Home Steering Oil in manual transmission octavia a5. Instructions for self-changing oil in manual transmission skoda octavia. What kind of oil to fill in the gearbox on the Octavia

Oil in manual transmission octavia a5. Instructions for self-changing oil in manual transmission skoda octavia. What kind of oil to fill in the gearbox on the Octavia

When buying a car, some documents describing specifications, write the service life of the oil in the automatic transmission Skoda Octavia... Sometimes there you can find information that the oil serves throughout the entire life of the car. Naturally, this is not the case. No one can be completely sure of the service life of the lubricant in the automatic transmission, however, the masters recommend changing the oil every 60 thousand kilometers. In the realities of our country, it is generally recommended to change it every 40 thousand. Today we will analyze an independent oil change in a Skoda Octavia 1.8 TSI and 1.6 MPI in the back of A5 and A7.

Nuances of the procedure

Before making a choice it is worth making a digression. Some novice drivers are wondering whether it is necessary to change the oil in the automatic transmission at all? Yes, you really need to. And the more often the better. If you do not change the oil, then there is a risk of damage to the gearbox. Repairing the Skoda Octavia gearbox will cost the owner much more than some kind of replacement.

It is necessary to change the oil in the manual transmission if you cannot make a complete gear change the first time. Also, various uncharacteristic noises and knocks can serve as a reason for checking and replacing the A5 transmission fluid, if necessary. In addition to incomplete gear shifting, you may have a situation in which you need to apply more physical force to shift. V in this case also check the oil level.

But what is a lubricant for? At first, transmission fluid is necessary to increase the service life of the A5 Skoda Octavia engine and gearbox. The fact is that in these elements of the car mechanical actions take place between metal parts. To mitigate these influences, some kind of lubricant is needed, which is what oil is.

Specifically, for Skoda Octavia 1.8 TSI and 1.6 MPI cars in the A5 and A7 bodies, the recommended period for the lubricant replacement frequency is about 100 thousand kilometers. Naturally, the more often you shift transmission grease, all the better. However, over time, you yourself will begin to understand when you need to make a replacement, and when you can wait. It is also worth noting that most often each car has an individual change frequency.

With this sorted out, let's move on to choosing a lubricant.

Lubricant selection

Generally official oil, which exactly fits the Skoda Octavia 1.8 TSI and 1.6 MPI automatic transmissions, is the ATF, which has the number G 055025A2. In unofficial stores, it costs about seven hundred rubles. The original product purchased from official manufacturers, will cost you 1200 rubles. For complete replacement liquid in automatic transmission 1.4 will need 6 liters. Expensive? Yes, it's expensive. But the repair is intact transmission box Skoda Octavia is much more expensive.

How to change lubricant

When replacing fluid on the Skoda Octavia 1.8 TSI and 1.6 MPI in the back of the A5, Tour and A7 use the double drain method. Below we will describe this particular method. So, for starters, if you've just used the car, let it cool down. This is necessary so that the oil in the gearbox does not drain when unscrewing the check plug. And in general, it is best to carry out the replacement at a low air temperature.

Next, unscrew the level itself, with which the transmission oil level is checked. Then start draining it from the automatic transmission. For convenience, pour into a cup or bottle to measure the amount of the drained transmission oil in the gearbox of the TSI engine. This is done so that you fill in exactly as much liquid as you have drained. Remove the drip tray and filter, this will drain some more grease.

Rinse the drip tray and filter, and then reinstall them. You shouldn't do this with plain water or dishwashing liquid. It is necessary to rinse them with a special flushing agent. After installing the sump and filter, replace the transmission oil level tube. After completing all of the above, you can finally fill the gearbox with new grease.

For pouring, special devices are often used that you can make yourself. After filling in the Skoda Octavia 1.4 gearbox lubricating fluid start the car. Warm up the engine for about ten minutes while changing gears of the automatic transmission. This is necessary in order to mix well the new filled oil. Then repeat all the above steps again, but now without any manipulations with the pallet. It is because of this that the method is called double flushing.

The choice of lubricant for the mechanical box

The above method is suitable for changing the lubricant of a car A5, Tour or A7 Skoda Octavia 1.6 and 1.8 TSI. Next, we will consider everything the same, but for the manual transmission of this machine. To begin with, you must also select transmission oil and buy it. Try to choose only original oil, as well as buy it exclusively from official manufacturers.

Thus, you will provide yourself with a guarantee that no accidents will happen to your manual transmission. Many do not know about this, but problems can arise not only if the need for an oil change is ignored.

If you fill in your manual transmission with poor quality or not at all suitable oil then expect problems. The official product from the car manufacturer is 100% suitable for the gearbox installed on the Skoda A5, Tour or A7.

Mechanical and automatic gearboxes differ not only in the principle of operation. If, in the case of an automatic transmission, 6 liters of fluid are needed for replacement, a mechanical analogue will need only 2 liters.

We change the lubricant for the mechanical box

To begin with, of course, you need to somehow get hit by a car. Most often, they resort to lifts or special garage pits. Before you get to the gearbox to change lubricant, it is necessary to remove the engine protection. Remember that you need to make a change only half an hour after the last use of the car.

Better take off front wheel so it doesn't get in the way. The manual transmission has a special hole that is made specifically to drain the transmission oil. As in the case of the automatic transmission, it is necessary to unscrew the plug. You can use a hexagon for this. After removing the bottom plug, wait until the lubricant is completely drained. Then return the plug to its original place.

Next, you need to unscrew the main plug using the same tool, which is used to check the oil level in the Skoda Octavia TSI A5 and A7. Use the same special tool described above to fill in new oil. Otherwise, it is better to use a syringe. Fill in the oil until it starts pouring back. In this case, you will be sure that the level is sufficient.

This method can be used not only when replacing, but also when checking the oil level in the gearbox. Be sure to top up the transmission fluid in the manual transmission if during the check you notice that it does not reach the required level. After filling, carry out the disassembly process in the reverse order. There is nothing complicated in this, and any additional features and nuances do not appear when compared with the usual disassembly process.


This method is suitable for the manual transmission of the Skoda Octavia TSI 1.6 and 1.8 in the back of A5, A7 or Tour. Remember that changing the transmission fluid is a very important process that cannot be ignored.

According to the Skoda Octavia factory instructions (A5, A7, Tour), the transmission fluid does not require replacement during the entire service life of the box and only changes during repair. But most of the specialists involved in the repair of the checkpoint, periodically recommend (about once every 60-100 thousand km) its contents, even in the absence of signs of malfunction. This operation removes metal dust from the mechanism, which is always formed during operation, and also reduces wear of gear wheels and synchronizers due to the better lubricating properties of the fresh fluid.

Spare parts

When changing the oil in a manual transmission for a car with a 1.4, 1.6, 1.8, TSI engine, remember that its brand is selected according to the transmission code.

The following are poured into A4 and Tour gearboxes on the conveyor:

  • G 060 726 A2 (in 5-speed gearboxes),
  • G 052 171 A2 (in "six steps"),
  • G 052 157 A2 (designed for heavy duty units).

For "mechanics" model A5 are intended:

  • G 070 726 A2,
  • G052 512 A2,
  • G 052 171 A2.

The original "transmission" for the A7 is selected according to the following rules:

  • G 052 512 A2 or G052 527 A2 will fit the MQ200-5F five-stage, which are equipped with 1.2 TSI motors,
  • G052512A2 used in 6-speed MQ250-6F gasoline engines 1.4 TSI and 1.8 TSI, as well as 5-speed manual transmissions MQ250-5F 1.6 TDI turbodiesels,
  • G 052 171 A2 is required for the 6-speed MQ350-6F of 2.0 TDI diesels.

Other brands can be used that meet GL-4 specification and factory approvals.

Work order

The exact amount of liquid is 1.9-2.3 liters, depending on the box model. Unlike automatic transmissions, an extra 200-300 g of lubricant will not damage the "mechanics" and may even contribute to better engagement of speeds. Therefore, after the "transmission" begins to flow out of the filler hole, it is allowed to fill in the remainder by removing the sensor reverse, speedometer drive or one of the axle shafts.

By entrusting the lubrication of the Skoda Octavia manual transmission to the masters of our network of car services, you will not have to waste time choosing the right grade of oil and worry about improper maintenance. Our specialists use certified expendable materials from trusted suppliers and special equipment, guaranteeing an excellent result of the work performed on

One of the many issues that arise during the operation of Skoda cars is the oil change in the manual transmission, in particular on the Octavia Tour, A5 and A7. If everything is clear with the frequency of oil changes in the engine of the same Octavia Tour - once every 15,000 km (as the officials recommend) or once every 10,000 as recommended by everyone else (so to speak, to sleep peacefully), then opinions are very strong with the gearbox diverge. The manufacturer writes that in the manual transmission, oil is poured once for the entire service life! But these terms are not the same for everyone, and the driving style and operation of the car are even more so. Therefore, we and many other people versed in these matters recommend at least checking the oil level in the gearbox of your Octavia (Tour, A5 or A7) and even replacing it at least once every 100,000 kilometers.

If you have thought over and weighed everything and decided to change the oil on your Octavia, then it will not be difficult to do it yourself. The only stumbling block may be the absence of a lift, observation pit or overpass, so that you can safely move under the bottom of your Skoda.

What kind of oil to fill in the gearbox on the Octavia?

This is one of the most important questions, since no one thinks about it and you can fill in whatever. We recommend pouring the original gearbox oil provided by the manufacturer.

By number it could be VAG No. G 052 726 A2 or VAG G 060 726 A2 they both denote oil specifically for manual transmissions... As for the tolerances, this is VW 501 50, SAE 75W-90, API GL-4 +, according to them, you can choose for yourself those oils that you trust more or which have been verified by experience. This is a purely personal opinion of each motorist and you have the right to make your own personal choice.

We figured out the main points, now you can start replacing and controlling the level.

The procedure for changing the oil in a manual transmission on Skoda Octavia Tour vehicles

First you need to get under the car and it is desirable that you could move freely there. Either a lift, or a viewing hole in the garage, or a nearby overpass, onto which you can drive your Octavia, can help you with this.

To get to the gearbox, remove the engine protection, if any. (It makes no sense to describe this item in detail, since there is nothing complicated there).

Yes, one is quite a lot important point! It is best to drain the oil within 15-20 minutes after the trip, so that it is warmed up and merges well!

The checkpoint has plugs for draining (from the bottom to the bottom) and for filling / checking the level. They are clearly highlighted in the photo. For convenience and easier access to the filler plug, the front right wheel can be removed. But at the same time, the car must be in a horizontal position, so after removing it, lower the jack a little and level the Octavia. We unscrew the bottom plug using a 17 hexagon (it can be purchased at any auto shop, without it it will not work in any way) and wait for the oil to drain.

After that, we twist it back and thereby unscrew the plug for filling and controlling the oil level in the manual transmission with a hexagon. If you have a special "spout" on the canister, then by thrusting it into the hole you can pour directly from the canister fresh oil into the box. If there is none, then take a regular syringe and do this procedure with it.

The oil level in the box is considered sufficient when it starts to flow out of the filler plug. In the same way, you can simply check it by unscrewing it and making sure that oil has flowed from there, or by sticking your finger in there, you should reach the top line. When this is not observed when checking, it is necessary to urgently add oil to the specified level.

Advice! Fill a little more level than along the bottom edge of the hole. To do this, jack up the vehicle from the side of the filler plug.

Having filled the box with fresh oil, and after making sure that the level is reached correctly, you can safely screw the plug back into place and assemble all the other parts in reverse order. Thus, by spending about 30 minutes of your time, you provide a longer and safer "life" of your checkpoint.

Oil change in a six-speed manual transmission on the Octavia A5

In the second generation Octavia, namely the A5, the procedure for changing the oil in a manual transmission is slightly different from the procedure on the Tour. Firstly, there may be a 6-speed gearbox (on the basis of which we will show the instructions), and secondly, the level in it should be slightly higher than the filler plug. It will not be possible to jack up the car, so the filling of fresh oil will take place through the reverse sensor, which is located under the battery platform.

The photo shows two possible holes for draining oil from the box. You can only use whichever cork is smaller. We unscrew it with the same hexagon by 17 and drain the used oil. This process can be delayed, you need to wait.

1 - Filling plug
2 - Drain plug
3 - For complete drainage

Be sure to measure the amount of drained in order to refill at least the same amount. Having unscrewed the reverse sensor with a 22 key, it is better and more convenient to do this from below, you need to insert a previously prepared hose with a fitting there, since there is no way to crawl up with a syringe or a canister.

At the time of filling, we recommend that you unscrew the filling plug and watch until fresh oil flows out of it. Thus, you can clearly find out the level that is filled and, by twisting it, top up the rest. Remember to compare the volumes of oil drained and filled.

After filling, collect everything else in reverse order and set it in its place. Do not forget about the electrical chips that you may have removed for easy access to different elements.

Video of checking the level and changing the oil in the manual transmission for the Skoda Octavia Tour

The owners of the popular Skoda car Octavia A5 is often asked about the advisability of an independent gearbox oil change. In fact, this procedure does not require professional skills, and is quite accessible even to novice motorists. In addition, the Octavia A5 is a fairly simple car in comparison with more modern foreign cars. In this article, we will consider in detail how to change the oil in a Skoda Octavia manual gearbox, and what is needed for this.

When to add oil

The manufacturer indicates in the instructions that the transmission oil for Skoda Octavia A5 is designed for the entire period of vehicle operation. This is true, but such recommendations are relevant only for countries with a favorable climate. For Russian conditions the situation is completely different, and it is far from favoring the reliability of the gearbox. To maintain the excellent condition of the transmission, and to avoid its failure, it is recommended to change the oil in it after 30 thousand kilometers. Moreover, there are no difficulties in this procedure.

Substitution nuances

To change the fluid yourself, you will need a lift or overpass. As a last resort, a viewing hole or jack will do. The main thing is to provide full access to the bottom of the vehicle.

What oil is better to fill

The answer to this question is given in the operating instructions for the Skoda Octavia. So, when choosing suitable liquid you must first of all pay attention to the recommended parameters. So, for the Skoda Octavia A5 manual transmission, the following data are preferable: VAG No. G 052 726 A2, VAG G 060 726 A 2. The tolerance parameters are as follows: VW 501 50, SAE 75W-90, API GL-4 +. Based on this data, you can choose the brand you like.

The owners of the popular Skoda Octavia A5 car often wonder whether it is advisable to change the oil in the gearbox on their own. In fact, this procedure does not require professional skills, and is quite accessible even to novice motorists. In addition, the Octavia A5 is a fairly simple car in comparison with more modern foreign cars. In this article, we will consider in detail how to change the oil in a Skoda Octavia manual gearbox, and what is needed for this.

When to add oil

The manufacturer indicates in the instructions that the transmission oil for Skoda Octavia A5 is designed for the entire period of vehicle operation. This is true, but such recommendations are relevant only for countries with a favorable climate. For Russian conditions, the situation is completely different, and it is far from favoring the reliability of the gearbox. To maintain the excellent condition of the transmission, and to avoid its failure, it is recommended to change the oil in it after 30 thousand kilometers. Moreover, there are no difficulties in this procedure.

Substitution nuances

To change the fluid yourself, you will need a lift or overpass. As a last resort, a viewing hole or jack will do. The main thing is to provide full access to the bottom of the vehicle.

What oil is better to fill

The answer to this question is given in the operating instructions for the Skoda Octavia. So, when choosing a suitable fluid, you must first pay attention to the recommended parameters. So, for the Skoda Octavia A5 manual transmission, the following data are preferable: VAG No. G 052 726 A2, VAG G 060 726 A 2. The tolerance parameters are as follows: VW 501 50, SAE 75W-90, API GL-4 +. Based on this data, you can choose the brand you like.

How much to fill

Change the oil in the manual transmission

  1. Prepare the car - warm up the engine and gearbox, then place the car on an observation deck with access to the underside of the car
  2. In the case of the Octavia A5, the oil is filled through the reversing sensor located under the battery pad
  3. There is a drain hole at the bottom of the car, we find it
  4. Unscrew the plug using a 17 hexagon socket drain hole and then observe the process of waste oil flowing out. The liquid will drain into a prepared tray. We must act carefully and work with gloves. Additional devices will protect the skin from getting burns
  5. As soon as the liquid flows out, it is necessary to measure its level. You should get about 2 liters. This is how much new oil will need to be poured.
  6. The next stage is filling with fresh liquid. You need to fill in the reverse sensor, which must first be unscrewed with a 22 key
  7. While pouring oil, experts recommend unscrewing the filler plug through which the level can be observed. When the liquid begins to appear and slightly flow out, the oil filling should be stopped.
  8. The filling process is complete. Now you need to tighten all the plugs in the reverse order, and check the reliability of the fasteners, and also wipe the bottom of the car dry from possible smudges. After two weeks, the oil level can be checked again and, if necessary, add some more remaining fluid.

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