Home Locks The presence of the participation of the car in an accident according to the wine code. How to check a car for participation in an accident? How can I check by accident number

The presence of the participation of the car in an accident according to the wine code. How to check a car for participation in an accident? How can I check by accident number


Due to the crisis and the decline in sales of new cars, the used car market is booming. High demand has led to the emergence of a whole army of scammers offering vehicles repaired after an accident. There are firms that buy beaten cars in wagons and assemble almost new cars from several identical models. Therefore, it can be quite difficult to find out whether a car has been in an accident with a visual check.

Checking for an accident by the VIN code of the vehicle

How to find out, Was the car in an accident, how many times and how serious was the damage? These questions are of interest to every potential buyer. The easiest and most effective way to find out if the car you like was involved in an accident is to go to a specialized Internet service or to the website of the Traffic Police Department and check the car according to VIN -number. A VIN request will allow you to get not only this information, but all important information about the vehicle and its owner.

For instance, if the accident took place in the period from 2015 on the territory of Russia, the buyer who applied to the traffic police website can receive both photographic materials from the scene and a diagram of the most significant mechanical damage, by which he can evaluate:

· degree of total damage,

· whether the body parts are badly damaged,

· the presence of damage to the power plant,

· damage to the running gear of the vehicle.

Similar information about the car accident you will also receive in the full report of the Internet service "Autoreport". In addition, in addition to the participation of the vehicle in accidents, you will know the data of its technical inspections and OSAGO, the mileage and restrictions of the traffic police and a lot of useful information from the history of the car and its owners - including such that the traffic police reports do not give (for example, is there mortgage car).

If technique was repaired in a serious legal car service, the buyer by VIN will know what the replacement parts were and how much the repair cost. But how to find out how many accidents the car had if the owner did not contact the car service or he is just a scammer, we will tell below.

Visual check of the car for participation in an accident

The question is how to know whether the car was in an accident, directly asking the seller, and not to be mistaken, we will leave it to psychologists. We ourselves will assume that a personal inspection of the vehicle can reveal traces of an accident that were not declared by the traffic police or the insurance company and were not eliminated in a specialized car service. We use simple proven methods:

· To buy a car, you need to allocate enough time and make an inspection extremely carefully and scrupulously. If the owner is in a hurry, this may be one of the signs that the car was involved in an accident. Does the seller distract you, avoid direct questions? So something is really wrong with the car. If you really liked her, arrange a "passionate search", ignoring the owner's moaning.

· Looking directly at the car, the smooth curves of the surface a broken and poorly restored body will be almost invisible. Therefore, during inspection, you should sit down behind the rear, and then behind the front wing and look parallel to the body. Numerous dents will tell you that the car had more than one accident and (or) that the body was often leveled, and not at the best service. In the same way, looking along the surface, we inspect the trunk lid and hood.

· How to find out if a car has been in an accidentaccording to the condition of the spare wheel compartment?This part of the body is the most vulnerable spot, especially for hatchbacks. If there are traces of rust in the compartment, then the car was hit in the trunk and poorly restored, as water gets into it.

· Another easy way find out if the car was in an accident - suggest the seller to drive to the "pit" and inspect the spars. Even perfectly repaired damage in this part of the car is extremely difficult to hide - small defects remain..

· How to find out about a car accidentby inspecting the edges of the doors and wheel arches? You just need to run your hand over these elements. If the car was damaged in these places, traces of straightening will certainly remain. Low-grade paintwork used for painting, which differs in color from the general background, can also indicate accidents.

These are the simplest and most effective ways. , which will help you find out if there was a car in an accident or you can believe the car owner. Remember: every defect found is an excellent reason to significantly lower the price..

As practice shows, more than 75% of vehicles put up for sale have been in an accident at least once. But the seller often hides this fact so as not to lose money. Therefore, before making a deal, it is recommended to check the car for accidents. Check the car for an accident according to wine or state. number in just 5 minutes using the "Autocode" service.

How to find out if your car has been in an accident

If you decide to buy a used car, be sure to check the selected vehicle in advance. So you will avoid empty views (which is especially important if the car is located in another region) or be able to bargain based on the results of the check. You can find out if the car was in an accident by VIN or state. number online.

What other information can be obtained:

  • Number of owners
  • Mileage
  • Presence of encumbrances
  • Being on the run
  • History of fines
  • OSAGO cost, etc.

With all this data, it will be much easier to make a choice.

Why is it important to have your car checked for accidents?

Denis Lukin, auto expert

“Punching a car in an accident is necessary not only because you don’t want to overpay for a broken car. Cheating is an unpleasant business, but it’s one thing just a painted bumper, in which one day the varnish begins to peel off and the paint with putty falls off. Another thing is if the car has been in a serious accident and is welded from several parts, or the geometry of the body has not been completely straightened, and therefore its design is weakened. The car can break on the go. If the two parts are welded, the airbags may not deploy in an accident, or they may deploy arbitrarily without any collision. Therefore, checking a car for accidents before buying is the first and most important necessity.

Dmitry, did not check the car before buying

“I bought a one-year-old Kia Sportage in the salon in excellent condition and with low mileage. The joy was insane! A little later, when driving in a car, something began to tap, noises appeared. A few months later, when replacing the wheels, I saw cracks from the bottom. I looked under the engine - there are dents on the crankcase protection. When I took it off, I realized that almost everything was cracked inside, as if from a good blow. From above, the car looks like new. It is necessary to do an examination, and it costs a lot. In the cabin, of course, they say that the sale was all intact. And you can't prove anything. Looks like the repair is going to cost me a fortune. Or you will have to sell the car at half the price. Haven't decided yet. It was still necessary to check the car for an accident online in the cabin.

Michael, did not check the car before buying

“Two years ago I bought a car in Moscow. When the seller began to conduct an inspection, it was already dark outside. How to check the car otherwise, I did not know. We entered into a written sale and purchase agreement. In general, the fact that the car is broken, I saw already at home. The car turned out to have hidden damage - the gearbox and the left side of the car were broken. Suspension crackling is heard while driving. There is no mention of this in the DKP. The seller says that he did not know about the damage. I am the third owner according to the documents, I found and contacted the first owner. He said that he sold the car to a dealer in a very disrepair condition. I really want to return the money, but the dealer is gone. Until they find him, the issue with the car will not be resolved.”

Why is it better to break a car in an accident through Autocode

Most online services do not allow you to check if a car is broken or not without a vin code. This confuses those who first encountered the purchase of a used car. On the Autocode portal, it is possible to both check a car for an accident by vin, and check only by state number.

What are the other benefits of the service:

  • Checking a car for accidents from any region;
  • Request by state number, vin code and body number;
  • Formation of a full report in one click;
  • Convenient mobile application, you can take with you to the deal;
  • It has been operating on the market for more than 7 years, thousands of drivers have already appreciated all the advantages of the service.

Separately, it should be noted that since 2017, information on a Japanese car can be entered on Autocode. Previously, this information could only be obtained through the traffic police by the body number (recall that there is no VIN code on cars from the land of the rising sun).

The report is compiled on the basis of data from government and commercial sources, including: checking a car for accidents based on the traffic police, executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, judicial authorities, large insurance companies, etc. Thus, you get data on any officially registered incident: date, place, type of accident.

Checking accidents by VIN or state number on the portal is much faster than searching for data on several sites. By requesting a full report on the Autocode website online, you can be sure that you will not make a mistake with the choice.

Before selling a car, they usually try to eliminate minor flaws in order to increase its value. Often, for this purpose, the mileage is twisted. However, some motorists resort to even more “dirty” tricks, skillfully hiding serious defects and the fact that the car crashed in accidents, drowned or got into criminal stories. Therefore, checking a car for an accident is a mandatory step when making a transaction in the secondary market.

This is necessary from three points of view:

  • economic;
  • technical;
  • legal.

Checking a car for past accidents is necessary to determine its value. A broken car, even after the highest quality repairs, is a priori much cheaper. It is important to understand that a vehicle that was in an accident requires a particularly thorough diagnosis. Buying vehicles without a deep check is quite risky:

  • even minor accidents sometimes lead to hidden defects in the key components of the car, which may not appear immediately;
  • the previous owner could only carry out surface repairs;
  • after poor-quality service, the car will drive normally for the first time, but then a sudden breakdown may occur, requiring expensive repairs;
  • a body that has been painted is more affected by corrosion;
  • after an accident, the operation of electronic devices and sensors is more often disrupted.

From a legal point of view, the audit is important for identifying fines and other debts related to transport, as well as finding out the criminal history of the car. For example, few buyers will want to purchase a car that has been involved in an accident with victims. When solving all three problems, there is a list of ways to check the number of accidents on a car.

What defects can be identified

Even knowing that the car was struggling, an inexperienced buyer or specialist without tools and outside the car service will not always be able to identify internal defects. However, information about an accident will at least prompt a person to think about the need for diagnostics. But even in the process of a superficial inspection, with a certain amount of experience and attentiveness, almost 100% signs of repair after accidents can be found:

  • traces of non-factory painting;
  • difference in color shades on the door attachment points;
  • the absence of one or more factory glasses;
  • signs of airbag deployment (inside the cabin);
  • large gaps between doors or that they open too tight;
  • fogged headlights from the inside - a characteristic sign of a "drowned man";
  • glass cracks, dents and scratches on the body.

When choosing a used car, do not rush. Those who do not have experience should call a knowledgeable person with them for examination.

Verification methods

There are several options for finding out if a car was involved in an accident. This can be done on the bases of the traffic police. For verification, certain information is required:

  • citizens are provided with information about accidents by VIN number;
  • another identifier is the car numbers;
  • You can check the driver for an accident using his driver's license.

A typical sign of problems with a car is that its owner tries to dissuade from inspections, rushes to make a purchase decision, or interferes in some other way.

Using the website of the traffic police

The database is open to all citizens. Through the traffic police website, an accident check is carried out according to the VIN code. However, information is provided only for the period 2019-2019. Also, the database will not contain information about unregistered incidents. So the traffic police website does not give 100% confidence in the cleanliness of the car.

There are other options for how to find out about an accident online. This is possible by car number and other identifiers. Such services are becoming increasingly popular. After all, it remains troubling.


This identifier allows you to learn a lot about the car. Checking a car for an accident by VIN code is carried out on the official portals of state services and on the websites of intermediaries. Some of them charge money for their work. Other sites are free. The bases are replenished thanks to cooperation with the traffic police and with insurers, as well as customs authorities, the bailiff service and other departments. but a common disadvantage of obtaining information online is that information arrives with a certain delay. Usually it is 15-20 days. By the way, for this reason, broken cars are trying to sell as quickly as possible.

On the State Service website

Official one. It is run by the traffic police. Therefore, there is no unique information on the State Services. In addition, the portal does not have its own verification application. At the request of the user, he is only redirected to the traffic police website. The active link is presented in the corresponding menu.

Before checking a car for an accident through the “Gosuslugi”, you first need to go to the portal and select the instructions for the “Car registration” section. Information is provided by VIN number.

By license plate

This method is used to obtain information, for example, on the Autocode website. Information about the accident by car number also includes:

  • the date of the incident;
  • the address where it happened;
  • the nature and description of the accident;
  • damage list.

The problem of studying the history of an accident by a license plate number is that, unlike the VIN code, this indicator can change several times. It is enough to re-register the transport. Usually, data on accidents by license plate are studied before calling the owner of the car, if the numbers are not retouched in the photographs of the vehicle. Here you can also find out if the owner has paid, and if there are other material obligations on him.

Through an insurance company

Insurers use the PCA database. This is a hard-to-reach option for ordinary citizens of how to find out if a car has been in an accident. Information is only stored if the owner of the machine is at fault. The information is subject to the protection of personal data. Therefore, the PCA base is used only for official purposes when determining the cost of the policy. Outsiders references are provided only with the consent of the owner.

At the service station

After checking according to the documents, diagnostics in a car service usually follow. Why go to the service station? Specialists can:

  • check the chassis, brakes and other main components;
  • determine the tightness of the body;
  • identify traces of repainting parts;
  • check electronics;
  • perform other diagnostic procedures.

According to established practice, the listed types of work are paid by the prospective buyer.

Check by experts

There are many agencies in the automotive market that provide intermediary services when choosing a used car. An employee of the company will accompany the client to the meeting with the seller. He will take care of all the work on the legal and technical verification of the car.

In general, the same (described) procedures will be done with the machine. But they will be performed at a professional level. Turning to intermediaries makes sense if the customer does not have driving experience or wants to receive certain guarantees that the choice will fall on a reliable car.

Technical diagnostics

This stage is a mandatory component of choosing a car with the help of an intermediary. The client will have to pay for the full diagnostics, including:

  • engine check;
  • running gear check;
  • external examination;
  • sea ​​trials;
  • paintwork for traces of repainting.

After the work done, the client may require an act, which will indicate the main shortcomings. This will allow you to estimate the cost of future repairs or give a reason to demand a discount.

legal check

If you turn to specialists, then the car will be studied in all possible bases. The lawyer will give recommendations in case of owning a vehicle under a general power of attorney, when providing a duplicate of the title instead of the original document, and in other non-standard situations.

In general, it is extremely important to check the car for possible accidents. Therefore, the cost of diagnosing or contacting an auto lawyer agency should not be taken as an extra cost. Savings can turn into buying a faulty car.

visual inspection

Consider how to check a car for participation in an accident, and what you should pay attention to.

  1. If during the inspection it is found that the owner of the car thoroughly washed the engine and the space under the hood, this most likely indicates attempts to hide the flow of fluids or other defects and breakdowns.
  2. It is worth inspecting the tires and the space next to them. If it is clear that the machine has been standing in one place for a long time and is not being used, then this may also indicate problems with it.
  3. A repainted roof indicates a vehicle overturning or heavy objects falling on it.
  4. The non-factory paint on the hood and front fenders indicates a frontal impact. Another clear sign is traces of windshield replacement. Such an accident leads to the most serious malfunctions. Although blows to the side and from behind can also have negative consequences in the future.
  5. The replacement of the dashboard and steering wheel can indicate the operation of airbags.

You also need to look at the body numbers. If something is wrong with them, the buyer will have problems registering the vehicle with the traffic police.

Body inspection

The most important numbers should be looked for under the hood. Firstly, it will not be difficult to check the car for an accident by body number. Secondly, traces of corrections, incomprehensible rubbing or tinting of numbers indicate theft. The correct body code can be found by the VIN number.

Other verification methods

Consider the most popular applications.


The advantage of the service is the ability to check foreign cars, including the "Japanese" by frame number. Checking is free. A request through "Autocode" may contain information:

  • about an accident;
  • about debts;
  • about the seizure of the car.

The request is usually processed within 5-10 minutes.


The service works on similar principles. Its peculiarity is in close cooperation with insurance companies. Basic information about the car is provided free of charge.


Another example of a shareware application. You can also find out about the accident. However, a subscription is required to generate a detailed report. Its cost is in the range of 500-1000 rubles. The fee is charged once, after which the user receives an extended version with access to all databases.


In 2019, there are a large number of ways to check the car for past accidents. They should not be ignored. Comprehensive car diagnostics will protect you from scammers. Therefore, it is necessary to endure this lengthy procedure, and in the absence of experience, to lay additional costs for contacting an intermediary organization.

Purchasing a new car is a costly business, and many citizens prefer used vehicles. But buying a vehicle from hand is a rather risky deal. Knowing how to check a car for an accident can protect yourself from many problems. The owners of broken cars carefully hide the consequences of a road accident, and during a visual inspection, many damages will be invisible.

The check will allow you to find out: the real mileage of the vehicle and the participation of the car in traffic accidents, whether the car is under arrest or wanted. In order to “break through” transport through the base, a motorist will need a Vin-code - a unique number. If the history is clean, the owner will not hide it.

There are several ways to get information about a vehicle. How to find out if the car was in an accident:

  • Inspect the car with an expert or on your own;
  • Check the vehicle for an accident via the Internet using specialized services.

It is better to use network resources and “break through” the car online, then you will no longer need to inspect the car. You can find out if the vehicle was in an accident for free.

Searching for vehicle history should not be limited to checking for traffic accidents. Having reliable data will help protect yourself from numerous risks in the future.

How to “break through” a car with a unique code

The easiest and most affordable way to check a car for traffic accidents is online resources that contain all the data on vehicles. You can find out the information necessary for a motorist by the Vin code:

The data is processed quickly through an automated sorting system for the specified materials, as a result, the client receives a competent and complete report on his request. A motorist can create an electronic copy.

  • Autocode - https://avtokod.mos.ru/. A commercial portal created on the basis of the state program for checking transport by state number and unique code. During the existence of the database, more than 35 million reports on cars have been generated, in addition to the data, a photo of an accident is provided. The driver spends very little time checking the car.

To do this, you need to enter the available information and “break through” the vehicle. If the data about the car is present in the database, then the buyer will be able to get it for an acceptable financial reward. Each report contains information from a huge number of resources, thanks to which you can find out:

  • Characteristics of transport: engine volume, its power, year of registration and release, body color;
  • mileage data;
  • Incidents in which the transport has been, photos of the defects received;
  • Was the car wanted;
  • Whether the vehicle was purchased at the expense of borrowed funds from a financial institution;
  • Customs data;
  • Information about the repair performed (through insurance companies);
  • Other transport information.

Autocode is a unique service that provides reliable data on accidents, as well as a complete history of the car. The site contains information held by insurance organizations and the State Traffic Inspectorate.

  • VIN - online. When registering a car after its purchase, a special number is assigned to it. With such information, it can be argued that the owner of the vehicle is a responsible citizen and the car was not in an accident.

If the buyer wants to “break through” the car by license plate number online, but cannot find the data, you can specify the chassis code and body registration information. If there are violations, data about them will appear on the screen. Similarly, one can check

fines, the number and series of the VU of the previous owner, this information will be required in order to make sure that the transport is not

is wanted.

Checking the history of the car will avoid numerous

problems associated with the further operation of the vehicle. The car can not only be in an accident, but also be stolen or be pledged. In this situation, the buyer can lose not only the purchased vehicle, but also money.

How to "punch" a car through the portal of the State traffic inspectorate

If the buyer has a vehicle VIN code, he can check it on the traffic police website. Through the official portal, you can find out:

  • Was the vehicle stolen or not;
  • The presence of restrictions on the conduct of registration actions;
  • Has the vehicle been arrested by the fiscal authorities;
  • Registration data of the machine;
  • The number of accidents.

In order to "punch" a car into an emergency through the portal of the State Traffic Inspectorate, it is necessary to follow the established algorithm. Verification is carried out in stages:

  • Go to the address - www.gibdd.rf;
  • In the window that opens, select the item "Checking the car for an accident";
  • In the Chassis/Body/VIN section, indicate 17 characters of the vehicle's unique code to be analyzed;
  • Click "Start Check";
  • If the vehicle was involved in an accident, data about this will be displayed on the screen.

The results of the accident test before 2015 will not be displayed. The official base was created only in 2015. You can “break through” a car for emergencies through the department of the State traffic inspectorate at the place of registration, but there will be no difference in the information received.

How to check a vehicle for an accident through an insurance company

The SC has a common database that contains all the information regarding emergencies. Having OSAGO data, a motorist can check the car for insurance. A photocopy of the policy should be taken from the owner of the vehicle or find out information on it using the services of the PCA website. To do this, the buyer will need the VIN code of the car, state sign, chassis and body numbers.

How to “punch” a transport for an accident according to the state sign

It is possible to get data about a traffic accident for free using the services of a specialized service - Autocode. In addition to state signs, a motorist will need these certificates of registration of the car.

Autocode has a larger database than the official portal of the traffic police, but the number of vehicles that can be "pierced" is limited. On the site, it is possible to get data only about cars registered in Moscow and the region.

How to "punch" a vehicle by license plate number through the official portal of the Government of the capital:

  • Follow the link - https://avtokod.mos.ru/;
  • Log in or register - otherwise the data on the vehicle will be incomplete;
  • Find the subsection "Checking the car" in the line of the portal and go to the "History of the car" or use the window on the main page of the specialized service;
  • Enter the state sign along with the car certificate number, click "Check" and wait for the result.

Autocode is the only site that provides information about vehicles by license plate and registration certificate. The only disadvantage of the portal is the possibility of obtaining data on a car registered only in the capital and region.

How to "punch" a car through the portal of public services

Due to the unique service, the user will be able to find out about the existence of existing restrictions that have been applied to certain vehicles due to a traffic accident or search. In order to find out the data of interest to the motorist through the State Services, you must enter the vehicle check section and indicate the VIN code indicated in the documents.

The advantages of the state portal are the simplicity and speed of data processing, the verification time does not exceed several minutes. Through a specialized site you can find out:

  • About the presence of fines for the vehicle;
  • Information about the previous owner;
  • Information about accidents and injuries.

Despite the popularity of state and commercial portals, they contain only the data recorded by traffic police officers. If the accident did not require the involvement of traffic police or an insurance company, no information about the emergency will be contained in the database.

How to "punch" a car at a service station

When buying a vehicle, a service card is presented for it, in which all data on the repair and technical inspection of the vehicle are indicated. The form can be taken from the owner of the car to study the technical history of the maintenance of movable property.

But checking the car through a dealership has some disadvantages:

  • There is a high risk of friendly relations between the owner of the vehicle and employees of the official service, who, at his request, may not indicate existing defects.
  • Diagnostics by computer, which is used by dealerships, may not be enough for a correct assessment.
  • The buyer will not be able to obtain reliable information on the cost of repairing vehicles, prices in official services are an order of magnitude higher than at simple technical stations.

If the buyer does not trust the information contained in the traffic police database and other resources, he can conduct an independent examination of the vehicle through any center at his discretion. Based on the results of the inspection, specialists will submit a full report, indicating data on breakdowns and the presence of defects resulting from a traffic accident.

The purchase of a used car is a certain risk associated with the purchase of a vehicle that has been damaged in an accident or is pledged to a financial and credit organization or under arrest. As a result, the new owner may lose not only his property, but also money.

Checking the car online will avoid various problems in the future. In order to “break through” a vehicle for an accident or arrest, you will need a Vin code, state signs and the number of a registration certificate with the State traffic inspectorate. Specialized services contain only data recorded by traffic police and insurance companies.

For any motorist who wants to buy a car, this item is quite important. In the modern world, it is quite simple to check a vehicle for a road traffic accident. With the help of this information, a person can find out what the damage was, but also the degree of its complexity. With the help of a traffic accident check, you can even get photos from the scene of the collision.

Checking the participation of the car in an accident

They define the following data:

  • how severe the damage was;
  • how badly the body was damaged;
  • what is the degree of damage to the chassis, as well as the engine.

You will be able to get all the necessary information on checking the car for an accident if such incidents have been recorded. A full check of the vehicle takes place according to all databases of insurance companies, as well as the State Inspectorate for Road Safety. In it you can get all the necessary information about the damage to the car, why the accident occurred. The accident could have occurred due to the failure of the internal components of the machine. Such data will greatly help you when buying a vehicle.

To make such a check is quite simple. There is nothing complicated here. Before you buy a car, be sure to check it for an accident.

On the Internet, the request “traffic police check” and “check the car for an accident” is very common.

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