Home Torkemose Jean Etienne Lenoir. Inventor internal combustion engine. Creating a private company

Jean Etienne Lenoir. Inventor internal combustion engine. Creating a private company

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From 1838 he lived in France.

In 1860, the first practically suitable gas engine of internal combustion was constructed. The engine power was 8.8 kW (12 liters.). The engine was a single-cylinder horizontal machine double actionworked on air and light gas mixtures with electric spark ignition From an extraneous source. The engine efficiency did not exceed 4.65%. Despite the flaws, the Lenoara engine received some spread. Used as a boat engine.

Invented technology for producing galvanoplastic copies (1851), electrical brake (1855), writing telegraph (1865).

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Radzig, Alexander Alexandrovich. History of heat engineering. - m.: Publishing house Acad. Sciences of the USSR, 1936. - 430 p.

see also

Excerpt characterizing Lenoir, Etienne

"The earth will be still very long and scary to suffer, Isidor ... until he comes to the very edge of death. And always for her only the best. And then the time will come ... And only people themselves can decide whether they have enough strength to stand out. We will indicate the way.
- Are you sure that there will be, to whom to indicate, North? Perhaps those who will remain will be indifferent ...
- Oh, no, Isidor! Man is unusually strong in his survival. You can not even imagine yourself how it is strong! And the real person never gives out ... Even if he remains alone. So it was always. And it will always be so. The power of love and the power of struggle is very strong on Earth, even if people still do not understand. And here there is always someone who will behave the rest. The main thing is that this presenter does not turn out to be "black" ... From my very birth, a person is looking for a goal. And only it depends on it, he will find it himself or will be the one to whom this goal will be given. People must learn to think, Isidor. In the meantime, unfortunately, many suggests what others think for them. And while it continues, the Earth will still lose their best sons and daughters who will pay for the ignorance of all the "slaves." Therefore, I will not help you, Isidor. And none of us will be. It was not yet time for the card to be put by everything. If we die now, fighting for a handful of enlightened, even if they have already come time to know, then after, "know" will already be no one ... I see, did not convince you, "the lips of the North touched a slight smile. - Yes, you would not have been, if I convinced ... But I ask you only about one thing - go, Isidor! This is not your time, and not your world!
I got sadness sad ... I realized that I lost here. Now everything depended only from my conscience - whether I will agree to leave, or I will fight, knowing that there is no hope for the victory ...
- Well, north, I will stay ... Let me not so wanders, like you and your great ancestors ... But I think, if they were really such "great" - you would help us, and they would forgive you. Well, if not - then, perhaps, not so much they are "great"! ..
The bitterness spoke to my mouth, not allowing you to think soberly ... I could not allow the idea that there was no help from whom ... that, right here were people who were able to help, just stretching her hand. But did not want. They "defended" with high goals, refusing to interfere ... They were wise ... Well, and I just listened to my heart. I wanted to save your loved ones, I wanted to help the rest did not lose people expensive. I wanted to destroy evil ... perhaps in the "wise" understanding I was just a "child". Perhaps - did not grow. But even I live a thousand years, I would never have been able to watch calmly, as someone's brutal hand dies in an innocent, a wonderful man! ..

Belgian mechanic, engine inventor internal combustion.
Born in Müsi-La Vilg (Belgium). Most of the life devoted research in the field of mechanics, electrical engineering and chemistry. Junior on foot came to Paris to enter the Polytechnic School and become an engineer. Without passing the exams, worked as a waiter in the cafe. Then settled on the company "Marioni" (Marioni), which issued in the then into fashion among not rich Parisian artisans covered with precious metals copper copies of famous jewelry. Made several inventions that did not take patents. Finding a successful way of galvanoplastic coverage of round items, designed a patent on him and rang the percentage of its use from the owner.

Gas Motor Lenoara (Figure 1864)

Having received a permanent income and having acquainted with the works of Denis Papa and Sadi Carno, I could finally deal with the design of the engine. Having spent several years, made a working copy that worked on a light gas with ignition from an electric spark. January 24, 1860 patented him.

Serial engine Lenoara

In 1862, built in Paris the first slaughtered wagon. In all likelihood, a previously patented engine was installed on it. In the years of the Franco-Prussian war, he participated in the defense of Paris in 1870 and for the manifested heroism received French citizenship. Jean Etienne Lenoir is officially recognized by the inventor of an internal combustion engine.

In subsequent years, several inventors from different countries They tried to create a working engine on a light gas. However, all these attempts did not lead to the emergence of the engines in the market, which could successfully compete with the steam engine. The honor of creating a commercially successful internal combustion engine belongs to the Belgian mechanics of Jean Etienne Lenoar. Working on a galvanic plant, Lenoire came to the idea that the fuel-air mixture in the gas engine can be ignited using an electric spark, and decided to build an engine based on this idea.

Lenoir did not immediately achieve success. After you managed to make all the details and collect the car, she worked quite a bit and stopped, because because of heating the piston expanded and jammed in the cylinder. Lenoir has improved its engine, having thought out the water cooling system. However, the second start attempt also ended in failure due to poor piston running. Lenoire completed his lubrication system design. Only then the engine began to work.

August Otto

In 1864, more than 300 such engines of different power were released. Raughtyev, Lenoire stopped working on improving his car, and it predetermined her fate - she was supplanted from the market a more perfect engine created by the German inventor of Augustus Otto.

In 1864, he received a patent for his model of the gas engine and in the same year he concluded an agreement with a rich engineer-owned engineer for the operation of this invention. Soon the company "Otto and the company" was created.

At first glance, the engine OTTO was a step back compared to the Lenoara engine. The cylinder was vertical. The rotated shaft was placed over the cylinder on the side. Along the axis of the piston, the rail was attached, associated with the shaft. The engine worked as follows. The rotating shaft lifted the piston at 1/10 of the cylinder height, as a result of which a rare space was formed under the piston and the absorption of the mixture of air and gas was sufficed. Then the mixture flamped. Nor Otto nor Langen owned sufficient knowledge in the field of electrical engineering and refused electric ignition. The ignition they carried out by open flame through the tube. In the explosion, the pressure under the piston increased to about 4 atm. Under the action of this pressure, the piston rose, the gas volume increased and the pressure fell. When lifting the piston, a special mechanism disconnected a rack from the shaft. The piston is first under the pressure of the gas, and then the inertia rose until the vacuum was created under it. Thus, the burnt fuel energy was used in the engine with a maximum fullness. This was the main original finding Otto. The working stroke of the piston began under the action of atmospheric pressure, and after the pressure in the cylinder reached atmospheric, the exhaust valve opened, and the exhaust gases were pushed with its mass. Because of the more complete expansion of the combustion products of the efficiency of this engine was significantly higher than Efficiency engine Lenoara reached 15%, that is, exceeded the efficiency of the very best steam cars of that time.

Since Otto engines were almost five times more economical Lenoara engines, they immediately began to enjoy in great demand. In subsequent years, they were issued about five thousand pieces. Otto stubbornly worked on improving their design. Soon the gear rail replaced the crank-connecting rod. But the most essential of his inventions was made in 1877, when Otto took a patent new engine With a four-stroke cycle. This cycle to this day underlies the work of most gas and gasoline engines. Next year, new engines have already been launched into production.

The four-stroke cycle was the largest technical achievement Otto. But it was soon found that several years before his invention, the same principle of engine operation was described by the French engineer Bo de Roche. A group of French industrialists challenged Patent Otto in court. The court found their arguments convincing. Otto's rights that aroused out of his patent were significantly reduced, including its monopoly right to a four-stroke cycle.

Although competitors settled the release of four-stroke engines, a long-term production, the model Otto was still the best, and the demand for it did not stop. By 1897, about 42 thousand such engines of different power were released. However, the fact that light gas was used as fuel, the scope of the first internal combustion engines was strongly narrowed. The number of luminaire plants was insignificantly even in Europe, and in Russia there were only two in Russia - in Moscow and St. Petersburg.

Ignition Candle This is another indispensable detail of the car, decent attention and the whole article. The ignition candle was born in those distant times when the science of electric current was just beginning to be born. It is believed that the father of the first prototype of the candle was .

in 1800, Volta For the first time placed plate from zinc and copper in acid to get a continuous electric current, creating the first in the world chemical source Current ("Volt Pole"). Name Volta. Named the unit of measurement of electrical voltage is volt. The prototype of the candle can be called the manufacture of a metal rod placed inside the clay insulator, in order to clarify the properties of the electric current and its possibility of insulation from the metal. Of course, in those years there were no internal combustion engines, there were only thoughts and ideas about something new, about an independent device capable of rotating and moving a certain weight.

Years later, Belgian engineer Jean-Etienne Lenoir He began the development of its first internal combustion engine operating on the light gas. For spark, Lenouar Developed electrical systemBased on the ignition candle, which is very similar to the modern work and the principle of work.

Jean-Etienne Lenoir

In 1860. Lenouar I made a patent for the engine invented by them and by 1885 completely finalized its candle. Based on its prototype engine, Lenoire has created a new engine for its self-election wagon under the merry title "Hippoomobile"which appeared long before the car Benz.

The candle required permanent service due to grinding and regularly failed. The insulator could not withstand the temperature and the overheating was destroyed.

Engine Jean Lenoara
Separate wagon - "Hippoomobile"

In 1898, at once, three patents for the invention and the development of spar formation systems were issued by Nikola Tesla, Robert Bosch and Frederick Richard Sims. This year can be confidently called the basis for modern spark plugs. But only thanks to the efforts of Gotlib Honneldd, who collaborated with Robert Bashes in 1902 a candle appeared, capable of working in the magneto system.

In the early 1900s brothers Robert and Frank Strannnahanengaged in the sale of automotive spare parts decided to upgrade the candle. Having collected the necessary information, the candle was sent to refinement. The insulator was made from porcelain and a metal ring was added to seal at the landing site. As a result of these searches and improvements, in 1908, Champion was formed, which you know perfectly. More than 300 thousand new generation candles were purchased by Ford and Triumph.

There is a legend of a certain Edmond Berger, who came up with a special kind of candle, but disappeared, and his drawing left an unknown engineer of one of the companies under the wing of Champion. Unfortunately, there are no proven facts, so it will remain myth ...

Given all changes and progress in the field of creating internal combustion engines, candles have become stronger, more durable and more beautiful! More than a hundred years ago, at the peak of the automotive industry and the development of electrical appliances, the main symbol of the life of the Candle Motor, which is still an integral part of it!

Based on: Google Patents, Wikipedia, Madehow, Champion, Bosch

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Jean Joseph Etienne Lenoir


From 1838 he lived in France.

In 1860, the first practically suitable gas engine of internal combustion was constructed. The engine power was 8.8 kW (12 liters.). The engine was a single-cylinder horizontal dual-action machine that operated on the mixture of air and light gas with electric spark ignition from an extraneous source. The engine efficiency did not exceed 4.65%. Despite the flaws, the Lenoara engine received some spread. Used as a boat engine.

Invented technology for producing galvanoplastic copies (1851), electrical brake (1855), writing telegraph (1865).

Write a review about Article "Lenoire, Etienne"


Radzig, Alexander Alexandrovich. History of heat engineering. - m.: Publishing house Acad. Sciences of the USSR, 1936. - 430 p.

see also

Excerpt characterizing Lenoir, Etienne

- Well, farewell, friend; Remember that I carry your loss with you with all the soul and that I am not a bright, not the prince and not the commander-in-chief, and I have a father. If you need, right to me. Goodbye bunch. - He hugged again and kissed him. And the prince Andrei did not have time to reach the door, as Kutuzov sighed calmly and took up again for the unconfined Roman Madame Zhanlis "Les Chevaliers du Cygne".
How and why it happened, Prince Andrei could not explain in any way; But after that a date with Kutuzov, he returned to his shelf soothered about the general course of the case and about whom it was entrusted. The more he saw the absence of all personal in this old man, in which there were as if one habits of passion and instead of the mind (grouping events and drawing conclusions), one ability to calm contemplation of events, especially since he was calm for being as much as must be. "He will not have his own. He will not come up with nothing, will not take anything, "said Prince Andrei," but he will listen, everything will remember, everything will put in his place, it does not hurt any usefulness and will not allow anything harmful. He understands that there is something stronger and more considerable to his will, is the inevitable course of events, and he knows how to see them, knows how to understand their meaning and, in view of this, knows how to renounce participation in these events, from his personal waves aimed at Other. And most importantly, Prince Andrei thought, "why do you believe him," this is Russian, despite the novel Zhanlis and the French sayings; This is the fact that his voice trembled when he said: "What brought it to what!", And that he stumbled, saying that he would "make them eat horsepower." On the same feeling, which was more or less vaguely experienced, was based on the dispossessment and general approval, which was accompanied by people, opposite court reasons, the election of Kutuzov to the commander-in-chief.

After departing the sovereign from Moscow, Moscow life flowed the same, ordinary order, and the course of this life was so usually that it was difficult to remember the former days of patriotic delight and hobbies, and it was difficult to believe that Russia is really in danger and that the members of the English club essence together With the themes of the Fatherland, ready for him for all sacrifice. One thing that reminded the former during the stay of the sovereign in Moscow with general enthusiastic patriotic mood, was the requirement of donations to people and money, which, as soon, they were made, enjoyed the legitimate, official form and seemed inevitable.

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