Home Nutrition Starter elements. What is a car starter used for, its types and main malfunctions. A few “bad tips” on how to quickly and effectively damage the starter

Starter elements. What is a car starter used for, its types and main malfunctions. A few “bad tips” on how to quickly and effectively damage the starter

The starter's operation precedes the movement of any vehicle. Knowledge of the device and operating principle of this unit helps to quickly find the causes of a poor start.

Currently, starters for all cars have minimal design features and differ slightly from each other. Thus, knowing the design of the starter of one car, you can easily understand the design features of this unit from another car.

A typical starter consists of the following main parts:

  • DC motor;
  • solenoid (traction) relay;
  • bendix.

The main unit is the electric motor, which, after turning on the ignition, begins to rotate the engine crankshaft with the gears of its shaft. The retractor relay moves the bendix with the working gear along the electric motor shaft, closes the contacts of the electric motor after the flywheel ring and gear are engaged. Bendix provides a temporary connection between the flywheel ring and the starter shaft to rotate the crankshaft.

The starter circuit diagram is shown in the following figure:

The principle of operation of a car starter

A car starter is an electromechanical device. Its main task is to convert battery electricity into mechanical rotating force. Before the engine starts, the following processes occur:

  1. After the ignition is turned on, electric current flows through the starter relay to the solenoid relay.
  2. The retractor armature moves inside the starter housing and extends the bendix to engage its gear with the flywheel ring.
  3. After the armature of the solenoid relay reaches the end point, the contacts close, then the current flows to the starter motor winding and the holding winding of the relay.
  4. The rotating starter shaft starts the car engine. After the rotation speed of the starter shaft becomes lower than the rotation speed of the flywheel, the bendix disengages from the ring and returns to its original position using a return spring.
  5. After starting the engine, the supply of electric current to the starter is stopped.

As you can see, the design of a car starter is not particularly difficult. To carry out independent repairs, it is enough to master the principle of operation, study the technical characteristics of a particular model (torque, shaft speed, current consumption, power and rated voltage).

The starter is the most important element of the car. The main task is assigned to his shoulders - starting the engine. But, like any DC motor, the starter is not highly reliable. Sometimes it fails and requires repair or replacement.
Somehow you don’t think too much about how the car’s systems work. Until something goes wrong. And this something often turns out to be a starter, which is designed to start the engine. Most often, its mechanical part breaks down, a little less often the electrical part. To carry out diagnostics and repairs, you need to know the principle of operation of the starter and its main components. And a little, at least general, knowledge of electrical engineering will not be superfluous. So what main components does the starter consist of and why does it spin only when the key is turned all the way?


The unit is small in size and consists of many parts, of which only a few are the main ones.

Most starters produced today are designed identically to each other. Of course, there are some minor differences. For example, the operating principle of this unit installed on cars with automatic transmission may differ. So, there are necessarily holding windings here, designed to prevent the engine from accidentally starting when the gearbox selector is in any driving position. In addition, the automatic gear release mechanisms may differ.

Types of starters

Among the large number of similar electromagnetic motors, there are only 2 main types: starters with and without gearboxes.

  1. With gearbox

    Many experts advise using a starter with a gearbox. This is due to the fact that such a device has a reduced current requirement for efficient operation. Such devices will ensure torsion of the crankshaft even when the battery charge is low. Also, one of the most important advantages of such a device is the presence of permanent magnets, which reduce problems with the stator winding to a minimum. On the other hand, if such a device is used for a long time, there is a possibility of the rotating gear breaking. But this, as a rule, leads to a factory defect or simply poor quality production.

  2. Without gearbox

    Starters that do not have a gearbox have a direct direct effect on gear rotation. In this situation, car owners who have gearless starters benefit from the fact that such devices have a simpler design and are easy to repair (read about repairing a starter yourself). It is also worth noting that after current is supplied to the electromagnetic switch, instantaneous engagement of the gear with the flywheel occurs. This allows for very fast ignition. It is worth noting that such starters have high endurance, and the likelihood of breakdown due to exposure to electricity is minimized. But devices without a gearbox are likely to perform poorly at low temperatures.

Symptoms of a problem

Often a malfunction occurs when the starter rotates but the flywheel does not move. At the same time, extraneous metallic sounds and grinding noises are heard. This indicates that the ring on the flywheel is worn out and requires replacement. It is worth noting that when the crankshaft is turned a few centimeters, the starter “grabs” and the car starts. For repairs, you will need to remove the gearbox and change the crown. As a last resort, you can simply turn it over, as it wears out to the middle.

But if the starter spins, but motion is not transmitted, there are no extraneous sounds, and the engine does not start when the crankshaft is cranked, then the problem is in the overrunning clutch. Remove the starter, disassemble it, check the clutch. If it rotates freely in both directions, replace it immediately. Typically the clutch comes in a single design with the fork and gear.

But if you can’t hear the click of the solenoid relay, then you can judge that there are two breakdowns. The most harmless one is a dead battery, so there is not enough current to attract the armature. If the battery is charged, then the fault is in the solenoid relay. Either the winding burned out, or the contacts burned out and stopped conducting electricity.

How to protect the starter from damage?

A car starter is a very important mechanism, without which the car simply will not move. Not every motorist will be able to independently find the reason why the starter does not turn, but anyone can take preventive measures so that it serves for a long time and efficiently.

  1. All motorists know that they need to undergo regular maintenance at a station you trust. Here they will be able to identify problems at an early stage and correct them immediately. An experienced technician can find problems with the starter at the initial stage and save a working part.

We are talking about those situations when the engine of your car does not start within the first 5 seconds. This indicates problems with the starter. But many novice drivers stubbornly try to solve the problem by pressing the ignition button over and over again. Then the starter simply breaks and requires replacement.

  1. Autostart very quickly burns the starter and discharges the battery, thereby depriving the vehicle of its ability to move.
  2. Experienced drivers are familiar with situations when they suddenly run out of gas. And so as not to push the car several kilometers before refueling, they drive on the starter. This option is possible, but it will most likely be the last for the part. Under such loads, the starter simply cannot withstand it and burns out. Think for yourself whether several kilometers of travel are worth buying a new part.
  3. Do not leave the starter on after starting the engine. This will lead to unreasonably rapid wear of the part.

Remember, in some cases the car may not start the first time, especially on cold winter evenings. But the alarm key fob tells the owner the opposite. In this case, the culprit is the alarm system, which simply did not understand that the engine did not start, and endlessly drives the starter in an attempt to start the car engine. If you see such a problem in your car, immediately seek help from specialists, otherwise autostart will simply ruin your starter by constantly trying to start the engine. In addition, you will have a constantly dead battery.

Sometimes situations occur when the car is started using autostart, but the starter continues to work for a few seconds. This happens due to the fault of the alarm system, which did not turn off the part in time. If this situation is repeated in the future, then nothing good will come of it.


Regardless of its design, a car starter is a fairly expensive component, and its sudden failure will inevitably entail unexpected material costs. Therefore, when operating a car, maximum attention should be paid to the performance of this element; in addition, compliance with basic rules will help to extend the life of its trouble-free operation:

  • the interval between starting the engine and starting to move should always be at least 30 seconds;
  • it is unacceptable to use it to move a car any distance, which is a common sin for novice drivers;
  • Regular diagnostics of this unit, as well as timely elimination of the slightest problems in its operation, are extremely important.

In order to avoid a critical moment when the starter requires replacement or expensive and time-consuming repairs in the service, you should pay attention to any changes in its usual operation. The most common warning signs of an imminent breakdown include several signs.

  1. A delay in operation that appears when turning the ignition key serves as a signal to promptly check the starter retractor.
  2. In the warm season, with normal oil viscosity, extremely difficult rotation of the crankshaft is observed - in this case, the condition of the bearings or brushes of the device is immediately checked.
  3. It is difficult for the starter gear to disengage with the crankshaft ring, which is often the cause of this phenomenon.
  4. When you turn the ignition key, a sound characteristic of starting the engine is heard, but the start itself does not occur.
  5. When the power supply to the device is confirmed, its rotation is completely absent.
  6. After the engine starts and begins to operate independently, the starter does not turn off, continuing to rotate and consume a huge amount of electricity.

Broken starter - repair or replace?

Most often, when purchasing a new car, the starter does not need special attention for the first 5-7 years. After this, breakdowns and malfunctions are possible, which must be corrected immediately.

The starter is an expensive component. Before installing a part on a car, it is tested and checked for a long time by experts and during crash tests. That is why in the USA and other developed countries, repairs, or rather restoration of starters, takes place directly at the manufacturer’s plant using a conveyor belt method.

When contacting a service station with complaints about the operation of the starter, it is immediately replaced with a new or refurbished one, and the broken part is sent directly to the factory that produced it. In such a situation, the car continues to drive without problems, without damage to the owner.

As for our country, when a part breaks down, only 1 out of 10 car users replace the part with a new one. This situation is directly related to pricing policy, because repairing a starter is much cheaper than purchasing a new part.

If the damage is minor, then the repair is more profitable, but if the winding is burned or the armature has come out of position, then the repair can cost as much as half of a new starter. To avoid getting into a situation where a stingy person pays twice, it is better to immediately replace the part with a new one.

Due to the fact that new components have a fairly high price, and the cost of work is high, repairing starters is an excellent opportunity for service station workers to earn money. Today at many service centers
There is a sign hanging in the building asking you to contact their company for repairs, but in reality there are very few good craftsmen. Most of the responsible craftsmen do not even take on such work. Those car owners who want to save a little money turn to low-quality craftsmen who do poor repairs for help, and after a while you will again find yourself captive to broken parts.

As a conclusion, I would like to say that most problems with the starter arise due to inept handling of it by the owner of the car. After identifying the breakdown and fixing it, think for a moment, what led to this condition of the part? Isn't this your way of driving?


Any of the above faults is not critical in itself, but if it is not corrected in time, it can lead to complete failure of the device. Despite the fact that the place where the starter is located is not difficult to access, and checking it is possible with your own hands, this requires some experience. Moreover, if the starter is new or has a short service life, it is much easier to send it for professional diagnostics.

It is carried out on a special stand, which allows us to identify absolutely all violations in its normal operation. If there is a lack of experience and knowledge, independent removal of this unit and its repair may result in the need to replace it, and even when reinstalling the device, the starter connection diagram may be disrupted. If we exclude mechanical faults that are associated with wear of its main parts, the main faults and malfunctions in the starter relate to the electrical part:

  • electrical circuit break;
  • short circuits inside the device body;
  • burning of the mechanism itself in those places where there is contact between working elements and high voltage electric current.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the wear of the brushes. If this consumable item is not monitored and replaced in a timely manner, the power of the device drops sharply, and even with a fully charged battery, starting the engine is quite difficult.

The starter is the main unit of the engine starting system, spinning its shaft to the rotation speed required to start the engine. Knowing what a starter is in a car and what it serves is necessary in order to determine the malfunction and carry out repairs.


Device Description

This device is made in the form of a cylinder placed in a metal case. Its length is about 15 cm and its diameter is approximately 7-10 cm depending on the model. Another smaller cylindrical element, a relay, can be connected to the starter mechanism. The node will connect to at least one wire from the battery, another wire can go to the relay.

Why is a starter needed in a car and where is it located?

A starter in a car is a mechanism whose purpose is to act on the crankshaft in order to rotate it, necessary for.

The starter is installed at the junction of the power unit and the gearbox. A plastic casing made in the shape of a bell is usually located here. Depending on the car model, the starter mechanism can be installed closer to the top or bottom. In the first case, the car owner will have access to it from the engine compartment, and in the second, from under the bottom. The device is fixed using two or three bolts.

Car starter device

Structurally, this unit in the machine consists of the following components:

  • 1 – drive shaft;
  • 2 – bushing located on the front cover of the mechanism;
  • 3 – restrictive ring;
  • 4 – gear equipped with an internal ring of the overrunning clutch;
  • 5 – overrunning pulley roller;
  • 6 – drive device shaft support with liner;
  • 7 – planetary gear axis;
  • 8 – sealing element;
  • 9 – bracket for the mechanism lever;
  • 10 – the lever of the drive device itself;
  • 11 – front cover of the starter mechanism;
  • 12 – anchor relay device;
  • 13 – fixing winding;
  • 14 – traction winding;
  • 15 – solenoid relay;
  • 16 – rod of the above element;
  • 17 – retractor relay core;
  • 18 – plate with contact elements of the mechanism;
  • 19 – protective cover of the solenoid relay;
  • 20 – contact screws;
  • 21 – terminal for connecting positive brush elements;
  • 22 – bracket;
  • 23 – brush holder;
  • 24 – positive brush;
  • 25 – anchor device shaft;
  • 26 – coupling element;
  • 27 – back cover of the mechanism, equipped with a bushing;
  • 28 – collector device;
  • 29 – vehicle starter housing;
  • 30 – permanent magnet;
  • 31 – core of the anchor device;
  • 32 – armature shaft support with installed liner;
  • 33 – planetary gear of the mechanism;
  • 34 – the main gear of the device, which is central;
  • 35 – carrier;
  • 36 – gear equipped with internal teeth;
  • 37 – device tapping ring;
  • 38 – hub with an external ring of the overrunning clutch.
Starter mechanism diagram

Starter operating principle

When you try to start the engine, the unit operates as follows:

  1. Current is supplied through the closed contact elements of the ignition switch to the mechanism relay. After this, it goes to the terminals of the traction winding.
  2. The anchor device of the traction relay begins to perform translational movements inside the mechanism body. This causes the overrunning clutch to move until the teeth of its operating gear engage with the teeth of the flywheel ring.
  3. When the anchor device of the traction relay reaches the final position, this will lead to the closure of the contact elements. As a result, current is supplied directly to the winding of the electric motor, as well as to the element holding the relay.
  4. The shaft of the starter mechanism begins to transmit torque to the crankshaft of the power unit, for which a flywheel is used. The rotation supply helps ensure that the machine's engine starts.
  5. After the rotation speed of the flywheel becomes greater than the engine crankshaft, the teeth of the Bendix working gear will leave the mesh with the crown. This will lead to the return of the overrunning clutch spring to its initial state, which was before the engine was started.
  6. In the next step, the key in the position lock returns to its standard state. This leads to the cessation of current supply to the contact elements of the starter device from the battery. In the future, the functioning of the car engine takes place without the participation of the mechanism.

When starting the machine's engine is complete, power is no longer supplied to the starter assembly.

User Mikhail Nesterov spoke in detail about what a starter is in a car and the operating principle of this device.

Types of starters

This type of device can be divided into two types:

  • with gearbox;
  • without him.

With gearbox

The main feature of this type of mechanism is reduced current consumption to ensure efficient operation of the unit. Thanks to this, the starter can efficiently crank the engine crankshaft even in the event of a low battery charge. The main advantage of the devices is the use of permanent magnets in the design. This makes it possible to ensure a longer service life of the stator winding and reduce problems associated with it to a minimum.

In practice, car owners of cars equipped with such starters face other problems. For example, long-term operation leads to failure of the rotating gear. However, this malfunction is usually caused by a factory defect or poor-quality manufacturing of the mechanism.

In addition to a long service life, gear units have the following advantages:

  • compact dimensions and light weight;
  • low cost of spare parts for repair and restoration of the mechanism;
  • the ability to effectively start the power unit at low temperatures.

Disadvantages of devices:

  • Spare parts for repairing the unit are difficult to find, so they often have to be ordered;
  • as a result of the low cost of parts, their quality suffers;
  • difficulty in performing repairs compared to gearless mechanisms.

User Dmitry Traktorenko spoke about the operating features of gear devices.

Without gearbox

By design, this type of mechanism is not equipped with a gear element, but is characterized by a direct effect on the rotation of the gear. The main advantage is a more simplified design of the starter unit, which allows you to repair it yourself. When the supply of current to the electromagnetic switch element is completed, the gear of the mechanism instantly engages with the flywheel. This promotes faster ignition and engine starting.

This type of starter mechanisms is characterized by increased endurance, which helps to increase service life. This reduces the likelihood of faults occurring due to current exposure. The disadvantages of gearless devices include poor quality of operation in severe frost.

The main advantages of starters not equipped with gearboxes:

  • high reliability;
  • possibility of simple repairs;
  • If the device breaks down, you can easily find parts to restore it on sale.
  • gearless mechanisms are more bulky, their mass is higher;
  • such a device requires more electricity to operate;
  • As a result of the expensive materials used in the production of such starters, the cost of replacing parts will be higher.

The Ingvar channel spoke in more detail about the choice of devices between gearbox and gearless options.

The most common starter faults

If the starter in a car begins to work intermittently, this leads to difficulties in starting the internal combustion engine. Problems in the functioning of the mechanism can be eliminated independently, but to do this you need to understand the “symptoms” of the problem.

Symptoms of a problem

The following signs may indicate that the starter mechanism will soon fail:

  1. When turning the key in the ignition switch, delays appear. The battery is charged. It is necessary to pay attention to diagnosing the device, in particular, checking the solenoid relay.
  2. Difficulty turning the crankshaft of the power unit. The problem may appear in the cold season, then it indicates a low battery. But if this happens in the summer and the battery is charged, then it is necessary to diagnose the brush assembly and the condition of the bearing elements.
  3. When starting the engine, the gear of the starter mechanism has difficulty disengaging with the flywheel crown. A sound uncharacteristic of the device's operation appears.
  4. When you turn the key in the lock, the crankshaft begins to rotate, but the power unit does not start.
  5. When the driver tries to start the car, the starter assembly does not rotate and does not show any signs of operation.
  6. The car's power unit was started successfully, but after that the starter unit does not turn off. It continues to rotate and consume a certain amount of electricity.

If the starter mechanism does not turn the crankshaft, the device relay does not click and the armature does not rotate

This may be due to the following problems:

  1. The battery has been discharged and the device is faulty. It is necessary to diagnose the battery and restore its charge by using a charger.
  2. The presence of oxidation or poor contact or starter mechanism. The problem is solved by cleaning and restoring the contact element.
  3. Problems in the functioning of the contact component of the ignition switch. In this case, the switch device will have to be removed and completely disassembled to determine the cause of the problem. If the contact group is burnt out, it must be replaced.
  4. The presence of an interturn short circuit or a short circuit to ground in the winding of the solenoid relay of the starter mechanism. The problem may be a broken electrical circuit. The device is subject to diagnostics. Rewinding the windings can solve the problem, but often does not allow this to be done. It would be advisable to replace it.
  5. The reason may be that the anchor device of the traction relay is stuck. The latter requires diagnosis. If it fails, it is replaced with a new one.

If the starter assembly slowly cranks the crankshaft of the power unit, the reasons may be:

  1. Burning of the collector device or the appearance of a short circuit between the plate elements of the assembly. A detailed check is required and, if necessary, the manifold must be replaced.
  2. Critical wear of the brush mechanism or its freezing. A complete disassembly of the starter device and checking of the elements is required. It is possible that the position of the brushes can be adjusted, but if they are worn out, then the only solution to the problem is to replace them.
  3. A break in the winding of the stator mechanism or anchor device. It will be necessary to measure the resistance of these components. You can try to rewind the winding, but this often does not work. Most likely, parts will need to be replaced.
  4. Interturn short circuit or short circuit to ground in the windings of the stator mechanism or armature. In this case, the problem can be solved in a similar way - by measuring the resistance and rewinding the conductors.

If the starter unit is working normally, but the crankshaft does not rotate, the causes of the malfunction will be different and the device will need to be dismantled and disassembled:

  1. Freewheel slippage. You can dismantle the bendix and try to restore it, but this unit is usually not repairable. It will have to be changed.
  2. Failure of the clutch deactivation lever or the axis of this element jumping out.
  3. Breakage of the coupling drive ring or buffer spring element.
  4. The movement of the drive device on the screw thread of the armature shaft has become tighter. This element may also become stuck.

If, when turning the starter device, you hear the grinding of the gear on the flywheel teeth, the causes of the problem may be the following:

  1. The appearance of nicks in the teeth of the device. It cannot be restored; the mechanism must be replaced.
  2. Incorrect adjustment of the gear travel of the drive device, as well as the closing moment of the contact elements of the switch. Correctly setting the mechanism can solve the problem.
  3. Weakening of the spring element of the drive device. You can try to adjust the position of the spring; if necessary, replace it.
  4. The solenoid relay may be stuck. With this problem, the starter unit will not turn off after starting the power plant.

How to protect the starter from damage?

To increase the service life of the mechanism, it is necessary to periodically carry out its maintenance. It makes sense to check the operation of the device if, when you try to start, the engine does not start within the first five seconds.

Points that will prevent rapid breakdown of the starter mechanism:

  1. It is necessary to use the automatic engine start function carefully if the anti-theft system provides such an opportunity. Remote starting of an internal combustion engine quickly burns out the starter mechanism and contributes to accelerated battery discharge.
  2. You cannot move the vehicle using this unit. This is often resorted to by drivers whose vehicles unexpectedly run out of fuel. With such operation, the structural elements of the device quickly wear out and fail. This is facilitated by the increased loads under which the starter operates.
  3. The unit must not be left activated after starting the power unit for more than ten seconds. If the car engine does not start, you need to let the mechanism wait at least a minute, only then try again. This will allow the starter assembly to cool. Its parts heat up quickly upon startup; if they do not cool down, the device will wear out quickly.
  4. Periodically it is necessary to diagnose the reliability of the contact elements on the battery terminals. If there is oxidation, the components must be cleaned, as this will cause an obstruction in the flow of current from the battery to the starter.
  5. When the power unit is started, the unit must be turned off immediately. You cannot hold the key in a position that facilitates the operation of the starter after starting the internal combustion engine. This will cause it to wear out quickly.

The Maysternya TV channel spoke about the features of maintenance of this type of device.

Starter diagnostics and repair

The procedure for checking and repairing the mechanism is divided into several stages:

  • removal;
  • device disassembly;
  • diagnostics and recovery;
  • assembly and installation.


The removal procedure is considered using the example of the VAZ 2101 model:

  1. The negative contact from the battery is disconnected, which will prevent short circuits in the system. It is recommended to treat the starter mounting screws with WD-40. They are usually tightly fixed and may be difficult to remove.
  2. The air filter device is removed from the internal combustion engine carburetor. To do this, the screws securing it are unscrewed and the assembly is dismantled.
  3. Using a wrench, you need to unscrew the nuts that secure the starter mechanism to the engine block.
  4. Then the assembly is moved forward and the connected wires are disconnected from it. When performing a task, it is recommended to remember their location, or better yet, take a photo so as not to confuse them when connecting.
  5. The starter mechanism is removed.

The “Auto Repair and Maintenance” channel presented a detailed guide to dismantling the device, describing all the features of this process.

Parsing the device

  1. The retractor cylinder is removed from the device. To do this, disconnect the cable and unscrew the nut on the contact screw. Then it is recommended to screw the fastening element with the washer back on so as not to lose it.
  2. Using a screwdriver, remove three screws that secure the cylinder to the starter device. The retractor element is dismantled and the spring part is removed. The anchor device is being removed. To do this, it must be pulled up, disengaged and dismantled.
  3. The next step is to remove the protective casing of the starter mechanism. To do this, use a screwdriver to unscrew the two mounting bolts and dismantle the cover.
  4. The two coupling bolts are unscrewed. The cover is removed from the starter mechanism housing.
  5. The screws are unscrewed, with the help of which the winding of the device is fixed to the plates of the brush assembly holder. The insulating pipe is removed.
  6. The cover on the side of the collector device is disconnected from the body of the mechanism itself.
  7. The starter winding jumper is removed from the brush holder. The elements themselves are removed using a screwdriver.
  8. The rear bushing is being pressed out; to complete the task, a mandrel of the appropriate diameter will be required.
  9. Then the cotter pin of the drive device lever, as well as its axis, is removed. To do this you will need a flat head screwdriver.
  10. After dismantling the rubberized plug, the starter drive unit must be disengaged from the clutch and removed.
  11. The next step is to remove the drive lever.
  12. The washer and the retaining ring are removed. At this stage you need to be careful not to lose details.
  13. Next, the coupling of the drive device is removed from the shaft of the anchor element of the mechanism.
  14. At the final stage of disassembly, the front bushing is pressed out of the assembly cover. A mandrel of the required size is used.

Check and recovery

After disassembling the device, all components are diagnosed and repaired or replaced:

  1. At the first stage, brushes are diagnosed for wear. The height of these elements must be at least 1.2 cm for the VAZ 2101. This value may differ depending on the car model. A caliper is used for diagnosis. If the check shows wear on the brushes, these elements must be replaced.
  2. Then a visual diagnosis of the windings is performed; traces of burning are not allowed on them. The anchor assembly must be intact, there must be no defects or chips on it.
  3. If cracks are found on the housing of the starter device, this problem can only be solved by replacement. Through such damage, moisture can enter the mechanism, which will lead to its complete breakdown. Finding a new housing is problematic, and if this cannot be done, then the starter is replaced.
  4. The coupling must not wear out. It is necessary to visually assess the integrity of its teeth. If at least one of them is missing, the coupling must be replaced.
  5. The so-called nickels of the retractor cylinder are diagnosed. These elements must have good contact. Otherwise they change.
  6. If, when the device is activated, the assembly rotates, but the flywheel does not rotate, the problem must be looked for in the gears. Damaged elements must be replaced.
  7. If, when you try to start the engine, a click is heard, but the internal combustion engine does not start, then the retractor cylinder must be replaced.
  8. Then the shaft seat is diagnosed; it must have the appropriate diameter. A small gap is allowed on the anchor device of the starter mechanism, but if the gap is significant, the part must be replaced. It is recommended to clean the surface of the element with fine-grained sandpaper. You also need to flush the collector device.

The drive gear, armature seat, and bearing elements are subject to lubricant treatment - this will prevent rapid wear of the starter.

Assembly and installation

The assembly procedure is a more complex task that is performed in reverse order, with:

  1. When installing the retaining ring on the anchor element, you must be careful: if the part falls, you need to find and install it.
  2. When performing a task, the brushes of the mechanism must not be swapped. This will lead to incorrect operation of the device and a short circuit.
  3. During installation, all bolts must be fully tightened to secure them. In this case, you should be careful not to damage the threads on the elements. Before tightening, it is recommended to treat the screws with lubricant, which will make them easier to unscrew during further disassembly.
  4. When installing the device, tightening the fastening elements to the power unit must be done gradually. This will prevent possible distortion of the mechanism.
  5. After installing the device, all previously removed components are reinstalled in the engine compartment. The air filter is put in place. A block with wires is connected to the starter mechanism. Then you need to reconnect the cables to the battery terminals.

Photo gallery

Photo of the starter and its connection diagram:

Video “Features of installing a unit after repair”

User Sergey Romanov spoke about the features of installing the starter mechanism after repairs, using the example of a Zhiguli.

The starter's operation precedes the movement of any vehicle. Knowledge of the structure and operating principle of this unit helps to start the engine correctly and quickly find the causes of poor starting.

Currently, starters for all cars have minimal design features and differ slightly from each other. Thus, knowing the design of the starter of one car, you can easily understand the design features of this unit from another car.

A typical starter consists of the following main parts:

  • DC motor;
  • solenoid (traction) relay;
  • bendix.

The main unit is the electric motor, which, after turning on the ignition, begins to rotate the engine crankshaft with the gears of its shaft. The retractor relay moves the bendix with the working gear along the electric motor shaft, closes the contacts of the electric motor after the flywheel ring and gear are engaged. Bendix provides a temporary connection between the flywheel ring and the starter shaft to rotate the crankshaft.

The starter circuit diagram is shown in the following figure:

The principle of operation of a car starter

A car starter is an electromechanical device. Its main task is to convert battery electricity into mechanical rotating force. Before the engine starts, the following processes occur:

  1. After the ignition is turned on, electric current flows through the starter relay to the solenoid relay.
  2. The retractor armature moves inside the starter housing and extends the bendix to engage its gear with the flywheel ring.
  3. After the armature of the solenoid relay reaches the end point, the contacts close, then the current flows to the starter motor winding and the holding winding of the relay.
  4. The rotating starter shaft starts the car engine. After the rotation speed of the starter shaft becomes lower than the rotation speed of the flywheel, the bendix disengages from the ring and returns to its original position using a return spring.
  5. After starting the engine, the supply of electric current to the starter is stopped.

As you can see, the design of a car starter is not particularly difficult. To carry out independent repairs, it is enough to master the principle of operation, study the technical characteristics of a particular model (torque, shaft speed, current consumption, power and rated voltage).


Engine starting system. Starter

The engine starting system is designed to create primary torque of the engine crankshaft at the speed necessary to form the required compression ratio to ignite the combustible mixture. The launch system can be controlled manually, automatically or remotely.

The engine starting system consists of the main functional devices:

  1. Accumulator battery
  2. Starter
  3. Start control mechanisms (ignition switch, automatic start control unit, remote control system)
  4. Large cross-section connecting wires (stranded copper).

Requirements for the launch system:

  • reliability of the starter (no breakdowns after 45-50 thousand kilometers)
  • Possibility of reliable starting in low temperature conditions
  • the ability of the system to perform repeated starts within a short time.

Car starter device

The main component of the engine starting system is the starter. It is a 12-volt DC electric motor with an idle speed of approximately 5000 rpm.

The starter consists of five main elements:

  1. The starter housing is made of steel and has the shape of a cylinder. The field windings (usually four) together with the cores (poles) are attached to the inner wall of the housing. Fastening occurs with a screw connection. The screw is screwed into the core, which presses the winding against the wall. The housing has threaded technological holes for fastening the front part, in which the overrunning clutch moves.
  2. The starter armature is an alloy steel axis onto which the armature core and commutator plates are pressed. The core has grooves for laying armature windings. The ends of the windings are securely attached to the collector plates. The collector plates are arranged in a circle and are rigidly mounted on a dielectric base. The diameter of the core is directly related to the internal diameter of the housing (together with the windings). The armature is mounted in the front cover of the starter and in the rear cover using bushings made of brass, less often copper. Bushings are also bearings.
  3. The solenoid relay or traction relay is installed on the starter housing. In the housing of the traction relay, in the rear part there are power contacts - “nickels”, and a movable jumper contact, made of soft metals. “Pyataki” are ordinary bolts pressed into the ebonite cover of the traction relay. Using nuts, power wires from the battery and from the positive starter brushes are attached to them. The core of the traction relay is connected through a movable “rocker arm” to an overrunning clutch, popularly called a bendix.
  4. The overrunning clutch (Bendix) is movably mounted on the armature shaft and is a roller mechanism that is connected to the engagement gear with the flywheel ring. The design is assembled in such a way that when torque is applied to the bendix in one direction, the rollers located in the cage come out of the grooves of the cage and rigidly fix the gear to the outer race. When rotating in the opposite direction, the rollers fall into the cage, and the gear rotates independently of the outer race.
  5. The brush holder is a starter element through which operating voltage is supplied to the copper-graphite brushes and then transmitted to the armature commutator plates. The brush holder is made in the form of a dielectric cage with metal inserts, inside of which there are brushes. The brush contacts (soft stranded wire) are spot welded to the pole plates. The pole plates are usually the “tails” of the field windings.

Operating principle of the starting system and starter

The stages of operation of the starter are as follows: docking with the flywheel ring gear, starting the starter, uncoupling the starter.

In fact, it looks like this: when you turn on the ignition switch and turn the key to the “start” position, along the “+” circuit of the battery - ignition switch - traction relay winding - "+" starter output - positive brush - armature winding - negative brush, it is triggered traction relay. Under the action of the relay core, the moving contact closes the power contacts, through which current is supplied from the battery to the positive wire of the starter. The starter positive is connected to the positive pole plate and positive brushes. The minus is permanently connected by default.

After current is supplied, magnetic fluxes arise around the armature windings and field windings, which are directed in one direction and, as is known, identical poles of a magnet repel each other, so a circular movement of the armature occurs.

At the moment the retractor relay is activated, the “rocker arm” begins to move together with the relay core and pushes the bendix on the armature splines towards the flywheel crown. At this moment the anchor begins to rotate and drives the flywheel. If the car engine has started and the ignition key has not yet been released, a moment comes when the engine speed exceeds the starter speed, in which case the Bendix overrunning mechanism is activated.

For diesel engines or high-power engines, a different mechanism for feeding rotation to the bendix is ​​used. A gearbox built into the starter housing is used. The gearbox is a transmission drive mechanism, i.e. Three satellites rotate along the inner gear ring, which drive the shaft on which the bendix is ​​movable. The advantage of such starters is their small size and high power.


Which starter is better - geared or conventional? Differences, principle of operation and device

Technical progress does not stand still and is constantly evolving. Every year new technologies emerge, allowing engineers to improve or create completely new parts. This also applies to mechanical engineering. Hundreds of thousands of modern cars are sold in Russia every year. Each of them contains the latest technologies. We will talk about such a small unit as a starter, and we will figure out which starter is better: a gearbox or a regular one.

General information

The first starter used on a car had a number of significant shortcomings. Over time, the design was gradually improved and significantly transformed. The starter is a 4-band electric motor, which is necessary to rotate the crankshaft when starting the engine. It takes energy from the battery and increases the starting current several times. Due to this, any internal combustion engine starts. The principle of operation of the starter has not changed over the years.

Nevertheless, its design has been constantly improved. The weight of the part was reduced, the service life was increased due to the use of higher quality and new materials, etc. All this led to the fact that the starter was transformed quite significantly and even a new type appeared - a gear type. This is exactly what we will talk about now.

Classic starter: operating principle and design

The key feature of such a device is that there is no such intermediate unit as a gearbox. This allows rotation to be transmitted directly from the starter to the crankshaft. Consequently, the device is simpler to manufacture and much easier to repair. Another feature of such a starter is that the electric current supplied to the switch allows you to instantly engage the gear and flywheel. This helps the car to start, as drivers say, in a snap.

Currently, they are trying to replace such starters with reduction ones. However, most cars used to have a classic starter. The operating principle and design made this unit extremely durable. Such units almost never fail due to electrical influence, but much more often they need to be repaired due to low temperatures.

Construction and something else

During operation, the internal combustion engine produces a fairly large amount of energy. It is enough for lighting devices, music, wipers, etc. In general, while driving, the main load goes to the generator. In a static position, the motor does not produce anything, so it needs to be started somehow. For this purpose, various types of starters are used along with batteries.
The electric motor itself, that is, the housing, is made in a cylindrical shape. It houses the cores and exciting windings. It is clear that there is an anchor - one of the most important and expensive parts. The collector springs and cores are pressed onto it. It has an axial shape. There is also a starter solenoid relay. The price of this spare part is relatively small, although the part performs extremely important functions. First, it supplies energy from the ignition switch to the electric motor. Secondly, it pushes out the overrunning clutch.

Most often, it is the starter solenoid relay that fails. Its price is fortunately affordable and starts from 500 rubles and ends in several thousand. In addition, the design includes a bendix with a drive gear and brushes.

Starter operation stages

This node works as follows:

  • connection of the gear to the flywheel;
  • starting the starter;
  • disconnecting the gear and flywheel.

Naturally, the starter only works when the engine starts, and then turns off. If this does not happen, then one of the mechanisms is faulty.

After the driver inserts the key into the ignition and turns it to the operating position, current is supplied from the battery to the traction relay. Thanks to this, the bendix of the gear starter engages the gears, at the same time, due to the supply of voltage to the electric motor, the circuit is closed and the car starts. Once the engine speed exceeds the speed of our starter, it turns off. It turns on only the next time the engine is started. Well, now let's look at how a gear starter differs from a regular starter. There are some interesting details here.

Gear starter

The general principle of operation is no different. Electrical energy is also converted into mechanical energy. The only difference is the presence of a gearbox. In addition, this starter also has permanent magnets in the winding, which makes it possible to slightly increase the reliability of the electric motor as a whole. Of course, there are some peculiarities here. In particular, many are interested in how much a starter of this type costs. In most cases, a little more expensive than classic ones, but not much. On average by 10-15%. But its service life is an order of magnitude longer, and this is definitely worth taking into account.
The service life of such a starter directly depends on the quality of the gearbox. The better the steel used when casting the gears, the less chance that the teeth will stick together after the hundredth start. In general, the design is popular today, and more and more gear starters are appearing.

Advantages and disadvantages of the classic version

So we are actually gradually approaching the answer to the question of which starter is better: gear or conventional. To do this, let's look at the strengths of the classic version. They are as follows:

  • low cost;
  • high maintainability;
  • You can find spare parts almost everywhere.

But there are also some disadvantages, which are expressed in the following:

  • high base current required;
  • rapid wear of parts;
  • does not work well at low temperatures;
  • large weight and size.

In general, this is a fairly reliable design with proper maintenance. But development does not stand still, and this has led to more advanced gear starters. Let's look at their strengths and weaknesses.

A starter with a gearbox: what is good and what are its disadvantages

We have already figured out how this device works and what its fundamental differences are. It is no longer difficult to guess which starter is better, gearbox or conventional. The fact is that the first option has the following strengths:

  • small size and weight;
  • long service life regardless of ambient temperature;
  • low energy consumption (40% less than the classic version).

As for the disadvantages, they are there too and are as follows:

  • complexity of repair work;
  • lack of spare parts in stores;
  • high cost of the product;
  • low quality gearbox.

Often the main reason for the breakdown of a starter with a gearbox is that low-quality components are installed. This leads to breakdowns and various types of malfunctions. In general, such a unit has more prospects in the future than a conventional starter. And this is not due to the fact that one is good and the other is bad, but due to scientific and technological progress.

Let's sum it up

If you decide to replace this unit, then you first need to decide where the starter is located. This is usually the driver's side under or to the side of the engine. To remove it, you need to make room. Depending on the location, it may be necessary to remove the engine protection or the air filter with the box. Next, disconnect the wires and unscrew the bolts. Determining where the starter is located is not difficult. It has a cylindrical shape, and several wires come from it, secured with a nut. Everything is done quite simply and quickly.

So we answered the question about which starter is better: gear or conventional. Classic starters are good in their own way, but are gradually being phased out. But they also have their strengths, just as gearboxes have their weaknesses. For example, in the outback it will be difficult to find spare parts for a starter with a gearbox, but for a regular one - no problem. The same can be said about repairs - not everyone has encountered gearboxes on the starter and not everyone will undertake it. How much does a starter with gearbox cost? It all depends on the brand of the car; a normal one will cost 5-7 thousand rubles.

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