Home Salon BMW E60 - choice - which motor is better. A complete list of BMW E60 problems, with whom will have to face the future owner of this "Five places and disadvantages of BMW E60 with mileage

BMW E60 - choice - which motor is better. A complete list of BMW E60 problems, with whom will have to face the future owner of this "Five places and disadvantages of BMW E60 with mileage

In recent years, more and more fashion for used cars, in particular, German cars. This is explained - German quality has long been an independent brand. However, is it and whether it is worth the money that is asked for him? Let's try to understand.


BMW E60 and his fellow E61 (the difference solely in the body, the E60 is sedan, and the E61 is a wagon) for the first time appeared in 2003, as part of the fifth series of car concern. At the start, the confession of the car did not raise - it was difficult for him to compete with his own ancestor - model E39, which is still considered the best "five" of all. However, soon the car was "typked" and although he never reached the vertices of E39, he was able to take a worthy place in the BMW model range.

E60 and E61 are equipped with both gasoline and turbo diesel engines, volume 2.2, 2.5, 3 and 4.4 (gasoline) and 3 (diesel) liters. The latter exists in the form of four and six-cylinder. As for gasoline, they also have six-cylinder in the bulk, but an option to 4.4 liters has already eight cylinders. Engine power varies from 163 to 333 horsepower. The standard is considered a 2.5 liter engine (192 hp). There are versions of both mechanical and automatic transmission.

Now that we already know what exactly we are dealing with, let's start finding both the problems themselves and the ways to eliminate them.

  • Body problems

    The most trouble-free part of the car. Due to the very good work of German designers and chemists, the body is felt monolithic, even though part of the parts are made of aluminum. However, the owners should especially take care of the hood, spars, suspension on the subframe and wings - it is them made of soft metal.

  • Engine problems

    About the engine It is worth saying immediately - it's not enough stars from the sky, regardless of the volume and series. Of course, for European roads, it is more than acceptable, however, in the Russian realities, a bar in 250,000 km, which was so proud of BMW, take interest 30 on the total number. The remaining overheats due to the breakage of the valve recycling of crankcase gases and the formation of a car on the bottom of the piston and rings.

    Another weak point is the neutralizers of the exhaust gases. They simply sin and fall apart, approximately after 100,000 km. Spark plugs with platinum electrodes can serve somewhere 30-40,000 km, and in Europe they were issued 100,000, which is a fairly good result. Approximately the same as the bearings of cooled generators also serve.

  • Problems Transmission (PPC)

    The most competently made part of the car, as, in fact, and always at BMW. There are no special problems, the gearbox normally serves to 150,000 kilometers, although if the driver is negligent, it may refuse and after 50,000 km. Every 60,000 mileage mileage is recommended to change the oil in the boxes.

    As for reliability, it is better to look at the embodiment with a mechanical gearbox, especially if the car is large. Despite the lack of cardinal differences in production, the mechanical gearbox serves a little longer due to a simpler design.

  • Pendant problems

    The weakest of the car is the weakest of the car (before the "leader" on appeals to the service we are still reached). The fact is that the E60 is designed to ride along the highway or even the autobahn, but here it is clearly not ready for a meeting with Russian roads. Weak places in the suspension of the whole three - steering rack, ball supports and silentbreaks of the rear levers, and up to 100,000 km all live quite rarely. So it is more often to diagnose the suspension and at the first manifestations of the deformation of the parts to think about their replacement.

  • Electronics problems

    The winner of our improvised "hit parade". Most owners mention BMW E60 electronics exclusively obscenely and can be understood, because despite a fairly developed system (more than 150 electronic blocks), it is extremely difficult to achieve normal operation from it. The problem lies not in the design itself, but in the software developed in BMW and which, according to the constructor's idea, should take on the management of all secondary functions of the car. The fact that part of electronic blocks from the first episodes came out the defective and the consequences of this marriage are still manifested, also does not increase the stability of the BMW E60 electronics.

    Fortunately, in the later series, this problem was solved - and the blocks went better, and the software on them was more running. However, if you still risked and bought the old E60 to you, then here is a small advice - take a trip to the car service and carry out the complete diagnosis of electronics. This will help identify the presence of a defective block and replace it with a new one.

  • Other problems

    In addition to the problems that can affect the driving quality of the car, and which we have already disassembled, there are also small problems associated with the comfort of the driver and passengers. And the most important parking sensors, both in connection with the "cored" electronics and by themselves. When buying a car, they should also be subjected to serious diagnosis.

    It is unpleasant to surprise and brush on the rear window. Simple, it would seem, the design begins to eat in the second-third month of use. The solution is to disassemble the mechanism and lubricate it with graphite lubricant, after reading the oxidized places of small sandpaper.

    In addition, sooner or later creakructure appears. The reasons may be three: no lubrication on the electrical tracks of the buttons, damaged steering shaft crossbars and a breakdown strut under the hood. In the first case, you need to add lubricant on the tracks, in the second - lubricate or replace crossmen (lubrication - temporary solution), in the third - to tighten the bolts.


BMW E60 is a pretty good car, but it should not even be compared with the same E39. Of course, after a small "refinement with a file", the car will become even good, but for E39 this refinement was not required at all. And if you are completely satisfied with the "old man", it is worth looking for it in a normal condition, at the price of them with E60 approximately comparable.


The sixth generation of BMW E60 was a big step forward in the automotive industry. This car not only looked different, but also had fantastic driving characteristics and had a revolutionary equipment for those times. And it is not only about the number of options that many modern cars can envy. The fact is that the electronics are controlled by many mechanisms of this car. But how reliable in practice the electronic systems were, and to pay attention to when buying a car with mileage, I will tell you in this article.

A bit of history:

BMW E60. - Modification of the BMW Fifth Series Body, which was produced from 2003 to 2009, the predecessor of this body was BMW E39. In 2007, restyling occurred, as a result of which the car got an electronic automatic transmission selector, new headlights, bumpers, also appeared button "Start \\ Stop". Three-liter gasoline engines were added to the technical part (280 hp, and 235 hp).

The car is available in two bodies - sedan (E60) and wagon (E61), there is also a charged version of the M5, which was installed by the 5-liter engine V10, outstanding 510 hp, which allows the car accelerates from 0 to 100 in 4.7 seconds . The maximum speed of all five is limited by electronics at 250 km / hour, without limiter the machine can accelerate to 305 km / hour. The last car came down from the conveyor in 2009; In December of the same year, the BMW E60 production workshop was closed on re-equipment for the production of a new model F10. During the period from 2003 to 2009, more than a million sedans and 250,000 universal sedans were implemented.

Weaknesses and disadvantages of BMW E60 with mileage

About BMW Fifth Series Body You need to know two facts: the first, this is what the machine in terms of weight is the ideal drawing along the axes (50 \\ 50). And in order to achieve this, the engineers had to make the front of aluminum (spars, cups, racks, etc.). And since aluminum to the steel frame is mounted only by means of riveting, there are cases when this connection begins to "breathe" (the knocks and clicks and clicks are heard when moving). If the car was a bit into the front of the body with damage to the power elements, then in any garage service, it will not be possible to restore the car. For recovery from the dealer - you have to lay out half the cost of the car. But to "hit" a broken car, our craftsmen are creating wonders, so you need to be extremely attentive.

The second fact you need to know about the body is that this car does not rot, as the manufacturer conducts two-way anti-corrosion treatment, plus, the quality of the paintwork at the highest level. If you see the BMW E60 with corrosion foci, it is in 99.9% of cases - broken machines.

Power units

BMW E60 has a large line of power aggregates (more than 20), but there is no point in talking about everyone. In the CIS countries, the most common varieties of the following modifications were obtained: gasoline versions - "520i" Volume 2.0 (170 hp), "525i" Volume 2.5 (192 hp), "530i" Volume 3.0 (231 hp .), "545i" volume 4.4 (333 hp) and "M5" Volume 5.0 (510 hp). Diesel modifications - "525d" Volume 2.5 (177 hp) and "530d" Volume 3.0 (218 hp). Cars, with motors 2.0 and 2.5 liters, can be not only rear-wheel drive, but also all-wheel drive. Most often, the power units suffer from poor-quality fuel, not only diesel, but also gasoline engines. If the previous owner was refueling with low-quality flammable, be prepared for the replacement of the oxygen sensor and the fuel pump, and after 100,000 km - and the catalyst (but, as practice shows, we simply remove it).

All motors have a considerable oil consumption. Consumption up to 0.4 liters per 1000 km of run, for machines aged for more than 6 years, this is the norm, if the oil consumption of more than 0.6 liters per 1000 km is required, the replacement of oil-sensing caps. Do not be afraid if you look under the hood you will not find the oil probe, since the sensor is installed instead instead, which signals the need to topper the oil. The most weak engine has problems with launching in the cold season, also the owners are numbered on floating turnover of XX. Moses 2.5 and 3.0 have proven themselves. In order to extend the operation of the engines, the oil should be changed every 10,000 km. The cooling radiator is considered the weakest place (replacement is required every 70-90 thousand km of mileage). And in order to prolong his life, do not forget, with each car wash, rinse the radiator with a stream of high pressure, it will help to avoid early leaks.

When choosing a diesel engine, you should start with the diagnosis of the turbine, since, first of all, it suffers from poor-quality fuel. The resource of the turbine is a little more than 100,000 km, the replacement will cost 1500-2000 USD. Also, quite often on used machines (with a mileage of more than 70,000 km), the ventilation valve of crankcase gases fails, as a result, the oil consumption is significantly increased. It is worth remembering that the bulk of the car with diesel engines is brought from Europe, and as a rule, these instances have runs more than 250,000 km. Therefore, if you meet such a car with a mileage of 100-150 thousand km, then the high probability that this car has a mileage or it is restored after a serious accident.


The BMW E60 was equipped with a five-speed mechanic or a sixdiaband automatic transmission. If we talk about mechanics, then this unit has no shortcomings, but the automatic transmission can present a surprise in the form of a software failure, which is why there are many faults (shocks, jerks during switching from the first to second transmission). This disease is treated with flashing or erase errors in software. There is no reason to refuse from all-wheel drive versions, malfunction of the electromagnetic clutch - a rarity.

Reliability chassis BMW E60

It is an opinion that there is no reliability from the BMW E60 suspension, because it is made of aluminum and constantly lifted. In fact, the problem of another character is that this car does not buy enough well-width young people with aggressive walking ride, which extremely rarely pay attention to the quality of the road surface, pit, sleeping police, etc. As a result, the suspension must be sought after 50,000 km of run, and since the original parts are not cheap, many eat save and buy parts made in China or Taiwan, which have a small resource of work.

  • The stabilizer racks are raised faster in the suspension and require a replacement every 20-30 thousand km of mileage.
  • The silent blocks of the front lower levers will serve 70-80 thousand km.
  • Steering tips, on average, live up to 80,000 km.
  • If the machine is not constantly overloaded, the shock absorbers will have to change every 90-100 thousand km of mileage.
  • Ball supports and hub bearings go more than 100,000 km.
  • The rear suspension is practically not killed and requires repair no more than once every 120-150 thousand km.
  • In the suspension "Daineamik-Drive", active stabilizers fail every 30-40 thousand km of mileage.

The steering rack is very weak and can sound when running 60-80 thousand km. If the rake fell, this does not mean that it immediately needs to be changed, as it will be held at least 30-50 thousand km, and you will have time to assemble the necessary amount for replacement (1000-1200 cu). There is no point in making repairs, as it is enough for 20-40 thousand km of run (it will cost 150-200 cu).


The quality of the materials and the assembly of the BMW E60 salon at the highest level. In neat owners, in cars, with mileage of 100-150 thousand km, the salons look like new ones. But the presence of a large number of electronics delivers many unpleasant moments. The main one is "I Drive » - A system for managing most auxiliary functions, but precisely because of this smart system, a reputation for the reliability of this car suffers very much. The failure of at least one sensor often leads to the failure of the entire system. In most cases, problems are solved by flashing the main control unit, such a service will cost approximately 50-100 USD. (The main unit is recommended to reflash once a year), replacing the block in 1500 cu Problems with electronics Many owners are called "invisible", as they are very often solved by a simple restarting machine.


BMW E60 A very interesting option for buying is not only in terms of appearance and dynamic indicators, but, thanks to the German reliability, and the quality of the assembly. And if you properly approach the selection of the car, then you, from the operation of the car, there will be only positive emotions. BMW E60 Popular car not only among motorists, but also among the automotive connectors, so, be sure to check the machine in the MRF (GDDD).


  • Exterior and interior.
  • Quality of paintwork.
  • Large selection of power units.
  • Reliability


  • Disabled electronic systems.
  • The cost of original spare parts

Buyers just like the combination of comfort and manageability, which is unattainable for cars class below. However, age is already beginning to take its own, and more and more often the cars fall to those who buy "BMW for cheaps" and in every way savors, and this will soon affect the model's reputation with the most negative way - there are quite a few examples.

Replacement for the series, which has managed to establish itself from the best side, prepared carefully. And the tasks before the new car were the most serious. First, she had to strengthen the position of the brand in the United States, where buyers' tastes still differ from European. Secondly, she had to be more comfortable, more dynamic and ... and more sporting, oddly enough. And, of course, the interior was to become richer, high quality and provide advanced opportunities in terms of individualization. BMW designers with the task coped, as usual, brilliantly. The new body, more durable and fully aluminum front, new suspension, this time not only more and more difficult, but also more reliable, and new levels of motor power, rich selection V8 under the hood and whole V10 for M5.

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BMW 535D Sedan M Sport Package 2005

Separately, you need to mention a new approach to the design of the electronics of the machine. The IDRIVE system, which first appeared on the seventh E65 series in 2001, was applied, which includes not only the control and control unit with the "touchpad" and a huge number of service functions and settings, but also optical cables to combine a plurality of blocks in the network, the possibility of connecting With the service center via the Internet and many other advanced features. High-speed data tires allowed to introduce such options as adaptive cruise control with the radar, the infrared night vision system and the projection of the instrument testimony on the windshield. And, of course, the chassis became "mechatronic", that is, using the capabilities of electronics to improve the operation of mechanical components, which raises the level of active safety to the heights unprecedented earlier.

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After such an entry, probably, it would be possible to finish the story, because for most owners already the factor of "the most" itself is a sufficient reason for the purchase. But, given that the minimum age of such cars will soon exceed five years, and the complexity of the design is very high, you may still have a little more about the "wonderful" car.

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The body is unique already the fact that the design of the authorship of Chris Bangla was surprisingly decent. Unlike earlier E65, the car looks truly dynamically and remembered at all may not mindfulness. Another innovation was the extensive use of aluminum, high-strength steels and plastic in the design. Everything is clear with steel, the car is simply easier and stronger, but with aluminum here, what is called, "rejugal."

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The fact is that the entire front part is made of aluminum. Not only "glasses" of suspension or mudguards with wings and hood, namely, that all, including spars, cups, the top of the engine shield and a subframe. This made it possible to ease the car and put under the hood big motors without worsening manageability, but added a lot of "surprises" for fans of new technologies in the execution of BMW. First, with an accident, recovery will be expensive or very expensive. If only because parts from aluminum are expensive and not repaired in the usual service. In most repair shops, they will not be able to bore and paint. Need a service that can cook, rivet and glue aluminum parts, so that even each dealership body workshop is suitable for recovery. And very often the owner of the BMW will have to contact the body shops of competitors on the premium segment, for example, to the Audi dealer, the benefit of the aluminum has been working for a long time and equipment. However, it slowly shifts from a dead point, and aluminum technologies "go to the masses". Maybe already in five years later, the middle body shop will learn to finally glue aluminum parts and connect them with rivets.

The bad news for the E60 owners is the fact that in the body workshop working with aluminum, it will have to be addressed not only after an accident, the banal corrosion of aluminum in the field of contact with steel and pits on the roads often cause a weakening of the fasteners of the face, which is manifested in the knocks and The deterioration of manageability and, of course, passive safety of the machine. Glass cracks, "walking" the steering wheel - all this may be due to body damage. And you need to correct such problems at once, because it happens that the front "tears" is part of the mounts, and the docking surfaces are curved, which requires replacement of parts. By the way, the steel body behaves better than aluminum in terms of corrosion resistance, and the rust here is not yet rare, excellent soil and good quality coloring almost guarantee the lack of problems in this part. More from trouble - leaks of optics, and anterior, and rear, and very soft glasses, they are easily "rubbed" and is also easy to crack. And plastic bumpers is flexible, but in winter it is too inclined to cracking, and the complex internal structure can spacing with a minor strength of blows. Fortunately, for an expensive car, this is not a problem, but cheap copies of "economical" are already collected on coarseers.

Salon and electrics

In terms of the quality of the performance of the elements of the cabin, there are no problems, the ten-year-old cars in good hands still boast the salon "like from the factory", the materials are reliable, made on the century. Well, or not for centuries, but for fifteen-twenty years. But the buttons are wiped, and on high running machines, the steering wheel and the cabin contact zone and the driver are the seat with door cards.

The electrical salon is mainly reliable, large complaints cause unless the quality of the design of the panoramic hatch mechanisms on the E61 wagons and the rear window brush on them. "Smart" like a small fan of the "stove" fan, sometimes climate outlets, the steering column and photochromic mirrors do not even remember. The main misfortune of all machines is the part of the electronics that is tied to the IDRIVE and is responsible for more serious functions. In addition to the banal wear of the sensors, for example, in the steering column module, temperature sensors, and the like, the system fails and due to the violation of the wiring, the "hanging" of the blocks on the tire, the errors of the controller itself (moreover, there is no probe, but a faulty oil level sensor Let you calmly ruin the motor). The situation is worse than with Windows fifteen years ago, it is necessary to update every year, others come to change the other, and the end of the problems cannot be seen. Moreover, these problems are not a penny, the feedback of the familiar owner read: "After a hundred thousand, I ceased to count, this is a year and a half." This includes the cost of finding reflecting electronics and the purchase of new blocks, by the way, not necessarily successful - the full-time diagnosis is not always able to issue an accurate diagnosis. So do not do without a really understanding master, and the dealer often cannot help, despite the excellent technical equipment. Of course, all the problems of the stock be multiplied with "Colkhozing", emergency "music", alarms, when pouring the cabin on dry cleaning and failures of hatches and glasses (the climate sometimes dorubs so).

No hope for a happy future, just be prepared for investments.

Sometimes cars ride without breakdowns, sometimes not lucky, and it happens that more than a fresh copy delivers more trouble. It is not necessary to rely on restyling, the regularity of the occurrence and the number of problems on the electrical part is approximately the same on all machines, except for the two very first years of release.

Suspension and steering

Despite the expected fragility of aluminum suspension, here with reliability as a whole everything is in order. All original nodes go long, even in very uneven roads, unless, of course, do not count the racks of stabilizers. But the Mechatronics of the chassis lives not so long. To order the car in the configuration of Dynamic Drive was equipped with active transverse stability stabilizers, and in the design of this node there is at least one problem space - this is an actuator that easily fails, and its price will pass over 90 thousand. Shock absorbers in this version are also silent, from 26 thousand rubles per piece, but at least there are relatively inexpensive replacements, the rack from a decent manufacturer will cost about six thousand rubles.

It is much more difficult to accept the malfunction of the active steering rack, its price is now about three hundred thousand rubles, and it can already be frowning again when running from 20 thousand kilometers. True, no particular consequences for some time, but if it starts to flow, then serious repairs will inevit. The replacement from ZF costs 180 thousand. In general, it is better to put a regular rail at all, it walks three times longer, and costs from 40 thousand rubles in the execution of ZF restored and about a hundred - absolutely new.

Motors and gearboxes

In fact, there is nothing new here. Approximately the same set of aggregates can be found under the hood of E90 or E53, and therefore I will not describe all the motors in detail. When the car exits the three most successful M54 series motor, 2.2 (520), 2.5 (525) and 3.0 (530) liters volume. They installed them until 2005, and this is probably the most reliable engine for E60. Such engines could still even qualify for the title of "millionnies", without having special problems with the piston group to runs at 350-500 thousand kilometers. In 2005, the engine line was updated, and the engines of the N52 series appeared, the most unsuccessful of which is a 2.5 motor installed on the model 523 and 525. 3.0, which was installed at 530, slightly more reliable. In this lineup, the resource is strongly limited, "Mased" by 2.5 became legendary, and 3.0 during runs from one and a half or two hundred thousand kilometers no longer behind the junior fellow, although with proper maintenance and use of very good oil is quite viable .

In 2007, the engines line uppen again. This time, the inline "six" of the N53 series acquired a small TNVD highly dependent on the quality of gasoline, and at the same time extremely capricious nozzles of direct injection, which provided the owners of a fundamentally new level of headaches. So, for example, it was now easy to catch a hydraulic chalter, without even driving in a puddle. After all, the reason for this could be the "drowned" nozzle, filling milliliters of two hundred fuel in the cylinder. In terms of the resource, everything is similar to N52, but the motor 2.5 has finally eliminated the problem with the clocking of the piston group, and now the resource of the 2.5 and 3.0 engines is almost compared, and if the fuel equipment does not fail, then the piston and liners could well To the run in 200 thousand, that against the background of modern Motors BMW, in general, not bad. Slightly facilitates the fate of the owners and the fact that the N53 has no "Wellvedronics", which means there is no hassle with the regular replacement of its drive and the errors of this node. Well, the N54 series Turbo engine appeared in 2007 turned out to be reliability not better than atmospheric, which is logical. Difficulties with ignition modules were added to the problems of the injection system, now they were out of order two more often, and the turbocharger itself, which requires more careful maintenance. But the resource has grown, due to more "heavy" pistons and more frequent maintenance, and if the car is not too "ignored", then the oil consumption and wear will be less than on N53.

To talk about the only row "four" in the family, which appeared in 2007, I do not want. Because the Motor of the N43 series even on the third series aroused complaints, and he does not please on a more severe "five" with a burden or reliability. This one of those that already on the third year of operation eats oil liters. "Waytes" under the hood of the fifth series were also not very successful. Motors of the N62 series and their features I have already mentioned the review. "Mased" here mainly the consequence of the "cork" operation and dying of the oil-giving rings, but the design is very complex, "Velvtonik" for eight cylinders times in three times, than on row motors. As a result - a typical oil consumption in a liter per thousand already to the five-year-old age, and if you don't care on time, then very expensive repairs. Fortunately, with a small oil flow rate, the problem is completely solved - replacement of the oil-circulation caps, the transition to the oil with the best detergent properties and not coking, the decrease in the operating temperature - and now the motor is already alive again. Unfortunately, among the owners of BMW technically competent units, so they will be to the last to ride, considering that "there must be oil", so finding the car with such a motor in good or at least with reversible state is difficult, it is easier to search with a row "six".


Here, without surprises, "Mechanics" on the "five" is almost not found, and there are traditionally no problems with it. Two-masted flywheels are still wearing and knocking, and they are expensive. But they are repaired. The clutch resource on Motors in 3 liters is very small, and they buy such cars usually for "races", so count on the state of the car below average.

The four-wheel drive here xDrive, which means there are all the problems that I have already written in the review - after 100 thousand runs the car with a guarantee turns into a rear-wheel drive, and with active pedaling before. The automatic transmission here is also all proven, with younger engines are the ZF 6HP19, with the elders - a little more powerful 6HP26. I also wrote about them, problems with vibration of shafts and insufficient oil pressure make them noticeably less reliable than the five-speed automatic transmission of the same manufacturer, and increase the price of repairs at least the amount of work on replacing worn sleeves. The general resource can be considered no more than sufficient, one hundred thousand kilometers usually take such boxes, and 250 almost certainly not. Of course, the more often the oil changes, the greater the chances for the happy life of the automatic transmission.

General BMW E60 and his fellow E61 (the difference solely in the body, the E60 is sedan, and the E61 is a wagon) for the first time appeared in 2003, as part of the fifth series of car concern. At the start, the confession of the car did not raise - it was difficult for him to compete with his own ancestor - model E39, which is still considered the best "five" of all.

However, soon the car was "typked" and although he never reached the vertices of E39, he was able to take a worthy place in the BMW model range. E60 and E61 are equipped with both gasoline and turbo diesel engines, volume 2.2, 2.5, 3 and 4.4 (gasoline) and 3 (diesel) liters. The latter exists in the form of four and six-cylinder. As for gasoline, they also have six-cylinder in the bulk, but an option to 4.4 liters has already eight cylinders. Engine power varies from 163 to 333 horsepower. The standard is considered a 2.5 liter engine (192 hp). There are versions of both mechanical and automatic transmission.


The level of equipment BMW E60 has become much higher than that of the E39, the new car turned out to be more comfortable and safe.

The "Five" BMW in the sixth generation has the following technical characteristics:

  • dimensions - 4,84 / 1.85 / 1.47 m (length / width / height);
  • the distance between the axes (wheelbase) is 2.89 m;
  • front / rear wheel track - 1.56 / 1.58 m;
  • the number of people in the cabin - 5 (including the driver);
  • mass of auto (equipped) - 1.49 tons;
  • full weight of the loaded car (five passengers + baggage) - 2.05 tons;
  • fuel tank capacity - 70 l;
  • the volume of the trunk is 520 liters.

E60 cars were performed both in front-wheel drive and in all-wheel drive versions, the BMW C 2,5 and 3.0 liters were equipped with a full drive.


BMW E60 engines are installed different types, and if you take into account all types of fuel systems, it will be a total of 19 modifications.

It is easier to distinguish motors by volume.


  • 2000 cm3 (170 liters. In two modifications);
  • 2300 cm3 (177/190 l. P.);
  • 2500 cm3 (192/218 l. P.);
  • 3000 cm3 (231/258/272 l. P.);
  • 4000 cm3 (306 l. P.);
  • 4500 cm3 (333 l. P.);
  • 5000 cm3 (507 liters.);
  • 5500 cm3 (367 l. P.)

Also on BMW installed various volumes of diesel engines:

The engines themselves are quite reliable, but require careful operation, it is also necessary to use only high-quality fuel and engine oil.

Like all other motors, BMW power units do not tolerate overheating, and in 2.5 and 3.0-liter DVS N52 from high temperature may fail the cylinder block.

More all BMW engines sin the fact that they are a little "subside" oil - but it is not scary, the main thing is to monitor the level of oil in the crankcase.

If the flow starts to approach 1l / 1000 km, then you should contact the car service.

On Motors N52B30 through 70-80 thousand km, hydrocompensators can be fried, the problem is eliminated by their replacement.

Such a phenomenon was observed on the motors until 2008, after the engine was finalized, and the valve on it was already knocked extremely rarely.

In the future, the N52 motor series has been replaced by N53 - new engines have become even more reliable.

Diesel motors are even more critical to the quality of fuel than gasoline, and refueling the "Baho" diesel fuel in the "right" refills.

First of all, the turbine comes from poor diesel fuel, problems can begin on the first hundred thousand kilometers.

Even on motors, the ventilation system is often clogged, and in the case of its clogging, the oil begins to flow from all the cracks.

There are BMW diesel engines and one very good quality - traditionally it is believed that diesel is poorly started in the frost, but the BMW engines this "tradition" is broken, they are launched without special problems at ambient temperature to -300c.

Body and electrician

BMW paintwork is very persistent, and rust traces should not even appear on the most elderly copies of 2003. If corrosion is there is a direct indication of the experience of an accident and subsequent low-quality repairs. Interior decoration is also durable. And if the mileage is a little more than 100 thousand kilometers, and the skin of the steering wheel and the seats are already heated, run away from this instance away - the mileage is very twisted. By the way, the mileage is written immediately into several blocks, and completely destroy the traces of the twist are not easy. In addition, the entire official history of the car service can be found in any dealer center even without service documents.

Be sure to find out whether the positive wire changed. The machines of the first years of release had poor insulation and the wire was closed on the ground, which was sometimes led to fire. In the universal, check the performance of the panoramic roof. After six to seven years, the folding mechanism throws and clinically. And still need to closely monitor the condition of the drainage holes. If they break, you can pour the engine control unit. The generator is reliable, but sometimes after 150 thousand bearings begin to buzz.

Transmission and chassis

The main sources of costs at the six-propellers ZF are a mechatronic control unit and a fogging pallet.

On the 5th series there are three 6-speed gearboxes (mechanics and two automaton). Traditional mechanics are very reliable and its resource is quite comparable to the car resource. Even clutch rarely requires attention earlier than 200 thousand kilometers. With automatic transmissions, the situation is more complicated. On E60, two hydromechanics were installed - Jeemskaya 6L45 and ZF 6HP. The American unit is reliable and subject to the change of oil every 100 thousand for a long time will not disturb. But the 6-speed ZF questions more.

The "five" had two modifications - 6HP19 and 6HP28. Already 100 thousand kilometers of the mileage sweats the plastic pallet, which is deformed with age. The replacement of the gasket is not to do here, you will have to change the pallet. But these are still half. On the same mileage, the valves of the complex mechatronic block are clogged and the latter fails.

All this is accompanied by severe vibration and jogging when switching. It happens that the expensive unit can be repaired. In order not to install on expensive repairs, it is better every 100-120 thousand kilometers to prevent the set of solenoids. The second place in the hit-parade of the breakdown occupies a torque converter, most of the time running in the lock mode, which affects the resource. Another "pig" throws off the oil pump, which wear the sleeves. If you run the problem, there is a risk of running on the overhaul box with the replacement of all friction and drums.

Monster V10 was put on the version M5. To the engine, given the degree of its forcing, there are no questions. But the clutch on a robotic SMG box often does not withstand the load.

There is another gearbox: Robotic SMG III, found on charged versions from BMW Motorsport - M5. The main problem is a quick "combusting" clutch, not holding the pressure of a monstrous decade-cylinder engine. To replace you will have to remove not only the box, but also the entire outlet system. Therefore, the repair will turn into a round sum.

Each sixth car is equipped with a full XDrive drive system. There is no special problems with it, but the electric motor of the dispensing is buggy, 10 thousand kilometers. Another "chip" of all-wheel drive versions was the rapid wear of brake discs that are rated to 35-40 thousand kilometers. The reason for the algorithm of the system itself - for its work, XDrive actively uses brake mechanisms, a slow-moving one, then another wheel. But it does not depend on the leak of the front rear seal of the rear gear from the type of actuator.

The durability of the suspension in E60 (as well as many BMW models) largely depends on the operating conditions that are often far from ideal. Nevertheless, with the exception of bushings and racks of stabilizers living no more than 60-80 thousand kilometers, most elements are reached up to 120-150 thousand kilometers. At this distance, shock absorbers sometimes flow.

At the same time, change the ball supports and the silent blocks of the front levers, the benefit of the original Remkomplekt. If you decide to take a wagon Touring, be sure to check the capacity of the rear air suspension, which many "tourings" are staffed. The dirt falling into the system to 150 thousand kilometers kills pneumatic bullons and compressor. On the same mileage, the steering rail begins to knock. Poor, if this happens with the "active" rail of Active Steering with a variable gear ratio, for it is as a cast-iron bridge. Although most often the source of the knocking of the steering shaft is becoming.

The average market value of the BMW E60 depending on the year of release
Year of issue Price range, rub.
2003 450 000 -700 000
2004 480 000 - 780 000
2005 490 000 - 830 000
2006 500 000 - 880 000
2007 550 000 - 920 000
2008 595 000 - 1 150 000
2009 650 000 - 1 230 000
2010 720 000 - 1 350 000

Produced in Germany, Mexico, Indonesia, Egypt, Russia, China, India and Thailand.

Restyling in 2007.

In Kaliningrad, only rear-wheel drive versions were released. All all-wheel drive cars are made in Germany.


Front wings and hood from aluminum. There will be no corrosion on them, but the repair after the accident will cost expensive.


In the car there are many expensive electronics, which refuses for various reasons.

By 120 tons. Km Callows the heating of the front seat.

Frost freezes Jostik on restyled cars. The system fails if any of the numerous sensors is refusing, which leads to the replacement of the entire computer ($ 1600) /

On the right back lamp, there are problems with a massive wire. Road contact.

From the fall of water can be lit down by the generator coupling.


M54B22 engine (170 hp, 2.2 liters) was installed on 520i.

The N43B20 engine (170 hp, 2.0 l) was installed on 520i.

Engine N52B25 (177 hp, 2.5 liters) was installed on 523i.

The N53B25 engine (190 hp, 2.5 l) was installed on 523i. In the period from 2007 to 2010.

Engine M54B25 (192 hp, 2.5 liters) was installed on 525i. From 2003 to 2005.

The N52B25 engine (218 hp, 2.5 l) was installed on 525i. From 2005 to 2007.

The N53B30 engine (218 hp, 3.0 l) was installed on 525i. In the period from 2007 to 2010.

Engine M54B30 (231 hp, 3.0 l) set 530i. From 2003 to 2005.

The engine N52B30 (258 hp, 3.0 l) was installed at 530i. From 2005 to 2007.

Engine N53B30 (272 hp, 3.0 l) was installed at 530i. In the period from 2007 to 2010.

The N54B30 engine (306 hp, 3.0 l) was installed on 535i. In the period from 2007 to 2010.

The engine N62B40 (306 hp, 4.0 l) was installed on 540i.

Engine N62B44 (333 hp, 4.4 liters) was installed on 545i. From 2003 to 2005.

The engine N62B48 (367 hp, 4.8 l) was installed on 550i. From 2005 to 2010.

Engine M47D20 (163 hp, 2.0 l) was installed on 520d. From 2005 to 2007.

The N47D20 engine (177 hp, 2.0 l) was installed on 520d. In the period from 2007 to 2010.

Engine M57D25 (177 hp, 2.5 l) was installed on 525d.

Engine M57D30 (197 hp, 3.0 liters) was installed on 525d. In the period from 2007 to 2010.

Engine M57D30 (218 hp, 3.0 liters) was installed on 530d. From 2003 to 2005.

Engine M57D30 (231 hp, 3.0 liters) was installed on 530d. From 2005 to 2007.

Engine M57D30 (235 hp, 3.0 l) was installed at 530d. In the period from 2007 to 2010.

M57D30 engine (272 hp, 3.0 liters) was installed on 535d. In the period from 2004 to 2007.

M57D30 engine (286 hp, 3.0 liters) was installed on 535d. In the period from 2007 to 2010.

BMW M gasoline engines disease (1933-2011)

Diseases of gasoline engines BMW N (2001-N.V.)

Diseases of diesel engines BMW M (1983-N.V.)

Diesel engines of BMW N (2006-N.V.)

General BMW Engine Diseases

By 150 t. Km The radiator flows. By 170-180 t. Km refuses pump and cooling system valve. Cooling system nozzles are buffet. Callows the thermostat. The radiator flows.

Engines eating oil.

At dorestayling cars, the valve in the ventilation system of crankcase gases is every 80 tons. Km. After restyling it, it was built into the valve cover and the resource increased twice.

The gasket of the valve cover on the frost during the mileage of about 100 tons. Km.

Sometimes the ignition coils are denied.


When buying a all-wheel drive version, it is necessary to diagnose the full drive system (200 $).

On dorestayling cars flowing the PCP pallet gasket.

At dorestaylene cars with automatic transmission, push is felt when you turn onD and R. . Partially eliminated partially updating the box of the box. After restyling, the problem is gone. When changing the driver, the box can kick. According to the regulation, the oil in the automatic transmission does not change.

On automatic transmission 6-26, a turbine shaft for 80-100 tons of KM.

On all-wheel drive versions to 150 tons. Km fails the motor distribution.

By 140 tons. Km flow gearboxes.

The plastic pallet of the automatic transmission leads from the temperature drop and oil appears.


By 70-90 t. Km on the rear-wheel drive versions the rear suspension is completely wear. Sometimes without n-shaped levers. In full drive, it goes 140 tons. Km Bearings hubs go 170 tons km. Racks of stabilizers run 60 tons. Km The front suspension runs 90-110 tons. Km

If the rear pneumatic suspension is installed, then the compressor is wearing due to the unsuccessful location of the air intake.

In general, the suspension on the full drive is stronger.

Stabilizer racks walk 20-30 tons km.

The hydraulic actuators of the active stabilizers in the presence of the Dynamic Drive system.

Control mechanisms

A weak active steering rack begins to knock ($ 3500) to 100 tons km, the car floats. Many change the steering thrust risking damage the sleeve, which aggravates the knock. On dorestayling cars with an active rail, the sensor is denied below on the rail. Carter protection can significantly extend the life of the sensor.

Weak steering shaft.

There is no problem with the steering rack.

Front brake pads walk 35 tons. Km, rear 80 tons. Km Discs 2 times longer.

By 180 tons. Km refuses the hydraulic power pump. The hoses are flowing.


In general, all the problems of the car are predicted and an increase in reliability in comparison with the last generation is visible to the naked eye.

Dear corporate service.

Hijacious. Stew mirrors.

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