Home Lighting What documents are needed to deregister a car. How to deregister and how to write off a car in the traffic police? What do we have to do? When it is necessary

What documents are needed to deregister a car. How to deregister and how to write off a car in the traffic police? What do we have to do? When it is necessary

Let's analyze typical situations in which you may need to perform this action:

  1. Let's start, perhaps, with the purchase of a car. True, in this case, we will not talk about buying a new car, but about acquiring a car "from hand", i.e. used, respectively, about re-registration. This responsibility falls on the shoulders of the new owner of the vehicle. However, there is a small caveat to this rule. If the re-registration did not occur within 10 days, then the obligation to re-register the car is transferred to the seller. By the way, the fact that the buyer must first re-register the car is not a panacea. This is primarily necessary for the previous car owner. Re-registration relieves him of all responsibility for the further fate of the car, including the payment of transport taxes.
  2. The second case affects the option of moving the owner of the vehicle to a new place of residence (permanent or temporary for a long time) in a foreign country.
  3. Theft of your car by unknown villains. This, of course, is about the case if your car cannot be found for a long time (and, most likely, it has already, alas, become spare parts, or the new owner drives it and does not suspect).
  4. If you decide to take advantage of the federal car recycling program. Moreover, the procedure for going through this procedure can be either complete - that is, the entire car will go to scrap due to unsuitability (all parts of the vehicle with serial numbers will have to be deregistered), partial, that is, only some elements will be disposed of.

What do you need to deregister a car?

In this section, we will analyze the general procedure for passing this procedure, and a little lower we will consider some of the nuances that must be taken into account when going through the corresponding procedure for the above circumstances. Actually, the order of passage:

  1. Step one. We are writing an application to the traffic police to deregister the car (a standard form is available at the traffic police department, for a fee it will even be filled out for you). Moreover, the application must indicate the reason for deregistration of the car.
  2. Step two. We collect and submit the documents necessary for the implementation of this procedure.

These documents include the following:

  • a document proving your identity;
  • a document certifying the fact of ownership of this vehicle (most often we are talking about a contract of sale or a donation contract);
  • power of attorney to represent the interests of the owner, if you and he are different persons;
  • vehicle passport (PTS);
  • vehicle registration certificate (STS);
  • you also need a license plate or an explanation for what reason it is missing.
  1. After submitting the documents, you will receive a receipt for payment of the state duty, and, of course, make the payment.
  2. After the above steps are completed, take the collected documents and the receipt to the MREO.
  3. If necessary, pass a technical inspection of your car.
  4. Further, you are given a new license plate, if necessary - a Title, and an inspection report.
  5. After all these procedures, the MREO employee will enter all the data into automatic accounting systems. On this, in principle, the procedure can be considered completed.

Is it possible to deregister a car in another city or region?

A very pressing issue that continues to worry the minds of car owners who continue to be captive to the illusion of the omnipotence of such a social institution as "registration". This relic of the Soviet past, fortunately, is beginning to fade more and more into the past. Currently, you can calmly and without any problems, re-register or deregister a car at any traffic police department, any locality or region of our vast Motherland. And we repeat, there are no legitimate reasons to refuse you this procedure from the employees of the State traffic inspectorate. By the way, this aspect concerns not only deregistration of the car, but also many other things. And if suddenly some not very educated or well-mannered traffic police officer tries to convince you that this is not so, then you, with unshakable confidence in your voice, invite him to study the order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs No. article 24.5 in the most detailed way, legally, your arguments are confirmed.

Deregistration for various reasons

Well, now, as mentioned above, we will analyze some of the nuances and features that arise when deregistering a car in various situations.


When it comes to recycling, there are a number of advantages. The most important thing is that you do not need to undergo a technical inspection. There is also no need to submit documents for cars - STS and PTS. It is only necessary to submit documents confirming the ownership of this car: a contract of sale, a donation contract, etc. It is also a plus that recycling can be carried out even without a license plate. Instead, it will be necessary to write an explanation for what reason they (numbers) are missing.


In this case, the only nuance that distinguishes the procedure for deregistration of a stolen car from the standard procedure is that in addition to all documents, you will need to submit a certificate from the Ministry of Internal Affairs stating that your car is listed as stolen. And then the order of submission of documents remains the same. In the event that the documents for the car were in a stolen vehicle, then, unfortunately, you will have to go through the entire procedure for restoring documents.


In the case of the sale / purchase of a used car, you will need to pass an inspection if the deadline is right. Also, if you buy a car and want to change the state number, you will need to write a separate application about this.

If you sold your car, and the new owner did not register it within ten days, and he has the documents for the car, then to deregister, it is enough to contact the MREO with a passport and a purchase / sale agreement.

If the car is being exported or has already been exported abroad, the algorithm for removing it from the register does not change to a large extent. In addition, you will additionally need to pay a state duty for issuing a transit number. This is in case the departure is only planned.

Some features that relate to the inspection of the car in case of deregistration

Let's take a look at the vehicle. An inspection is not needed if you receive duplicate documents, make changes to the registration documents due to a change in your personal data (for example, last name), in a situation where its registration has been issued for a while and has already ended. Well, for granted, in case recycling takes place. But an inspection is always needed if you plan to make changes to the condition of your car, for example, make external or internal tuning, change the color of the body.

Removing a car from the register through the portal of GOVERNMENTAL SERVICES

The passage of this procedure through the portal of the State Services, on the one hand, is practically no different from the same process, so to speak, in the real world. However, on the other hand, it has some differences with a plus sign.

So, let's briefly analyze the procedure itself.

  1. The first thing you need to do is, of course, register on this portal, of course, if you have not done so yet. The registration procedure itself, of course, differs in the direction of complexity from the registration procedure in the same social networks. To register for the State Services, you must provide scanned copies of all your documents (passport, SNILS, TIN, etc.) to one of the multifunctional centers.
  2. Next, you need to select the specific section that interests you. This algorithm looks like this: Public services - Transport and driving - Registration of a vehicle - Deregistration of a vehicle - Deregistration category (hijacking, sale, moving to another state, etc.).
  3. After that, you need to upload scanned copies of all documents that you need to submit to deregister the car in the provided form.
  4. Then you pay the state duty in any convenient format: at least immediately, through a bank card, at least through a printed paper receipt, at any bank.
  5. Next, you await instructions on your next steps. Instructions will come either to your personal account or in the form of SMS.

Let's take a look at the pros and cons of this method. The undoubted advantage is that you avoid standing in lines. The whole procedure is clearly outlined, and you will receive the most detailed instructions on the procedure for passing and the necessary documents. Also, the pluses include the fact that you will come directly to draw up documents for deregistration of the car at a strictly agreed time. Well, and, perhaps, an important positive point is the fact that users of the State Services portal are provided with a 30% discount on the payment of duties.

The disadvantages include some complexity of the procedure. It lies in the fact that you will need to provide all documents in scanned form.

We have already touched on this issue in the previous sections. Let's try to summarize some information.

In which case you may not have a car? Here the answer suggests itself - in case of theft. Here the algorithm of actions is simple. In addition to all the above documents, you need to submit a certificate from the Ministry of Internal Affairs about car theft.

In addition, the car may be missing in case of loss or theft of documents, in the event of a sale of the car. In all these cases, the documents will have to be restored. To do this, you will need to write an application to the traffic police. There is no need to remove the car from the register without restoring the documents, only if it is being scrapped.


Many drivers are interested in how to deregister a car with the traffic police. The thing is that every driver should know about this process. Otherwise, there is a risk of certain problems with the traffic police. In Russia, without registration, you can not go on the road. This is something like registering a car in the law enforcement system. Registration of transport is analogous to entering information about real estate and its owner in Rosreestr. Under certain circumstances, it is necessary to remove the car from the registration with the traffic police. But when and how to do it? About all the features of the process below.

When needed

The first step is to find out under what circumstances it is necessary to remove the vehicle from the registration in the traffic police. The thing is that it is not always necessary to go through this procedure. At the moment, it is required to deregister a vehicle with the traffic police if:

  • car recycling is planned;
  • transport is for sale;
  • when a car is stolen;
  • the car will be absent from the territory of the settlement for a long time;
  • departure for a long time outside the Russian Federation;
  • the vehicle has a new owner.

Where to go

Accordingly, in all other cases, there is no need to remove the car from the register with the traffic police. The next question that interests drivers is where to go to implement the idea. It is not enough to understand how to deregister a car. It is important to know which authorities to come to for the process. Luckily, there aren't many options. You can deregister a vehicle at:

  • traffic police;
  • portal "Gosuslugi" (not in all regions of the Russian Federation).


The next nuance is the documents that are required from a citizen. To deregister a car in another region or in the city of initial registration, you need to collect a certain package of documents. There are not as many of them as it seems. As a rule, there are no problems with the realization of ideas. Of the papers that are requested from the driver by the traffic police, it is required:

  • identity card (passport of the Russian Federation);
  • documents on the ownership of the car;
  • technical passport of the vehicle;
  • insurance (if any);
  • car numbers;
  • receipt of payment of state duty;
  • power of attorney for the car (if deregistration does not occur by the real owner);
  • statement of the established form.

Machine preparation

That's all. No more documents are needed. But how do you deregister a car? Few people know that the vehicle is recommended to be properly prepared for the process. What needs to be done? Actually, nothing special. Recommended:

  • wash the vehicle before visiting the traffic police;
  • unscrew and wash registration numbers;
  • check the muffler.

Deregistration procedure

How to deregister a car? Based on all of the above, it is possible to identify the procedure for deregistration of a vehicle. The driver must adhere to the following algorithm of actions:

  1. Prepare car for inspection. Transport, as already mentioned, must be washed and the numbers unscrewed.
  2. Collect a certain package of documents. They have already been mentioned. It is recommended to provide not only originals, but also copies of papers. You don't need to verify them.
  3. Write a statement of the established form and take it to the traffic police or traffic police. Or submit an electronic application through the "Gosuslugi". The application must indicate the reason for deregistration.
  4. Give the numbers to the car. You can keep them for yourself, but then you will have to indicate your desire in the application.
  5. Wait for the technical inspection of the transport by the traffic police. If the car is dirty, the procedure may be denied. This makes deregistration impossible. With tinted front windows, maintenance is also often denied.
  6. Get numbers for the car (if you wanted to pick them up) and a certificate of deregistration of the vehicle.


Now it is clear how to remove the car from the register. In reality, everything is not as difficult as it seems. It is worth paying attention to the fact that when changing ownership or when selling a car, it is best to re-register along with deregistration. The procedure is exactly the same - a package of documents is collected, then an application for registration is submitted. All papers necessary to bring the idea to life must be provided by the seller or the former owner. The procedure for deregistration and re-registration, with proper preparation, takes only a few hours.

Many people think that deregistration of funds and deregistration are the same procedures. In fact, these concepts are somewhat different from each other.

What exactly is the difference between the termination of registration of a vehicle and the deregistration of a vehicle, we will consider in our article.

Definition of concepts

Termination of vehicle registration is a procedure that implies that after a while the car will be registered again.

Deregistration of a vehicle is an operation that is performed in cases where subsequent registration of a car is not provided.

A few years ago, every car owner who wanted to sell a car had to deregister the vehicle. But after the government introduced the ability to sell cars along with numbers, deregistration of vehicles in most cases has lost its relevance.

Let us consider in more detail in which cases the termination of registration of a car is used, and in which cases deregistration is used.

Why is it necessary to terminate the registration of the vehicle or deregister it?

Both procedures are carried out in cases where the owner of the car does not use the vehicle and, therefore, does not want to pay transport tax on it. But since the termination of registration and deregistration of a vehicle are different procedures, the need for them depends on each specific case.

The list with the conditions under which the registration of a car is terminated is regulated by law. So, according to current standards, this procedure can be carried out under the following circumstances:

1. Loss of the vehicle (for example, the car got into an accident and cannot be restored).

2. Car theft.

3. End of the vehicle registration period for a limited period.

4. Sale of the vehicle and subsequent termination of registration (if the new owner of the vehicle has not registered the vehicle, then after 10 days after the sale you can contact the traffic police to remove it from the register).

5. Termination of the lease agreement at the request of the lessor, provided that the vehicle was registered with the lessee for a limited period.

As for deregistration of a car, this procedure can be carried out only in two cases:

Export of a vehicle outside Russia for permanent residence;

Vehicle recycling.

Most often, the need to terminate the registration of the vehicle arises due to the sale of the car. It is not uncommon for situations when, having transferred the rights to a car to a new owner, the former owner does not know whether the vehicle has been registered or not. In this case, you need to do the following:

1. Wait 10 days from the date of sale of the car, because. this is the period given to the new owner to register the vehicle with the traffic police.

2. At the end of 10 days after the transaction, contact the traffic police department with a request to terminate the registration of the vehicle. To do this, you must provide documents confirming the sale of the car (contract of sale).

If the new owner did not have time to register the car, after you contact the traffic police, the registration will be terminated automatically.

How to fill out an application for termination of vehicle registration and deregistration?

In order to carry out the procedure for terminating the registration of a car or deregistering a vehicle, it is necessary to fill out an application of the established form.

Please note that the form has a single form for all registration actions, and when filling it out, you only have to emphasize the desired situation.

According to the current rules, it is necessary to remove the car from the register only in case of theft, moving abroad and during disposal.

But when the owner changes, all the hassle of registering the car falls on the new owner.

How to remove a car from the traffic police, and what documents to submit, we will tell further.

Previously, until 2014, deregistration of a car was quite simple - such a procedure was carried out at the conclusion of a contract of sale, donation (another transaction that involves a change of ownership).

At the same time, the seller of the vehicle had to independently deregister the car, draw up all the necessary paperwork, obtain transit numbers and transfer all this to the buyer.

Most often, the buyer came on the same day and to the same department of the traffic police and again submitted documents to the inspection staff, to issue a car in his name. To reduce this procedure to a minimum, a new administrative regulation was approved.

The main innovation of the document is that the seller no longer needs to worry about where to deregister the car, since this is the responsibility of the new owner.

When does a car need to be deregistered?

However, in some cases, it is necessary to deregister a vehicle with the traffic police with obtaining transit numbers:

  • theft - if the car was stolen, the owner must definitely contact the traffic police department with a request to deregister;
  • leaving Russia - if you are traveling abroad for a long time, the car is deregistered for vehicle registration in another country;
  • recycling - if the car owner decides to use the vehicle recycling program and hands over the car to the state, then his main duty is to remove the car from the registration with the traffic police so that he is not charged a transport tax;
  • the new owner ignored his obligation to register the car. If after 10 days the buyer has not applied for registration, the seller is obliged to initiate this procedure on his own.

Deregistration with simultaneous registration

Despite the fact that the seller does not deregister the car, it cannot be said that deregistration is not performed. In fact, deregistration of the previous owner and registration of the new one is carried out simultaneously.

In the case of a car sale, the seller does not come with the buyer to the traffic police and does not control the entire re-registration procedure.

The seller only needs to put his signature on the TCP and conclude a sale and purchase transaction. Registration of a car in the traffic police is carried out in this way:

  1. After the new owner submits the documents at the registration window, the traffic police check the car for various bases.
  2. After that, the experts inspect the vehicle, check all the numbers: engine, body, other parts with the data specified in the documents for the car.
  3. Next, a forensic check is carried out, during this procedure it is determined whether he is wanted or not involved in any criminal schemes.
  4. Automatic reconciliation of documentation for the machine is carried out according to a single database for the Russian Federation;
  5. After all the above procedures and after checking the data about the buyer, the car is removed from the register, and it is automatically transferred to the account with data about the new owner.

Consequently, deregistration has not been canceled, the order of this procedure has simply changed. Deregistration of a car is now much easier and faster.

However, it is impossible to sell a car with an encumbrance under the new rules. If the vehicle has a bank lien or other restrictions, then the vehicle will be denied re-registration.

Removal of the machine due to disposal

As already noted, when disposing of the vehicle, it is subject to removal to the traffic police. If your car has become unusable, then in order to dispose of it, you first need to find a company that deals with recycling.

After the owner agrees on the disposal, he needs to contact the traffic police to deregister the car in connection with the subsequent disposal. If possible, the car should be inspected by the traffic police.

After all stages of checking the vehicle and data about the owner, the citizen is issued documents on the removal of the car and within 1 month after deregistration it is necessary to dispose of the vehicle.

Remember that after deregistration with the traffic police for disposal, the vehicle cannot be sold, donated or made any other deal. The rules for deregistration in connection with the disposal of vehicles were also slightly simplified.

Previously, before deregistering a car for recycling, it was necessary to conduct an examination of the vehicle, however, due to the fact that most of the cars are already non-transportable, the requirement to conduct an examination has now been canceled.

Travel abroad

If the car is transported to another country in connection with the departure for permanent residence, then the Russian license plates are surrendered, and the traffic police issues transit numbers. Temporary numbers are valid for 20 days. In this case, the owner needs to take the following actions:

  • to de-register, a citizen arrives at the traffic police department. It is allowed to rent a car in any of the traffic inspection departments;
  • traffic police officers should submit documents for a car: registration certificate, title, passport, insurance policy;
  • the owner writes a statement to remove the car from the register for the subsequent export of the car from Russia. The column on the reason for deregistration indicates: “in connection with the departure to Romania, Greece, France, etc.”;
  • the car is checked for possible encumbrances: fines, arrests, etc.;
  • at the last stage, the traffic police issue permits and transit numbers to the owner of the car.

If necessary, the inspector can find out from the owner the purpose of the export of the car, request additional papers. It is also necessary to deregister a car in the case when the vehicle is transported to another country for sale.

You can drive on transit numbers only temporarily, if the car owner drives on such numbers for more than 20 days, then he can be fined 500-800 rubles. It is best to remove the car from registration just before leaving the country.

Removing a car in case of theft

If the car is stolen, the car owner needs to file a statement with the police to initiate a criminal case on this fact. After that, you should also write an application for deregistration of the traffic police. In this case, the following documents must be submitted in order to de-register:

  • passport of the owner of the stolen car;
  • notification from the police station;
  • if available, a vehicle registration certificate is submitted;
  • application of the owner for deregistration.

If the car is found and transferred to the rightful owner, the vehicle can be registered again. In addition, in some cases, the legislation allows forced deregistration. In particular, this is possible if there is a court decision on the return or transfer of the car to another person.

What to do if the new owner has not registered the car

If the buyer ignored his obligation to register the car with the traffic police, but, despite this, he operates the car, all fines and transport tax will be issued to the previous owner, since it is his data that is indicated in the traffic police database.

To insure yourself, it is best for the seller to keep a copy of the vehicle passport, which indicates the marks on the change of ownership of the car.

In such a situation, the seller must immediately contact the traffic police department and attach the following documents:

  • a statement indicating that the car was sold and is owned by another person;
  • copies of the documentation for the car;
  • a copy of the sales agreement.

When concluding a sale and purchase transaction, a special mark is affixed in the vehicle passport about the change of ownership with the signature of the new owner and the date of sale. If within 10 days the new owner does not contact the traffic police, the seller must report the transaction. After that, a new car owner will be searched.

If, during this time, fines and taxes were imposed on the buyer (but were issued in the name of the seller), he will not be able to register the car until he pays all costs.

Today, a car is no longer really a luxury, but a means of transportation that, in addition to driving practice, also requires proper documentation. Many motorists are afraid of bureaucracy, mistakenly believing that deregistration of a car is a long and complicated procedure that takes a lot of strength and nerves. Now this service is available on the State Service portal.

There are several reasons why vehicle owners need to remove a car from state registration:

  1. The desire of the owner to dispose of his car, taking advantage of the state program, which saves him from the transport tax.
  2. If the car was stolen or another unlawful act was committed against it.
  3. If, after 10 days after the sale, the buyer has not removed the purchased car from the register himself, the seller must do this.
  4. If the car owner leaves for a long time abroad in his car and plans to register it in a new state.

What documents are required for deregistration?

Depending on the reason for deregistration of the car, the package of documents required to apply to the state traffic inspectorate may differ slightly.

To remove from state registration in case of disposal of a car, you will need:

  • owner's passport;
  • technical passport for the car;
  • vehicle registration certificate;
  • car plate numbers;
  • a statement about the need to dispose of a car;
  • confirmation of payment of state duty.

If the car was stolen, then initially the owner must file a theft report with the police so that a criminal case can be initiated on the fact of theft. When the case is suspended or closed, the owner of the stolen vehicle can remove it from the register if he has his passport, vehicle registration certificate, application and notice of termination or suspension of the case.

See also: Driver's license replacement

To remove the car from the registration after the sale, the registration certificate of the car, the contract of purchase / sale and a check confirming the payment of all necessary duties and taxes are submitted to the authorities of the initial registration of the car.

When changing the place of residence, in addition to all the documents listed above, the car owner must provide a certificate of insurance, as well as pay a fee for transit numbers.

How to deregister a car through the State Services?

If earlier, through the official website of the State Service, it was only possible to find out information about the vehicle (whether it is registered, whether there are fines on its owner), now for motorists who value their time, the car deregistration service is available online via the Internet. In order to use it, it is mandatory to open your personal account on the gosuslugi.ru website, where a special questionnaire is filled out in the "Vehicle Registration" section.

If you are an unregistered user, then you first need to create your account on the site, for this, on the main page, click the "Personal Account" button, and in the new window, the "Register" button.

The initial registration does not require much time, it is enough just to fill in the proposed form with the name, surname and contact details. For full access to the services of the State Services portal, it is necessary to provide identity documents and wait until they are verified with the authorized bodies.

After registering and entering your personal account, you find the necessary section through the search system and fill out the questionnaire for deregistration of the car. It is necessary to enter the following data:

A correctly completed questionnaire is accepted by the system, which is notified to the sender, and sent to the appropriate service for further consideration. Based on the results of processing the questionnaire, representatives of the competent state body will contact the owner of the car and tell about his subsequent actions or notify him of the refusal to provide the service.

The amount of the state duty for deregistration of the car

When deregistering a car, its owner must pay a state duty in the amount of 200 rubles, which gives him the right to receive a certificate of release of numbered units.

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