Home Nutrition How to determine the owner by car number application. How to find out the owner by car number. Purchase of traffic police base

How to determine the owner by car number application. How to find out the owner by car number. Purchase of traffic police base

So! How to find out the phone number by car number via Telegram? There are several ways and today we will talk about them:


Telegram Autocode is a shareware resource. Provides the technical specifications of the machine, the history of its operation and ownership. Registration is not required, just add AvtocodBot to the Telegram contact list and click "start".

By the way, this bot is very useful when buying a car, for example, to check whether the car was involved in an accident and how many there were.

The verification is carried out according to the State Standard. car number or VIN. The bot responds to the request within 5 minutes. At the initial request, you can break through the main data:

  • Brand and model;
  • Phone number;
  • Registration number and VIN;
  • Year of issue;
  • Type, power and engine size;
  • Steering wheel (left or right).

To find out the phone number of the car owner using Telegram bots: AvtocodBot and AVinfoBot, but there is one nuance:

  1. The number cannot be obtained if the car has not been exhibited on sales boards such as Avito, IRR and others.
  2. The number may be the old owner who sold this car a long time ago!

Getting a more detailed Telegram - checking the car will be available after paying for the service through the avtocod.ru portal, which owns the bot. The full report includes data on accidents in which the car was involved, deposits, restrictions (traffic police) and registration actions; about technical inspections, customs history, owner status (individual, legal entity, leasing), disposal. Autocodebot is a convenient, fast enough responsive resource, not burdened with unnecessary functions/buttons.


Avinfobot is a shareware resource in Telegram. In terms of the main amount of information, it is similar to AvtocodBot, but is positioned as an assistant in the safe purchase of a used car. With it, among other things, you can break through the following information:

  • The number, date and time of the release of current and outdated advertisements for the sale of this vehicle on specialized sites (carprice.ru, am.ru, drom.ru, bibika.ru, cars.ru, avito.ru, auto.ru, etc.) ;
  • Information about changes in prices for these ads, their deviation from the average market;
  • Information about the mobile numbers indicated by the author of these ads;
  • The "demo access" button provides 24 hours of free testing. After that, in order to break through some information and use other services of the bot and the avinfobot.ru portal, to which it belongs, you will have to pay per day, week or month.
  • A message will appear in the window as if from your account with the inscription "To confirm the number ..." (1). Click on it and get to the main portal, where we fill out a small form. Next, the text “Bot is unlocked” (2) and a card with your information on the site (3) will appear:
  • To punch a car through Telegram, enter the VIN or registration number in the text field, click "Submit". The response will be a list of ads with this car or a message that nothing was found (it means the vehicle is not for sale). Then you can select a separate type of check by clicking on any button from the list.

For example, you can enter information about the maintenance of a car or check if it was used to work in a taxi. If for some request the answer “information not found” is received, then it simply does not exist in the Telegram databases available to the bot.

  • If you need to break through all the information at once, click the button "Full report".
  • The declared generation time is from 5 to 30 minutes, in fact, the result is ready in 3-4 minutes. You will receive a message with a link to the portal page, which will display everything that the program was able to find.


Now about how to find out the phone number by car number via Telegram.

Antiparkon will help to break through the mobile owner of the car, or serve as a means of communication with this person via Telegram. Works with registration plates and VIN.

Suitable in case:

  • an accident near a parked vehicle;
  • Vehicle evacuation;
  • Illegal actions regarding the vehicle;
  • The need to resolve issues with a parking space or leaving it (you were "locked");
  • The desire to chat or compliment the tuning of the car, for example.

Important: the bot uses only its bases. At your disposal will be only the data entered into the system by other Telegram users.

If you wish, you can add your mobile and enter the registration number so that your vehicle can also be broken through. Messages are sent by car number (it will be a kind of identifier). If the opponent indicated his phone number, then it will be provided to you.


Shtrafybot and shtraf_nalog_bot- Telegram bots that will help you get data on fines and taxes. These services work with traffic police and GIS GMP databases. There is the possibility of multiple search (immediately for 2-3 driver's licenses).

You can “break through” not only your own car, but also someone else’s for free: to obtain information, the STS data (registration certificate) or a driver’s license is enough. A link to payment through various payment systems, including WebMoney and electronic wallets, is attached to the response messages.

DKInspectorBot is a free "highly specialized" bot with which you can break through a diagnostic card (works with EAISTO databases). Requests to the system are made by registration plate or VIN of the vehicle. The scheme is standard: start - enter the VIN or registration number of the car in the text field - the "send" button. The answer to Telegram comes in less than a minute.

Before you make a purchase of a used car, you should find out the history of its maintenance, how many owners it was and much more. It is very important to make sure that everything is fine with the machine, that there are no restrictions on it.

If you do not carefully check all the information, serious problems may arise and after the conclusion of the contract of sale they will have to be resolved through the courts. Only in this way it will be possible to invalidate the transaction and return your money.

Therefore, every driver who is going to buy a used car should read the information on how to break through the outbid by phone number.

After all, among those who put up ads for the sale of cars, there are quite often car scammers and resellers of cars.

The surest thing to do before buying a used car is to check the seller by phone number. The phone can be taken simply from the ad. This makes it possible to break through the car and calculate the dealer.

This procedure is carried out using the Internet, using special services, they allow you to check the phone number of the car seller.

You can do this on the special Avinfo website by clicking on the link http://avinfo.guru. The site is a collection of databases of the most popular bulletin boards - auto.ru, avito.ru, drom.ru.

This portal has information about the car, you can check its history by the phone number of the owner. The database contains information about the majority of owners since 2012.

Thus, you can check the reseller by phone number. The information is provided in real time absolutely free of charge.

This service allows you to view which ads a particular seller has submitted. This is how it is calculated whether a person is a reseller.

In addition, it is easy to track changes in the price of a vehicle. To start the check, you need to enter the seller's phone number, or the state number of the car in the appropriate window.

It is really important to know how to identify a car dealer by phone number. On the Avinfo website, you can also find out whether the car is wanted, whether it has any restrictions or not, and find out whether the bailiffs have arrested it.

But to obtain such information, you need to know the state number, which is not a big obstacle. Sellers rarely hide numbers in the photo.

In 2020, you can check the car seller by his mobile phone number or by the state number of the vehicle using the Avinfobot service.

This is a generator site that collects in one place all the ads from a large number of sites for the sale of used cars. It is located on the messenger https://telegram.org.

You need to download it to your phone and enter Avinfobot in the "Search contacts" line.

Then you need to send a message with the seller's phone number or car registration number. You can just send a photo from the ad if the numbers are visible on it. You will immediately receive a response message in the form of a report, which indicates on which sites how many ads this seller has.

For example, if the seller says that he is selling his sister’s car, which, due to certain circumstances, cannot come to the deal, and the check reveals 5-6 car sales in a few months, then we can say with certainty that this is an outbid.

Unscrupulous sellers are resellers, now it is not uncommon. To avoid falling for their tricks, you need to know the following:

When buying a used car, you can check whether the seller is a reseller by clicking on the link - www.akham.ru/phone.

Information about the cars that are wanted, as well as to identify possible prohibitions and restrictions provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation, can be found on the official website of the traffic police - http://www.gibdd.ru/check/auto/.

With the help of the Internet you can find a lot of useful information for buying a car:

  1. Car check for arrests, restrictions on certain actions - http://www.gibdd.ru/check/auto/.
  2. The presence of unpaid loans from the owner, the opening of enforcement proceedings against him - http://fssprus.ru/iss/ip_search/.
  3. Check if the car is pledged - https://www.reestr-zalogov.ru/state/index#/.

Among the sellers of cars that were already in operation, there are now quite a few resellers. They buy cheap cars and try to sell them for as high a price as possible.

But the condition of such a car may not be the same as indicated in the ad. Therefore, before buying a used vehicle, for safety and reliability, you need to check the reseller by his phone number.

Information is the key to success. Especially when buying a used car. If you are offered an “almost new” car with no credit, court or repair history, do not rush to sign a sales contract. The seller's story can be compelling. But you should trust her only after the verification by number is carried out.

AutoHistory is a secure service that allows you to get information about any car online. Everyone can find out if the car is listed as stolen, if there is a credit debt on it. Checking a car by number is carried out according to official and commercial sources, including the traffic police database for verification. The request is processed in 1-15 minutes. All that is required of you is to indicate the GRP and check the car according to the state. number.

  1. You will find out the year of manufacture, equipment and the actual mileage of the car.
  2. You will receive information about the accident, repair and insurance history of the car.
  3. You can check the car according to the state. number for theft and the presence of credit debt.
  4. You will understand how the car was actually operated, who and when was its owner.
  5. You will find out the real cost of the car and protect yourself from unnecessary expenses.
  6. You will have the most complete and up-to-date data to make the right decision.
  7. You will be able to break through the car by state number and get information on ANY car, regardless of its model and region of registration.

Our service is designed for your convenience and does not require any approval from the traffic police for verification. You can break through a car by state number in a matter of minutes without certificates, original documents for ownership and other bureaucratic formalities.

There are no absolute ways to find out the owner by the license plate number of his car. But there are a couple, exaggeratedly speaking, almost 100 percent methods. One of them is possible, thanks to the legislation in force for 2020, or rather, its shortcomings, which allow using a loophole for this. But even this opportunity will require a number of difficult actions on your part.

Why can't you just punch the owner in the car?

Because you are trying to reveal the personal data of a person, and they are protected by law (of the same name, by the way). The data of the owner of the vehicle is stored in the database and is not subject to disclosure. The traffic police officers themselves can request the owner’s data, but within the framework of the purposes of official authority (clause 6.4 of the Administrative Regulations), but they have no right to distribute it just like that at your request (official written or oral on the road).

Thus, you will not be able to receive such information:

  • trying to find out the owner through an online request on the official website of the traffic police for any reason,
  • through a traffic police inspector on the road, simply by giving the license plate number of the car, VIN or any other data,
  • not in any Internet service - for 2020, the maximum that you can get is data about the car itself and its photos at best,
  • by any other legal means.

The best paid way - AVinfo

The service is represented by a website, a Telegram bot and extensions to browsers and allows you to get certain information on the license plate of a car.

Here are just the address, number and other personal data of the owner, you are unlikely to find out, but the phone number is often indicated, and there will also be a large number of information in the "Registration History" report, where you can find the main name of the owner ( In rare cases, these data may not be), which will greatly simplify the search process further through social networks, for example.

Here is an example of this report from the official AVinfo website:

Information with photographs of the car will also be valuable - in many cases it will be possible to identify the place where it stands, and the likelihood that this is a parking lot near the house where the owner of the car lives is quite high. But not all cars in the Avinfo report are presented with photos, which complicates the task.

Important! Recently, there have been problems when paying by phone. When requesting a report in this way, information about the absence of payment data can be issued. Therefore, it is better not to use this payment method.

Car check service is paid. One check costs 150 rubles (you need to order one full report to obtain information about the owners of the vehicle). You can also order packages of unlimited access.

Instructions for obtaining owner data online

The best free, but difficult - traffic police

So, you can almost 100% identify a person by his car, but this method will require you to material damage and illegal actions.

We are talking about an administrative investigation, and, of course, until you understand what it is about. But in fact, everything is quite simple!

You can find the owner of the car by number if you and the car with this number appear in the administrative file. To be more precise, within the framework of an administrative investigation. The basis for its initiation is the presence of an administrative offense.

169. The basis for issuing a ruling on the initiation of a case on an administrative offense and conducting an administrative investigation is the identification of an administrative offense in the field of traffic, in the course of the proceedings on which an examination or other procedural actions are carried out that require significant time costs.

Thus, we need the desired owner of the car to break something. Then, upon your complaint of such a violation, an administrative investigation will be initiated against him or her.

But this is not enough - you will not be allowed to find out the details of the owner of the car, since you are not a participant in the case. But you can have the status of a victim, and then, on the basis of Article 25.2 of the Code of Administrative Offenses, you have the right to get acquainted with all the materials of the case (in the traffic police department where the case is being conducted, upon request). And in the case file, within the framework of an administrative investigation, the owner of the car on which the offense was committed is first established.

That is, it is easy to find out the owner by the car number in 2020 if you and the person you are looking for are participants in the same business. Moreover, it doesn’t matter who is the culprit and who is the victim, both persons have the right to get acquainted with the case materials, where the owner of the car appears (the culprit has the right to get acquainted on the basis of Article 25.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses).

Of course, deliberately ramming a car or making a fake accident in order to find out its owner is unreasonable, illegal and expensive (OSAGO insurance will pay the victim, but if the harm is caused intentionally, then it sets recourse to the culprit). That is why we indicated at the beginning of the article that this method, although almost 100% working, is costly and complicated.

In fact, there is a much easier way. The same conditions, the same accident, but ... in the Code of Administrative Offenses there is no liability for a false denunciation. The main thing is that the information in your denunciation should not have a composition for initiating a criminal case.

Summing up, step by step instructions for obtaining information about the owner of the car will look like this:

  1. within the framework of an accident, one of the participants (the victim or the perpetrator) reports this event (moreover, it is illegal to falsify it, but there is no punishment for this),
  2. the traffic police officer is obliged to initiate an administrative investigation if there is information about a possible violation (your denunciation),
  3. as part of this investigation, the identities of the participants in the accident are first identified, if they are unknown,
  4. You, as a victim or a potential culprit, have the right to get acquainted with the case materials, where the owner of the car appears.

Other methods to find out the owner by the license plate of a car

Other methods to break through a person according to the state. his car number is much less effective, because, as we noted above, this is personal data, and it is difficult to obtain it legally. Nevertheless, let's give a number of possible ways known for 2020.

Ask the traffic inspector

The probability of success is negligible, but not zero, especially if this same inspector knows you personally. Yes, police officers are prohibited from disclosing personal data of citizens, including full names, addresses and phone numbers of people based on related information about them, including vehicle data. But this does not mean that the inspector will refuse you in any case.

In practice, employees very rarely, but meet such a request. But you need to be very polite and careful to ask for it. Also, your good intentions matter. If you tell an employee, for example, that you need to hit a person on the GRZ in order to inflict physical beatings on him, then, obviously, the probability of refusal will increase to 100%. Yes, and against you then they can initiate an administrative or even criminal case.

Internet sites

Another almost non-working method. The network has a number of resources that collect databases of people by license plates. Generally, information is collected in two ways:

  • information about numbers and their owners is taken from an existing database (the same AVinfo, for example),
  • users themselves add such information along with complaints about dangerous driving or boorish behavior of drivers.

Why is this not working? Because the likelihood that you will be able to recognize the owner by the car number using this method in 2020 tends to zero. The maximum that you can find is a photo of a car parked in the courtyard of the house.

Autocode allows you to find out the history of the car before buying quickly and easily. You don't need to look up the VIN - just enter the vehicle's license plate number. You will receive a vehicle report based on information from the traffic police database and other official sources. The information obtained will help to avoid legal problems after the purchase of the vehicle.

What will the check by car number tell you

A full report is generated within 5 minutes. From it you will learn:

  • PTS data;
  • history of registration actions;
  • mileage history;
  • data on participation in an accident;
  • calculations of repair insurance works;
  • the presence of traffic police restrictions;
  • information about theft;
  • information about pledges;
  • information about working in a taxi;
  • disposal data;
  • information about technical inspections, OSAGO and fines;
  • history of sales ads and much more.

You can check a car by license plate number without leaving your home. The report will be generated online, and a link to the report will be sent to your email address.

Why is it important to check a car by license plate number

— Victim, did you recognize the person who stole your car?

“Your Honor, after his lawyer's speech, I doubt I had a car at all.

Evgeny Loginov, auto expert, project manager "My Expert - Yekaterinburg":

“A car is a technically complex product. How I love to tell my clients: "It's not like going to the store for bread." That is why even a new car with a mileage of 10 thousand km and only one owner needs to be checked carefully.

In our work, we often encounter the fact that sellers do not agree and sell cars after an accident, with corrected mileage, problematic engines and gearboxes. It could be worse. You can run into intermediaries in the sale, or, more simply, outbids. These comrades alter the steering wheels, re-tighten the interior, restore the vehicle after the most serious accidents, when the geometry of the cars is broken or the airbags work.

When buying a car with an "unclean" history, you not only risk getting an expensive repair of the engine, gearbox and other elements, but you simply risk your life! In the event of a repeated accident on such a car, the airbags are unlikely to work.

Another important aspect of buying a used car is the legal component. No matter how good the car is, if it has problems with documents, there are registration restrictions or it is stolen, then you will not register such a car. The most innocuous is the restriction in registration due to a fine that the former owner did not pay. It is much more serious if the VIN number is broken on the car, the frame number is not read or erased, the engine number is missing.

What happens if you do not break through the car before buying

- Honey, my car broke down.

- Strongly?

- In half.

Real stories of victims:


“A year ago, my wife and I bought a used car. When buying, no errors were found. In addition, on the recommendation of the seller, we went to the nearest service, where we were assured that the car was in perfect order. How to check the car in other ways, we did not think. In general, they took their word for it and seriously pierced it, because when registering with the traffic police, it turned out that the car had been restored after a major accident. For proper operation, the car lacked many expensive parts. What can I say? I could only sell for parts.


“A few years ago I bought a car from a private individual. Together we deregistered it and registered it in my name. A few months later, the police came to me and took away the TCP for examination of signatures, and then the car itself. It turned out that the first owner turned to the scammers to sell the car, after which he never saw them again. All this time the car was wanted, and I did not even know about it. The seller was never found. I did not have a receipt for the transfer of money, nor the real data of the seller. Left without everything, in short. Now I'm triple careful."

How to punch a car by license plate in 5 minutes

The algorithm of actions for checking through the service site is as simple as possible. Follow the points:

Through "Autocode" you can check any car by state number. To get a full report, you need to pay 349 rubles. Our database contains information about all cars registered in the Russian Federation. It is available to you 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. To punch a car by license plate, you do not need to go anywhere, look for VIN and other data. Verification is carried out in 3 steps!

How the service generates reports

Especially for you, we collect information from all sources available to us. They include both state (traffic police base, pledge of registers) and commercial structures, including insurance companies, banks, leasing companies. From a huge amount of data, we form a single, most informative report for each car. The report is generated online and is relevant at the time of its order.

Why is it better to check a car through Autocode

With Autocode, it is possible to check the car by license plate number online quickly and efficiently. The check allows you to trace the car through the base literally from the conveyor to the place of sale. The necessary information on cars is requested from Autocode not only by individuals, but also by specialized salons.

Why choose the site "Autocode":

  • the reliability and quality of reports verified by the traffic police database (we guarantee compensation for damage if the report turns out to be unreliable);
  • the ability to check the car by registration number;
  • test result after 5 minutes;
  • applications for Iphone and Android for checking online;
  • checking Japanese cars without a VIN code is a unique service opportunity;
  • favorable price for professional car dealers - .

After checking the car according to the license plate, you will know exactly what the car is like. Based on these facts, you can fairly reduce the purchase price.

Autocode is a site for checking a car by license plate number, which allows you to find out the real data about the car right at the time of purchase and save yourself from an unwanted transaction.

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