such cars. Specially invented Henry sports model, called simply "999", has repeatedly occupied the first places in racing competitions, glorifying Ford to all of America.

In 1903. biography of Henry Ford. It has been completed with a very important fact of the founding of the company called Ford Motor Company. He almost immediately after the company's foundation, launched the model "A".

Henry's business went well, but here Ford had to survive the first trial in his life. Some clever lawyer decided to "inflate" Ford. He argued that allegedly his patent belongs to gas engine. Nevertheless, in 1909, Henry lost the trial, but in 1911 his appeal was considered, and he won this business.

Meanwhile, Henry was not tired of improving his children, and soon he launched a model "T", called "Tin Lizzy". At this point, the life of millions of people in America has changed for the better. According to statistical data, each second car in the world at that time was made by Henry Ford. This model was produced 19 years old, a total of 16 million copies were issued.

Henry finally understood that the most weak place The work is a person. Therefore, in 1913, he introduced the world's first conveyor assembly method, which made it possible to increase productivity by 4000%. The salary was about 5 dollars per hour, and the work day was reduced to 8 hours. But here were those who did not like what Henry Ford does.

After World War I, Henry understood another important thing. All sources of raw materials must be controlled. Already by 1927, Ford controls the production process of every detail. It seemed that Henry had everything perfectly, but it was not here. The company's affairs worsened with each day, consumers had a few one primitive model.

They demanded new enhanced and, meanwhile, inexpensive cars. After several conflicts experienced, he transmits managing his company to the only son of Edcel. He did not use proper authority in society, and he was also discontent.

The biography of Henry Ford is truly, this is the biography of the legendary person who will remain in the memory of all people in the centuries. During World War I, he tried to take at least some peacekeeping efforts, but they turned out to be vain. He was also worried about the event that happened in Russia, in particular the Bolshevik coup.

In 1943, his only son Edsel died unexpectedly. Henry had to return to the management of the company, but soon he handed over to his grandson Henry second. His huge fortune, estimated at 600-700 million dollars,

In the village of Springfield, not far from Dirborn (Michigan). He was the eldest of the six children of emigrants from Ireland William (Mary Ford) and Mary Ford (Mary Ford) who owned a successful farming. Henry's childhood was held at the parent farm, where he helped the family and visited the rural school.

Interest in the technique of Ford showed another aged. At the age of 12, he equipped a small workshop, where he spent all his free time with hobbies. It was there that, in a few years, Ford constructed its first steam engine.

In 1879, Henry Ford moved to Detroit, there he got a job as an assistant driver. After three years, he moved to Dirborn and was engaged in designing and repairing steam engines, working out from time to time at the factory in Detroit.

In 1887, at the Congress of Electrical Engineering in Atlantic City, Henry Ford met with the inventor and Millionaire Thomas Edison (Thomas Edison) and told him what he works. Ford asked if, in his opinion, the future of the engines internal combustion And he expected that the scientist would burst into the flagiarism to the glory of the almighty electricity, but heard: "Continue work on your car. If you reach the goal that you yourself were put, then I predict much future." Ford was painted, Edison believed in him.
In the late 1980s, Henry Ford took the position of manager at a sawmill.
In 1891 - was an engineer of Edison Illuminating, since 1893, the chief engineer of the company. A decent salary and a sufficient amount of free time allowed Ford more time to devote the development of internal combustion engines.
In 1899, quitting from EDISON Illuminating, Henry Ford founded own firm Detroit Automobile. Despite the fact that in the year the enterprise went bankrupt, Ford managed to collect several racing cars.

In 1903, twelve businessmen from Michigan, headed by Henry Ford, founded ford. Motor. Ford kept 25.5% of the company's shares and held the post of vice president and chief engineer of the company.
Under automotive factory A former van factor in Detroit was converted. Brigades, consisting of two-three workers, under the direct leadership of Ford, gathered cars from spare parts that were manufactured to order by other enterprises. After just a month, the first car company was released.

In 1905, Ford's financial partners did not agree with his intention to produce cheap cars, as the demand was used by expensive models. Alexander Malcolmson, the holder of the main package of shares, sold his share of Ford, and he became president and main owner of the company.

In 1908, Henry Ford embodied his dream, releasing the model "T" - reliable and inexpensive carwhich has become one of the most popular and popular machines of his time. Ford car was just driving, he did not require a difficult maintenance and could drive even in rural roads, becoming a means of movement, not a toy for the rich.


Henry Ford invented the conveyor.

The last name Henry Ford has been fixed in the history of mankind forever. First of all, thanks to the eponymous brand: Ford was famous for his desire to make a cheap, car accessible to the masses, which he really achieved. His surname also entered the story in the form of an economic term "Fordism". The essence of Fordism is in a new flow of production, which has become possible with the help of the assembly conveyor. So the story counted to the inventions of Ford and the conveyor itself.

Why it is not:

Ford did not inlets the conveyor, and for the first time organized the stream production.

Prior to that, Ford has already collected his first car, but has completed it with a manual way, like all the automakers of that time. That is why the car was a commodity piece and extremely expensive, and the repair of transport turned into a technical puzzle. The automotive needed to be tested under unified standards.

The first step towards the conveyor production was the assembly line, which appeared in 1901 in the company OLDSMobile, founded by Ransom Orynds, which can be called the conveyor inventor in a modern understanding. Details and nodes of the future car moved on special trolleys from one working point to another. The conventions of the conveyor increased the production of cars from 400 to 5,000 units per year. Henry Ford understood the potential of the invention of Olds and connected all the resources to bypass it, adapting and improving the developed system.

In 1903, Ford, studying streaming technology, visited the company, where he watched the carcasses of animals moving under the action of gravity, fell under the knives of the separators. By adding belts to the belt conveyor, Ford introduced an improved technology at its factories. Thus, Ford, obsessed with the idea of \u200b\u200bmaking their cars available, successfully used the experience gained before him. As a result, Ford Model T accounted for about $ 400 and was manufactured in less than 2 hours. This made Henry Ford by a millionaire and recognized by the genius of the engineering thought of the 20th century, "but the conveyor himself did not invent.

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