Home Salon Characteristics of a Sagittarius - Tiger man from A to Z! Tiger Sagittarius

Characteristics of a Sagittarius - Tiger man from A to Z! Tiger Sagittarius

Both the Sagittarius man and woman, born in the year of the Tiger, are very dynamic and hot-tempered. But at the same time they act more often cautiously. Sometimes they are ready to take risks because they crave adventure and discovery. They won't be bored with nothing to do. This is a man of action.

Years of birth: 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010.

Tiger Sagittarius is a sociable person. But he is often lonely. It is difficult for others to understand him. He is so original, unusual and freedom-loving. He is respected for this. In addition, he is persistent and even stubborn, it is difficult to convince him.

Character of the Tiger Sagittarius woman

The Sagittarius Tiger woman does not belong to the category of flighty beauties. She is smart, erudite, has a broad outlook and extensive knowledge in all areas of human knowledge.

There is always something to talk about with her. She will find common ground with any person. Therefore, it is not surprising that she is excellent at making contacts.

The horoscope claims that the Tiger Sagittarius woman does not know such a word as boredom. There is always something going on in her life, she never sits idle or has something interesting to do. Spends a lot of time outside the home.

Tigress Sagittarius loves change. Today she will rearrange the furniture in the apartment, tomorrow she will go to parachute training, and the day after tomorrow she will rush off on vacation to Tunisia.

In their careers, these girls are insatiable and tireless. They are driven forward by the desire for financial independence. They quickly and persistently climb the career ladder. Their superiors value them for their ability to creatively and quickly solve the most complex work issues. They literally seep through the eye of a needle if the task requires it. Therefore, they have practically no competitors.

In the characteristics of our heroines there is also such a trait as love of freedom. They don't like being told what to do.

According to the horoscope, female Sagittarius Tigers especially value honesty. They try to be truthful in everything and want the same from others. Fate endowed them with luck, as well as strong character and rebellion.

Compatibility of women in love

The horoscope states that Sagittarius women born in the year of the Tiger are very sincere in love. Love for them is the need for passion and vivid impressions, which appears at a very young age. Next to her loved one, Tigress turns into an affectionate cat and purrs on his lap.

However, it is possible that our heroine will have many partners during her life, because if feelings cool down, she will not deceive and create the appearance of love. The Sagittarius Tiger woman is faithful as long as she loves and respects her man. That is why it is so important for her to meet a worthy and strong partner.

Family happiness will develop if the husband understands that Tigress Sagittarius simply needs freedom and trust. From the outside it may seem that she is reckless and flighty, but this is not so. In marriage, she knows how to remain faithful, confidently rejecting marriage proposals from numerous admirers.

In terms of compatibility with other signs, the most successful alliance will be with the Horse, Dragon, Dog, Boar.

Harmonious relationships will develop with Tiger and Rats men.

Marriages with Goats and Monkeys will be emotionally problematic. Here the spouses will have to take into account the difference in each other’s perception of the world. With the Rooster and the Bull, love will not be boring due to eternal rivalry. The Rabbit will be able to get along with the Tigress, but he will never be able to predict what his wife will do next.

Character of the Tiger Sagittarius man

The Tiger Sagittarius man is the dream come true of all women. Energy flows out of him, he is smart, caring, charismatic, and never gives in to difficulties. Has an optimistic, easy-going character.

At first glance, it seems that it is impossible to piss off Sagittarius Tiger. This is true, but those who decide to take such a rash step will be surprised by the speed and lightning speed with which they will find themselves on their backs.

Sagittarius men born in the year of the Tiger are intellectuals. They are aesthetes, have a keen sense of beauty and are interested in everything in the world. They have excellent intuition, but like Sagittarius, Tigresses never rely on it completely.

Charm, ambition and a thirst for adventure are the recipe for success for men of this zodiac combination.

He is a brave, active and passionate person. Snobbery is alien to him. The Tiger Sagittarius man is able to throw himself into work for a while and achieve high results in career growth. He has every opportunity to live in abundance. Luck is always on his side.

They have a broad lobby in society. Everyone likes attractive Tiger-Sagittarius men who can easily carry on small talk, have a keen sense of the moment, but never come to the fore to show off. True, sometimes they show timidity and shyness, but this is more of a mask than a real psychological trait.

Compatibility of men in love

The Tiger Sagittarius man is sincere, passionate and passionate in love. He is attracted to the conquest of unapproachable beauties. However, problems with winning ladies’ hearts usually do not arise.

Women are already crazy about him. They are attracted to traits such as nobility, audacity and self-confidence. In his strong embrace, the girl can expect anything but boredom. Unexpected parties and trips out of town, romantic dates on the roof or night swims in the pool.

The Tiger Sagittarius man chooses his partner for a long time and carefully. He is not the kind of person who will go through life with the first person he meets. After all, he understands perfectly well that not every girl can withstand his difficult character. He needs a real friend and comrade-in-arms, a homemaker.

In marriage, the Tiger Sagittarius man is a very sensitive and caring partner. He surrounds a woman with a ring of security, and with him she feels like behind a stone wall. At the same time, he readily agrees to second roles. Giving leadership to his partner with a calm soul, Tiger Sagittarius realizes himself somewhere on the side: at work, in social activities.

If we consider compatibility with other signs, then the Horse, Dragon and Dog come out on top.

A good union will work out with Tigress. The goat will be jealous. You will have to work hard on your relationship with the Monkey and the Rooster. But whoever the Tiger suits in terms of strength of character is the Pig.

Thus, the characteristics of Sagittarius Tigers show that they succeed due to the following qualities:

  • intelligence;
  • courtesy, social manners;
  • diligence in work;
  • the ability to calculate your steps ahead;
  • caring and loyalty.

Famous Sagittarius-Tigers:
Joseph Stalin (1878), Paul Anderson (1926), Natalya Krachkovskaya (1938)

Tiger-Sagittarius is a cheerful person, the real soul of the company. This unique zodiac combination rewards the individual with always a good mood. Such a person does not know what apathy and depression are. He manages to find a way out of any situation, and all this is thanks to his innate resourcefulness and straightforwardness.

Sagittarius Man - Tiger

The Sagittarius-Tiger man has subtle intuition, he can boast of delicacy and an excellent sense of humor. He very confidently and rapidly climbs the career ladder, achieving his cherished goals. A representative of the stronger sex treats people with respect; he will not go over the heads of his friends for the sake of profit.

On the personal front, everything is always unstable for him, since such a man needs a worthy companion. He may spend a very long time searching for a suitable life partner.

Sagittarius Woman - Tiger

The Tiger-Sagittarius woman is cheerful, sociable and very sociable. She constantly needs to be in the company of friends, exchanging emotions and impressions with other people.

Sometimes she can be unpredictable and fall for some kind of provocation. In relationships with men, such a woman strives for certainty. She takes the choice of her future lover very seriously, knows how to interest him and keep him close to her.

Sagittarius-Tiger is a rather original combination that rewards the personality with unpredictability. Such a person will always strive to do everything perfectly.

The general characteristics and compatibility of the Sagittarius-Tiger man suggests that these individuals are very sociable and active.

They are in constant motion and are not able to stay in the same place for a long time.


Representatives of this zodiac type are intelligent and educated, which is not at all characteristic of this sign. According to the horoscope, such men show caution and sensitivity when communicating with others. They think first and then speak - this is undoubtedly a plus of the characteristics of the Sagittarius-Tiger man. This friendly person is not capable of hurtful words or insults towards his interlocutor. The Sagittarius man, born in the year of the Tiger, in contrast to the fair sex of the same iconic symbiosis, prefer to constantly be busy rather than philosophize.

They are constantly busy with something and try to be on time everywhere. But, oddly enough, the constant rush and bustle only gives a man an additional boost of energy to accomplish new things. Sagittarius-Tiger is not distinguished by enviable constancy and, just like women of the same sign, is in constant search. An energetic and sociable Sagittarius-Tiger man goes through life with a smile and looks into the future with optimism. A positive attitude helps him easily find like-minded people and overcome all sorts of obstacles in his path. Since representatives of this type are very intelligent people, you can always carry on small talk with them.

They are attracted to new knowledge, which they strive to obtain in all available ways. The Sagittarius-Tiger man always has many hobbies and interests. He is intellectually developed, but, meanwhile, never stops learning something new. This nature always knows what it wants and successfully achieves the desired results in any area of ​​life. The waywardness of character forces the Sagittarius-Tiger to be straightforward and honest towards the people around him. He always tells a person's truthful opinion about him, without hiding anything. Representatives of this type amazingly combine a variety of personal qualities - insight and composure, pride and vanity, strength and nobility.

Compatibility in love

Power, unpredictability, perseverance and romance - these are the qualities that the Sagittarius-Tiger man manifests in love. He skillfully charms women and does not hide at all that he likes to conquer the fair sex. At the beginning of a relationship, a man of this type always looks very shy, but over time, having gotten used to his partner, the image of a shy person gradually goes away. Sagittarius-Tiger tries to pay maximum attention to his soulmate, take an interest in everything that happens to her and, to the extent possible, solve her problems.

However, if a woman tries to infringe on his rights to freedom, he will immediately feel it and try to stand up for himself. Therefore, you should be prepared for the fact that Sagittarius-Tiger may behave hostilely, trying in this way to protect their independence. Those representatives of the fair sex who strive for complete compatibility with a Sagittarius-Tiger man in love can be advised to avoid disputes and any conflict situations when communicating with him. In a fit of emotion, such a man is not able to restrain his emotions, which can be very painful and unpleasant for his chosen one. As a companion, Sagittarius-tiger is looking for a beautiful woman with a catchy appearance and a rich inner world. He needs a faithful partner and soul mate, to whom he can come for support in difficult times.

Sagittarius-Tiger in career

In the professional sphere of activity for a Sagittarius man, born in the year of the Tiger, everything goes very well. He successfully copes even with the most complex tasks that arise in the process of work. He doesn’t even need to show special diligence, since everything works out almost by itself. Exhausting work is unacceptable for Sagittarius-Tiger, although he can quite cope with the frantic pace of work. Skillful hands and brilliant intellectual abilities allow this person to master new skills and abilities. Most often, such people choose a technical field of activity and realize themselves well in this area. But a leadership position is not at all for Sagittarius-Tiger, despite the fact that he has the necessary organizational skills. In any case, the characteristics of men of this zodiac combination allow them to be successful in a variety of fields of activity and realize themselves in their careers.

Character of Tiger-Sagittarius men: They are distinguished by their willpower. They remain a mystery to others, as they often change their appearance. On the one hand, these are brave and kind men, but sometimes they amaze with their aggressiveness. They have their own opinion, but at the same time they are always ready to change it under the force of circumstances. They have a unique way of thinking that amazes with its versatility.

By nature, these are brave and hardworking men. They have their own views on all aspects of human life, but often change their minds for their own comfort. They are reliable and ready to help their friends in any situation. They have all the qualities to become successful. But this scenario will be realized if they demonstrate only positive character traits.

Tiger men - Sagittarius in love and relationships: It is difficult for them to maintain relationships even with strong feelings. This is due to the fact that they cannot always withstand routine and consistency. Moreover, friendships with them can last a lifetime. They love their freedom, so they remain independent even in relationships with the opposite sex. And the partner usually doesn’t like this and the relationship comes to a breakdown.

Tiger men - Sagittarius in finance and career: The financial side of life is an important aspect for them. However, they try to take an unconventional path - finance and career are different areas for them, so they try to achieve wealth in other ways. At the same time, they can achieve everything quickly and easily, regardless of the difficulties. Usually, by maturity they achieve a good position in career growth, as well as in the financial sphere.

Tiger men - Sagittarius in family and marriage: In a family, they can demonstrate a variety of qualities. Being attached to their loved ones, they most often show selfishness. At the same time, they can be reliable and pleasant to communicate with. This combination worries their loved ones, but the situation rarely changes with their age. If they can balance their emotions, intellect, intuition, feelings, they can become ideal family men. They usually achieve such qualities by maturity.

Advice for Tiger-Sagittarius men: They have too much energy, so they should direct it in a special direction. You should not waste it on conflict situations; it is better to direct it into self-knowledge. They need to improve themselves throughout their lives in order to feel balanced. Ideas must be accepted objectively, and a scale of principles must be developed for oneself. The golden mean in everything will help them achieve harmony in all areas of life.

Compatibility horoscope: zodiac sign Sagittarius Tiger Woman - the most complete description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

This man is an incorrigible dreamer. He is gentle and simple in nature, but can sometimes change unexpectedly. Today he is very sociable, but tomorrow you can’t get him out of the house, he is either generous or stingy. Such people do not like to be in debt. Luck is the most famous trait that bestows upon people born under the symbol of the Tiger. If you were born this year, you can also expect to receive some of their charm, intelligence and alertness. When combined, when a Sagittarius-Tiger man or woman is a Sagittarius-Tiger, these people are dreamy and charismatic, and have a perceptive and attentive nature. This makes them charming with a wonderful balanced set of characteristics that allow them to enjoy and succeed in life.

Tiger-Sagittarius are insightful people and understand the situation perfectly. They are good in their own way due to their charm and intelligence. They are excellent listeners and observant, always thinking before acting. Using a set of such qualities, these men and women say the right and appropriate things. These are excellent specialists in achieving the goals they have set for themselves. They love to study. These people will be happy in most types of work, but they have a particularly strong attention to detail. Money is very important to these people, and they are willing to work hard to get it.

In personal relationships, these are some of the most attentive partners. They take pleasure in doing something nice for their partners. As a rule, in any partnership they put themselves second and are always ready to listen. Their attentiveness can be a little overwhelming at times, but it is their best way of expressing love. You will certainly feel loved in relationships with these people even if they are not particularly romantic or spontaneous. The weakness in the personality of these people is that they can be irritable and conflictual, this happens when they are tired. When they are under mental pressure, they become a little aggressive. Fortunately, they quickly learn to manage their emotions.

Sagittarius Tiger is a gentle and intelligent person. He is subtle in communication, delicate in manifestations, gentle in emotions. Active and sociable by nature, but cautious and shy. Tiger Sagittarius is afraid to hurt another even with a word, so from the outside he seems hidden and withdrawn. He can sometimes take a risk and do what he wants, but this does not bring him happiness. Quite often, Sagittarius-Tiger women and men remain misunderstood by others - they do not like to attract attention to themselves and try to be as inconspicuous as possible.

Tiger Combination

Sagittarius – Tiger: Characteristics

Sagittarius – Tiger Man

The Sagittarius-Tiger man has subtle intuition, he can boast of delicacy and an excellent sense of humor. He very confidently and rapidly climbs the career ladder, achieving his cherished goals. A representative of the stronger sex treats people with respect; he will not go over the heads of his friends for the sake of profit.

Sagittarius – Tiger Woman

The Tiger-Sagittarius woman is cheerful, sociable and very sociable. She constantly needs to be in the company of friends, exchanging emotions and impressions with other people.

Sagittarius-Tiger is a rather original combination that rewards the personality with unpredictability. Such a person will always strive to do everything perfectly.

Horoscope Sagittarius-Tiger

According to the horoscope, Sagittarius-Tiger is simple-minded and sympathetic. Such a person often hovers in dreams. Although, his mood changes like the weather in March. He's too talkative, and then you can't get a word out of him.

You will instantly distinguish them from the diverse crowd. Sagittarius-Tigers are such bright and extraordinary personalities that it is impossible to ignore them. They are successful both in work and in love.

If such people get little rest, they become nervous and abrupt. They can flare up for any reason, which leads to quarrels. Sagittarius-Tiger can be tough even towards close people. Although, quick-wittedness is also not the last thing in their character.

Sagittarius-Tiger is a cultured and delicate person. Such people are tender in love, and behave quite sensitively with friends. Sometimes he tends to be cautious in his relationships with people. Even during an active conversation, he may become embarrassed and become silent.

Few people get to know the inner world of Sagittarius-Tiger well. In a large company, such people do not come to the fore, but try to “go” into the shadows.

Horoscope for combining Sagittarius with other eastern signs:

Horoscope for combining other zodiac signs with eastern signs:

horoscope for January 2018

Sagittarius-Tiger Man

The general characteristics and compatibility of the Sagittarius-Tiger man suggests that these individuals are very sociable and active.

They are in constant motion and are not able to stay in the same place for a long time.


Representatives of this zodiac type are intelligent and educated, which is not at all characteristic of this sign. According to the horoscope, such men show caution and sensitivity when communicating with others. They think first and then speak - this is undoubtedly a plus of the characteristics of the Sagittarius-Tiger man. This friendly person is not capable of hurtful words or insults towards his interlocutor. The Sagittarius man, born in the year of the Tiger, in contrast to the fair sex of the same iconic symbiosis, prefer to constantly be busy rather than philosophize.

They are constantly busy with something and try to be on time everywhere. But, oddly enough, the constant rush and bustle only gives a man an additional boost of energy to accomplish new things. Sagittarius-Tiger is not distinguished by enviable constancy and, just like women of the same sign, is in constant search. An energetic and sociable Sagittarius-Tiger man goes through life with a smile and looks into the future with optimism. A positive attitude helps him easily find like-minded people and overcome all sorts of obstacles in his path. Since representatives of this type are very intelligent people, you can always carry on small talk with them.

They are attracted to new knowledge, which they strive to obtain in all available ways. The Sagittarius-Tiger man always has many hobbies and interests. He is intellectually developed, but, meanwhile, never stops learning something new. This nature always knows what it wants and successfully achieves the desired results in any area of ​​life. The waywardness of character forces the Sagittarius-Tiger to be straightforward and honest towards the people around him. He always tells a person's truthful opinion about him, without hiding anything. Representatives of this type amazingly combine a variety of personal qualities - insight and composure, pride and vanity, strength and nobility.

Compatibility in love

Power, unpredictability, perseverance and romance - these are the qualities that the Sagittarius-Tiger man manifests in love. He skillfully charms women and does not hide at all that he likes to conquer the fair sex. At the beginning of a relationship, a man of this type always looks very shy, but over time, having gotten used to his partner, the image of a shy person gradually goes away. Sagittarius-Tiger tries to pay maximum attention to his soulmate, take an interest in everything that happens to her and, to the extent possible, solve her problems.

However, if a woman tries to infringe on his rights to freedom, he will immediately feel it and try to stand up for himself. Therefore, you should be prepared for the fact that Sagittarius-Tiger may behave hostilely, trying in this way to protect their independence. Those representatives of the fair sex who strive for complete compatibility with a Sagittarius-Tiger man in love can be advised to avoid disputes and any conflict situations when communicating with him. In a fit of emotion, such a man is not able to restrain his emotions, which can be very painful and unpleasant for his chosen one. As a companion, Sagittarius-tiger is looking for a beautiful woman with a catchy appearance and a rich inner world. He needs a faithful partner and soul mate, to whom he can come for support in difficult times.

Sagittarius-Tiger in career

In the professional sphere of activity for a Sagittarius man, born in the year of the Tiger, everything goes very well. He successfully copes even with the most complex tasks that arise in the process of work. He doesn’t even need to show special diligence, since everything works out almost by itself. Exhausting work is unacceptable for Sagittarius-Tiger, although he can quite cope with the frantic pace of work. Skillful hands and brilliant intellectual abilities allow this person to master new skills and abilities. Most often, such people choose a technical field of activity and realize themselves well in this area. But a leadership position is not at all for Sagittarius-Tiger, despite the fact that he has the necessary organizational skills. In any case, the characteristics of men of this zodiac combination allow them to be successful in a variety of fields of activity and realize themselves in their careers.

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What can their characteristics tell about Sagittarius women?

Each sign of the Zodiac, or rather, its representatives, is endowed with certain qualities, which, for the most part, prevail in them along with others. These special character traits allow you to form an idea about a particular person if you just ask his date of birth. Based on such information, you can find out what the general characteristics of a particular zodiac sign are and what its compatibility is with other representatives. And today we invite you to learn more about what qualities a Sagittarius woman has and what the Eastern horoscope has prepared for her in life, depending on which animal is her patron.

The characteristic that can tell about women under the sign of Sagittarius is unlike any other. These representatives of the fair half are distinguished by unique qualities, including straightforwardness, which is a rather rare quality today.

What can you say about the ladies in this constellation?

Women born under the constellation Sagittarius are distinguished by their excessive activity, straightforwardness and peculiar stubbornness. At the same time, they are not as aggressive as the ladies of the Aries sign, and less hot-tempered.

They are more likely to spend their own energy on satisfying their wishes and needs. However, a woman born under the zodiac sign of Sagittarius will never try to transform the people around her and the world as a whole “to suit herself” and her own needs.

Due to their inherent straightforwardness and stubbornness, women and girls often put their family, friends and work colleagues in an awkward position. Also, the present tendency to commit a spontaneous, unconsidered act makes the surrounding Sagittarius ladies, and sometimes themselves, suffer. Basically, this concerns the emotional sphere and especially love. Situations often arise with women in the zodiac sign Sagittarius when they literally “drown” in their feelings and therefore get married very early. In the future, early marriage does not always work out the way every girl who dreams of her future family would like.

For the most part, Sagittarius women are loners. They neglect connections with relatives (Sagittarius-Snake, Rooster), preferring to spend more time with those who are able to silently endure all their quirks and will not command. Perhaps this is why the compatibility of this sign has a peculiar description.

As for relationships at work, almost every horoscope warns women “with arrows” to be more careful in making decisions. In addition, Sagittarius ladies have a rather tense relationship with management. Most women born under this zodiac sign do not know how to correct their own mistakes and react quite sharply to comments and quite constructive criticism (especially those whose patron, according to the Eastern horoscope, is the Tiger, Dragon, Sheep). Consequently, their compatibility precludes a smooth, established relationship with those whose zodiac sign provides for the same stubborn and strong nature.

In love, women from the Sagittarius sign prefer relationships with confident men who can provide worthy company throughout life and at the same time be excellent competitors for endurance competitions. With such women you need to be prepared for sudden mind-blowing actions and spontaneous emotional leaps. Also, men who choose a Sagittarius woman as their wife must take into account that she will never become an obedient and submissive wife to her husband, indulging him in everything. Therefore, it will be useful to sometimes look into her horoscope.

Who are Sagittarius ladies compatible with?

Although women born under the zodiac sign Sagittarius are sociable, their compatibility excludes soft, smooth relationships with “tyrannical” people who want to keep everything under control. Due to the fact that such ladies are very freedom-loving, it will be quite difficult for them to get along with conservative and very “closed” people.

If we talk about the compatibility of a Sagittarius woman with a specific zodiac sign, then such a horoscope will provide the following picture:

  • A man and a woman, both born under the constellation Sagittarius, demonstrate excellent compatibility. Such families are very strong, because both partners will understand each other and will not limit each other’s freedom. The main thing is not to let love and passion fade away against the backdrop of everyday problems;
  • A Sagittarius woman has good compatibility with a Leo man, an Aries man;
  • Ladies, representatives of this zodiac sign, get along well with a man born under the constellation Cancer. The relationship between these two will be fulfilling, filled not only with love and passion, but also with romance.

What can the Eastern calendar say about such women?

The most characteristic of the unique qualities inherent only to Sagittarius are the following signs of the Eastern calendar:

Thanks to precisely those features that are imprinted by these symbolic animals, a woman’s personality becomes more vibrant. And this applies not only to properties related to personal character building, but also to relationships in love, at work, and with family. What kind of trace remains under the influence of this or that sign will be demonstrated by the characteristics of each of them in relation to the Sagittarius woman.

Ladies under the protection of the willful Tiger

The most active among all representatives of the Sagittarius sign are those whose patron, according to the Eastern horoscope, is the Tiger. This combination provides ladies born this year under the constellation Sagittarius with a peculiar temperament and the ability to control their emotional changes. This allows Sagittarius-Tiger women to enjoy success in society and easily make new acquaintances.

Among the partners who find themselves surrounded by a woman under the sign of Sagittarius-Tiger, there is often a future partner. Despite the fact that such ladies tend to make quick, ill-considered decisions for marriage, the patron Tiger shows tolerance in this regard. Therefore, girls born this year, as a rule, are in no hurry to get married.

The compatibility of this sign according to the Eastern calendar with other representatives has a wider range. A Tiger and Sagittarius girl can safely start a family with:

Girls under the auspices of the ambitious Dragon

Like the Tiger, the Dragon especially celebrates girls born under the constellation Sagittarius. If you believe what the Chinese horoscope says, then all these ladies are frivolous. At the same time, the Dragon lady loves attention, so she always strives to be in the center of society. The Sagittarius Dragon, whose appearance is embodied in the fair sex, is extremely active, sociable, persistent and ambitious.

In many ways, the Dragon repeats the description of the previous sign (Tiger). Especially when it comes to building a family. The Dragon Woman is very patient and therefore can easily find a common language with everyone, which is not very typical for Sagittarius under normal circumstances.

As for compatibility for the Dragon Lady with other signs, the best candidates may be representatives of the same Eastern horoscope:

Girls under the auspices of the Snake striving for leadership

The Snake is known to be famous for its sarcastic traits and at the same time all-round talent. This is confirmed by both the regular horoscope and the Chinese one. The combination of a strong, strong-willed character and lack of family attachment that characterizes the Sagittarius-Snake woman often has an adverse effect on relationships with others. Therefore, they are mostly loners.

If a representative of the fair sex has a year of birth according to the Chinese calendar - Snake, this may mean that such ladies are endowed with intelligence. Considering the combination of this trait with the versatility of her personality and highly developed intuition, the horoscope promises excellent prospects for these girls. And not only at work, but also in love, in household chores. ( 1 votes, average score: 3,00 out of 5)

Horoscope of the Zodiac sign Sagittarius, born in the year of the Tiger

Both the Zodiac sign and the eastern sign of a person’s year of birth have individual properties, qualities and conditions, which are mainly manifested in the characteristics of a person and his relationships in society.

It is important to pay attention to the fact that the Zodiac and the eastern years are formed from twelve parallel vertical levels, on the basis of which people exhibit certain methods of behavior and react to individual conditions in circumstances in the form of the attitude of interacting people towards them.

The Zodiac sign forms tactical abilities in a person’s character and represents one of the twelve levels of behavioral methodology.

The eastern sign of the year of birth shapes the conditions and laws of the external environment for a person, his relationships with people around him, in which he uses his own method of behavior assigned by the Zodiac sign. The year of birth forms for a person one of the twelve levels of his self-realization. The eastern sign is called strategy, since it forms a field of activity for a person and on this field the eastern sign manifests the laws and principles of the attitude of people around him to a person.

Sagittarius is the eighth sign of the Zodiac in the natural hierarchy of society. People of this zodiac sign, by the nature of their birth, are impulsive, insightful, and prone to fanatical hobbies.

The specialty of the Zodiac sign Sagittarius is “ accomplice, deputy director, player" A person of this zodiac sign is capable of fanatically getting involved in his activities. Sagittarius lives by the principle: “ Attention will save you" He tends to play along with the interacting person and tries to play pranks on the people around him. Sagittarius often goes beyond rules, laws and people to achieve what they want. Sagittarius tends to manipulate people, sometimes putting them into a hypnotic state. He is prone to various pleasures that ruin his health. Sagittarius is a player in life, playing with words, gestures, people and the meaning of life.

Eastern sign year of the Tiger – 1902, 1914, 1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010, 2022, 2034, 2046, 2058.

The Year of the Tiger forms a natural strategy, a field for relationships at the ninth level of circumstances. People born in the year of the Tiger are in relationships with people who exert strong-willed pressure on him, imposing their needs and problems on him due to the experience of past relationships. Regardless of the zodiac sign, a person born in the year of the Tiger has to participate in work processes in which interacting people predominantly occupy positions “ investors, organizers, directors and other executives" Interacting people show diverse competition in their relationships with a person born in the year of the Tiger, with the goal of surpassing his authority or using his abilities and capabilities in their plans and activities. People around, regardless of their zodiac signs and eastern years, in relationships with a person born in the year of the Tiger, in his presence show increased activity, sometimes anger and fanaticism, and are carried away by their desires and morals from their past. People interacting with a person born in the year of the Tiger conduct relationships according to the principle of the Zodiac sign Leo: “ Love vs Pride ».

Horoscope for Sagittarius born in the year Tiger.

This combination of signs is manifested by impulsive, sometimes flashy and defiant behavior in a person who develops relationships with leaders and people of leadership and influential abilities. Sagittarius influences the mood of those around them, radiating an abundance of their attention. Sagittarius is a hunter or fisherman who, if necessary, waits for his chance to make money. The Year of the Tiger creates conditions for relationships with leaders of societies. Zodiac sign Sagittarius, born in the year of the Tiger, is in circumstances in which he has to compete with people who are inclined to manage, manipulate, and use Sagittarius only for their own benefit. This person is able to involve others in solving their own and common problems. Interacting people tend to obey a given person due to his connections in society and his demonstrative ambition. Sagittarius has a tendency to use other people's results in circumstances. Sagittarius can be fanatically carried away by various pleasures, reaching the point of swinish acts, theft from neighbors, robbery of others and drunken violence. People of this zodiac sign often perceive the seriousness of life as a game and, after critical consequences, try to run away from responsibility. Interacting people ignore his reluctance or disagreement in anything. Having achieved what they want in a relationship, interacting people tend to forget about its existence, without compensating for its costs.

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