Home Engine How to hand over the numbers in the traffic police without a car. What documents and what is needed to deregister a car. You can deregister a vehicle at any traffic police department

How to hand over the numbers in the traffic police without a car. What documents and what is needed to deregister a car. You can deregister a vehicle at any traffic police department

Removing a car from the register is one of the procedures that interest many car owners. There is a standard order of solving the problem and individual situations with different conditions. We note right away that since recently, license plates have been assigned directly to the car, so after its sale, the buyer, not the seller, will deal with the paperwork.

But, there are situations when the former owner of the transport is himself interested in resolving the issue, so that after that he does not pay fees and taxes that are imposed on the person who owns the car. At the same time, one has to think how to deregister a car without a car. Such cases include:

  • theft. Here it is worth considering situations when measures aimed at searching for vehicles did not allow to achieve any result, and there is no hope that the car will be returned in the near future. Even if the car is found after some period, it would be better to simply register it again;
  • a serious accident or a major breakdown, excluding the possibility of further operation of the vehicle due to the pointlessness of its restoration;
  • the car is sold, but the buyer refused or failed to re-register within 10 days from the date of execution of the contract;
  • the vehicle has crossed the border and will stay abroad for a long time.

In any of these situations, the vehicle will have to be deregistered without submitting it to the MREO.

We note right away that in order to deregister a car, you will need to collect a certain package of documents. In different situations, their list will vary slightly. Consider the main documents that you need to have with you, if any:

  • identification. Usually it is a passport. If it is lost, you must provide the appropriate certificate. Also, instead of a passport, they accept an identity document of a serviceman;
  • a contract for the sale of vehicles, subject to availability;
  • car registration certificate. Its provision is required when it was not sold, but, for example, is listed as stolen;
  • statement. It can be written directly to the traffic police department. Compilation sample is provided; .
  • receipt confirming the payment of state duty. The amount depends on the case in which the owner is contacted;
  • power of attorney. It is issued when the owner of the transport is not able to do it personally for any reason.

All documents from the list that are available must be taken with you and in originals. You should also bring copies in case they are required by the traffic police.

How to remove a car from the register when it is stolen

First of all, when the fact of car theft is discovered, its owner must apply to law enforcement agencies with a corresponding statement. After that, their representatives will take the necessary measures to search for vehicles. If the search is unsuccessful for a certain period, the car owner can go to the traffic police department at the place of registration of the car and submit the following documents:

  • the passport;
  • registration document for the vehicle;
  • paper about the opening of UD. It is issued by law enforcement agencies;
  • application for deregistration of vehicles. .

The applicant will be sure to inform the traffic police officers accepting the documents about further actions and the timing of resolving the issue.

If the car is to be scrapped

Important! Recycling can be complete or partial. In the latter case, the car owner keeps certain details for himself, if they survived and will be useful in the future..

In addition to a personal and technical passport for a car, a corresponding application, the owner must additionally provide:

  • number plates;
  • receipt of payment of state duty for partial disposal.

If the documents are drawn up by an authorized person, you must take a power of attorney with you. The paper must be notarized.

Important! Full disposal is free of charge. If it is partially completed, the removed units are provided for serial number matching.

Deregistration of a car after its sale

The need to solve such a problem was mentioned above. It is necessary to deregister vehicles so that later you do not face the need to pay various taxes, fines and other amounts of money that may be required from the official owner of the car indicated in the registration documents.

In order to deregister a vehicle, in addition to personal documents and an application drawn up in the prescribed manner, you must provide a vehicle sales agreement. You will also need to pay the state fee and attach a receipt to the application.

How to make an application

Difficulties with filling out an application usually do not arise. In any department of the traffic police there are special stands where examples of filling are posted. The applicant is given a form of the established form and he just needs to enter the following information:

  • vehicle identification data;
  • personal data of the owner: full name, registration address, contacts. If a person is engaged in registration by proxy, this fact should be noted by indicating the details of the document;
  • the reason why the car needs to be deregistered.

When disposal is the reason, the following points should be noted:

  • with full - write that the certificate for the released nodes is not needed;
  • with partial - indicate which parts require supporting papers, for example, on the chassis, body.

Important! If you do not want or do not have the opportunity to visit the traffic police department, you can resolve the issue using special options on the State Services website.

How to deregister a car on the State Services website

If you decide to deregister a car through the State Services website, first of all you need to register here and go through authorization in order to open your personal account. Next you need to do the following:

  1. Open the site gosuslugi.ru.
  2. In the category of services in the "Transport and driving" section, select the "Vehicle registration" item.
  3. Click on the active link "Deregistration".
  4. Select the reason for deregistration from the options provided.
  5. Follow the step by step instructions on the new page.

There are no particular difficulties here. You just need to fill out an electronic application form, prescribing the requested information, familiarize yourself with the procedure for paying for services and their cost. Next, you should choose the traffic police department from the proposed options, make an appointment for a suitable date and time. Then the electronic application must be sent. Within the specified period, along with a printed application, you will need to visit the traffic police department.

Important! Don't stand in line. You need to find a queue for those who applied through the State Services portal. Here, each user has their own serial number..

In the course of personal communication, the inspector will check the original documents, confirm the removal of the car from the registration.

On the State Services portal, everything is described in great detail, so there will be no difficulties. Just follow the instructions and follow the given recommendations.

Video - How to remove the car from yourself after the sale

At the moment, deregistration of the car is not a prerequisite, because. when the new owner performs registration actions, this is done automatically. But what if the new owner has not registered the vehicle within 10 days and how to remove the car from the register?

Often, dishonest buyers are in no hurry to register a vehicle, and there can be many reasons for this:

  • savings on transport tax (and the higher the tax, the more likely that the client will try to delay the registration of the vehicle);
  • savings on fines when shooting violations with automatic recording cameras, they will be recorded on the seller, who will have to pay.

In this case, after you rent the car, it is possible to go to court against the person who was supposed to make the withdrawal (the buyer) and recover the losses incurred in court.

Self-withdrawal by the seller

If the other party to the contract does not re-register the vehicle for itself, then the seller will need to independently withdraw after the sale. In order to deregister a car, the seller must prepare the following set of documents:

  1. a contract for the sale of a vehicle that was drawn up no earlier than 10 days ago;
  2. a statement of the established form on deregistration of the car upon sale;
  3. applicant's passport;
  4. copies of the transport documentation (without them, it will be difficult to remove the car from the registration - that is why, before selling the vehicle, it is recommended to make copies);
  5. receipt for payment of state duty.

After receiving the application, authorized employees of the State Traffic Inspectorate consider the application and decide whether to deregister or refuse.

Refusal by employees of the State traffic inspectorate may be issued if the car is encumbered or arrested.

Buyer's responsibility

The legislation provides for bringing the buyer to responsibility if he, within the established time limits (10 days), ignores the registration actions necessary in these cases. It is important to take into account that not only individuals, but also legal entities can be held liable. The amount of the fine for persons who, without removing and registering a car for themselves within the established time limits, committed an administrative offense, is provided for various:

  • for citizens - 1.5 - 2 thousand rubles;
  • for organizations - 5-10 thousand rubles;
  • for officials - 2 - 3.5 thousand rubles.

As you can see, the fine for untimely removal and installation of the car is quite impressive, which is why we recommend that you take steps to register it in a timely manner.

Self-withdrawal by the buyer

As mentioned above, the buyer does not need to first deregister the car - this happens automatically when the traffic police registers it. In order for the car to be registered (and automatically removed from the seller), the new owner needs to contact the State Traffic Inspectorate, attaching the following documentation:

  1. citizen's passport;
  2. vehicle passport;
  3. OSAGO policy (CASCO optional);
  4. contract of sale.

When registering used vehicles and new ones, there are no big differences except for one - in the second case, transit numbers will be required. But the dealership that sells the car usually provides them.

“How to deregister a car with the traffic police, and in what cases is this required?” - a question of interest to many car owners. Road legislation is regularly updated, and the owners do not have time to follow all the changes in the regulations and the peculiarities of the procedure. In order for the deregistration of a car in the traffic police to go smoothly and require a minimum of time and effort, it is better to contact specialists. This eliminates the need to understand the procedure, go through its stages on your own, waste time standing in queues and communicating with traffic police officers. If you want to deregister the car in Moscow at the Maryino traffic police (Pererva st. 21) at minimal cost and in a short time, call the contact numbers of the company.

Service cost

* Attention: state duty is not included in this price!

When is it required to deregister a car in the Moscow traffic police?

In recent years, the legislation has been simplified: owners have been relieved of the obligation to contact the traffic police when selling a vehicle. Deregistration of a car with the traffic police is required when:

  • disposal of vehicles under the state program;
  • car theft;
  • export of equipment abroad.

The owner also retained the right to remove the car from the registration if its new owner violated the re-registration deadlines (10 days from the date of signing the sales contract).
The procedure is the same for all regions of the country, but we will consider it using the example of Moscow. Deregistration of a car takes place in several stages. The first is the collection of the necessary documents:

  • Russian passport of the owner (a copy may be needed);
  • registration certificate;
  • vehicle passport;
  • an application filled out in the prescribed form and signed personally by the applicant.

It is allowed to contact not the owner himself, but his authorized representative - in this case, the package of documents is supplemented by a notarized power of attorney. Before preparing papers, it is recommended to consult with a specialist: in most cases, additional information is required.
The second stage of deregistration of the car is to contact the nearest traffic police department. At the same time, it does not matter at what address you were registered: the traffic police work on a single electronic database that combines information throughout Russia. Many owners are faced with the need to inspect the vehicle at the road inspection site. This complicates the procedure and delays it: it sometimes takes weeks to deregister a car with the traffic police. To avoid red tape and guaranteed to get a positive result, it is better to seek help from our company. We take on:

  • preparation of documents and verification of their correctness;
  • submission of the assembled package to the inspection;
  • communication with traffic police officers to resolve emerging issues;
  • obtaining a certificate of deregistration of the machine and its transfer to the client.

While we are busy deregistering the vehicle, you mind your own business!
You can find out the details and order the service by contact numbers or by leaving a request on the website. Also, the manager will tell you how much it costs to deregister the car, and in what time frame you will receive a new set of documents.

Many drivers are interested in how to deregister a car with the traffic police. The thing is that every driver should know about this process. Otherwise, there is a risk of certain problems with the traffic police. In Russia, without registration, you can not go on the road. This is something like registering a car in the law enforcement system. Registration of transport is analogous to entering information about real estate and its owner in Rosreestr. Under certain circumstances, it is necessary to remove the car from the registration with the traffic police. But when and how to do it? About all the features of the process below.

When needed

The first step is to find out under what circumstances it is necessary to remove the vehicle from the registration in the traffic police. The thing is that it is not always necessary to go through this procedure. At the moment, it is required to deregister a vehicle with the traffic police if:

  • car recycling is planned;
  • transport is for sale;
  • when a car is stolen;
  • the car will be absent from the territory of the settlement for a long time;
  • departure for a long time outside the Russian Federation;
  • the vehicle has a new owner.

Where to go

Accordingly, in all other cases, there is no need to remove the car from the register with the traffic police. The next question that interests drivers is where to go to implement the idea. It is not enough to understand how to deregister a car. It is important to know which authorities to come to for the process. Luckily, there aren't many options. You can deregister a vehicle at:

  • traffic police;
  • portal "Gosuslugi" (not in all regions of the Russian Federation).


The next nuance is the documents that are required from a citizen. To deregister a car in another region or in the city of initial registration, you need to collect a certain package of documents. There are not as many of them as it seems. As a rule, there are no problems with the realization of ideas. Of the papers that are requested from the driver by the traffic police, it is required:

  • identity card (passport of the Russian Federation);
  • documents on the ownership of the car;
  • technical passport of the vehicle;
  • insurance (if any);
  • car numbers;
  • receipt of payment of state duty;
  • power of attorney for the car (if deregistration does not occur by the real owner);
  • statement of the established form.

Machine preparation

That's all. No more documents are needed. But how do you deregister a car? Few people know that the vehicle is recommended to be properly prepared for the process. What needs to be done? Actually, nothing special. Recommended:

  • wash the vehicle before visiting the traffic police;
  • unscrew and wash registration numbers;
  • check the muffler.

Deregistration procedure

How to deregister a car? Based on all of the above, it is possible to identify the procedure for deregistration of a vehicle. The driver must adhere to the following algorithm of actions:

  1. Prepare car for inspection. Transport, as already mentioned, must be washed and the numbers unscrewed.
  2. Collect a certain package of documents. They have already been mentioned. It is recommended to provide not only originals, but also copies of papers. You don't need to verify them.
  3. Write a statement of the established form and take it to the traffic police or traffic police. Or submit an electronic application through the "Gosuslugi". The application must indicate the reason for deregistration.
  4. Give the numbers to the car. You can keep them for yourself, but then you will have to indicate your desire in the application.
  5. Wait for the technical inspection of the transport by the traffic police. If the car is dirty, the procedure may be denied. This makes deregistration impossible. With tinted front windows, maintenance is also often denied.
  6. Get numbers for the car (if you wanted to pick them up) and a certificate of deregistration of the vehicle.


Now it is clear how to remove the car from the register. In reality, everything is not as difficult as it seems. It is worth paying attention to the fact that when changing ownership or when selling a car, it is best to re-register along with deregistration. The procedure is exactly the same - a package of documents is collected, then an application for registration is submitted. All papers necessary to bring the idea to life must be provided by the seller or the former owner. The procedure for deregistration and re-registration, with proper preparation, takes only a few hours.

The implementation of any event related to visiting the MREO makes car owners want to delay this procedure for the maximum possible time. However, in the regulatory documents there is a clear indication of the circumstances, procedure and deadlines for deregistration or termination of registration of the vehicle. How can I perform this procedure quickly and without much hassle? Under what circumstances do you need to act on your own, and under what circumstances only to exercise control over the performance of duties by the new owner of the car? What documents do you need to prepare and where to submit them? Let's try to deal with these issues in the article.

Is there a difference in concepts?

It is necessary to know that previously the above concepts differed significantly. Termination of registration was a temporary procedure and assumed the future registration of the car. The vehicle was deregistered if there was no need to register it again. In the new rules introduced on July 10, 2017, these concepts were combined. This greatly facilitated the position of car owners, who now do not need to get confused when performing the actions described above.

Even earlier, in 2014, the event of deregistration of a car during an operation to alienate it (sale, exchange, donation, etc.) was simplified. Now these obligations are assigned to the new owner of the car. This does not mean that the deregistration procedure has been abolished. It has only undergone changes and occurs simultaneously with the registration of a car for a new owner.

When should one or the other procedure be used?

The procedures for terminating registration and deregistration are regulated by the Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation No. 605 “On Approval of the Administrative Regulations”. The normative act determines the grounds for the implementation of the procedure, and also prescribes the procedure and necessary documents for this. Thus, an operation to deregister a vehicle or terminate its registration is required if there are the following grounds (which are prescribed in the administrative regulation, clause 60):

  • Car deprivation. For example, if he gets into an accident, after which it is impossible to restore the car;
  • Car theft;
  • End of the registration period (when registering the vehicle for a limited time);
  • Realization of a car (if the new owner has not fulfilled his obligations to register it within 10 days);
  • The application of the lessor upon termination of the agreement on car rental in connection with its registration to the lessee for a certain period of time;
  • Export of the vehicle outside the Russian Federation for a long period of time;
  • Selling a car for scrap;
  • Making changes in the device of a car that were not coordinated with the traffic police (violation of clause 3 of the registration rules);
  • The death of the owner of the vehicle or the termination of the operation of the enterprise for which it was listed;
  • Transfer of the car to the insurer (for making payments to them) or to the center for its sale (in case of an exchange due to a factory defect).

You can also deregister for the purpose of exemption from paying transport tax, if the car is not used for its intended purpose. In each of the above cases, it is possible to re-register the vehicle, if such a need arises. Accordingly, during disposal, if the car was really destroyed, it will not be necessary to restore the registration.

In connection with the sale of the car

Until 2014, when the owner changed due to the sale of the vehicle, the procedure for its deregistration was carried out by the party that sold its car. The seller was obliged to collect the entire document package, stop registering the car in his name, obtain transit numbers and provide all this to the purchaser. Often, the new owner of the car immediately turned to this department of the traffic police with documentation and an application for registering it in his name. To simplify this event and save time for car owners and MREO employees, changes were made to the administrative regulations. Now, when selling a vehicle, the selling party does not need to visit the MREO together with its purchaser and control the re-registration. She needs to sign the passport for the vehicle and draw up a contract of sale. Further, the algorithm of actions for removing / registering a car is as follows:

  • The new owner submits a set of documentation to the registration window, which includes:
    • applicant's passport;
    • a document confirming the transaction for the implementation of the TS;
    • a receipt proving the payment of state fees;
  • Experts inspect the car, check the numbers on its units with those indicated in the provided documentation, and evaluate the vehicle. Based on the results of the check, an act is issued, which is transferred to the hands of the car owner;
  • MREO employees check the car for various bases:
    • for the presence of an encumbrance (if the car was bought on credit, then it can be sold before the contract is closed only with the permission of the credit institution);
    • for the presence of forensic specialists in the database (whether they are wanted in connection with theft or participation in a crime).
  • Traffic police officers verify the data specified in the documents with those in their database;
  • The owner is given a list of taxes and fees, which make up the cost of the operation for deregistration/registration of the vehicle (tax on the car, payment for the work of the appraiser, transport fees);
  • The car owner (upon successful completion of all stages) is awarded a document package:
    • TCP as amended;
    • payment document confirming the payment of taxes and fees;
    • registration numbers.

The new administrative regulation, which came into force on October 15, 2013, assigned the state number to the vehicle, therefore, when it is sold within the region or outside it, the change of registration plates is not required. However, the old owner may wish to keep the state signs for himself, then he will write an application and leave them for storage at the traffic police for up to 180 days.

When disposing

If you want to subject your car to recycling, you should first find an organization that deals with these activities and draw up an agreement with it for the operation. Then you should stop registering the vehicle, for the above reason, in the MREO. If you plan to completely scrap the car, then the procedure belongs to the category of office work and does not require inspection. If the car owner plans not to dispose of some of the units, then they need to be inspected and the numbers checked by experts, who, based on the results of the check, will issue a conclusion. If the vehicle cannot move independently, then specialists are called to the place of its parking. To remove the car from the register, due to its scrapping, you should proceed as follows:

  • The car owner should visit the MREO with a prepared set of papers, which includes:
    • owner's passport;
    • car passport;
    • a certificate certifying the registration of the vehicle;
    • state numbers on the car;
    • application for deregistration due to disposal;
    • payment document confirming the payment of the state fee.
  • When the car is completely scrapped, the traffic police (after checking the documentation) issue a certificate of termination of its registration;
  • When saving car parts that have a number, you should:
    • pay the state duty for the abandoned unit;
    • add to the document package an expert opinion and a receipt proving the payment of the above state fee;
    • transfer the documentation to the MREO employee, who will write out a paper about the released unit.

By law, a car deregistered for the reason described above must be subjected to a recycling procedure within a month. The owner of such a vehicle is not entitled to sell, donate, change or carry out other activities with it.

In connection with the theft of a car

If the vehicle was stolen, then its owner should go to the police station and write an appropriate statement, which will serve as the basis for initiating a criminal case. Then you need to contact the traffic police department to remove the stolen car from the register. The following documents are required for this procedure:

  • Passport of the owner of the stolen car;
  • Written notification from the investigating authorities;
  • Passport for the vehicle (if any);
  • Owner's statement.

In the event that the transport is found by the investigating authorities and returned to its owner, then it must again be registered with the MREO. Under certain circumstances, the law allows deregistration of the vehicle forcibly. This is allowed by a court decision, which reflects the requirement to return or transfer the car to another citizen.

When changing place of residence

If the owner of the transport has changed his permanent place of residence to another, then it is necessary to register the car at the place of the new registration of the owner. The owner should go through the procedure for obtaining a new vehicle registration document. It is not necessary to visit the previous department in which it was registered. The algorithm of actions for deregistration / registration of a car in this case is as follows:

  • Come to the traffic police department at the new place of residence and announce to its employee that there is a need to register transport for the above reason;
  • Fill out an application for this event;
  • Submit the following documentation along with it:
    • the passport;
    • certificate of registration of the vehicle;
    • policy from the insurer;
    • a receipt certifying the payment of the state duty;
  • Present the car for inspection;
  • Obtain from the inspector a new certificate of registration of the vehicle and title, with an entry made there about the change of place of residence.

In order not to run into a fine, the above actions must be carried out within ten days from the date of registration in a new place. Do not forget about the insurance policy. It is necessary to visit the insurance company and rewrite the document for a new place of registration, which is indicated in the passport. Otherwise, if you get into an accident, insurance payments may be denied, citing a mismatch of information in the documentation.

The procedure for terminating registration is different if the owner leaves the Russian Federation with his vehicle. Under such circumstances, it is imperative to remove it from the register at the previous place of registration, hand over the numbers, obtain transit license plates and permission to export the vehicle abroad (it is issued after checking for the absence of encumbrances, penalties, arrest, etc.). In the line of the application, as the grounds for deregistration of the car, you must indicate the country to which the citizen is leaving. The inspector has the right to ask a question (if necessary) about the purpose of driving the car or require the submission of additional documentation. You can only move on transit numbers for 20 days, so you should go through the procedure for terminating registration just before leaving. Such a scheme of actions should be followed when selling a car to a foreigner.

What to do if the car is not registered?

In the event that the purchaser of the car did not register it within the time period allotted by law (10 days), but uses the car for its intended purpose, and penalties for violation of traffic rules and tax are issued to the previous owner, then he should pay a visit to the MREO in order to alienate the vehicle tools with the following documentation:

  • A written statement containing information that the vehicle has been sold and is the property of another citizen;
  • Photocopies of the entire documentation package for the vehicle;
  • A photocopy of the completed transaction for its sale (contract).

When concluding a sale and purchase agreement, a note is made in the passport on the car about the change of ownership with the obligatory date of the transaction and the signatures of the parties. For safety net, the implementing party needs to make and keep a photocopy of the TCP, with the mark made. If the new car owner did not appear at the MREO within ten days, then the seller must notify the traffic police about the transaction. After that, a search will be made for the purchaser. If during this period fines were imposed on him and taxes were charged that were received in the name of the former owner, then he will not register the car for himself until he closes all debts.


Termination of registration or deregistration of a car will not cause any special difficulties for car owners if they carefully read this information and carefully prepare the event to be carried out. They should also know that they can further facilitate the procedure by using the State Services portal, where it is possible to submit an application electronically, avoiding paperwork and long pastime in queues at the traffic police departments.

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