Home wheels Rules for the evacuation, issue and payment of the car to the impound. Where to call and what to do if your car was towed What to do when your car was towed

Rules for the evacuation, issue and payment of the car to the impound. Where to call and what to do if your car was towed What to do when your car was towed

In the capital every day, dozens of drivers are faced with the evacuation of the car. It’s scary for any driver to even think that when approaching the place where his car is parked, he won’t find it. The first thought that popped into my head was hijacked. But after a little thought, the owner of the vehicle understands that, most likely, his. Very often evacuation happens not only during the day, but also at night. At the same time, everyone who got into such a situation for the first time begins to panic. In order to avoid fear and panic, it is simply enough to know where to call if the car was evacuated in Moscow or the region in 2019.

Any vehicle can be taken away on a tow truck in several cases:

  • in case of incorrect parking;
  • when parking in a pedestrian crossing area, public transport stop; on the roadway, on the sidewalk, etc.;
  • in case of detention of the driver in a state of intoxication;
  • in the event of a vehicle malfunction;

The most common reason for taking a car to a penalty parking lot is parking in the wrong place, and the owner of the vehicle may not even know about these actions. He learns about it only at the moment when he discovers the disappearance of his car from the place.

How can I find out that the car was towed

After the driver has discovered the disappearance of his vehicle from the place, the evacuation can be confirmed in several ways:

Evacuation with the owner of the car

If returning to his car, the driver saw the process of evacuation of his vehicle, then he can safely pick it up. In this case, the vehicle must not be loaded onto special equipment. By law, the owner of the vehicle can drive his car away and park it correctly by paying.

If the tow truck started moving, then the owner of the car cannot interfere.

Is it possible to find out in which penalty parking lot the car is and where to look for it

After the driver has received information that the evacuation equipment really took his car away, he can find out in several ways exactly where the transport is located, at what address and which traffic police made this decision.

  • By dialing the number of Moscow parking transport from a mobile phone or to a hotline (the numbers were indicated above).
  • Using the mobile application of the Moscow Parking website. To do this, you must specify the registration number of the car in the special parking section.
What documentation is needed in this case

In order to pick up your vehicle from the special parking lot, the owner will need:

  • a document proving the identity of the owner of the car;
  • documents that confirm the right to own a vehicle.

The person who represents the interests of the owner and can drive this vehicle will need additional documents:

  • STS by car;
  • OSAGO policy;
  • For legal entities, a permit is required.

In the event that a representative cannot drive this vehicle, he must prepare and have with him:

  • the passport;
  • documents for the car and the right to own it;
  • a power of attorney certified by a notary for the right to drive vehicles.
If the documents were left in a vehicle that was evacuated

If the necessary documents are left in the car, then they simply need to be picked up. This can be done by the owner of the vehicle and his representative, who is included in the insurance policy.

Before you go to the traffic police, you need to come to a special parking lot. Employees are required to remove all seals from the vehicle in your presence, then you have the right to pick up the documentation. It is important to make sure that after this, the parking staff are required to put new seals again.

Obtaining permission to return the vehicle

To return the vehicle to the driver, you must obtain permission for this. To do this, you need to come to the traffic police department with all the documents and get a copy of the protocol on an administrative violation, as well as a copy of the protocol on the detention of your vehicle.

It is important to make sure that the protocol of detention contains a note about the elimination of the reasons for the arrest of the car. And also the owner of the vehicle will be fined for violation of parking rules, which can be paid off in 2 months.

How to pick up a vehicle from a special parking lot

Arriving at the parking lot for your favorite car, you need to present the following documents to the employees:

  • a copy of the protocol with a note on the elimination of the reasons for the arrest;
  • documents for the vehicle;
  • pay for parking the car if it has been there for more than 24 hours.

It is important to know that vehicle owners who paid for parking earlier than at the time of collection can receive an additional privilege in the amount of ¼ of the amount, that is, 25%. In all other cases, the owner of the car must pay 100% of the parking fee within 2 months.

Complaint about evacuation

Any driver or owner of the vehicle can apply with complaints and proposals for the evacuation service to the center of Moscow transport. To do this, you need to call 74955365454 or 3210. You can also send a complaint electronically using the online service to the official website of the transport department.

Is it possible to return the money if the fine was issued illegally

If the decision on the offense is canceled, the owner of the car has the right to demand a refund. The law of the Russian Federation gives only 8 days for a return.

To challenge the fine, it is necessary to file a complaint with the traffic police or the court within 240 hours after the decision is made. At the same time, the authorities will also consider your complaint for 10 days. Then they will make their decision. If the owner is not satisfied with this decision, then he has the right to go to court.

How much does it cost to store a vehicle in a special parking lot
  • Vehicle category A - 3 thousand rubles / 24 hours.
  • Category B vehicles up to 250hp - 5 thousand rubles / 24 hours.
  • Category C - 7 thousand rubles / 24 hours.
  • Category D - 24 thousand rubles / 24 hours.
  • Oversized - 27 thousand rubles / 24 hours.

Remember that early payment gives a significant discount of 25%.

It's important to know
  • It is impossible to evacuate a vehicle with people in the cabin.
  • Until the protocol is signed and the car is loaded onto a tow truck, the owner can freely pick up his vehicle.
  • Before you drive your vehicle out of the special parking lot, carefully inspect it for damage. If there are new scratches or chips, then be sure to indicate this in the act. The act requires the signatures of witnesses. It is better to remove the damage in the photo / video.

After that, you will need the help of an independent examination and going to court.

We evacuated the car in Moscow - where to call and what to do? updated: May 19, 2019 by: admin

Any driver may one day not find his car where he left it. Especially if the car was parked with violations. Sooner or later, systematic disregard for the rules will lead to the fact that the car will be sent to the impound. Read about the procedure for the owner to evacuate a car in the Moscow region and the features of paying for this violation in the material of the portal website.Updated 04/22/2019.

Why they can evacuate

Source: Photobank of the Moscow Region, Alexander Kozhokhin

The most common reason for evacuation is violation of parking and parking rules. A car can be impounded for parking on a sidewalk, on tram tracks, in tunnels, at pedestrian crossings or closer than 5 meters in front of them, on a narrow carriageway (less than three meters to the dividing line), at public transport stops or taxis and closer than 15 meters from them, in a place for the disabled. They can evacuate for parking under the sign “Stopping is prohibited”, as well as for blocking the roadway.

Evacuation is provided for other types of violations. Among them, driving under the influence of alcohol or a car with faulty brakes, driving without a license. Evacuation in this case is due to the need to stop driving a faulty vehicle or remove a potentially dangerous driver from driving it.

Procedure for evacuation

Source: RIAMO

If the owner did not find the car where he left it, first of all, you need to call the hotline of the Center for Road Safety of the Moscow Region (TsBDDMO) at the phone number: 8-495-734-78-81. You will need to tell the operator the make, model, color and license plate number of the evacuated vehicle. After an operational check against the databases, the owner will be given the address of the impound lot where his vehicle was taken. This must be done as quickly as possible, since the car could simply be stolen. If it turns out that the car is not in the evacuation databases, then it will be immediately put on the wanted list. It is important to remember that hijackers are easier to find in hot pursuit, so you should not hesitate to call.

In TsBDDMO you can get information about the territorial division of the traffic police, in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bwhich the car was sent to the impound. In addition, the contacts of the traffic police departments can be found on the website of the State traffic inspectorate.

How to pick up a car

A source:

Before you go to the impound lot, the address of which the driver was told by phone, you need to obtain written permission to return the detained car in the territorial division of the traffic police at the place where the vehicle was detained. This will require documents:

Citizen's passport;

Driver's license;

STS of the evacuated car;

OSAGO policy.

If any of these documents remained in the glove compartment of the car, then you should go to the impound lot and inform the employees about it. In the presence of the owner, they will issue an act of opening the car, then an act of seizure and only then an act of sealing.

Having received permission from the traffic police, the car can be picked up from the parking lot around the clock. If the employees of the impound for some reason refuse the owner if they have all the documents or ask to come for the car later, you can contact the hotline of the Ministry of Transport and Road Infrastructure of the Moscow Region 8-495-228-19-19: on weekdays from 9:00 until 18:00 (operator), from 18:00 to 9:00 (in automatic mode), on weekends and holidays around the clock (in automatic mode).

Evacuation fees

A car can be evacuated for an offense provided for by the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. The procedure is carried out with the involvement of special equipment and can take place without the participation of the driver.

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Often this happens, after which the owner has to look for his car in impounds or worry about a possible theft.

Therefore, you should figure out how you can find out about the evacuation of a car (car) in Moscow in 2020.

Moreover, this also affects the size of the fine and additional payments, since the fee for storing the car is charged daily.

Main Aspects

Most often, motorists living in large cities, including the capital of Russia, Moscow, face the evacuation of personal vehicles.

If the car is parked with violations, and this is noticed by the inspector, he has the right to call the evacuation service, which delivers the car to the impound lot. The car is there until the owner who committed the violation picks it up.

Such a measure was taken due to the difficult traffic situation in megacities, because improper parking often makes it difficult for other drivers to move, creates emergency situations in Moscow, which is already problematic for driving.

Therefore, measures have been developed and implemented that provide for evacuation for violations of the Rules of the Road, which are stipulated by local authorities, but at the same time they can be appealed. Before that, you need to find out where the car was taken, and for what reason it was done.

Basic concepts

Before dealing with evacuation, demanding a refund and paying the due amounts, it is advisable for the driver to learn about the basic concepts that are used in this area.

They can be found both in protocols and when communicating directly with tow truck employees or law enforcement officers:

Term Meaning
parking A specially marked and reserved place for cars, intended for a long stop. It is chosen in such a way that the delivered car does not impede the movement of other motorists, and also does not block the way for emergency services
tow truck Special transport, the main purpose of which is the loading / unloading of other vehicles. The reason for using a tow truck may be a signal from a traffic police officer about a violation related to traffic obstruction, a critical breakdown of the car and the condition of the driver, in which he cannot be allowed to drive
Code of Administrative Offenses The Code of Administrative Offenses regulates all offenses that did not cause serious damage to other people or their property, but are potentially dangerous to society. Most often, articles are of a preventive nature of punishment, and also educate citizens

Where to call

You can find out where the car was taken to, and also for what reason the evacuation was carried out, in Moscow in specialized services that work around the clock and update their databases almost every minute.

To call the operators, you need to dial +7 495 539 5454, this is a single contact center.

When communicating with its employees, it is necessary to name the basic data of the car, as well as the territory from which the evacuation was carried out, for a quick search. After a few minutes, the driver will receive information about the exact location of the car.

There is also the official website of the Moscow Parking Space Administrator, which is connected to the same database used by telephone operators.

It is devoted to all offenses in the field of traffic, and a specific article that defines evacuation as a type of punishment for a number of violations is in which specific links to articles are prescribed.

But since the specific details of the evacuation of motor vehicles are approved by the regional authorities, there are as many as three legal acts in Moscow that stipulate the evacuation procedure:

  1. Decree of the Government of Moscow with number 216.
  2. Order issued by the Moscow Department of Economic Policy.

All these regulations stipulate the process of stopping a car at the scene of a violation, the documentation necessary for this, as well as the procedure for paying for services by drivers and appealing against the work performed for improper parking.

How to find out about the evacuation of the car

As already mentioned, in order to find out if the car is really missing due to evacuation from the site of traffic violations.

You need to call the contact center of the city of Moscow or go to the website of a state-owned enterprise that monitors and manages impound lots and has access to all databases regarding detained cars.

At the same time, it will not be possible to check the evacuation of the car by the number online in the traffic police, because MADI is responsible for this.

How to get a return authorization

To pick up a car from a special parking lot, you need to contact MADI, which stands for Moscow Administrative Road Inspectorate.

It is the employees of this enterprise, unlike other cities, who have the right to identify illegally parked cars and write them out.

As well as calling evacuation equipment to deliver the car to the penalty parking in accordance with established standards and adopted laws.

You can apply for a permit only in certain divisions of MADI. Some of them work around the clock, others are available only at certain times:

It should be borne in mind that the shortest time for queues at MADI comes from three in the morning to two in the afternoon, so if there is no time to wait, then you need to come for the car during this time period.

Documents that will be required

To obtain permission to return the car from the impound lot, you must present some documents.

There are differences between those who come for a car, and the most difficult procedure awaits those who are used to carrying papers with them, but not taking them from the passenger compartment with them.

If you are the owner

If the car is taken by the owner, then in order to obtain a permit, you will need to provide:

It is important to understand that copies of documents in this case will not work, and only originals should be brought. But apart from these two papers, no more certificates and certificates will be required.

After a short registration, the driver can come to the impound lot and freely pick up the car.

Representative of the owner of the vehicle, who has the right to drive

In order for the car to be picked up by the legal representative of the owner, he needs the same documents as in the case of the owner.

You need to certify it with a notary, as a result, it is she who will confirm the authority of a person and give the right to receive a long-awaited permit.

When it comes to another person who has the right to drive this car, he will need to provide:

  • passport or license;
  • ownership documents;
  • permission to transport passengers, cargo, including bulky, heavy or dangerous cargo;
  • a document on disability, if the corresponding sign is installed on the car;

If they stayed in the car

When the driver is not in the habit of taking important documents with him, he can leave them in the car. It is at this moment that a tow truck can arrive and pick up the vehicle.

Moreover, in this case, you do not need to go for permission so as not to waste time, since neither copies nor the absence of documents due to their presence in the salon will be accepted.

You must immediately contact the impound lot, where the typographical errors of the car will be issued, it will be possible to pick up the documents, and already go to MADI with them for permission to return the car.

Where can I check the fact of the detention of the vehicle by number online

To check whether the car was really evacuated, or whether it is necessary to report theft, you can use online services.

So, a similar function is available on the official website of Moscow, the Autocode portal or the Moscow Transport resource.

To use the functions, you will have to register on most sites, and only after that will the function of checking the status of the car by its license plate become available.

Also, in your personal account on the Moscow portal, you can connect notifications by e-mail or by SMS in the event of an evacuation, but unfortunately, such notifications arrive 10-15 minutes after the evacuation procedure.

For mobile users, applications for smartphones based on iOS, Android and Windows Phone are available.

In the program, you need to go to the settings and connect alerts about new fines, as well as a perfect evacuation.

But it will not work to check the evacuation of the car by the number online in the FSS, because this can be done only after the delay in the due payments.

Video: what to do so that the car is not evacuated

How much does it cost to evacuate to impound

The cost of evacuation includes not only a fine from MADI, but also the services of special transport, as well as the price for storing a car in a car impound.

In Moscow, there are special offers that can help save on such expenses:

In Moscow, there are tariffs that depend on the category of the car and the power of its engine, so owners of powerful or heavy vehicles will pay much more:

Payment Methods

For the first day, payment for car storage is not charged, which will greatly help drivers who do not have extra money to pay fines and additional services.

As for the payment procedure, you can complete it after paying the receipt, which must be taken at the impound lot.

If payment is made before the car is returned, then 25% is removed from the amount, in all other cases it will be possible to pay within 60 days.

According to the receipt, which contains all the necessary data, it will be possible to pay:

  • in a branch of any bank in Russia;
  • at the post office;
  • in online banking that supports the payment of fines and a tow truck;
  • in the official app.

It should be understood that the cost of evacuation and storage of the car may differ depending on the period, decisions of local authorities and the situation with violations.

Therefore, it is important to check the current tariffs for tow trucks and impound yards on the mos.ru official website.

Finding out about evacuation in Moscow is quite simple, for this you should either call the hotline of city services or use online resources connected to databases.

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