Home Steering Permission to install a towbar on a passenger car. Do I need to register a hitch? Where to install the hitch

Permission to install a towbar on a passenger car. Do I need to register a hitch? Where to install the hitch

Reading time: 5 minutes

The current requirements for road safety oblige car owners to coordinate with the traffic police and register changes to the design of the vehicle. This is a necessary procedure when installing any equipment not provided by the manufacturer. Car owners often have a question about which devices are approved by the car manufacturer. From this article, you can find out if you need to register a towbar with the traffic police in 2020 when installing it on a car.

What is a towbar for?

A towbar is a special towing device that allows you to operate a vehicle with a trailer. For passenger cars, it is a hook with a ball at the end, mounted under the rear bumper. It is on him that the drawbar of the trailer clings.

Installing a towing device allows you to significantly increase the amount of cargo transported due to a trailer or trailer. This device is very popular among summer residents, outdoor enthusiasts and rural residents.

How to install a hitch on your car

Installing a towbar is a responsible process that requires compliance with several mandatory conditions:

  1. The vehicle must be suitable for towing a trailer.
  2. The design of the car provides for special places for the installation of towing equipment.
  3. It is possible to install towing equipment on the rear of the car without making changes to the design of both the device itself and the vehicle body. This requirement can be met if the towbar is adapted to fit your machine model.
  4. The manufacturer provided a certificate and a passport for the product.

Installation can be carried out independently or at specialized service stations.

Is it possible to do without registration

Whether it is necessary to register the towbar depends on whether changes were made to the design of the car during the installation of the equipment. According to the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union 018/2011, paragraph 77, cars are not subject to inspection in such cases:

  • When installing devices and components designed for this type of vehicle, tested in its composition and having supporting documents.
  • The installation of certain devices and components is provided by the vehicle manufacturer in accordance with the operational documentation.

According to this technical regulation, when installing a towbar on a passenger car, the device may not be registered under the following conditions:

  1. The possibility of installing a towing device on a vehicle and its use with a trailer is indicated in the instruction manual. Most vehicles are adapted for operation in such conditions.
  2. For the towing device, the manufacturer provided a certificate confirming its compliance with the technical regulations, and a product passport, which indicates the possibility of installing it on certain models of vehicles.
  3. The device was installed on the vehicle according to the instructions and without changing the design of the vehicle.

Any non-compliance with these conditions is considered to be a change in the design of the vehicle, therefore, further operation of the vehicle is possible only after.

What is meant by changes in the design of the machine

Each car manufacturer must indicate in the operational documentation a list of devices and components that can be installed on a particular vehicle model. This is a mandatory procedure, without it the car will not be able to receive a certificate of conformity.

The installation of devices and components permitted by the vehicle manufacturer, according to the law, is not a change in the design of the car and is not subject to mandatory registration with the traffic police.

Installation of any other equipment not provided by the manufacturer must be agreed with the State Traffic Inspectorate.

Required documents for registration of design changes

Registration of a towing device in the traffic police, during the installation of which changes were made in the design of the machine, is carried out upon provision of:

  • statements of the owner of the car;
  • applicant's passport;
  • TCP and car;
  • receipts for payment of the state duty for making an entry in the TCP (350 rubles).

To apply for a towbar, a standard application form for registration of a vehicle is used, which can be obtained at any MREO of the traffic police or downloaded independently in the “For car owners” section on the official website of the department. When filling out, you must indicate the name of the inspection to which you intend to apply, your full name. and underline the item "Make changes in connection with the change in design."

Then you should indicate information about the car and your data - full name. in full, passport details and registration address.

The column "Changes to the design" is filled in by the traffic police officer.

Registration procedure

The question of how to register a towing device with the traffic police arises under the following circumstances:

  • you have not saved the certificate and passport of the device, and it is not possible to obtain their duplicates from the manufacturer;
  • the manufacturer in the operational documentation did not indicate the possibility of using a car with a trailer;
  • during installation, changes were made to the design of the machine.

To apply for a towbar in the traffic police, you need to contact the nearest department of the department with the documents for the car and apply for registration. After submitting the necessary papers, the registration procedure will be carried out in the following order:

  1. Preliminary inspection of the towbar and the car by a traffic police officer.
  2. The car owner is sent to a specialized organization to certify the device and receive a diagnostic card.
  3. Together with the documents received, it is necessary to return to the traffic police, where they must make an entry in the PTS and STS about the changes made to the design of the car.

Obtaining a certificate

To register a towbar with the traffic police, you must obtain a TR CU certificate, which is an official confirmation that the product meets all the requirements and standards in force in the territory of the Customs Union. You can get a document in specialized certification centers, which are available in almost every region in large cities. They advertise their services well, so finding the nearest center to you will not be difficult.

Certification centers may be called differently, but usually the word "standard" is found in the name of the organization. For example, PromTechStandard or Rosstandart. The cost of the service depends on the chosen institution.

Administrative responsibility for a towbar without documents

If you are still in doubt about whether you need to draw up a towing device, please note that each of your meetings with the inspector may end with the preparation of an administrative protocol. In case of detection of a towing device installed on a car without a certificate, traffic police officers have the right to impose a fine of 500 rubles, guided by article 12.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

How to avoid a fine

To avoid the claims of the traffic police inspector and the preparation of an administrative protocol, you should always carry a certificate and a passport for the towbar with you. And if you forgot your documents at home and received a penalty for this, you can challenge it within 10 days from the date of the decision on an administrative offense by submitting the necessary papers to the State traffic inspectorate. It is enough to file an official complaint with the traffic police unit, whose employee drew up the protocol. You can personally hand it to the secretary of the inspection, send it by registered mail or use the feedback form on the official website of the department.

Selling a car with a towbar

If the tow hitch is installed on the vehicle in compliance with all applicable regulations, the buyer will not have problems with it when selling it. Together with the TCP, he must definitely transfer the certificate and passport for the towbar, otherwise the traffic police inspector will have questions during the inspection of the car before reissuing.

If you are buying a used machine with a tow hitch, ask the seller for the relevant documents. If they are not available, find out the model of the equipment and the name of the manufacturer, who can be contacted in the future and asked to send copies of the certificate and product passport, explaining the reason for your request. If this venture fails, you will have to remove the towbar before re-registering the vehicle with the traffic police, since this procedure must be completed within 10 days from the date of purchase. You can then purchase a new trailer hitch with all the necessary documents.

Trailer Registration

The trailer is not part of the vehicle, even if it cannot be operated separately from it. This is a separate vehicle, the use of which on public roads requires registration with the traffic police with the issuance of a license plate. Moreover, the operation of a car with a trailer must be indicated in.


A towbar is a useful device that allows you to increase the volume and dimensions of the transported cargo. Its installation should be approached responsibly. It is best to purchase this device already with a certificate and passport, making sure it is suitable for installation on your car. This will avoid significant costs for self-certification and registration with the traffic police.

The procedure for registering changes in the design of the vehicle: video

A tow hitch or tow bar (hereinafter), one of the most common additional equipment on a machine. It is he who is used to transport all kinds of trailers, transport bicycles ... However, while we do not use it, to put it in the language of a commoner, it just sticks out from behind. And here, recently, our valiant inspection, which monitors road safety, began to have questions for the owners of cars that are equipped with towbars. On the pages of the Internet, it is not the first time that you can find reviews that the inspector issued a fine for the towbar. But how are things really with the fact of an installed towbar that is not designed as additional equipment. Can they really get fined for this? Is it legal? This is what we want to tell the reader.

Logically, what is a towbar ...

In fact, in order to come to the pattern of a fine, it is necessary to bring actions or inactions to some condition or fact, and also to prove its violation. Well, if you know that under Article 12.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, it is quite possible to issue a fine. And this article of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation implies a fine for something that is not working or re-equipment on the machine, it turns out that the tow bar itself must be brought under additional equipment - that is, under a change in the design of the vehicle. Here, the first step is to turn to the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union. After all, it is in it that one can find a definition of what a design change is.

"making changes to the design of the vehicle" - the exclusion of components and items of equipment provided for or installation not provided for by the design of a particular vehicle, made after the release of the vehicle into circulation and affecting road safety;

In fact, if we develop this idea, then I would like to know whether the towbar will affect the same road safety or not. Here it is already necessary to turn to the definition of road safety. To do this, we will quote the Federal Law of December 10, 1995 N 196-FZ "On Road Safety"

Article 2. Basic terms
road safety - the state of this process, reflecting the degree of protection of its participants from road accidents and their consequences.

Now we draw a conclusion. If the towbar can affect the provocation of an accident or its consequences, then in essence this is a design change. It is logical to conclude that the hitch can affect the role of probability in an accident is possible, but it would be absurd. But the conclusions about the consequences of the influence of the towbar in an accident are unambiguous. The towbar protrudes beyond the rear bumper, which means it may well affect the consequences of an accident. Since in the first place the blow will fall on the towbar, and only then on the bumper. As a result, the towbar can be considered a change in the design of the car, which means that Article 12.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, or rather a fine according to it, is quite likely for motorists with a towbar.

However, there are exceptions here, which will be in the hands of the motorist.

Is it possible to avoid a towbar fine?

First, it is worth having a dialogue about the fact that Article 12.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation provides an alternative to a warning. That is, first of all, it is necessary to say that everything will be fixed in the near future and ask to stop at the warning. It will be especially good to use this tactic if you do not have relapses, that is, traffic violations over the past six months or a year.
Secondly, you can use a removable towbar. In this case, it will be difficult to logically argue that such design changes affect the likelihood of an accident and its outcome. After all, in fact, you have no protruding parts. What nullifies the influence of such a towbar in the final results of an accident. It goes without saying that a sane inspector should accept this point of view.
Another case would be the option when the towbar is installed from the factory or fasteners are provided for it. We do not know if there are such machines, that is, which come from the factory with a towbar (hitch) right away and how to confirm that the towbar was installed at the factory. But if there are any, then in fact the towbar cannot be considered a change in the design of the vehicle. Since neither you nor anyone else interfered in the design. Everything was as it is.
Thirdly, which may be the most popular argument, you can use the loophole in Chapter V of the Technical Regulations ..., section 4, paragraph 77

77. Vehicles are not subject to inspection in the following cases:
1) when installing components on a vehicle:
designed for this vehicle and passed the conformity assessment as part of this vehicle, which is confirmed by the documentation of the component manufacturer;
provided by the vehicle manufacturer in the operational documentation;

That is, if we say the towbar is certified in accordance with the requirements of the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union for the car on which it is installed, then it has thereby passed the assessment, which means you can ride with it. Well, you can not repeat about those provided by the manufacturer, since this is practically akin to what is provided for by the design. It goes without saying, as we have already discussed.

In general, if you have a tow bar, then you need to have a certificate for it for compliance with the Technical Regulations, and also that the models in which it was received were mentioned. It is such a certificate that will become a kind of guarantee that they will not take a fine for a towbar. In some confirmation of such information, we will attach a letter from the traffic police.

Well, one thing can be said about home-made towbars, they remain "outlaws" here.

Penalty for towbar (hitch)

In fact, we have already said that a fine for a towbar is possible. Here it only remains to cite Article 12.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation itself, or rather its first part. That will be the penalty for it.

Driving a vehicle in the presence of malfunctions or conditions under which, in accordance with the Basic Provisions for the admission of vehicles to operation and the duties of officials to ensure road safety, the operation of the vehicle is prohibited ... - entails a warning or the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of 500 rubles

In fact, in the "Basic Provisions ..." there is a "List of malfunctions and conditions", in which there is also clause 7.18.

Changes have been made to the design of the vehicle without the permission of the State Inspectorate for Road Safety of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation or other bodies determined by the Government of the Russian Federation

That is, the very changes that we talked about above were made. As a result, since the towbar is a change, and for violations of the "List ...", or rather the "Basic Provisions ..." liability is provided, then it can just come in accordance with Article 12.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, cited by us above. As a result, a towbar may well be given a warning or a minimum fine.

Is it possible to pay a fine for a towbar at a discount

We don’t know if it’s good or not, it’s like someone, but you can pay a fine for a towbar at a 50 percent discount. This is stated in Article 32.2 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. The main thing here is to pay the fine no later than 20 days and no earlier than the decision is made and included in the traffic police database.

The current state of affairs on the road

Despite the fact that we nevertheless came to the conclusion that a fine for a towbar is not only possible, but also quite legal, everything is not so bad. Indeed, in practice, motorists do not often write out such a fine. Let's say more, no one pays much attention to the presence of a towbar, and does not think about what the motorist violates. Therefore, the actual objectivity is not so gloomy, and until some resonant case happens in our country or the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bfix does not arise, you should not be particularly afraid of a fine for a towbar. The likelihood of such an administrative punishment is not high.

Question-answer on the topic "Penalty for the tow bar"

Question: Can I be fined for a hitch?
Answer: Yes, this is a warning or a minimum fine.

Video about the penalty for the hitch

Judicial practice regarding the fine for a towbar

In fact, this is not all empty talk, as there are real fines and even judicial acts (decisions). We look.

The towbar is a towing device (TSU) , which is set on the car for the purpose of connecting a trailer to it.

The towbar can be installed in the regular places provided for it in the service center or independently, if this does not require violating the design of the machine. That is, welding, drilling, etc. are not used.

Effective January 1, 2015Technical regulation "On the safety of wheeled vehicles" TR TS 018/2011 (hereinafter referred to as the Technical Regulations). It regulates the process of making structural changes to the structure of the car.

The installation of a towbar does not apply to such changes if the manufacturer has provided places for its fastening and has included it in the list of additional equipment for this car model.

In the absence of data on the TSU in the type approval of the vehicle (OTTS) and the manufacturer's documentation, its installation will be a change in the design of the machine. In this case, permission to install it is given by the traffic police. This is evidenced by clause 7.18 of the SDA and the Law "On Road Safety" No. 196-FZ of December 10, 1995.

Important. If the car is not in use, no one has the right to fine the owner for his conversion.

When operating a machine with a towing device (TSU), the following papers must be available:

1. Passport (installation instructions) of the towbar with a car service mark on its installation.

2. A copy of the TSU certificate.

3. Act of work done.

Do I need to register a towbar with the traffic police: new rules for installing a towbar on a car

Many drivers are concerned about the question:how to legally install a traction device?

You need to register with the traffic police any changes made to the design of the car. Installation of a tow bar on almost all car models is allowed by the manufacturer. This is indicated in the user manual.

Mounting of the TSU does not apply to structural changes to the vehicle.

The towbar does not need to be registered with the traffic police in the following cases:

1. TSU installation is provided by the manufacturer.

2. The towbar has a passport and a certificate of conformity.

3. The device for the trailer is installed according to the instructions given in the passport, i.e. the design of the machine has not been changed.

When installing a towbar on a car, you should be guided by the information from the operational documents for the car. If they reflect that the installed TSU is certified for use as part of this vehicle, then it is not necessary to register the changes.

The new rules establish: TSU is not checked and not approved by the traffic police (clause 77 of the Technical Regulations) in the following cases:

1. The hitch is designed for this car.

2. An assessment of the compliance of the TSU with the car was made, there are supporting documents.

3. Installation is provided by the manufacturer.

Information about whether this vehicle is allowed to tow a trailer is indicated in itsload table. It is located on the right middle pillar of the car or under the hood. It informs about the possibility of connecting a trailer.

If the corresponding line contains no data,hitch must be registered with the traffic police .

Requires registration of the TSU, attached by bolts or welded to the power elements of the machine, and necessary for serious traction loads.

When installing the towbar with your own hands, the following rules should be observed:

1. Selecting a device suitable for a specific make and model of car.

2. Reading the instructions for the TSU.

3. Preparing the necessary tools.

4. Dismantling the bumper and its amplifier.

5. Installation of beams and brackets to the side members of the body according to the scheme specified in the instructions.

6. Fastening the socket box to the beam; connecting the wiring harness to the beam with plastic cords.

7. Pulling the harness through the opening in the rear panel.

8. Wiring, a connector for it is on the car diagram.

9. Connection of two blocks.

10. Installation of removed parts of the machine.

Attention! The bolts connecting the TSU elements with the body must be carefully tightened. If the attachment points are rusted, they should be treated with anticorrosive.

Competent installation of TSU will ensure the duration of its operation, reliability in transit and trouble-free operation.

What documents are needed to register a towbar in the traffic police?

To register the TSU in the traffic police and obtain a certificate, you first need to pass a technical examination.

Stage 1. Preliminary inspection in the traffic police

The car owner must visit the traffic police and write an application for a preliminary examination of the design of the car, submit documents to the window and receive a decision after a certain period.

The following documents must be submitted to the Inspector:

1. Application of the established form (issued by the traffic police).

2. PTS (two-sided copy).

3. Documents for the hitch.

4. Registration certificate passenger car cars.

Stage 2. Examination after changes with a safety assessment

A TSU is installed on the car.

The work must be carried out by a specialized center that will issue supporting documents: an act of work performed, an application-declaration, a copy of the certificate of conformity.

The owner drives the car for inspection, where they check the safety of design changes and draw up a diagnostic card.

Then the technical examination is carried out by the traffic police and a certificate is issued.

To obtain it, the car owner provides:

1. Diagnostic card.

2. TSU purchase agreement and other documents.

3. Towbar certificate.

4. Declaration from the car service.

5. Application and decision rendered by the preliminary examination.

When installing a towbar on a passenger car is prohibited - the amount of the fine

Legislation prohibits installing a towbar on a machine if it is not listed as an option in the OTTS.

A copy of the document can be requested from the dealership or from the car manufacturer. It is received by firms that produce or import cars in the Russian Federation.

Equip a car with a hitchnot allowed if it is prohibited to use a trailer.

Yes, havingcategory "B" , driving with a trailer is legal if its weight is not higher than the maximum curb weight of the car. And the permitted masses of the car and trailer in total are not higher than 3.5 tons.

In other cases, or for the use of a heavy trailer, it is necessary category "E" .

When inspecting a car with a towbar, the inspector may issue a fine if the tow hitch:

1. Non-standard or defective.

2. Closes license plate or optics.

3. Installed in places not specified by the manufacturer.

If you encounter problems when registering a car due to the presence of a towbar, you should ask the traffic police officer for a written explanation of why he imposed a ban on registration.

Based on the clarifications received, one can writecomplaint addressed to the head of traffic police .

Fine for TSU provides for Part 1 of Art. 12.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses. Its size is 500 rubles. It can be paid with 50% discount. This is permitted by Art. 32.2 of the Code of Administrative Offenses. This can be done within 20 days from the date of issue.

Important. Driving without registering structural changes to a car implies administrative responsibility and increases the danger to the life and health of road users.

Is it possible to avoid a fine for a towbar without registering it with the traffic police?

Is it possible to avoid administrative punishment?

The car owner can prevent the issuance of a fine for the presence of a towing devicein several ways:

1. First, you should have a dialogue with the inspector that everything will be fixed in the near future

Ask him to confine himself to a warning. The legitimacy of this is confirmed by Art. 12.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses.

This tactic is especially effective if the driver has not violated traffic rules in the last 6 months or a year.

2. Using a detachable tow bar

At the same time, it is difficult to logically state that these design changes will affect the likelihood and outcome of an accident.

Any reasonable inspector will accept this point of view, since there is no protruding element.

3. The towing hitch is installed at the factory, or there are fasteners for it

At the same time, the towbar is not a constructive change to the car.

4. Reference to paragraph 77 of the Technical Regulations

If the requirements of this document for a car are met - the hitch is certified for the car on which it is installed - it means that the traction device has been evaluated and you can drive with it.

So, if there is a towbar, it needs a certificate of conformity with the Technical Regulations. Thanks to the certificate, the traffic police officer will not be able to fine the car owner.

If the installation of the TSU does not provide for structural changes to the machine, does not cover the license plate , you can install it yourself. Additional registration in the traffic police is not required.

Good afternoon, dear reader.

(or towing device) - a special element of the car, designed to secure the trailer. In simple terms, the towbar is the hook on which the trailer is put on. That is, if there is no towbar, then the trailer cannot be used.

In recent years, the legislation has undergone many changes, including those related to the use of additional equipment, and readers of the site are increasingly sending questions about how legal it is to use a towbar.

Let me remind you that for an unauthorized change in design in 2019, you can get not only, but also.

Do I need to register a towbar with the traffic police in 2020?

In this case, it all depends on the towbar itself and on the documents available for it:

  • If there are documents for the towbar, then the driver does not need to contact the traffic police to make changes to the registration certificate. You can simply install the towbar and safely operate the car with a trailer.
  • If no documents or they cannot be restored, then the installation of the towbar is a design change that should be registered with the traffic police.

Note. The required documents for the towbar will be discussed below.

For example, if the original towbar is installed on the car at the factory, then no additional actions need to be taken when contacting the traffic police to register the car. If the traffic police have any questions about the TSU in the future, it will be possible at any time to request documents from the automaker and defend your own innocence.

On the other hand, if the towbar is made independently and simply welded to the car body, then this is a design change. To register it, you need to contact the traffic police. Moreover, it is far from a fact that permission for the installation will eventually be obtained.

Let me remind you that the algorithm for making changes to the design of the vehicle is considered in a separate article:

It implies that the car owner must contact various organizations 7 times, i.e. quite laborious.

In this regard, in practice, such an option is also possible. If the towing device is already installed on the machine, but there are no documents for it and it is impossible to restore them, then it may turn out to be easier, faster and cheaper buy a new towbar with documents than trying to issue a change in the design of the car in the traffic police.

Documents for the towbar of a car

In 2019, it is valid in Russia. It is this document that vehicles and equipment installed on them must comply with.

Consider paragraph 77 of section 4 of chapter V of the technical regulation:

77. Vehicles are not subject to inspection in the following cases:

1) when installing components on a vehicle:

  • designed for this vehicle and passed the conformity assessment as part of this vehicle, which is confirmed by the documentation of the component manufacturer;
  • provided by the vehicle manufacturer in the operational documentation;

2) when making serial changes to the design on the basis of the design documentation developed and agreed in the prescribed manner, if on its basis an assessment of the conformity of the changes made was carried out.

So, there are 2 cases in which the towbar can not be registered with the traffic police:

  • When serial changes are made to the design. In this case, we are talking about the installation of the TSU at the factory.
  • When installing a tow bar as an accessory, if 2 conditions are met at the same time:
    • The manufacturer has provided for the installation of a towbar in the operational documentation. In this case, it is about instruction manual, which is issued with the purchase of any car. Open this document and find the section on using a trailer. If there is such a section, then everything is in order.
    • The towbar must have the manufacturer's documentation confirming that it is intended for use on your car model and has passed the conformity assessment.

In this way, list of required documents to use the towbar:

  • Vehicle operation manual.
  • Documents for the towbar, confirming that it is suitable for the car of the desired model.
  • Certificate for the towbar, confirming that it complies with the requirements of the Technical Regulations.

Note, carry these documents with you and present them to the traffic police officers not required. They can also be stored at home. Just if the traffic police officer has questions about the towbar, immediately tell him that you have all the necessary documents and the towing device is installed legally. Usually this is enough. If the policeman nevertheless decides to issue, then you can challenge it on the basis of the available documents.

What to do if there are no documents for TSU?

If you do not have the documents listed above for the towbar, then contact the manufacturer of this equipment in order to obtain copies. Self-respecting organizations provide copies of documents without any problems.

You can contact:

  • in electronic form - through the website of the organization;
  • personally - through an official representative in your city;
  • by mail - by registered mail.

If it is not possible to restore the documents, then either the option remains with the purchase of a new coupling device, or the official introduction of changes to the design through the traffic police.

Note. Some organizations offer buy a package of documents for a towbar. I recommend ignoring such proposals, because. Manufacturer's documents are available only from the manufacturer. If such documents are issued by another organization, they will be fake.

What to do if you plan to buy a towbar?

If you are just planning to install a trailer hitch on your machine, then you have come to this article just in time.

What to do if the towbar is already installed?

If at least one of the documents is missing, you should contact the towbar manufacturer and request them. As practice shows, manufacturers send missing documents without any problems.

Please note that if you buy a used car with a towbar, then the documents must be taken from the previous owner. Otherwise, the traffic police may require you to dismantle the equipment before registering the car.

Let's summarize this article:

  1. Most of the towbars are accompanied by the necessary documents, i.e. they can be installed without registering with the traffic police.
  2. If there are no documents for the coupling device, then they should be requested from the manufacturer.
  3. If it is impossible to obtain documents, then it remains either to dismantle the towbar, or to issue it as a change in the design of the vehicle.

Good luck on the roads!


Good afternoon. And how will the traffic police inspector react to a towbar with a removable hook? There is no hook, the socket sticks out, and everything else is a bumper amplifier.

Alexander, Hello.

In this case, a part of the towbar (socket) must be considered in the same way as the whole towbar. That is, if there are documents (for the entire set, or only for the outlet), then there will be no problems with the traffic police. If there are no documents, then the socket is an unauthorized design change and may raise questions from the traffic police.

Good luck on the roads!


Another way to steal money from people. All my life everyone drove with towbars and no one cared, but then they figured it out. Everyone who lives in the regions has towbars on cars and trailers - it is necessary to take out the garbage from the yard and bring building materials. This is in big cities trailers are not needed. So the inhabitants of the hinterland "the richest" will fall under the blow of our authorities. We just figured out the "thorns" sign, and how much money they ripped off from people and everything is covered, now they took up the towbars !!!

I bought a Chevrolet Niva 2123-55 at a car dealership in 2014 with additional options, including a forkop (w / Niva) Stupino. They just issued an order for an installation order. In 2015, the car dealership was closed. And they won’t find documents there. They say they destroyed it after 3 years. How to be? There is a copy of OTTS (I copied it)..


All my life everyone drove with towbars and no one cared, but then they figured it out.

"All my life" towbars have been produced by a "couple" of manufacturers, and now probably only the lazy one does not manufacture or install them (everything is figurative). This is necessary, first of all, in order to exclude unscrupulous manufacturers and installers. That's why they carry out this "registration" of towbars, while checking the relevant documents. You don’t want one trailer to drive into the oncoming lane, do you?

Anwar What problem do you want to solve at the moment?

If you want to get documents for the towbar, then contact the manufacturer of this towbar.

A fine for a towbar can be imposed on those motorists who decide to modify a passenger car at their own discretion in the absence of appropriate sanctions.

In Russia, the installation of a towbar is a common phenomenon. Many car owners additionally equip their vehicles with a trailer to tow light trailers, trailers, and transport bicycles. The installation of additional equipment is ambiguously interpreted from the point of view of the law, forcing drivers and traffic police inspectors to separately understand whether such installation is permissible on a particular car. What fine can be assigned for a towbar, as well as in what cases it can be avoided, depends on several parameters - first of all, on whether it is additional. equipment agreed.

Tow hitch definition

Auxiliary automotive equipment, called a towbar, is a favorite tool among Russian motorists to facilitate cargo transportation. With this device, the trailer is firmly fixed to the vehicle with a uniform load distribution from the weight of the load and inertia. The tool improves the original characteristics of the car, providing safe and reliable cargo transportation.

Important! Those drivers who consider the towbar as a means of protection in a road collision are mistaken. In many countries, the operation of a car with this device without a trailer has long been prohibited. The prohibition is associated with the presence of a greater risk of damage with a direct blow to the towbar.

Varieties of devices

All towbars are divided according to the method of attachment, on which the possibility of driving with a towbar without the risk of being fined depends:

  • removable options with locking fasteners;
  • conditionally removable models on bolts;
  • welded;
  • end.

Removable models are characterized by fixing equipment in strictly designated areas located on the back side. Fastening is carried out using bolts in pairs (1 or 2 pairs).

Other modifications of the car

In addition to mounting the towbar, other modifications to the car and the installation of add. equipment can affect the safe operation of the vehicle with a positive or detrimental effect.

  1. Installation of non-standard metal bumpers, when the basic equipment includes this plastic element, can negatively affect the nature of the accident.
  2. Attaching the DVR to obstruct the driver's view through the windshield can lead to a situation where the airbags deployed during an accident touch the wires of the DVR, tearing it off its mounting location.
  3. The rear parking sensors, when installed on a car, can reduce the risk of a collision while driving backwards, increasing the safety of car operation.

Legislative basis

In 2019, the punishment for the unauthorized installation of this element is regulated by the provisions of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation in article 12.5. According to the law, the installation of additional equipment with a subsequent change in design entails a penalty.

A mounted towbar on a car is the basis for bringing to administrative responsibility, as it can be attributed to unauthorized devices that caused a change in the design of the vehicle.

The basis of this violation is the fact of a design change, which, according to the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union, can be expressed in the installation or dismantling:

  • additional items of equipment;
  • constituent parts;
  • auxiliary nodes.

The purpose of this technical regulation is to determine the safety requirements for wheeled vehicles.

Restrictions on modifications to the design of the car cover only those cases where additional elements were introduced after the release of the car, if this element negatively affects the overall safety during the operation of the vehicle.

Explanations regarding the installation of this device are given in Federal Law No. 196-FZ. According to Article 2, road safety is a state of the process that can characterize the extent to which road users are protected from road crashes and their consequences.

Since the towbar is a part that protrudes beyond the rear dimensions of the vehicle, its installation can cause worsening consequences in an accident. If in a normal collision of cars the impact falls on the bumper with the formation of moderate damage, then in a collision with equipped cars, the impact will cause more significant damage.

Permitted installation of a towbar

Not always with a towbar, a fine and administrative responsibility will follow for the driver. In some cases, its installation will comply with the provisions of Russian laws. There will be no towbar penalty if:

  • installation of equipment is initially assumed by the automaker;
  • the installed element is accompanied by documentation (passport and certificate of conformity);
  • the installation did not lead to a change in the overall design of the car and was carried out according to the instructions.

To eliminate problems with further installation of equipment will allow the following measures:

  • upon sale, obtain a passport for the purchased equipment with a mark on the installation in it;
  • request a copy of the certificate of conformity certified by the seller;
  • have proof of payment.

The law allows the installation of an additional device, provided that it does not affect the existing automotive structure, without closing the license plates of the vehicle and the driver's view. There will be no fine if the driver provides documents for the device, including a passport and a certificate of conformity. Drivers who install removable equipment will have the least problems with the traffic police.

Punishment for unauthorized installation

The procedure for applying punishment for making unregistered changes, which may include the installation of a towbar, is consistent with Art. 12.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

As part of administrative responsibility, the driver who carried out unauthorized installation will be fined 500 rubles.

The same article of the code refers to all cases of malfunctions when the car cannot be used for driver movement and transportation. If the original design of the machine is violated, negatively affecting safety, with the element secured by welds or bolts, a penalty will be imposed.

You can protect yourself in case of proceedings with the traffic police inspection if the general Technical Regulations of the Customs Union mention the possibility of using transport when towing. If you have such permission, you will not need to coordinate the presence of a tow hitch.

The main purpose of the ban on the installation of a towbar is the requirement to comply with safety measures in the event of a traffic accident, since the fact of the negative impact of the towbar in a collision has been established. In this case, we are not talking about the negative impact of the equipment during normal movement on the road, but about the situation when the towbar causes particularly serious damage to the car during an accident. It is this provision that justifies the traffic police inspectors to impose a fine on the car owner who installed this towing device.

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