Home Chassis How to increase engine power. Methods for increasing engine power. How to increase engine power - Effective ways to increase car horsepower

How to increase engine power. Methods for increasing engine power. How to increase engine power - Effective ways to increase car horsepower

The owners of the SUVs, small cars, even racing cars - almost everyone wants to have more "horses" under the hood, which is in fact. As there are no limits to excellence, there is no capacity limit, you can always modify something or replace. And even the availability of a budget car does not mean that it can not be propgraded. On the contrary, with a limited budget car enthusiasts come up with the most interesting ways to increase the power of the car.

Increase the power of the gasoline engine

The flight of fantasy for the improvement of the engine is not limited to, except for the bus owner. We list the main ways that are considered the most common.

  • Chip tuning. The least costly way to add "horses" by the power unit. Chip tuning is already industrial, not only individual services and salons, but even official dealers without losing guarantee. The method is to reconfigure the electronic engine control unit. New algorithms are programmed to the block, which affect the amount of mixture supplied to the cylinders and on the ignition parameters. Power growth is highly dependent on type and vehicle brand.
  • Increase intake and release. This method is more effective than the previous one, therefore it is more expensive. Power is growing due to an increase in the amount of the mixture burning in the cylinder. It is logical that the extended intake manifold will increase the amount of the mixture supplied. But together with the intake it is necessary to expand the release, since the volume of exhaust gases increases in proportion to. This method assumes the expansion of the throttle node.
  • The same increase in the amount of mixture helps the following method - refinement of the GBC (cylinder heads). In this case, the inlet and release channels are repaid, increased and lightweight valves, reinforced springs, change camshafts for a higher lifting of the valve.

Taking advantage of several simple rules, look in the material from Procrossover.

  • Increase the volume of cylinders. It is impossible to increase infinitely to increase intake. It will be necessary to refine the cylinder block so that the engine should use with the entire volume of the incoming mixture. For this, the process of boring and sleeve is carried out. The hole of the cylinder is cleaned, expanding the volume, then the liner is brought into the busty hole. Of course, you will need a new lightweight piston group.
  • Installing the turbine on the atmospheric engine. If you have an atmospheric engine (air and the mixture are supplied to the intake channel at atmospheric pressure), then the installation of the turbine will give an increase to power up to 200% of the already available, especially if all previous manipulations are made. If the engine is already turbocharged (air and the mixture are injected into pressure inlet), then the turbine is put, which will "blow" stronger. Together with the turbine, you will have to improve the lubricant and cooling system, reconfigure the engine control unit.

  • Zero resistance filter. Not just so this method is standing after everyone else. Despite the popularity of the method, the efficiency of the "zulevik" is almost no need if you put it instead of a standard air filter into a standard, not tunned car. The increase is up to 5%. With 100 horsepower, the zero resistance filter will give you a maximum of 5 drugs of increment, it will not even notice an experienced driver. It is much more efficient to put "nulevik" when the capacity has already exceeded 400-500 and every 50 horsepower power strength is achieved by difficult and expensive modifications. But consider that such a filter cleans the air entering into the inlet, much worse than the standard air filter. Clean the inlet system and change the filter is much more often.
  • Refinement of the exhaust system. In order not to create excess resistance in the graduation path, a catalyst and lambda probes are removed from the exhaust system that are responsible for reducing emissions into the atmosphere. The exhaust geometry is important (the larger the diameter of the pipe cross section than the smaller of the bend and the smaller, the less resistance is created on the release).

Increase the power of diesel engine

Diesel engines differ from gasoline on the principle of combustion of the mixture. If the mixture is mounted in the gasoline, then a strong compression and subsequent detonation occurs in diesel. This difference does not allow to apply part of the methods listed above for diesel engines and makes diesel unsuitable to upgrades. The cost of refinement is much higher than on gasoline engines. Note the features of tuning diesel engines:

  • In all modern diesel engines, turbines are already structurally, therefore tuning is to replace the turbine to more powerful.
  • Instead of improving the intake and the GBC in diesel engines put advanced fuel supply systems. The most famous and reliable system has become CommonRail. The Common Rail installation means replacing the injection and fuel control units, replacing the nozzles. Expensive tuning option.
  • In the same way apply chip tuning.

The device of diesel engines and inlet systems is more complicated by gasoline, so without a solid engineering approach, it is not necessary to count on super-change in power. But the upgrade costs so much money that car owners often make a decision simply buy a new car more powerful.

Budget option with your own hands

If there is a desire and means to make the car more powerful, it is worth contacting professionals to specialized tuning studies. The improvement is also possible, but if there is a garage and equipment at least. One thing to dig in the father's donated penny for skiing around the area, another thing, if we are talking about tuning expensive cars, because without special knowledge and skills, it is easier to harm the car than to improve the power indicators.

But it is possible to achieve an increase in power without space investments and even with your own hands. Remember how long you changed filter, candles, liquids and diagnosed. Try pouring better fuel and oil. Clean the throttle, look and clean the inlet, check the compression in the engine. All this affects the power and dynamics of the car, fuel consumption and riding pleasure.

Possible consequences

  • The resource of the aggregates will certainly decrease if they have been changed. Get ready more often to diagnose cars, buy expensive details. Any interference in the factory design and configuration leads to this.
  • Consider and count in the mind that you want from a car tuning, which is important for you. Sometimes cheaper, easier and more profitable to buy just a new car more powerful.
  • If we are talking about the tuning of a car that is under warranty, then any interference in the factory state will entail the removal of a car with warranty service.
  • Most serious improvements involve an increase in fuel consumption, and consider it too.

Engine tuning chip: pros and cons, other types of tuning (video)

Opinion of experts on increasing power of power unit


Remember that incorrect tuning will not increase, but to lower power and further breakdowns that cost more than the process of improvement. Choose only checked car services for the upgrade of your car and remember that the impaired speed mode on the roads is unsafe for you and for others.

To increase the torque and the number of horsepower, there are 2 ways: chip tuning without interference in the structure of the power unit and the forcing of the motor with the subsequent reconfiguration of the ECU software. Consider how to increase engine power and can it be done with your own hands. Let's talk not only about injection and diesel engine, but also a VAZ motor with a carburetor.


The change in the electronic motor control unit is inefficient on atmospheric gasoline engines with distribution injection on the valves. The amount of air entering the cylinder, namely, this parameter is important to increase power, is quite accurately calculated when the engine is projected and testing. Therefore, it is impossible to programmatically change the angle of injection, the moment of ignition, the amount of fuel supplied to achieve a significant increase in power. Also, the engine tuning chip does not work on old diesel engines that have a minimum of electronics.

Whether the case is modern turbocharged engines. Software adjustment of the moment and angles of injection, ignition, the amount of fuel supplied to cylinders, the change in the operation of the turbocharger operation allows you to receive an average of 10-15% of the standard engine power.

Is it possible to make with your own hands?

Having a technical warehouse of the mind, a confident understanding of the processes of gas exchange inside the engine, a lot of time and free funds for the purchase of basic equipment, you can independently make chip tuning. The easiest way is to find the finished firmware for your engine model and "fill" it into the ECU. If we are talking about an independent change of software, setting up in dynamics, then even practicing diagnostic-autoelectric will need a lot of time to study the issue.

Removing environmental "collars"

  • Physical removal of the catalyst (if there is a second lambda probe requires a software sewer). A good catalyst creates a small subordination of exhaust gases on the release, but in a clogged state significantly worsens the cylinder cylinders at high speed. An even greater power loss is felt on diesel engines. Sale particles, stirring with oil pairs, clog the cells of the particulate filter.
  • Software change of the response to the gas pedal. Power the engine will not add, but the feeling from the dynamics of overclocking will change for the better.

Change in the inlet system, release, cylinder cylinder or motor cylinder unit on injection and modern diesel engines must be accompanied by online settings. Without changing the software of the ECU of a good power increase and the engine is good, you will not receive.

Basics of motor forsing

There are only 5 ways to increase the power of the DVS.

Lubrication and cooling

A serious increase in power imposes additional requirements for the engine lubricant and cooling system. If possible, it is worth installing an increased productivity olofaciation. If you have gathered to increase the engine power with a large mileage, be sure to replace the olon pump if necessary. To prevent the engine overheating, set an enlarged radiator.

Inlet and release system

The volume of the receiver, the length and passage section of the inlet and the exhaust system channels directly affect the filling of the cylinders. One of the first stages of increasing the power of the engine can be considered the installation of the equodline exhaust manifold 4-2-1 or 4-1. To obtain the maximum return, it is necessary to install forward flow, but it will increase the noise level. Therefore, for civilian exploitation, we recommend slightly increase the passage of the exhaust pipe and install a more sporty muffler. This will reduce the resistance of the exhaust system to exhaust exhaust gases.

Installing the zero resistance filter is one of the most popular ways to increase engine power. Such a move allows not more than 1-3%. The competent setting of the zulevik requires the implementation of the intake of the cold air flow, which on many cars with standard air filters is implemented from the factory. Without this, the engine will suck the heated air from the boost space, which will worsen the filling of the cylinders and reduce the characteristics of the engine.

The installation of throttle inlet is not considered in detail, since such a method of increasing power with difficulty can be called civil.


For additional injection of air to the cylinders are used:

Which of the turbocharging systems is better for your car, largely depends on the engine model, the layout of the engine compartment and the availability of ready-made solutions. For example, options for installing both turbines and a mechanical supercharger have been developed for VAZ engines.

The installation of a turbine or a supercharger requires a preliminary decrease in the degree of compression, the installation of the intercooler; Mandatory transition from DMRV to DDA + DTV. Changes the thermal balance of the engine, which requires greater performance from the cooling system. To prevent the loogier of the piston, and reduce the risk of detonation must be installed pistons with oilballs.

Volume, compression ratio

The more the fuel mixture burns in the cylinders, the greater power we can get from the motor. It is possible to increase the volume, wrecked the cylinder and installing the larger pistons or increasing the diameter of the crank. The increase in the stroke of connectors leads to the increase in torque on the nose. But at the same time, there is an accelerated wear of the CPG, since the pistons at the time of the smoke have a greater pressure on the walls of the cylinders. Because of the large loads on the CPG, the crankshaft, the inserts of the engine with a large piston running can not be uncomfortable.

It is desirable to increase the compression ratio only in the complex with other engine improvements. But the method will allow noticeably increase in power only on old engines with carburetners, which were designed to work even on gasoline AI-86. The stronger the fuel-air mixture is compressed, the greater the torque can be obtained during its combustion. But note that the higher the octane number of gasoline, the more expensive, besides, after an increase in power, fuel consumption will necessarily increase. Therefore, switching to gasoline with an octane number more than 98 for civilian use of the car is simply inappropriate.

The use of candles with a low caliling number, the operation of the engine on gasoline, octane number does not correspond to the degree of compression, leads to the appearance of detonation

Tuning GBC.

The video shows the basics of refinement of the GBC, which will allow their own hands to increase the capacity of the atmospheric and turbocharged engine.

The idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a powerful engine is attractive for many car owners. Strong motor allows you to quickly dial the speed and join the shared stream. At any time, if necessary, it is easy to make a dynamic manewer and leave behind a more expensive foreign car. Such moments give a lot of no comparable sensations.

Engine tuning helps to achieve significant growth in the dynamics of the car. If competently approach this task, it will turn out to reveal the entire potential of the motor. This article will see how to increase the power of the diesel engine. The methods described help to improve the power unit and achieve a real result. But before proceeding with tuning, learn the principles of diesel engines.

How the diesel engine works

Fuel mixture. A feature of the diesel engine is the method of formation and ignition of the mixture. First, the cylinder enters the air, and then the piston compresses it. At a certain point, fuel is served via the nozzle. From the high temperature of compressed air, it flammives in the cylinder.

Supply system. This is the main link in the diesel engine, which provides the supply of the required portion of fuel into the combustion chamber at a precise point and with the right pressure. The power system is two types: mechanical and electronic.

The mechanical was equipped with old engine samples. A feature of this system is an TNVD, injection fuel to nozzles. Injection power depends on the rotation frequency of the crankshaft. Some of the described tuning methods are not suitable for such engines.

Modern cars are equipped with an electronic power system. The fuel using the TNLD is injected into the ramp, and then injected by electromagnetic nozzles. Dosage, pressure and injection moment controls the electronic control unit. By changing it, you can easily improve the engine dynamics. It is such engines that are suitable for tuning.

Increased power depends on the quality of the combustion of the mixture. High pressure and adjusted injection helps fuel to completely burn and allocate maximum energy. Due to the balance between the amount of air and fuel, it turns out to significantly increase the power characteristics of the motor.

Diesel engines tunnel holders have several ways to improve the speakers: chip tuning, installation of power increase module, turbocharging.

Chip tuning
The easiest way to increase engine power. This method is to change the settings of the ECU. Such a procedure should be carried out by a specialist who has the necessary technical tool and special software.

How is the increase in speakers? The electronic fuel supply system is controlled by the ECU. This unit contains a microprocessor in itself, which controls the volume of air, injection, crankshaft turnover. ECU interacts with various sensors, receiving information about the state of the engine. Given the data, changes the mode of operation of the power unit. Refracting the control unit helps to improve the dynamics.


  • fuel consumption reduces;
  • the dynamics of the motor increases;
  • maximum speed limit is removed;
  • disappears failure in the work of the engine after pressing the gas pedal.


  • changing settings leads to a warranty loss if the car is new;
  • the process of flashing the ECU is associated with risk - the consequences are not reversible.

Power increase modules
Are popular means of increasing the power characteristics of the diesel engine. These are special modules that interact with the fuel power system. They do not interfere with the work of the ECU, and in parallel with it they control various electronic sensors. Installation procedure simple Just follow the nested instructions.

There are four types of modules

  1. Module for changing the injector control pulses. Controls the activity of the nozzles - slows down or delays the needle raising. As a result, the ignition advance is changing, the efficiency of fuel combustion increases, consumption is reduced. The module is connected to the nozzles wires. Suitable for any diesel engines that have a modern fuel system.
  2. Module for changing the mode of operation of the TNVD. Interacts with fuel pressure sensor. Gets information from it and understed. As a result, the pressure increases in the pump. This allows you to increase the engine dynamics without prejudice to the resource. The module is connected to the Wires of the TNLD and the ECU. Suitable for diesel engines with a mechanical fuel supply system issued until 2008
  3. Module for changing the testimony of the fuel ramp pressure sensor. Decates the ECU, telling him about lowering the pressure in the fuel ramp. As a result, the control unit thinks that the engine dynamics fell and decides to change the intensity of the injectors. This reduces consumption, and increases power. The module is connected to the ramp pressure sensor wires. Suitable for motors having a modern fuel supply system.
  4. Module for optimizing the operating modes of the central processor of the ECU. Determines the pressure of the fuel system. If it increases, sends a signal to the ECU to increase the timing of the nozzles. The built-in program adjusts the engine without the help of the ECU. Does not underestimating sensors. The module is embedded in high pressure system. Suitable for all modern diesel engines.

Advantages of modules:

  • increase engine power;
  • reduce fuel consumption;
  • installed quickly and easily.

Disadvantages of modules:

  • reduce the resource of the cylinder block;
  • reduce the service life of the TNVD and the nozzles;
  • enhance the emission of harmful substances.

Turbine, significantly increases the engine power. It injected a lot of air into the cylinder, and the electronic system increases the amount of fuel supplied. The flow of exhaust exhaust gases spins a turbine with low engine speeds. Thanks to this, turbo lags disappear. Motor thrust increases from the bottom.

Diesel engines have a feature - no choke. Therefore, the air is rapidly injected into the cylinders, the demonstration of complex turbine control systems. In order not to overheat the engine put an intercooler. This device cools the air injected into the cylinder.


  • fuel mixture efficiently combines;
  • much significantly increases the power of the engine.


  • a short service life;
  • increased fuel consumption;
  • high cost of high-quality turbine;
  • mandatory use of expensive oil and high-octane fuel.

The described methods of increasing the power of the diesel engine will help make a car quick. The easiest way is to install additional modules. But remember that increasing engine dynamics, reduce its resource. In addition, fast ride will require additional costs. You will have to spend money on the installation of reliable brakes. Before tuning the engine, first think well if you really need this power.

Video: How to increase the power of any car

Motorsport lovers in all his species know that there is a whole industry engaged in an increase in engine efficiency (consequently, and an increase in their power). But such work belongs to the categories of very expensive, and the power units themselves are really unique in the complexity of the product. Therefore, their installation for ordinary mass cars is in principle impossible.
What to make ordinary motorists who are dissatisfied with the power characteristics of their four-wheeling friends? In the modern world, the speed decides everything, and in the conditions of the workload of urban transport highways, any delay at the intersection is fraught with large temporary losses. Increasing the power of the motor allows you to feel more confidently on high-speed highways, where overtaking time is a critical indicator, especially if it comes to budget cars, originally characterized by the presence of a low-power motor.

There are many ways of increasing power of the power unit. Some of them are quite simple, others are complex and financially expensive. Some give a practically elusive power increase, others can please with a noticeable improvement in the dynamics (and deterioration of other characteristics). Therefore, it is desirable to study all the popular techniques describing how to increase engine power. It is informed - it means armed, and the knowledge of the advantages and disadvantages of each of the in-demand methods will allow you to choose only those that will meet your expectations and opportunities.

Increased working volume

It is this indicator that the owners of small lands are shy, when they are asked about the characteristics of the car. Well, an increase in the volume of the combustion chamber is perhaps the most radical way to make your car more rolling and dynamic.

It is known that the concept of "engine volume" includes several interrelated characteristics: how much the piston is moved, what is the number and diameter of the cylinders. But since constructively, the change in the number of cylinders is impossible even theoretically, there remains an impact on the other two above-mentioned parameters.

The increase in the diameter of the cylinders in principle is possible, but since they move in the chambers calculated precisely on the factory sizes, it will take a boring to the corresponding block of cylinders. If the BC is made of cast iron, new larger pistons should be subjected to additional processing, which is applied to the walls of the micron energies on the walls serving to hold the oil film. It should not say that in the garage conditions such work is almost impossible.

If the cylinder block is produced from aluminum and equipped with wet plug-in sleeves, the task is much simplified. In this case, the boring is not required - it is enough to change the sleeves on the products of the desired diameter, acquiring them in any automata.

The second way to achieve the required results is to change the stroke of the piston. It is possible to constructively at the expense of the use of crankshaft with another geometry (enlarged by a certain value of a radius of a crank). The choice of a suitable crankshaft also does not cause problems - there are a considerable amount of products intended for installation for different types and modifications of power units, including forced.

Of course, an increase in engine power when using such a radical method will be quite tangible. But do not forget that this characteristic of the car is closely related to other parameters (in particular, with the torque and the magnitude of the crankshaft revolutions). In fact, the increase in the stroke of the piston means that the greatest value of the torque develops with a minimal value of the rotation of the crankshaft.

If we talk about specific figures, then the increase in the piston / diameter of the cylinders ensures the increase in power by order of about 10%, while the engine operation in all modes will become noticeably even.

Among the disadvantages of the way it is worth noting the following:

  • increased fuel consumption (about the same percentages);
  • high cost of the procedure itself;
  • in some cases, the need arises in changing the clutch design, the corresponding flashing will be required for correct operation;
  • in such cases, the use of low-quality oil and fuel is extremely undesirable;
  • the motor resource will decrease due to the reduction of the thickness of the walls of the cylinders.

Increase the degree of compression

This method is considered one of the most efficient. The orientation of the change in the largest size of the compression of the fuel-air mixture in the combustion chamber is good in that the increase in power in this case is not accompanied by an increase in fuel consumption. Agree, this is for budget vehicles (if more precisely, for car owners limited in funds) is extremely important.

Surely you will have a natural question: for what reason automakers do not make the degree of compression of the maximum in the factory? Do they leave some reserve for self-tuning? The fact is that the characteristics of the gasoline used do not allow to increase the compression ratio of an arbitrary manner. This indicator is calculated in such a way as to minimize various detonation phenomena. Increased compression ratio is a good way to raise the power of the motor to an impressive value, but this is achieved by using fuel with a higher octane number. And it, of course, is more expensive.

So the benefit from such tuning becomes less obvious. It pleases one thing: the power unit after such a modernization will demonstrate a larger efficiency even on the previous power, which is achieved by reducing the consumption of fuel. In general, the growth of the degree of compression is indeed the most advantageous way to increase the techniques of the motor.

Currently, two different methods of increasing the degree of compression are used:

  • the first way is to install the gasket GB of a smaller thickness. Its main disadvantage is an increase in the probability of the contact of the valves and pistons. So before using it, you need to carefully calculate. The variation of this method is considered to be the installation in a power unit of other pistons, having appropriate excavations that prevent collisions with valves. At the same time, of course, the gas distribution phase will be changed, and the corresponding engine settings will be required, but it is said, the procedure is disposable;
  • the second way is to boring cylinders - we have already spoken above. We simply not mentioned that, besides increasing the amount of COP, such a procedure increases the degree of compression, since the volume of the combustion chamber remains unchanged, only the volume of cylinders itself changes. Before increasing the engine power in this way, it is necessary to understand that with standard motor settings, the smaller the degree of compression, the higher the power gain.

Tuning inlet system

Most of the methods relating to the improvement of the intake path are aimed at reducing the resistance of the air flow directed to the combustion chamber. Technically, such improvements cannot be called very complex, but they require the use of a large number of heterogeneous parts and materials, allowing you to achieve a weight gain. Consider how to increase the power of the carburetor and injection motor, changing the elements of the inlet system.

Installing the zero resistance filter

Under this term means a modified air filter, the main purpose of which is to increase the bandwidth of the filter element. In the standard VF, it is made of a sufficiently dense material that ensures reliable filtering of the air from the outside. In the "zulevik" used more damaged material. Due to the deterioration of the filtering ability and changes in the design of the filter itself, the air is underway with a smaller loss. It should be noted that the power gain in this case will be meager, so this method should be used only in the complex with other similar activities.

This method is also quite popular, but, as in the case of the use of FTS, there should be no tangible results. If you use it within the complex tuning of the power unit, then a slight increase in the performance of the inlet system will eventually have a completely tangible accumulative effect.

Throttle valve

Installing a receiver

The main purpose of this part is to smooth air ripples on the way to the combustion chamber. This is achieved due to the use of shortened intake nozzles and increasing the volume of the receiver camera. This method refers to a light, demonstrating good results. Its feature is the maximum filling of the cylinders with the fuel and air mixture in the range of high revolutions with an adequate decrease in low. With the appropriate change in the design of the receiver, you can achieve the opposite result, when the torque increases in the low revolution range, but in the entire remaining range, the engine receives will decrease.

The modification of this method is considered to be the installation of an inlet system with a modified geometry of air channels, which allows to achieve better filling of cylinders in the entire range of torque, guided by information about the DZ and the current turnover of crankshaft rotation. The option is very effective from the point of view of power growth, but also quite expensive in the implementation.

Dismantling intake manifold

In some cases, instead of the intake manifold, "Duds" are installed - shortened nozzles configured mainly on the range of high revolutions. This is a very effective, but expensive solution, involving the installation of a separate DN for each cylinder. The volume of air combustion supplied at the same time increases dramatically, thereby achieving a more stable operation of the motor on XX, low / medium turnover and very productive work in the upper range. The time of the response to press the accelerator pedal is noticeably reduced.

Pay for all these charms will have to increase the fuel consumption and reduced the resource of the power unit.

As is known, the main task of the release system is to ensure the leading of the combustion products of the fuel-air mixture, as well as the decrease in sound effects and vibrations arising from the explosion-like combustion of the mixture. In modern cars, elements that reduce exhaust toxicity are also embedded in the release system. Unfortunately, the effect of the law of energy conservation is applied to cars. Therefore, with the obvious benefits of the silencer, the principle of its work is in some reducing the power of the motor.

There are several ways to reduce power losses due to the modernization of the exhaust system:

  • installation of straight-flow elements;
  • use of downpapp;
  • an increase in the diameter of exhaust pipelines;
  • the split system of exhaust exhaust gases.

To understand how the engine power can be raised due to the exhaust system, consider, from which the power of the power unit depends ones.

The main and determining parameter is the quantity / quality of the fuel-air mixture. Moving from VTT to the bottom of the lower point, the cylinders are filled with a mixture of air and fuel, and the parameters of this mixture depends on the degree of pressure consistency between the intake and graduation paths.

In other words, an increase in the volume of air supplied to the COP increases the power of the motor, but the exact same increase in performance must be achieved from the graduation path - otherwise the power growth will not be observed.

Fair and reverse - an increase in the exhaust bandwidth in itself contributes to the engine power gain. Consider the main ways to achieve the goals.


The main share of the loss of the exhaust system accounts for a collector. Its replacement allows you to reduce these losses. In professional tuning and motor racing, the "Spider" is used for these purposes - a collector, which differs from the standard as a form and quantity, as well as the order of the location of the receiving pipes.

In particular, for four-cylinder power units, either "4/2/1" type collectors (long version, four pipes are first combined into two, and then merge) or a short "4/1" scheme. The last option allows you to get an increase in power in a relatively small revolution range (6000 and higher), so it is used mainly on sports cars. The first scheme is considered ideal for amateur tuning of the graduation system, as it gives a significant increase in torque almost on all ranges.


An increase in the diameter of the resonator is another way to increase the power in the direct-flow exhaust systems. The principle of action of such tuning is to improve the process of blowing cylinders in the release phase, due to which it is possible to increase the torque of the power unit. This procedure called "exhaust with settings" is used to change the torque graph. The actual adjustment of the resonator involves its greatest action on the decline site after a maximum, which allows you to increase km in high speed. To achieve power growth on small revolutions, the resonator is adjusted to work on the growth site to the maximum.

If a catalytic neutralizer is installed on the machine, it is dismantled with the installation of the direct-flow flamesector. Such modernization allows the resonator without particular consequences to withstand maximum temperature effects, but from an ecological point of view in Europe there is nothing to do with such exhaust. Russian standards allow such a modification.

Terminal part of the muffler

One of the main tasks of the release system is to reduce the level of noise published. To implement this purpose, the terminal part of the muffler is installed as possible at the maximum distance from the collector, thereby reducing its resonant effect. The use of a direct-flow silencer Instead of usual, reduces the resistance of the gas stream to zero, at least at the last step of the exhaust. To compensate for the drop of noise absorbing properties, the pipe of a smaller diameter with perforation holes is placed in such a muffler. The space between the outer / inner tubes is filled with fibrous material with good heat-resistant properties (for example, fiberglass). So that the particles of the filler are not "flying into the pipe" in the literal sense of the word, a barrier in the form of a fine grid is installed between the fiberglass and the pipe.

The noise of exhaust in such a silencer is quite effectively absorbed by the filler, penetrating through perforations. However, over time, the layer of packing is still becoming more subtle, which begins to affect the entry of the direct-flow silencer. Yes, and the effect of power increases in the end turns out to be insignificant.

Chip tuning

Under this term understands the introduction of changes in the software of the side computer, aimed at changing the work of the executive mechanisms affecting the operation of the power unit. In general, it is not necessary to fulfill the chip tuning exclusively to achieve a noticeable increase in power, but it should be recognized that most cases account for such an upgrade of the microbrogram of the ECU.

The initial factory settings are not always optimal. In particular, automakers try to relate the ignition advance control by the on-board computer, with a certain region, but it turns out that in most cases it turns out to be slightly overestimated. For this reason, the process of combustion of fuel assembly occurs not so effectively.

The second reason why the ECU is customized to an increased ignition advance angle is to reduce the load on the transmission nodes. Another side of such a solution is to increase the engine reaction time on the driver's actions, as well as a decrease in the stability of its operation. Some factory on-board computer settings lead to increased fuel consumption.

Chip tuning is able to eliminate all the above disadvantages:

  • increase many parameters of the operation of the power unit;
  • increase comfort for the driver;
  • raise to an acceptable torque level;
  • reduce fuel consumption.

From the point of view of the cost, such modernization of the car is considered one of the most inexpensive, while the construction of the car does not interfere, which leaves the chances of executing the warranty obligations by the seller. It should be noted that chip tuning for ordinary cars does not allow to achieve significant results, but without it can not do if you made changes to the design of the power unit or component, with it, because this change the characteristics of the motor.

The greatest effect this type of modernization of the car demonstrates on sports machines with already powerful characteristics.

Reducing the weight of the flywheel and pistons

It would seem that weight loss should not affect the power indicators of the motor functioning, but in practice, the use of a lightweight flywheel allows you to achieve a small but quite positive effect. The fact is that by reducing the mass, this item is unwinding much faster, allowing the engine to reach high-breeding mode in a shorter time. The average increase to power with this method of tuning is about 4%, so that as a cumulative effect, it is suitable as a wave.

Plus this method is also in the fact that its implementation is forces and in. To increase the power of the diesel engine, it is enough to purchase a lightweight flywheel (its value varies within 2000-5000 rubles), and its installation does not require a large number of operations. As a rule, such modernization is made comprehensively, together with a change in the level of compression, chip-tuning, installation of the zero resistance filter and other uncomplicated and inexpensive modifications.

A second method relating to a decrease in the mass of the parts of the car, the use of forged pistons is considered. In theory, less energy should be spent on his movement, and on the strength characteristics, it will give some pistons from traditional materials. However, it is not necessary to count on a significant effect. Nevertheless, the racing drivers are actively used, because for them even a slight increase in power is very important. Recently, such an operation is increasingly included in the set of services provided by firms specializing in tuning.

Reducing friction force

It is this force that the maximum impact on the reduction of the efficiency of any device in which rubbing parts are used. In the internal combustion engine, the greatest losses occur at the time of the movement of the piston in contact with the cylinder walls protruding as a guide.

Of course, reduce friction allows motor oil - this is its main purpose, but its physical characteristics can be improved using various additives.

Here you should be careful - the composition of a particular additive can be optimized at all for other purposes. Ideally, you need to buy an integrated action additives that not only create an additional layer between rubbing surfaces, but also capable of other deposits. Of course, the most important action of such a additive is the formation of a new protective layer characterized by a very strong bond with one of the rubbing surfaces and an excellent oil holder property.

And since the engine power depends on the presence of losses in the CPG, the decrease in the friction will have a positive effect on the dynamics of the car. According to various sources, such a method for increasing the techniques of the power unit gives an increase to power at 6-7%, increasing the resource of the piston group and reducing fuel consumption.

However, many reviews do not contain any positive results of the use of such additives, so their use may be a simple waste of money.

In most cases, the use of camshafts with a changed cam geometry is practiced to increase engine power, although there are directly opposite solutions.

It all depends on whether the sizes of cams are increased or decreased. In the first case, larger progress is ensured, which has a positive effect on the dynamics of the power unit. However, there are nuances here: there are upgraded camshafts, designed to increase the power of the motor at low, medium or high rotation of the crankshaft. It depends on how much the height of the valve lifting is strongly increased. Unless negligible - we have an additive of power on small revolutions, if the maximum (but so as to eliminate the collision of the valve with the piston) - to increase the motor traction at high speed.

So if you want to increase the power of the atmospheric engine, the minimum changes in the structure of the power unit - the installation of a sports camshaft will help you solve this task. Of course, after replacing this part, the valve adjustment procedure will be performed.


This method is deservedly considered the most effective in the growth of power of power plant. This is evidenced by the increase in the number of models produced with the presence of a similar option (turbocharged modifications today is not uncommon even for AvtoVAZ concern).

However, even the owners of cars with turbochargeds have something to strive for, since they have a lot of opportunities to increase the number of horsepower issued by the engine. It is especially interesting to such tuning owners of low-power cars (for example, with an engine volume 1.4-1.5 liters). In order to achieve even more impressive results, it is enough to install a large-sized turbine. An alternative option is to increase the pressure of the factory turbine. All these methods allow you to achieve a noticeable increase in power, but requires a considerable amount of change. Instead, you can choose a turbine with higher performance indicators, the benefit on the market is a huge number of models for most running models.

If we talk about the installation of a turbine to the atmospheric power unit, then this is already considered to be a fundamental change in the design of the car, affecting both the engine settings and operational moments (the need for mandatory engine warming, even in the hot season, more frequent replacement of consumables).

However, the gain in power can be almost double, so such work is worth their efforts. It all depends on your skills, as well as the characteristics of the installed turbine. True, in addition to the actual, the turbine will have to be installed and the intercooler, because it is very warm up in the process of work, and with it the motor is also heated. To reduce heat load, some increase the volume of the cooler entering the radiator and improve it by blowing it, installing a more powerful fan. Old nozzles also need to be replaced with more productive, as they are not designed for such a large load.

The principle of operation of the turbocharger is quite simple - ensuring the supply of a much larger amount of air into the cylinder. And since the intensity of the combustion process is maximum depends on the presence of oxygen (reminding, in atmospheric air it is about 21%), the more air enters the combustion chamber, the better. By the way, the turbine is activated due to the exhaust energy, not using the engine power, but it is necessary to take into account that there is a direct relationship between the pressing of the accelerator pedal and the performance of the turbine.

The advantages of this method of increasing power of the power unit are obvious: on efficiency (double and more increase engine efficiency), he has no alternative, the use of the turbine can be canceled with one touch of a button if there is no need for this.

But this is the most expensive way, besides, requiring flashing on the on-board computer. It is also uniform on its own - this requires appropriate experience and knowledge. Although the turbine washing does not require the power extraction of the motor, in high speeds, an increased fuel consumption is inevitable - this requires elementary physical laws. Installing the turbine requires a significant improvement of many other nodes of the machine - use of more durable parts, strengthening braking possibilities. Finally, prepare for the fact that the resource of the engine will be deliberately less regulated.

Brief conclusions

As you can see, even a low-power car can be forced to work like sports. Actually, such tuning makes sense to compare with doping used in professional sports. But here there is no direct ban. Maximum sanctions - deprivation of the guarantee that after the end of the warranty period is irrelevant. Most actual methods provide a relatively small increase in power, therefore, if not to use the most radical methods, it makes sense to use a combination of several less significant.

But in any case, for an increase in the return of the motor will have to pay something. In most cases, this is an increase in fuel consumption.

Increase engine power can be achieved in various ways. Some of them suggest software reprogramming or manipulation with the motor themselves. All options deserve attention and can be used to revise existing engine. Most ways also help to significantly save on fuel and maintain the fuel system workable for a long time. Most often, gasoline engines are subjected to modifications, but some diesel motors can also be improved by analogy.

Chip tuning

Modernization of the engine with a chip tuning is one of the most sought-after services. The low price of equipment in combination with his practicality and reliability makes it the leader in its industry. Chip tuning is performed using special devices that make it possible to accurately identify indicators that have favorably affecting the engine work. If you adjust the engine operation incorrectly, it may lead to serious consequences. Among the advantages of chip tuning should be noted:

  1. Improving acceleration indicators. Such a car is much faster overclocked that it is appreciated by the amateurs "torture" gas at the traffic light.
  2. Power growth. On average chip tuning makes it possible to increase the power of the machine to 25%. Indicators depend on the year of auto release, its models and engine modifications.
  3. Increase speed. Due to the fact that the motor works more thanks, the machine can accelerate by 10-20% faster.
  4. Reducing fuel consumption.

Since chip tuning usually affects the performance of the entire car, then at odds addictive to a new motor. For 2-3 weeks the driver learns all the new nuances of the motor operation and gets used to them. After upgrading the engine in the fuel system, it is impossible to pour a poor-quality fuel.

Foreign impurities contained in the fuel can cause a serious breakdown of the force aggregate.

Increase the volume of the engine

This procedure implies changes to the design of the engine itself. The motor is mounted and mounted pistons with a large diameter. You can increase the power of the engine using boring only in specialized services, since a small error can cause a complete failure of the motor. Most often for these purposes, private traders are resorted to, but recently such a service has become in demand and certified centers.

The installation of new heads to the cylinder block provides the best air flow due to which the quality of the combustion of fuel in the motor increases. The car begins to behave somewhat differently, so it may take time to get used to the updated characteristics of the machine. For more harmonious and comfortable movement, you may need to install spoilers or body parts.

If the turbine is not installed on the car, the installation of the part will become an excellent solution for a significant raising engine power. The turbated internal combustion engines have a longer resource of the work, but at the same time they consume not as much fuel as ordinary. Installation of new elements in the fuel system allows you to significantly increase the power of the machine, but at the same time creates an additional load on all parts of the vehicle.

Turbated motors are characterized by the full combustion of the fuel mixture in the cylinders, so that inside the engine remains significantly less soot and products after the task is fulfilled. Also turbocharged motors are more environmentally friendly and highlight less than harmful components.

This is one of the easiest ways, since it is not necessary to remiss the power unit. Initially, heavy parts may be present in the car that have minimal functionality. First of all, the entire salon is dismantled. After noise and vibration insulation, there is no need for massive and heavy rugs. The replacement of basic seats on sports will significantly reduce the mass of the car, but at the same time make ride on it more comfortable. Also among other advantages should be noted:

  1. Improving manageability. Thanks to the small weight, it is easier to control the machine even in difficult weather conditions. If you install good rubber on the car, then the car will be able to pass without any problems on complex soils and deep snow.
  2. Improved crossings. Light cars are easier moved in the sand either in the snow, so the rest in nature has become more affordable even for small-sized machines.
  3. Improving dynamic properties. Dismantling and installing new elements on the body makes it possible to more effectively use natural forces.

In general, it is possible to reduce the mass of passenger cars for 200-300 kg, but this result may be caused by a decrease in the safety of movement by car.

The item is installed mainly on sports cars, but it can also be mounted in a passenger car. The maximum cleansing that is provided by the filter allows air to the camera in the desired volume for a very short period. The accelerated air ingress improves the combustion of the fuel mixture and makes the motor operation more efficient. Power growth will not be highly high, but the advantage of the filter is the lack of need for constant cleaning.

Practice shows that the direct-flow exhaust system is able to increase the engine power up to 15%. The main minus system is its constant noise. It is difficult to get rid of this problem, so drivers who value silence should abandon this type of tuning. The exhaust pipe without a resonator is able to reduce the resistance of the exhaust gases, due to which the motor does not spend the energy of the gaseous mixture. The liberated energy is redirected to the crankshaft, so that it rotates much faster.

In many films about steep cars, such a substance is mentioned as nitrogen rushing. The substance is well lit, so the power of the motor on this mixture increases many times. Setting nitrogen sharpening is very expensive, so it is impractical to apply it on passenger cars. Even with the correct operation of the installation of its use is unsafe, so do not consider the option as a constant gain.

From what gasoline or diesel is poured into the motor, the productivity of the unit also depends. If the car manufacturer recommends pouring 92 gasoline, the fuel pouring under the A95 either A98 will significantly increase the power of the motor.

The refueling of the car should be carried out only in those places in which high-quality fuels are poured, which has all confirming documents.

There are no such separations in the diesel, but refilling at proven stations will pour high-quality fuels, which will correspond to the declared parameters. In the winter diesel, there are special additives that ensure the safety of fuel in the liquid state even at a temperature of -20 degrees. There are also other additives that help make fuel more energy efficient. In the case of Diesel, the main thing is not to overdo the use of additive compositions.

Where better to perform re-equipment

An ads for increasing the capacity of the machine can often be found on billboards, in newspapers, on car service sites. Many small workshops offer to change the engine, but quite often the situation occurs when they do not have the desired tool or qualifications. Experienced masters will rarely work in small workshops that have mining equipment.

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