Home Rack Tight steering wheel after changing Volvo gur fluid. After replacing the power steering fluid, the steering wheel became tight: the steering wheel became light or spinning hard at idle & nbsp. Why the steering wheel of the car becomes heavy - the reasons for the heavy steering of the car

Tight steering wheel after changing Volvo gur fluid. After replacing the power steering fluid, the steering wheel became tight: the steering wheel became light or spinning hard at idle & nbsp. Why the steering wheel of the car becomes heavy - the reasons for the heavy steering of the car

Power steering is a complex system that requires periodic attention from the owner. The liquid that is poured into the tank and is the basis for the functioning of the system has a certain service life, after which it loses its properties and turns into an incomprehensible mixture. In this article, you will find out what problems can arise after replacing the power steering fluid, why the steering wheel becomes tight or too light, as well as the reasons for such manifestations.

The steering wheel began to spin tighter Air got into the power steering Something clogged the valve Filled with non-original oil Fluid leakage Power steering wheel wear became lighterVideo: Why change the oil in the power steering, signs, consequences, fluid test Unusual control Oil viscosity mismatch var index = document.getElementsByClassName ("index-post"); if ( index.length> 0) (var contents = index .getElementsByClassName ("contents"); if (contents.length> 0) (contents = contents; if (localStorage.getItem ("hide-contents") === "1" ) (contents.className + = "hide-text")))

The steering wheel began to spin tighter

Increased steering effort can be observed for a number of reasons. Some of the main ones:

Worn or not tight enough belt, which does not create enough pressure to operate the pump. Lack of fluid in the power steering reservoir. Clogged fluid filter or air in the system. Lack of idle speed. Failure of elements of the steering system.

Most often, problems with the power steering appear when the car is running. This is how the oil enters the system, heats up and performs its functions. It is important to carry out any diagnostics of the power steering in a suspended form in order to reduce the load on the steering elements.

Important! When carrying out replacement, you must use only the original fluid. Counterfeit oil can lead to malfunctions in the power steering and result in costly repairs.

Also, the steering wheel may require additional efforts only when cornering, and during the rest of the movement, fully perform its functions. In this case, it is necessary to diagnose the steering rack.

Air has got into the power steering

In this case, the steering wheel simply does not obey, it is impossible to drive the car. If you need to turn sharply, then you have to make great efforts. Vibration also occurs when turning to one side. It is necessary to find the place where the system was depressurized and fix the problem, then remove the air or bleed the system.

Something clogged the valve

When the valve is clogged, the hydraulic booster will work with little effort, which means that the driver will be able to rotate the wheel only if he makes more effort. It is difficult to park the car and you will need to apply force to turn left or right. Periodically, various dirt particles get into the oil or a sludge is formed from the use of additives.

Did you know? In 2013, a record was recorded for the mileage of a car that is in working order. It was installed in a Volvo 1900 S, which at that time was 4,828,032 km (equivalent to 120 round-the-world trips).

All this can scratch the walls of the pump or damage the gaskets and tubing of the system, which reduces performance.

Not filled with original oil

It is impossible to turn the steering wheel without additional effort. An unsuitable fluid can cause great damage to all parts of the system, such as gaskets, pipes, and all surfaces of the pump. It is necessary to select and fill the liquid correctly.

It is recommended to replace the power steering fluid in a specialized car service. The technicians know the typical problems of the hydraulic booster, have the necessary equipment, tools and knowledge to fix problems or carry out planned procedures

Fluid leak

The steering wheel turns hard or too easily. The unbalanced operation of the entire steering mechanism is noticeable. With an insufficient fluid level, the power steering will stop working completely. It is necessary to check the hoses, eliminate the leak, restore the tightness and bleed the system.

Power steering wear Unbalanced steering mechanism. In this case, the steering wheel rotates with great effort. In addition, a very strong rumble is heard, which intensifies when cornering.

Elimination of fluid leakage in the power steering

Why is there a noise from the power steering and how to get rid of it?

How to replace power steering on a car with your own hands

How to fill the hydraulic booster with oil?

Replacing the power steering with your own hands

It is necessary to conduct a thorough revision of all units and, if necessary, repair or replace them.

The steering wheel has become lighter

After changing the oil in the power steering, the driver may notice that the steering wheel has become quite easy to control. If no mistakes were made during the maintenance work, then this is due to a change in the type of fluid in the system.

For each car, the manufacturer has indicated the recommended oil with its own chemical composition, depending on the characteristics of the steering elements. The oil transmits force when exposed to pressure and lubricates the rubbing parts. Accordingly, with insufficient density and viscosity of the oil, the required pressure in the system will not be created, and the steering wheel will turn easily.

Video: Why change the oil in the power steering, signs, consequences, test of fluids

However, there are a number of other reasons why the steering wheel may become easier to control. If the fluid was replaced with a similar one in compliance with all the rules, then it is necessary to diagnose the steering elements in order to find the reason for this steering behavior.

Unusual controls

A working car steering system is the basis of safety while driving. Excessive lightness of the steering wheel, even if it is not caused by technical failures in the system, can lead to an accident. The initial reason for this is the handling problem, as the car increases sharpness when maneuvering and there is significant sensitivity when driving even in a straight direction. In other words, the car is out of control of the driver. A slight bump, hole, or an obstacle that quickly arises for a car with an unnaturally light steering wheel can create an emergency. In addition, the wear of the hydraulic booster increases, which entails its quick replacement and related elements.

Did you know? In 2010, the Volkswagon Scirocco managed to travel 337 km from London to Manchester on coffee alone. The modified car processed coffee granules, turning them into carbon dioxide and hydrogen, while the car could reach speeds of up to 100 km / h with a "fuel" consumption of 56 cups of espresso.

Oil viscosity mismatch

The viscosity of the power steering fluid is one of the main indicators. There are several types of oils on the market that have different chemical compositions and are colored in different colors for convenience. Automakers in the technical documentation indicate the preferred oil for each car model. It is recommended to fill in the same fluid when replacing, since the working pressure created in the power steering directly depends on its consistency.

Every car owner has a desire to change one type of fluid for another, either in order to improve performance, or to save money. When not as thick oil enters the system as it was before, this can cause the hum of the power steering pump.

Power steering plays an important role in driving a car. Over time, some problems may arise, however, by observing the timing of replacing the fluid in the power steering, you will extend the service life of the power steering.

Good day! Faced a problem that I can't solve for the second week. After replacing the power steering fluid, the steering wheel began to rotate tightly.

Below I describe the whole process done.

Even from the moment of purchase, the power steering pump was damp, and the liquid was at the MIN mark. So my hands came to the replacement of the oil seal and, accordingly, the replacement of the slurry.

Liquid ENEOS ATF Dexron III - 522 rubles Corteco 19029685B oil seal (dimensions 19.05 x 33.3 x 7.9 mm) - 174 rubles

He did, like everyone else here, who changed the oil seal. I hung up the front wheels. I pumped out liquid from the tank. He unscrewed and removed the clamps. He removed the pipes. I drained all the liquid from them by turning the steering wheel back and forth. He unscrewed the pipes from the pump. I drained everything that was there, took off the pump, disassembled everything in parts, squeezed out the old oil seal, cleaned the inside of the pump. Plugged a new oil seal with a socket head.

Full size

New Corteco 19029685B oil seal

Assembled all pump parts in reverse order. I screwed the pump into place and tightened the belt. I screwed the pipes to the pump. I washed the tank and put it back. I connected the hoses to the tank. I replaced the clamps with new ones. I slowly poured new fluid into the tank up to the MAX mark.

Full size

ENEOS ATF Dexron III fluid

Then he started pumping. At first he turned the wheel. Then he took off the power from the ignition coil and turned the starter for 10 seconds and turned the steering wheel at the same time. The liquid was leaving. Topped up fresh.

As the liquid stopped leaving, I connected the power to the coil. He continued pumping with the engine already running. After several attempts, the liquid almost did not leave. But there were still air bubbles. I turned the wheel again 50 in one direction and the other. The air was still coming out. The slurry was foaming. The day was over and it was necessary to go home already. I spat on this case and lowered the car. The steering wheel became as if without a gidrach. The next day I went to upgrade the system, but as I did not turn the steering wheel, nothing really changed. Spun 100 times in all modes and with the engine running and not running. The air bubbles were still coming out but not so much.

Now I'm sitting here thinking what the options might be. Is the reason in the air? How long does it take to pump it? I think how many times I have already turned the wheel, it was already out a long time ago. Already the thought of removing the pump to see if there might be something wrong. Although it seems to have collected everything as it was. I don't know what to think anymore.


I changed the power steering fluid, the steering wheel stopped spinning ((([Archive]

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slopgib, you can't do without repairing the hike. tie up with fluid change: -sy

At the same time, I put a meter-long copper tube (cooler) in the break of the return line from the rail, but what would happen without cooling? By the way, it does not buzz on a cold one. I do not have a cooler, the manufacturer considered it superfluous. Once I even burned myself on the gur tank, I wanted to try if the liquid got too hot. These are the working conditions, go nuts .... The liquid is filled with ravenol SSF semisynths. Gur works fine, pah-pah-pah)))

I do not have a cooler, the manufacturer considered it superfluous. Once I even burned myself against the gur tank, I wanted to try if the liquid got too hot. These are the working conditions, go nuts ..

put on a cooler! a tube for 10 and a piece of oxygen hose you just need, well, clamps are natural. I put it behind my intercooler.

Well, here you can still argue ... G004 ... this is G004. and besides VAGovtsev nobody knows what it is !!! why argue then? replacing the original in all reference books is uniquely Phoebe 6161, and it says synthetics Phoebe 6162 does not have VAG approval at all: mrgreen :, but being mineral water (thicker) in killed systems gives an improvement, and in fact, fill the transmissions and it will become even better

Not long ago I changed the power steering pump myself, I filled in 6161 everything is fine vosmilie:

slopgib, you can't do without repairing the hike. tie up with a fluid change: -sy can you give a hint with the repair of what to start if it turns easily on a cold one?: - k

can a hint with the repair of what to start if it turns easily on a cold one?: - k with the replacement of the pump, I think.

29.06.2011, 22:35

Lei! Do not worry! But after reading the posts that everyone is getting worse with her, so I'm afraid now ..

My mileage is 180 already, and it's not a fact that I'm a native ..

Yes, after reading the posts that everyone is getting worse with her, so I'm afraid now .. I'd be afraid too: mrgreen: or rather, I did so - I filled in the orig ... the overpayment of 100-200 rubles for the orig is not critical, despite the fact that it is known that many had problems with neorig liquid ... it doesn't need to be changed so often if the system is working properly ...

kroilovo leads to popalov ... and then you will have to overpay much more: mrgreen:

despite the fact that it is known that many had problems with neorig slurries ... so last year I filled in the original from febi and the problems began, then it hums then grunts, before that there was a slurry left from the step-up yellow, there were no problems , only it darkened over time and I changed it once a year because of this (cheap). so think after that: -k

Filled in the original from Febi How so? Here either febi or orig.

This is the whole theme, pouring orig.

Here either febi or orig. +100500 binge: This is the whole theme, pouring orig. I changed in the winter ... the steering wheel in the cold as soon as you start it was tight, it warms up a little - it became normal ... it felt distinctly at -25 ... changed to orig (orig from VW: mrgreen :) and everything became normal, the steering wheel spun perfectly even at -30 I didn't have to wait ... I was told that some of the hoses vomited due to the fact that they immediately began to turn the steering wheel in the cold ...

There was an idea to find out what was going on in the original, but I could not find a clear answer ... and I was advised not to even experiment because of 200 rubles ... even when replacing every two years, an overpayment of 200-300 rubles is about nothing, but you know for sure what a goo normbinge:

30.06.2011, 21:37

I'd be afraid too: mrgreen: or rather, I did just that - I filled in the orig ... the overpayment of 100-200 rubles for the orig is not critical, despite the fact that it is known that many had problems with neorig slurries ... it is not so often to change it it is necessary with a working system ... kroilovo leads to a popalov ... and then you will have to overpay much more: mrgreen: Duc comrades from the forum convinced me that instead of G002000 ONLY Febi 06162, and no G0040000M2.

That is why I already bought Febi .. where can I put it now? ..

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Power steering wheel turns tight: possible reasons. Power steering repair

Today, not a single car, the equipment of which was carried out with a focus on the modern level of driving comfort, can do without power steering (GUR). The hydraulic mechanism facilitates the physical control of the machine while maintaining optimal feedback and compliance with safety requirements.

This is achieved by introducing an auxiliary mechanism into the steering wheel system, the technical condition of which must be regularly monitored. If, after a certain time of using the machine with such equipment, deviations in the operation of the mechanism are noticed, then you should prepare for its repair. For example, if the power steering wheel is spinning tightly, there may be several options for getting out of the position. But first, you should consider the design of the mechanism and the principle of its operation.

The power steering system is multi-component, but closed. In part, this device is due to the complexity of the repair of the structure. A typical mechanism includes a pump, a reservoir of liquid in the form of a reservoir, a pressure regulator, a power block and a spool. The pump is connected to the drive system of the machine engine, and the pressure regulator ensures that the flow of force is balanced against the spool. The operating differential in pressure readings depends on the control fluid supply.

It is this part of the functionality in most cases that leads to malfunctions, due to which it is required to repair the power steering in the form of correcting the position of individual parts of the structure or by updating the oil. In turn, the hydraulic cylinder interacts with the steering rack, transmitting additional force. So that the final load required to bring the steering wheel into activity is balanced, the spool itself is installed on the column - in the future, it will react to the torque when manipulating by the driver.

The feeling of heaviness when operating the steering wheel does not always appear suddenly and suddenly. This can be a long process during which warning signs may appear. In particular, initial diagnostics will help detect the problem by the formation of leaks, noise and excessive vibrations. Over time, a tight steering wheel will be added to this list, if the same leak is not stopped, and the fluid supply is replenished. Of course, the above signs may indicate the appearance of other problems, and not only with the hydraulic booster. Therefore, general diagnostics in this case will not be superfluous. It will also allow you to more accurately determine the possible reason for the weighting of the steering wheel.

The main reasons for hard steering

There are many factors that can lead to difficulty in steering due to the power steering. Each of them assumes its own approach to repair. One of the most common reasons is the presence of air in the niches of the hydraulic booster. Its presence not only neutralizes the main function of the mechanism, but also has the opposite effect, making the steering wheel movements heavier.

Another common reason is the aforementioned emptying of the expansion tank with liquid. If it was not possible to determine the reason why the steering wheel with the hydraulic booster is spinning tightly, then it makes sense to turn to the technical state of the individual components of the system. For example, wear of parts, especially the drive belt, could indirectly cause a decrease in hydraulic function. In this case, it is impossible to avoid a complete revision of the mechanism and, possibly, its replacement. Do not exclude the possibility of a malfunction in the steering wheel itself. For example, a rack in the part of a bundle with a gearbox can cause even more trouble in terms of repair.

How to disassemble a tight steering wheel?

To ascertain the reasons why the steering wheel action could become heavier, the mechanism should be disassembled. The event begins with the disconnection of the pipelines that lead to the expansion tank and the steering system. At this point, you can drain the liquid. Next, the drive belt is removed from the pump - again, if it is in an unusable condition, then you will have to put on a new belt.

Here, three blocks for fixing the pulley suitable for the pump unit are unscrewed. But depending on the type of fastening system, there may be more. After that, access to the fixing elements of the pump itself can be opened. As you can see, the power steering can be repaired already at this stage by changing the fluid, updating the hoses and the drive belt. But that may not be enough. Special attention should be paid to the filtering system. Even if it regularly performs its function, a violation at the cleaning stage is possible, which cannot be determined in garage conditions. Therefore, if there are no other obvious reasons for the problem, it makes sense to check the filters in a professional workshop.

Getting rid of excess air

If the reason lies in the presence of excess air in the system, then in a sense we can talk about luck. True, here too, everything is ambiguous. Most often, this problem is solved by several turns of the steering wheel, brought to a stop. Moreover, this action is performed in both directions. As practice shows, this allows you to push out excess air from the hydraulic communications. But if after this action the steering wheel turns hard, then the tank is more likely to be air-conditioned. This means that the system is working with a liquid in which bubbles are present. This factor is responsible for the lack of ease of handling the steering wheel. A complete liquid renewal in the expansion tank will help to eliminate this problem.

Fluid change

For this, it is not necessary to completely disassemble the mechanism. First of all, it is necessary to free the two pipes leading to the expansion tank from the clamps. Also, if necessary, additional fasteners and belt communications are removed, due to which access to the tank is difficult.

Direct fluid replacement can be performed without completely dismantling the tank. The spent mixture is simply pumped out, after which it remains to pour in a new auto chemistry. However, if the steering wheel with the hydraulic booster, which has not been tested for a long time, is spinning tightly, then it is advisable to dismantle the reservoir for subsequent diagnostics. It should be checked for leaks, then rinsed thoroughly and rinsed with clean water. The dried reservoir is installed in its place, filled with new working fluid and fixed with fasteners.

The question of choosing a fluid for a power steering also imposes a great deal of responsibility. It is desirable to give preference to synthetic hydraulic mixtures made from high quality components. Regular engine oil is not suitable in this case. The features of specialized formulations include a sufficient degree of fluidity, viscosity and the ability to work at extreme temperatures.

Often, problems of this kind are encountered precisely in the winter, when the flooded liquid simply cannot cope with its tasks due to freezing. Therefore, the question of which oil should be poured into the power steering should be decided only in favor of special synthetic or semi-synthetic mixtures, which usually have a dark green tint. If we talk about manufacturers, then high-quality auto chemicals of this type are produced by the companies Motul, Castrol, Pentosin, Liqui Moly, etc. The cost of the liquid is about 800-1000 rubles, but even a small canister will last for a long time, so you should not save on this resource.

How to replace a heavy handlebar?

Dismantling of the system begins with the aforementioned disconnection of all pipelines, nozzles and fasteners. Also, without fail, the oil poured into the expansion tank is drained or pumped out. Installation of a new system is carried out in reverse order. If we are talking about a complete renovation of the steering complex, then in this case it is necessary to dismantle the rack itself. Such a replacement of the power steering should be carried out in conditions where there is an assembly straightening stand. The installation starts with integrating the steering wheel and then integrating the hydraulic components one by one. In the last turn, the working fluid is poured, and the elements of communication support are supplied.


By itself, the steering wheel control system is quite complex and often causes problems precisely with identifying the reasons for its incorrect operation. If the steering wheel with the power steering of a car with flat wheels is spinning tightly, it is quite possible that the problem will lie precisely in insufficiently inflated tires.

In this situation, the difficulty is associated with the mechanics of the interaction of rubber with the coating, the effect of which is transmitted even to serviceable hydraulics. Insufficient drive belt tension can also affect the function of the booster. That is, before proceeding with the repair work, the user must make a complete inspection of the car for the presence of factors that may affect the operation of the steering rack.


Tight steering wheel power steering - logbook Daewoo Espero = REAL-REMI = 1998 on DRIVE2

Guys tell me what could be wrong. In general, a month ago, the liquid began to leave, at the exit from the barrel where the thick pipe was smudged. I thought it was a hamut, changed it anyway ... I decided to buy a new hose, it flows again ... I took off the tank and started looking at it and saw a very small crack in that place. Sealed with superglue)) lasted for 3 weeks and flowed again. Yesterday I bought a tank and liquid MANNOL DEXRON III, but the problem is that I no longer remember which of the two I filled in ... either DEXRON III or DEXRON II ... but as they told me in principle III is more classy and nothing terrible if II was filled ... but maybe I filled III and)) In short, before all the procedures, the steering wheel spun 30-40 percent easier than after. Yesterday I replaced the tank, by and large I drained most of the liquid and filled in a new one ... then I started it, pumped it over (the steering wheel back and forth all the way as I did before), filled it up to the MAX level ... there are no bubbles in the tank, the gur does not buzz like everything is OK. Right now I left in the morning and immediately noticed that I had become tighter ... that you were standing on the spot you were twisting (wound up), that in motion it was the same. What can be wrong? The liquid level is now 1 cm higher than the max mark, can this somehow affect?))) Who is pouring what to himself?

PS Let me remind you once again that before replacing the tank, the steering wheel was light, i.e. the whole pump and all that ...

A complex system that requires periodic attention from the owner. The liquid that is poured into the tank and is the basis for the functioning of the system has a certain service life, after which it loses its properties and turns into an incomprehensible mixture. In this article, you will find out what problems can arise after replacing the power steering fluid, why the steering wheel becomes tight or too light, as well as the reasons for such manifestations.

The steering wheel began to spin tighter

Increased steering effort can be observed for a number of reasons. Some of the main ones:

  1. Worn or not tight enough belt, which does not create enough pressure to operate the pump.
  2. Lack of fluid in the power steering reservoir.
  3. Clogged fluid filter or air in the system.
  4. Lack of idle speed.
  5. Failure of elements of the steering system.

Most often, problems with the power steering appear when the car is running. This is how the oil enters the system, heats up and performs its functions. It is important to carry out any diagnostics of the power steering in a suspended form in order to reduce the load on the steering elements.

Important! When carrying out replacement, you must use only the original fluid. Counterfeit oil can lead to malfunctions in the power steering and result in costly repairs.

Also, the steering wheel may require additional efforts only when cornering, and during the rest of the movement, fully perform its functions. In this case it is necessary to diagnose the steering rack.

Air has got into the power steering

In this case, the steering wheel simply does not obey, it is impossible to drive the car. If you need to turn sharply, then you have to make great efforts.... Vibration also occurs when turning to one side. It is necessary to find the place where the system was depressurized and fix the problem, then remove the air or bleed the system.

Something clogged the valve

When the valve is clogged, the hydraulic booster will work with little effort, which means that the driver will be able to rotate the wheel only if he makes more effort. It is difficult, and you will need to apply force to turn left or right. Periodically, various dirt particles get into the oil or a sludge is formed from the use of additives.

Did you know?In 2013, a record was recorded for the mileage of a car that is in working order. It was installed in a Volvo 1900 S, which at that time was 4,828,032 km (equivalent to 120 round-the-world trips).

All this can scratch the walls of the pump or damage the gaskets and tubing of the system, which reduces performance.

Not filled with original oil

It is impossible to turn the steering wheel without additional effort. An unsuitable fluid can cause great damage to all parts of the system, such as gaskets, pipes, and all surfaces of the pump. It is necessary to select and fill the liquid correctly.

It is recommended to replace the power steering fluid in a specialized car service. The technicians know the typical problems of the hydraulic booster, have the necessary equipment, tools and knowledge to fix problems or carry out planned procedures

Fluid leak

The steering wheel turns hard or too easily. The unbalanced operation of the entire steering mechanism is noticeable. With an insufficient fluid level, the power steering will stop working at all... It is necessary to check the hoses, eliminate the leak, restore the tightness and bleed the system.

Power steering wear

Unbalanced steering. In this case, the steering wheel rotates with great effort. In addition, a very strong rumble is heard, which intensifies when cornering.

It is necessary to conduct a thorough revision of all units and, if necessary, repair or replace them.

The steering wheel has become lighter

After changing the oil in the power steering, the driver may notice that the steering wheel has become quite easy to control. If no mistakes were made during the maintenance work, then this is caused by a change in the type of fluid in the system.

For each car, the manufacturer has indicated the recommended oil with its own chemical composition, depending on the characteristics of the steering elements. The oil transmits force when exposed to pressure and lubricates rubbing parts... Accordingly, with insufficient density and viscosity of the oil, the required pressure in the system will not be created, and the steering wheel will turn easily.

Video: Why change the oil in the power steering, signs, consequences, test of fluids

However, there are a number of other reasons why the steering wheel may become easier to control. If the fluid was replaced with a similar one in compliance with all the rules, then it is necessary to diagnose the elements in order to find the reason for this steering behavior.

Unusual controls

A working car steering system is the basis of safety while driving. Excessive steering lightness, even if not caused by technical failures in the system, can lead to... The initial reason for this is the handling problem, as the car increases sharpness when maneuvering and there is significant sensitivity when driving even in a straight direction. In other words, the car is out of control of the driver. A slight bump, hole, or an obstacle that quickly arises for a car with an unnaturally light steering wheel can create an emergency. In addition, the wear of the hydraulic booster increases, which entails its quick replacement and related elements.

Did you know?In 2010, the Volkswagon Scirocco managed to travel 337 km from London to Manchester on coffee alone. The modified car processed coffee granules, turning them into carbon dioxide and hydrogen, while the car could reach speeds of up to 100 km / h with a "fuel" consumption of 56 cups of espresso.

Oil viscosity mismatch

Power steering fluid viscosity is one of the main indicators... There are several types of oils on the market that have different chemical compositions and are colored in different colors for convenience. Automakers in the technical documentation indicate the preferred oil for each car model. It is recommended to fill in the same fluid when replacing, since the working pressure created in the power steering directly depends on its consistency.

Every car owner has a desire to change one type of fluid for another, either in order to improve performance, or to save money. When not as thick oil enters the system as it was before, this can cause the hum of the power steering pump.

Power steering plays an important role in driving a car. Over time, some problems may arise, however, by observing the timing of replacing the fluid in the power steering, you will extend the service life of the power steering.

13 Aug 2016

Power steering (GUR) - a component part of the car, the purpose of which is to optimize vehicle handling and operation. Comfort, and most importantly, the safety of the driving process depends on the performance of the power steering.

A malfunction of the power steering can be triggered by the following malfunctions:

  • violation of the tightness of the steering system,
  • damage to hoses,
  • natural wear of parts.

All of the above facts lead to the need for qualified repair.

Troubleshooting Power Steering

Possible reasons why the power steering does not work, and how to fix them, we will consider below.

Backward jolts on the steering wheel (kickback)

A possible cause is a poor tension on the pump drive belt, or this belt is worn. Eliminating such a malfunction will not take a significant amount of time and money, because it is necessary to replace the belt or adjust its tension.

The steering wheel turns with effort

If the steering wheel with the power steering is spinning tightly, then there may be several reasons for such a malfunction:

  • weak tension of the pump drive belt (adjust the tension),
  • low (critical) fluid level in the power steering reservoir (add fluid),
  • clogging of the power steering tank filter (replace the filter),
  • low working pressure of the pump on the hydraulic booster (replace or repair the pump),
  • air in the power steering (remove accumulated air and check the tightness).

The liquid in the power steering must be topped up with the one that was originally filled. To do this, it is better to store the container in which the liquid was sold.

It takes effort to spin the wheel

There is only one reason for this malfunction of the power steering - pump malfunction. Elimination - check and repair the pump, replace its oil seals.

The steering wheel in the middle position turns with great effort

  • pump malfunction, which can be eliminated by replacing a part or repairing it,
  • mechanical failure - it is recommended to diagnose the steering system.


Possible causes of the malfunction:

  • mechanical damage, dangerous condition of tires (identify defective tires, repair them or replace them with new ones),
  • air ingress into the hydraulic system (remove air, having previously established the cause of its ingress).

Noise during operation

Reasons for the malfunction:

  • low power steering fluid level in the reservoir (eliminate the leak, check the tightness and add fluid),
  • damage (wear) of high and low pressure hoses (in this case, check hoses and replace broken ones),
  • accumulation of liquid through the safety valve, accompanied by a whistling sound at the extreme position of the steering wheel (check the operation of the pump, replace it in case of failure).

Fuzzy steering

  • violation of the geometry of the steering drive (it is necessary to check the condition of the tires),
  • wear of steering parts (visually check the condition of parts and assemblies, eliminate their malfunctions),
  • fluid leaks (check tightness).

As can be seen from the listed malfunctions, most often the power steering does not work well due to the leakage of a fluid that serves as a lubricant. At the same time, the car begins to "hum" intensely, and when the steering wheel is turned, this hum increases, therefore, when the liquid level drops, it is necessary to urgently look for a leak, otherwise the pump will fail, and this part is a very expensive pleasure.

The power steering, as mentioned above, affects the chassis of the car, so its proper operation is the key to a successful trip. In case of suspicion of incorrect operation of the power steering, it is recommended to stop the movement and continue it after repairing the power steering.

What to do, if buzzing power steering? This question is periodically asked by most car owners in whose cars this system is installed. What are the causes and consequences of a breakdown? And is it worth paying attention to at all?

Reasons why is the power steering buzzing, maybe several. Extraneous sounds indicate a clear malfunction in the control system. And the sooner you fix it, the more money you will save and not put yourself at risk of getting into an emergency with a faulty steering system in your car.

Power steering device

Causes of the hum

An unpleasant hum from the power steering can occur under various circumstances. Let's dwell on the most basic reasons why the power steering buzzes when turning:

  1. Low liquid level in the power steering system. You can check this visually by opening the hood and looking at the oil level in the power steering expansion tank. It should be between the MIN and MAX marks. If the level is below the minimum mark, then it is worth adding liquid. However, before doing this, it is imperative to find the cause of the leak. Especially if a little time has passed since the last refill. As a rule, the leak occurs at the clamps and at the joints. Especially if the hoses are already old. Always eliminate the cause of the leak before refilling..
  2. The filled liquid does not match the one recommended by the manufacturer. This can cause not only hum, but also more serious malfunctions. Also buzz power steering in winter may be due to the fact that, although the liquid meets the specification, it is not intended for operation in special temperature conditions (during severe frosts).

    Dirty power steering fluid

  3. Poor quality or contamination fluid in the system. If you have purchased “burned” oil, then there is a high probability that after some time it will lose its properties and the power steering will start to buzz. As a rule, along with the hum, you will feel that it has become harder to turn the steering wheel. In this case, be sure to check the quality of the oil. As in the previous case, open the hood and observe the condition of the fluid. If it is significantly blackened, and even more so, crumpled, it is necessary to replace it. Ideally, the color and consistency of the oil should not be much different from the new one. You can check the condition of the liquid "by eye". To do this, you need to draw a little liquid from the tank with a syringe and drop it onto a clean sheet of paper. Red, crimson burgundy, green or blue colors are allowed (depending on the original used). The liquid should not be dark - brown, gray, black. Also check the smell coming from the tank. It should not pull from there with burnt rubber or burnt oil. Remember that the fluid must be changed in accordance with the schedule approved in the manual of your car (as a rule, it is changed every 70-100 thousand kilometers or once every two years). Change the oil if necessary. You will find a list of the best hydraulic booster fluids in the appropriate one.
  4. Air ingress into the system... This is a very dangerous phenomenon that is harmful to the power steering pump. Check for foam in the hydraulic expansion tank. If it occurs, then it is necessary or to perform a fluid change.
  5. Steering rack malfunctions... It can also cause hum. It is worth conducting a visual inspection and diagnostics. The main signs of a rail malfunction are a knock in its body or from one of the front wheels. The reason for this may be the failure of the gaskets and / or damage to the anthers of the steering rods, which may lead to leakage of the working fluid, the ingress of dust and dirt on the rail, and the occurrence of knocking. In any case, it is necessary to carry it out with the help of repair kits sold in car dealerships. Or ask for help at the service station.

    Do not drive with a defective steering rack, as this could cause it to jam and cause an accident.

  6. Weakening the power steering belt... It is quite easy to diagnose this. The procedure must be performed after the engine has been running for some time (the longer, the easier it is to diagnose). The fact is that if the belt slips along the pulley, then it becomes hot. You can verify this by touching it with your hand. To tension, you need to know the effort with which the belt should be tensioned. If you do not have a manual and do not know the effort, go to the service for help. If the belt is excessively worn, it must be replaced.
  7. Power steering pump malfunction... This is the most unpleasant and costly breakdown. Its main feature is an increase in the effort with which you need to turn the steering wheel. The reasons that the power steering pump is buzzing may be different parts of the pump that have failed - bearings, impeller, oil seals. You can familiarize yourself with the methods of diagnostics and repair of power steering in another.

The power steering is buzzing on a cold

Troubleshooting power steering and steering rack

There are several reasons why the power steering is buzzing on a cold one. The first is what goes air leaks through low pressure lines... To eliminate it, it is enough to put two clamps on the tube going from the reservoir to the power steering pump. In addition, it is worth replacing the ring on the suction pipe of the pump itself. After installing the clamps, we recommend that you use an oil-resistant sealant, which must be lubricated with the clamps and joints.

You can also conditionally single out one more reason, the probability of which is low. Sometimes there are times when insufficient (low-quality) pumping of the power steering system... In this case, an air bubble remains at the bottom of the tank, which is removed with a syringe. Naturally. that its presence can cause the indicated hum.

Elimination methods can be replacing oil hoses and / or rails, replacing the power steering pump, installing additional clamps on all hoses in order to prevent air from leaking into the system. You can also perform the following procedures:

  • replacing the O-ring on the expansion tank supply spout;
  • installation of a new hose from the tank to the pump using an oil-resistant sealant;
  • perform the procedure for distilling air from the system (when performing the procedure, bubbles will appear on the surface of the liquid, which need to be given time to burst) by turning the steering wheel on the engine that is not running;

Another repair option is to replace the O-ring in the power steering pressure suction hose (and, if necessary, the hose itself and both clamps). The fact is that over time it loses its elasticity and becomes rigid, that is, it loses its elasticity and tightness, and begins to let the air that enters the system, causing knocking and foam in the tank. The way out is to replace this ring. Sometimes a problem can arise due to the fact that it is not easy to find a similar ring in a store. But if you find it, be sure to replace it and put it on the mount and lubricate it with an oil-resistant sealant.

For some machines, there is a special power steering repair kit on sale. In case of problems with this unit, the first step is to buy a repair kit and change the rubber gaskets that are part of it. Moreover, it is advisable to buy original sets (especially important for expensive foreign cars).

Power steering pump bearing

You also need to watch out for absence of dirt in the system fluid... If it is present even in small quantities, over time this will lead to wear of the parts of the power steering pump, due to which it will begin to make unpleasant sounds and work worse, which will be expressed in an increase in effort when turning the steering wheel, as well as possible knocking. Therefore, when changing the fluid, be sure to look for dirt deposits on the bottom of the expansion tank. If they occur, you need to get rid of them. Check the filter in the reservoir (if applicable). It should be relatively clean and intact and fit snugly against the sides of the tank. In some cases, it is better to replace the entire filter tank than to try to clean them. Also, in this case, it is necessary to remove the rail, disassemble it, rinse it from dirt, and also replace the rubber-plastic parts. To do this, you need to use the mentioned repair kit.

An unpleasant sound may be emitted external bearing of the power steering pump... Replacing it is easy, without the need for complete disassembly of the assembly. However, sometimes it can be difficult to find a replacement.

There are special additives that are added to the power steering fluid. They eliminate the hum of the pump, relieve the efforts on the steering wheel, increase the accuracy of the power steering, reduce the vibration level of the hydraulic pump, and protect the system parts from wear when the oil level is low. However, motorists treat such additives differently. They really help some, they only harm others and bring the time to replace the power steering pump or carry out its replacement.

When choosing a liquid, pay attention to its temperature characteristics so that it works normally in severe frosts (if necessary). Insofar as high viscosity oil will create obstacles to the normal operation of the power steering system.

Buzzing power steering on hot

If the power steering hums on hot, then there may be several problems. Let's consider several typical situations and methods of their solution.

  • In the case when the engine starts to warm up, it is necessary to replace the pump or repair it using a repair kit.
  • When a knock appears on a warm engine at low speeds, and disappears at high speeds, this means that the power steering pump becomes unusable. There can be two ways out in this case - replacing the pump and pouring a thicker liquid into the power steering system.
  • If you have poured counterfeit liquid into the system, this can lead to the fact that when it heats up will lose its viscosity therefore, the pump will not be able to create the required pressure in the system. The way out is to replace the oil with the original one, having previously flushed the system (pumping with fresh fluid).
  • Steering rack malfunction... When heated, the fluid becomes less viscous and can seep through the seals if damaged.

Remember, it's best to use the original fluid. This is evidenced by the experience of many car owners. After all, the purchase of counterfeit oil can cause expensive repairs to the elements of the power steering system.

Power steering hums in extreme positions

Do not turn the front wheels for a long time

It should be borne in mind that when the wheels are turned all the way, the power steering pump operates at maximum load. Therefore, it may emit additional sounds, which are not a sign of its malfunction. Some automakers report this in their manuals. It is important to distinguish precisely the emergency noises associated with system malfunctions.

However, if you are sure that the sounds that have appeared are the result of a malfunction in the system, then it is necessary to carry out diagnostics. The main reasons that the power steering is buzzing in extreme positions are all the same reasons listed above. That is, it is necessary to check the operation of the pump, the liquid level in the expansion tank, the tension of the power steering belt, the purity of the liquid. The situation described below may also occur.

There is usually a valve box at the top of the gearbox, which is designed to control hydraulic flows. When the wheel is turned to the extreme position, the flow is shut off by the bypass valve, and the liquid flows in a “small circle”, that is, the pump works for itself and does not cool down. This is very harmful for him and is fraught with serious damage - for example, seizures on the cylinder or pump vanes. In winter, when the oil is more viscous, this is especially true. therefore do not keep the wheels turned out all the way for more than 5 seconds.

Power steering buzzes after replacement

Sometimes the power steering starts to hum after changing the oil. Unpleasant sounds can be caused by the pump if the system less thick oil was filled than it was before. The fact is that production increases between the inner surface of the stator ring and the rotor plates. Vibration of the plates also occurs due to the presence of unevenness of the stator surface.

It is also possible that a hum may occur after replacing the high-pressure hose of the power steering. One of the reasons may be a poor quality hose. Some service stations sin by the fact that instead of special hoses designed for high pressure and work in the power steering system, they install ordinary hydraulic hoses. This may cause airing the system and, accordingly, the occurrence of a hum. The rest of the reasons are completely similar to the cases listed above (knocking on a cold, hot one).

In order for the hydraulic booster to work normally and not knock, you must adhere to a few simple rules:

  • Monitor the oil level in the power steering system, top up and change it on time. In addition, check its condition. There is always a risk of buying a low-quality liquid, which becomes unusable after a short time of operation (check its color and smell).
  • Don't hold back for long(more than 5 seconds) wheels in end position(both left and right). This is harmful to the power steering pump, which works without cooling.
  • When parking the car always leave the front wheels level (straight ahead)... This will take the load off the power steering system the next time the engine is started. This advice is especially relevant in cold weather, when the oil thickens.
  • In case of occurrence (hum, knocking, increased efforts when turning the steering wheel) do not delay repair... You will not only eliminate the breakdown at a lower cost, but also save your car, you and your loved ones from possible accidents.
  • Constantly monitor the condition of the steering rack... This is especially true of the condition of the anthers and oil seals. This will not only extend its service life, but also save money on costly repairs.


Remember that at the slightest signs of malfunction of the steering of the machine, and in particular, of the power steering system, it is necessary to carry out diagnostics and repair work as soon as possible. Otherwise, at the onset of a critical moment you risk losing control of the car when the steering fails (for example, the steering rack is jammed). Do not skimp on the condition of your car and the safety of yours and your loved ones.

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