Home Generator How to find out the history of a car by the vin number. Checking history by VIN — we have tested all services! Why is it better to check a car through Autocode

How to find out the history of a car by the vin number. Checking history by VIN — we have tested all services! Why is it better to check a car through Autocode

The Russian secondary market is gradually taking on a civilized shape. Today, the history of a used car can be checked by knowing it. For some services, only it is enough, others will also ask you to indicate the series and number of the registration certificate (CTC). This information can be requested from the seller.

How to check a car for free?

There are two official state portals that provide the results of a comprehensive check: Autocode and the traffic police website. The first provides information only to registered users. For the report, you must specify the VIN or state number of the car, series and number of the STS. The portal will show general information about the car (factory data - color, category, volume and power of the engine, etc.), information about accidents, technical inspections passed, the number of owners, operation in taxi mode, the fact of being wanted.

The traffic police portal does not require registration, and only one VIN code is enough to check it. The site will not tell you about technical inspections or taxi permits, but there is a separate column about restrictions imposed on registration actions. They may be, for example, due to the owner's debt.

Since these people work at the state level, they - in theory - should receive the most complete information from departments. Unfortunately, this is not so. We ran through both systems several VIN codes of cars, the history of which we knew thoroughly (editorial and personal). The main thing that a potential buyer wants to know about is the facts of accidents. To our surprise, for three cars, the traffic police website did not know about the collisions that had occurred with them, although they happened and were formalized as expected. "Autocode" was not aware of the problematic past of only one car. Why is this happening?

History of the accident

The history tracking project itself was launched only in 2014. Accidents that have occurred before, could not get into it. The traffic police portal honestly warns that it has data only from the beginning of 2015. However, even after this date, information was not received in the database in full. Some episodes, to the luck of the sellers, may be lost. In addition, accidents registered according to the European Protocol do not fall into the database. The fact is that only the traffic police transmits information, insurance companies do not do extra work. And it just implies that the collision passed by the traffic police - only the insurance company, to which the victim applied for damages, knows about it. On the other hand, registration without calling the traffic police means that the car received minimal damage, and repainted parts will be noticeable during inspection. But still, remember that checking against an electronic database is not a panacea.

Number of owners by title

The number of owners also can not say anything. For example, one of the cars we checked, according to the reports of the traffic police and Avtokoda, had three owners. But all this is the same company, which periodically changed names. It happens that a car changes owners-private owners purely formally: for one reason or another, it is re-registered for different family members. So in this case, you need to ask the seller yourself for what reasons this happened.

Information about, as our check showed, is transmitted only by technical inspection operators. That is, landmarks appear only once a year or two, and for a fresh car under the age of three years, they will not exist at all. In addition, we all know perfectly well how easy it is to get a diagnostic card today in an unofficial way. And when passing the technical inspection “by phone”, nothing prevents the owner from naming a fictitious, and not a real mileage. So if you immediately keep in mind the odometer adjustment before selling, after several years of ownership, you can provide a beautiful alibi to the car.

Our experiment showed that insurance companies do not yet feed their car inspection systems with the information they have. But this would make the history of most cars in the secondary market much more transparent for the benefit of potential buyers. Apparently, selling diagnostic cards and crying to the authorities about a difficult lot does not leave time for useful work.

Paid check by VIN number

And what about paid ones, of which a great many have bred? Depending on the degree of greed and promises, they ask for a report on one car from 50 to 400 or more rubles. True, the most expensive services, as one, offer "promotions" with big discounts. We pretended to buy it and ordered checks on several sites for the most “problematic” car. And ... no revelations about her were found out. The same information was reported to us by the Autocode portal - only for free. We very much doubt that commercial resources really have any exclusive knowledge.

Other services

If you do not trust the traffic police website and Autocode, you can check it yourself on other portals in specific areas. The resource of the Federal Notarial Chamber will tell you about the car being pledged, the Federal Bailiff Service - about enforcement proceedings against the owner (you must specify his full name), metropolitan

Good afternoon. In this article, I will show a simple and free way to find out the VIN code of a car by the state number, if at least once since 2014 the car has passed an official inspection.

What is a vin code?

VIN the code ( vehicle identification number ) - this is a unique seventeen-character identification number of the vehicle, which contains information about the year of manufacture, country of production, specific manufacturer, configuration. This information is encoded in the first seven digits. The remaining 10 (in most cases) is the serial number of the car. According to the manufacturer's internal databases (most companies have them open), you can find out the color and additional equipment.

In most cases, the VIN code is applied in several places and duplicated on the panel under the glass.

It looks like this:

Why is it sometimes necessary to find out the VIN code by number?

In the 21st century, the Internet allows you to instantly get information about the car. For example, on the traffic police website by the VIN code, you can find out the history of car registration (i.e. who and how much owned a particular car), check the car for participation in an accident (from January 1, 2015), and most importantly, check the car for a ban on registration actions and search. Agree - it's unpleasant to buy a car and find out that it is forever registered. And it doesn’t matter if you are looking for a car for yourself or you are just ordinary

How to find out the VIN code of a car by the state number (option 1)?

For simplicity, let's look at an example, there is such a declaration:

The numbers are not visible, so I opened a larger photo:

We go to the site for checking the technical inspection according to the EAISTO database ( https://kbm-osago.ru/proverka-tehosmotra.html) and drive the numbers into the verification form:

We press the check inspection button, and we get the result (in which the VIN code will be indicated).

How to find out the VIN code and in general all the data about the car, but for a fee?

Unfortunately, due to the heavy workload, the service above does not always work, and after using it, you still have to go to the traffic police website and look at deposits, restrictions and accidents (and then only from 2015), but there is an option to use a paid a service that will provide all the data in one report − autocode. Very convenient and understandable, enter the number and get a complete report on the car. Accident, registration history, customs, presence of restrictions.

We found out all the VIN codes by number .... What to do with him next?

Let's go to vehicle check page on the traffic police website and, specifying the wine code, we get the result:

This car has a ban on registration actions, due to a debt on a used list, click on the link with the number of the enforcement proceedings and go to the website of the bailiffs, where we see a debt of 13 tr:

In principle, you can buy this car and it will be registered, provided that you pay the debt of the owner and take a certificate about this .... Or if the owner pays the debt with you and gives you a document on the removal of restrictions.

That's all I have today. I hope that the question of how to find out the VIN code of a car by state number is fully disclosed in the article. If you have any questions, or if you know an easier method, write comments.

Regardless of the country of origin, when they leave the factory line, modern cars must be provided with registration information (more often this is called the VIN (VIN) code).

Applied directly to the car body, such information is a much more reliable means of protection than paper documents, which can be easily faked.

What is the VIN code of a car

Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) or less commonly, in Russia - “body number”, this is the encrypted VIN code that the manufacturer puts on its models.

In the domestic certificate of registration is indicated as "Vehicle Identification Number". Adopted in the early eighties, this standard serves as an internationally uniform system for identifying vehicles.

You can find it on a special plate located on the front instrument panel, or at the end of the door. The VIN code consists of three sections, giving a total of 17 characters from Latin letters and Arabic numerals:

  • WMI (World Manufacturers Identification) - the first three characters display information about the country of origin of the vehicle;
  • VDS (Vehicle Description Section) - the characteristics of the model, they are applied by the manufacturer at their discretion, often without using all six characters, filling them with “Z” signs;
  • VIS (Vehicle Identification Section) - the serial number, which occupies the remaining 8 characters, the last four are always numbers. The year of manufacture may also be indicated in this section, which is always placed in the first 4 characters, leaving the rest for the manufacturer's encryption.

When using letters, capitals are driven in. At the same time, in order to avoid confusion, the letter “O” is never used in the VIN code of the car. The sign "O" means only the number "zero".

It is also allowed to separate parts of the VIN code using special characters for readability. This is not a violation, and this way of recording does not mean a "fake" plate with a VIN code. On the body of a car, the cipher can, if necessary, be placed on two lines, this is already unacceptable in registration documents, only writing in a solid line is allowed.

How to punch a car for arrests and restrictions

When buying a new car in a car dealership, no checks are required, you always buy a "clean" car and don't have to worry about anything.

When it comes to purchasing a used car, the situation changes dramatically. Legislatively canceled several years ago, the need to deregister a vehicle before selling it greatly simplified the process of transferring a car from a seller to a buyer, but added some “pig in a poke” effect.

Video - how to find out the VIN code of a car, knowing its state. room:

Video - how easy it is to find out VIN by state. vehicle number (method No. 2):

Video - how to check the restrictions on the car and the seller himself before buying a vehicle:

Video - how to correctly check the VIN code of a car before buying:

If you want to check in advance whether there will be any problems when re-registering the purchased car for yourself (the buyer must go through this procedure within 10 days from the moment), then you need to be prepared for some nuances.

The fact is that officially in the traffic police you will not be able to check the car until you become its legal owner, transferring the money to the seller and concluding a contract of sale. Only at this stage, the traffic police can give you complete information about whether the car is on the "black lists", whether it is possible to register it or not.

Some of those who bought a used car found themselves owners of mortgage, stolen and credit cars. Such a car is a burden and a source of inconvenience, but it is impossible to drive it.

Litigation takes a long time and, as a rule, does not always give the desired result. Money given for a car can be irretrievably lost.

It is proposed to avoid these risks by checking the car for arrests and restrictions on the VIN code, designed to identify the following aspects of the car's "biography":

  • Is the car under mortgage? The most common case. When a car is purchased on credit, it is owned by the bank until the amount is fully repaid; people call such cars "credit";
  • whether the car is currently stolen or was considered as such before;
  • information from the Customs Service, if the car is of foreign manufacture;
  • check on the basis of debtors (bailiffs, investigating authorities, social protection authorities, court decisions);
  • technical information about the car;
  • maintenance history.

All this information is extremely useful for review if you are going to buy a used vehicle. It is necessary to make such a check before buying in order to avoid misunderstandings.

There are several services where you can check a car for restrictions by VIN code for free. It will not be superfluous to check the seller himself, if you have information about him.

We will indicate the most common services where you can perform such a check online.

Check the VIN code of the car on the website of the traffic police

The most obvious and popular way to check is the official website of the traffic police, where the VIN code check function was launched in early 2014 - LINK. This service operates in all regions of the Russian Federation.

The database identifies problems along the traffic police line, which may be with the vehicle:

  • information about the search for the vehicle;
  • information on the imposition of restrictions on registration actions with a vehicle.

To get to this service from the main page of the official website gibdd.ru, you should click on the "Check Car" button in the right sidebar:

On the page that opens, you are asked to enter the VIN code of the car of interest, as well as security characters from the verification picture. If there is no data on the VIN code of the car, you can enter the body or chassis number.

The whole procedure for checking a car is absolutely free, it takes about two minutes, the results are displayed on the screen. This works for all cars with Russian registration.

Check for bail

Recently, the traffic police website does not provide data on the presence of a vehicle in the database of pledged cars, to obtain them, you should use the website of the Federal Notary Chamber and check whether the car you plan to buy is listed in the register of notifications of pledge of movable property.

To do this, follow the LINK and select: information about the subject of pledge - vehicle and enter the VIN code of the vehicle in the search field.

As a result of the search, we get that the car, whose VIN code we entered for example, is not listed among the collateral.

Punch a car on the site "Autocode"

As a more complete alternative to the traffic police service, the official website "Autocode" was launched with the "Autohistory" section for checking a car for the Moscow region - LINK.

This resource provides the interested person with more detailed information, for example:

  • information about the imposed registration prohibitions;
  • Has the car been in an accident?
  • list of all car owners;
  • inspection history.

In addition to the VIN code, for verification, you will also need to enter the Vehicle Certificate, as well as undergo mandatory registration.

Video - how to check a car for arrest, registration actions, ban, pledge, restrictions (ProAuto):

Despite the differences from the traffic police website, the Autocode project (avtokod.mos.ru) is also under state control, which means it is included in the general system for exchanging information between departments.

Please note: there are many projects on the Internet that are consonant with the word "Autocode", but we recommend using the information obtained on the official website.


This service (LINK) allows you to get information about the car for free by entering its VIN code in the appropriate field.

For more information, click on the word "decrypt".

Alternative online services

There are other alternative sites for checking vehicles by VIN code.

For example, the AutoCode online service for checking cars by state number and VIN:

We found the Adaperio online service quite convenient, which allows you to learn a lot of interesting things about the car that the previous owner of the vehicle would not tell you.

For example, you can easily find out about the accidents that the checked car has been in, whether it was used as a taxi (!), whether various restrictions were imposed on it, what repair and service work was carried out with it, etc. (it is clear that this information will be shown only on the condition that they have been documented).

Verification is carried out in just 10 minutes. To do this, enter the VIN number in the appropriate field and click the "Check" button.

At the next free stage, you will not receive any detailed information! We were “bribed” by the fact that the service accurately issued data on the state number of the vehicle being checked.

For the sake of the experiment, we decided to "risk" our 267 rubles and buy the full report to see what information we get in the paid version of the report. To do this, you must specify your email and use the payment option that is convenient for you.

Secondly, we received a complete list of ongoing repairs. Thirdly, we learned a lot of additional information that we didn’t even know about….

In general, we were satisfied and believe that 267 rubles is a completely justified cost for an additional check of the car before buying it.

On another site, vin-info.com, you can get all the technical data, as well as a history of previous requests, which can be extremely important.

The site interface is very simple. it was created for only one purpose and is focused on the person who came for the check. Going to the main page, you need to enter the VIN code in a special line.

The check is very fast, taking less than 10 seconds. After its completion, if the number was entered correctly, you will receive information about the available data on the car. The results are divided into two parts, these are the main data of the car.

Here you can see if you managed to find information on the car in the databases, mainly of a technical nature: year of manufacture, make, model, gearbox version, and so on.

The second part is the content of the report.

The information in this section concerns the manufacturer of the car, previous checks, as well as the presence of the car in the theft databases. Such reports are paid - one check will cost the equivalent of 450 Russian rubles.

Which verification method to choose

The ideal option for a doubting buyer will always be to check the car directly at the traffic police, where you can contact the seller (the owner of the car at the time of the check).

With the development of the Internet, many online resources have appeared for quickly checking a car by VIN code.

Video - how to check the legal purity of a used car:

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Comments on the article:


    Online services are convenient, but how up-to-date is the information they provide? With our bureaucracy, checking directly with the traffic police will still be more reliable.


    It also seems to me that only the traffic police provides up-to-date information. On the Internet, you can look just for complacency.


    At the end of the summer I am going to buy myself a Lancer, now I will know about these services, even if the information is not up to date somewhere, it still does not hurt to break through the car on all sites.


    Realistically, not everything is clear. But do not run every time in the traffic police. If on online services the car goes as problematic, then there is nothing to check it further.

    Sergey Vladimirovich

    A friend bought a foreign car jeep (he got on credit for almost a million), and six months later it turns out that this jeep was stolen. While they were suing, they dressed up with the salon, which this jeep sold three months later, this very jeep was stolen from this friend Anatoly. Now he works in an ambulance, he walks, there is no jeep, AND THE CREDIT REMAINS!!!
    And now I WANT TO BUY A CAR (I want a foreign economy car up to 600 tr) and I'm afraid to conduct a dialogue on this topic in the cabin. Here is YOU and VIN and traffic police.
    A vicious circle is some kind of dead end. I don’t forge money, so that I can give it to some crooks and be left with nothing. All his life he worked as a truck driver.
    Sorry if that's not what I said. I have my own point of view - crooks will never say that they are crooks.


    My friends, what should I do if an existing car is wanted by the databases? Go to the traffic police to give up or is it better to keep quiet?


    By the way, this service for checking a car by VIN number helped me out many times. When I went to buy a car supported, I called my wife, dictated the VIN and she punched the car at home. And so, when I looked at the ads on the Internet, if the seller indicated the VIN, then he checked it himself and already knew what I was dealing with.


    Sometimes there are online services with outdated information. It is better to check with the traffic police directly, it will be more reliable.


    I will tell you as an expert that these resources for checking the VIN code of a car really work. I accept cars on bail at a pawnshop. And every time we use the services of such resources, we have repeatedly helped out. But the traffic police is undoubtedly more reliable!


    And I will say this, no one will ever give you a 100% guarantee that the car is without burdens. Even the traffic police. No, these guys have the most reliable information. But a comrade was going to buy a car somehow, smart, he punched through Vin, everything is ok. And it turned out two digits were interrupted. On reconciliation it turned out when he had already given the money. So tired of walking around the police, proving that it was not he who interrupted. So the lottery


    It’s good that there are such services that allow you to “break through” the cleanliness of a car by the VIN code, even if this is not always relevant.


    With current technology, you can fake all the data, the guarantee of a “clean” car is to take a new one, not a used one.


    Buying a used car can be an unpleasant surprise if you do not use the services of this useful service. For motorists, this is a good gift for the security of the transaction. As for fraudulent schemes, you can also buy a car with a broken body in a car dealership, instead of a new one.


    The vehicle VIN is necessary and useful in many situations. In addition to checking the car in the traffic police, he often helped me out when ordering spare parts and consumables for the car.


    I came across such sites for checking the vin number for the first time when I decided to sell the car. Information, the buyer checked additionally in the traffic police. Indeed, in our country it is better to play it safe, because the purchase amount is rather big. And so I recommend everyone to check the car by vin at least on 2-3 sites before buying.


    Different sites give different data on the color of the car. Namely: red-burgundy-cherry. In addition: according to the PCA, the last insurance policy ended in 2013. Further, from 2013 to 2017, there is no data on OSAGO policies, although the car was driving and is driving now. Maintenance data: from 2012-2014, and 2016-2017. The nephew (as he introduced himself) is selling the car for his aunt, who is on a business trip in distant lands for 2 weeks. Aunt's registration is also in distant Russian regions, and the car is sold with us. Is it worth buying this car?

    in cases where at least some doubts arise, we advise you to refuse to buy such a car.


    Thanks! “Driversauto.” This is exactly what I do, because I value what I have earned with honest work. And what? For the fourth week it is impossible to find a typewriter. There are a lot of dubious cars, people and sites in Russia. You can already write a novel about the stories of meetings with a dozen car salesmen. Here is one of the real stories. Announcement of the sale of Cheri Kimo 2012 appeared on AVITO two weeks ago. The car was originally sold in Cheboksary, straight from the tin without rye Chinese with a full range of options, a lot of photos dispelled doubts, state number was not hidden. The price is much lower than the market price — 135,000. I did not sell it outbid, the profile was clean. A day later, the ad in Chebakh was removed… Sold? Familiarity with his profile indicates one thing - outbid. I don't want to deal with scammers. I understand that the Agreement concluded with a piece of paper, with an incomprehensible squiggle placed on it by an unknown person, has no legal force. Such a Buyer takes a big risk. I check the state number on the PCA website, good luck, the VIN came up. Further, the website of the traffic police, everything is fine, no accidents, three owners, no search encumbrances, although the production was only 2009 .. Further developed rapidly ... Every day at 8 in the morning the announcement in Kugesy was the very first. The date always read: today at 7.35, today at 7.46, today at 7.53, etc., etc., etc. At the same time, every two or three days the orange Chinese shamelessly dumped. The price fell - ... 116000 - ... 109000. Each time when the price was reduced, not trusting my eyes, I checked the Celestial Kingdom with a strange fate by the VIN code on the traffic police website, again making sure that it was still the same wanderer. Finally, on the day of the last morning collapse, the announcement, closer to dinner, was finally removed. Phew, now the end of the story. What pulled me to check the car for the last time??? The traffic police website calmly reported, "No registration actions were found for this VIN code." The orange, slanting Chinese Kim O disappeared, dissolved, he never existed. In the morning it was, and by lunchtime it was already a ghost. Please comment.

    Once again we repeat “not sure - do not buy”! Tales about Pinocchio, how to bury gold and grow a money tree remember? So it is with cars ... There are no freebies! And there are quite a few schemes of "money taking" invented. Do you need it? It is better to spend more time and go through the options for a long time ... Sooner or later you will find such an option for buying a car that will suit both you and the seller, while both will be satisfied! Good luck!


    Thank you again, dear Drivers!
    I continue to follow your advice. I always remember that Pinocchio, so beloved by us, having stuffed cones, having failed, nevertheless found a golden key and a cherished door to the fairy-tale land of Happiness.
    And almost a detective story, I described in order to understand the strange fact that I had established. Someone has free access to the traffic police databases on its official website, which have the status of free state. services. Can remove information and correct them. In my opinion, a car with a history should not suddenly, suddenly disappear without a trace. The archive must be preserved.
    EG. My previous, recently sold car, having received transit numbers, went to distant Kyrgyzstan. About this I received an official paper in my native traffic police, having come there to terminate the registration. And yet, checking it by VIN, I see all its data, including the new owner. My former car has not disappeared anywhere, has not disappeared into space and time, it still exists, at least in the archive.
    Sincerely! Volodya.


    Information about the Machine is not shown on the site when you enter the VIN code. What does this mean?

  • Alexander

    Each car has its own individual VIN code. This is a kind of car passport and if a paper document can be forged or replaced, then this serial number is impossible. It consists of 17 digits indicating both the country and the manufacturer and the country and model, etc. That is, someone who knows how to decipher will know literally everything about the car, no matter what the seller tells you. It is difficult that while the car is not yours, you will not be able to break it through the traffic police database, but within 10 days from the date of the transaction, you will be informed of all the sins without any problems. But the benefit is not a problem today, it breaks through the bases of paid services.


    All information contained in paid reports is publicly available on the traffic police website - accidents, arrests, and so on. Do not be fooled by the divorce) It is a pity that the traffic police website does not work with cars without a VIN like the old Japanese.


    He took his car from his hands, on Avito. From there, it's a stone's throw to the auto store, sort of like their service. The traffic police check only upon purchase, so I don’t know who is suitable for this option. Make sure that the VIN numbers on the car and the registration certificate match. It's obvious, but I almost missed it myself.


    Every time before buying a car, you need to check it not only for fault, but also for collateral and violations. Thank God there are now a bunch of sites from the government that you can use and get reliable data.


    I always check the car before buying it according to the traffic police database, and I try not to buy a car from resellers, but only from the owner. Another option is to immediately register with the traffic police, then they will immediately check it, issue it and you will pay the seller.


    This technique of registration information is really relevant and useful: you can find out almost everything, it’s difficult to fake and everyone can check, there is no need to contact the traffic police. The only subjective problem, in my opinion, is a complex and long series of characters. Remembering and even more so understanding it is unrealistic, therefore, when entering into special fields, you must carefully monitor so as not to make a mistake. Here, we mainly consider the usefulness of VIN when buying / selling a car, but this is not the only plus. When repairing a car, when you need to purchase a certain spare part, VIN greatly simplifies the search process and reduces the risk that the purchased item will not work.


    Very, very useful stuff. At the time of buying an old foreign car, my friend did not think of checking the car according to the VIN code and sat down, so to speak, in a puddle with a car bought from hand. It turned out that the VIN code was broken. After that, he decided not to risk it, but deregistered it and sold it cheaply at a disassembly for spare parts.


    Due to my stupidity, when buying a car, I did not check it by the VIN code. The registration went well, but when the traffic police checked the number, I was pretty worried. I'll be smarter next time.


    And after welding, they gave us our carved wine. Will there be any problems with the renewal?


    Identification, body or wine code - a car number located on the car body, assigned directly at the manufacturer at the time of release. It contains fairly complete information about the car. It encodes information such as the country of manufacture of the car, the manufacturer's code, the make and model of the car, the year of manufacture, and other information. The VIN code is located directly on the car, which allows you to always distinguish it from many other cars. The VIN code is also reflected in the technical passport of the car. When buying a used car, it is very important for the buyer to know information about it. Whether it was in an accident, in an accident, whether it is a pledge in a bank for loans, whether it has other restrictions on use specified during registration. It is also important to know how many previous owners there were, since the current state of the car depends on this. It is a pity that at present there is no information center where one could get complete information about the car, and, if necessary, about its owner. Therefore, in life there are many mistakes and embarrassments. And as a rule, the answer and the loss is the buyer, who inadvertently bought a problematic car. Therefore, there is no need to rush to buy a car from strangers. You need to check in different ways. First of all, using the Internet and its resources, where the necessary information is located. There are currently many such resources (sites), these are the sites of official institutions, the traffic police, notary offices, banks, and sites that aim to help car buyers in obtaining the necessary information. They are easy to find with an internet search engine. And now the advice: “If you find at least one problem hidden by the seller related to the operation of the car offered for purchase, DO NOT BUY it and DO NOT BUY - look for a clean car”


    Good day. How long is the information about the accident stored? The fact is that a month after buying a car, in 2013, I got into an accident (minor, but they called traffic cops). Now I checked my car: there is no information about the accident, as if there had never been an accident.


    Was this year with my daughter in Montenegro. She just bought herself a car with her hands. So I witnessed a car check on Vin via the Internet. In a specialized company - a customs broker ("spediter"), you submit an application and with you the car is checked for everything - theft, accident, history, all owners (and all over the world), banks, registries. And it costs about 200 euros.
    I think that we will come to the fact that we will have a single database for each car.
    In the meantime, I will talk about the services that I or my friends have encountered.
    The very first place they always turn to is the official website of the traffic police. Here you can check the car only by the VIN code. However, if there is no data on an accident, it does not mean that the car was without accidents, the accident could simply not be registered. The service has a minus - it often hangs.
    You can check the history through the good service avtokod.mos.ru, but it only works in Moscow and the region. To check a car, you need a vehicle registration certificate and you must register on the public services portal. On the site you will find the history of the car, mileage data, contacts with the insurance company, accidents, data from those. inspection and so on.
    In order to check a car for a pledge, there is a site reestr-zalogov.ru To check, you need to know the Vin code. However, my friend's site gave out the absence of a deposit, but he was there, so the service does not guarantee.
    Therefore, I advise you to check for collateral on two more sites - vin.auto.ru and banki.ru, however, the check here is paid - 300 rubles.
    There is also a site where you can find out the true owner of a car - avtobot.net. If the car has ever been on the Internet, then you will definitely find it there.
    You can also check the car via Telegram.me/AvtobotBot
    You can check the OSAGO policy through the PCA service.
    You can also check the car for court cases at the FSSP service. He will show you the cases that are being prosecuted.
    If you suspect that the car was used as a taxi, go to the MosReg website. True, it is only in Moscow and the region.
    And the last site of the FCS known to me is the site of the customs, where you can get information about customs clearance for Wine.


    More recently, the online service for checking by vincode did not allow me to make a big mistake. Loved one car, went looking with a man who inspected the accident and painting. Everything appeared to be in excellent condition. They began to check on the vincode, and not only did it have 19 restrictions, it also has a duplicate title. Thanks to the service, otherwise I would have bought it, and then no money, no car in the end.


    In general, even the documents cannot be trusted 100%. Now the birds are already forging, and it turns out that the sale and purchase agreements are easy to lose or feed to the dog) It’s already getting to the point of absurdity, honestly. I always check by fault - this is the fastest and most reliable way to get a history of operation. I used the auto library a couple of months ago, there was a lot of information - mileage, repairs, maintenance, accidents / thefts / pledges / loans and a whole lot more.


    I always use the traffic police website. Now bailiffs, due to the slightest debts, seize property, and, as a result, there is a ban on registration actions. Do not make a purchase without checking the car!


    It would be great if the dealerships that sell used cars would check them whether the car is at fault or not. And it turns out you go to the salon, hoping to take a normal car, but you get a "pig in a poke." And then you go to court, proving your case.


    Fortunately, I never encountered the problems that sometimes arise when buying used cars, but I took my first car “by hand” and, of course, punched through everything that was possible, including by the VIN code. I started, as many recommend, from the official traffic police website. Bummer. Basically zero information. I don't even know why. Then I walked through two little-known sites (I didn’t even remember their name). Here, it seems, something manifested itself, but considered that it was not enough for me. But on Autocode I received the most complete and, as it turned out, reliable information. In general, I really liked Autocode. The interface, as it is now fashionable to say, is friendly and intuitive even for the first time looking there. There is really a lot of information and everything necessary for verification is available. Again, from experience I confirm the relevance of the data. Moreover, as the author of the official site said, he is responsible for the information provided and gives serious guarantees. This is not some kind of sharashka office, of which there are countless divorced. Therefore, I recommend the following VIN-code search strategy: first we go to the office. traffic police website, and then we get the missing information on the Autocode. I don't think you will be disappointed.


    The same online applications use all the information that is provided on the traffic police website, with the exception of a couple of nuances. I personally compared the site with the application, infa one to one.


    Phew, it was the most difficult thing for me to figure out what all these numbers and letters on the marking mean. And then check the faults on the glass, barrels and other details. But checking the past of the car turned out to be much easier. I drove in and received a report almost immediately. I, too, used the autotheque, by the way.


    Popular sites now have a column - VIN code. I don’t even read about the car if there is no VIN code, the right hand drive often has no data, but I don’t even look at them. And if there is no data for the left hand drive, then you need to think about it.

A VIN check confirms that the car has no legal problems. Such cars inspire more confidence and, accordingly, are sold faster. every person who wants to make inquiries about the condition of a particular car can punch a car by wine code.

Car owners who want to sell them quickly may hide some problems in the operation of a technical device or other unpleasant moments. In order not to give money for useless iron, it is worth inquiring in advance about the details of the looked after car.

Where to find the VIN code of the car

The VIN code is the registration number assigned to the vehicle. It is a combination of 17 characters that are applied to a separate plate attached to the chassis or body part. Each of these combinations is individual.

The number can also be seen in the technical passport of the car - it is entered there without fail. The code consists of numbers and Latin letters.

Checking the car for a ban on registration actions:

All standard data regarding cars are freely available. By the VIN code, you can find out the year when the car was released, the engine size and number, power and other characteristics. Using the VIN code check, you can find out the following information:

  • How many owners has this car had?
  • Whether the car is listed as stolen or pledged.
  • Is there a ban on registration actions.
  • Has the car been in an accident or accident?

It is worth noting that the last point can be clarified only if the accident was registered. If for some reason the incident was not recorded, there will be no information about it in the databases.

Why do you need to check a car by VIN and state. number

To find out the history of any car, no complicated steps are required. You can visit and, using a special code, find out basic information about any car.

This can be very important - not always the owner of the car, who is going to sell it, tells everything frankly. If there are any troubles with the documents, for example, incorrect execution, this can lead to problems during registration.

It happens that the equipment is interrupted by the number, the signs on the frame are not readable, the engine number is missing. As a result of unskilled repairs or an accident, the body geometry may turn out to be curved, which can provoke an accident.

In progress verification will be pieced together information from all sources available to the service of the State Traffic Inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. This includes and Insurance companies, and commercial structures.

From the received data, a single report is formed containing the maximum possible amount of information. The user receives all information regarding the car of interest online. It is also possible to receive a copy of the submitted report by e-mail.

By checking all the available information in advance, you will protect yourself from problems that you can purchase with the car.

Check the car by the VIN code of the traffic police for free

The easiest and most reliable way to perform is to check using the official website of the traffic police. The car will be checked against several official databases, looking for matches in different sources.

Maintenance reporting is being checked, so the real mileage can be found out without problems.

To carry out the check, you need to go to the GIBDD.RF website, then you need to go to the section called "Services".

In it, go to the "Vehicle Check" tab and enter the registration number of the car.

Choose the type of information you need. Under each view there will be a special button for making a request. Enter the verification code - results can be obtained in a few minutes, but more often the procedure takes seconds.

Verification can be requested in cases where the numbers match exactly. If the numbers are entered incorrectly during the query, you will not be able to get the correct result. The resulting information will help you avoid getting into an unpleasant situation.

VIN (from the English. Vehicle identification number - a unique vehicle number (INTS)) - a 17-digit sequence of Latin letters and Arabic numerals. This is one of the main points of the technical documentation of the car. What this code is for, how to find it, what information you can find with it will be described in the article.

VIN is an alphanumeric combination that includes:

  1. WMI (from English World Manufacturers Identification) - 3-digit generally accepted manufacturer index (country).
  2. VDS (from the English. Vehicle Description Section) - a characteristic of the car, consisting of 6 characters: vehicle brand, model, year of manufacture, factory code.
  3. VIS (translated from English. Vehicle Identification Section) - 8-digit sequence: manufacturer index, serial number.

For the first time, VIN began to be used in 1977, after the adoption of the relevant vehicle identification standards in the USA and Canada. Mass distribution of this method of certification was in 1980. Since then, VINs have been used everywhere in all car manufacturing countries. Until that moment, manufacturers used their own designations, which made it problematic to identify vehicles.

The VIN uses only those Latin letters that do not look like numbers. It is not allowed to use O, Q, I, as there is an external resemblance to 0 and 1. According to the rules of car production, manufacturers cannot reuse VIN for 30 years. For the formation of ciphers, international ISO standards are used, according to this method, each code is unique. VIN is applied by the company that ships cars ready for sale to dealerships. The height of the signs applied to the body, the frame must be 7 mm, for other places - 4 mm.

The first 3-digit set of VIN characters is an alphanumeric code, each element has its own meaning. First, the territorial location of the country relative to the part of the world, the country, the manufacturer of the vehicle is indicated. The territorial zone, and there are six of them, is indicated by a number or a letter. Everything looks like this:

  • A to H corresponds to Africa;
  • J - R - Asia;
  • from S to Z - Europe;
  • 1-5 - North America;
  • 6.7 - Oceania;
  • 8.9 - South America.
  • if the manufacturer produces less than 500 cars per year, then the 3rd character of the sequence is indicated by the number "9".

The next 6 characters describe the parameters of the vehicle. Specify those parameters that are provided by a particular manufacturer.

Deciphering the VIN number. The first 3 digits are the manufacturer's code, the next 6 are the vehicle parameters.

For example, the VIN of cars made in the USA must indicate the total mass of the vehicle and its safety class. The extreme element of the sequence is indicated by a number from 0 to 9 or the letter "X" and indicates the authenticity of the INTS. With it, you can determine if there were illegal code corrections by changing symbols on your own. It is mandatory for North American and Chinese manufacturers, in the European market it is a recommendation. For the following list of manufacturers, the indicator is mandatory:

  • LEXUS;
  • SAAB;
  • VOLVO;
  • TOYOTA (from 2004 to the present).

In VIN 4 extreme elements are indicated by numbers. As a rule, the first number in VIS is responsible for the year of manufacture of a particular vehicle model, the second - for the manufacturer. These items do not have to be specified and are guidelines.

The model year for each period is specified differently. On cars manufactured before 2000 - in Latin letters, from 2001 to 2009 - numbers from 0 to 9, from 2010 - again in alphabetical format. From 12 to 17, the serial number is indicated in the VIN.

For a user of a conventional vehicle, these values ​​are of no value. However, for owners of rare cars, as well as those from the premium segment, the elements of consistency are very significant. The fewer similar vehicles, the higher the cost of movable property.

VIN can be found in several places on the car. It all depends on the manufacturer. Vehicles made in the United States have the code under the windshield. It is easy to see, without having to open the hood. VIN is also applied to the body part, a special metal plate under the hood of the car, on the threshold and on the side of the side door.

In domestic-made cars, the code is indicated on the partition between the passenger compartment and the engine on the passenger side or on the shock absorber strut on the right. This is due to the need to protect movable property from theft and theft. The exact location of the VIN is known only to vehicle manufacturers. The layman finds out such information after the repair of the car or during parsing.

To reduce the risk of forgery, the code is applied through laser burning of characters or chasing. If there is not enough space, then the VIN can be printed in two rows. The main thing is that there should not be spaces between characters of the same group.

When buying a car, special attention should be paid to the VIN plate located in the engine compartment. There should be no scratches, visible traces of replacement of code symbols, dents. If such defects are found, it is worth alerting. Perhaps the seller is trying to sell a stolen car or a car with different parts. It does not take much effort to falsify electronic or paper documents.

As for the information printed on the details of the car, it is almost impossible to imperceptibly correct clearly embossed letters and numbers. So during the initial inspection of the car for the purpose of buying, you should be very careful. You should pay attention not only to the appearance of the iron horse, but also to the technical characteristics and parameters.

VIN is indicated in the vehicle passport (usually in the first line). When registering with the traffic police, information is entered into the certificate of registration of the vehicle. The code is also entered when issuing OSAGO, CASCO policies. In this case, you need to check that the entire sequence of numbers matches the one indicated on the car. As a rule, symbols are entered in the documentation in one row, on the vehicle it can be either in 1 or 2 lines.

VIN code used to check the car in the database system for stolen vehicles, in order to track fines. To do this, you can go to the traffic police website or a third-party similar service.

There is another verification option: send the vehicle for examination to the traffic police, however, the service is provided on a paid basis. The cost varies within 2500 rubles. The cipher is checked for some time, as requests are sent to several official instances at once.

Also VIN is convenient to use in finding the necessary spare parts through the Internet. To do this, there is even no need to manually enter characters; through special applications, you can scan them and use them when checking or searching for the necessary details.

The VIN can also be used to determine the number of previous owners check to what extent the actual equipment of the movable property matches that provided by the manufacturer.

Using the INTS, you can find out all the "underground" movable property. This includes features such as:

  • year of issue;
  • number, engine size;
  • power (hp);
  • engine's type;
  • model year and other information about the vehicle configuration.
  • information about committed accidents, insured events;
  • data on previous registration actions,
  • information about the use of the vehicle as a taxi;
  • whether there are restrictions and prohibitions;
  • whether the vehicle is pledged or credited;
  • whether there is criminal information on the car (hijacking, theft, etc.);
  • customs information.

An error occurs when checking the VIN. What to do?

There may be several reasons:

  1. the cipher was incorrectly considered by a special device or through the application, you need to repeat the procedure.
  2. characters were entered incorrectly: instead of the Latin one, the Russian keyboard layout was used, it should be changed back.
  3. if the code entered is correct, and the error does not disappear, then you have a fake VIN. Perhaps it was remade by changing some numbers. If the car was purchased on the secondary market, you should contact the previous owner or contact the traffic police to find out the reasons.

In order not to be deceived, when choosing a car, you need to carefully examine the place where the VIN is applied, if there are any obvious adjustments. Unscrupulous sellers can use the following methods to correct the cipher:

  1. completely remove or change the marking.
  2. change one number to another, for example, 1 to 4, 6 to 8.
  3. change the digital style, erasing the "extra" elements.

You can determine that the VIN has been corrected by the following parameters:

  • there is paint left and traces of “interruption” of the code are noticeable;
  • not everywhere the same thickness of the coating;
  • there is corrosion or it is clear that the symbols are mechanically cleaned;
  • signs of different sizes and style of writing is different;
  • there are extraneous elements in the inscription of letters and numbers;
  • there are seams on the plate with a cipher;
  • the paint material is differently applied to the sign plate and adjacent space.

If defects were found, the purchase of such a car should be abandoned.


Based on the above information, the following conclusions follow:

  • The VIN of a vehicle is of great importance to the owner. With it, you can check the car, as well as order the necessary spare parts in the online store. This does not require manually entering all the characters, as there are applications on the phone or special scanners.
  • The VIN consists of a 17-digit sequence of letters and numbers. Each block has its own purpose. WMI (from the English World Manufacturers Identification) - a 3-digit generally accepted manufacturer index (country). VDS (from the English. Vehicle Description Section) - a characteristic of a car, consisting of 6 characters: vehicle brand, model, year of manufacture, factory code. VIS (translated from English. Vehicle Identification Section) - 8-digit sequence: manufacturer index, serial number.
  • With the help of INTS, you can find out all the "underground" movable property. This includes such characteristics as: year of manufacture; number, engine size; power (hp); engine's type; model year and other information about the vehicle configuration; information about committed accidents, insured events; data on previous registration actions; information about the use of the vehicle as a taxi; whether there are restrictions and prohibitions; whether the vehicle is pledged or credited; whether there is criminal information on the car (hijacking, theft, etc.); Customs information. The check can be performed through the traffic police website, a third-party website, or order an examination at the state inspectorate. The last option is paid, the cost varies within 2500 rubles.
  • There may be several reasons why the code is not recognized: 1) the cipher was incorrectly considered by a special device or through the application, you need to repeat the procedure. 2) characters were entered incorrectly: instead of the Latin one, the Russian keyboard layout was used, it should be changed back.
  • If the code entered is correct and the error persists, then you have a fake VIN. Perhaps it was remade by changing some numbers. If the car was purchased on the secondary market, you should contact the previous owner or contact the traffic police to find out the reasons.
  • Before buying a car in the secondary market, you need to carefully look at the places where the code is applied. There should be no traces of paint and noticeable changes in code elements, mechanical rubbing, corrosion, welds. Letters and numbers must be on the same level, printed in the same style, of the same thickness.

From the text, you learned: what is the VIN of a car, what is it used for, what information can be found with it, and what to look for when buying a car in the secondary market.

What is the VIN of the car, where is it located, what can be found by the VIN number

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