Home wheels The presence of the participation of the car in an accident according to the wine code. Checking if a car was involved in an accident How to check if a car was involved in an accident

The presence of the participation of the car in an accident according to the wine code. Checking if a car was involved in an accident How to check if a car was involved in an accident

The used car market is constantly expanding. Buying used vehicles is often quite profitable. However, there is a high chance of falling for the tricks of scammers. In recent years, the number of fraudulent transactions has increased significantly. How to protect yourself by making a really worthwhile purchase?

One of the most reliable methods is checking the car by vin code. Is free, even without leaving the apartment, you can find out everything about the past of a particular car.

What does a car check byVIN

A unique identifier - a VIN code, is seventeen characters long. The alphanumeric sequence provides comprehensive information about the vehicle as well. What can a VIN tell you?

  • Release date,
  • Manufacturer country,
  • Technical specifications,
  • Data about the automaker, as well as the plant that produced the car.
Deciphering the wine helps to find out all this.

To avoid buying a car with a "dark" past, you need more than just knowing the release date, as well as the name of the manufacturer. It is important to familiarize yourself in detail with the history of operation of your future acquisition. Here to help again car check will comeVIN-code free, without registering. It will help you find out the following facts:

  • whether the vehicle is stolen, whether there have been registered cases of theft,
  • the presence of accidents, their participation, their number, a schematic analysis of major damage,
  • number of inspections passed
  • in which country the car was used, whether it was imported from abroad, are there any problems with customs control,
  • the presence of restrictions, prohibitions, arrests, debts, collateral obligations,
  • number of owners, duration of ownership.
Concluding a sales contract without these data is extremely dangerous, it can even lead to problems with the State traffic inspectorate.

Free checkVIN-numbers

There are two ways how check car by vin code: free or for a fee. Accordingly, two types of reports are compiled: basic (free) and detailed.

Various Internet services help check car by vin code for free, without SMS, without registration.. The official Internet resource of the traffic police also helps to get the data.

On the corresponding page, you need to enter seventeen characters of the code by starting the search. If for some reason, the VIN could not be found out, the search is possible using the chassis or body number. Next, the system will generate a free basic report. The universal search algorithm will provide the following data:

  • make, model of car,
  • year of issue,
  • type of engine, body,
  • engine size, type of fuel,
  • country of origin, assembly plant.

The base report may contain errors. This is especially true for vehicles manufactured before the 2000s. The errors are insignificant, most often they relate to engine information, such as fuel type, power wires. They arise due to the work of the search algorithm, since it is impossible to apply a single scheme to each car.

The general report is only a part of a more detailed report performed for money. It is compiled on the basis of data from the registration databases of state bodies. In this case, errors are almost completely eliminated. Errors can only occur due to the human factor.

Opportunity check the carVIN-code free available to any user with Internet access. Thus, you can find out the history of any car ever produced in one of the countries of the world.

Reading time: 6 minutes

Most of the country's population cannot afford to buy a new car from the showroom. Most often used cars are bought. In this case, the risk of acquiring a pig in a poke increases. The previous owner will do everything possible to hide the existing shortcomings of the vehicle being sold, for which in the future, as well as for inattention during the purchase, the new owner will have to pay. Therefore, when buying "from hand", you need to know how a car is checked for an accident. If it is not carried out, then the possibility of hidden breakdowns and repairs is not excluded.

Verification methods

There are two methods for checking a car for its participation in:

  • visual inspection (read about how a car is checked by professionals in a separate one);
  • electronic database checks.


Any check on the participation of the car in an accident begins with a visual inspection. A large number of the consequences of traffic accidents can be easily determined independently by carefully examining the condition of the vehicle.

During a preliminary inspection, it is important to adhere to the following rules that will help identify fraud on the part of the seller:

  • inspection should be carried out in daylight or provided there is sufficient artificial light. It is strictly forbidden to inspect the car in conditions of insufficient visibility, in the evening;
  • inspection of a dirty car is not allowed. It must be clean, as pollution of any kind can distort the result, hiding small defects;
  • special attention should be paid to the quality of painting. Any unevenness in color, color mismatch on individual parts is an alarming sign that the car has been repainted.

Database check

While it is possible for the buyer to check for a car in an accident based on its appearance, it is not recommended to rely solely on visual inspection or the seller telling the whole truth. Modern craftsmen can mask a flaw in such a way that only a specialist can see it. Unverified sources can also provide false information, so you can only use reliable databases.

The following types of services can be distinguished:

  • Insurance companies.
  • other.

Let's get acquainted in more detail with each of them, having studied their capabilities and characteristic features.

Checking through the traffic police

Checking a car for an accident through the traffic police is the most reliable source.

It allows you to get the necessary information in two ways:

  1. By contacting the nearest police station.
  2. Through the official website.

Both methods are characterized by high accuracy, since the database used by the traffic police is identical to the database presented on the agency's website. Therefore, personal visits to the inspection are not in great demand.

Sending a request for verification via the Internet is the most relevant method for modern car owners. All information can be obtained in minutes without leaving home.

A car is checked for an accident by VIN (VIN) on the official website of the traffic police for free, and consists of the following steps:

  1. Go to the site gibdd.ru.
  2. Go to the "Services" - "Vehicle Check" section.
  3. Enter the VIN number.
  4. Select "Request an Inspection" in the "Crash Inspection" section.
  5. After a few seconds, the result will be displayed on the screen.

The database of the service contains information about all vehicles that are registered in the country. All data is constantly updated, which is an indisputable advantage. Immediately after the incident, information about it is added to the database and becomes available for search.

Using this service, you can not only check the car for an accident by the VIN code in the traffic police for free, but also find out other important information about it:

  • registration history (who owned the car before);
  • diagnostics for theft (participation in the search);
  • the presence of restrictions on registration actions;
  • existence of credit obligations.

By state number

Registering a car is not only about the VIN. Each vehicle is tied to a specific license plate.

Many car owners are interested in information, how to find out about an accident by car number? The easiest way is to use online resources. For this purpose, the same portals can be used as when obtaining data by VIN code.

The license plate can be transferred to another car and documents can be forged, and fraudulent transactions with the VIN are much more difficult. Therefore, to obtain the most reliable and accurate information, you can use, and.

Through Public Services

The State Services Portal provides a huge amount of information of various kinds. It contains data from various government agencies, including the traffic police. In order to check a car for an accident by VIN through the State Services, you must be registered on the portal.

The main advantages of the resource include:

  • efficiency in providing information;
  • ease of use;
  • constant updating of the database;
  • the ability to check by license plate and VIN-code.

Access to all functions of the site opens after the authorization procedure.

Through an insurance company

The growth of fraud in the sale of cars, an increase in requests for how to look at an accident on a car, became the reason for the creation of a database of accidents in insurance companies. To obtain data on a specific vehicle, you must contact the insurance manager.

The main disadvantage of this method is limited information. Each company has its own base and, accordingly, you can check the transport only in the company in which it was serviced. To access such data, it is enough to require from the previous owner a copy of the insurance policy from the insurance company in which he was served. Refusal to provide a document is one of the fundamental reasons for concern.

Other services

The number of online services with which you can check the history of a car in an accident by VIN code for free is constantly increasing. This method is developing rapidly. Today, it is possible to check not only domestic cars, but also foreign ones.

Among the most common online resources that allow you to check a car by VIN (vin) code for an accident for free in Russia, the following can be distinguished:


There are other services, information on which is fully or partially paid:

  • VIN online.

Information in such databases is entered not only by traffic police and insurance companies, but also by experts - customs and other services.

The VINCAR resource is a collection of data from the traffic police and insurance companies. All information becomes available within 15 days from the moment of the incident. The service provides the following information:

  • car history;
  • accidents and their number;
  • a detailed description of the accidents, the damage received in them.

This is one of the most informative online resources that allows you to answer the question of how to find out if a car has been in an accident by the VIN code. To activate the function on the vincar.ru website, you must click the "Check by VIN" button.

The CARFAX Internet portal contains information about vehicles brought to the Russian Federation from Canada or the USA. Before you start using the site, you must register and replenish your account.

This resource is paid, but the cost of services is small compared to the possible losses associated with the acquisition of a damaged car. The main advantages of Carfax include the following:

  • user-friendly interface;
  • operational data processing;
  • the ability to create an electronic copy of the report.

VIN-online is a regional resource available for residents of Kemerovo and the region. It contains two types of information:

  • free - allows you to get data about the presence of a car in the database and minimal information about it;
  • paid - issues a detailed report on the accident.

The main disadvantage of a paid service is the lack of data on the cost of the service. It will be possible to find out it only after debiting funds from the mobile phone account after sending SMS.

Checking a car for an accident using all available portals is a reliable way not only to save your time, but also money by refusing to purchase problematic vehicles. But, despite the high popularity of databases, one should not forget that not all accidents are recorded. In cases where , there is no information about incidents, and it cannot be obtained in any of the databases. Then it remains only to hope for a visual inspection. The most accurate picture of the technical condition of the transport will help to obtain a combination of all available verification methods.

How to check a car for an accident: Video

Not all people have the funds to purchase a brand new "iron horse" from a car dealership. So they buy used cars. And this increases the risk of buying a pig in a poke. The former owner will direct all his efforts to ensure that all the existing shortcomings of the vehicle are hidden as much as possible, for which the new owner will have to pay in the future. So when buying used cars, you need to be aware of how to check a car for an accident. If this is not done, then with a high probability some kind of breakdown will occur in the near future.

Verification options

There are such options for checking a car for its participation in an accident:

  • Perform an online database check.
  • You can also visually inspect the car.

Let's talk in detail about each of the methods.


So, checking for the participation of a car in an accident should start with an inspection. Very often, the consequences of accidents can be easily seen if you carefully examine the condition of the car.

When conducting an inspection, you need to follow some rules, and then a dishonest seller will have no chance to deceive you:

  • You need to inspect the vehicle during the day. If the test is performed at night, good artificial lighting should be provided. Inspection should not be carried out if visibility is poor.
  • The vehicle to be inspected must be clean. Any contamination can hide small deformations.
  • Carefully you need to inspect the quality of painting. If you see small irregularities, if in some places the color does not match, then this is a reason to be wary, as this indicates that the car has been repainted.

Electronic bases

Although the check for participation of the car in an accident may well be carried out by a potential buyer on the spot, you should not rely only on a visual check or rely on the veracity of the seller.

Unscrupulous car owners will be able to hide the defect so well that you will not even guess about its presence. Another thing is a professional - he will definitely find a flaw. It is important to use only verified databases, as unreliable sources can distort information.

There are such services:

  • traffic police bases;
  • insurance companies;
  • public services;
  • Others.

Traffic police website

The most truthful and accurate source of data is checking a car for an accident by VIN code through the traffic police. This option allows you to obtain the necessary information:

  • Through the official website;
  • At the traffic police department.

Both the first and second options are very accurate - the base used by the police is exactly the same as on the site. So there is no point in going to the branch in person.

Online check is very convenient. All data can be obtained very quickly, and there is no need to go anywhere, everything can be done within the walls of your own home (if you have the Internet, of course).
The car is checked for an accident by VIN (VIN) on the official website of the traffic police. This is a procedure for which you do not have to pay anything, it is represented by the following steps:

  • Log in at gibdd.ru;
  • Go to the following address "Services" - "Auto Check".
  • Designate VIN;
  • In the "check for participation in an accident" section, click on "Request a check".
  • The system will return the result.

The information base contains information about vehicles registered in the country. The information is constantly updated, and this is a big plus, since immediately after the accident, data about it is recorded in the database.

This service allows you to check the car for an accident by VIN-code in the traffic police for free, and find out other data about it:

  • Are there any credit debts;
  • Is there a restriction on registration;
  • Diagnostics for theft (being on the wanted list) is also performed;
  • History of vehicle registration.

According to license plate

It's not just about the VIN. All cars have registration individual numbers.

Many drivers want to know how to find out about an accident by car number? This can be done over the Internet. Services can use the same services as when using the Win-code.

You need to understand that the numbers can be transferred to another car or the documentation can be falsified. Therefore, it is recommended to perform a check by numbers in parallel with a check by VIN, because it is much more difficult to perform any fraud with it.

public services

Various information is available on the State Services website. Here, many government agencies place their data, including the traffic police. It is not difficult to check a car for an accident by VIN through the State Services. Initially, you need to register on this resource.

Portal advantages:

  • Simple interface;
  • The speed of providing data;
  • Reliability of information, as information bases are constantly updated;
  • You can check by state number and VIN code.

All functions become available only to authorized users.

Through an insurance company

Every day, the number of questions, how to look at an accident on a car, is why insurance companies have created information databases. To obtain information about the vehicle, you need to contact an employee of the company.

This method has one disadvantage - limited data. All companies have a personal database, and you can check only in the company that provided car maintenance services. To still get the data, you need to ask the former owner for a photocopy of the policy from the insurance organization where he was served. If there is a refusal to present the policy, then this is a serious reason to think about the decency of this seller.

Other services

Every day, the number of Internet services that allow you to check a car in an accident by VIN code for free is growing. Available for inspection and cars of the domestic auto industry, and foreign cars.

There are such online services where you can check a car by VIN (VIN) code for an accident for free in Russia:

  • Autocode;

Other portals are also used, but you have to pay for them:

  • VIN-online;

Information on such services is entered by traffic police officers, insurers, customs officers and other structures.

VINCAR is a service that is entered by insurers and traffic police officers. All data appears to be available 15 days after the accident. Information is available on the portal:

  • Registration history;
  • Description of the accident, the damage that the car received as a result of them;
  • Presence of accidents, number of them.

This Internet resource is the most informative, thanks to it you can find out exactly whether the car was in an accident by the VIN code. To perform a check, you must first go to vincar.ru and click on the "check by VIN" icon.

CARFAX is a service that contains data on vehicles imported from the USA and Canada to Russia. Before using the resource, you need to register and replenish your account, the service is paid.

The main advantages of this Internet portal:

  • Speed ​​of information processing;
  • Ease of use;
  • Possibility to make a copy of the report in electronic mode;

VIN-online - this service can only be used by persons residing in Kemerovo and the Kemerovo region. The resource contains:

  • Paid information - the system generates a detailed report on the accident.
  • Free - information about whether the vehicle is listed in the database and minimal information about it.

The main disadvantage of a paid resource is that there is no information and prices for services. It will become available only after SMS is sent and money is withdrawn from the account.

The autocode makes it possible to receive elementary information about the transport (brand, year of production), and extended information (participation in an accident). This is a regional resource, it contains information about cars registered in the capital and districts. Thanks to the autocode, you can break through the car by the VIN code for an accident, as well as by the license plate.

Checking a car for an accident using all existing services is reinsurance of oneself. This will save both money and time. But you also need to be aware that not all incidents on the tracks are recorded. If the drivers solve the problem on the spot, then you will not be able to find out about the accident. In this case, you need to rely only on visual inspection.

Especially expensive, high-class, today not everyone can afford it. It is for this reason that many who want to get a car are forced to turn not to fashionable salons, but to the secondary car market, where they can buy a good model at a very reasonable price. However, this form of purchase is associated with considerable risks. One of the main ones is that the purchase of a car “from hand” can lead to the fact that it also has malfunctions received during an accident, which its seller for various reasons kept silent about. Therefore, perhaps the key here is the question of how to check a car for an accident.

Ways to check a car for participation in an accident.

Why you need to check the car

Such a thorough and comprehensive before buying it is necessary for several reasons. The main thing is that the buyer needs to personally make sure that he is not buying a “pig in a poke”, but a completely serviceable car that can and will serve reliably for many years, and will not require repairs within a few kilometers after purchase. This may well happen not only when the buyer turns out to be a scammer and wants to “fuse” a faulty car, but also in cases where the former owner himself did not really understand the car and does not know that it has significant flaws. Therefore, it is imperative to check whether the car has been in an accident before, and if so, how it affected its technical and other characteristics, how suitable it will be for further operation.

There are many proven, effective ways to check whether a car is broken or not. These algorithms are very different from each other, although the object of their analysis is the same technical tool. One of the first ways that every buyer resorts to is a visual inspection of the body. An experienced driver with many years of service and maintenance of automotive equipment is able to accurately determine that the car had to be in an accident, by eloquent little things that do not mean anything to non-professionals, and sometimes are not even noticeable. This also applies to the car body, since after any, even a not very significant accident, as a rule, its evidence remains on it, weighty evidence:

  • scratches;
  • chipped;
  • dents;
  • Cracks and other defects.

Even if they were skillfully disguised (for example, trimmed, puttied and painted over with exactly the same paint), a connoisseur will often be able to identify this repaired place on metal, plastic or glass without much difficulty. Therefore, when buying a used car, experts strongly advise you to take such an experienced driver or mechanic with you as an expert for inspection and test drive. He will be the best at orienting himself on how to distinguish from an unbroken car that has been in an accident, not only purely visually, by direct inspection, but also taking into account the definition of a thickness gauge - a device for studying the degree of freshness of paints and varnishes applied to the surface of the body. However, relying only on such an expert would be a mistake, so you need to additionally apply other options for checking a car.

Many are interested in how to check a car for participation in an accident through the traffic police website. To do this, when buying a car, you need to ask the seller for the VIN number. If the car was not in an accident, its owner will have no reason not to report this number. Having learned it, you should enter the data of the VIN number on the site and use it to find out if the car had to be a participant in an accident. The same site will help you determine exactly if there are any restrictions on the car, and whether it is wanted or pledged. In addition, here you can find information about the insurance of this car. The problematic point when using the traffic police website is that its database contains information about accidents only starting from 2015, and previous years are not covered. However, in many cases, even such a time limit is quite enough to clarify the picture.

Through an insurance company

Motorists are also often interested in how to find out for sure whether the car has been in an accident through its insurance company. Experts consider this to be another effective way to accurately determine the participation of a car in an accident, but only if after it the owner turned to the company for help. The company stores all key information about the accident, namely:

  • When did it happen;
  • What scale and consequences had;
  • Who was its culprit;
  • What kind of assistance did the insurers provide to the owner?

Having received such data and having learned, for example, that the car did get into an accident, about which its owner is silent for some reason, one can draw the appropriate conclusions. But if the insurance company does not have information about the accident, this is not a guarantee that it did not happen in practice, so some other form of verification will have to be applied.

Other verification methods

There are other effective ways to check the fact that a car was involved in an accident, among which the Autocode service stands out. It was developed on the basis of the state program specifically for the purpose of checking technical equipment using their numbers or VIN numbers. The verification algorithm through this special portal also involves the use of a photograph of the car, after which, in response to a request, all information is provided on the fact that the car was involved in an accident and its damage. Through this portal, it is also possible to find out all kinds of other technical, repair, insurance, customs and other nuances about the car of interest to the buyer.


The Autocode website, created specifically for this purpose, often helps to check the car for an accident history. By indicating the car number through it, the customer receives the entire array of information about the “native” technical characteristics of the car: its color, engine size, power and other details, including the history of an accident, change of ownership, search.

Vincar Service

The Vincar website, which successfully cooperates with the traffic police and is very popular, often helps to accurately recognize a broken car. He has a huge database, which is constantly updated automatically with information about emergencies based on official reports 15 days after each of them. By visiting this site, anyone can get all the data they are interested in about the car they are buying. In addition, here you can order an experienced expert for a technical check of the car on the road.

Carfax Internet Service

To find out whether the car did not participate or took part in some kind of accident, the Carfax Internet service also allows. It uses the efficient vin-online verification format, which checks the car by its VIN number online. If, for example, you buy a used car, to make sure whether he had to be involved in an accident, just punch her VIN number on Carfax and get everything you are interested in.

Checking a car before buying is an essential thing. It must be remembered that for various reasons, also intentionally, you can buy a car with such malfunctions that the money spent will be thrown to the wind. purchase and sale, the buyer signs the wording that he has no claims to the technical side of the purchase and the completeness of its completeness, after this issue will legally be closed. But in order to put your signature under it, you first need to make sure that it really is so. Good luck with your purchase!

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