Home Torkemose What if the car hijacked, and then found. How to find a car stolen? How to find a missing machine by number

What if the car hijacked, and then found. How to find a car stolen? How to find a missing machine by number

07.07.17 94 494 14

Which is not insured and not equipped with satellite alarm

I heard many times about car hijacking, but I never thought that I would be victim.

We'll figure it out how to act by car owners to return the car after the hijacking.

Andrei Burtsev

became a victim of hijacking and figured out how to act

All in the family

First make sure that the car is not a spouse or another close person who has access to the car. You will be surprised how often the car is stated in the hijacking when the wife went on her shopping.

Check evacuation

The car could evacuate because wrong parking. Call the number of emergency services 112 to clarify whether your car was evacuated. If there is no evacuation information, please contact the police.

Contact the police

If there is no data on the evacuation of your car anywhere, call the police. For an hour, the precinct, which will take the testimony and takes you to the site to issue a statement: he will either write it himself, or asks you to write on the sample. You will need a passport and certificate of transportation of transport.

After filing the application you will be given a coupon. Save it - it will prove your innocence if the hijackers fall into an accident.

It is also useful to immediately get another three documents in the police:

  • the decision to initiate a criminal case and a certificate of the fact of theft - will be needed for the tax to suspend the accrual of transport tax;
  • the act of acceptance of documents and keys is needed for insurance to apply for a refund on CASCO.

You can get these documents later when you are engaged in taxes and insurance, but in order not to go twice, make them immediately.

Entries from surveillance cameras

The fact that the car during the hijack was removed the cameras, little means. Police immediately said that the cameras would not help. But this is not a reason to do nothing.

I spent three days to receive a record at the management company. In the process, it turned out that one camera is generally hanging for beauty and does not work.

But now I know that it is not a panacea to put a car for the night under the chamber.

Attit attention

Most likely, 2-3 weeks after the hijacking your car will be in the sump. Sustainer is a place where the thieves distill the car to the sale.

"Usually after the hijacking, the machine does not leave further 3-5 km. This is due to the fact that the hijackers come from the worst scenario: they will communicate immediately. There are 3 minutes to distil the machine until the information reaches the mobile police carriages. During this time, you need to overtake the car in the sump, without attracting attention, "says Maria Ermilova, the attendant investigator of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Primorsky District of St. Petersburg.

Therefore, it is important to inform the most distinct residents of the city as soon as possible. For this there are special groups in social networks to find stolen cars. People who are looking for their cars are often bumping into the hijacked cars of other victims. There are enthusiasts that are connected to the search for remuneration. Look for similar groups in your city.

Similarly, Alyona Bogdanovich from St. Petersburg found his car. The hijackers hid her car in the garage cooperative. Found a car thanks to the vigilance of local in Vkontakte. The hijackers managed to change the numbers and reflash the signaling, but as a result, the police figured out and returned the car. For the search and return of the car left a month.

Moscow Group in "VKontakte"
St. Petersburg Group in "VKontakte"

Announce remuneration

Police officers are not interested in looking: their task is to reveal a criminal case and catch criminals. If you find a car, but there are no robbers - it will not be closed, and the expansion statistics of crimes will deteriorate.

The social movement of MDA AvtoForts is a guarantor who guarantees the payment of remuneration to third parties if they find a stolen car. This is a commercial organization that earns money.

The guarantor conveys information about the award in OMVD - the Initiator of the Search - and informs about the hijacked car and the amount of remuneration in itself on the site. Anyone who knows about the location of the stolen transport will receive a declared remuneration for reliable information.

The Commission for services is paid entirely after the conclusion of the contract. Money promises to return if the car does not find: in the contract it is spelled out as a payment of material assistance. But there is a limitation: to get the entire amount of the Commission, you need to insure the CASCO any vehicle worth over 60,000 euros. If the amount of insurance is less than 25,000 euros, then the payment will be 20% of the Commission.

16 500 R.

commission of the Guarantor

The instruction of guarantee is similar to the deception in order to earn on the affected. After all, those are ready to use any chance to return the car. In the Ministry of Internal Affairs confirm that MDA "AvtoFort" really conveys information about remuneration, but do not know how many people it helped.

Place ads in groups

The search community of stolen cars posts ads for free. The victim publishes on the site data about the hijacking, which see all visitors. Carrying eyewitnesses inform information about similar or suspicious machines to the operator or add to the appropriate section on the site.

For an additional fee, you can select an ad or make an SMS-newsletter to the community participants.

Alyona Shushkevich was stolen 5 days after mine. After two weeks, the car found a community participant in the suburbs of St. Petersburg. The car was with Belarusian numbers and a new body number. It seems that she was prepared for distillation.

The man who sent a photo of the stupid car said that he saw my car in the same area three days ago. He remembered an individual interior salon, which was a burgundy brown - such not provided in the manufacturer's equipment. An eyewitness knew that this car was wanted only after my appeal, but the car was already overtaken.

Avoid fraudsters

As soon as you decide about the hijacking on the Internet, you will be interested in fraudsters. They will offer to reveal the place of the stolen car for money.

And set ultimatum:

Signs of a fraudster:

  1. Can't call the car.
  2. Rings from another region.
  3. Requests off or swap symart.
  4. Prises first to show the car, and when you come, asks to transfer money through the terminal. Justified by what is afraid and need to progress.

If you have sent photos of your car, ask you to make new pictures in a certain way - for example, with a screwdriver and telephone on the driver's seat, against the background of today's newspaper, separate scratches and dents. Sometimes criminals send photographs on closed groups in social networks so that they use extortionists.

Search by yourself

If the car hijacked less than a week ago, there is probability to find it on its own. Sometimes the owners find cars in sumps, which are located in one or two areas from the place of hijacking.

Just walk in neighboring areas ineffective: due to the unknown and scale quickly loses faith and a sense of hopelessness appears. It is better to systematize the search. Call for help friends or contact volunteers to divide into groups and look faster.

Make the route maps of places where the stolen cars are most often found. Such information can be obtained in communities with ads about thefts or the investigator who owns statistics. As you progress along the search route, mark the territory of the territory that managed to drive. So you do not confuse where there were already, and where not.

Circle yards are better on bicycles. Unlike the car, they simply unfold and drive inside the closed courtyards.

In one of these yards, Garik from Moscow found his Honda, a methodically riding the hijacking area.

My car was not found

After two months, my car did not succeed, although I was in step by returning to it. For the first two weeks after the hijacking, I was in confusion, I did not know how to act and what to do. This was taken away by which you could find a car on hot trails.

The main conclusion I did: We must not lose time and immediately search. While I was looking for my car along with volunteers, several stolen cars were found.

I hope that my experience will be useful and will save the budget of many victims.

And my car is still wanted, and I do not exclude that I can find him. Write to the editor, if you know anything about the location of the car with similar signs.

If you have a hijacked car

  1. Check by phone, whether the car did not evacuate.
  2. Take a certificate of hijacking and a decision on the initiation of a criminal case when declare to the police.
  3. The more people find out about the hijacking, the faster you will be able to help. Add ads in social network groups and search sites.
  4. If you are offered to sell information about the location of the car, most likely, these are fraudsters. Request send photos and other evidence.
  5. Organize search groups to check the nearest areas and dismissed sumps.

Reading time: 6 minutes

We all love our cars, and no matter whether it is old whether it is Zhiguli or the most modern and prestigious foreign car. Hijacking expensive heart, and just expensive car It is inevitably perceived by its owner as a large personal tragedy. Statistics thing stubborn, and in this case And unpleasant: many stolen cars are never found more with their owners. However, this does not mean that you need to lower your hands, surrender and do nothing. In this article, based on expert opinions, we will tell you how to find a sophisticated car.

What actions to take in case of a disk

Of course, the state of our legal and the search for abducted property should be engaged in law enforcement agencies. Nevertheless, if you want a car to find, you should try to give them the highest possible assistance.

The car in the hijack is not only yours, in one St. Petersburg, approximately 15 cars are hijacked a day. Investigators and operational staff are loaded by a variety of similar cases. In the meantime, they are engaged in previous affairs, your car can resell, smash numbers on it, disassemble parts.

With the rapid and effective participation, the chances of a safe return of your property are noticeably increasing. We analyzed the cases of a happy return of the car and offer to your attention recommendations on how to find a stolen car on your own.

Search technique

Naturally, the methods offered by us are not a panacea, but it is targeted actions, in contrast to chaotic throwing, always bring the highest results. You must accomplish the following activities:

Finding a car equipped with GPS or GLONASS

If your car is equipped with a global positioning system, and it is now equipped with a large part of the class of the class above average, it can also be useful in the search. Basically, GPS-beams are currently advertised and used. it additional devicesallowing you to determine the location of the machine on the map of the planet - the system is not formed global.

The main problem when installing such a system is to make it most imperceptible to the kidnappers and supply autonomous food. If car thieves are professionals and steal dear car, It is in the shortest possible time to drive into the shelter, the battery is turned off, and the machine is investigated for such devices. You can find everything, but the time factor works in this case against the thieves, therefore, on you.

Can be used to search for cars and a regular GPS system. The navigation system knows the position of the machine, even when the car is de-energized and hidden in the shielded box. It remains only to remove information from it.

Exquisitions in this area are underway, however, a serious problem is that the equipment itself in different machines Very disadvantaged and until the present solution is found. But the development is interesting, up to infection of the Trojan program of the telephone of the hijacker. Naturally, when the navigator is turned on, detect the machine connected to the GPS is not a problem.

Recently, in Russia, the own car tracking system began to work in Russia - Era Glonass.

Learn more about the work of GLONASS can be found from ours.

Dates of the search and limitations on the abduction of cars

Such a legal concept, as the distribution period of the car in the hijacking, does not exist. So, the car should look until they find. In the database of wanted machines, it will be listed forever. However, if the car did not find in two months, then the search will be suspended.

The abduction of cars qualifies in two articles of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation:

  • Article 166 - Hijacking without a fee. The minimum punishment for this article is a fine, the statute of limitations 2 years. If violence was used at the hilation, the statute of 10 years, and if there was violence, life-threatening or health, 15 years.
  • Article 158 - Theft. Here, the period of punishment depends on the value of the stolen. A large size is the price of 250,000 rubles, and especially large - in 1,000,000 rubles. Cars are quite expensive, and long-time terms are large - up to 10 years.

A complete list of possible punishments for the car's hijacking is described in ours.

By the way, for the period of searching the car is worth it. In this case, you will not pay transport tax. In addition, you will not have to pay fines for violations of the rules on this car fixed by cameras. The owner comes, and you will have to pay them if the registration of the vehicle will not be suspended.

The stolen car was found

If it still found a stupid car, the owner will not return it immediately, you will have to be patient. For some time the car will be real proof of the case and is stored will be on a specialized parking lot. After the transfer of the case to court, you will be given your property for responsible storage.

We will have to remove the car from the hijacking, pay the state duty and restore the registration certificate, then arrange and finally get new numbers. Naturally, all this is not the case when the car was delayed almost instantly. In general, the order of receipt and design of the stolen car, especially if they found it in another city, is very complex, and the procedure can last up to a year.

What to do if the car was insured

If a sophisticated car was insured by Casco (not to be confused with the obligatory insurance of the OSAGO), the order of payments is established in the contract. In different insurance companies, it is different, but usually the payment is made not earlier than two months later, that is, after that time, after which the search will be suspended.

You do not get the entire amount to which the car is insured. The contract necessarily has a clause that the amount will be reduced to wear during the conclusion of the contract and the abduction. There may be other items that reduce payment. Carefully read the contract before signing it.

Before receiving the payment, you will definitely conclude with the insurance company Abandon - an agreement on the transfer of property rights to the insured. If the car is found after receiving insurance, it does not belong to you.

On the car found numbers

If the number is found on the car, the number of expertise and legalization of this fact awaits you. There were cases when such damage was able to equate to total damage and get payments on the CASCO. Sometimes so much easier. For each specific case, it is better to consult with a lawyer specializing in this area.

The hijackers ask redemption

The practice of hijacking machines for the ransom exists. However, such activities are extremely risky, therefore they are mainly engaged in newcomers, but we have enough wishing to earn money on someone else's grief. You can call and demand money people, uncomplicated, and just aware of this fact. Our advice is to contact the police in this case.

It is detailed about how to act in case the redemption is requested for the stupid machine, read in Vnash.

How to find a sobbed car: video

Good day to all. How did you guess from the name, today we will talk about how the outbid find cheap cars? In the article you will find full Overview Online and offline car search methods, as well as evaluation.

Agree on the shore - the article is written, and besides body repair We are also engaged in resale cars, so we can trust ....

Where are the most profitable cars hide?

Oddly enough favorable cars It is not on the Internet, but offline. Last year we have announced an advertisement to the local newspaper (400 rubles per month). The text was the following:

"Avtovykup. Bied, faulty, uncomplicated. Tel +7 ***** »

For 4 months (i.e. 1600r) we ranked:

UAZ Hunter 2005 for 57 000r (it is laid on the roof), but after repair for 60,000, we sold it for 200,000.

Toyota Karina 97 for 50,000 rubles, after an accident, but after repair for 21,000, sold for 100,000

VAZ 2114 2006 for 26,000 rubles. Sad, but for the day it was sold for 42000

VAZ 2110 2004 For 33,000 rubles (removal reverge), after painting bumpers, I left for 60 000 r.

Chery Amulet 2006. For 35,000 rubles (just a bucket) for 60 left for 3 days.

Lancer 9 2006 for 90,000 rubles, with a dead variator, after repair, went for 210,000 rubles.

GAZ 31105 2007 For 70 000r (broken), after repair for 16,000, left for 130,000 rubles.

VAZ 2109 2003 for 15,000 rubles, sold after washing for 34,000.

Thus, the announcement in the newspaper has the right to life, they are caught by those who do not understand how much you can sell their car, and believe that you are getting rid of illiquid.

And all this for May-August 2016! Cool?

An even excellent search tool for cheap cars is a sarafined radio. It is only necessary to communicate with people. Many do not exhibit cars for sale, do not buy newspapers, but with joy will sell an unnecessary car.

Where are the outbid find cheap cars on the Internet?

Many who bought cars on the Internet in big city They encountered an option when the car just appeared on sale, and for a delicious price, but when the seller calls, it turns out that it is already sold. How so it turns out?

Everything is very simple. On the same AVITO, the ad moderation last 30 minutes, but all ads to moderation already exist on the Internet.

A similar situation with Drom.ru and C avto.ru

There are special sets of ad aggregators, although they are all with paid access!

Overview of fast-search services for cars.


In our opinion, this is the best aggregator (parser) ads, although he is the most expensive. The cost of access is from 3 tr. until 7.5. TR per month depending on the search region and access level.

Main advantages:

  • instant announcement publication
  • many connected search sites
  • availability of demo access (10 ads)
  • the ability to filter the diverse
  • 10 declarations of ads
  • SMS notifications
  • Simple and understandable interface

The disadvantage is only one - the cost.

If you live in the regions, and want to try yourself as a dealer, take a look at this site. Thanks to the demo access is free.


Second quality aggregator (parser) ads. The main thing is his dignity low price And the largest number of connected sites is 12.

The cost of access is 1.5-2.5 tr. For reviewing ads throughout Russia


  • Low price
  • The largest number of connected sites (12)
  • Pretty little time to publication (5 minutes)
  • The ability to filter the diverse
  • Opportunity to watch average price


  • No SMS notifications
  • No view of history
  • No free demso access


In this parser, we never could register. A completely incomprehensible interface, so there is no description.


This parser is confident middling .... In all indicators -6 connected sites, the price of access is 3-5 tr., But we never bought access, but everything is quite clear in the demo access.


This parser collects ads only in Moscow, respectively, for most of the population of Russia, it does not make sense. Personally, we never used them. Therefore, there is nothing to say.

Why do discourages buy cheap cars?

Outbid - Ordinary entrepreneurs satisfying demand.

Profit when resale cars is formed at the purchase stage, it is moneticized by the sale, but formed when buying!

The fact is that to sell the car at a price above the market, quite difficult, so the outbid as quickly buy the most cheap cars, which are sold at the market price. In essence, they feed their legs ....

If you want to earn resale, we recommend purchasing this product is.

If you have any questions about how the outbid find cheap cars, or if you want to add an article, please write comments.

His infiniti fx37 in 2013 in the night of July 28, 2016, from one of the courtyards of Fryazino near Moscow. Lost discovered the next day in the morning - instead of a car in the parking lot, slices were waiting for him broken glass driver's door. The car owner immediately called the police officers who collected fragments, took pictures and took the testimony. Keys and documents for the Sitnikov car also handed out order guards. The car remained the service book and the policy of OSAGO. They, respectively, disappeared along with other valuable things that were in the cabin.

However, after five days, the car was found, and the police were surprised at no less than the avtowel himself.

As found

"My Infiniti has already discovered with other rooms in the courtyard in the Moscow district of Dorogomilovo," said Sitnikov "Gazeta.Ru". - With the same broken window. It turned out that the car was parked somehow strange - someone from the tenants showed vigilance, called the district, and there were already the police on orientations.

But they were not immediately taken away the car - they staged an ambush to wait for the hijackers who returned for the car. " So in the end and happened. "

According to Sitnikov, soon two arrived. One of them is a native of Chechnya. The second, as it turned out later, was the buyer. "They were detained with political, - tells the car owner. - the seller immediately in failure - they say, the rain went on the street, saw open car, I decided to wait into it.

Experts arrived, smeared the entire salon with a special powder, removed fingerprints. The car was immersed on the tow truck and taken into - by the way, at my expense.

There the investigative actions continued almost to three o'clock in the morning. First, they disassembled things in the car - the part was mine, some are already strangers. Disappeared, for example, a cell phone. In the meantime, they made a fingerprint examination, which showed that the "seller" left prints across the cabin and under the hood lid. So, apparently, he "wondered the rain" in my car very thoroughly. However, the accomplices did not become - silent as a fish, which complicated the case. And after all, they are at least three in the chain - one wakes up, the second cares, the third sells. Cut VIN (Identification Number vehicle. - "Gazeta.Ru) hijackers, fortunately, did not have time. As a result, the investigators conducted an official investigation, completed a criminal case and sent materials to approval in.

By the way, the police said that the disclosure of such cases was simply zero. Recently, this is the first infiniti found, so I was lucky, thanks to the vigilant people. "

Why you can not pick up immediately and what are the losses

However, it did not end on this car owner on this - until it can get your car. The police allowed him only to pick up the keys to the garage, and from August 2, the car is still at the special property of the ATS as a broadcast.

"It is important for me that it is to be transferred to court," says the car owner. - Only after that I can pick up the car for responsible storage. The procedure is as follows: the car gives me, remove from the hijacking, I pay the state duty and restore the certificate of registration (you do not need to show the car). With this testimony I restore the OSAGO and make new state numbers. After I drive a car to the dealer, there they prescribe keys and change the glass into the door. Costs As a result, the following: on the CASCO car is insured, but there is a franchise of 30 thousand rubles. Therefore, I repair myself. I ordered glass for 19 thousand rubles., 5 thousand rubles. It will cost the recovery of keys, 500 rubles. - The cost of the new policy of Osago.

I still definitely spend on additional protection of the car from theft, the criminals bypassed a regular alarm and an additional security system. Put something more expensive.

And of course, lost things and complete salon washing to wash it not only after hijackers, but also from powder for dactyloscopy. There is a problem with the missing service book - now sell the car will be more difficult. "

In addition, the Sitnikov will be obliged to come to court as a witness. In general, the driver does not bother, he hopes to help the accusation side.

As for the questions about whether he does not regret that the car found, the car owner confidently replies that it is better so that for several months without wheels in complete uncertainty.

"To get insurance, in practice there should be three to four months," says Sitnikov. "So, from the moment of the establishment of an affair on the insurance of insurance companies, a two-month moratorium on operational events is operating: suddenly will find. Further, the insurance month is considering all documents, then it makes a decision and within 30 days after that it must pay. This means four months without a car. Plus another question is how much new will cost. My car is insured by 2 million rubles, but after the year, the insurance amount decreases by 10%. With a franchise 30 thousand rubles. I give 120 thousand rubles for insurance. in year. In general, if the car did not find, would lose more money. So I'm glad, despite the fact that I live a month without wheels. Experience unpleasant, but useful. It is a pity, in the car is now strange, therefore, most likely, I will sell. "

What to do if the return process has been delayed

The lawyer of the board of the right protection of car owners Marat Bikbov explained "Gazeta.Ru", which in general the timing of the car's return to the owner clearly in the legislation is not stipulated, so this question depends on the position of the investigator.

"At the very worst case, the car can return after the court consider the case," says Gazeta.Ru Bikbov.

- And they can issue under responsible storage and before the court consider the case, that is, immediately at the end of the investigative actions. So what the investigator will fall to you, so it will be.

In general, of course, it is wrong that there are no specific deadlines. But if the process is delayed, you can safely complain about the prosecutor's office. If the investigator does not have the motives for holding the car, you must be returned to you. "

Relationship with an insurance company

The policyholder is obliged to transfer to the insurance company a complete set of original keys from the locks of the vehicle (TC), a complete set of keyfobs from alarm system, a complete set of keys from other anti-theft systems installed on the insured TC. "The exceptions are cases when they are attached to the materials of the criminal case or abducted together with the CU by committing crimes," says Gazeta.Ru. - In case the keys, key rings, the labels are attached to the criminal case materials, the policyholder is obliged to provide certified copies of the procedural documents that confirm. "

In turn, the Deputy General Director for Insurance Telematics Meta System Timur Kuzeev draws attention to "Gazeta.Ru", which was previously there were cases when insurance companies were refused to pay if there were no documents or a key set was incomplete. But the Supreme Court excluded this practice.

"With regard to the amount of payment, it depends on the insurance amount on the policy and the actual value of the car, there is also a payment of payment, which is calculated in proportion to the term of the contract and to the hijacking, says Kuzeev" Gazeta.Ru ".

- When founding the TC, police officers must fix all the damage. In this case, the statement of the hijack will be retracted to the unlawful actions of third parties and loss is settled at the risk of "damage" if he was insured.

If the car fell into an accident, it is also fixed by police officers and separately, if there were second participants in the road accident. These insurance events should be fully covered. "

If the car found after receiving the payment

If the auto owner received the payment of thorough, but the car was subsequently found, then the settlement will depend on the decision of the insurance company.

"If the so-called abandon has been signed and the TS rights have passed into insurance after the payment of payment, this is already a decision of the insurer: to remove the car from accounting, register to themselves, to implement at its discretion," Kuzeev says. - If other conditions are recorded during the settlement of the insurer, such as the obligations of the payment of payment, then perhaps the money will have to be returned.

In "Gazeta.Ru" unequivocally stated that the money was refundable. "Otherwise, it will be considered unreasonable advantage or in extreme cases can be interpreted as an attempt of insurance fraud," noted Nehaychuk.

According to experts, the list of rack cars for hijackers depends on the region. In general, the country is the most hijacked cars - these are products, Mazda, Toyota, Lexus, Infiniti, BMW, Mercedes-Benz.

Korean brands are increasingly popular with hijackers, in particular Kia Rio. and Solaris, which are hijacked to parsing on parts and further sales in parts.

Experts note that for the most efficient vehicle protection, professional satellite security systems should be used, which cannot be scanned.

Hijet machine - phenomenon is extremely unpleasant. It is especially difficult for those people who purchased a car quite recently, having exercised their long-time dream.

In any case, you don't need to panic with theft, it is important to act correctly and without deceleration. Do not know how exactly? Then we present to your attention today's material. For more details on the procedure for actions in the hub read below.

Thieves use nanotechnology to open locks

To be more accurate, then this possibility is only among the Kasco owners and some types of DSAgo. In the case of returning money for the stolen car, it will not work.

However, even if there is a cupcake, act quickly and surely, otherwise the possibility of obtaining compensation will be lost. IN general Procedure Next:

  1. First of all, you need to notify what happened. This requires:
    call the insurer (which has already been noted earlier); Visit the company's branch personally, submitting it to employees of the Talon Calon, issued in the police and the appropriate statement (all paper is desirable to give a receipt and within 2-3 days after the hijacking).
  2. Then pay attention to the insurance contract and read it in detail. At a minimum, you need to get acquainted with the procedure for reimbursement of funds in the hijacking. Some insurance companies can be obtained immediately after the incident, and in others it will have to wait for a while (most often up to 2 weeks).
  3. Realizing that insurance can already be obtained, it is worth contacting the insurance with a request to familiarize you with the further procedure. Often it is enough to write a statement on the form represented and to give the insurer the following documents:
  • paper on the car (all available);
  • insurance documentation;
  • spare keys from the machine (if any).

After that, compensation is translated by the victim, and lost car Enters the insurer. That is, if the police manage to find a car, then it will not be able to return her owner.

In general, there are no special difficulties in obtaining insurance compensation for the ingenious car. The main thing if you wish to get it - to act competently and quickly. Such an approach will ensure the safety of all the rights of the insured victim.

What to resort is not worth

Stolen cars sometimes return for redemption

At the end of today's articles, it will not be superfluous to consider the main actions, which should not be taken at the car's hijacking. Among our most important resource allocated:

  • First, ignoring the appeal to the police and the insurance company. Here, perhaps, everything is most simple, because no otoving of the relevant entities of the right of the hijacking of the car neither find a car nor get insurance simply will not work.
  • Secondly, contacting private detectives or companies that help in finding stolen funds. There is already a situation here, but you still do not need to contact these persons. If the police can not cope with the search of the stolen car, then what will be able to third parties? Probably a rhetorical question.
  • Thirdly, a violation of the priority state of the faces of theft. This was mentioned above. The essence lies in the fact that the owner of the stolen car can personally hide the evidence against the hijackers in careful actions. Is it necessary? Of course not.
  • Fourth, tightening with the receipt of insurance, if you get it possible. Do not forget that the car can find, but will it be in a state at the time of the hijacking? Maybe yes, and maybe - and no. In any case, it is better not to risk and just get compensation.
  • And fifth, the redemption of the stupid car at his thieves. Yes, yes, you did not hear. Often, the hijackers call the victim with a proposal to buy a car that they recently took from him. With a similar call, first of all, please get hijackers, saying that you will think about their offer, and then immediately alert about the arrogance of the criminals of the investigator. It is in the police that know what is best to do in such situations.

As you can see, there are no special difficulties in the actions of the affected hijacking. Acting according to the provisions described above and promptly, find the stolen car, most likely, will be possible. We hope today's material was useful for you and gave answers to questions of interest. Good luck on the roads and in defending their rights!

How the autotores work, look in the video:

Opinion of a lawyer expert:

You immediately reported to the police about the hijacking, wrote a statement, took all measures to search, but there are no results. The police do not report anything comforting, does not show activity. Your ownership is violated.

What to do? We should not forget that the Constitution of the Russian Federation allows you to protect your rights in any way, directly not prohibited by law. It is not excluded and proportionate self-defense, but within the framework of the law. You have the right to act as independently and attract permitted forces and funds for this, including a private detective. And the police need to remind about themselves. This can be done through the prosecutor's office and the court, in the order of administrative proceedings (CAS RF).

It is necessary to complain about the inaction of the police and a particular official who is entrusted to keep wanted. If, as a result of the preliminary audit, the criminal case was not initiated, a decree on refusal, one can appeal to the District Court in accordance with Article 125 of the Code of Criminal Procedure. The complaint is seen within 5 days from the date of its arrival in court.

If the result is still not, then, ultimately, it is possible to achieve such a result in the courts that the Court decides to refund you damages at the expense of the treasury. But for this you need a lot of patience and the availability of sufficient grounds for such requirements. But, most importantly, do not stop halfway, go ahead.

Important values \u200b\u200bfor litigation have the circumstances of the car theft. If there is a fact of gross negligence on your part, which contributed to an attacker to commit a crime, your chances are significantly reduced. The amount of harm compensation will be reduced. Justification: Part 2 of Article 45 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, Article 14, 1083 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, Article 125 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, Article 166 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

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