Home Heating Technical exploitation of hydraulic machines, hydraulic drives and hydropneumato automatives. Technical Operation of Hydraulic Machines, Hydraulic Drives and Hydropneumatics Automatic Measures

Technical exploitation of hydraulic machines, hydraulic drives and hydropneumato automatives. Technical Operation of Hydraulic Machines, Hydraulic Drives and Hydropneumatics Automatic Measures

obtaining listeners of general and special knowledge and skills in the field of operation of hydraulic engineering systems and hydroautomatics (GP and GPa).

Course Mastering Means

  • Educational and methodical literature, distribution material.
  • Complex experimental hydraulic stands and hydroautomatics.
  • Cutting models of hydraulic apparatus.
  • FluidSim-H (Festo) program.
  • A set of presentations and videos "Elements of hydraulic systems".
  • A set of applixation models of elements of hydropneum-acting systems and hydropneumatically automatics.

Form of certification

  • offset, fulfilling the listener of practical work provided for by the curriculum.

Estimated materials

  • Listeners are provided individually, upon completion of the program, in the form of a fifth test and a number of practical tasks, according to the content of the listened course of study.

Basic concepts of hydraulics.

  • The object of hydraulics and its use in hydropneumosystems.
  • Work fluids hydraulic systems and their properties.
  • The basic concepts of hydrostatics. Pressure force, pressure and its properties.
  • Pipeline hydraulics.
  • Costs and speed of fluid flows, pressure, piping loss. Motion modes, Reynolds number.
  • Calculation of hydraulic losses: along the length of the pipeline, in local hydraulic resistances.
  • Fluid characteristics. Functions of hydraulic fluids.
  • Hydraulic blow in pipelines. Cavitation: causes of occurrence, effect on wear of OGP materials.

Volumetric hydraulic machines

  • General properties of volumetric hydromachins. Definitions, basic parameters. Classification.
  • OGP pumps and hydrodic engines. Working parameters of bulk hydromachins.

Hydraulic drive and automatic equipment

  • Management structure and regulation of OGP. Dispense and guide equipment OGP.
  • Pressure valves, pressure and reduction valves.
  • Throtes, flow regulators.
  • Check valves, hydraulic valves, truck valves.
  • Flow dividers.
  • Hydroat and hydrolynes. Hydraulic batteries, pumping stations.
  • Management of OGP working cycles. Methods and control schemes of hydraulic drives. Speed \u200b\u200band effort control executive mechanisms Department of movement and pressure.
  • Types of working cycles and typical schemes for their implementation.
  • Calculation of pressure in the resting liquid and pressure forces on solid surfaces. Transformation of pressures and effort.
  • Calculation of energy loss in the pipeline with a change in the temperature of the working fluid.
  • Calculation of energy loss in the pipeline when changing the flow of the working fluid.
  • Calculation of speeds and efforts of direct and reverse rods of the hydraulic cylinder.
  • Functioning diagrams hydraulic system.
  • Studying FluidSim-H
  • Practical work "Console is a turning stand."
  • Practical work "Catchy Pouring Device".
  • Practical work "Pipe cutting machine".
  • Practical work "Drilling machine".
  • Practical work "Milling Machine".

Laboratory workshop

  • Removing the characteristic of an unregulated pump.
  • Removing the characteristics of the pressure valves of direct and indirect action.
  • Removing the characteristics of the three-line reduction valve.
  • Removal consumables Adjustable choke.
  • Removing the characteristics of a two-line flow regulator.
  • Experimental study of the hydraulic operation with a single-sided hydraulic system.
  • Experimental study of hydraulic operation with a pneumohydroaccumulator.
  • Experimental study of the hydraulic operation with throttle flow divider.
  • The study of the tightness of hydraulic devices.

Review of the course

Thank you so much for the work done on learning, for the excellent and understandable file feed, for care to the student. The course really liked - interesting and informative. A good training base, information is available and useful, the quality of teaching at a high level, practical classes give the most necessary skills. It remains a pleasant impression not only from the staff of the institute, but also from the learning process. I wish further development, an increase in the number of courses, success and prosperity of UDP "Mitya".

Nevolin N.V.Deputy Main Mechanics of Tyazhmash OJSC Syzran

Currently, in Russia and abroad there is an acute shortage of technical profile specialists. Due to the permanent modernization of production, a new, modern equipment and automated lines is established instead of obsolete. There is a need for specialists who can carry out installation, commissioning and testing of this equipment, and its further operation.

By virtue of the unique advantages of hydraulic machines, hydraulic drivers and hydropneumatomatomy, it is now difficult to name the field of technology, wherever the hydraulic engine is used. All modern production is automated due to electro-hydraulic and pneumatic drives. These types of drives are used in the automotive industry, mechanical engineering, light industry, food industry, all types of transport, medicine, military industry, in the energy sector. All this makes a specialty " Technical exploitation Hydraulic machines, hydraulic drivers and hydropneumato automata "promising, and its graduates and now, and in the future widely popular.

At the end, the graduate will be able to perform work related to installation, commissioning, maintenance and repair of hydraulic machine automatic machines, hydraulic drives products, hydro and pneumatic equipment, installation and commissioning of hydraulic equipment of the hydraulic equipment of products, with technical diagnostic hydraulic Systems, laboratory control of the quality of liquids of hydraulic systems, with testing and determining the performance of repaired hydraulic machines. Theoretical classes use multimedia training systems: "Specialist hydraulic equipment Converter ". The main task of the simulatory training is the development of practical skills with simultaneous theoretical training. Practical skills are being worked out in the educational and laboratory complex" Industrial controllers, pneumatic hydroautomatics "aimed at the formation of installation and commissioning skills and commissioning and maintenance hydroaccumulators, hydrolynes, seals, instrumentation, testing equipment for assembly, testing and adjustment schemes Typical hydraulic drives, determining the performance of aggregates and hydraulic engineering units. Employment is possible for metallurgical enterprises of MMK OJSC for working with hydraulic machines, hydraulic materials, hydropnevoautomatics in the workshops.

Specialty Code: 02/15/03

Information about the specialty
Basic education Main general (9 classes)
Form of study Pupil
Learning language Russian
Qualification Technician
Training period 3 years 10 months
The level of education Basic preparation

Profession of workers under the main educational program.

Details Views: 22565

Most people are familiar with the words "hydraulics", "hydromachines", "hydraulic drives". However, only experts represent the enormous world of technology, science and technology, which is hidden behind them. What will report graduates of schools, if you ask them to explain these words? Probably someone will say that it is somehow connected with the water supply, the other is that it is about all sorts of devices where there is oil under pressure and around the oil puddle, and the third is that these are solid formulas and drawings. Who in fact you will become, finishing our department, where can you work and what kind of work maybe?

The range of tasks that you can solve is extremely wide. Hydraulic machines and devices, various hydraulic and pneumatic systems are used literally everywhere. It is water supply and water disposal, mining and transportation of oil, construction of buildings, bridges, tunnels and other structures, construction and road machinery, machine tools, presses and other technological equipment, cars, airplanes, rockets, ships, robots, military and other special techniques. The hydraulics engineer everywhere there is an interesting and adequate work.

Hydraulics - an extremely high-profile field of technology. A variety of pumps, hydraulic motigaves, other hydraulic machines and devices cannot be created without knowledge of liquid and gas mechanics - one of the most complex scientific disciplines. When creating hydraulic drives and hydroautomatics devices use the theory automatic controlwhich in the middle of the twentieth century produced a real revolution in the technique. Most modern hydraulic devices and systems include electronic systems Control and management, built on the basis of various controllers, functioning algorithms, and often programs for which hydraulics engineers also create. Well, the design and study of all these machines, devices and systems, modern engineers lead on computers using a variety of design and scientific research automation packages.

As follows from the name of the specialty (profile), our students study hydromachines, hydraulic drives, as well as hydro and pneumatic devices. Hydromachines convert mechanical energy into fluid stream energy (pumps), or vice versa (hydrodal motigaves). There is a huge number of hydromachine species, and they are used everywhere where liquids are used. Hydraulics are designed to bring in the movement of various mechanisms of a wide variety of machines using fluid stream energy. Due to the complex of unique properties, the hydraulic drives are also used very widely. The means of hydro and pneumatic automatics allow you to create control systems of machines and drives at all without the use of electricity, which in some cases makes them simply indispensable. At the senior courses, our students have the opportunity to specialize in one of these sections and study it more deeply.

The most common type of hydromachins are vane pumps. Their main purpose is the transportation of various liquids, and the scale can be most different - from work in the main oil pipelines stretching for thousands of kilometers before pumping liquid (for example, lubricants) within one node of any machine.

Another wide famous appearance Hydromachin is hydroturbines. They convert the fluid flow energy (for example, river) into mechanical energy, which from the turbine shaft can be transmitted to other machines, such as electrical generators. Sometimes vane pumps and turbines are combined in one unit. For example, turbocharging units (though, gas turbines) are used to supply fuel to rocket engines. Hydromufts provide a "soft" connection of high power machines, and the torque converters allow cars with automatic gearboxes to smoothly touches and switch transmissions while driving.

Another kind of hydromachin is the volumetric hydromachines. They are usually used as energy converters in hydraulic drives and hydraulic frames. These can be pumps, and hydraulic motigave. Volumetric pumps are able to develop very high pressure. For example, in hydraulic systems of construction and road vehicles, a fluid under pressure is used 350 atmospheres, and sometimes more. In construction and rescue techniques, the fluid pressure reaches 800 atmospheres. There are volumetric pumps capable of creating water pressure up to 10,000 atmospheres. A jet of water formed under such pressure, even solid metals cut. Volumetric hydromachines are also widely used in airplanes and rockets, ships and submarines, in powerful robots, machines and hydropress.

Hydraulic drives are used to drive into motion using fluid stream energy various cars and mechanisms. For example, with their help, the excavators dig up the land and move from place to place. Hydraulics work in brakes, steering and automatic boxes Car gear. With their help, they lead to the movement of the steering wheel, the ailerons, the elements of the mechanization of the wing of aircraft, provide the release and cleaning of the chassis. Hydraulic drives are included in the control systems of rockets, guns, tanks. Use them and in powerful manipulators. In the shafts, hydraulic drives are installed on mechanized fasteners. They are very widely used on lifting cranes and other construction and road techniques. Hydraulic drives have a unique set of qualities that makes them very common, and sometimes indispensable: high specific power, excellent speed, the ability to operate in a wide range of external temperatures, mechanical strength, compactness, resistance to aggressive external environment, vibrations, impacts ... The list can be continued.

Hydraulics is indispensable wherever great efforts are required. In industry, these are various hydropress, devices for fixing the blanks. In construction, these are powerful jacks, with the help of which you can raise whole bridges and even move them in the assembled form from one bank of the river to another.

In construction, hydraulic technique is used for other purposes. With the help of pumps, water is supplied for various technological purposes. Concrete pumps with hydraulic drive pumping liquid concrete from mixers in the formwork when the structures of the monolithic reinforcement are erected. Special cement solutions are pumped (injected) into long channels for hardening steel ropeswhich take place along the entire length of the bridges and the overpass of the reinforced concrete.

Hydraulics can be very accurate. Often, on large machines, they are used to move the blanks and tools during machining. They are installed on the robots of a large loading capacity.

Pumps, hydraulic drives and various hydraulic appliances are very widely used in aviation. Vane pumps patch fuel from tanks to engines. On the engines there are regulators pumps that supply fuel under high pressure in the combustion chamber of jet engines. They also perform engine control functions. Adjustable pumps, driven by motor turbines, supply working fluid Under pressure in hundreds of atmospheres. A lot of drives that lead in almost all that is moving in the aircraft: height and direction steers, airplanes, flaps, preds, interceptor, servo drives that control the aircraft from the autopilot. The chassis of the aircraft is also removed and manufactured using hydraulic drives. If a hydraulic system is managed on the plane, it can be piloted and landed even with the complete absence of power on board.

Another area where hydraulic technique is indispensable - this is a hydraulic tool. With the help of hydraulic tools, you can easily bend thick steel pipes, cut the reinforcement, tighten the huge nuts, wrenches for which a person could not raise at all. Thanks to low weight, dimensions, the ability to develop tremendous efforts, hydraulic instruments turned out to be indispensable when conducting various emergency and rescue work. With the help of hydraulic scissors, you can quickly cut the body broken car And to rescue the person clamped in it. Hydraulic cutters and nippers allow breaks from reinforced concrete structures after earthquakes and explosions. Energy these tools are obtained from lightweight mobile pumping stations.

Hydraulic systems, including hydromachines, hydraulic drives, various hydro equipment are used very widely in various industries. Our students easily find work in the specialty already in senior courses. Graduates work at industrial enterprises, in research institutes and KB of the most different profile, in construction organizations, enterprises related to the extraction and transportation of oil and gas. Work for hydraulic engineers is also in commercial organizations. Many foreign manufacturers of pumps and other hydraulic equipment are engaged in promoting their products in our market. They require sales consultants, engineers for warranty and post-warranty maintenance techniques, as well as designers capable of designing unique hydraulic systems on the task of the customer from the component companies. Some foreign firms organize their training centers to work in which our graduates are also involved.

Since 2011, MSTU them. AD Bauman goes to a level system of education. Our department begins to prepare bachelors and masters on the profile of hydrochromaschines, hydraulic drivers and hydropneumatic automata at the direction of "Energy Engineering". Educational plans Designed in such a way that our bachelors receive a full engineering education. Most students will be able to continue their studies in the magistracy. The most talented students after graduation have the opportunity to enroll in graduate school and maintain their own scientific work.

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