Home Chassis CHECK indicator caught fire: We are looking for the causes and eliminate the problem. CHECK indicator caught fire: we are looking for the causes and eliminate the problem that occurred the check on the Lifan Solano causes

CHECK indicator caught fire: We are looking for the causes and eliminate the problem. CHECK indicator caught fire: we are looking for the causes and eliminate the problem that occurred the check on the Lifan Solano causes

If on dashboard Your car tanned light bulb indicator Check Engine (or simply burns the "Check"), you should at least be alerted. The reasons for this can be the most diverse - from a loosely twisted lid of the gas tank to serious problems with the engine.

What indicates the Check Engine indicator

The name of the Check Engine indicator is literally translated as "Check the engine." However, the engine during sunbathing or flashing the bulb can be completely without anything. The light indicator may indicate problems in the fuel supply system, failure of individual ignition elements, etc.

Sometimes it can be a very small problem - for example, an unloaded gas tank cover or a catalyst malfunction. Nevertheless, the indicator signals cannot be ignored in any way, as this may turn into serious problems.

Sometimes the reason for the lighting of the indicator may be poor fuel quality. So do not be surprised if, after refueling on an unfamiliar gas station, you will see a flashing light bulb Check Engine.

Typically, the indicator is located on the car dashboard under the engine speed pointer. It is indicated by a schematic engine or a rectangle with the inscription Check Engine or just Check. In some cases, inspiration is shown a zip sign.

Is it possible to continue moving at a burning light bulb

Wear out brake pads, it's time for the next, the speed is incorrectly shown, low-quality fuel is used, the voltage dropped on-board network - All this can be a reason to light the Check indicator. First of all, you should check the motor. If the cause of the signal is turned on are engine malfunctions, continue to move dangerous.

The problem is exacerbated by the fact that it is impossible to determine the malfunction of the modern engine in the smell or color. You should contact professionals that, using the scanner, will identify a malfunction if, of course, it is available.

Burning Light Check may indicate different breakdowns - it is better not to ignore it

Therefore, if after re-starting the car, the light bulb did not go out, you can move on it only to the nearest car service. There will hold comprehensive diagnosis Engine and its systems.

The operation of the car with a burning Check Engine icon leads to increased fuel consumption, unstable operation of the motor, reduce the traction characteristics of the car. Moreover, in this case, the car owner can lose the car repair guarantees.

Why light bulb caught fire and how to fix it

The main situations in which the indicator lights up, and the recommended vehicles of the motorist actions:

  1. If Check Engine when starting the car lights up and immediately goes out, no engine damage. Cause of sunbathing, most likely, harmless - loss loss fuel tank Or her undealing. It is enough to wrap it tightly and check whether the warning disappeared.
  2. If the indicator caught fire during the movement, you should stop and check the wires. You may find a hood-free cable or an open terminal of the battery. This applies to the entire hinge - wires, hoses, etc.
  3. If the light flashes while driving, you should stop and check the sounds published by the engine, pay attention to the oil level, inspect the lateral parts of the motor. If visually explicit violations are not detected, it is recommended to get to the nearest car service and conduct diagnostics.
  4. If the engine works normally, and Check light flashes, most likely, the ignition failure occurred. You should check the candles and the coil, pay attention to the quality of fuel. To do this, it is better to contact the nearest autodiagnostic center.
  5. If the indicator is on constantly, it is necessary to stop, unscrew the candles and check the gap. Clauses that exceed 1.3 may be a reason for sunbathing light bulb.
  6. In addition, when burning "check" is usually checked. In any car service there are special testers that allow you to determine the wiring isolation wear.
  7. The reason for the lighting of the bulb may become faulty fuel pump. You should stop and listen to the sounds published by the fuel pump. Normal is considered smooth buzz without clicks and pauses. If extraneous sounds appear, the pump should be dismantled, washed from the inside and clean the filter.
  8. The cooling fluid temperature may indicate seriously engine malfunctions. If it is above 85-90 degrees, and when moving, Check Engine lights up, the engine is definitely faulty. In this case, it is desirable to call a tow truck or at a low speed to get to the nearest car service.

We have already noted that Check lights up each time the engine starts yellow or orange. This is normal if the flashing lasts no more than 3-4 seconds and stops along with the flashing of other dashboard indicators. Otherwise, the above-recommended action should be performed.

Video: Check sensor lights up


Table: Causes of lighting indicator Check Engine and proposed actions

When and in what cases burn "Check"Possible reasonsSuggested actions
When driving, during accelerationSharp acceleration air filter Replace the filter, accelerate smasher
When flashing the indicator troit engineFuel in one of the cylinders is not completely combined, gasoline or tramples in the exhaust pipe, or immediately falls into the catalystReplace candles, check the coil and armor, check marks timing
After refuelingLow quality fuelChange gas station
When the ignition is turned onNormal car reactionDo not do anything
After washing the car, the engine, after the rainWater CHECK ENGINE hitProcess WD40, dry, clean the contacts
On a cold engineDetonation sensor is defectiveReplace
On hot engineFaulty camshaft sensorReplace
At high speedSkipping ignition coils or crankshaft sensor malfunctionReplace the coil or sensor
At idleSensor malfunction throttle valve Replace
After replacing candles"Poor" combustible mixtureChange octane number gasoline to higher
After replacing the air filterIt became more air, the composition of the exhaust has changed, the lambda probe reactedLoad the engine, run again
After replacing the remnal distribution mechanismScumped terminal from a sensor, most likely, air hoseCheck terminals
After installing gas equipmentThe emulation of the benzoformuska is incorrectTune
After installing the alarmOnly one line of power is connected to the turbotaymer, the temperature sensor, brake pedal and sensor hangs mass flow airReset Check Engine, connect both lines
After replacing the fuel filterInstalled filter with small pressureReplace filter
With the simultaneous increase in fuel consumptionOverweight riding, ache oxygen or poor-quality fuelRefuel high-quality fuel, give the car to relax
With long liftingTiming belt wear, sensor malfunctionCheck and replace
After replacing the ignition moduleConnecting module problemsRemove and apply a plus terminal with a battery
For minus temperatureThrottle position sensor malfunction or disconnecting its chipsReplace device or install chip in place
Pressing the accelerator pedalWrought air filterClean or replace the filter

Reset or reset the check indicator

In most cases, as the table shows, Check lights up when the sensor fails or changes the operating conditions of the car. However, even after diagnosing and eliminating a malfunction, the light bulb sometimes continues to burn.

The fact is that the "trace" of errors remains in the memory of the computer. In this case, you should "reset" or "reset" the indicator readings. This can be easily done independently by performing a number of simple operations:

The sensor is reset, and the Check light is no longer lit. If this did not happen, contact the service center.

The CHECK ENGINE indicator lighting on the dashboard almost always requires an immediate stop of the car. The use of the recommendations given in the article will help you avoid the complex expensive engine repair. Good luck on the roads!

What is an oxygen controller, and which functions are assigned to it, with confidence can not every car owner of Lifan Solano. Probe, which controls oxygen concentration in exhaust gases, - Lambda probe. With its help, the car's computer controls and adjust the fuel and air mixture. Due to the oxygen sensor, a timely correction of the quality of the fuel and air mixture occurs, this ensures the correct operation of the engine.

The principle of operation of the oxygen sensor and for which the lambda lambda probe is installed Lifan Solano

Tightening environmental indicators for vehicle Come on the manufacturers to install catalytic cameras into the removal gas removal system, thanks to which the concentration is reduced. toxic substances As part of the exhaust gases. The efficiency of this assembly of the car directly depends on the composition of the fuel and air mixture, which the lambda probe controls.

Measurement of excess air volume is determined by the amount of residual oxygen in exhaust gases. It is for this purpose that the first oxygen controller is installed on a graduate manifold to a catalyst. The signal from the oxygen controller enters the machine of the car, where its processing and optimization of the fuel and air mixture occurs. A more accurate supply of fuel in nozzles in the engine combustion chambers is performed.

Important! On cars produced in recent years, the second controllers are also installed already behind the catalysis chamber. This contributes to ensuring accurate preparation of the fuel and air mixture.

Double-channel controllers are produced, they are very often installed on cars that were manufactured in the 80s of the last century, and on the new auto economy class. There are also broadband probes, they are installed on modern machinesbelonging to the middle and highest class. Such controllers can accurately identify deviations from the necessary norm and make timely adjustment of the composition of the fuel and air mixture.

The condition of the normal functioning of the oxygen controller is the location of the working part inside the jet of exhaust gases. The oxygen sensor consists of a metal housing, a ceramic tip, a ceramic insulator, a spiral with a tank, a current-dryer of electrical pulses, a protective shield. In the housing oxygen probe There is a hole through which exhaust gases come out. Materials used in the manufacture of oxygen sensors are heat-resistant. Due to this, they work at high temperature modes.

The sensor converts data on the oxygen content in the gases of exhaust to electrical pulses. Information is transmitted to the injection controller. When the amount of oxygen changes in the spent gases, the voltage inside the sensor occurs, an electrical pulse arrives in the ECU. There is a comparison of the pulse with the standard laid down in the ECU program, the duration of the injection changes.

Important! Thus, the highest degree of efficient engine operation is achieved, fuel savings, decrease in the concentration of toxic substances in the composition of exhaust gases.

Signs of lambda probation fault

The main signs for which you can talk about the failure of the controller:

  • the exhaust becomes dark and acquires a sharp smell;
  • the engine is unstable running on small revolutions;
  • increase fuel consumption;
  • excessive heating of the catalytic chamber, it can even get rid of;
  • constantly burning the check "Check".

Causes that can cause an oxygen sensor malfunction

Oxygen controller - node exhaust systemcapable of easy to break. The car will ride, but there will be a significant reduction in its dynamics, fuel consumption will increase.

Important! In such a situation, the car needs urgent repairs.

The malfunction of the oxygen controller may be caused by such reasons as:

  • mechanical faults, the occurrence of which contribute to the defects of the case or damage it;
  • the use of fuel with low quality, the active elements of the part are clogged;
  • problems with oil-leaf rings, oil falls into the exhaust system;
  • incorrect operation of the car ignition system;
  • use of sealant with silicone during the installation of the sensor;
  • bad contact electrical circuit or closure.

Diagnostics of the oxygen sensor fault

Important! To diagnose the operation of the oxygen controller, the presence of special equipment. It is best to carry out this operation to contact the car repair shop. Experienced specialists will quickly and qualitatively determine the cause of the fault of your car and offer solutions to those who have arisen.

From the controller connector, you need to disconnect the wires and connect the voltmeter. Start the engine, bring the speed to 2.5 thousand per minute, then reduce them to 2 thousand. From the fuel pressure regulator, remove the vacuum tube and secure the testimony on the voltmeter. When they are equal to 0.9 volts, you can say that the controller is working. If the readings on the device below or does not react at all - the sensor is faulty.

To check the performance of the controller in the dynamics, it is connected to the connector in parallel with the voltmeter and bring rotation crankshaft up to 1.5 thousand per minute. When the sensor is working, the voltmeter readings will correspond to 0.5 volt. With other readings, the sensor is faulty.

Also, diagnostics can be carried out using an electronic oscilloscope or multimeter. Checking the controller is performed with the engine running, because only in this state the probe can fully show its performance. It needs to be replaced, even if minor deviations of the testimony from the norm are revealed.

Replacing the oxygen sensor

When the controller issues the R0134 error, it is absolutely no need to hurry with the acquisition of a new probe. The first thing is to check the heat circuit. It is believed that the probe produces independent check The R0135 error will appear on the discovery of the heating circuit. In fact, everything happens, but small currents are used to check. Thus, it is possible to determine only the presence of a complete cliff of the electrical circuit, and a bad contact when the terminals are oxidized, or when the connector moves, it cannot reveal.

Bad contact can be determined when the voltage is measured in the controller circuit. At the same time, he must be "in work." It is necessary to make sections of insulation from white and purple controller wires and measure the voltage in the heating circuit. When the circuit is proper, the voltage varies from 6 to 11 volts when the motor is running. It is absolutely useless to measure the voltage on the opening connector, because in this case the voltage will be recorded on the voltmeter, and when the probe is connected, it will disappear.

Usually in the circuit weak place is the Lambda Probe itself. With a non-latched fixer of the connector, and this happens quite often, under the influence of vibration, the connector is moving, and contact is worsening. It is necessary to remove the glove box and press the dense connector of the probe.

Important! When problems in the circuit circuit is not detected, it is required to replace the sensor completely.

To replace, you will need to cut the connectors from two sensors and to the new controller solder the connector from the original probe.

When the replacement of the oxygen controller occurs when removing or replacing the catalyst chamber, the oxygen controller put a snag.

Important! Fooling should be installed only on good lambda probe!

Lambda Probe Probe Lifan Solano

The lambda probe is necessary to fool the car's computer after removing the catalyst chamber or replace it with the planeencitel.

Mechanical cheating is a mini-catalyst. The ceramic tip of the controller is put on a special spacer made of heat-resistant metal. Inside it is a small piece of catalytic cells. Passing through honeycombs concentration harmful substances In the gazes of the exhaust drops, and the correct signal comes on the car. The control unit does not notice the substitution, and the car engine works without interruptions.

Important! Electronic destruction - emulator - a kind of mini-computer. Furnits of this type are corrected by the testimony of the oxygen sensor. The signal coming to the control unit does not cause suspicion, and the computer provides normal work Engine.

You can also reinstall software Car control unit. But with such a manipulation, there is a decrease in the environmental status of the car and the decrease in environmental standards with Euro-4, 5, 6 on Euro-2. Such an option to solve the problem of the oxygen sensor allows the car owner to completely forget about its existence.

For the driver of Lifan Solano (620) is not a secret the fact that the indicator on the dashboard "Check-Engene" It is a limitane malfunction signal. In the normal state, this icon should light up when the ignition is turned on, at this moment all systems begins Lifan Solano. (620), in a serviceable car, the indicator goes out after a few seconds.

If there is something wrong with Lifan Solano (620), then "Check-engene" does not go out, or lights up again after a while. He may flash, which unequivocally speaks of a serious malfunction. This indicator does not inform the Lifan owner that exactly the problem, it draws attention to the fact that the diagnosis of the engine of Lifan Solano (620) is required.

Since all foreign cars, not excluding Lifan Solano (620), tightly tied to electronics, A huge number of sensors follow the operation of the car. Therefore, the diagnostics of the engine Lifan Solano (620) is by and large the check of the most important assembly of the machine, with the exception of the suspension, which is verified by mechanical pathways.

There are a large number of specialized equipment for diagnosing the engine of Lifan Solano (620). There are compact and fairly universal scanners, which can afford not only professionals. But there are cases when ordinary portable scanners do not identify malfunctions in the Lifan Solano engine (620), then the diagnostics must be carried out exceptionally licensed software and a scanner from Lifan.

Lifan diagnostic scanner shows:

  • The value of the opening of the throttle percentage;
  • Engine turnover in rpm;
  • The temperature of the engine of Lifan Solano (620);
  • Voltage in the on-board network Lifan Solano (620);
  • Air temperature absorbed into the engine;
  • The ignition advance of Lifan Solano (620);
  • The fuel injection is nozzle. It is displayed in Miliseconds;
  • Readings of the Lifan Solano air flow sensor (620);
  • The testimony of the oxygen sensor of the Lifan Solano (620);
Before the diagnosis of Lifan engine Solano (620), it is necessary to listen to it, in normal condition it works quietly, monotonously, confidently holds turns. When you click on the gas pedal, it is smoothly, without jerks, gains momentum, without outside sounds. The exhaust at the same time is almost impaired. Also in the normal Motor Lifan Solano (620) can not be increased flow Fuel and other liquids.

1. To diagnose the engine of Lifan Solano (620) primarily podcast space Writing visually. On good engine should not be any inclination technical fluids, Whether it is oil, coolant, brake. In general, it is important to periodically clean the engine of Lifan Solano (620) from dust, sand, dirt, it is necessary not only for aesthetics, but also for a normal heat dissipation!

2. Check the level and condition of oil in the Lifan Solano engine (620), the second test step. To do this, you need to pull the dipstick, and also look at the oil by unscrewing the bay lid. If the oil is black, and even worse, black and thick, it indicates that the oil has changed long ago.

If there is on the filling lid white emulsion Or it can be seen how oil is foaming, it can talk about water or coolant in oil.

3. Checking the spark plugs of Lifan Solano (620). Remove all the candles from the engine, they can be checked by one. They should be dry. If the candles are covered with a minor layer of yellowish or light brown Nagar, it is not worried about, such a nagar is quite normal and permissible phenomenon, does not affect the work.

If on the candlelight of the Lifan Solano (620) there are traces liquid oil, Most likely the replacement of piston rings or oil-giving caps. Black Nagar testifies to re-entered fuel mixes. The reason is the wrong job fuel system Lifan, or too clogged air filter. The main symptom will be increased fuel consumption.

Red raids on Lifan Solano (620) candles are formed due to poor-quality gasoline, which contains a large number of metals particles (for example, a manganese, which increases the octane number of fuel). Such a flare spends the current well, which means with a significant layer of this plaque, the current will go on it without forming a spark.

4. The ignition coil of Lifan Solano (620) fails often, Most often it happens due to old age, insulation is damaged and a closure occurs. Change the coils are better in accordance with the rules mileage. But there is a breakdown cause bad candles or punched high-voltage wires. To check the Lifan coil, it must be removed.

After removal, you need to make sure in the integrity of the insulation, there should be no black spots or cracks. Further, the multimeter should go into the move, if the coil burned, the device will show the maximum possible value. It is not worth checking the Lifan Coil Solano (620) by the Santa method for the presence of a spark between the candles and a metal part of the car. This method takes place in the old cars, while on Lifan Solano (620), due to such manipulations, it can not only burn the coil, but also the entire electric car.

5. Is it possible to diagnose the engine malfunction for smoke from exhaust pipe Lifan Solano (620)? The exhaust can tell a lot about the state of the engine. From a good car in the warm season, there should be no thick or nasal smoke at all.

If the white smoke is visible, this may indicate the burned gasket or not tightness in the cooling system of the Lifan Solano (620). If smoke is black, then at best, these are problems due to the rejuvenated fuel mixture. At worst - problems with a piston group.

If smoke has a bluish shade, then this suggests that engine Lifan. Solano (620) consumes oil. At best, it will be necessary to replace the oil-changing caps, at worst - repair of the piston group. All of this greed strongly scores and reduces the life of the Lifan Solano (620) Lifan (620) catalyst, which does not cope with the purification of such impurities.

6. Diagnostics of the engine of Lifan Solano (620) by sound. The sound is a gap, which is exactly what is said in the theory of mechanics. There are gaps in almost all moving connections. In this small gap, there is an oil film that does not allow the items to touch. But over time, the gap expands, the oil film can no longer be distributed evenly, the details of the Lifan Solano motor (620) are friction, as a result, it begins very intensive wear.

Each node in the engine of Lifan Solano (620) is characterized by a certain sound:

  • Ringing, frequent sound, audible on all engine speed, indicates the need to adjust the valves;
  • A smooth knock, which does not depend on the revolutions caused by the valve distribution mechanism, which indicates the wear of its elements;
  • A distinct short knock increasing on increased turns, warns about the imminent end of the connecting liner.
This is only a small part of possible sounds as a result of certain faults. Each Lifan driver must remember the sound of a normally working motor to quickly respond to any changes in it.

7. Diagnosis of the engine cooling system of Lifan Solano (620). With the proper operation of the cooling system and sufficient heat sink, after the start of the engine, the liquid circulates only by a small circle through the stove radiator, which contributes fast warring both the engine itself and the Lifan Solano salon (620) during the cold season.

When the normal operating temperature of the engine of Lifan Solano (620) is achieved (about 60-80 degrees), then the valve is opened on big circle. The liquid partially flows into the radiator, where it is warm through it. If the critical mark is reached at 100 degrees, the thermostat of the Lifan Solano (620) opens to the whole, and the entire volume of the fluid passes through the radiator.

At the same time, the fan of the Radiator of the Lifan Solano (620) is included, it contributes to the best blowing of hot air between the coolant hops. Overheating can output the engine and will need expensive repairs.

8. Typical malfunctions Cooling system Lifan Solano (620). If the fan does not work when the critical temperature is reached, first of all it is necessary to check the fuse, the fan of the fan of the Lifan Solano (620) itself is examined and the integrity of the wires to it. But the problem may be global, the temperature sensor (thermostat) failed.

The performance of the thermostat of the Lifan Solano (620) is checked as follows: the motor is pre-warmed, the hand is applied to the bottom of the thermostat, if it is hot, it means well.

More serious problems may arise: the pump, flow or clogs, the Radiator of the Lifan Solano (620) will be clogged, break the valve in the lid of the filler neck. If the problems arose after replacing the coolant, then most likely the air traffic jam.

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