Home Steering Why dream of killing a person. Interpretation of dreams: why see a murder in a dream. Why dream when you kill a person

Why dream of killing a person. Interpretation of dreams: why see a murder in a dream. Why dream when you kill a person

Death is always scary. But death in reality is inevitable.

Why dream of dead people? How to interpret such a dream?

Why do dead people dream - the main interpretation

Killed people often dream of the completion of one process in a person's life and the beginning of a new period. On the one hand, such a dream may seem frightening, but it can upset and deprive you of sleep for a long time, but on the other hand, it can reassure that not everything is lost and a period of renewal will soon come.

In order to fully interpret the dream, you should pay attention to the following details:

Do you know the killed people;

Have you communicated with them;

What or who killed them;

What emotions did the dream evoke in you?

If you see a dream in which there is a war and people die one after another, it portends you a rather difficult period in your life, when you will be responsible for other people's actions and other people's troubles. Memories will flood over you like an avalanche, you will constantly be in stress. The dream interpretation advises to prepare in advance for such a difficult and difficult period in life.

Do not start new business if dead people come to you in a dream. Such a dream can portend a lot of trouble and trouble for you. You can experience stress and crisis for a long time, you can even lose faith in yourself. The dream book advises in this case to activate all your strengths and find a compromise solution to the current problem.

If you dream that dead people stretch out their hands to you in a dream - in reality you will encounter problems that close people will bring into your life, you should not trust everyone so actively and worry about someone else's well-being, it is better to go about your life and resolve issues related to own life and health.

A dream in which you choose the murdered person from several possible interlocutors at the table speaks of your urgent need to mentally return to the past and complete all the work you have begun. Perhaps you promised something to someone, or you didn’t finish the promised business at all.

Now it gnaws at you and does not give you the opportunity to move forward in life. You are increasingly withdrawing into yourself and trying to defend your own point of view. If you dream that someone is pushing you in the back, you turn your head and see a dead person - a dream means that debts from the past will overtake you.

The dream book warns you if you promised something to someone, had to take care of some business and didn’t do it - now you will have to answer for all this. The dream interpretation advises to gather strength and courageously survive this life stage. Having paid off the debts of the past, bringing everything you started to the end, you will clear the way for everything new, everything that will allow you to confidently move forward.

If you dream that you are wandering among the corpses of dead people - in reality you will try in vain to prove your case. Your arguments have not been valid for a long time, the dream book advises you to stop defending your point of view and start self-education. You should think about your future, not about other people and their upcoming events. Learn to appreciate yourself.

If you dream that you are examining the clothes of a murdered person - such a dream means that you will try to look at your enemy. For a long time you could not understand why you annoyed him so much. Now this understanding will come to you, and you will be horrified. In fact, the reason for everything is simple envy and meanness. There is no objective reason for the actions of your ill-wisher.

The dream in which you see how you take off clothes from a murdered person and try them on yourself indicates that you yourself will become jealous of another person. You will be directly indignant if everything works out for him, but you don’t. The dream book advises you to take a more responsible attitude to all possible manifestations of your emotions. Try not to be prejudiced against anyone. If it doesn’t work out for you, try to be more actively engaged in the development of your own life.

A dream in which dead people come to life - says that old acquaintances will appear in your life who were once your friends, but now they have become more enemies for you and every now and then, they are trying to ingratiate themselves with you and harm you .

A dream in which you choose from several doors those behind which dead people lie - speaks of your wrong choice in life. Perhaps you are used to difficult life situations, and you constantly create such situations around you. The dream book advises you to reconsider your tactics and strategy and choose only easy paths for yourself.

If in a dream you see how it kills you, you can change your life for the better. Such a dream does not necessarily promise you problems and misunderstandings. Most likely, you will soon find your way, find what you really like, what you have long dreamed of getting carried away. Now you have a wonderful chance to do it.

Try to be more attentive to other people's needs - this will allow you to resolve all your questions soon after such a dream. A dream in which a man kills you speaks of your distrust of the opposite sex, although you sincerely wish for happiness and love.

Why dream of murdered people according to Freud's dream book

Freud's dream book says that killed people dream as a symbol of unfinished business, the collapse of hopes in personal life. If a lonely woman dreams that there are a lot of dead people around her, they are bleeding - such a dream means that most of the plans and hopes that she placed on a new relationship will collapse.

A dream in which a woman finds a living one among the dead people means that she has a real chance to build her own happy life. This dream also means that because of her own modesty, she missed a lot of opportunities to defend personal happiness in family life. Now she has to try again to build a relationship, but with a different partner.

A dream in which a pregnant woman sees dead people portends her great health-related troubles. The dream book does not advise her to visit crowded places, because she can get additional stress and this can harm her and the child.

Seeing dead people resurrecting in a dream - to the resumption of previous relationships. Even if it seems to you that everything has been lost for a long time and you can no longer have anything in common, the dream book advises you to make every effort and take a new chance to restore the once lost relationship.

What do the killed people dream of according to the Esoteric dream book

The Esoteric Dream Book says that killed people in a dream are clearly a negative sign. If you kill these people in a dream, get ready for repentance, get ready to go through a rather difficult stage in your life and do not even try to resist. You have closed the possibilities for yourself to change the situation with your own hands.

The dream in which you see someone shooting people indicates that you will be offended by a careless word. You will not even be able to oppose anything to the arguments of the enemy. You will have to accept his point of view.

A dream in which you see someone else killing people and trying to harm your health suggests that in the near future you should not take sides. Try to stick to neutrality, do not allow bias in statements and actions. Your enemies are watching you closely.

Why dream of people killed in an explosion? Such a dream may portend terrible events that you cannot avoid. Try not to worry about what you will soon have to experience. These will be temporary difficulties.

Why dream of dead people in other dream books

In Grishina's dream book it is said that the murdered people dream as a symbol of inconstancy and fears. Perhaps you are afraid for your life and health, and this fear is justified. Perhaps you are worried about other life events that you will experience. The dream book advises to discard unreasonable anxieties and live only with trust in the heart.

In Aesop's dream book it is said that dead people dream of trouble in your family. Someone can get sick, stop communicating with you. After such a dream, the dream book also advises taking care of your health, and does not treat it negligently. Try to spend more time with your family. Do not reveal secrets and secrets to anyone. If you have been planning to implement something for a long time, do it in such a way that no one can find out about it. Stand your ground, don't back down.

Unfortunately, we do not always have good, beautiful dreams.

Sometimes these are nightmares from which you wake up in the middle of the night, and for a long time you try to make sure that it was just a vision. One of these dreams is the dream of a violent death. Surprisingly, according to the dream book, murder most often dreams of pleasant events.

Kill with a pistol

If you dreamed that you were killing a person, then you cannot confess to yourself your secret feelings and desires. For example, when in a dream you shot someone with a gun, then in real life you lack warmth and romance.

Moreover, if you killed a woman, then soon a new mutual feeling awaits you. And if a man, then you will love without reciprocity.

  • To kill a person in front of people is to confusion.
  • Shoot someone with a pistol in someone else's house - for the visit of guests.
  • Shoot a child - to the news from a distant city.
  • Best friend - to the envy of neighbors.
  • Shooting at work - for a happy holiday.

Crime weapon: knife

If in a dream you killed a person with a knife, it's time to think about serious changes in life.

If the victim resisted, try to find a new job. And an easy kill suggests that you should change your lifestyle, pay attention to health.

  • To kill a spouse with a knife - for a long trip.
  • Killing a stranger is a disappointment.
  • A lot of blood - for the arrival of relatives.
  • To see how the victim is tormented - to unpleasant words from the beloved.
  • To kill a brother or sister - to move to a new place of residence.

Seeing in a dream how a person slaughtered by you comes to life means wanting to renew an old relationship. And to bury the victim means to strive for the ideal.

The discovery of new talents in oneself and the opportunity to realize them - this is what dreams about killing with a knife in your apartment. If you killed a member of your family, get ready for the journey. And if the victim is a thief, then you will be promoted.

Other weapons

Killing people with a machine gun or machine gun speaks of the attitude of those around you towards you. For example, if in a dream you shot a line in a store, it means that close people envy you.

And to see how some victims try to get up and call for help means to be an object of passion for a stranger.

  • To see how the victim shoots back - to receive gratitude at work.
  • Kill people in war - get the approval of friends.
  • Shoot your boss - unnerve enemies.
  • To bury the dead is to please a loved one.
  • Kill a person and throw the body into the water - friends want to meet you.

Many people want to know why they dream of killing from a machine gun if the victim is a loved one.

  1. Killing your father means you could be betrayed.
  2. Mothers - decisive action is expected of you.
  3. Other family members - expect recognition from a stranger.
  4. And the murder of distant relatives is usually dreamed of to everyone's admiration.

See the kill

If in a dream you saw a person being killed and ran away, then in reality you will become a participant in an interesting adventure. And trying to help the victim is a possible deception of people you trust.

If your relative committed a crime in a dream, you will soon be able to raise your self-esteem. And an unfamiliar criminal dreams of indifference and apathy.

  • Seeing a shootout on the street is a holiday.
  • The murder of a woman in front of her child is for fun and joy.
  • They shot a man with a pistol - to a pleasant surprise.
  • A man was stabbed to death to a measured personal life.
  • The victim was poisoned in a dream - to increase vitality.

If you dreamed that your partner killed someone, think about your health. And if a friend killed a person, then you will be able to adequately get out of an unpleasant situation. Seeing a masked man shoot from a pistol is an easy solution to problems. And if he kills the victim with a knife, then you should think before taking an important step.

If you were the victim

A long road, a pleasant company or a fun vacation - this is what the murder means in a dream if you are the victim. If in a dream you noticed a stranger in your house, and then he killed you, get ready for a business trip.

Killing with a pistol speaks of a successful trip. And if you are stabbed, focus on not being deceived.

  • You were shot by a loved one - for a noisy holiday in your house.
  • You became a victim of a maniac - for a trip out of town.
  • You were killed in front of people - to a meeting with an old friend.
  • Seeing the killer's face means relaxing in another country.
  • Bleeding in a dream - to new experiences.

If you often have dreams in which you are killed, it's time to take a vacation and relax. It should be not only physical, but also moral rest.

If you are choked in these dreams, then you better go traveling alone. And dying in a dream from a shot from a machine gun means that you can only relax in the company of your best friends. According to the dream book, murder in a dream is very often a good sign. Therefore, do not be upset if you had a similar nightmare.

By correctly deciphering your dream, you can not only set yourself up for positive changes, but also prevent unpleasant events in your life. Author: Vera Fractional

Dreams about murders are unpleasant, but their interpretations surprise with their unexpectedness. It is important to take into account the details of a terrible dream.

Family dream book

Duel with the death of the enemy - your competitors will be defeated.

You had to kill in a dream, fighting in battle - overcome all obstacles and solve the necessary.

The thief in your house is killed by you - you have to protect your relatives from external attacks.

They dealt with the attacking bandit and killed him - fast career growth, respect from colleagues.

You shot a man - you have to be careful. There is a risk of meeting with a dishonest person.

They killed a man, there was no blood - your enemies will have reasons to rejoice.

The slaughtered man was bleeding - to a quarrel with blood relatives.

Why dream of killing when a heavy object becomes a murder weapon? Blows of fate are coming. Not everyone can bear them.

Unintentional murder - envious people will set up intrigues and make your life miserable.

To knock down a passerby with a car to death - there will be sudden interference, plans will not be implemented.

To poison with poison - others will soon feel the harm from your anger.

Hanging someone - the solution of important issues will drag on for a long time.

Any dream about murder is an alarming sign. Every action and word can be turned against you.

Dream interpretation erotic

Attempts to kill you - soon you will have to stop partnerships that have become dull.

Trying to stab someone with a knife - sexual attraction on your part will be reciprocated.

Strangling a person in a dream is a signal for the need for novelty in a relationship.

Shoot someone - intimate problems will be solved in the near future.

Miller's dream book

A dream about murder - haunted by remorse. The evil you once caused now worries you.

Someone was killed in a dream with you - you will suffer from someone's evil intentions.

You have deprived a person of his life - you cannot avoid shame due to wrong deeds.

Destroy an attacking person or beast - to rapid progress in business, career growth.

Dream Interpretation of Zhou Gong

They killed you in a dream - much to your happiness.

You are a killer - to prosperity and success in business.

To stab yourself with a knife - to a prosperous life and good luck.

Killing and seeing blood on clothes is a big profit.

Pricking someone with a knife many times is an expectation of great joy.

Cutting people with a saber is an unfortunate future.

To be a witness to a murder is to find your happiness.

Why dream of killing a ram yourself? Health problems are expected.

To kill a leopard, leopard or tiger is a career advancement.

Deal with a bull and eat meat - become rich.

Vedic dream book

In this dream book, the murder of a person is interpreted as a warning against a crime likely to be committed in the near future.

Dream Interpretation of David Loff

You killed a stranger - a struggle with your own shortcomings, attempts to become better. Aggression suppressed in communication is manifested in dreams.

Slavic dream book

Someone became a victim of murder before your eyes - you will have to tune in to overcome the vicissitudes of fate.

Modern dream book

According to this dream book, killing someone in self-defense is a symbol of imminent success and victory over ill-wishers.

To order someone's murder - to meet with deceitful people. They will try to use your honest intentions for their own purposes.

A woman dreams of a proposal to her about a contract killing - unworthy suitors will appear in the environment.

Kill someone weak with your own hands - wait for trouble and sad days.

Dream Interpretation of Health

Why dream of killing someone? This is a warning about a dangerous situation in which you will soon find yourself.

In a dream, you threaten someone with reprisal - it's time to get rid of excessive mental stress.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

The very fact of murder in a dream is a symbol of the end of any important stage in life. It is connected necessarily with the establishment of harmony with oneself. Everything started will have a successful ending.

They killed you - your achievements will receive universal recognition and respect.

Go to suicide - cherished desires will soon come true. Health problems will go away.

To witness a murder is to try to forget about the good intentions that have recently appeared.

To kill a predator is to end unnecessary experiences. Everything will work itself out.

Killing birds is an unpleasant event.

Someone poisoned by you - to attempts to restore a very expensive, but already ended relationship.

Dream Interpretation of Felomen

In this dream book, killing someone who has already died means not letting go of the situation for a long time. It's time to leave sad thoughts and start a new life.

Dream Interpretation of Sigmund Freud

They killed someone - it is worth ending the obsolete communication. Time for change is on the doorstep.

Witnessing a murder is a sign of overindulgence in violent sexual fantasies. The wishes of the partner should be taken into account more.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

They killed enemies in a dream and got dirty with blood - success is already very close. Your patience will be rewarded. Considerable cash flows are to be expected.

Esoteric dream book

You were lucky enough to stay alive after the assassination attempt - any danger will pass by if you continue to firmly defend your position.

The dream was interrupted when someone killed you - causeless fears prevent you from enjoying life and moving on.

They killed in front of you - a warning about a possible attack on your loved ones.

Dream Interpretation Hasse

Have you ever had to kill yourself in your sleep? There will be arguments with superiors. It is important not to go overboard.

The dream of murder is one of the most unpleasant. After him, a person wants to know the interpretation of such a dream. Dream Interpretations give different interpretations, but agree on one thing - during a dream, the emotions experienced by the sleeper are important. They will help you pick up the key, unravel the symbolism of the vision.

  • Burning a person in a dream is the beginning of a new stage. Release from past relationships, unnecessary connections. Fire means purification, it is a good sign for the sleeper.
  • If, after a murder, a corpse is thrown into the water in a dream, you will know that you will meet with friends soon.
  • If the sleeper has walled up a person, in reality he keeps a secret that he is trying to hide from everyone.
  • Strangle a person - the presence of a stressful state in the real life of a sleeping person, constant nervous tension.
  • To poison in a dream - such a vision means that the sleeper is trying to save an already cooled relationship.
  • Execution from a machine gun, a machine gun symbolizes the attitude of the surrounding people. A dream about war will bring the approval of friends. Execution in peacetime speaks of the envy of loved ones.

If the weapon of crime is a knife

Killing a person with a knife in a dream can mean an unconscious desire to possess his talents, abilities or qualities. This hidden feeling of envy gives impetus and projects such an unpleasant dream.

The knife symbolizes hostility, deceit, lies. By killing a person in a dream with it, in reality the sleeper will win over competitors, enemies. But triumph will come at a heavy price.

A table knife means domestic problems, quarrels. Therefore, killing them is more related to family problems, troubles. Such a dream portends a conflict between relatives.

To kill a person with a knife in a dream is a warning of impending troubles. You should be wary of dubious offers so as not to get into an unpleasant situation. It is necessary to reconsider your environment, attitude towards close and familiar people. What to expect if a stabbed person comes to life in a dream? Such a vision promises the renewal of past relationships.

And the knife symbolizes the sexuality of the sleeping person. Hidden desires can manifest themselves in such a dream. If a man kills a woman he knows, it means that in reality he is sexually attracted to her.

Weapon of crime - pistol

Firearms are a symbol of strong emotions. Stormy feelings in reality can be the impetus for a desire to kill a person in a dream. The dream interpretation offers various interpretations of the nightmare.

There are rumors, gossip about a loved one that can destroy good relationships. Before trusting others, you need to understand the situation. Most likely, envious people are trying to destroy the sleeping person or his family.

To kill a person in a dream with a gun means that enemies can take advantage of the stormy emotions of the sleeping person. You should be careful, watch your words - they can be used to cause tangible harm to the sleeper.

For a girl, such a dream means a quick meeting with a passionate admirer.

Weapon of crime - ax

The presence of an ax in a dream means an urgent problem or an imminent danger that threatens the sleeper. Holding it in your hands is a symbol of leadership, active action. The ax assumes mastery of the situation, the rise of a career, but you will achieve this dishonestly.

The meaning of sleep (to kill a man with an ax) is interpreted in two ways. These may be favorable combinations of circumstances with the help of which the sleeper will overcome obstacles in his path. Or maybe guilt before the victim, who had to be overthrown by dishonest means. Subsequent problems, mental anguish will bring unpleasant scenes with an ax to life, if you see them in a dream. To kill a person means to worry about irreparable events.

Try to keep your emotions under control, do not create conflict situations. A warning dream should be interpreted taking into account the level of acquaintance or closeness of the relationship with the victim. To kill a stranger with an ax is to solve the accumulated problems at once.

What does it mean to kill a lot of people in a dream?

A dream is an experience of daily problems, a subconscious search for their solution. Murder in a dream means the inner tension of the sleeper in real life, his anxiety. Unflattering conversations, stressful situations can provoke a nightmare and wake up in the morning with the phrase: “A dream where I kill people - what is it for? What does it mean?

If you dreamed that you killed many people with your own hands, know that such a dream carries a warning of cruelty or tragedy that will damage your reputation. If the murder occurs in self-defense - expect a promotion, getting rid of trouble.

To kill a person you know in a dream - to end the relationship with him. The desire to get rid of him in real life is torn outside. If you kill a lot of strangers in a dream, see their blood - such a dream will bring a joyful event, an unexpected solution to problems. If the dream is associated with a familiar environment - quarrels, enmity lie in wait at work or in the family.

A sick person sees such a dream for a speedy recovery.

Kill a loved one in a dream

What to expect if you killed a loved one in a dream? Much in the interpretation depends on the feelings experienced. Joy, release after a tragedy means that there is a hidden desire to part with him. Relations have exhausted themselves, which means they should be summed up. Sadness and grief after the murder of a loved one - secret intrigues in relation to him can destroy your connection, interfere with tender feelings.

The murder of a loved one is the aggression of the sleeping person against him. Resentment, misunderstanding can project such a dream.

If strangers in a dream try to kill a person close or loved (in relation to the sleeping person), then gossip, intrigue will contribute to a break in relations or quarrels. Such a dream means negative feelings for a partner, a desire to resolve a deadlocked situation.

Kill a man in a dream

The interpretation of dreams helps prevent negative situations. To kill a man, a man, means that a fit of rage or uncontrolled aggression is coming in the near future. Or fear will force you to act to the detriment of your interests.

Such a dream may mean that the sleeper will get involved in an adventure, the exit from which will be fraught with unpleasant consequences for his reputation.

A positive interpretation of such a dream is the completion of affairs, the settlement of the conflict. If the sleeper killed a man for protection, then the dream predicts an early promotion at work, success in your endeavors.

Kill a woman in a dream

The murder of a woman in a dream portends a loss. It can be a valuable item or wealth. You may also expect the loss of a loved one or trust in loved ones. Such a dream symbolizes imminent loneliness. It may be associated with the desire of the sleeper to be left alone. Or forced loneliness will be the result of betrayal of loved ones, betrayal of a loved one.

In some dream books, the murder of a woman (for a man) means the appearance of a new passion. You can expect in reality mutual feelings, tender relationships.

Kill an enemy in a dream

Killing an enemy in a dream is a good sign, a favorable interpretation. This marks a victory over shortcomings, negative manifestations of one's own personality. Overcoming complexes, resolving controversial issues in favor of the sleeping person.

A sick person to kill a person in a dream - to a speedy recovery or a significant improvement in health. The image of the enemy symbolizes getting rid of something. It can be a victory over an opponent, overcoming difficulties, successfully completing a case.

Killing an enemy is a way out of difficult situations, future success and glory. Such a dream may portend the respect of colleagues, career growth.

Kill a relative in a dream

The murder of a relative or loved one symbolizes the psychological struggle with him. Perhaps misunderstanding, irritation in real life prompted a tragedy in a dream. This is a harbinger of quarrels with loved ones, failure in business, fateful mistakes.

Psychological trauma in childhood can be the impetus for sleep, in which the leitmotif is the murder of relatives. It is necessary to analyze why negative feelings appeared. Try to get rid of childhood resentment.

If a loved one is killed in a dream, you know that there will be a quick parting with him or a termination of the relationship. In some dream books, the murder of a relative is interpreted as an upcoming journey.

The murder of parents in a dream indicates misfortunes, failures of new projects and plans. Another option means getting rid of the guardianship of relatives, acquiring independence, realizing a personal position in life.

Kill a child in a dream

Killing your child in a dream may portend mutual misunderstanding, conflicts. If the son or daughter is old enough, there will be a conflict, after which the child will leave the parental home.

The murder of an unfamiliar child promises the deliverance of the sleeping child from childish infantilism. The dream signals the internal changes that have taken place, thanks to which the dreamer embarked on a new path. This is a good sign that portends opportunities and prospects in life.

On the other hand, the desire to get rid of childish openness can lead to excessive pragmatism. Which will negatively affect personal relationships. In an effort to get rid of one problem, the sleeper may acquire another. It should be clearly distinguished where irresponsibility and infantilism, and where - spontaneity and openness.

Seeing blood in a dream

If you had a dream that you killed a person, and the blood got on your hands - how to relate to this? What is the meaning of vision? Nightmares can bring good news. If the blood fell on the sleeping person during the murder, his activity and energy will bring long-awaited success.

The more blood there is in a dream, the more luck can be expected in the future. Such a dream grants quick material well-being, happiness, career growth.

If the blood stained the sleeper's clothes - an unexpected acquisition or receipt of money in the near future promises such a dream.

Dream interpretation

The dream of killing a woman brings good news. Perhaps the emergence of new fans. Or one of the acquaintances will begin to show signs of attention. The astral tells a man that a new sympathy will soon arise.

Murder in a dream symbolizes changes in life. A new stage will bring difficulties and give strength to overcome them. Perhaps this will be good news at work. Or the appearance in the life of a fan (fan).

Miller's dream book portends troubles and sorrows.

Freud's dream book advises to get rid of annoying relationships.

Tome Hasse portends a quarrel with superiors. The dreamer must be patient.

Erotic dream book advises to diversify sexual life.

Jung warns of problems that interfere with the choice and formation of a firm personal position.

Dream Interpretation of Medea interprets the killing of a person as deliverance from fear.

Book of Prince Zhou-Guang portends wealth and honor.

Loff's dream book indicates an internal struggle.

Tsvetkova speaks of imminent recognition and good luck.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer indicates reconciliation with oneself, the successful completion of affairs.

Why dream of murder?

Killing in a dream means victory over your fears, overcoming difficulties. This is a symbol of removing obstacles, rising above enemies.

  1. If the sleeper fulfills an order for murder, is a killer - disappointments are coming. Someone wants to use it for their own purposes.
  2. If the dreamer himself is the customer of the murder, he will get rid of problems, an unexpected way out of a difficult situation.
  3. If the sleeper is the killer of a stranger, there will be a quick resolution of controversial issues, a triumph.
  4. If the sleeping person was killed in a dream, intrigue and deceit can become a serious obstacle in work or personal life.
  5. If a sleeping person was killed by a relative or close person, you should know that in real life you should expect deceit, betrayal from him.
  6. If the dreamer threatens to kill in a dream, the energy directed in the right direction will lead to quick success.
  7. If a man kills a girl in a dream, gossip can damage her reputation. You should be more attentive to new acquaintances.
  8. The sleeper sees the murder of a person - to great happiness.
  9. Suicide in a dream is a hidden dissatisfaction with oneself. You need to reevaluate your life and relationships. Perhaps the sleeper is trying to suppress his own talents.
  10. If the sleeper kills a thief, there will be a chance for career growth, worries and fears will pass.

How not to dream about murder

If nightmares constantly torment you, do not allow you to relax during the day, if you are haunted by dream plots in reality, you should take a few simple steps to stop worrying.

Step 1. Try to use your body and thoughts as much as possible during the day so that you don’t remember nightmares. Fatigue will contribute to sound sleep.

Step 2 Take a warm shower, drink sweet tea. These steps will help you relax completely.

Step 3 A short evening walk, massage, fresh air during sleep will distract from obsessive thoughts.

Step 4 Try to understand the background of dreams about the murder. Analyze your internal or external problems, eliminate them as much as possible.

Step 5 If nightmares affect mental or physical health, it is better to contact a psychologist, psychotherapist. Professional help will help get rid of obsessive dreams.

Unfortunately, looking through the news every day and reading newspapers, we understand that murders are not a rarity in the life of modern society. But what if we dreamed of such a terrible event during a dream? We propose to find the answer to this question by turning to the most famous and trustworthy dream books for help.

human: dream book of Gustav Miller

This dream book interprets such a terrible dream as a harbinger of sadness, the cause of which will be the atrocities committed by other people. It is possible that you may witness a violent death. If you dreamed that you yourself killed a person, then in real life you risk committing some acts that will denigrate your name in the eyes of others. Seeing yourself killed is an obsessive attempt on the part of enemies to ruin your life. If you killed a robber or villain who attacked you, then in the near future you will be successful in business and climb the career ladder.

Freud's dream book: why dream of killing a person

According to the interpretation of this source, a dream in which you kill someone reflects the need to get rid of a burdensome and boring relationship. It's entirely possible that both you and your partner are struggling to stay together, even though there's really nothing really connecting you anymore. If you dreamed that you witnessed a murder, then probably in your sexual fantasies too much attention is paid to cruelty and rudeness, which your partner or partner may not like.

Dream Interpretation of Health: why dream of killing a person

A dream in which you kill someone can be seen as a harbinger of real danger threatening you. If in a dream you threaten someone with murder, then probably in real life you are overwhelmed with aggression and nervous tension. Try to take your emotions under control, otherwise you can, as they say, “break wood”.

French dream book: to see the murder of a person in a dream - why?

According to the compilers of this collection of interpretations of dreams, the murder you see promises you a variety of pleasures. For people experiencing health problems, such a dream predicts a very speedy recovery.

Why dream of killing a person: dream book from A to Z

If you dreamed that a murder was committed before your eyes, then in reality you may have a reason to worry about your own health. If someone tried to kill you, then you should be very careful, especially when driving a car. The dream, in which you yourself committed the murder of a person and at the same time are trying to escape from justice, predicts that your "skeleton in the closet" will be found. This will cause serious problems. A dream of suicide symbolizes the likelihood of an accident due to the negligence and indiscretion of the dreamer. If you dreamed that a person was strangled, then in the near future you will face mental anguish and suffering.

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