Home Transmission Khachapuri with smoked suluguni cheese. Khachapuri in a frying pan for breakfast - a quick recipe with cottage cheese or cheese photo. Khachapuri in Imeretian style - general principles of preparation

Khachapuri with smoked suluguni cheese. Khachapuri in a frying pan for breakfast - a quick recipe with cottage cheese or cheese photo. Khachapuri in Imeretian style - general principles of preparation

This dish belongs to the national Georgian cuisine and proudly walks around the world, winning more and more hearts and stomachs! Crispy dough, salty, and sometimes even stretchy cheese - what else is needed for happiness?

They can be prepared for dinner or lunch, and the leftovers can easily be served for breakfast with a cup of hot tea in winter or cold lemonade in summer. They can be served to friends, neighbors and other guests. Believe me, everyone will appreciate these flatbreads and, moreover, they will ask for more! So don’t skimp on the ingredients and immediately prepare a double or even triple portion.

To make homemade khachapuri, you will definitely need all the ingredients for the dough, as well as cheese. Lots of cheese! In each recipe we will use a different variety, but you remember that you can always choose the cheese to your taste.

If, by the way, the cheese is very salty, then it can be soaked in water for several hours. The water will remove the salt and the cheese will become more edible. It is also important to remember that if the cheese is salty, then the filling should not be salted under any circumstances. You will only spoil the dish, because it will become inedible.

Many different products can be used as additives. The most popular product for khachapuri will always be greens. We only used dill, but you can use cilantro, basil, arugula, rosemary and so on. You can also use garlic, chili, cayenne pepper to add piquancy and spiciness to the filling. You can also add pieces of tomato, sweet pepper and more.

We include eggs in every dough recipe. They must be fresh in order to get the most delicious and, again, fresh dish. To choose fresh eggs in a store or market, we advise you to follow some rules in their selection.

  1. First of all, try rubbing the eggs near your ear before you buy them. They should not make any sounds. If there is still a dull sound, it means that the product has been standing for a long time and has had time to gain oxygen. In addition, the yolk has probably already come off its walls;
  2. The next way to buy fresh eggs is in a cardboard box. This is how eggs are often sold, and in this case the sell-by date is indicated on the box. Choose the freshest ones and remember that eggs still have two to three days after they are due;
  3. The next method for purchased eggs is to fill a deep container of water and lower each egg in turn. The lower it lies, the fresher it is.

Quick khachapuri in a frying pan with cheese

Ingredients Quantity
Sahara - 15 g
flour - 320 g
butter - 110 g
kefir - 125 ml
sour cream for filling - 30 g
soda - 3 g
Imeretian cheese - 360 g
sour cream - 125 ml
butter for filling - 25 g
salt - 3 g

Cooking time

calorie content per 100 grams

This is a quick option for preparing a delicious lunch or dinner. Knead the dough quickly, mix the ingredients for the filling, put it in a frying pan and go to the table.

How to cook:

Tip: butter can be replaced with margarine if necessary.

There are many different recipes that can be used to prepare this dish. But real Georgian khachapuri with suluguni is delicious. Try it soon!

How long is it - 2 hours and 50 minutes.

What is the calorie content - 293 calories.

How to cook:

  1. Heat the milk until it is warm, but not hot;
  2. Add sugar, yeast and salt to it, completely dilute the components in milk;
  3. Add a fifth of the flour to the sieve, bring until smooth and leave for fifteen minutes;
  4. Break one egg, beat it and add it to the milk along with the starch;
  5. Next, pour the remaining flour through a sieve step by step, add butter (one hundred ml only);
  6. Now you can knead a beautiful, homogeneous dough by hand;
  7. Place in a warm place for an hour and a half, be sure to cover with a clean towel;
  8. During this time, prepare the filling by first beating one egg;
  9. Add the remaining butter, sour cream to it and mix well;
  10. Grind the cheese with a grater and set aside;
  11. Knead the dough, divide it into three parts;
  12. Divide the cheese into two parts - one more and one less;
  13. Roll each part into a circle, place part of the cheese (from a large pile) in the center;
  14. Collect each flatbread in a bag, tear off excess dough;
  15. Roll the resulting ball into a flat cake and grease with a mixture of sour cream and butter;
  16. Now sprinkle some of the cheese (from a small pile) on the flatbread;
  17. Repeat processes with remaining two pieces of dough;
  18. Transfer the khachapuri to a baking sheet and bake until golden brown.

Tip: if necessary, milk can be replaced with water or used in a 50/50 ratio.

Many people believe and are even sure that this particular type of cheese should be in real flatbreads. No! But the option is very tasty, so try it!

How long is it - 1 hour and 30 minutes.

What is the calorie content - 276 calories.

How to cook:

  1. Put the flour into a container through a sieve, add matsoni to it, mix;
  2. Add salt and both eggs, knead into a soft and elastic dough;
  3. Gather the mixture into a ball and wrap it in film for thirty minutes, let it rest;
  4. While the dough is resting, you can start making the filling, starting with grating the cheese;
  5. Melt the butter for the filling, add it to the cheese, stir;
  6. Add the eggs and mix everything well again;
  7. Divide the resulting dough into four parts, roll each of them into a ball;
  8. Next, roll the balls into flat cakes and distribute the cheese filling evenly over all centers;
  9. Gather the edges of the dough into bags, pinch off the ends;
  10. Next, roll the resulting balls into flat cakes;
  11. Place the khachapuri in a hot frying pan (can be greased with oil) and fry until golden brown on all sides;
  12. After frying, brush each flatbread with oil.

Tip: matsoni can be replaced with kefir or a mixture of kefir and sour cream as in the first recipe.

The most classic version of khachapuri that our people prepare. Just dough and the same filling, but the end result is a pompous dish!

How long is it - 1 hour and 45 minutes.

What is the calorie content - 301 calories.

How to cook:

  1. Put the flour into a container through a sieve, add soda and mix the ingredients together;
  2. Pour kefir into a separate container, add salt, butter, sugar and egg;
  3. Mix all ingredients until smooth;
  4. Add flour to the liquid mass, start mixing, and when the spoon or spatula can no longer handle it, start kneading the dough with your hands;
  5. If necessary, add flour until a full ball is rolled out of the mass;
  6. Cover the finished dough with a towel and let it rest for half an hour;
  7. During this time, prepare the filling, starting with chopping the cheese;
  8. Grate it using a grater into a separate container;
  9. Peel the garlic and put it through a press immediately into the cheese;
  10. Send the raw egg there and mix;
  11. Rinse the dill, chop finely and also add to the cheese, mix everything;
  12. Roll the rested dough into a sausage and cut it into ten pieces;
  13. Roll each piece of dough into a flat cake and place the filling in it;
  14. Collect the dough into bags, “sealing” the cheese inside;
  15. Next, roll the bags into flat cakes and you’re done;
  16. Heat a frying pan and bake the first side of khachapuri under the lid, the second without it;
  17. Grease each finished flatbread with a piece of butter.

Tip: if you like spicy food, you can add a little spicy chili instead of garlic.

To make the dough as soft, tender and airy as possible, add butter to it. Thanks to him, the mass will not stick to your hands. It can also be replaced with margarine.

For lovers of unusual tastes, we suggest adding various spices to the filling. It could be star anise, cinnamon, cloves and so on.

Many people use regular cottage cheese instead of various cheeses, and this is also a good option. You can add enough salt and other spices to it to get truly similar khachapuri.

Khachapuri is a flatbread that everyone loves. And whoever doesn’t like it has simply never tried it. It is incredibly tasty, rich, satisfying, especially and colorful in a Georgian way. Don't miss this opportunity to please your stomach and get a large dose of gastronomic pleasure.

We welcome our chefs of all ages! Today, we would like to present to your attention kefir-based khachapuri with suluguni: a recipe in Imeretian style. Preparing this dish will not take too much time, and the energy spent will be returned to you doubly, as a delicious snack.

The amount of ingredients needed for cooking is not so large, therefore, you can immediately buy the missing ingredients at the nearest supermarket and go to prepare our dish.

At the same time, you can involve your family in this process - and you will get a more varied and exciting preparation of khachapuri. Having whetted the appetite of our readers, we proceed to the cooking method step by step.

Required ingredients:

1. Chicken egg – 2 pieces.

2. Salt – 1 teaspoon.

3. Sugar – 1 teaspoon.

4. Baking soda - half a teaspoon.

5. Vegetable oil – 2 tablespoons.

6. Wheat flour ~ 700 grams.

7. Suluguni cheese – 750 grams.

8. Butter – 90 grams.

9. Kefir – half a liter.

Cooking method:

1. Since we chose to cook with kefir, we start with the dough. First, you need to pour the fermented milk product into a deep bowl and add baking soda. Then, stir thoroughly with a whisk.

2. There, you need to add salt, sugar and odorless vegetable oil, knead again.

3. Add flour a little at a time. You need to add until the mass becomes thick and you can no longer stir.

4. Now you need to put the dough on the table, after sprinkling flour on it. All that remains is to knead with your hands.

Our task is to obtain a soft and pleasant texture. Make sure it is not too tight. Flour is added until the dough does not stick to your hands. Watch carefully, because if you add too much flour you can get an unpleasant taste. Leave the dough for twenty minutes.

It's time for the filling.

5. To prepare it correctly, do the following - grate the cheese to make large shavings. Break two eggs there, without separating them, and 90 grams of warm butter.

6. Take a spoon and mix to get a homogeneous mixture.

7. Now let's get to the dish itself. We tear off a piece of dough the size of a medium apple and use a rolling pin to turn it into a flat circle. We put a good amount of filling in the center, without skimping.

8. Raise the base towards the center so that the filling can be sealed.

9. The resulting cake must be turned over and stretched again by hand. After this, carefully work with a rolling pin to make a thick pancake.

The procedure for the rest of the test is no different, so we repeat the penultimate points.

10. In order to fry khachapuri, you need to heat a dry frying pan.

It is imperative that the non-stick coating is of high quality and not damaged.

Frying takes a total of up to five minutes over medium heat on each side. We determine readiness by browning.

11. After frying, remove from the stove and brush the resulting dish with butter.

On the table, such a culinary masterpiece must be served warm. Bon appetit to you and your family!


You can use other types of cheese products as a filling. There are even options for replacing the filling with another product, but the cooking method may change.

Nevertheless, the recipe with cheese is relatively simple and does not require much expenditure either in terms of money or energy. In addition, the kefir base can also be replaced.

On the Internet you can find a mountain of recipes for khachapuri made from puff pastry. We guarantee that you and your family will like this recipe, so spoil your loved ones with unusual dishes more often.

A traditional Georgian dish, which is a flatbread stuffed with ingredients such as cheese, fish and meat. And it got its name from two words like (khacho) and (puri), translated from Georgian as cottage cheese and bread.

To prepare this flatbread, various types of dough are used - puff pastry, yeast and unleavened unleavened dough with the addition of matsoni (which can be safely replaced with kefir). They are usually cooked in a dry frying pan because they do not require oil and are baked in the oven. It is best to use equal amounts of Adyghe cheese (brynza, homemade cottage cheese) and suluguni (mozzarella), or Adyghe cheese together with feta cheese. And also add a little butter, sour cream and, if necessary, a little salt.

In this article, I will tell you with great pleasure and show you how to prepare delicious khachapuri with cheese in different ways. And these recipes are for those who don’t know how to cook. So, let’s get started!


  • Flour - 250 gr
  • cheese - Adyghe - 400 gr
  • sour cream 20% - 200 gr
  • egg - 1 pc.
  • butter - 50 g
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l
  • salt - to taste.

Cooking method:

Beat an egg into a deep bowl with sifted flour, add salt, vegetable oil and mix everything thoroughly.

Then transfer the entire mass to the work surface and knead the dough with your hands. Wrap in a plastic bag and leave in a warm place for 30 minutes.

Then grate the cheese on a coarse grater, add melted butter, egg yolk and mix everything well.

We transfer the dough from the bag to the table, form it into a sausage and divide it into 6 equal pieces.

Then we roll each piece into a flat cake using a rolling pin and place the cheese filling in the middle.

Now place in a dry, heated frying pan and fry until a pronounced golden color on both sides.

Once the dish is ready, grease it with butter while still hot and treat it to your household.

Khachapuri with cheese from yeast dough cooked in the oven


  • Flour - 500 gr
  • chicken egg - 1 pc.
  • milk - 200 ml
  • instant yeast - 2.5 tsp
  • butter - 80 g
  • vegetable oil - 20 ml
  • sugar - 1 tsp
  • salt - to taste.

For filling:

  • Suluguni cheese – 450 gr
  • egg - 1 pc.
  • butter - 50 gr.

Cooking method:

First of all, sift the flour into a deep bowl, then add quick-acting yeast, salt and mix well.

Now add vegetable oil and knead the elastic dough. Then cover with a lid and put in a warm place for one hour.

For the filling, grate the cheese on a coarse grater, add the egg white, and set the yolk aside. And we begin to form balls weighing 150 grams.

Grease the risen dough again with a small amount of vegetable oil and divide it into three equal parts.

From the resulting koloboks we form flat cakes and place a cheese ball in the middle.

And carefully we begin to form the edges into a bag so that we get a uniform circle.

Then we roll it out with a rolling pin into a flat cake with a diameter of 30 cm and place it in a baking dish.

Make a hole in the middle of the dish with your finger, brush with egg yolk using a pastry brush and place in an oven preheated to 250 degrees for 10 minutes.

Grease the finished khachapuri while still hot with a small piece of butter.

And in order to feel that same bright taste of wonderful cheese in combination with airy butter dough, it is best to serve the flatbreads hot.

Puff pastry khachapuri - step-by-step recipe


  • Puff pastry - 2 sheets
  • suluguni cheese, Adyghe cheese or feta cheese - 400 gr
  • chicken eggs - 2 pcs.

Cooking method:

Grate the cheese on a coarse grater, place it in a deep bowl, beat in one egg and mix it all thoroughly.

Now we fasten the opposite corners so that the filling is inside, and the square itself takes the shape of an envelope.

Be sure to fasten all the corners before baking; this action is necessary so that the filling does not leak out during baking.

Using a fork, pierce the dough in the middle and place it on a baking sheet.

In the same order, assemble the rest of the khachapuri, then put them in the mold and brush the top with beaten egg using a brush.

Place them in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for about 20 minutes until they are browned.

Enjoy your meal!

How to cook delicious khachapuri with kefir


  • Kefir – 250 gr
  • sour cream - 250 gr
  • suluguni cheese, feta cheese or Adyghe cheese - 300 gr
  • egg - 2 pcs
  • soda - 1 tsp
  • flour - 1 cup
  • butter and vegetable oil
  • salt - to taste.

Cooking method:

In a deep bowl, combine kefir, sour cream, one egg, salt, soda and add sifted flour. Mix the whole mass thoroughly, the dough should be quite thick.

Then lightly sprinkle it with flour, cover with a towel and leave at room temperature for about half an hour.

Meanwhile, we grate the cheese on a coarse grater, beat in one egg and mix well.

Now generously sprinkle the work surface with flour, use a tablespoon to place the dough on it and form it into a circle. Then we put the cheese filling in the middle and connect the ends in the middle.

We place our preparation on a baking sheet and carefully distribute it, pressing it a little so that it turns out to be a flat cake.

Place in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for 15-20 minutes, but 5 minutes before they are ready, you need to remove and grease the baked cakes with butter and place them back.

Serve hot, eat to your health!

Homemade khachapuri from lavash with cheese and cottage cheese (video)

Bon appetit!!!

  • Milk – 1 glass (any fat content)
  • Chicken egg – 1 piece
  • Wheat flour – 1 cup
  • Suluguni (cheese cheese or other coarse-grained cottage cheese) – 300g
  • Butter – 30g.

Step-by-step cooking recipe

    1 The name of the recipe for khachapuri for breakfast in a frying pan speaks for itself - the cooking method is unusually fast, simple, but at the same time tasty and satisfying. Quickly beat the chicken egg with a whisk.2 Then pour the milk into the egg and beat everything again.3 Add the sifted flour and continue whisking.4 All we have to do is grate the suluguni and add it to the dough. By the way, instead of suluguni, any coarse-grained cottage cheese or cream cheese grated on a coarse grater will do. We should have the consistency.5 Grease the frying pan in which we will fry the khachapuri with butter, pour our dough onto it in an even layer and fry over low heat until this side is browned.6 Then turn it over and continue frying on the other side until completely cooked khachapuri.7 Serve khachapuri hot for breakfast with sausage, cheese, fresh herbs, or just flatbread. Of course, you can cook it not only for breakfast; like khachapuri, it goes well with lunch or dinner.

Secrets of preparing a dish according to a recipe

Quick khachapuri in a frying pan for breakfast is easy to prepare; kneading the dough will take no more than 10 minutes. And although they say that the recipe is for the lazy, the mothers would argue with this. Agree - what kind of lazy mother would start making preparations in the morning, even simple ones? However, while the khachapuri is frying in a frying pan, you can have time to do other morning chores. The recipe will appeal to busy mothers and housewives - each morning is scheduled to the minute, and this recipe is quick. But the taste of khachapuri will significantly satisfy the whole family.

The video shows a step-by-step recipe on how to prepare delicious khachapuri (ხაჭაპური - in Georgian, because it is a dish of Georgian cuisine) from matsoni or kefir dough:

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