Home Wheels Percentage ni. How to calculate a military mortgage - principles for calculating the amount. Military Mortgage Calculator

Percentage ni. How to calculate a military mortgage - principles for calculating the amount. Military Mortgage Calculator

Let us remind you that To purchase housing with a military mortgage, a serviceman must be a member of the NIS for 3 years , after which he has the right to purchase housing under a military mortgage. Read more about receiving. He will have at his disposal the following amount:

  1. Accumulated from 3 years of participation in the system, which is about 700 thousand rubles (aka TsZZ).
  2. Monthly payments made by Rosvoenipoteka in the amount of 20,490 rubles per month (data for 2016).
  3. And also a preferential mortgage loan from the bank, the maximum amount of which at the end of 2016 was 2.4 million rubles, which, however, in practice banks rarely give.

And if with 3 years of savings from contributions everything is more or less clear, since the amount here is known, then issuing a loan from a bank remains a dark place for many, raising many questions.

The amount provided by the bank does not depend on the serviceman’s income, but depends on his length of service and how long he has left to serve before he turns 45. Also, the amount issued for a military mortgage depends on the housing purchased. Today, there are 3 types of housing available for military personnel - primary housing (new buildings), secondary housing, and a house with land (also secondary housing). You can see what requirements banks impose on the property being purchased.

Which bank gives more money for a military mortgage?- perhaps the most pressing question from military personnel. On the official website of Rosvoenipoteka there is a list of banks operating under the military mortgage program. You can view this information on our website.

Basic requirements of banks for military mortgages

The basic requirements for a mortgage loan from banks are similar to civil mortgages. Namely:

  • No commission for issuing a loan;
  • Mandatory insurance of the purchased property;
  • Mandatory collateral for the purchased property;
  • To submit an application, it is necessary to provide a NIS certificate;
  • Loan term – up to 15 years or until the military personnel reach the age limit (45 years);
  • No commission for early repayment.

New buildings

For this type of real estate, you should check the list of accredited properties that are suitable for a military mortgage.

Which banks issue mortgage loans to military personnel:

  • Gazprombank;
  • Bank Zenit;
  • Svyazbank;
  • VTB 24;
  • RNKB;
  • Sberbank;
  • Rosselkhozbank;
  • Bank Russia;
  • Opening;
  • AHML.

With detailed bank figures for new buildings.

Secondary housing

List of banks:

  • Gazprombank;
  • Zenith;
  • Sberbank;
  • VTB 24;
  • Svyazbank;
  • AHML;
  • RNKB;
  • Bank Russia.

With detailed bank figures for secondary housing.

Residential building with land

At the time of preparation of the material, this type of loan was issued by 4 banks:

  • Sberbank;
  • VTB 24;
  • Svyazbank;
  • RNKB.

Detailed conditions can be obtained on the bank’s website or at their branches.

Add a consumer loan

We also note that information has appeared on the website of Rosvoenipoteka that Gazprombank is refinancing previously taken consumer loans for military personnel, and also several banks (Gazprombank, Svyazbank and Zenit Bank) are issuing ordinary consumer loans to military personnel.

This may be useful. For example, if you want to significantly reduce your monthly payments before applying for a mortgage, you can refinance old debts.

Or add a certain amount with a consumer loan after receiving a mortgage loan, say for renovations or the purchase of furniture. There may also be situations when you simply do NOT need to take out a mortgage loan from a bank (payment only from Rosvoenipoteka), but take out a regular consumer loan.

For information on how to properly purchase housing with a military mortgage, see the article, which is a simple step-by-step guide to action.

Surprisingly, in Russia, traditionally the most vulnerable segments of the population are those who are “in the care” of the budget - doctors, teachers and, of course, the military. The latter category has always experienced problems with housing, since military service does not provide the opportunity to buy an apartment, and after retirement there is no time to save for their own home.
Today’s article will discuss the essence of state assistance for the purchase of housing for the military, the conditions for the provision of such funds and other important issues. We will also talk about what changes the military mortgage program underwent in 2018.

Until recently, military personnel could receive housing due to them in different ways: in material form, as a cash payment upon refusal of the provided housing, or in the form of a subsidy. Since 2015, our country has only had a subsidy program called the military mortgage. We list its main parameters:

  • The subsidy is provided in the form of cash, which are transferred to the serviceman’s bank account. Accrual occurs monthly, in the form of 1/12 of the annual financial assistance established by the bank;
  • Military mortgage does not impose restrictions on application, region of residence of the military and place of purchase of housing;
  • Military mortgage applies to all types of personal housing: apartments, houses, cottages, townhouses, communal apartments;
  • With the help of military mortgage funds, you can buy both housing under construction and an apartment on the secondary market;
  • To use funds received from a military mortgage, three years must pass after enrolling in the program. All this time, funds accumulate in the personal account;
  • The size of a military mortgage in 2018 is set the same for everyone, without taking into account the region of residence of the serviceman, his age and other conditions. This amount is indexed annually taking into account inflation over the past period;
  • Indexation of military mortgages in 2018 applies only to the current payment for the year, it does not apply to already accrued payments;
  • In order to increase savings, the state can place savings in low-risk securities (usually this happens in the first 3 years after joining the subsidy program);
  • To register in the program, a serviceman must submit an application to higher authorities (officers are included in the list automatically). After completing the formalities and opening a bank account, the subsidy begins to accrue;
  • If, as part of the program, a serviceman takes out a bank loan to purchase housing, then the down payment and the monthly mortgage amount are repaid from the subsidy funds;
  • The second side of the military mortgage is preferential bank loans that are provided by large financial institutions. With their help, a serviceman can purchase housing on credit in any region of the country.

Who can receive funds under the military mortgage program

  • Can apply for a subsidy all military personnel who serve under a long-term contract(second or more contracts are taken into account), graduates of military schools, career officers;
  • Obtaining a military mortgage is not affected in any way by marital status, the presence of children, or the ownership of other housing and real estate - only service under a long-term contract matters;
  • The subsidy is provided to military personnel who registered in the program no earlier than 2005. Everyone who previously applied for assistance from the state receives monetary compensation or housing built with budget funds;
  • When a serviceman is dismissed from the army, his length of service is taken into account. If it was 20 years or more, the savings are preserved. If the length of service is more than 10 years, then dismissal must occur for reasons beyond the control of the military (disbandment, health, etc.). Otherwise, as well as in case of short service, the mortgage amount received earlier must be returned.

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In fact, the military mortgage program consists of two parts - the actual allocation of gratuitous assistance (subsidies) by the state, as well as preferential lending to the military in large Russian banks with the condition of paying contributions from the serviceman’s personal account.

Algorithm for obtaining a military mortgage

In order to be able to take advantage of government support, you must join the savings and mortgage system program on the website http://rosvoenipoteka.ru/ Each military personnel included in the NIS participant database opens a personal account ( personal bank account), which receives accruals on military mortgages from the state. The following documents are attached to the list for inclusion in the database:

  • a copy of the serviceman’s report (for military personnel eligible for voluntary participation in the NIS);
  • a copy of the serviceman's passport;
  • a copy of the serviceman's first contract (for sergeants, foremen, soldiers and sailors - a copy of the second contract);
  • if a three-month period is exceeded from the date of occurrence of the basis for inclusion in the register until the date of actual submission of the list to the commander of the military unit - an explanation of the person responsible

Next, you need to go to the bank, taking with you the following list of documents:

  • application of the applicant;
  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • marriage certificate (if any);
  • birth certificates of children (if available);
  • documentary evidence of participation in the savings system.

Military mortgage size

The amount that a serviceman can receive from the state depends on the date when he entered the NIS program. The table below provides information on the amount of government support depending on the date of entry into the program:

Program entry date Deductions, rub Total, rub
January 1, 2018 268 465 268 465
January 1, 2017 260 141 260 141
January 1, 2016 245 880 506 021
January 1, 2015 245 880 751 901
January 1, 2014 233 100 985 001
January 1, 2013 222 000 1 207 001
January 1, 2012 205 200 1 412 201
January 1, 2011 189 800 1 602 001
January 1, 2010 175 600 1 777 601
January 1, 2009 168 000 1 945 601
January 1, 2008 89 900 2 035 501
January 1, 2007 82 800 2 118 301
January 1, 2006 40 600 2 158 901
January 1, 2005 37 000 2 195 901

Banks that operate under the military mortgage program

As we have already said, the implementation of the military mortgage program includes the provision of housing loans by banks on preferential terms. Such programs must fully take into account the specifics of subsidizing and providing funds to the military. Today in Russia there are about 10 financial institutions that issue loans under the program.

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Main banks working with military mortgages:

  • Sberbank;
  • VTB 24;
  • Gazprombank;
  • Rosselkhozbank and some others.

As we see, for the most part these are large banks with a wide network of branches and fairly favorable lending conditions even for standard loans. However, additional concessions are made for borrowers under military mortgages:

  • There are no requirements for monthly income, because... repayment will be made from subsidy funds;
  • The minimum period for making a decision due to the ease of verifying the data specified by the borrower;
  • There are no requirements for marital status, the presence of co-borrowers, the minimum age for applying for a loan in different banks is 21-25 years;
  • Since the mortgage repayment scheme reduces the risk of non-payment to a minimum, housing loans for military personnel are provided at more favorable interest rates (on average about 12% without commissions and additional payments);
  • As a rule, life and health insurance of the borrower is not required. However, insurance of purchased housing is not canceled - this is the norm of law;
  • The bank does not impose restrictions on the location of the purchased housing (usually it must be in the region of residence of the borrower) due to the characteristics of military service.

Let's compare the main characteristics of mortgage programs that banks provide to military personnel:

The only serious problem that faces those wishing to take out a military mortgage is the upper age limit at the age of 45– time of retirement. Until this point, the mortgage loan must be fully repaid, which means that the loan period may be significantly reduced.

If a military personnel at the age of 35 takes out a military mortgage, he can qualify for a loan for a period of no more than 10 years. Considering the size of the monthly subsidy (just over 20 thousand rubles) and the payment period, the mortgage amount will be small even at a low interest rate. So, for example, if a loan is issued for 10 years at 12% per annum, then with payments of 20 thousand rubles, the loan amount will be about 1 million 400 thousand.

Conditions for providing a military mortgage in 2018

The military mortgage in its current form appeared only in 2015. Of course, the implementation of the new program revealed a lot of inaccuracies and issues that will be resolved as implementation progresses. In 2018, changes affected the following conditions:

  • The size of a military mortgage in 2018 indexed and amounted to 260 thousand rubles. Let us recall that in 2015 the amount was set at 246 thousand rubles, and in 2016 the necessary indexation was not carried out due to serious economic problems in the country. Starting this year, the indexation of military mortgages has been resumed. Thus, over the last 3 years, 246 + 246 + 260 = 752 thousand rubles have accumulated in the personal accounts of military personnel.
  • The second news is not so pleasant - banks operating under the military mortgage program have reduced the maximum loan amount to 2 million rubles. Let us recall that previously there was a limit of 2.4 million. It should be understood that we are talking specifically about credit funds, and not about the cost of the apartment. If a serviceman has already accumulated a sufficient amount in his account (for example, a million rubles), he makes it as a down payment, and a loan is issued for the remaining funds. As a result, the maximum possible cost of an apartment increases to 3 million rubles.
  • The issue of combining subsidies has been resolved. So, if both spouses are military personnel, then each of them has the right to a military mortgage. Since 2018, the combination of two subsidies for the purchase of shared housing has been allowed. In addition, all obstacles to the use of maternity capital in combination with a military mortgage have been removed.
  • If a serviceman leaves the army due to illness, is injured, retires, then all accumulated funds are saved for him, moreover, he can use them not only to buy a home, but also for other purposes. Since 2018, the condition under which payments were possible only if the military does not have its own real estate has been removed.

The recent statement by the Minister of Defense about EDV instead of military housing contributed to the emergence of many questions among participants in the funded system. After all, the amount of the Military Mortgage intended for the purchase of an apartment is about 2.35 million rubles, and the compensation that an officer with 25 or more years of service can receive is planned at 13.5 million.


Although the new one is under development, the question of its coexistence with the current military mortgage program also arises. True, high-ranking officials are trying to create some differences between the target categories of the two programs:

  1. the existence of a NIS for military personnel who began serving in 2005;
  2. EDV instead of housing for military personnel who are finishing their service.
Many other questions still remain open, including the method of issuing compensation and the direction of using the money received.

True, the criteria by which monetary compensation will be determined are known and announced:

  • family composition;
  • length of service;
  • average price per square meter of housing in Russia.

But so far all this information is at the level of promises, conversations, rumors. And ready-made apartments in many regions are waiting for their owners.

But many of these apartments on the waiting list refuse to move in due to poor quality, inconvenient location and lack of infrastructure.

And the proposed program for EDV instead of apartments requires more careful study.

Advantages of the savings-mortgage system

Currently, NIS remains the most preferred option. Annual contributions from budget funds provide the program participant with the following benefits:

  1. Independently choose your preferred area, city, in a word - region for further residence.
  2. Buy a secondary apartment, housing in a new building, housing in a house under construction, and even a separate house with a plot.
  3. Subsidies allocated by the state for the purchase of housing will not have to be repaid under certain conditions.
  4. A military personnel who meets the conditions of the program can become a participant in the NIS. There are no restrictions on age, income, or having your own home.

By program ? This question is often asked by young graduates of higher educational institutions, who are required to be included in the program. At the same time, all that is required is to go to your personal account on the Rosvoenipoteka website using your registration number and find out the necessary information about the status of your personal account. the participant must be recorded in the notice of inclusion in the NIS register.

Maximum loan amount for NIS participants

After three years, a participant in the mortgage system can receive the money accumulated in his account to pay the down payment and repay the loan. As a result of indexing, annual NIS contributions have increased significantly since 2005, when their amount was only 37,000 rubles.

In 2013, the annual amount in the accounts of military personnel was already 222,000 rubles. The annual rate will be increased to 233,100.

The maximum mortgage amount for military personnel is planned based on information about the funds that should accumulate by the time the military personnel reaches 45 years of age.

When planning the amount for the next year, the possible level of inflation is taken into account. Thus, it happens annually and systematically.

As mentioned above, the mortgage amount for military personnel does not matter the borrower’s income, which has a beneficial effect on the size of the loan, which is difficult for a standard mortgage borrower to obtain.

It should be taken into account here that the mortgage for military personnel and its loan amount cannot be greater than the difference between the price of the purchased home and the down payment.

This means that if you want to purchase a more expensive apartment, you need to make more money as a down payment. This can be done using your own savings or by taking out a consumer loan.

The program for the cost of residential real estate has not been calculated, so it is impossible to do without investing your own (or borrowed) funds.

Based on this, it should be noted that it is provided when it was supplemented with its own funds. According to the Tax Code, the state returns 13% of the documented amount.

Military Mortgage Calculator
These costs can be quite significant and depend on the requirements of a particular bank. This includes realtor fees, property insurance, and client life insurance.

An appraisal of the property being purchased is required. After all, not every housing will be approved by the bank and Rosvoenipoteka. Since housing becomes the subject of collateral, strict requirements are imposed on it. This concerns.

Today, military personnel represent practically the only stratum of society that has the opportunity to earn housing over the entire period of their activity. The modern program, which is essentially a mortgage, differs significantly from the traditional housing queue. The advantage of this program is that the young family can use the funds in advance, and the monthly mortgage payment will be made by the state.

The main indicators of the program include not only the conditions of participation, but also the maximum amount that a serviceman can expect as a result of its implementation. The principle of operation of the program is the monthly accrual and formation of payments, which are made to the personal account of the participant in the savings-mortgage system.

Naturally, in this state of affairs, the maximum subsidy from the state should depend on length of service. However, the program stops working after 20 years, and the amount of monthly payments depends on some other nuances, so it is not possible to definitely name the maximum amount. To do this, you need to understand how the program works.

Basic provisions

The new direction began its activities in order to eliminate the untenable program for the distribution of apartments, according to which a serviceman could only receive housing upon retirement. Today it is a government subsidy, which is initially provided by the bank in the form of a loan. The Department of Defense assumes the obligation to repay this loan subject to compliance with the basic conditions of the program.

Conditions are imposed on the age of the serviceman, the housing purchased, the procedure for processing documents, as well as the maximum payment amount. A citizen has the right to look for an apartment to purchase from the provided price range or, by making his own savings, buy a more expensive home.

The implementation of the military mortgage program is subject to restrictions from banks that initially provide funds for the purchase of housing. The interest rate, the size of the military mortgage and the amount forming the down payment are considered personal conditions dictated by partner banks. They also largely determine the course of loan processing operations. But the following conditions are considered the same:

  • the minimum age of a military personnel is 21 years;
  • The maximum loan amount does not exceed 2,400,000 rubles;
  • The duration of the program is limited to 20 years or a maximum age of 45 years.

In a market economy, military personnel are not able to earn money to purchase housing. The savings mortgage system for military personnel (hereinafter referred to as NIS) is intended to correct this situation.

In 2019, most active-duty military members can become automatic or voluntary participants in the program. It allows you to take out a mortgage already in the fourth year of participation and not have to worry about repaying it.

What it is

NIS is a set of activities carried out by several government agencies. These include:

  1. Ministry of Defense.
  2. Federal Directorate "Rosvoenipoteka";
  3. "Agency for Housing Mortgage Lending" (AHML).

The essence of the program is as follows:

  1. Funds are allocated and transferred from the state treasury to personal accounts
  2. Only military personnel who fall within the established parameters can obtain the right to savings.
  3. Money has a specific purpose, therefore, it can be spent:
    • to buy an apartment or house;
    • to pay off the mortgage.
For information: funds from the account are not transferred to your hands. They are transferred directly to the individual or legal entity selling the property.

Who can join the system

The program is aimed at military personnel. Civilians cannot participate. And the military also cuddles according to certain rules. The following persons will be able to join the NIS program:

  • received officer ranks upon graduation from educational institutions from 01/01/05;
  • entered into a contract for;
  • midshipmen and warrant officers who began service on 01/01/05, after a three-year term;
  • Soldiers, sergeants, and sergeants are entitled to participate in a re-contract signed after 01/01/05.

College graduates automatically join the savings system upon receiving their first rank. The lists are prepared by the Ministry of Defense. The remaining soldiers and officers must declare their desire to take part in the program. This is done by submitting a report to senior management.

Attention: relatives of deceased military personnel are provided with preferences related to the provision of money credited to the personal account of the deceased.

Do you need information on this issue? and our lawyers will contact you shortly.

Who is excluded from participation?

Receipts to a personal account are terminated for the following reasons:

  • death of a serviceman;
  • the court declared him missing;
  • dismissal from military service;
  • allocation of an apartment (house) at the expense of the state budget.
Hint: personnel changes and career moves do not affect participation in the NIS.

Special conditions

The law allows you to use accumulated money in any locality in the country. This leads to the need to provide the military man and his family with housing at the place of service. These factors are also taken into account in the terms of the program.

They stipulate that participation in the system:

  • does not affect the right to receive official housing;
  • is not related to the ownership of real estate by a military man or his relatives.
For information: state budget funds are also used to create a stock of official housing by relocating from special-purpose camps people who have lost contact with the Ministry of Defense.

How the military is included in the NIS

The rules for registration of participants were approved by government decree No. 89 of February 21, 2005. In particular, the text of the document contains a limiting clause:

  • Only a citizen of the Russian Federation can become a participant in the savings program;
  • the applicant must have a contract with the Ministry of Defense.

Registration is carried out by entering the participant’s data into the register. In 2019, graduates do not need to submit a report. All information will be included in the list automatically, upon submission of the educational institution (after signing the contract).

Attention: there is a different set of measures to provide housing. They are not included in the NIS.

Voluntary applicants are required to write a report to the head of the department. The document is registered in the office and sent to Rosvoenipoteka. After checking the information, the applicant receives a notification that his data has been included in the register and funds are credited to his personal account.

Hint: the first day of participation in the system is the date of submission of the report. Download for viewing and printing:

How money is transferred from the state budget

After the applicant is included in the register, he is sent information about the registration number. This is sent in writing to the address of the military unit indicated in the report. This information is needed for:

  • confirmation of participation in NIS;
  • tracking the accumulation process;
  • planning how to spend money.

Important: transfers are made monthly:

  • in the amount of 1/12 of the contribution established for the current year;
  • starting from the date of submission of the report;
  • for college graduates - from the day of conferring the first title.

Thus, the amount of military savings depends on two factors:

  1. The amount of the annual contribution from the federal budget established by the Government of the Russian Federation.
  2. Period of participation in the system.

Savings do not depend on the following factors:

  • number of family members;
  • position, title, etc.
Hint: if you haven’t received a letter with the number, you can find it out in the personnel department. The data must be entered into the serviceman’s personal file.

How and when you can spend money

The procedure for using funds is prescribed by law. Participants in the system receive the right to invest them if certain conditions are met:

Hint: savings are indexed annually. In addition, military personnel are awarded a certain percentage for their use in investment projects.

About the contribution amount

The initial amount is established by law. Thanks to annual indexing, its value increases annually. Thus, in total for 2017, each participant received 260,141.0 rubles.

For information: transfers in previous years are as follows:

  • 2012 - 205.2 thousand rubles;
  • 2013 - 222.0 thousand rubles.

How to purchase a home

The investment algorithm is similar to applying for a mortgage. So, the program participant will have to do the following:

  1. Study the offers of partner financial organizations (the list is on the program website).
  2. Choose a suitable bank.
  3. Order a settlement for the maximum amount, taking into account the lender’s conditions.

Hint: The mortgage is calculated so that the last payment is made by the service member before his 45th birthday.

  1. Choose housing at your own discretion within the amount specified by the lender.
  2. Conclude a preliminary agreement with the seller and conduct an independent assessment of the value of the property.
  3. Sign a loan agreement based on the documents provided (specified in the previous paragraph).
  4. Insure the purchased property.
  5. Conclude a purchase and sale agreement.
  6. Send a package of documents to the Federal State Institution “Rosvoenipoteka” to organize the transfer of funds to the bank.

Attention: housing is immediately registered as military property. However, until the terms of the transaction are completed, it is jointly pledged by:

  • states;
  • credit organization.

When is it more profitable to invest savings?

Due to the various subtleties of the conditions for using funds, the following must be taken into account:

  1. If you enter into a mortgage agreement after three years of military service, you will have to:
    • remain in the military until at least ten years of service;
    • pay off the loan balance from your own funds in case of early dismissal;
  2. If you wait until 20 years of experience, then:
    • savings are enough for a large apartment;
    • The loan balance will be paid by the budget.

Information: if a serviceman dies in the line of duty (or is declared missing), then relatives receive the right:

  • to receive money from a personal account;
  • to continue loan repayments within the framework of signed agreements.

Advantages and disadvantages of the program

The following circumstances are recognized as the undeniable advantages of military savings for apartments and houses:

  • the amount of earthly funds allows you to purchase good housing (credit is provided to defenders of the Fatherland in a larger volume than to civilians);
  • You can buy a house in any corner of the country;
  • the military man is freed from the need to worry about where his family will live after discharge;
  • In addition, he does not spend money from his salary on the purchase of real estate.
Advice: if you wish, you can pay off your mortgage early using your own funds.

The disadvantages include the registration process. It requires collecting a large amount of paperwork. You have to conclude contracts and attract specialists, which is quite difficult without legal support.

In addition, the system participant is required to pay money from his own pocket for:

  • conducting an independent real estate assessment;
  • insurance;
  • real estate and legal services.
Hint: married military personnel must provide the consent of their spouse if they register an apartment as shared ownership.

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