Home wheels How to check that the car is registered. How to find out if the buyer re-registered the car after the sale? Reasons for deregistration

How to check that the car is registered. How to find out if the buyer re-registered the car after the sale? Reasons for deregistration

How to find out if the buyer has re-registered the car for himself? The process of re-registration of a car is a business that always takes a lot of time and money from the owner. This procedure, without exception, is carried out in the regional department of the traffic police and according to strictly established rules.

Drivers who continue to receive tax notices are interested in the question of how to find out if the buyer has re-registered the car for himself? There are several ways in which you can follow the process of re-registration of the car immediately after the completion of the transaction.

It is logical that the seller is interested in the car being re-registered to the new owner as soon as possible.

There are several reasons for this:

  1. Firstly, while the transport is registered to the seller, he is obliged to pay the transport tax to the relevant authorities. If payments for this tax are not made, interest will begin to accrue. And this is already fraught with big problems and financial losses. And paying for a car of another owner is at least strange.
  2. Secondly, the new owner may well become a participant in a traffic accident, and then escape from the scene of a collision. The offender will be put on the wanted list, and legally you will be guilty of the incident, because the crime was committed with the participation, for the time being, of your car.

Registration of the car in the traffic police is automatically terminated under the following conditions:

  • if the car is stolen;
  • if the car buyer did not re-register within 10 days after purchase;
  • if a certain period of validity of the registration of the machine has expired.

Since 2013, amended legislation has been in force regarding the process of buying and selling vehicles. Therefore, before selling it to the owner, it is no longer necessary to remove the car from the register with the State traffic inspectorate. It is only necessary to sign an agreement on the sale of real estate with the buyer.

Thus, the buyer receives all the rights for further re-registration of the car in the traffic police. If within 10 days the new owner has not registered the purchased car for himself, then all obligations for re-registration fall on the former owner.

traffic police

If, after the sale of the vehicle, the owner still receives notifications of payment of transport taxes, then most likely the new owner has not yet re-registered the vehicle for himself. But how to check if the new owner has registered the car?

To find out information of this kind, the seller can apply to the traffic police with an application for information on the re-registration of the sold car. However, for this he will have to provide the representative of the inspection with strong arguments about the need to issue the required information. It should be understood that the traffic police do not open such information just like that.

Also, the driver's arguments must be supported by evidence that the owner's rights have been violated and in order to correct the situation, he needs to obtain information about the new owner of the vehicle.

If the seller cannot arrive at the traffic police to obtain information about the re-registration of transport, then he has the right to send an official request to the traffic police for clarification of such data. After reviewing the request, a detailed notification of the results will be sent to him.

After considering the application, the traffic police will tell the unfortunate seller in detail about the new owner, as well as whether he started the process of re-registration of the purchased car. Sometimes they can even suggest how to act in the current situation.

On the traffic police website

Car owners can check the car renewal process online. To do this, you need to go to the official website of the traffic police of Russia (www.gibdd.ru). There you should go to the “Service” section, and then select “Vehicle Check”. Here you need to enter the VIN number of the vehicle of interest or the chassis or body number.

This method will take the user less than five minutes, after which almost all information about the vehicle will be available to him.

After the creation and commissioning of the Internet portal of the State Service (https://www.gosuslugi.ru/), most citizens no longer need to stand in long queues at state institutions and fiddle with papers, collecting the necessary documents and running around various offices.

Now car owners can simply access the site from a computer or phone and use a wide range of traffic police services without leaving home.

Among the main features of the site is the ability to:

  1. Get a driver's license and pass on the rights online.
  2. Get information about unpaid fines.
  3. Register a vehicle.
  4. Sign up for a consultation with the traffic police (only available after registration on the official website of the State Service).

To see the necessary information about the re-registration of the car by the new owner, the seller needs to register on the website of the State Service, and then click on the item "Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia". Here you need to select the service "Registration of vehicles and trailers", indicate contact details, full name. and sign up for a consultation at the local traffic police department.

Most of the information to the seller will be able to provide a hotline consultant of the State Service portal. You can also look for answers to your questions on the site itself, because it is quite well filled and it has a block with answers to the most frequently asked questions.

Service Autocode

In 2018, the Autocode service (https://avtocod.ru) from the Moscow Department of Technology became extremely popular among car owners. The site collects information about the car using the databases of the traffic police, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and other law enforcement organizations, therefore it provides only accurate, reliable and complete information.

After the launch of this site, all information about the car can be obtained by knowing only the VIN number of the vehicle.

By entering the VIN-number of the car in a special field, the user will be able to find out almost all the information about the car:

  • volume and power of the engine;
  • year and country of production;
  • model and type;
  • data on recorded accidents;
  • presence of transport restrictions;
  • data on theft and arrest;
  • registration;
  • the number of car owners.

This service is currently only available to car owners from Moscow and adjacent regions. In the future, according to the administration of the resource, the service will be available throughout Russia.

Since Autocode is a public service, it does not provide information free of charge. The report of each check costs approximately from 150 to 400 rubles. However, a free service has recently been created with similar functionality (plus a few additional items of information) - Autobot (https://avtobot.net/avtokod_ru).

In addition to all the functions of the Autocode on the site, you can check the data on the full name. car owner, see photos of the vehicle and find out about all references to the car of interest on the Internet.

A fairly common question for car sellers is what to do if the new owner of the vehicle has not registered it within 10 days. After all, if he did not do this, all fines and transport tax will come to the former owner. Of course, this can be challenged in court, but is it necessary to deal with the consequences if the situation can be prevented?

To check if the new owner has registered the car after the sale

There are 2 options here:

  • You can come to the traffic police department with a sales contract or other document confirming the transfer of the vehicle after 10 days after the deal. reference point here it is considered date specified in the contract buying and selling a car. Having presented this document to the traffic police officer, he must check the database whether the new owner has registered the car for himself. If he did not do this, it is necessary to complete the procedure for terminating the registration of the car in connection with the sale.
  • To do this, go to the traffic police website at the link http://www.gibdd.ru/check/auto/# enter the VIN number of the car and check its registration history. If, after 10 days from the date of conclusion of the purchase and sale agreement, the new owner has not registered the car, it is necessary to submit an application for termination of registration to the State Traffic Inspectorate.

If it turns out that the car is still yours, you will need to write a statement about the termination of registration of the car after the sale.

You can download its form, as well as see a sample application for termination of registration on our website. After receiving this application by the traffic police officer, the car is no longer listed as yours, and the license plates and registration certificate are put on the federal wanted list. That is, as you might guess, the buyer will not have long to drive around in an unregistered vehicle. When passing through the nearest traffic police post, the inspector will be seized from the new owner of the number and STS, and fined for non-compliance with the registration deadlines, and a repeated stop threatens him with deprivation of rights for a period of 1 to 3 months.

The new owner will be able to register the car with the traffic police, although he will have to pay fines for non-compliance with the registration deadlines, as well as pay a state duty and install new numbers on the car after registration, as the old ones will be withdrawn.

As you can see, after selling the car, it would be useful to visit the traffic police and check whether the new owner has registered the car, this will save you from possible problems in the future. This service is absolutely free and you do not need to pay any state fees. Good luck on the roads!

We all remember that any action, especially if it is associated with one or another type of legal relationship, has a reason. In order to find out exactly what grounds are needed to, you need to refer to the 139th order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (dated in 2017). In Art. 60 of this regulation details all the reasons for deregistration of a car. There are only 10 reasons for this. Let's list them:

  • loss of the vehicle (for example, due to a fire, an accident, etc.);
  • in case of theft;
  • registration has ended (if the car was registered for a limited period of time by law);
  • re-registration due to sale (change of ownership, submitted by the former owner within a period exceeding 10 days after registration of the DCT, in a situation where the new owner did not submit an application on time - the same situation that we discussed);
  • statement of the lessor if the car is registered under a leasing agreement with a limited period (but we are not particularly concerned about this situation, we mentioned it purely for the sake of formality);
  • when registering a car for scrap (there, by the way, there is an option for processing a disposal without the direct delivery of a car, more about this moment - a little lower);
  • if you plan to export the car abroad;
  • the previous owner died (if he is an individual) or in connection with the reorganization of legal entities. persons - the owner of the vehicle;
  • in the event of the occurrence of certain insured events or the exchange of goods due to its unsatisfactory quality.

Now let's figure out for what specific purposes we are wondering how to check who the car is registered to at the moment? As you probably know, in the event of a change in ownership of a car, the only document that reliably confirms the fact of a change in ownership is a contract of sale (DCT). Registration with the traffic police is not a title document. And all the duties assigned to the new owner directly follow from the DCT. However, negligent buyers are not always in a hurry to register the car for themselves. And since many state bodies are tied to single databases, the former owner, even taking into account the fact that he has already sold his former property, may experience certain difficulties. For example, payments on transport tax or fines will continue to be received in his name.

To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to officially change the owner, i.e. re-register the vehicle. You need to update the information in the database. Here, in order to avoid these troubles, you need to know if the car has changed ownership. At the official level.

Well, now, in fact, we will understand how to check the owner. Currently, there are 4 reliable ways to answer the question - how to check if a car has been deregistered? We will discuss these methods in detail below.

  1. Portal of the State Service. The most top-end state site at the moment, on which, among other things, you can clarify the question of how to check whether a car is registered. The algorithm of the verification procedure on this service is quite simple. It is enough to be a registered user, log in on the site, go to the section Authorities. After that - go to the subsection of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and register a car, and already there, fill out the appropriate request form. After processing the data, the applicant will receive an appropriate response to his request. And of course, this request will be free.
  2. Autocode website. You can also get the information you need on the specialized Internet service "Autocode". True, there is one significant drawback of this portal. At the moment, it is valid only for residents of Moscow and the region. True, its owners have plans to expand the geography of the site to all regions of the country. If you are a resident of the capital, then you are lucky and with the help of this site you will find the information you are interested in. In order to get it, it is enough to have information about the VIN number of the vehicle and have a certificate of registration. It can be used to find out if the vehicle is registered.
  3. Official site of traffic police. Through this portal, you can also track the history of removal / registration of the vehicle. To do this, it is enough to enter the same VIN number, as well as the engine and body number of the car, in the appropriate field (which is located in the Vehicle Check section). After that, you will receive a special access code, and you will receive the information you are interested in. But, accordingly, in order to obtain reliable information, it will be necessary to enter the correct data.
  4. Visit to the traffic police department

In addition to the above methods, the former owner has the opportunity to find out about the status of registration of his former car by the new owner and by visiting the traffic police department. However, this method has certain disadvantages:

  • the former owner will have to prove the legitimacy of his interest. The copy of the WPC that is in your hands is best suited for this;
  • unlike the previous methods, it will take a long time (up to 30 days - this is the legal period for the official request of a citizen of the authorities) to wait. Moreover, you will have to wait, most likely, for the entire period, and perhaps even a little more, given the degree of workload of the traffic police departments;
  • You will have to come to the department personally, which will also require certain time costs.

Based on this, I advise you to resort to this method only in extreme cases. Since of all those described, it is the longest.

So, in order to get the information you need, you need to come to the department and write an application for the issuance of information, attaching documents confirming the right to receive it (DCT). The traffic police will check and, based on it, issue an answer. This is done no earlier than 10 days after the transaction. That is how much the legislator allocates to the new owner for registration of the vehicle in his name.

Information about the owner of the car belongs to the category of personal data. Therefore, it is not so easy to get it.

We have described 4 possible ways to obtain this information. If we talk about the first three, we can conclude that in order to obtain such information, it is necessary to have very specific information. This is the VIN number, body and engine numbers. Only the owner of the car has such data. Let the former.

In the event that you personally apply directly to the traffic police, you will have to provide documents confirming your legal attitude to the requested information (as already mentioned, this is DKP).

What to do if the buyer did not register the car for himself?

Now let's deal with the question of what actions will need to be taken in a situation where the new owner was not puzzled in time to register the car for himself.

As we have already noted, according to the law, the new owner has a period of 10 days to re-register the car. If he did not do this, and the former owner has legal confirmation of this, then the former owner, in order to avoid the problems we have already described, needs to contact the traffic police department with an application to deregister the car and search for car license plates. By presenting the DCT at the same time, you will greatly simplify the search for a new owner (because there are his installation data). But even without this, he will be able to drive your former car without registration exactly until the first traffic police post, where he will be stopped.

There is another way to deregister a car - this is a recycling application. However, this method is more radical, for its implementation you will need to go to court.

Hello everyone! Vehicle buyers often miss the deadlines for re-registering it in their own name, which makes sellers worry about other people's fines in their name, etc. But how do you know if the car has been deregistered by the seller or not yet?

There are several reliable and quick ways to check the registration status of a car, which I will discuss in this publication. Go!

By law, after the transaction and signing, the buyer must register the purchased car in his name within 10 days. This requirement is regulated by the Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs No. 1001 of November 24, 2008 "On the procedure for registering vehicles".

But there are no guarantees that the buyer will be in good faith and immediately take up registration actions, so the seller should control this process. This is explained by the fact that without deregistration, it will continue to accrue in the name of the former owner, as well as penalties and fines. And all this money will have to be repaid to him.

This information needs to be verified:

  • After car.
  • After sending vehicle on .

In each of these cases, it is necessary to prevent the accrual of unnecessary taxes and the emergence of problems with state structures.

Important! We should not forget that if there are any debts in the amount of 10 thousand rubles or more (including tax debts), serious penalties are possible. For example, a driver's license and / or a ban on leaving the country.

How to check the required information

To date, there are two ways to control the actions of the buyer and avoid penalties:

  • Visiting branch State traffic inspectorate, and submitting an appropriate application.
  • Making a request through the Internet.

In the first case, you need to write a petition addressed to the head of the department of the State traffic inspectorate with a request to provide information about the sold car. Everything must be attached to the appeal, including the contract of sale.

A response can be received 30 days after the request. There is no charge for this service. You can also check this information online using the following resources:

  • Portal State Services.
  • Official site traffic police.

There are other sources by which you can check the data, but these sites are government-owned and provide a high level of reliability.

Watch the video on how to get the information you need:

Through Public Services

To obtain information using the Portal, you need:

  • To come in to your personal account.
  • Go on the "Authorities" tab.
  • Select page"Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation".
  • Go to section"Registration of vehicles and trailers to them."

After clicking on the last tab, an application form will open that you need to fill out. Please note that the information provided during registration on the site will automatically be duplicated. However, this does not prevent you from entering the necessary information manually or replacing outdated information.

If you filled out everything correctly, the request will be processed and you will receive a response by e-mail within 3 days. You can also print the completed application and go with it to the nearest traffic police department.

If this is your first time on the State Services portal, you will have to register. For this you need:

  • Enter your personal information including passport data and SNILS.
  • Wait for verification the specified information.
  • Get a special code confirming that you have been identified and can fully use the site.

This code can be obtained through the Russian Post or at a branch of the State Services Center by going there with a passport.

Important! Registration on the Portal will allow you to receive many services online, including checking and paying your taxes.

Through the website of the traffic police

When using this method, you do not need to register and create a personal account. You are required to:

  • Login to the official website of the State Traffic Inspectorate.
  • Go to the "Services" section.
  • Select the Vehicle Check tab.

In the field that opens, enter:

  • Number engine.
  • Number VIN of body or chassis.

Possible actions after verification

If, as a result of the check, you are convinced of the good faith of the buyer, you can forget about your former car and not worry about possible fines.

But if the specified time has passed and the car is still registered in your name, you need to:

  • Contact buyer and explain to him that it is necessary to re-register.
  • Visit branch State traffic inspectorate and terminate the registration of a car by writing an appropriate application.

The second option is a last resort for solving problems, because after submitting such a petition, the car and number will be put on the wanted list, which implies certain troubles for the buyer.

Summing up

Checking the deregistration of a car is an important procedure. Its features are as follows:

  • After the sale of the car the buyer must register it in his name within 10 days.
  • Without re-registration tax bills will be sent to the name of the former owner, and fines will be charged.
  • Check this information you can visit the traffic police department or via the Internet.
  • When contacting an application is submitted to the State traffic inspectorate, the answer to which comes within a month.
  • Check Information online on the State Services portal and the official website of the traffic police.
  • For information registration is required through the Portal, while on the website of the State traffic inspectorate you can do without it.
  • If after checking it turns out that the car is still registered in your name, you need to contact the buyer and indicate the need for deregistration.
  • If the conversation with the new owner of the car will not give results, you need to apply to the State traffic inspectorate to terminate the registration. After that, the vehicle will be put on the wanted list, which will not allow you to use it.


Even if the buyer makes a positive impression, take your time to trust him. Be sure to check the fact of deregistration after 10 days have passed after the purchase and sale transaction.

Check car by VIN

After the car is sold, it is important for the previous owner that the buyer re-registers the car on time. If the new owner delays registration, then the transport tax, payments, fines and penalties, as well as liability for the accident will be presented to the old owner.

To get rid of the car re-registration headache, it is best for you to check the registration of the car yourself. How to do this, and when the reissuance procedures are better kept under control, we will talk in this article.

When and why you need to check the registration of the car

Under current law, before selling a used the old owner of the car does not need to remove it from the register - after the sale, the new owner will do it on his own within ten days. However, if the buyer does not pass the procedure for registering the car on time, then all payments and liability for traffic violations will still remain with the former owner of the car.

In addition, if the new owner, who has not reissued the documents for the vehicle, gets into an accident and flees the scene of the accident, the car seller may fall under punitive sanctions from law enforcement agencies: after all, in the databases The traffic police, he is still listed as the owner of the car. To protect yourself from possible problems after the sale of the car, it is recommended to check the terms of its re-registration in the name of the buyer in a timely manner.

The need to find out if the car is deregistered, may arise in the case of car recycling. If the vehicle was handed over to an intermediary company for subsequent disposal, and the transport tax continues to be charged for it, the owner will suffer serious losses. Therefore, it is imperative to check the traffic police data on the removal of a car from registration.

If the car is stolen, its registration is terminated automatically, and the owner is released from obligations for the stolen vehicle. In order for such a car to be deregistered, the owner must apply to the traffic police department with an appropriate application, and after two or three days check the registration history of the car.

Important: when a car is stolen, registration is not terminated, but only suspended until the moment when the car is found and returned to the owner.

Internet verification options

Today there are several ways to find out whether your car is registered, and when it was registered. The easiest and most affordable way to get the necessary information is through the Internet.

Official site of traffic police

You can find out if the car was deregistered on the official portal of the traffic police of the Russian Federation. For this you need:

  1. Go to the traffic police website - in the "Services" section and the "Vehicle Check" subsection ( https://traffic.rf/check/auto).
  2. In the verification form that opens, enter VIN number of the car (indicated in the vehicle passport). If this data is not available for the car, you can use the body or chassis numbers.
  3. Enter the numeric code from the opened picture.

The test results will be displayed on the screen after 1-2 minutes. Information about the registration of a car is contained in the paragraph “Periods of owning a vehicle”. It reflects the periods of time during which the vehicle was registered with the traffic police. You can also specify whether the car is currently registered and when it was registered.

In addition to the registration history, checking on the traffic police website allows you to find out the following data:

  • brand/model of the vehicle;
  • body type;
  • year of issue;
  • car color;
  • body/chassis number;
  • engine power and volume;
  • participation in an accident;
  • The presence of prohibitions or restrictions on registration actions;
  • The number of owners who had the car.

The verification is free of charge, and the information is up-to-date at the time of the request.

Government Services Portal

The service was developed specifically for recipients of public services, but for 2019 it is not yet possible to check the car registration history on the site. But you can re-register the car. To do this, you need to register in the system and verify your account.


  1. After confirming the status of the account, enter the State Services website.
  2. Select the "Services" section.
  3. Go to the subsection "Authorities" and select the item "Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation".
  4. Click the "Vehicle Registration" tab (at the bottom of the page).
  5. Go to the section "Documentation for the purchase, leasing ...".
  6. Select the category "Change of vehicle owner data".
  7. Fill out the form that opens and confirm the submission. After a few minutes, a system response will be provided.

Reference: the completed application form can be printed out and taken with you to the traffic police to continue the re-registration procedure.

Check at the traffic police department

If the former owner of the car is unable to obtain the information he is interested in about registering a car via the Internet, he can contact the registration department of the traffic police. This should be done no earlier than 10 days after the sale of the car.

In order to find out whether the new owner has removed the car from the register, you will need to submit an appropriate application and attach copies of the existing documents for the car to it (even the DKP will do). The applicant will be able to receive a response within 30 working days. Such a check is free, but it will take a long time.

What to do if the buyer has not re-registered the car for himself

After buying a car, the new owner has 10 days to have time to register the car in his name. If, after the specified time, the seller finds that he is still the owner of the vehicle, he has the right to submit an application to the traffic police to terminate the registration.

In this case, the car is put on the wanted list and the next meeting of the buyer with traffic police officers threatens the new owner with confiscation of license plates and STS.

Portal "Autocode"

You can check the registration of the machine using online service "Autocode" - a young, but already quite popular resource in Russia. The algorithm of actions for checking the registration of a car is simple:

  1. Go to the Autocode website. Select the "Services" section.
  2. In the opened auto check window, enter the VIN number (it is specified in vehicle registration certificate). The history of Japanese cars can be checked by body or chassis numbers.
  3. Click "Check Car".

The check takes a few seconds, after which a page with a detailed report on the machine opens, where the following information is indicated:

  • TCP data;
  • history of vehicle registrations;
  • participation in an accident;
  • calculation of the approximate cost of restoration work;
  • car mileage;
  • finding a car in pledge;
  • fines, etc.

Reference: The electronic portal "Autocode" is paid, and provides the results of the check only after payment for the service. For a detailed report, you will have to pay about 600 rubles.


There are several ways to check if the car has been deregistered by the traffic police. To get the necessary information, you can use modern Internet technologies and get registration information as soon as possible. You can also personally visit the traffic police department and submit a corresponding application, but you will have to wait 1 month for a response. And if the buyer did not re-register the car in a timely manner, the previous owner can protect himself from possible risks by terminating the registration of the sold vehicle.

Check car by VIN

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