Home Steering Rent a car in Sicily in individuals. Rent a car on Sicily. The main fines for violation of road rules on the roads of Sicily

Rent a car in Sicily in individuals. Rent a car on Sicily. The main fines for violation of road rules on the roads of Sicily

All you need to know the tourist about the rental cars in Sicily: Cost, Documents, Insurance, PDDs, toll roadsAs well as basic car rental companies in Sicily.

Sicily looks like a small triangular ball that kicks a huge "Italian leg". However, to more or less study this "ball", turn on its natural and architectural attractions, lie down on the beaches of all sizes and styles, with difficulty enough of two weeks, and without your car in this matter can not do.

Sicily looks like a small triangular ball that kicks a huge "Italian leg". To more or less explore this "ball", with difficulty enough two weeks, and without your car in this case it is not necessary.

How to book cars

The most popular and convenient way to rent a car is to use online booking, the order process is very simple and takes just a few minutes. You choose a car and order options, then fill in a special form for booking, after that you will receive a voucher to your email, which will need to be present in the selected rental company in Sicily. Be sure to check the documents that will be issued to you in the office, with the data specified on the voucher - they must comply with each other.

Most Sicilian rolling companies operate only with standard credit cards, and cash does not accept.

Carefully read the terms of the lease agreement, then carefully inspect the car body, pay a separate attention to the glass and wheels, and check whether the damage detected is included in the concluding contract.

If you wish, you can rent a car upon arrival to the island, for example, at the airport or in one of the city companies, but at the height of the tourist season, car rental services are in high demand, so the risk of remaining "without wheels" is very large.

Rental conditions and cost

For rent a car in rental companies in Sicily, you will need a passport, credit card and driver's license. It is believed that Sicilian car rental is enough Russian rights, because Italy ratified the contract of the Vienna Convention on Road Traffic, however, it is recommended to have international driving licenses. A standard number of requirements are presented to the tenant: age older than 21 years (in some cases - over 25 years old) and driver's experience from one year (for renting premium cars - from five years).

The average cost of car rental per day starts from 27-35 EUR and depends on the selected car model, as well as from the season and from the rental period. Naturally, it is more profitable to rent a car for a long time, for example, from the week. For weighty savings, do not be lazy also search the Internet current CDP discount codes.


Car parking is a significant article of the expenditure of all motorists who have decided to go to Sicily's autocrip, free parking lots on this island will not find the fire with fire. It is important to remember that if you decide to save and leave the car right on the street, outside the parking space, the savings will be dubious, because on returning with a high probability instead of a new rented foreign car you will expect a gaping emptiness - the car will be promptly moving to the finneyman.

Free temporary parking is marked with white lines, yellow lines are marked free unlimited parking, but they are only for Sicilians, blue lines mean that parking can be used for free only at night, from 0:00 to 8:00.

Gasoline and refueling

If you planned the extended route, keep in mind that most filling stations At Sicily closes at 19:00, during the traditional Seside, they also do not work, round-the-clock gas stations can be found except on the freeways. At the stations marked with the Self-Service sign, you can refuel yourself.

In Sicily, you can reflect 95 and 98 gasoline, as well as diesel fuel, in addition, there are gas refills on the island. The cost of 1 liters of Benzina 95 is 1.63 EUR, 1 liter of gasoline Benzinasp 98 costs 1.80 EUR, and diesel fuel can be purchased at a price of 1.51 EUR per 1 liter.

PDD in Sicily

Perhaps for someone it will seem unexpected, but even on the historical homeland of Mafia must be followed road. After all, violators of the law are punished here, and very severely. If you feel about fans of driving with a breeze, get ready to pay 500-3000 EUR; For those who are always in a hurry and therefore skipping a traffic light on a red signal, a penalty will be 162-646 EUR; The minimum penalty for overtaking in the wrong place is 162 EUR. And do not forget about seat belts included in the tunnels and the transportation of children in special children's chairs, for these violations in Italy, too, love to finish.

Prices on the page are shown in September 2018.

If you are going on a journey to hot and sunny Sicily, take care in advance that your holiday is comfortable. Choosing a service for renting a car, pay attention to those that have the most developed system of ties in different countriesIn particular, with how many companies collaborates this service in the country's chosen.

During searches, pay attention to which is famous positive reviews From personal experience of customers and has a large-scale network of connections. As a result, he can provide customers with the best services and the most affordable prices For rental cars in Sicily.

In Sicily, you will find excellent quiet places to stay with the whole family. And so that these moments were even more pleasant and warm, you will need a convenient personal transport. With him, you will not worry about what you need to hurry somewhere or all the time monitor the schedule of urban transport.

Moreover, if you prefer to relax not in the most uploaded tourist places, but anywhere in quiet oasis, you will probably need to make your own travel route. Of course, you can use the services of urban carriers, but be prepared for the fact that it will cost you much more expensive. By ordering a car in advance, you can get it at an affordable cost.

Sites for renting a car in Sicily

Another convenience that will be very by the way, if you have had a long flight and you want to relax in your transport, without having a heavy suitcase. Cooperating with us, you can get a car in any place convenient for you. We have separate offices throughout Sicily. If, for example, you fly to Italy by plane, you can pick up a reserved car at the station at the station, which will be guaranteed in good condition and meet all your requirements, ranging from its brand and finishing external species vehicle. After receiving the car right at the airport, you can get to your hotel without delay.

Forget about looking for suitable transport and wait for his clock. If you worry about the fact that you cannot properly focus in the city, you can clarify the consultants for auto navigators in the car. It will help you figure out even in confusing Italian swarms. You may have the basic skills of conversations in Italian - this is not a problem. The navigator will be configured in the language on which you will be convenient.

If, for example, you planned your journey so that you need to take a car in one place, but to return it in another - it is also possible. Even if you have not provided it in advance, and your vacation plan has changed literally at the last moment - it is also not a problem. You can make adjustments to the car rental conditions in Sicily, contacting managers.

We decided an article dedicated to car rental in Sicily in the form of a question-answer. This will allow you to quickly find an answer to any question of interest.

General issues for renting cars in Sicily

Is it difficult to take a car for rent in Sicily?

Take a car for rental in Sicily is not difficult. Many rental companies in all corners of the island will be happy to offer you their cars.

Do I need international driver licenses for renting a car in Sicily?

To take a car for rent, not always, international rights may require you. However, in the future, on the road, serious problems may arise. If the police stop you, the penalty will be around 300 euros.

Do you need a credit card for renting a car or a fairly debit?

Some companies require only a credit card, others loyally relate to the debit card. And the third impose restrictions on debit cardholders: the prohibition of the border crossing of Italy, the limit on certain models of cars and so on.

Car rental on Sicily cheap

How to find yourself favorable option Car rental in Sicily?

Is it profitable to lease on arrival?

No, it is better to book a car in advance. By this, you save yourself from queues, in addition, you can not pay at once, but leave a prepayment. Well, the most important thing, booking in advance you are guaranteed to get your car. Booking in place necessary auto May not be! And there is no difference in price!

Rent a car in Sicily: Pledge, Franchise and Insurance

Is it possible to rent a car in Sicily without collateral?

There are such conditions. However, in this case, you will have to buy a more expensive insurance package that covers all risks. In most cases, the deposit is still taken.

What is the amount of collateral?

Usually this amount is from 300 to 1000 euros, which is blocked on your card.

Posit returns immediately after passing the car?

No, as a rule, 2-4 weeks after passing the car. This is the time to check the car for breakdowns by your fault, and whether you did not earn fines.

NB. Require an inspection of the car while passing and signed paper that there are no complaints about you, car safe and safety.

What is a franchise?

Franchise is the amount of costs, with insured cases that the company is ready to pay. The most expensive insurance provide 100% payment of the cost of the insurance company, this insurance without franchise.

Two identical insurance packages with franchise. In one franchise, 300 euros, in another 1000. What is more profitable for me?

The one in which the 300 euro franchise is more profitable for the client. Then, in case of damage or hijacking, the client will pay 300 euros, the rest will pay insurance.

Should I buy expensive insurance?

If you are an inexperienced driver or you have difficulty parking, driving around the narrow streets - yes it is worth it. Sicily is a narrow street, compact parking "Bumper in the bumper" and straw drivers.

Receipt and delivery of cars

What needs to be done when receiving a car?

If insurance does not cover all expenses, carefully inspect the car for damage, scratches, breakdowns. Ask the rental company manager to fix them up to the smallest.

What questions should I ask the manager?

  1. Is there a mileage limit?
  2. Are there any restrictions on the driver's age
  3. Are there any restrictions on the second driver?

What is important to know when passing the car?

  • Come to the point of delivery 30-40 minutes before the end of the rental time. Remember that lateness is even 1 minute, will pay for extra day rental!
  • Document docume that the car is technically correct and without damage.
  • Machine must be passed with full of tank Gasoline.

Is it possible to get a car in one place, and pass in the other.

Yes, you can. Please ask this feature in the company - car rental.

Road Roads and Fine

What are the features of the rules in Italy?

The rules are very similar to the Russian. What differences are:

  • Speed \u200b\u200blimit in the city of 50 km / h
  • Loyalty to alcohol. Permissible degree of intoxication up to 0.5 pp
  • There are special movement restriction zones - Zona Traffico Limitato. It is usually a historic center or attractions. There is usually a travel time limit.

What are the fines for violations?

Sicily Roads

Are there paid roads in Sicily?

Yes there is. Two paid highways: A18 (Catania - Messina) and A20 (Palermo - Messina).

How to pay for the passage by a paid road?

  1. First, at the entrance you need to get up in the right strip. White - for cash payment. Blue for non-cash. You do not need to get up on the yellow band
  2. Paid to the passage when leaving the highway, so keep the receipt until the end of the train
  3. If you did not pay the passage, most likely it will be removed from your collateral or it will come by mail when you will be at home.

Are all the major cities of Sicily are connected by wide highway?

How to distinguish paid parking From free?

Free parking is indicated by white, paid - blue.

What is the cost of paid parking?

3-5 euros per hour of parking.

How to pay parking?

Either through a special machine or through technical personnel. After payment, the barrier opens and you park.

What are the fines for the wrong parking?

From 40 euros. The cost of the fine will increase significantly if your car is forced to remove the tow truck.

We hope that information about fines you will not be useful and your trip to Sicily will only be joyful. Pleasant emotions!

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Car rental on Sicily

Many Sicily even today is associated exclusively with stories about the legendary almighty Italian mafia. And although the economic situation of this region of Italy today really leaves much to be desired, without having been in Sicily, you will not be able to see True Italy. And to feel comfortable and safe, traveling by narrow streets of Sicily, you should take care of car rental.

By visiting the site site, you can choose the optimal car for you from the suitable price category. Only here is the search and rental of a car on Sicily can be carried out online from anywhere in the world. This means that on arrival in Italy you will not have to spend time looking for the most accessible and convenient options, on the contrary - you can book a car at a specific date and pick it up in the most convenient parts of Sicily.

Parking rules on Sicily Island.

On Sicily Island there are many cities - Cefalu, Syracuse, Palermo, Catania. All these cities do not have problems with parking space. You can park everywhere where it is not forbidden, on white stripes, on paid parking, they are on average 1-1.5 euro per hour. Sicilians are pretty dashing drivers, so on the roads you can rarely meet the car without scratches and dents. If you rent a car, we recommend to be careful and take care of insurance.

The cost of gasoline is the same as in the remaining regions of the country - 1.8 and 1.7 euros per liter of gasoline and diesel fuel Accordingly (by indicators for 2013).

Sicily is a major island - culture here is distinctive and differs from the rest of Italy. Very convenient and interesting will be to travel in Sicily on rolling machine - You can look into the most amazing places and get a lot of impressions.

Points Rental in Italy:

City: Sicily Minimum Rent: 1 day Number of passengers: 4

Well, who did not hear about Sicily - the island of Italian mafia! Every self-respecting traveler at least once in his life dreamed of visiting this legendary and very beautiful land. The island is famous for its "criminal" past, how many hospitality of local residents, unique nature, cozy beaches and a huge number of diverse entertainment, which offer hotels and small firms, as well as individuals. In Sicily (Italy) there are hotels for every taste and wallet: here and 3, and 4th, and even 5-satellite apartments overlooking the picturesque mountains and the turquoise sea.

For a trip to Sicily, you need to rent a car so that the movement is as comfortable as possible. You can do this in one of the airports: Comiso, Trapani, Palermo or Catania. Road covering very good public transport It goes infrequently. In big cities it is not difficult to move on the subway, trams and buses, but if you have the plans to visit different remote resort towns, then you can not do without your own wheels. On the trains of hope is not enough, because they go very irregularly, sometimes they are completely canceled, and if you are lucky, and you still sit on railway transport, then from the point and to the point b you will get more than 10 hours.

Rent a car - this will allow you to spend your holiday with comfort, and fully enjoy all the delights of the ancient island.

How much is the car rental in Sicily

The cost of the service affects the car model, the equipment and the deadline for which you need it. If you take the car more than 10 days, and also before, then such a deal will cost cheaper than renting for a couple of days.

To take a car, you need to have a driver's license of the European sample with you. Some companies still provide the car to the owners of Russian plastic rights, on which everything is written by Latin letters, but most prefer to be reinforced, and refuse to rent if there is no international document.

The driver's experience should be at least 1 year, and age is more than 23 years old.

Sicily loyally belongs to the drivers of rented cars, which, before traveling, decided to drink a glass of delicious wine of the local spill (and you try to keep tasting!). The maximum allowable dose of alcohol here is 0.8 ppm, which is slightly larger than in other European countries. But do not overdo: for drunk drunk threatens not only a fine, but also deprivation of rights, freedom, but in some especially scinting cases - everything in the complex so that it is no strong.

The main fines for violation of road rules on the roads of Sicily

It is not necessary to hope that if you get to Sicily, the Mafia Island, you will allow you to violate local traffic rules. Rather, on the contrary: the police ryano caught the intruders and mercilessly fines them. Therefore, not to spoil your vacation by proceedings with the law enforcement agencies, read the main rules of movement and fines that are provided for their violation.

Traffic Laws Penalties for violations in euros
You can not make overtaking in a place that is not equipped with special signs. 160-648
Need to observe the distance on the roads between the machines 40-169
You can not ignore the prohibition signs and road markings 40-169
Travel to a red traffic light signal is strictly prohibited 160-648
Must be observed speed mode 526-3288
It is impossible to overtake on the right side if this action does not allow the sign 81-309

Also fined for the transportation of children without a special chair, for not fasted belts security while driving, for the shutdown of headlights in the tunnels, and, of course, for talking mobile phone Without a headset that allows not to use hands.

Extreme speed on the roads

Local residents love to break the high-speed regime, but you still have to refrain from the vicication, because the fines for exceeding high enough.

  • Within any settlement, it is necessary to refrain from speed more than 50 km / h.
  • Outside cities and towns allowed to accelerate up to 90 km / h.
  • In areas of road between settlements, the pervolored speed is 110 km / h.
  • By freeway, you can add another 20 km to the speedometer: the maximum allowable speed here is 130 km / h.

Do not be surprised if you, as a law-abiding citizen, will drive at a speed of 130 km / h, and at the same time there will be an impatiently signal any Siclian: they are impatient. Just give way and continue your slow and exciting journey through a fabulous island.

Parking Rules in Sicily

Sicily is quite difficult to park a rented car. In many ways, this is the merit of intensive movement and limited space. Before you leave your transport, carefully examine the markup, because it is not everywhere you can park the car to foreigners.

  • Marking white color suggests that parking is free here, although limited in time. Places to find much harder. Do not forget to acquire a parking disk on which you need to set the time to which you come for the machine.
  • The blue lines in the parking lot say that the service will have to pay. On such parking lots there are usually machines that accept payment. From 0.00 to 8.00, even here you can leave a car for free.
  • Yellow marking. Attention! This parking is intended only for urban transport and locals. If you leave your car here, you will have to take it on the penalty box, after payment of the fine.

There are also underground parking lots. They cost a little more expensive, but there are almost always places. At the entrance, it is usually worth a parkingman who accepts payment. Also on a special scoreboard it is written if there is a free space, so if it is not - you don't even have to travel there: you just go to look next.

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