Home Engine How is a car deregistered now. What happens if you drive a deregistered car. Withdrawal in another region

How is a car deregistered now. What happens if you drive a deregistered car. Withdrawal in another region

What if the legal entity that owns the vehicle decides to deregister it with the traffic police? What regulatory acts of the Russian Federation should be relied upon, what documents should be prepared for the procedure? What will be the actions of the representative of the company?

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If it becomes necessary to remove the car from the register, you will need to contact the traffic police department. The procedure is practically the same as that which individuals undergo.

But, nevertheless, there are some features that should be taken into account by companies that have transport on their balance sheet.

What does an organization need to deregister a car?

When may it be necessary to deregister a car at the traffic police department? For example, when selling a vehicle.

If the organization is going through the procedure, then you will need to submit the following documents:

    • a statement in which there are marks on reconciliations of unit numbers. It must be certified by the military registration and enlistment office at the place of registration of the car.
    • PTS (original and photocopy).
    • an order to deregister a car.
    • a power of attorney from the company for an employee who will represent the interests of the company. It is drawn up on the letterhead of the company, certified by seals, signed by the chief accountant and the head of the enterprise. The document must also be certified by a notary.
    • for the provision of deregistration services.
  • charter of a legal entity, which must be certified by the seal of the company.
  • certificates that will confirm the right to sell a car (for example, minutes of founding meetings).
  • personal documents of the authorized person (identity card, TIN).

If you want the deregistration procedure to go as quickly as possible, prepare the vehicle:

  1. Find all the numbers that will interest the expert. Clean and remove unnecessary items (interior detail, spare wheel, etc.)
  2. It is worth washing the numbers and lubricating the fasteners so that you can quickly remove them.
  3. It is not allowed to use sandpaper or a file, as the numbers will become unreadable. In such cases, you will have to send the car for an in-depth examination, which is not free.

Deregistration procedure

The withdrawal procedure is carried out similarly to the registration of vehicles, only the steps will be reversed.

It is worth knowing the following rules:

  1. The company must prepare the vehicle (wash, make sure that the engine number, body number is readable).
  2. The organization (a representative who acts on its behalf) submits an application to the MREO to remove the car from registration. An application can also be written at the traffic police department itself - the stands have all the necessary samples that you can focus on. The advantage is that if you have questions, you can ask them to an employee of the authorized body.
  3. All required documents are submitted. Please note that there are spare photocopies of documents. This will reduce the time spent in the authorized body.
  4. On the basis of the submitted documents and the application, the MREO representative will check in their databases for the presence of outstanding debts for previously accrued fines.

    If there are any, you will need to pay the debt, otherwise you will not be able to continue the withdrawal procedure.

  5. A check is also carried out: whether the car was noticed in the implementation of criminal cases, whether it is wanted.
  6. Then it is worth paying the state duty at a banking institution (you can do this at the MREO branch at the bank branch). When paying, it is worth reflecting the purpose of the amount: “Registration and deregistration”. Immediately pay for the services provided by forensic experts who will inspect vehicles. If the transport tax is not paid in a timely manner, then such a payment is also made.
  7. The next step is the inspection of transport by experts. When carrying out this procedure, it will be established whether the numbered units correspond to those prescribed in the documentation. An act is drawn up on the results of technical inspection and reconciliation of numbers, which is taken from the window of technical control posts.
  8. The representative of the company takes the act of inspection by experts, receipts for the payment of funds for services and other certificates, removes license plates from the car and hands them over to the inspector on duty, who accepted the application for deregistration.
  9. A trustee of the organization receives documentation with transit license plates. Please note that these numbers are short-lived.

We list all the payments that need to be paid. The amounts, quantity will depend on the territorial district where the vehicle was registered.

This could be a payment for:

  • provision of registration services, that is, deregistration in the MREO department;
  • assessment by forensic experts;
  • drawing up acts of forensic examination;
  • issuance of transit license plates;
  • transport charges (if there are debts).
    When the inspector deregisters the cars, the owner (in our case, a legal entity) will be given:
  • vehicle registration certificate. The laminated document will be cut, and inside the MREO employee will mark that the car has been deregistered. When the document is plastic, the traffic police officer will cut a corner and issue a registration card.
  • registration card. Issued only in the presence of a technical passport of a new sample. If the withdrawal is due to the sale of the car, the registration card will contain the mark "vehicle deregistered".
  • numbers "Transit".

This completes the deregistration of the vehicle. One has only to install "Transit" numbers on the vehicle. The maximum period during which you can drive a car after deregistration is 2 months.

If after the expiration of such terms the company continues to use transport, it will be sent to a penalty area. In addition, a ban on its further use will be established.

Design features

If the vehicle is deregistered during disposal or in the case that is not described in paragraphs 46 - 47, registration documentation, license plates and TCP will be handed over to the registration departments.

Deregistration of a car, if the basis for this is a court decision on alienation, a court order for recovery from debtors, a decision of a bailiff, etc., is carried out when an application is submitted:

  • official, which is determined by the court;
  • bailiff-executor;
  • an official of the body of social protection of the population;
  • other persons referred to in clause 35 of the Rules.

If there is no registration documentation, title, numbers, such circumstances will be reflected in the Resolution of the bailiff or the decision of the social protection authority.

What if there is a need to deregister a car that is registered in another region? The algorithm of actions of the representative of the company will depend on what rules are established by the leadership of the traffic police departments where this procedure should be carried out.

Reading time: 10 minutes

From time to time, changes occur in transport legislation, and car owners do not always have time to track them. For example, not everyone knows that deregistration of a car has now become much easier. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the new rules in order not to take unnecessary actions and not to draw up unnecessary documents for re-registering a car.

When to deregister a car

In all constituent entities of the Russian Federation, there is a single administrative regulation for the registration and deregistration of a vehicle in the traffic police. This document, adopted in 2013 on the basis of the order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia No. 605 of 08/07/2013, greatly simplified the procedure for re-registering cars.

It should be noted that the term deregistration is somewhat outdated. In the new edition of September 6, 2017, the above-mentioned Order No. 605 does not have it, and the term termination of registration is used instead. But, in fact, it is still used today. And, most often, it is used when they mean the complete termination of registration without the possibility of its renewal:

  • when disposing of the vehicle;
  • export outside the Russian Federation.

Although in cases of termination of registration with the possibility of its restoration, this term is also often used, for example:

  • when the car is stolen;
  • in the event of the death of the owner;
  • in case of serious damage as a result of an accident;
  • in case of non-compliance with the established by the new owner.

Regarding the last point, in case of non-compliance, fines in the amount of 1,500–2,000 rubles are provided. in accordance with Article 19.22 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation.

How does this happen

The general procedure for deregistration of a car in 2020 includes the following steps:

  1. The owner of the car draws up a statement in which he indicates the reason for the termination of registration.
  2. The application and a package of necessary documents are transferred to the MREO officer for verification on the basis of the traffic police and other encumbrances. The documents are accompanied by receipts of payment of the state duty for making changes to the TCP or transit numbers.
  3. In the presence of the owner, the expert conducts and draws up an act.
  4. The act with the results of the inspection is transferred to the owner of the car along with a package of documents, which includes:
    • registration card;
    • vehicle registration certificate;
    • transit numbers of the state sample - (when exported outside the Russian Federation).

Receipts for payment of state duties (if any) are also returned to the owner of the car.

Upon completion of the procedure, the car owner must be issued a certificate of deregistration of the car in the traffic police.

What you need to deregister with the traffic police

Although deregistration of all vehicles follows a general pattern, additional procedures may apply depending on the reason for deregistration.

Therefore, car owners are interested in the question of whether a car is needed when deregistering.

On this occasion, we can say the following: the law allows the procedure for terminating the registration of a car without its actual presence in all cases except two:

  • car export abroad;
  • partial recycling. In this case, it is necessary to present for inspection the entire car or its individual parts (assemblies), which the car owner does not intend to dispose of and therefore retains for further use.

All procedures related to re-registration in the absence of a car are described in the article "".


The first step towards deregistration of a car is to submit an application of the established form. Simultaneously with the application, the necessary documents are submitted to the MREO. In accordance with clause 40 of the Vehicle Registration Rules (Appendix No. 1 to Law No. 1001 of November 24, 2008), the complete basic package includes:

  • statement;
  • civil passport of the car owner;
  • vehicle registration certificate (STS);
  • technical passport of the vehicle (PTS);
  • payment receipt.
  • notarized, if deregistration is carried out not by the owner himself, but by his authorized representative.

However, before visiting the MREO, you should additionally find out exactly what documents you will need to deregister the car with the traffic police in 2018, and what you will have to pay the state duty for, since it is not provided for the deregistration procedure itself.

Additional clarifications are necessary, because in practice the procedure for terminating registration has its own characteristics in different cases, and in each individual situation either additional certificates or certificates are required, or some become optional.

Where to apply for deregistration

Thanks to changes in the legislation, car owners can independently choose where it is more convenient for them to register a car deregistration.

Today, you can re-register a car at any MREO, regardless of the place of residence of the owner and the place of the previous one.

Since most car owners are currently active Internet users, information on how to deregister a car online in 2020 is becoming especially popular.

It is quite simple to do this: just go to the gosuslugi.ru website. Here you will be offered different application forms, you just have to choose the right one and fill in the data correctly. Of course, this does not mean that the procedure ends there. On the site, you only leave a request, and then receive feedback about the place and time of the procedure. So visiting the MREO cannot be avoided, but time will certainly be saved.

On the site you can leave an application for various operations related to vehicles.

Removing a car from the register when selling

In the old days, in order to sell a car, the owner had to first deregister it.

Now the procedure for deregistration of a vehicle when selling a car has changed. The seller and the buyer conclude, after which the new owner is obliged to re-register the car with the traffic police in his name within 10 days. In this case, the data on the previous registration automatically become invalid.

Accordingly, in order for the deregistration of the car during the sale to go without problems, the seller is recommended to make copies of all documents confirming the fact of sale immediately at the time of the transaction.

How to deregister a car after sale

The car seller has the right to monitor compliance with the terms of re-registration. To do this, you should contact the traffic police with a request for registration for a new owner. If it is absent within 10 days from the date of execution of the sales contract, you can demand that the car be deregistered forcibly on the basis of a written application to the State Traffic Inspectorate.

If the re-registration has not been carried out, the previous owner needs to carry out the process of deregistration of the car himself. It is carried out in the prescribed manner, but an additional procedure is assigned: checking the vehicle for encumbrances in the form of location.

If there is an encumbrance, the car cannot be removed from registration. So, if the car is purchased on credit, the entire amount must be fully repaid by the previous owner.

Re-registration of the car after the sale should be carried out without fail, otherwise the previous owner will be liable for traffic violations committed by the buyer and pay other people's fines.

Deregistration: with or without numbers

Modern legislation provides the car owner with greater freedom of action. Now, when purchasing a used car, he can choose whether to keep the old numbers or change them to new ones.

This situation became possible due to the abolition of the mandatory procedure for deregistration of a car for its sale. In this case, the place of residence of the previous and new owners of the car does not matter. Since the registration of a vehicle, according to the law, is allowed in any region of the Russian Federation, regardless of the place of registration of the person to whom it is registered.

If the numbers do not change, when registering the car, they must be removed from the car and presented to the traffic police inspector for verification. At the same time, the inspector has the right to refuse registration if the numbers are in an inappropriate condition: for example, they are deformed or scratched. Then the car owner will have to order the production of new numbers in one of the specialized commercial organizations.

If the new owner wants to get new license plates, he will have to pay a state duty of 2,000 rubles for them.

Termination of registration in case of vehicle theft

A driver who has lost a car as a result of theft must deregister it as soon as possible. There are several reasons for this:

  • First, the responsibility for the car remains with the owner. Accordingly, all illegal actions that the thieves can commit with the participation of this car, whether it be a road accident or a criminal offense, automatically transfer the owner of the car to the category of suspects of complicity, and it is not a fact that they will be able to prove their innocence.
  • Secondly, the physical absence of a car does not exempt its owner from. Is it worth it to pay for a car that you no longer have?
  • Thirdly, no one can legally sell an unregistered vehicle, or register it in his own name.

How to deregister a stolen car in 2020? First of all, contact the police and get an extract on the initiation of a criminal case on the theft. Then, with this document, you should go to the traffic police department, and write another application there - to deregister the car, as well as present your passport and documents for the car. No additional action is required.

If the car is found, it can be registered again.

The absence of a car can be associated not only with theft, but also with loss. What does it mean? A car has a specific life cycle. It ages, wears out and eventually becomes unusable due to physical destruction. At the same time, it continues to be listed as valid, since it has not been deregistered. In this case, it is necessary to deregister the vehicle due to loss.

Steps to deregister a car under arrest

The law on the abolition of the deregistration of the car greatly simplifies its sale. But at the same time, sometimes the buyer has difficulties. When trying to register a car, the new owner may encounter an unexpected obstacle in the form of. This situation is possible, in particular, when buying a used vehicle that is under arrest imposed by bailiffs. The reason for the arrest is the debts of the former owner for taxes or alimony, as well as unpaid traffic police fines.

How to deregister a car arrested by bailiffs? First of all, try to cancel the ban on registration. In accordance with paragraph 45 of the "Rules for the registration of motor vehicles and trailers for them", the ban can be canceled in the following cases:

  • if it is imposed illegally,
  • paying off debts.

Of course, it is better to start by checking the lawfulness of the arrest, but this will take a lot of time, and the arrest can be quite legal.

Paying debts is the fastest and most reliable way to get a car out of arrest. After the payment information appears in the database of the Bailiff Service, you need to take from them a decision to lift the ban on registration actions and transfer it to the traffic police. Now the car can be deregistered.

There is another type of termination of registration associated with court proceedings: forced deregistration of a car. Such a measure is applied if there is a court decision to return or transfer the vehicle to another person.

Suspension of registration

There is a new concept in the current vehicle registration rules - the temporary suspension of the registration of a car, or, as it is also called, the suspension of registration. This means that it, if desired, can be restored. At the same time, the PTS is not disposed of, and only a note is made in it about the termination of registration.

Temporary deregistration of a vehicle is applied to cars that have been seriously damaged in an accident or in other situations: in case of theft, death of the owner or untimely re-registration by the buyer. Such a measure is necessary so that its owner is not charged a transport tax.

Full information on the temporary termination of registration is in the article "".

Removing a car from the register for recycling

Any car eventually becomes unusable - due to age-related changes or as a result of an accident. In such cases, it must be disposed of. Previously, it had to be deregistered first.

But from 10.07. 2020, the procedure for deregistration of vehicles due to disposal has changed. Now for this you need to provide a document on its actual disposal. So first you need to hand over the car to a recycling center, get a recycling certificate, and only then you can remove it from the register with the traffic police.

By the way, it is not necessary to write off the entire car. It is possible that some of its parts are well preserved and suitable for further use. Depending on the degree of safety of the car, deregistration is carried out in connection with partial or complete disposal.

The procedure for deregistration of old and damaged cars is described in the article "".

How to deregister a car when traveling abroad

In accordance with the rules for registering vehicles (Article 14 of the Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs No. 1001), in the event of a change in the place of residence of the owner of the car, the deregistration procedure is not mandatory. Nevertheless, when traveling abroad, it is recommended to carry it out.

How to remove a car from the registration in the traffic police when traveling abroad? To do this, it is enough to submit an application to the traffic police department indicating the reason for deregistration, present the passport of the owner of the car, the vehicle's title and receipts for paying the state duty, and then go through the inspection of the car here to verify serial numbers.

On this, the procedure for removing a car when traveling abroad is considered completed. It will take no more than an hour.

The registration card, which is issued to the owner of the car after the deregistration of the car, must contain a mark on the export of this vehicle outside the Russian Federation.

As for the size of the state duty, it ranges from 900 to 2,300 rubles, depending on the type of transit numbers (200 rubles for paper, 1,600 for metal).

Remember that individuals should not insist on issuing transit numbers. According to the new rules, they are necessary only for legal entities and individual entrepreneurs.

The procedure for deregistration of a car for legal entities

The owner of the car can be not only an individual, but also a legal entity. At the same time, the procedure for carrying out the procedure is almost the same, and complies with the rules prescribed in the regulations on the procedure for registering vehicles. The difference is only in the number of documents: a legal entity will need much more of them.

Let us consider in more detail how a car is deregistered in 2018 when sold by a legal entity.

First of all, an application should be submitted to the traffic police, in which data on the reconciliation of unit numbers are indicated. The application must be certified at the military registration and enlistment office at the place of registration of the vehicle. The following documents are attached to the application:

  • vehicle passport (PTS) - original and copy;
  • an order to remove a car from the balance of the organization;
  • vehicle registration certificate;
  • power of attorney for an employee representing the interests of the organization. It is issued on a letterhead with a seal and signatures of the chief accountant and the head of the organization. Certified by a notary;
  • payment documents for the payment of state duties (receipts for legal entities are prohibited);
  • charter of the organization with a seal;
  • documents confirming the right to sell a car (minutes of meetings);
  • personal documents of the authorized person (passport, TIN).

After studying the documents and checking the car on the basis of the presence of unpaid taxes, fines and other encumbrances, the traffic police inspector sends a representative of the legal entity to the observation deck. Here a general inspection of the car and reconciliation of serial numbers is carried out. Based on the results, an act is drawn up.

Upon completion of all the above actions, the trustee of the organization is issued an act of inspection of the car and documents on the payment of state duties. The procedure for deregistration of a car by a legal entity does not end there.

The next step is to replace the permanent car numbers with transit ones, which will be valid for two months.

Finally, the last thing that a trustee needs to do is to get a vehicle registration certificate with a deregistration mark and a registration card (if there is a new registration certificate).

How much does the procedure cost

State duty for deregistration (termination of registration) of the vehicle is not charged. But there may be other costs. The amounts that will have to be paid for deregistration of the car with the traffic police depend on the type and number of services provided and the documents executed.

For example, the state duty for documents when re-registering a car when buying it includes:

  • 350 rubles - for making changes to the TCP;
  • 500 rubles - for issuing a COP for a new owner (for a plastic new sample - 1,500 rubles).

But these are expenses, rather for registration, and not for withdrawal.

All additional services that may be needed are an assessment by forensic experts, registration of transit numbers, and so on.

How to remove a car from the traffic police: Video

The process of deregistration of a car was simplified back in 2013. The main innovation was the optional deregistration of the vehicle upon sale and the possibility of direct re-registration to the new owner of the car.

Today, in order to deregister a vehicle, you need to contact any branch of the MREO of a private or state form. At the same time, attention is not paid to the place of delivery of the car for registration and registration of the owner.

When is it necessary to deregister a car?

The procedure may be required in the following cases:

The amount of the state duty, including registration, paperwork and the issuance of license plates, is up to 2500 rubles. For motorcycles and trailers, the amount will be reduced to 1,500 rubles. The minimum amount is 200 rubles when you need to change the data in the technical passport of the vehicle.

The form for payment can be found and printed from the official website of the traffic police or order filling from the operator of the nearest bank branch.

List of documents and application for deregistration of the vehicle

To terminate the registration actions, the owner must submit the prescribed list of necessary documents to the traffic police. After that, the car is inspected by a competent expert. The received certificate of inspection, if necessary, is provided by the owner of the car to obtain new state signs.

The following list of documents is required for the procedure for deregistration of a car:

  • passport of the owner of the vehicle;
  • application of the established form;
  • car registration certificate and technical passport;
  • a copy of the purchase and sale document when selling the vehicle - the original or a copy;
  • receipt of payment of state duty;

When contacting the traffic police to deregister a car of a person who is not the owner of the vehicle, it is necessary to provide a power of attorney from the owner, previously certified by a notary.

When writing an application for deregistration of a car, the following basic rules should be observed:

  1. With complete disposal, it is noted that certificates for the released units are not needed, numbers and documents are attached.
  2. When making a trip outside the country, a note is made “in connection with the export of the vehicle outside the Russian Federation”.
  3. In the absence of re-registration of the car within 10 days from the date of sale by the new owner, the seller submits an application for the disposal of vehicles marked "due to the loss of documents and license plates."
  4. With partial disposal, a statement is written about the need to obtain a certificate for the necessary element (body, engine, etc.) when disposing of the machine itself.

Deregistration in case of car theft

Before filing an application for deregistration of a car, it is necessary to report the theft to the police, where a criminal case will be initiated.

The traffic police will require the following documents:

  • car owner's passport;
  • statement of the transport owner;
  • a letter from the investigating authorities;
  • technical passport of the vehicle.

Deregistration for vehicle recycling

For the procedure, you will need a list of documents:

  • statement from the owner of the car;
  • passport of the owner of the car;
  • technical passport of the car;
  • a receipt confirming the payment of the state duty on license plates, which is charged for obtaining a certificate for the released numbers;
  • number plates.

After submitting the above list of documents to the traffic police, a special certificate will be issued.

In case of partial disposal, inspection and reconciliation of the numbers of units that are not scrapped is required. In the absence of the possibility of independent movement of the car, there is the option of calling an expert to the location of the vehicle to inspect and draw up an opinion.

The state duty for deregistration of vehicles for disposal will be only 200 rubles.

When making a complete disposal, it is possible to perform deregistration without the presence of a car.

Deregistration upon sale

The legislation contains data on the need to deregister and re-register a car when sold by a new owner. If this rule is not followed by the new owner, the responsibility lies with the seller of the vehicle.

You will need to submit a list of the following documents to the Initial Vehicle Registration Department:

  • owner's passport;
  • application for deregistration;
  • a receipt certifying payment of the state fee;
  • car purchase agreement or a copy thereof.

After that, the traffic police will issue a list of necessary fees and taxes, which will amount to the total cost of the deregistration procedure - car tax, transport fee, payment for the services of a transport appraiser.

As a result, the car is inspected by the employees of the state traffic inspectorate, the transit numbers are checked, the car is checked by an appraiser and the owner is issued an inspection certificate in his hands.

As a result of passing the full procedure, the car owner will receive the following documents:

  • account card;
  • registration certificate for the car;
  • transit numbers of the state sample;
  • receipt of payment of all necessary taxes.

Important! The state number belongs to the vehicle itself and can be assigned to the car when the owner changes.

Deregistration upon change of residence

When the owner of the car changes its place of permanent residence, it is necessary to deregister the car in order to register the vehicle at the new address of residence.

The following documents should be submitted to the authorities for the initial registration of a car:

  • vehicle registration certificate;
  • vehicle owner's passport;
  • vehicle insurance certificate;
  • application from the owner of the car for deregistration;
  • receipt of payment of state duties.

Next, the inspector inspects the car and performs a notification at the place of previous registration. After receiving written confirmation of deregistration of the vehicle, it is necessary to provide a document at the place of the new place of residence for the final registration of the vehicle at the new address of residence.

Deregistration through the website gosuslugi.ru

Today, most government services can be carried out via the Internet. Removing a car given is no exception. The procedure can be completed by filling out a simple application on the site gosuslugi.ru.

To terminate registration actions, you need to do the following:

  1. Indicate the purpose of the application for deregistration of the vehicle.
  2. Choose the most convenient address, time and date in accordance with the opening hours of the nearest branch for the provision of deregistration services.
  3. Next, the processed information is transferred to government agencies.
  4. If the data is correct, the car owner will receive a positive system response. In the near future, a civil servant will contact the car owner and advise on the need for further action.
  5. If the answer is no, the government officials will announce the reason for the decision.

The differences between applying to public services from the usual option of deregistration of a car include:

  • significant savings of nerves and time;
  • the passage of all stages of the procedures is carried out at a predetermined time, determined when filling out an application on the site;
  • there is a convenient opportunity to consult a specialist by calling the hotline 8-800-100-70-10.

When going through the deregistration procedure in the usual way, car owners may encounter impressive queues, which will significantly increase the time to complete all stages of the process.

The procedure for deregistration of a car usually does not cause any special problems in registration and takes no more than 1 day if all the documents necessary for the procedure are available.

The change of ownership when selling a car requires the new car owner to carry out the procedure for registering a car in the traffic police database within 10 days, however, for certain reasons, not all buyers are in a hurry to register the car for themselves. In order to avoid the accrual of fines, taxes, and also to relieve himself of responsibility before the law for all actions performed by the new owner of the car, the seller can deregister the car on his own.

Since the new owner has already taken the car keys and documents for the vehicle, the former owner cannot present the car for verification of state registration numbers, as well as the main components and assemblies. However, due to the new registration rules, the issue can be resolved without a car.

Reasons for not registering a car on time

There may be several reasons for not rushing to re-register a car according to the traffic police database:

  • the new owner is physically unable to carry out the procedure due to illness or forced long absence;
  • unwillingness to pay fines for offenses during the period of ownership after the sale and purchase transaction;
  • lack of need for further operation of the car in the near future and the desire to save on the transport tax charged to the car owner;
  • other unforeseen reasons, as well as simple irresponsibility of the buyer.

At the same time, the former owner is not interested in the fact that the cars were listed on him according to the traffic police, because all fines, taxes, claims regarding the operation of vehicles will continue to come in his name.

The simplified process of registering a car after a sale and purchase transaction and automatic deregistration from the former owner allows you to perform two actions at the same time. However, the improvement of the rules has led to an increase in the number of problems for the old owners. The problem is resolved quite quickly if you know the features of the new procedure and your rights.

Where to go

Thanks to the commissioning of a unified information base that operates in all departments of the traffic police throughout the territory of the Russian Federation, it is no longer necessary to perform registration actions in the same department where the car was registered. The simplified registration and deregistration process allows you to do this in the nearest, most convenient branch.

If the new owner has not re-registered the car within the time allotted by law, for the sake of his own safety, the previous owner must take steps to deregister the car.

Even if the seller is located in another city, another region of Russia, deregistration can be performed without any territorial reference, upon application. However, the procedure has its own subtleties that must be observed in order for the procedure to be successful.

Description of deregistration steps

Upon learning that the car is still listed as his, the former owner begins to worry, because officially the vehicle is still considered his property.

Before proceeding with active actions in the traffic police, it is necessary to carry out preliminary preparation:

  1. Negotiations with the person who bought the car. When concluding a sale and purchase transaction, the new and old owners exchange telephone numbers for prompt communication in case of any problems. On the eve of contacting the traffic police, you must contact the buyer and find out his plans for the car and the reasons for the failure to complete the procedure within the prescribed 10-day period. Perhaps the car is already being registered or the owner has made an appointment with the department in the coming days, and the procedure for deregistration of the car will greatly complicate the process of registering it for a new owner. If it was not possible to contact the buyer or there were no clear answers, it is necessary to urgently proceed to the following actions.
  2. Making an appointment at the nearest department of the State traffic inspectorate through the website of the State Service, by calling the hotline, with a personal visit to the department.

The former owner can try to resolve the issue of registration in court, presenting the concluded agreement on the sale of the vehicle as a justification. However, if the contract is also missing (damaged, lost), deregistration of the car, the documents for which are no longer available, is possible only in case of its further disposal.

The next steps are similar to those for full disposal, which does not require the car to be inspected and the numbers checked. With the only condition - a mandatory indication in the application that the documents for the car are lost. Such an application is accepted for consideration already without the requirement to provide registration papers for the vehicle.

The steps for processing the disposal in this case are as follows:

  1. The application is submitted to the employee considering the appeals of citizens.
  2. The inspector makes changes in the database and issues a certificate on the transfer of the machine for recycling.
  3. This certificate is presented to the tax office to stop the accrual of transport tax.
  4. The former owner disclaims any legal responsibility for the car sold, but not registered on time. And the new owner, if he tries to use the car for movement, will face big troubles - the transfer of the vehicle to the impound lot and big troubles if he intends to still re-register the car for himself.

This procedure is rather an exception to the rule, because in the future, false disposal will still pop up in the proceedings. In addition, such an event will greatly complicate the life of the new owner. Therefore, you can apply this scheme of actions solely for your own safety and after all attempts to get in touch with the buyer have been unsuccessful.

Both drivers would have had much less of a problem if they had completed the registration steps together. In this case, neither the previous owner nor the new one will have any fears of any undesirable consequences in the future.

On the video about the re-registration of the car

Security measures when making purchase and sale transactions

Despite the fact that the former owner is now exempt from the need to deregister the car, his personal interest remains in conducting the registration procedure together with the buyer.

Having spent an extra hour going through the simultaneous procedure of deregistration and registration, the former car owner will be calm - the transaction and re-registration of documents were completed in accordance with the law.

In the future, you will not need to look for a new owner, demand that he pay fines, taxes, or deal with the facts of violations in which the car he sold was involved. For the buyer, there will be no difficulty in checking the car for the presence / absence of a ban on registration actions or the presence of debts on fines from the previous owner. This scheme of actions when buying and selling cars is optimal and beneficial to both parties to the transaction.

According to the current rules, it is necessary to remove the car from the register only in case of theft, moving abroad and during disposal.

But when the owner changes, all the hassle of registering the car falls on the new owner.

How to remove a car from the traffic police, and what documents to submit, we will tell further.

Previously, until 2014, deregistration of a car was quite simple - such a procedure was carried out at the conclusion of a contract of sale, donation (another transaction that involves a change of ownership).

At the same time, the seller of the vehicle had to independently deregister the car, draw up all the necessary paperwork, obtain transit numbers and transfer all this to the buyer.

Most often, the buyer came on the same day and to the same department of the traffic police and again submitted documents to the inspection staff, to issue a car in his name. To reduce this procedure to a minimum, a new administrative regulation was approved.

The main innovation of the document is that the seller no longer needs to worry where possible, since this is the responsibility of the new owner.

When does a car need to be deregistered?

However, in some cases, it is necessary to deregister a vehicle with the traffic police with obtaining transit numbers:

  • theft - if the car was stolen, the owner must definitely contact the traffic police department with a request to deregister;
  • leaving Russia - if you are traveling abroad for a long time, the car is deregistered for vehicle registration in another country;
  • recycling - if the car owner decides to use the vehicle recycling program and hands over the car to the state, then his main duty is to remove the car from the registration with the traffic police so that he is not charged a transport tax;
  • the new owner ignored his obligation to register the car. If after 10 days the buyer has not applied for registration, the seller is obliged to initiate this procedure on his own.

Deregistration with simultaneous registration

Despite the fact that the seller does not deregister the car, it cannot be said that deregistration is not performed. In fact, deregistration of the previous owner and registration of the new one is carried out simultaneously.

In the case of a car sale, the seller does not come with the buyer to the traffic police and does not control the entire re-registration procedure.

The seller only needs to put his signature on the TCP and conclude a sale and purchase transaction. is carried out in this way:

  1. After the new owner submits the documents at the registration window, the traffic police check the car for various bases.
  2. After that, the experts inspect the vehicle, check all the numbers: engine, body, other parts with the data specified in the documents for the car.
  3. Next, a forensic check is carried out, during this procedure it is determined whether he is wanted or not involved in any criminal schemes.
  4. Automatic reconciliation of documentation for the machine is carried out according to a single database for the Russian Federation;
  5. After all the above procedures and after checking the data about the buyer, the car is removed from the register, and it is automatically transferred to the account with data about the new owner.

Consequently, deregistration has not been canceled, the order of this procedure has simply changed. Deregistration of a car is now much easier and faster.

However, it is impossible to sell a car with an encumbrance under the new rules. If the vehicle has a bank lien or other restrictions, then the vehicle will be denied re-registration.

Removal of the machine due to disposal

As already noted, when disposing of the vehicle, it is subject to removal to the traffic police. If your car has become unusable, then in order to dispose of it, you first need to find a company that deals with recycling.

After the owner agrees on the disposal, he needs to contact the traffic police to deregister the car in connection with the subsequent disposal. If possible, the car should be inspected by the traffic police.

After all stages of checking the vehicle and data about the owner, the citizen is issued documents on the removal of the car and within 1 month after deregistration it is necessary to dispose of the vehicle.

Remember that after deregistration with the traffic police for disposal, the vehicle cannot be sold, donated or made any other deal. The rules for deregistration in connection with the disposal of vehicles were also slightly simplified.

Previously, before deregistering a car for recycling, it was necessary to conduct an examination of the vehicle, however, due to the fact that most of the cars are already non-transportable, the requirement to conduct an examination has now been canceled.

Travel abroad

If the car is transported to another country in connection with the departure for permanent residence, then the Russian license plates are surrendered, and the traffic police issues transit numbers. Temporary numbers are valid for 20 days. In this case, the owner needs to take the following actions:

  • to de-register, a citizen arrives at the traffic police department. It is allowed to rent a car in any of the traffic inspection departments;
  • traffic police officers should submit documents for a car: registration certificate, title, passport, insurance policy;
  • the owner writes a statement to remove the car from the register for the subsequent export of the car from Russia. The column on the reason for deregistration indicates: “in connection with the departure to Romania, Greece, France, etc.”;
  • the car is checked for possible encumbrances: fines, arrests, etc.;
  • at the last stage, the traffic police issue permits and transit numbers to the owner of the car.

If necessary, the inspector can find out from the owner the purpose of the export of the car, request additional papers. It is also necessary to deregister a car in the case when the vehicle is transported to another country for sale.

You can drive on transit numbers only temporarily, if the car owner drives on such numbers for more than 20 days, then he can be fined 500-800 rubles. It is best to remove the car from registration just before leaving the country.

Removing a car in case of theft

If the car is stolen, the car owner needs to file a statement with the police to initiate a criminal case on this fact. After that, you should also write an application for deregistration of the traffic police. In this case, the following documents must be submitted in order to de-register:

  • passport of the owner of the stolen car;
  • notification from the police station;
  • if available, a vehicle registration certificate is submitted;
  • application of the owner for deregistration.

If the car is found and transferred to the rightful owner, the vehicle can be registered again. In addition, in some cases, the legislation allows forced deregistration. In particular, this is possible if there is a court decision on the return or transfer of the car to another person.

What to do if the new owner has not registered the car

If the buyer ignored his obligation to register the car with the traffic police, but, despite this, he operates the car, all fines and transport tax will be issued to the previous owner, since it is his data that is indicated in the traffic police database.

To insure yourself, it is best for the seller to keep a copy of the vehicle passport, which indicates the marks on the change of ownership of the car.

In such a situation, the seller must immediately contact the traffic police department and attach the following documents:

  • a statement indicating that the car was sold and is owned by another person;
  • copies of the documentation for the car;
  • a copy of the sales agreement.

When concluding a sale and purchase transaction, a special mark is affixed in the vehicle passport about the change of ownership with the signature of the new owner and the date of sale. If within 10 days the new owner does not contact the traffic police, the seller must report the transaction. After that, a new car owner will be searched.

If, during this time, fines and taxes were imposed on the buyer (but were issued in the name of the seller), he will not be able to register the car until he pays all costs.

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