Home Locks The thorn sign is required or not. Is the thorn sign required? What is the fine, 2017 law, sizes, where to put it: you forgot about the “Spikes” sign - prepare for a fine. Penalty for missing a sticker

The thorn sign is required or not. Is the thorn sign required? What is the fine, 2017 law, sizes, where to put it: you forgot about the “Spikes” sign - prepare for a fine. Penalty for missing a sticker

Many motorists have had to be fined by traffic police inspectors for not having the “Ш” sign when the vehicle had studded tires. In a particular case, the actions of traffic police inspectors are completely unlawful, because they replace points.

Is the “Spikes” sign really necessary?

Winter in most regions of Russia is replete with precipitation and ice on the road. An ice crust on the road surface significantly impairs the adhesion of car wheels to asphalt or soil. Therefore, braking on icy conditions is often not very effective and, as a rule, leads to the vehicle skidding.

As a radical measure to combat this scourge, many motorists equip their car tires with special studs, which allow the driver to better control the car on a slippery, ice-encrusted road. Since such a device affects the driving parameters of vehicles, there must be a special pictogram on the rear window of the vehicle to warn drivers of vehicles driving behind.

This “Ш” sign should be installed only on those vehicles with studded tires on the wheels. The purpose of such a sign is to protect all participants in the DD. Wheels with studded tires may lose their studs while driving and may cause damage to nearby vehicles and pedestrians.

What fine is provided in 2017 if there is no sign “Ш”

Russian Government Decree No. 333 of March 24. 2017 states that from 04.04. 2017, a traffic police inspector may prohibit a motorist from driving a vehicle with studded tires if such a vehicle does not have a “Sh” sign.

Sanctions for such a violation are predetermined by Part 1 of Article 12.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of Russia. The motorist faces a warning or may be fined in the amount of 5 hundred rubles.

Installation of the sign "Ш"

In paragraph 08 of the Basic Provisions on the admission of vehicles to driving with studded tires, there must be a sign in the shape of an equilateral triangle, with a red and capital letter “Ш” in the middle of the triangle on a white background.

These requirements are explained by concern for the safety of all, without exception, participants in traffic accidents, because the wheels of vehicles with spikes can easily cause a very serious accident:

The braking distance of a vehicle with studded tires is somewhat shorter than that of a vehicle of the same make and configuration without studs on the wheels.

So, a person driving a car moving behind is unlikely to have time to react and stop in a timely manner, since many rely on personal experience and keep a safe distance based on the braking performance of a vehicle with standard tires.

Poor-quality studding of tires is manifested by spikes flying out when moving, which can damage the front window of the car behind. In addition to spikes, stones often fly out from under the wheels of a vehicle.

“Ш” should be clearly visible from 20 meters, and therefore should be mounted on the rear window of the car. But if the car windows are tinted, then on the outside.

Motorist liability in case of an accident

If a car owner decides to ignore the requirements of the law, then he should prepare for the most negative consequences. If an accident occurs, the formally guilty motorist who crashed into a car with studded tires has the right to sue the careless motorist who did not deign to warn the other participants in the traffic accident about the features of his car.

Practice has repeatedly shown that judges often hold both motorists responsible for the incident. And this is important when resolving your issues with the insurance company: usually, both the first and second car owners have to repair damaged vehicles at their own expense. So, driving a vehicle presupposes mandatory strict compliance with the rules of the traffic control, and, in addition, a respectful attitude towards other participants in the traffic control. Ultimately, this behavior also affects the safety of the motorist himself.

Just recently a new bill came into force regarding the presence of the “Spikes” sign on vehicles. According to the legal amendments, this symbol must be on the rear window of the car.

And whether there is a fine for the absence of the “Spikes” sign, we will try to figure it out in this publication.

Among all traffic rules signs, the letter “Ш”, enclosed in a triangle, is not always used by motorists for its intended purpose. Many drivers neglect the need for a sticker of this type and do not equip the rear window of the car with it. And before we figure out whether there is a fine for the absence of the “Ш” sign on the body of a vehicle, let’s find out what it means and what functions it performs.

Expert opinion

Natalya Alekseevna

The symbol “Ш” indicates that this vehicle is equipped with wheels with studded tires. The symbol does not just warn other drivers that the car owner uses tires with spikes in winter.

The sticker signals that, thanks to a certain number of studs on the tire, the braking distance of the vehicle on a slippery road (frost, icy conditions, etc.) will be much shorter than it seems to other motorists. And, as a result, other road users (hereinafter referred to as DD) need to keep an optimal distance from vehicles with studded tires, which will ensure maximum safety on the road.

In addition, due to the fact that studded tires are still produced with varying quality, it is possible that studs may fly out of them while driving, which is a fairly common occurrence.

Logically, those walking behind the vehicle must be informed: if they do not want a solid object, which is very similar to a pebble, which causes a lot of problems with the windshield, to fly into their car, then the safe distance must be increased by at least 1/3, or even more.

Can Velcro replace spikes?

If your car is not equipped with studded tires and there is no corresponding sign on it, then the requirements and penalties for its absence do not concern you - at least at the present time there have been no innovations about studless lip systems.

But it is possible that in the near future this issue will be considered by the State Traffic Inspectorate. In principle, this is quite logical: like studs, the function of the lip system on tires is also to combat slipping on the road surface in the autumn-winter period, which means that the braking distance of a car on such wheels will also be reduced, as is the case with studded rubber.

By the way, according to numerous tests, in freezing conditions, the braking distance on tires with a lip system is slightly shorter than on studded tires.

But here’s the problem: what is the “Ш” sticker for then and what is it supposed to warn other drivers about? And why then not come up with a new sign that warned about the lip system on wheels? However, let this remain on the conscience of the legislator.

Does the season affect the presence of this sign?

What are people saying?

The only thing a motorist needs to remember is that the “W” sticker should appear on the glass (or any other place, which we’ll talk about a little later) of the car at the same time that studded wheels appear on it.

But it is worth remembering that the use of summer tires in the winter months is prohibited by law, just as you cannot drive on winter tires in the summer. In other months, the driver can independently decide which tires to drive, focusing on weather conditions.

In addition, the will of the local legislative body is provided, which can regulate the rules for driving on summer or winter tires by issuing regional laws and amending them.

And this is quite logical. For example, the duration of the winter period in Krasnodar and Yamal, you will agree, is different and it is quite logical that motorists in these regions change tires from summer to winter and vice versa at different times of the year.

Moreover, I would like to note another very interesting point: in the legislative framework there is no responsibility for the presence of the “Ш” sticker on the rear window of a vehicle if there are no spikes on its wheels.

This means that if during the summer season the driver does not remove this sign from the rear window of his vehicle, then he does not commit any administrative offenses. So there is no need to remove the sticker, especially since this procedure often takes a lot of time.

In addition, experienced motorists strongly recommend that all drivers have such a sign, regardless of the season and preferences in the type of winter tires. Perhaps a warning sign that you are on spikes and have a minimum braking distance will preserve your health and the health of your passengers, as well as other road traffic participants, and help prevent unpleasant situations on the roadway.

We will tell you what the fine is for not having a “Spikes” sign a little later.

The “Spikes” sign: is it necessary or can you do without it?

So, as mentioned earlier, according to the new resolution, driving without a special mark on the rear of the body informing about the presence of studs on the tires is prohibited. In practice, the “Ш” sign can not be found on all cars with winter tires.

According to statistics, only half of car owners equip their cars with such a warning symbol. However, with the release of this legislative amendment, law enforcement officers noticed that many motorists began to equip their vehicles with a similar emblem.

So, according to the document that came into force on April 4, 2017, the driver of a vehicle must install identification marks on the car, which includes the “Spikes” emblem.

Characteristic feature: an equilateral triangle of white color with a red border, in which the letter “Ш” is inscribed in black. The sign is located at a sharp upward angle on the rear of a mechanical vehicle with studded tires. In this case, the emblem must comply with traffic regulations.

In addition, the set of traffic rules also contains some facts indicating the need for the presence of such paraphernalia on cars in the autumn-winter period with studded tires: “Before driving onto the roadway, the motorist must check the performance of the car in order to ensure safety on the roadway "

So, if the fact of the presence of spikes is not noted and does not in any way signal to other drivers about this nuance, then it is considered that the car is in a faulty condition.

The absence of a sign was equated to a car malfunction.

Therefore, the answer to the question of whether there are fines for the absence of the “Spikes” badge is quite logical - yes, after all, law enforcement agencies must somehow punish drivers who do not comply with the regulations put forward by them in the legislative framework.

By the way, the question of whether the “Spikes” sign is required or not concerns not only the process of operating a vehicle, but also passing a technical inspection of the car. Without such a plate or sticker, a car with studded winter tires will not be recognized as in good condition. And it is unlikely that you will be able to avoid a fine if stopped by a traffic police officer.

Other interesting penalties:

Where to place the “Spikes” sign according to the traffic rules?

Due to the fact that car owners are now required to equip their car with a special sticker in the autumn-winter period if it is equipped with studded tires, many have a question about where to glue this white triangle with the letter “W”.

If you turn to the traffic rules for help, then there are no specific regulations for installing the “Spikes” identification sign in the form of a sticker (sticker). The only thing that is indicated in the traffic rules is that a badge with the “Spikes” emblem must be placed on the rear of the vehicle. Therefore, it does not matter where this warning symbol will be installed.

According to the DD rulebook, a plate or sticker can be attached:

  • on the rear window of the car in a place where the emblem will not block the view of the rear view glass;
  • on the trunk;
  • on the bumper.

Wherever it is more convenient for you and where there is space, place the icon there. Read on to find out what the fine is for not having a “Spikes” sticker.

Making a sign yourself

You will have to maintain proportions and dimensions during manufacturing.

On the back of vehicles with studded tires, there must be a symbol that signals to other participants in the traffic accident that the braking distance of this vehicle is significantly shorter than on vehicles with regular non-studded tires.

A sticker or plate with a similar symbol can either be purchased ready-made or made on your own. Well, it’s just a small triangle with the letter “W” inscribed in it. And if you are interested in the latter option, then it is important to understand by what rules such paraphernalia are made.

The size requirements for the badge with the letter “W” are as follows:

  • the length of the sides of the triangle should not be less than 200 mm;
  • the width of the red line, which runs along the entire perimeter of the triangle at its edge, is 10% of the length of the side.

If you wish, you can find and download a print-ready version on an A4 sheet. This will greatly simplify the process of making the symbol for you. True, there are some nuances associated with the use of ready-made templates.

A couple of tips for making the “Spikes” badge:

  1. If you prefer a ready-made template, then it is better not to use plain paper for printing, the density of which does not exceed 80 g/m2. This is due to the short service life of the finished product. For such purposes, it is better to give preference to photo paper with a density of 120-150 g/m2.
  2. If you only have a black and white printer, then the printed template must be brought to the required form yourself. The easiest way to decorate it is to use a felt-tip pen or a red pencil. They will make the red edging of the triangle.
  3. To attach the sign, it is best to use a suction cup (or 3 suction cups located at the corners of the triangle). If you attach a paper badge using double-sided or regular tape, then when you remove it, a mark may remain. And if this plate is attached to the rear window of a vehicle, then getting rid of the adhesive trace that remains after the tape will be very problematic. In addition, a sign attached with tape is unlikely to be used a second time.

If we are talking about a purchased emblem, then in this case it is necessary to take into account some points:

  1. Purchased signs or stickers very often have sizes that do not comply with the requirements of traffic regulations. Therefore, it is necessary to take into account the nuance that the installed symbol will be regarded by the traffic police as unusable and, it can be assumed that it is not there at all. So you need to make sure that the dimensions of the triangle comply with traffic regulations.
  2. Stickers from the letters “Ш” can only be used once. And besides, after removing it, traces of glue may remain on the glass, which will be extremely difficult to get rid of. Of course, if you do not plan to remove this identification emblem, then it would seem that this does not concern you. But think for yourself, after a few seasons of driving, the symbol can either deteriorate due to weather conditions or fade in the sun. And here you will be faced with the problem of removing the old sticker, the adhesive base of which is very difficult to come off, be it from the surface of the glass, or from the metal from which the body or trunk of the car is made.

In winter, all drivers are required to drive with the “Spikes” identification badge. Otherwise, a traffic police fine cannot be avoided!

Here I would like to point out one more point: if the studs are driven into the wheel not in accordance with GOST, which can be checked visually, then this fact can be regarded by the road inspector as a malfunction of the car. Therefore, our advice to you is to use the services of professionals. And yes, there is no need to try to carry out any manipulations of this kind on your own.

Otherwise, this may not only affect the traffic policeman’s decision regarding the offense, but also lead to undesirable consequences on the road surface.

No "Spikes" sign - get a fine!

Simple motivation.

Are there penalties for driving without a “Spike” sign? Definitely yes! When will this innovation be introduced? That's right, starting from 04/04/17, this identification symbol became mandatory.

On the basis of what specific provisions is this issue regulated?

  1. First of all, it is worth paying attention to the fact that this symbol is not non-standard and is included in the list of identification symbols regulated by traffic rules, which, in turn, are mandatory for allowing a vehicle to move on the roadway.
  2. In addition, according to the provisions of the traffic rules, the absence of an appropriate identification plate is automatically equated by road patrol officers to a malfunction - and a faulty vehicle is strictly prohibited from being used for driving and control.

How much will you have to pay for the absence of an identification sticker or plate with the letter “Ш” on the glass (or any other place on the rear of the car body), if the vehicle is driving on studded tires.

So, if it is believed that the absence of the “Spikes” badge is a malfunction of the car, then the traffic police fine for such an offense when driving a faulty vehicle will be only 500 rubles.

The amount may be half as much if you pay the debt within 20 days. You can read more about the discount system in one of our previous publications.

The “Spikes” sign, installed in advance on vehicles, informs other drivers about the possible behavior of a car equipped with studded tires, because the braking distance of such tires is shorter than in the case of regular tires, which are installed for the summer period.

Let us remind you that the sticker says that the distance between the vehicles should be optimal, so that in the event of emergency braking, the car behind has time to react and prevent a collision.

Is it possible to avoid the fate of being fined for the lack of such attributes? Unfortunately, if a traffic policeman records the fact of an offense, then there is no point in evading your guilt.

It’s easier to silently listen to the claim, sign the protocol drawn up by the traffic police officer and pay the fine. Sometimes the traffic police inspector limits himself to only a verbal warning, but this happens extremely rarely.

Bottom line

At the end of this article, I would like to make a small conclusion to all the material described above:

  1. Firstly, the absence of the letter “Ш” on a car with studded tires can lead to a dangerous situation on the road surface.
  2. Secondly, starting from April 4, 2017, a traffic inspector has the right to issue an administrative fine for driving without the appropriate sign. Do you need these problems? What is the fine for not having a “Sh” sticker? So, if this warning symbol is missing, then the state treasury will have to be replenished by 500 rubles.

It would seem that this is a purely symbolic contribution, especially if you repay the debt within 20 days from the date of receipt of the violation report, you can get a 50% discount.

And yet: this is the time that will have to be spent both while the traffic police inspector issues you a protocol on an administrative offense, and on paying the receipt received.

And, as mentioned earlier, if you plan to install studded tires on your car for the autumn-winter period, then it is better not to remove this sign at all in the off-season. Be careful on the roads and have a good mood!

The text of the traffic rules provides for the installation of special identification signs, which include the “Spikes” sign or the “Ш” sign.

This sign is intended to inform drivers of other vehicles that studded tires are installed on the vehicle.

In this article you will learn about the features of this sign.

Is the spike sign required or not?

In practice, the “Ш” sign can not be found on every car with winter tires. To put it bluntly, less than half of Russian drivers use this sign.

In this regard, the question arises: is it necessary to glue the “Spikes” sign at all? Is this required by law?

8. The following identification marks must be installed on vehicles:
"Spikes" - in the form of an equilateral triangle of white color with the top up with a red border, in which the letter "Ш" is inscribed in black (the side of the triangle is at least 200 mm, the width of the border is 1/10 of the side) - behind motor vehicles with studded tires;

In addition, consider clause 2.3.1 of the traffic rules:

Thus, the sign "Spikes" on the car must be installed. This is required by traffic regulations.

In addition, starting from April 4, 2017, the absence of the “Spikes” identification mark is included in the list of faults for which the operation of vehicles is prohibited:

7.15 1 . There are no identification marks that must be installed in accordance with paragraph 8 of the Basic Provisions for the admission of vehicles to operation and the duties of officials to ensure road safety, approved by Resolution of the Council of Ministers - Government of the Russian Federation of October 23, 1993 N 1090 "On the Rules traffic."

Dimensions of signs for self-production

The thorn sign can be purchased in a store or made independently. In this case, the following conditions must be observed:

  • The sign is a red triangle with a black letter Ш inscribed in it.
  • The length of the side of the triangle is at least 20 cm.
  • The width of the red border is 10% of the length of the side of the triangle.

If you do not want to draw a triangle yourself, then I suggest you download and print the finished version on an A4 sheet:

Please note that the triangle is quite large. A side length of 20 cm just fits on an A4 sheet (its width is 21 cm). However, this is the size regulated by the Rules.

Some tips for making your own sign:

  • For printing, it is better not to use plain paper with a density of 80 g/m2, because... the sign will be short-lived. It is better to take photo paper with a density of 120 - 150 g/m2.
  • To attach the sign, it is best to use a suction cup (or 3 suction cups on the corners of the triangle). If you stick the sign with tape, then after it is removed there will be a mark on the car glass. In addition, a sign stuck with tape is unlikely to be reused.

When it comes to purchasing a “Spikes” sign in a store, you need to consider the following details:

  • Finished signs quite often have dimensions that do not comply with traffic regulations. It should be taken into account that it makes no sense to install a small sign, because... it will be legally considered that there is no sign on the car. As a result, the sign will simply block part of the view through the rear window, but will not provide any benefits.
  • Exist several options for attaching a sign. I recommend choosing the option with a suction cup (with suction cups). The sign, made in the form of a sticker, can only be used once; when removed, traces of glue may remain on the glass.

Where to put the "Spikes" sign according to the rules?

The only requirement for installing the “Spikes” sign is given in paragraph 8 of the Basic Provisions. Namely, the sign must be installed behind motor vehicles.

There is no information on this issue in other regulatory documents. So the “Ш” sign can be installed anywhere: on the rear window (inside or outside), on the door or trunk lid, on the bumper, on the rear lid, on the awning.

In general, before installation, inspect the car and choose a place where a triangle with a side of 20 cm will fit. Attach the sign there.

Fine for not having a "Spikes" sign

Starting from April 4, 2017, traffic police officers can impose a fine for the absence of the “Spikes” sign under Part 1 of Article 12.5 of the Administrative Code:

1. Driving a vehicle in the presence of malfunctions or conditions under which, in accordance with the Basic Provisions for the admission of vehicles to operation and the duties of officials to ensure road safety, operation of the vehicle is prohibited, with the exception of malfunctions and conditions specified in parts 2 - 7 of this article - entails a warning or the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of five hundred rubles.

Please note that this article deals with the presence of malfunctions or conditions under which the operation of vehicles is prohibited. In 2017, paragraph 8, which refers to the installation of the “Spikes” sign, refers to such faults.

Therefore, the penalty for the absence of the "Spikes" sign is a warning or fine of 500 rubles.

Passing a technical inspection without the "Spikes" sign

In addition to the fact that a fine is provided for the absence of the “Ш” sign, this sign is also required to be installed when undergoing a technical inspection of the car. At the technical inspection, they check the vehicle’s compliance with the requirements of the Basic Regulations for the admission of vehicles to operation and the responsibilities of officials to ensure road safety. So if there is no sign on the back of the car, the car will not pass inspection, and the driver will be sent to the nearest store to get the sign.

So if you plan to visit a technical inspection point, then purchase a “Spikes” sign in advance. Of course, there is another option - install studless tires during the inspection. However, this is not very reasonable, given the low cost of the sign (around 50 - 100 rubles).

In conclusion, I would like to note once again that the installation of the “Spikes” sign is mandatory and failure to do so may result in a fine.

Since April 4, changes in road rules have been in force in Russia, which relate to the presence of the “Spikes” sign on cars. Drivers suddenly had to remember about the triangle with the capital letter “Ш”, which, it seems, was not always taught in post-Soviet driving schools.

According to the new traffic rules, identification signs must be installed on cars, such as “Spikes”, “Beginner Driver”, “Deaf Driver”, “Transportation of Children” and others.

Calendar winter will arrive in only two months. And in Noyabrsk the first snow had already fallen, the ground was frozen, and car owners rushed to tire shops to change the shoes of their iron horses. This is the first rule for drivers as cold weather approaches.

Let us remind you that on the window of a car with studded tires there must be a sticker with the sign “Spikes” - . This rule came into force in April of this year.

At that time, the innovation was not vigorously discussed on social networks in November. But the law is the law. Violating it is more expensive for yourself. Moreover, traffic police officers carry out raids every day and catch violators. If your car does not have a sticker, be prepared to pay a fine of 500 rubles.

Due to worsening weather conditions, lower temperatures and the formation of ice, the State Traffic Inspectorate of Noyabrsk urges car owners to take care of their safety and change summer tires to winter ones. This will help to avoid an accident during sharp braking, and thanks to the spikes, which allow you to stop in a matter of seconds, the driver will not crash into the car in front of him, says traffic police officer Oksana Markina. - And you need to stick the “Spikes” sign on the car window. This will warn the driver that the braking distance of his car on slippery asphalt is much shorter than that of other road users driving on summer tires.

The “Spikes” sign must be in the form of a white equilateral triangle with the top up with a red border, in which the letter “W” is inscribed in black (the side of the triangle is at least 200 mm, the width of the border is 1/10 of the side).

The only requirement for installing the “Spikes” sign is given in paragraph 8 of the Basic Provisions, namely, the sign must be installed at the rear of motor vehicles.

So the “Ш” sign can be installed anywhere: on the rear window (inside or outside, and inside only if there is no “tinting”), on the door or trunk lid, on the bumper, on the rear lid of the body, on the awning.

Starting from April 4, 2017, traffic police officers can impose a fine for the absence of the “Spikes” sign under Part 1 of Article 12.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses: driving a vehicle in the presence of malfunctions or conditions under which (in accordance with the Basic Provisions for the Admission of Vehicles to Operation), operation vehicle is prohibited, which entails the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of five hundred rubles.

We remind you that in accordance with 2.3.1. Traffic Rules of the Russian Federation, the driver of the vehicle is obliged to check before departure and ensure the good technical condition of the vehicle on the way in accordance with the Basic Provisions for the admission of vehicles to operation and the responsibilities of officials to ensure road safety.

“Spikes” sign, where to install it, fine for missing a sign: why do you need tires with spikes?

Russian winter is a serious test for car enthusiasts. If in cities the road surface is most often cleaned, then on federal and regional highways you won’t get such a gift.

In order to increase safety when driving on slippery roads, studded tires are often used, which behave differently than regular tires in emergency situations.

Studded tires are designed to reduce the braking distance of a car. This becomes especially important when you lose control of the vehicle on a slippery road. Accordingly, a Spikes sign is required to inform other road users that the vehicle may brake suddenly.

You also need to know that when the wheel speed increases, the studs tend to fly out and can damage the vehicle behind. The Spikes sign warns other drivers to keep their distance.

The Spikes sign is glued to the rear window so that it can be seen from a distance of 20 meters. Traffic police inspectors advise placing the sticker on the top (most visible) part of the glass.

The correct sticker is a triangle with a side of 20 cm, surrounded by an inner contour in red, in the middle is the letter “W” in black on a white background. A sticker that is too small is equivalent to no sign.

The absence of the Spikes sign entails a fine of 500 rubles (according to the Code of Administrative Offenses, Part 1, Article 12.5). You may be denied a vehicle inspection, and an accident in which someone rear-ends your car will be called a mutual accident.

Many drivers are trying to find the answer to the burning question: “Was the spike sign canceled or not in 2019?” Yes, the sign has been cancelled.

Why was the sign canceled?

Why was it considered important that this sticker be placed on the car? Supposedly, it allows you to avoid emergency situations, because the braking distance of a car with winter tires is much shorter than that of a similar model without studs. A driver driving behind a car with studded tires, looking at the sign, understands that he should increase his distance. But the traffic police came to the conclusion that the sticker does not cope with the mission and does not help the driver estimate the braking distance of the next studded car in front of him. Now the Ministry of Internal Affairs believes that to determine the threat, there are other criteria: the design of the car, whether it is loaded or empty, how modern the braking system is, as well as weather conditions and road conditions. Probably, it is according to them that the driver moving behind should calculate the braking speed of the driver driving in front of him. Let us remind you that before the sign was abolished, a fine of 500 rubles was even introduced for its absence in the presence of studded tires.

Important! The sticker limited the view, and if several of them are attached, for example, “newbie driving”, “disabled person”, “child in the car”, then the rear window turns into an art gallery.

Interestingly, after journalists began to calculate when the spike sign on a car would be abolished, several high-profile articles were simultaneously published that talked about speculation with stickers. Izvestia, for example, reported that the Russian Motorist Movement insists on checking and finding someone who “hit the jackpot” and earned fortunes from rush demand and exorbitant 150 rubles for a triangular piece of paper.

From when is it possible to travel without a sticker?

The fine for the absence of the “Spikes” sign was canceled by the traffic police in the fall of 2018, since at that time a law was already under consideration by the Government, which in principle abolished the need for a triangular sticker on the rear window of a car. The official date of permission for the movement of a car without the “Spikes” sign is considered to be November 24, 2018, when Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev signed and approved the relevant law. However, on the traffic police website we can see a different date - December 8, 2018. This is explained by the fact that the validity period of the Federal Law begins with a two-week extension. In any case, from January 1, 2019, according to the letter of the law, you can safely remove the stickers.

Important! The official document confirming the right of the car owner not to stick the “Spikes” sign is the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 24, 2018 No. 1414.

Interestingly, this Resolution also includes some other innovations.

  • A car with a "Disabled Person" sign can park anywhere, even in a zone where parking is prohibited. Wheelchair users are considered pedestrians regardless of whether their vehicle is powered.
  • The algorithm for issuing traffic rules by traffic police officers now complies with the European Protocol

The fact that the “Spikes” sign is no longer needed is also evidenced by the official interpretation of paragraph 8 on the Consultant Plus website.

On a note! If you still want to warn drivers that your car has studded tires, then you have every right to do so - you can hang a sticker, no fines or sanctions will follow for this.

Car owners' reaction

Many drivers agree with the abolition of the sign, believing that the assessment of the braking distance of modern cars should be done differently, and the sticker obscures the view. But there are others who still think the outdated sticker is necessary. In their opinion, the sign serves as a good and clear warning - you need to keep the maximum possible distance from this car, otherwise you risk damage to the windshield and the body of your car. Well, at the moment, every car enthusiast has the right to decide for himself whether to stick a long-suffering sticker on the rear window of his vehicle or not.

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