Home Salon Life of Christina of Cappadocia. The meaning of Christina of Caesarea in the Orthodox Encyclopedia is a tree. What helps and what to pray for in front of the icon of St. Christina of Caesarea and Cappadocia

Life of Christina of Cappadocia. The meaning of Christina of Caesarea in the Orthodox Encyclopedia is a tree. What helps and what to pray for in front of the icon of St. Christina of Caesarea and Cappadocia

In church language, this name is pronounced as "Christina", but in modern sound it sounds like "Christina".

Christina's name day is celebrated at different times according to the church calendar. That's when it's better to celebrate the name days of girls and women with this beautiful name.

When is Christina's name day according to the church calendar

The very name "Christina" is translated as "Christian". This name has Greek roots and gives its owner softness, playfulness, responsiveness and kindness.

Christine's name day is celebrated according to the church calendar:

  • February 19 - this day is the day of memory of Christina of Caesarea;
  • March 26 and 31 - days in honor of Christina of Persia and Christina of Lampsaki;
  • June 13 - Christine's summer name day in honor of Christina of Nicomedia;
  • August 6 - the day of Christina of Tire;
  • August 18 is the day of the martyr Christina.

In autumn, Christina's name day is not celebrated. But this does not mean that Christine's name day, born in the fall, cannot be celebrated - it is better to choose the day of baptism and celebrate it as your name day.

Christina's Angel Day

It is believed that this day is usually celebrated cheerfully, if possible, visit temples and do good deeds. Girls with the name Christina are distinguished by their good disposition and cheerful character, which allows them to perfectly cope with all life's difficulties.

In the cold season, you can arrange a bachelorette party with a pie. If the name day falls on Maslyanitsa, then they bake pancakes with different fillings and treat them to relatives and friends. A good omen is red fish and caviar on the festive table.

Summer Christinas can celebrate their name day outside the city, in the country or in nature, weave wreaths of daisies and dandelions, swim in the river, sing songs and take amazing photos. The main thing is that this day was fun and gave everyone a great mood.

The name Christina in Orthodoxy

The name "Christina" is literally translated as "Christian, worshiper of Christ." In a modern way, it sounds like Christina and remains the most fashionable name in different countries, including abroad.

In pagan times, for any Christian woman, this name was associated with a feat. After all, to call oneself publicly a Christian meant throwing oneself to the mercy of one's faith. It is for this reason that the Christinas died a martyr's death for the faith, therefore the church considers them great ascetics and greatly appreciates those who give their daughters this name Christina.

There is an opinion that a name reform is being prepared in the church. This means that babies can be baptized with any name they like at any time. Therefore, Christinas born in autumn can also take this Christian name for themselves, even though their angel's day is celebrated in summer and at the end of winter.

Christina Persian martyr life

Christina of Persia lived in the 6th century AD in Persia among the pagans. Imbued with Christian doctrine, she fiercely preached it in Persia. At that time, the country was full of pagans and actively fought against Christians. At that time, she was at enmity with Christian Byzantium and considered Christians traitors to their homeland, was against them and waged a political struggle with them.

For adopting a Christian name - Christina of Persia called herself that, in the pagan world she had a completely different name - she was tortured and she died during torture with steel bars. But the church recognized Christina of Persia as a saint and began to venerate her along with other saints.

Holy Martyr Christina of Tire

This girl made a real feat for the sake of Christianity. She was born into a noble and noble family of the king of Tyre. She was supposed to become an honorary priestess of a pagan temple, but against the will of her parents, she converted to Christianity.

No beatings, cruelty of her own father could not return her to the path of paganism. As a result, Christina was hacked to death with a sword. But the memory of her was preserved for many years and Christina of Tire became a saint.

On August 6, the day of her death is celebrated and she is considered the conqueror of all Christines born in September and August.

Christina of Caesarea Cappadocia

Her memorial day is celebrated on February 19, in the dead of winter. This saint lived in the 3rd century, when the fiercest struggle was waged against Christianity. Even the name Christina was shameful among the pagans, and the girls who called themselves that sometimes doomed themselves to certain death.

Together with her sister, the girls did not renounce Christianity and began to preach the faith. Then they were put in a barrel of tar and burned alive. So Christina became a holy martyr along with her sister. The memory of this feat is honored at the end of winter - February 19th.

Christina of Nicomedia

One of the most obscure Christine. Today it is known about her that she was born and preached Christianity in the city of Nicomedia, even gave herself the Christian name Christina, for which she died a martyr's death.

It is customary to celebrate her memory day in the summer, June 13th. She is considered the patroness of Christines born in May and in the summer months until August.

The name Christina comes from the name of Christ, and the meaning of this word is quite understandable - “dedicated to Christ” or simply “Christian”. Today, this name is given to girls who are given the name Christina in worldly life.

holy martyr Christina of Caesarea (Cappadocia), commemorated February 19

Her life is inextricably linked with the life of the martyr Dorothea, who also lived in Caesarea and suffered suffering from the emperor Diocletian.

Saint Dorothea was a pious Christian, very humble, chaste, meek. By order of the ruler Saprikios, the pagans seized her and tortured her for a long time. But the torment could not break her faith, then she was given to two sisters Christina and Callista, who had also been Christians before, but being afraid of the torment, they renounced the Lord. They began to lead an inappropriate life for believers.

Sapriky ordered them to dissuade Dorotheus from their beliefs and to sacrifice to pagan idols. However, after the women met, a miracle happened, Christina and Callista repented of their behavior and again turned to Christ.

As soon as Sapirikius found out about this, he ordered the sisters to be seized and tied on their backs, and then burned in a tar barrel. That is how they atoned for their sin of apostasy. Saint Dorothea also suffered martyrdom through beheading with a sword.

Icon of the Holy Martyr Christina of Caesarea

Holy Martyr Christina of Tire, commemorated August 6

She lived in the third century in the city of Tyre. Her father Urvan was the ruler of this city. While still a girl, many were already seduced by her beauty, dreaming of marrying her. But her father hoped that she would become a pagan priestess. For this, he built a special room where he settled his daughter, surrounded by pagan idols. She was served by two slaves. But Christina spent all her free time thinking about who created this world after all. Then she began to pray to the One God to reveal Himself to her.

One day, she received a visit from an angel, who revealed to her the true faith in Christ. He called her the bride of Christ and told her that the feat of suffering awaited her. After that, Saint Christina broke all the idols that surrounded her all this time.

The slaves told their father about the changes in his daughter's life. Urvan became angry and began to beat her on the cheeks. Christina remained silent for a long time, but then she herself discovered her Christianity.

Icon of the Holy Martyr Christina of Tire

Then the father ordered to kill all the slaves, and subject Christina to torment. The holy mother asked her to renounce Christ, but she did not do so. Upon learning that his daughter remained adamant and did not want to deviate from Christianity, he ordered the torture to continue. She was tied to a wheel, and a fire was lit under it. When it turned, Christina's whole body was burned with fire. After that, she was imprisoned again. But the Angel of the Lord healed her of her wounds, appearing at night. When the next morning her father saw her alive and well, he ordered her to be drowned in the sea.

And again the Angel of God brought her out of the water, and Christina again appeared to her father. The next morning, he ordered her to be executed, but he himself did not live to see this time. During the night he died suddenly. A new ruler of Dion was sent in his place, he asked Christina to renounce Christ again. When she was refused, she was again tortured. Then she was in a dungeon for a long time, the locals, having learned where she was, began to visit her. She converted many to Christianity. After some time, Saint Christina was killed with a sword.

Orthodox holy women with the name Christina

Dates are in the new style.

  • Christina, mts. August 18
  • Christina of Caesarea (Cappadocia), mts. February 19
  • Christina Lampsakiyskaya, mts. May 31
  • Christina of Nicomedia, mts. June 13
  • Christina Persian, mts. 26 March
  • Christina of Tirskaya, mts. August 6

Martyr Christina lived in the 3rd century. She was born into a wealthy family. Her father Urvan was the ruler of the city of Tyre. At the age of 11, the girl was distinguished by her extraordinary beauty, and many wanted to marry her. However, Christina's father dreamed of his daughter becoming a priestess. To do this, he placed her in a special room, where he placed many golden and silver idols, and ordered his daughter to burn incense before them. Two slaves served Christina.

In her solitude, Christina began to think about who created this beautiful world? From her room, she admired the starry sky and gradually came to the idea of ​​the One Creator of the whole world. She became convinced that the mute and soulless idols that stood in her chambers could not create anything, since they themselves were created by human hands. She began to pray to the One God with tears, asking Him to reveal Himself. Her soul inflamed with love for the Unknown God, she intensified her prayer more and more, uniting it with fasting.

One day, Christina received a visit from an angel who instructed her in the true faith in Christ, the Savior of the world. The angel called her the bride of Christ and foreshadowed her future suffering feat. The holy virgin broke all the idols standing by her and threw them out the window. Christina's father Urvan, visiting his daughter, asked her where the idols had disappeared? Christina was silent. Then, having called the slaves, Urvan learned the truth from them. In anger, the father began to beat his daughter on the cheeks. The holy virgin was silent at first, and then she revealed to her father her faith in the One True God and that with her own hands she destroyed the idols. Then Urvan ordered to kill all the slaves who served his daughter, and betrayed Christina to severe scourging and threw her into prison. Upon learning of what had happened, the mother of Saint Christina came to her daughter with weeping, asking her to renounce Christ and return to her father's beliefs. However, Christina remained adamant. The next day, Urvan called his daughter to court and began to persuade her to render worship to the gods, to ask for forgiveness for her sin, but he saw her firm and adamant confession.

The tormentors tied her to an iron wheel, under which they lit a fire. The body of the martyr, turning on the wheel, was burned from all sides. Then they threw her into prison.

An angel of God appeared at night, healed her of her wounds and strengthened her with food. Her father, seeing her unharmed the next morning, ordered her to be drowned in the sea. But the Angel supported the saint, the stone sank, and Christina miraculously emerged from the water and appeared to her father. In horror, the tormentor attributed this to the action of magic and decided to execute her the next morning. During the night, he died unexpectedly. Another ruler sent in his place, Dion, called the holy martyr and also tried to persuade her to renounce Christ, but, seeing her unbending firmness, again betrayed her to cruel torment. The Holy Martyr Christina was in prison for a long time. People began to penetrate her, and she turned them to the true faith in Christ. Approximately 3,000 people applied this way.

A new ruler, Julian, arrived in Dion's place and began torturing the saint. After various torments, Julian ordered her to be thrown into a red-hot furnace and shut up in it. Five days later, the furnace was opened and the martyr was found alive and unharmed. Seeing the miracles taking place, many believed in Christ the Savior, and the tormentors hacked to death Saint Christina with a sword.

One of the most beautiful European female purely Christian names is the name Christina. In this article we will talk about what days and in honor of whom its bearers celebrate their name days.

About name days

As you know, every person baptized in the Catholic or Orthodox Church is named in honor of one or another saint, who is subsequently considered the patron saint of the believer. The day of church memory of this saint or saint of God becomes what people call. Another name for this day is name day. The name Christina in this sense is especially lucky, because there are quite a few holy women named by him.

Nevertheless, every woman, like every man, can have only one Angel Day a year. Therefore, at baptism, it is necessary to choose exactly your patroness. To do this, we will give below a list of the main ones revered in the Russian Orthodox Church. Surely there are others, but the trouble is that there is no single list of all the saints in the world - there are hundreds of thousands, if not millions. And there are new ones all the time. For each saint on our list, we will attach the date of the celebration and a brief biography so that you can decide which one you like best. But one more thing must first be noted - in the Eastern Christian tradition, the name Christina is usually transliterated in the Greek manner, namely as Christina. This is his ecclesiastical pronunciation.

February 19th. Martyr Christina of Caesarea

26 March. Martyr Christina of Persia

A little later than the previous martyr, namely in the 4th century, another Christina suffered for her faith in Christ. This time it was in Persia, where the local pagans also opposed the spread of Christianity. Moreover, in the Roman Empire, faith in Christ was already legalized and even made the state, official religion instead of the former paganism. Therefore, Persia, which perceived Byzantium as its political opponent, saw Christians as potential traitors, agents of influence of the Roman Empire and politically unreliable people. Because of this, believing Christians were persecuted in every possible way and forced to renounce their faith. Saint Christina refused to do so and was beaten to death with whips for her Christina, named after this saint, is celebrated on March 26th.

May 31. Martyr Christina of Lampsaki

Another martyr of times On the orders of Emperor Diocletian, another wave of oppression and demonstrative executions broke out in the state. During this process, a resident of the city of Lampsacus of the Hellespont also suffered. She was beheaded for refusing to renounce her Christian confession. She probably had Roman citizenship, since only the Romans were executed in this way, because other methods of execution in relation to them were prohibited. Christina's name day, bearing her name in memory of this woman, is celebrated on the last day of May.

June 13th. Martyr Christina of Nicomedia

It so happened that all the saints of Christ listed in this article are martyrs. The woman that will be discussed now is no exception in this sense. On the 13th day of the first summer month, Christina celebrates her name day, named in her memory. But little is known about the details of the life of this saint. We can only say with certainty that she came from the city of Nicomedia, where she was killed because she was a Christian and did not want to give up her beliefs when it was required.

August 6th Martyr Christina of Tire

This holy woman was not just a Christian. She was born and lived in the 3rd century and came from the family of the ruler of the city of Tyre. According to legend, her father prepared her for the career of a pagan priestess, but the daughter, contrary to the hope of her parents, converted to Christianity and flatly refused to fulfill her parents' will. In anger, the father, as the life of the saint says, first beat her, trying to force her to apostate, but, not having achieved success, he brought her to justice. In the future, no matter how parents or judges tried to persuade the girl to return to the bosom of paganism, she remained true to her choice. In the end, she was hacked to death with a sword. The memory of this martyr for her faith falls on August 6th.

18 August. Martyr Christina

This is the last in our list of saints named Christina. Orthodox name days can be celebrated in her memory, despite the fact that absolutely nothing is known about her, except that she once lived and was forcibly put to death for her faith in God.

The name Christina sounds in Old Russian as Khristina, which means "belonging to Christ." The name comes from the Greek language. Christina's name day on February 19 is associated with the history of the martyr Christina of Caesarea.

History of Christina of Caesarea, Dorothea, Theophilus

In the ancient city of Caesarea lived Christian Dorothea, a meek, modest, pious girl who believed in Christ. She suffered for her faith. This happened in 288 or 300, during the reign of Emperor Diocletan. One of the local rulers ordered Dorothea to renounce the faith and praise the pagan gods, which was refused by a staunch Christian. He ordered to send Dorothea to the sisters Christina and Callista who had previously renounced their faith in order to avoid torture.

Christina and Callista had to persuade Dorothea to renounce her beliefs and faith, as they had done earlier in fear of the ruler. Christina and Callista again believed in Christ, because they received guidance from Dorothea and realized that they needed to repent and turn to God again.

Christina and Callista were sentenced to martyrdom, burned in a tar barrel, tied with their backs. Saint Dorothea was again subjected to torment, but before her death she asked the angel to bring gifts to Theophilus, who did not believe her words and asked for proof. When an angel descended from heaven and brought three apples and three pink flowers on a white cloth as a sign of the justice of the faith of Saint Dorothea, Theophilus was amazed and also accepted faith in Christ.

About the character of the owner of the name Christina

The spiritualized name Christina, or "belonging to Christ", carries positive energy, endows others with the power of law, justice, and honor.

The girl Christina requires the attention of her relatives and all the people around her, she can be capricious about this in childhood. She loves attention, feels good when she is given respect, sympathy, her special role is emphasized.

The charming girl Christina is feminine and sweet, her attractiveness is associated with a feeling of inner warmth and care that she simply radiates. Christina has big plans for the future, but she loves to get ready, that is, like a princess accepting gifts and attention from people who recognize this right for her. She does not mind becoming a queen in the palace that you give her, but she does it majestically, creates her own world, in which there is grace, mutual respect, peace, love.

She is a reliable friend, she chooses to communicate according to her mind. Although she can get the attention of men, she is not passionate, as it may seem. Marriage with Christina will be long and happy.

She loves creativity, and sometimes she can put effort into it. She is interested in creativity itself, as well as the result.

When you give a girl the name Christina, you have a princess who is calm, very inspiring, charming.

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