Home Food The better the gel battery. How many gel batteries are in stores. Gel batteries - advantages and disadvantages

The better the gel battery. How many gel batteries are in stores. Gel batteries - advantages and disadvantages

For the first time, pursuing a choice, our clients face that the manufacturers could make a significant confusion in the classification of even such simple things.

In this regard, many questions arise, for example:

  • What battery is better: lead acid or gel?
  • What is the multigel battery different from gel?
  • What is AGM VRLA?

For the convenience of searching in our online store, we indicate the batteries as they lacks the manufacturer - so that you can easily find the desired model. But if you have not yet decided on a specific model and just trying to understand: what kind of battery for the UPS is better to purchase, then this article will help you.

Types of batteries for UPS and Terms

First of all, you need to remember that all the batteries manufactured at the moment industry for the UPS are lead-acid. Another "frightening" abbreviations -VRLA and SLA - both belong to batteries that are used in uninterrupted power sources.Also such batteries are called unqualified and sealyed.

VRLA decrypt as Valve Regulated LEAD ACID, in free translation it means Adjustable lead-acid valve.

SLA Means Sealed LEAD ACID, i.e. closed (sealed) lead acid.

Non-servant - means that in the battery of this species is not required to monitor the level of electrolyte and topping the water, as, for example, in the automotive.

Designation sealed (hermetic) It suggests that electrolyte does not break from the battery of this type, even if it is a false support or will be shaking. Also, tightness allows them to operate them in residential premises: combustible pairs that allocate in the process of operation of the battery remain "locked" inside, and only during violations of the working conditions, an emergency valve can open.

And all these definitions are not different types batteries, and the same: VRLA /SLA maintenanceable sealing (hermetic). This type was most common in uninterrupted power sources. In other systems, starter served and starter maintenance can be used, but we will not speak about them today.

Gel and agm

In order to achieve tightness and eliminate the need to maintain batteries for the UPS, manufacturers use two different technologies: GEL (ABSORPTIVE Glass Mat). Both technologies provide gas recombination to maintain the volume of electrolyte and its "binding" to avoid splashing.

IN gel batteries The liquid electrolyte is brought to the jelly-like, viscous consistency by adding silicon compounds into it. As a result, the electrolyte does not splash when shaking, and does not flow under minor damage to the case. This technology appeared first, that is why many in the old manner are all hermetic unqualified batteries Call gels.

The domestic name "helium batteries" is also common, which is not true in the root. Gas helium has nothing to do with rechargeable batteries.

Thanks to the viscous state in gel batteries occurs gas recombination:

  • As a result of the chemical reaction, water in the battery decays to hydrogen and oxygen.
  • Hydrogen and oxygen ions remain in a closed battery space and, moving along micro and cracks in the gel, are connected and formed water again.
  • Water absorbs gel, the initial volume of electrolyte is restored.

As a result, we have a battery, in which no need to top up, since it practically does not evaporate. In addition, gas emission does not occur, so the battery can be used in residential premises.

IN AGM batteries The space between the plates is filled with fiberglass mats, which absorb electrolyte.

In the photo - a revealed AGM battery, in which you can consider the very "Glass Mat" - fiberglass mats.

Due to this, almost the same goals are achieved as in gels: the electrolyte does not splash, and in the pores of the filler there is a gas recombination, i.e., we have the same non-maintained hermetic battery, as well as gel. Is that when damaged the housing, the electrolyte is likely to flow and hurt the equipment located nearby. That is why in expensive telecommunication systems often prefer to use Gel VRLA type acb.

AGM technology - Newer than GEL.

Note that:

  • And GEL, and AGM batteries are lead-acid.
  • These are two different technologies.

What about the multigels?

Multigel batteries are not essentially a separate type of power supply. Most often, manufacturers and outlets use this name for AGM batteries.

For example, in the photo below - the Luxeon LX12120MG 12Ah battery ( back side). In very many online stores, it is sold under the "Multigel" brand, as evidenced by the "MG" marking in the name, however, the manufacturer on the battery itself indicates that this is: "Technology: AGM, non-rupture" battery "(UKR) (AGM technology, non-servant battery).

And considering the price of multigel batteries is always lower than on gel, and this is despite the fact that gel technology is quite expensive - in the overwhelming majority we are dealing with AGM.

Differences of gel and agm batteries

Cyclic resource2-3 times higher than in AGM (about 600 cycles) due to viscous electrolyte. The plates remain covered during a deep discharge, therefore it is less susceptible to corrosion.About 300 cycles charge-discharge.
ChargeVery demanding of charge accuracy, its exceeding can lead to the battery to be bought.Not so critical to the charge, although the voltage excess during charge can also lead to boiling and swollen the battery.
Self-dischargeThe size of the self-discharge is small, so suitable for use where the discharge occurs with small currents for a long periodSelf-discharge more intense than gels.
OverheatOverheating can cause a battery explosion.Overheating is not as critical, but also dangerous.
Deep dischargeWell withstand deep discharge. Operation is desirable at a discharge depth of no more than 30%.
Launcher and maximum currentUnable to give large current values, especially starting, due to high internal resistance.Start currents more.
Short circuitsVery sensitive to short circuit.Less sensitive.
ExploitationIn any position, except for "upward", small damage to the housing does not cause electrolyte leakage, due to the viscosity of the latter.In any position, except for "upside down".

Or briefly, in the picture:

So, in general, gel batteries will serve longer than AGM, in systems:

  • where the discharge-charge cycle is happening more often
  • where is more often a deep discharge,
  • where to discharge a long time
  • where it can be a critical electrolyte strait during random damage to the case.

Since these batteries are more capricious and more expensive, in other cases they can be successfully replaced by AGM AKB.

And most importantly, - be sure to pay attention to specifications specific model They are stated by the manufacturer, they may differ significantly for batteries of different brands and price categories.


Any motorist knows why you need a battery, but not everyone understands what it happens, and even more so in the principle of his work.

In the understanding of the ordinary buyer, the battery is a kind of plastic hermetic box with terminals. Inside boxing placed lead electrodes, filled with electrolyte. It turns out as a result chemical reactionswhich occur between electrodes and electrolyte. The current is functionally needed for various mechanisms and devices.

The battery accumulate (accumulate) in itself electricity, which is given to the outer chain as needed.

The restoration of the initial occurs due to an external source of electricity. This process is called charging, and converts electrical energy into chemical.

Types of batteries

Different types of autonomous power sources differ not only by the principles of work, cost, but also by parameters:

  • sizes (weight and volume);
  • capacity;
  • number of recharging cycles;
  • temperature mode;
  • shelf life;
  • the possibility of accelerated charging;
  • self-discharge rate (in case of long storage);
  • service life, etc.

Pluses of gel batteries:

  • does not need maintenance;
  • not afraid of tipping;
  • does not proceed in case of damage to the case;
  • duration of service life up to 10 years.

Cons of gel batteries:

  • high price;
  • instability to strong frosts;
  • requires the most complex electronics in the car;
  • permanent monitoring of indicators.

Which battery is better, as well as, what power storage device you need it, it will help to understand the above information. The main advantage of any source of current reusable is the ability to reload them again and again to full power. Will this gel battery or acid solve only you.

Recently, many modern and sufficiently unusual developments have appeared on the car batteries market. For example, not so long ago the so-called gel battery appeared on sale. And although such models have both the pros and cons, they are gradually gaining popularity withdrawing batteries with a classic design.

As known, car battery Consists of a sealed plastic case, in which a set of plates made from lead, or from some of it special alloys. In traditional battery, a liquid electrolyte is flooded, which is a solution of an acid, and in gel batteries, an acidic composition is used with a gel consistency. To date, manufacturers produce two types of gel batteries: AGM and GEL.

AGM gel batteries

The AGM abbreviation is decrypted as ABSORPTIVE Glass Mat, which translated into Russian means "absorbing fiberglass". It is this material that the space is filled between the electrodes in the batteries of this type. AGM fibers are very thin and they perfectly absorb the acid solution, which as a result does not spread, and together with the material forms a mass that is really similar to the gel. One of the important features and at the same time advantages of AGM gel batteries is that all pairs and gases that are formed during their operation do not outward, but remain inside while holding away between microscopic fiberglass.

Gel gel batteries

In the batteries of this type, the entire space between the plates at the stage of their production is filled with the silica gel of the special composition, which, after frozen, forms a gel-shaped spongy mass, in the pores of which the electrolyte is perfectly held. Thanks to this design, the battery plate is not tremended, and this means that the service life of the device and the number of charge-discharge cycles is significantly increasing, which it is able to withstand without any problems. Another important advantage of gel gel batteries is their increased resistance to deep discharge.

Some features of the operation of gel batteries

Some motorists believe that since the electrolyte in such batteries is contained in the form of a gel, they never boil. In fact, this is not the case, simply visually the process itself manifests itself somewhat differently than in traditional acid acb. In case of non-compliance with operating modes, the enhanced selection of gases occurs and the pressure increases. As soon as it reaches a critical level, the protective valve is triggered, which is accompanied by a characteristic cotton.

It should be noted that some budget models of gel batteries of such valve do not have, and therefore from excessive gas accumulation may even explode. In order for this not happened, it is necessary to ensure that these AKB are operated in accordance with those modes for which they are intended. In addition, the level of their charge should be observed.

An important feature of the batteries of this type is that they are sufficiently sensitive to short circuit and even a small KZ can completely derive a device. Therefore, when used, it is necessary to take into account.

How do gel batteries charge?

Those motorists who decide to purchase gel batteries in their "iron horses", it is necessary to keep in mind that they should use special charging device. Them a distinctive feature It is a very accurate value of the output voltage: the fact is that for the battery of this type it should in no case exceed the limit strictly defined for each of the models. As a rule, it is located in the area of \u200b\u200b14.5 V, and if the voltage is higher, the battery simply fails.

As in the case of ordinary acid batteries, Helium is charged with a current, which is 10% of the tank. As for the frequency of recharging, experts recommend producing it once or twice a year. To determine the period of time during which the recharging should last, then the battery capacity is necessary to divide by the charging current.

Pros and cons of gel batteries

Gel batteries have a whole number of advantages, among which users especially distinguish them that they absolutely do not need to be serviced, periodically measuring the density of the electrolyte and, if necessary, to fill water into it. Another important plus is a very robust design of such batteries and the possibility of their operation in any position (standing, lying, inverted).

Due to the fact that the production of plates of gel batteries uses lead of increased purity, they have low internal resistance, and therefore they are infected faster than acid. In addition, for the same reason, they have high starting currents. An important advantage of gel batteries is their long service life (about two to three times greater than that of acid automotive batteries).

There are, however, they have disadvantages. Perhaps the main ones are the high price. As mentioned above, to charge gel batteries, it is necessary to strictly withstand a certain voltage. Therefore, if the relay of its regulator is unstable, then the battery can be simply "killed": the fact is that the gel begins to dilute and no longer returns to its original form. Another significant disadvantage, due to which such batteries are not very widely used in Russia, is that they are afraid of frosts. As soon as the ambient temperature drops to - 30 ° C and below, the gel becomes fragile and the battery dramatically loses its container.

Video on the topic

All motorists understand perfectly well, but not everyone understands the principle of his work and what they are. So consider principal scheme Devices of any rechargeable battery for the car.

The battery as we used to see is a plastic hermetic box, which ensures the integrity of the device. Inside it there are plates-electrodes made from lead or its special alloys. The whole system is filled with a liquid electrolyte - aqueous solution of strong acid. As a result of a chemical reaction between the electrode and the electrolyte, it is formed, vital for the functioning of the car. When applying an external electrical voltage on the plates terminals, the process of restoring the battery of the initial properties is occurring, that is, its charging.

So, why is the device described described exactly the gel battery? Everything is very simple - in contrast to the usual car battery, the acid solution has a gauge consistency, in other words, gel. Gel batteries are not requiring battery maintenance, manufactured by two technologies:

  • GEL - GEL ELECTROLITE. A silica dioxide is added to the acid solution, which causes thickening.
  • AGM - ABSORPTIVE Glass Mat. Translated into Russian "absorbing fiberglass". As an electrolyte, a familiar solution of sulfuric acid is used, most often. But the space between the electrodes is filled with a separator material made of microscopic fiberglass. This fiber holds the acid and does not give it to spread. As a result, a gel-like single mass is obtained.

So, why is this type of batteries are also called non-serving? The fact is that coming on the planned technical inspection On the car equipped with an ordinary battery, it is checked each time on an electrolyte density. As a rule, each time a certain amount is poured into the device. The gel battery does not require a topwork to preserve the necessary electrolyte density. In addition, even during the damage to the plastic case, it never proceeds due to a more dense electrolyte consistency.

Video about which varieties of batteries exist and how to choose them:

Now you know that gel batteries are several types. Consider in more detail each of them.

AGM technology batteries

Their main feature is almost one hundred percent recombination of gases. Unlike the conventional battery, the products of chemical reactions (hydrogen, oxygen) between electrodes and electrolytes are not discharged into an external environment, and "hide" in the pores of fiberglass. These gases when recharging the battery are again becoming part of the electrolyte, thereby allowing the initial energy intensity of the battery for much longer. The guaranteed life term of such a battery is 400 complete discharge cycles - charging. And this is the minimum indicator. In addition, such a device is very slowly discharged in a nonconnected form - for the year about 20% of the energy intensive.

Gel technology batteries

Unlike the above-described type, this has a slightly lower degree of gases recombination. And this is perhaps the only thing that makes it worse. Guaranteed withstands 2 times more discharge cycles - charging and does not require recharging immediately after deeply consumed by the accumulated energy. For such models, a guaranteed service life is 10 years.

Do you need such a battery?

So, it is worth noting a significant minus of this type of devices. They can be used only in cars with a very accurate charge mechanism. The perfectly operating relay regulator in both domestic and foreign cars maintains a voltage within 13-16 volts, and for voltage above 14.4 volts is destructive. The gel just melts and the reverse process will not succeed. In addition, severe frost is also unacceptable, because the gel is frozen, losing its characteristics and immediately becoming 2 times less powerful.

Let's summarize

Pluses of the gel battery:

  • does not require maintenance;
  • it works in any position, even on the side, due to the state of the electrolyte;
  • does not occur even when damaged the case;
  • a huge service life with good electronics;
  • high starting current.

Cons of the gel battery:

  • do not withstand recharging, you need to follow the indicator;
  • does not tolerate severe frosts;
  • high price;
  • requires "tricky".

Based on what we can conclude that it a good option For emergency power supply system, but not for the car. With a lot of advantages, this type with difficulty can withstand our climate and probably before the latter will come into disrepair. But, if you, for example, the happy owner of the chic audio system, this battery, as it is impossible to satisfy your energy consumption.

Lead-acid acb are more common than alkaline analogs. For example, there are batteries of this type on cars. But only units are familiar with gel batteries. Since they appeared on sale relatively recently, then count on objective user reviews or at least some statistics do not have.

In this article, the author offers a detailed reader outlined in an accessible analysis of all features, characteristics, advantages and minuses of gel acmulators. Based on such a review, it is easy to understand that it is plus in the graph, and what moments are positioning as minus samples of this type.

The correct name is the gel battery, from the word "gel". And the helium battery (which is sometimes found in the texts) - no more than a spelling error.

General information about gel batteries

Not knowing the peculiarities of gel batteries, everything else will understand it is difficult, as well as appreciate their advantages, minuses and feasibility of installation on a personal car.

What is the difference between traditional batteries and gel?

In our usual lead-acid acb conductive medium is electrolyte (). This is the name of a solution (aqueous) of sulfuric acid, which is also purchased, or prepared independently. In the batteries of gels, it is present, but in other consistency - in the form of a jelly-like mass. Here is it, they are called gel, that is, a two-component medium characterized by specific properties.

Varieties of gel battery

The difference is in production technology.

GEL. The electrolytic mass is introduced with silica, which contributes to its "thickening" and turning into jelly.

AGM. Constructive performance of such gel batteries is different. The so-called separators are placed between the battery electrodes, which are manufactured on the basis of fiberglass. This material is porous, which means it holds the solution and does not allow it to be spread through volume. As a result, it turns out like jelly and is achieved by an identical effect.



No service required. What is a decrease in the level of electrolyte in lead-acid batteries, the need to search and tall water (not anyone, and distilled) know everything. When using gel batteries, all these problems are removed.

Small damage to the housing does not lead to a rapid battery output. Again, comparing with traditional batteries. Even the microscopic crack causes the "drying" of the battery, since the electrolyte simply implies. For gel samples, such damage is not critical due to the thick consistency of the conductive medium.

Gas recombination almost 100% (for aGM batteries; Gel-models have a slightly lower). What does it give? First, they do not go out, and there is no need to constantly monitor the purity of the diffusion hole. It was their pollution that was one of the main reasons why old-type batteries literally exploded.

Secondly, gases, "hidden" in the pores of separators, when charging, the battery is involved in the process, thereby maintaining its energy intensity at a constant level. No wonder manufacturers guarantee about 400 charging / discharge cycles gel models.

Thirdly, during the storage period of such self-discharge current batteries, almost on the zero level. Calculations show that loss of tank, even under the most adverse conditions, not more than 18 - 20%.

  • The lack of risk of sprinkling plates. Weighing plus, if we consider that this is one of the main "sores" of ordinary batteries.
  • Long service life. In gel accumulators, it is about 2.5 - 3 times higher than that of lead-acid (up to 12-4 years).
  • Preservation of performance at any position. In the usual battery on steep shutters / lines, the electrolyte can partially splash.
  • Starting current high. Consequently, problems with the launch of the engine, under any conditions (for example, with severe frosts), it is usually no (ideally). Next, there is an explanation to this item.


Sensitivity to the parameters of the supply network. That is why there will be a special charge for gel batteries, and it will not be possible to install them. If the "iron horse" was originally equipped with usual, lead-acid battery, together with the acquisition of gel, you will have to mount and include an intermediate block in the chain.

The need to continuously monitor the degree of charge of the battery. For lead-acid analogues, this is not so relevant, but for gel batteries is of great importance. Excess charge in many cases is detrimental, up to the body break. The process of boiling electrolyte proceeds in a different way than in conventional batteries. Many bubbles are formed, which can subsequently transform into one large. And this is a sharp increase in pressure inside the battery.

The problem is solved by simply - installing the reset valve. The nuance is that it is not all models of gel batteries. And now if it is not, then the car owner is one "headache" becomes more.

The dependence of the service life from the correctness of the relay controller. Large voltage jumps provoke accelerated plates oxidation. EN / capacity is reduced, the battery charge time increases - these are the basic consequences of the negative impact of this device.

The fact is that the parameters of most relays lie within the limits (voltage, c) 13 - 16. And the gel begins to collapse already when the value is exceeded at 14.5. And this process is irreversible, therefore, it will not be possible to restore the electrolyte.

Gel battery must be insulated. The constant effect of low temperatures does not effectively affect its durability. Thoroughly, the gel changes its main characteristics. First of all, it sharply reduces the EN / capacity of the battery, and with the launch of the machine, stood all night under the window, there will be big problems. Therefore, in addition to the battery itself, you will have to purchase and the device for heating it.

High price. For example, AKB (AGM) is 95 a / h worth about 17,000 rubles, while its lead acid analogue is within 6,000 - 7,000 thousand.

Taking into account the peculiarities of our climate, as well as some "capriciousness" gel batteries, to rush to change their lead-acid batteries on them is hardly advisable. Especially since the e-diagram of most budget models of the car for connecting them is not adapted. But this is the opinion of the author. What is your reader, based on the information provided? Decide yourself.

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