Home Heating Title restoration: with or without owner, full cost. What to do if you lost your PTS or it was stolen? What to do if you have lost your PTS, what to do and where to go? Lost my PTS

Title restoration: with or without owner, full cost. What to do if you lost your PTS or it was stolen? What to do if you have lost your PTS, what to do and where to go? Lost my PTS

PTS (technical vehicle passport) is one of the most important documents for a car owner, so its loss is a serious problem. Without a title, not only will you not be able to sell your car, but you won’t even pass a technical inspection. This means that if a problem has occurred and the PTS is still lost, immediately begin the procedure for restoring it. Otherwise, there remains a risk that the lost PTS will fall into the hands of not very decent people. And we can only guess how this might turn out.

Collecting documents

You can restore the technical passport of your car only at the traffic police department in which it is registered. Before going to the traffic police, collect all the necessary documents in advance so that you don’t waste time searching for this or that piece of paper. The list of documents is as follows:

Identity document.

Ideally, of course, this should be a general passport, but if it is lost, even a temporary identity card will do, which will be issued to you while your passport is being restored - please note that a photograph is required! If the owner of the vehicle and the car itself are registered at any address temporarily, be sure to take the appropriate certificate about this.

Ownership of a car.

In order to prove that the car belongs to you, you will need documentary evidence of this - for example, a purchase and sale agreement for the car. If you are traveling by power of attorney, keep in mind that in this case it must be general. Or at least it should clearly state that you are allowed to change any registration details on the car.

Vehicle registration certificate.

If this certificate is also lost, you must write a corresponding statement to the traffic police department where the car is registered - you will be issued a duplicate.

OSAGO policy.

Be sure to take your compulsory civil liability insurance policy with you to the traffic police. Most likely, you won’t need it at the initial stage, but it’s still worth having it with you just in case.

Receipts for payment of state duty.

Be prepared for the fact that you will have to part with a certain amount of money - firstly, you need to pay the state fee for replacing the PTS - its cost ranges from 1000 rubles. Also, don't forget to pay the receipt for your new car registration. After all, you will receive a new series and PTS number, which means you can’t do without it. Payment can be made at any branch of Sberbank, having previously specified information on personal accounts and the amount at the traffic police department,

Corresponding statement.

The above applications must be accompanied by a statement of loss and the need to restore the vehicle title. You can pick up application forms and samples for filling them out either at the information desks, or they will be printed out for you by a traffic police officer. You can take care of this in advance so as not to fill it out hastily and with errors.


The traffic police officer will give you an explanatory note form - you will have to describe in detail the circumstances under which the loss of the PTS occurred. If you want to save time, you should get by with a “vague” explanation – “I don’t know, I don’t remember.” Moreover, even if you are sure that the PTS is stolen, otherwise a lot of problems cannot be avoided.

So, when going to the traffic police, do not forget that in addition to the package of necessary documents, you will also need the car itself. Park it on the observation deck and go submit your documents. A traffic police officer must inspect your car and check that all unit numbers match.

If everything goes smoothly and your documents are accepted without complaining about anything - and this depends only on your luck and the mood of a particular traffic police officer - consider the problem with obtaining a new PTS solved. Depending on the workload of the traffic police officers, in a few days - a maximum of a week - your PTS coupon will be restored.

The new PTS will have a note stating that it is a duplicate.

Mark in PTS - Duplicate.

Don't worry - this does not affect the legal validity of the document in any way. But in fairness, it should be noted that questions may arise if you decide to sell the car - of course, from potential buyers. But this is unlikely to become a serious problem - offer to visit the traffic police department and personally verify the veracity of your words.

What should you never do?

Sometimes, in an effort to speed up the process of obtaining a new PTS, a person tries to be proactive and brings a lot of unnecessary documents to the traffic police - they will not help you. On the contrary, it will take additional time to check them. Therefore, take only the list that was given above. If you need anything additional, the traffic police officers will definitely notify you. Moreover, they must do this exclusively in writing - all oral demands are illegal.

And even more so, do not file a report about the theft of your PTS – even if it was actually stolen and you are sure of it. There is an order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs numbered 59, which states that a duplicate PTS can be issued only after the criminal case is closed. And knowing how quickly our law enforcement officers work, it’s easy to guess that the waiting period will be more than impressive. And all this time the car will be illegal - you will neither be able to sell it nor write a power of attorney.

What to do if your PTS application is refused?

It’s rare, but you can still encounter a situation where the traffic police refuses to issue a duplicate PTS. The reasons can be very different - from the suspicion that the car is stolen to the bad mood of the employee. But in any case, the refusal must be clearly justified and presented in writing. This is necessary so that you have grounds to appeal such a decision of the traffic police.

First, write a complaint addressed to the head of the traffic police, in which they refused to issue you a duplicate PTS - describe the circumstances in detail and attach photocopies of all the documents listed above in your possession. If this measure turns out to be ineffective, go straight to court - you have every chance to defend your rights and get a PTS. There is no need to delay going to court - in principle, you can do this within 6 months after receiving a refusal from the traffic police. But the sooner you do this, the greater your chances of success.

A technical vehicle passport (PTS) is an absolutely necessary document for every car owner. Without it, you will not be able to perform any registration actions with your car. You will not only be able to sell the car, but even pass a technical inspection.

Therefore, if you suddenly lost this important document, one question arises - how to restore the PTS? And this needs to be done quickly. After all, if a document falls into the hands of dishonest people, the consequences can be very sad.

So, how to restore the title of a car in 2019? Let's look at this question in more detail. This procedure is quite simple and in most cases does not take much time. Restoration of the title in case of loss occurs in the same MREO where your car was previously registered.

Documents required to obtain a duplicate PTS

First you need to prepare some documents. This:

  • Identity document. Ideal option if it is civilian passport. If you lost that too, a temporary ID card will do. The main thing is that the document must have a photograph. If you and your car have temporary registration, then a certificate about this is also required;
  • Title deed to the car. For example, this could be a purchase and sale agreement. Here the question may arise - how to restore the PTS without the owner? Nothing complicated, you just need to have a power of attorney, and a general one. In any case, the power of attorney should clearly state that you can freely change the registration data for this car. The power of attorney is required in 2 copies;
  • Registration certificate vehicle (STS). If you have lost this certificate as well, write a statement to this effect and receive a duplicate;
  • Compulsory insurance policy(OSAGO). It’s not a fact that you will definitely need it, but it’s better that you have it;
  • State duty. This means the presence of a receipt for payment of the state duty. How much does it cost to replace a vehicle title? The state duty for replacing the PTS is 500 rubles. In addition, you will also have to exchange your registration certificate. The STS is changing because the PTS number and series must be indicated there, which, accordingly, have become different. The state fee for obtaining a duplicate of the STS is 300 rubles.

There is currently no fine for loss of PTS. Thus, the cost of restoring the title will be equal to the amount of state duties you paid.

Application and explanatory note

You will need to prepare the following documents at the MREO. This:

  • Application for loss of PTS. It is written on a standard form, which is taken either from an MREO employee or at the information desk. The application must include data from the STS and your passport;
  • Explanatory letter. An MREO employee will give you the form. Here you will need to write under what circumstances you lost your PTS. You should not write that your PTS was stolen (even if this is actually the case). Otherwise, you will need a certificate stating that the criminal case for theft of documents has been terminated. So it’s best to write that you lost your PTS under unclear circumstances.

It is recommended to come to the MREO with your own car, which should be parked on the observation deck. This is done in case there is a need to verify unit numbers. To do this, you will have to open the hood and wipe the location of the numbers. After inspecting the car, the MREO employee must put a special mark and his signature on your application.

Now you can submit all documents to the reception window.

Recovery time

The procedure for restoring a vehicle title, if no additional checks need to be carried out, usually takes a little time - 1 day. In situations where these checks are needed, the deadline for receiving a duplicate PTS can be extended up to 30 days from the moment of filing the application.

Video: Personal experience of PTS restoration

Duplicate PTS - possible problems

Despite the fact that the duplicate PTS retains all the legal force of the original, you may still encounter certain problems. For example, this could happen if you want to sell a car. The buyer may doubt the legal purity of the car.

In addition, in case of a duplicate PTS, you Some insurance companies may refuse to obtain a policy.

What should you do if you are suddenly denied a PTS?

It may happen that you are suddenly denied a duplicate PTS. For example, an MREO employee may suspect that a car has been stolen. The reason for refusal must be clearly formulated and written down on paper. Without this paper, you will have no grounds to appeal such a decision.

First of all, you need to write a complaint to the head of that MREO, in which you were refused to issue a document. In your complaint, describe all the circumstances of the case. Make copies of all documents that only you have and attach them to the complaint. If this does not help, you need to go to court. The period for going to court is 6 months from the moment you were denied MREO. But it's better to do it early.

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Every driver should be well aware of such a concept as PTS. A vehicle passport is considered one of the most important documents for using a car in the legal field. It indicates the main characteristics of a particular car, which allow it to be identified in the future.

The current rules of the Road Traffic Regulations do not oblige drivers to always carry this document with them. Therefore, after receiving the PTS, vehicle owners often store it separately from all other documents, which often leads to its loss. In this case, the next problematic question arises - how to restore the title on a car?

What to do first?

The procedure for the owner of a vehicle if it is necessary to restore a lost vehicle passport is regulated by regulations. First of all, you need to visit the branch of the State Road Safety Inspectorate. You must contact the traffic police department that issued the lost document.

Advice! After discovering that a document is missing, immediately contact the traffic police, otherwise there is a chance that the PTS will fall into the hands of fraudsters.

It should be borne in mind that if the owner has lost the title, then he has no chance of selling the car or performing other legal actions with it. For example, when drawing up a lease or purchase and sale agreement, the main requirement is to indicate the data from the vehicle title.

What will be needed for recovery?

The traffic police department will require the owner to provide a list of documents, which are established by law. These include:

  • An identification document of the owner of the vehicle (or his representative) - in this case, a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, a residence permit (for foreigners), as well as other documents that prove identity in the absence of the above are suitable.
  • A document confirming ownership of the car. For example, this could be a purchase and sale agreement.
  • Vehicle registration certificate – often referred to as STS. If it was lost, then the law allows you to write a statement to the traffic police. Thus, instead of this document, you can submit an application to the traffic police for the issuance and STS.
  • Compulsory motor third party liability insurance policy (MTPL).
  • Receipt for payment of state duty.
  • If it is not the owner of the vehicle, but a representative who contacts the state traffic inspectorate, a notarized power of attorney will be required.

Important! Please note that the power of attorney is issued for a specific period. We recommend that before restoring the title for a car if it is lost, you pay attention to this nuance, otherwise the application will not be accepted.

Restoration price

In cases where the document was lost, the main question for drivers was: how much does it cost to restore the title? State duty rates change every year, which leads to serious confusion during the restoration procedure.

In 2019, the following requirements for payment for the procedure were established:

  1. 500 rubles – state duty for restoring the title of a car;
  2. 300 rubles – state duty for issuing a new STS (when issuing a new PTS, you will need to enter new information into the STS, which entails a new issuance of the document).

Duration for the procedure

Clause 10 of the Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated August 7, 2013 No. 605 imperatively states that the issuance of a new passport must be carried out within one hour. But in accordance with the laws of the Russian Federation, from the moment the applicant submits an application to the traffic police, a new document must be issued within 30 days. But this is the deadline for the most problematic cases. Usually, a new PTS and STS are issued on the day the application is submitted.

From practice. It is advisable to submit your application in the morning. Thus, many vehicle owners restored their documents within 2-3 hours. At a later time, the State Traffic Inspectorate is very busy.

Restoration through State Services

There is a simpler option for restoring a title card if it is lost. The State Services website allows you to solve many important administrative issues without leaving your home. Thus, it will allow you to make an appointment with the traffic police for a certain time and spend 15 to 30 minutes on restoring your vehicle title.

First you need to go to the portal - Gosuslugi.ru and log in. If you don't have an account, you should definitely register. To do this, you will need an email, mobile phone number and personal document information.

Next, you should open the service catalog and go to the “transport and driving” section. After this, you need to find a subsection called “vehicle registration”. Then select the “change registration data” tab, and after going to this page, select the desired service – “Get STS, PTS...”.

You should carefully read the information on the service page before restoring your PTS. The data entry form must include all important information about the applicant and the vehicle. Next, select the appropriate day and time to visit the Inspectorate office.

Important! Carefully fill in the information about yourself and the car. Inconsistency of data will lead to additional time costs when visiting the registration department.

In what cases are they refused?

At first glance, the whole procedure may seem quite simple. But in some cases, you can get a refusal from the traffic police if all legal requirements are not met. In the regulations there is a list of reasons why the issuance of a new technical passport (PTS) is refused:

  1. Documents and other information provided when submitting an application do not comply with the legislation of the Russian Federation;
  2. The provided documents do not correspond to the registration information or have signs of forgery;
  3. The car has bans or restrictions that do not allow it to be registered;
  4. The vehicle is on the federal wanted list.

Important tip! Always request a written refusal, which is issued as an official document (must have an issue number, official signature and seal). This should be done so that you can later appeal this decision to a higher authority or court.

There are two mechanisms for challenging the refusal of employees of the registration department of the traffic police:

  1. Administrative;
  2. Judicial.

In the first case, you need to contact a higher official with a complaint. This may be the head of the registration department of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate, the head of a department or department of the State Traffic Inspectorate.

In the second case, the procedure is much more complicated, but more effective. Within 6 months from the date of receipt of the refusal, the owner of the vehicle (or his representative) has the right to file a complaint with the court. It should be borne in mind that such an appeal often takes a considerable amount of time, and sometimes leads to large financial costs.

Fine for loss of PTS

Many transport drivers, upon discovering a missing vehicle title, immediately think that they face a large fine from the state. In fact, the legislation does not provide for such a punishment, and the only costs that need to be made are to pay the state fee at the bank.

As mentioned above, the driver does not need to carry the PTS with him. But what should you do if, when stopped, traffic police officers demand to see this document, which was lost? It should be pointed out that they do not have such powers and denied them.

Video instruction

Due to frequent changes in administrative laws of the Russian Federation and traffic rules, we do not always have time to update the information on the website, and therefore Free legal experts work for you around the clock!

Today, it is no secret that the loss of any documents entails significant financial and time costs. The loss of a vehicle title is especially unpleasant, since without it neither its operation nor its sale is possible.

PTS (technical vehicle passport) is a necessary document when selling or buying a car. The technical equipment passport is a sheet of blue A4 paper in which the details of the car and its owner are entered.

The PTS contains all information about the car, its changes, owners and registration data. Without providing the original PTS, the car cannot be removed or registered (legally) with the MREO.

What to do if your PTS is lost?

In case of loss of the PTS, you need to contact the traffic police authorities, which initially issued this document, namely the registration department of the MREO. When restoring a vehicle passport, vehicle registration does not matter.

No other institution has the right to issue a duplicate of a lost PTS. You must contact the registration department immediately after discovering the loss of your PTS, as it may fall into the hands of fraudsters.

To restore a lost title for a car, you need to collect the following package of documents:

  • Document confirming ownership to the vehicle.
  • Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation to confirm the identity of the car owner. If your passport is lost and has not yet been restored, you must present a temporary document, 2P form with a photo. Apart from the documents listed above, no others (student ID, pension certificate, etc.) are suitable for restoring PTS.
  • If the owner of the car has a temporary registration, he must also present a certificate of registration.
  • Automobile insurance policy and vehicle registration certificate.

All of the above documents must be presented in original form. If you need copies of documents, traffic police officers will make them themselves.

Step-by-step instructions for restoring a lost PTS

The process of restoring a lost PTS consists of the following stages:

  • Write an explanation. The explanatory statement must indicate the circumstances under which the document was lost. Such a statement, as a rule, is confirmation that the vehicle was not stolen. To avoid various kinds of troubles, it is recommended to use approximately the following wording in the application: “The loss of the technical equipment passport occurred for reasons unknown to me, I exclude the possibility of theft.” Example of an explanatory statement. “To the Head of MREO No.___. Explanation. I hereby inform you that I have lost the vehicle passport with the car (make, model, state registration plate)... state the circumstances of the loss... If the PTS is found, I undertake to return it to the MREO... Number. Passport details. Signature".
  • Filling out the form. At the registration department of the traffic police, you must obtain an application form where you must indicate the reason why you need to replace the TPS. This statement is necessary to determine what procedure to use to replace the TPS. A sample of filling out the application can be found on the information board at the traffic police office itself. The application form is issued at the traffic police department at the place of application. The form is standard and will not cause any difficulties when filling it out. In the first line of the application, you must indicate that the TPS needs to be replaced, and in the rest, enter the details of the owner and the vehicle.
  • Payment of state duty. Details for paying the state duty must be taken in the same window as the application form for the loss of the PTS. Payment of the fee can be made at terminals located on the territory of the traffic police department or at any savings bank. The cost of the fee is about 800 rubles, in addition, you must pay for a new registration certificate costing 500 rubles, since its serial numbers will be changed. As for the state vehicle numbers, they will remain unchanged. All paid receipts must be submitted along with all of the above documents and applications.
  • Vehicle examination. In addition to collecting and providing documents, it is also necessary to bring the vehicle for which the title will be replaced to the MREO inspection site for examination.

An examination is necessary to verify the technical data of the car and check it for theft. Experts also determine whether there was an unauthorized change in the VIN number (that is, whether it was interrupted).

Before the examination, it is necessary to wash the engine and wipe the VIN numbers on the car body.

You should know that any disputes with the inspector conducting the examination of the car can have a detrimental effect on the restoration of the lost title, so it is recommended to wait your turn in silence and without a scandal.

After completing all procedures and submitting documents, after a maximum of seven days (depending on the workload of the registration department employees), the car owner is issued a duplicate PTS and a new registration certificate.

You should be aware that a request to replace the PTS may be denied if:

  • The car is stolen.
  • State license plates or car are being sought.
  • A registration ban has been imposed on the vehicle.

The decision to refuse to replace the vehicle must be justified and provided in writing. If the refusal is not confirmed by a written document and is not reasoned, you should write a complaint to a higher authority with a request to sort out this situation.

It is also necessary to ensure that the complaint is accepted. The complaint must be filed within six months from the date of the decision not to issue a duplicate PTS.
To facilitate and speed up the process of PTS restoration, it is recommended to have a copy of it with you. It would be correct to make a copy of the PTS immediately after receiving it and keep it at home, so to speak, just in case.

How to restore a PTS if it is stolen?

If the PTS was stolen, you should immediately contact the department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs with a statement about its theft. The statement must state where and under what circumstances the document was stolen. Based on the statement, a criminal case will be initiated, and the owner of the car must be issued a notification ticket.

With a notification coupon, you must contact the registration department of the traffic police, where they will issue a form on which you must indicate under what circumstances the PTS was lost.

Since in order to replace a PTS if it is stolen, it is necessary to attach a certificate that confirms the closure of the criminal case, and it can only be obtained if the criminals who stole it are found.

Without this certificate, traffic police officers will not be able to replace the vehicle title, and accordingly, the process of its restoration will be delayed indefinitely.

In such cases, many, as a rule, do not contact the Ministry of Internal Affairs with a statement about the theft of the document, but simply indicate in an explanatory note that they do not know under what circumstances the PTS was lost. This helps to significantly reduce document recovery time and financial costs.

Lost PTS: what to do next?

If your PTS is lost or stolen, you must take the following actions:

  1. Invalidate the missing document. This can be done at the registration department of the traffic police (MREO).
  2. Write an explanatory statement to the head of the MREO.
  3. Fill out the application form for a replacement PTS.
  4. Provide documents confirming the identity of the owner of the car or his authorized representative.
  5. Provide a document confirming ownership of the car.
  6. Provide a valid MTPL insurance policy.
  7. Pay the state fee and services for replacing the registration certificate.

After completing all the above steps, you must submit all payment receipts and documents to the registration department. After which, after a certain time, the car owner will receive a duplicate PTS and a new vehicle registration certificate.

You should know that you need to present only those documents that are required by the traffic police, since a driver’s license, certificates issued by a local police officer, etc. do not in any way speed up the recovery process.

It is also worth remembering that while there is no title, the owner of the car will not be able to do any registration actions with it, that is, sell, donate, etc.

Let's consider in detail: how to restore the title to a car if it is lost, the cost of restoration, what documents are needed, deadlines, possible problems.

A technical vehicle passport (PTS) is an absolutely necessary document for every car owner. Without it, you will not be able to perform any registration actions with your car. You will not only be able to sell the car, but even pass a technical inspection.

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A technical vehicle passport (PTS) is an absolutely necessary document for every car owner. Without it, you will not be able to perform any registration actions with your car. You will not only be able to sell the car, but even pass a technical inspection.

Therefore, if you suddenly lost this important document, one question arises - how to restore the PTS? And this needs to be done quickly. After all, if a document falls into the hands of dishonest people, the consequences can be very sad.

So, how to restore the title of a car in 2019? Let's look at this question in more detail. This procedure is quite simple and in most cases does not take much time. Restoration of the title in case of loss occurs in the same MREO where your car was previously registered.

Normative base

What laws provide for the need to obtain a duplicate of the PTS in the event of loss of the original and regulate the restoration procedure? Such provisions include

  • Part 10 of Section 1 “General Provisions” of Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia No. 496 of June 23, 2005 “On approval of the Regulations on vehicle passports and vehicle chassis passports.”
  • Part 3 of Resolution No. 938 of August 12, 1994 “On state registration of motor vehicles and other types of self-propelled equipment on the territory of the Russian Federation.”
  • Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs No. 605.

Passport status

Evidence of the legality of purchasing a car is the vehicle passport. It indicates the main parameters and characteristics that identify the vehicle with 100% accuracy. The traffic rules do not stipulate that it must be present when driving a car, so the passport is usually at home. But you can’t do without it:

  • when selling or donating;
  • re-registration to another owner;
  • if it is necessary to change personal data.

With a high probability, it may accidentally get lost and will not be found at the right time when completing the documentation. Tips on how to restore a vehicle title if lost through Gosuslugi will be useful to both experienced drivers and those who are just planning to buy a vehicle.

Basic steps

If a loss is detected, you must immediately begin the restoration procedure without delay and contact the MREO where the car was registered. The fact is that scammers use stolen documents for counterfeit goods imported under the guise of spare parts from abroad through all sorts of illegal means.

Officially, such cars cannot be registered, and the corrected vehicle passport will “work” against the real owner. He needs to get a copy of his passport as quickly as possible. To do this, you will need to collect a package of documentation, write a statement using the sample and an explanatory note, and if there are no complaints from the traffic police officers, receive a duplicate of the new PTS.


If you indicate in the explanatory note that the document was simply lost and unknown where, then a copy of the PTS can be obtained in one day. If it is indicated that the event was preceded by theft, then a copy will be issued only after a certificate of closure of the theft case is provided.

List of required documentation:

  • owner's identification card;
  • STS car;
  • document of title (deed of gift, general power of attorney, purchase and sale agreement);
  • OSAGO;
  • a receipt confirming payment of the state duty for the STS and a copy of the PTS.

The old certificate will be invalid, since it contains information from the car’s passport. If you lose any other documents, for example, a civil passport, you should first begin to obtain them.


To issue a copy of the vehicle passport, the inspector does not inspect the vehicle, so it is not required for inspection.

Documents required to obtain a duplicate PTS

First you need to prepare some documents. This:

There is currently no fine for loss of PTS. Thus, the cost of restoring the title will be equal to the amount of state duties you paid.

Application and explanatory note

You will need to prepare the following documents at the MREO. This:

  • Application for loss of PTS. It is written on a standard form, which is taken either from an MREO employee or at the information desk. The application must include data from the STS and your passport;
  • Explanatory letter. An MREO employee will give you the form. Here you will need to write under what circumstances you lost your PTS. You should not write that your PTS was stolen (even if this is actually the case). Otherwise, you will need a certificate stating that the criminal case for theft of documents has been terminated. So it’s best to write that you lost your PTS under unclear circumstances.

It is recommended to come to the MREO with your own car, which should be parked on the observation deck. This is done in case there is a need to verify unit numbers. To do this, you will have to open the hood and wipe the location of the numbers. After inspecting the car, the MREO employee must put a special mark and his signature on your application.

Now you can submit all documents to the reception window.

Restoration cost

Cost of a duplicate car passport – 800 rub., replacement of the SOP – 500 rub..

Recovery time

The procedure for restoring a vehicle title, if no additional checks need to be carried out, usually takes a little time - 1 day. In situations where these checks are needed, the deadline for receiving a duplicate PTS can be extended up to 30 days from the moment of filing the application.

Instructions for drivers on replacing PTS

Obtaining a duplicate PTS is a legal procedure performed in a certain order. The owner of the vehicle or his representative, in whose name the power of attorney is issued, if necessary, has the right to apply to the State Traffic Inspectorate and restore the document.

Contacting the traffic police

The issuance of a duplicate PTS is carried out by the traffic police department where the vehicle was registered. At the same time, even before the duplicate is issued to the applicant, the original PTS is declared invalid.

Having collected a complete package of documents, the motorist goes to the traffic police department, where he must write an application for the issuance of a duplicate PTS. The application is written on a standard form, which can be obtained at the department. If the document is restored due to the loss of the original, the applicant is obliged to write an explanatory note describing the circumstances of the incident.

In a situation where the original PTS was stolen, the applicant, in order to restore the document, will need to present a certificate of termination of the criminal case initiated in connection with the theft of the document. Taking into account this requirement, many motorists who are faced with the theft of car documents do not contact law enforcement agencies, and as a basis for issuing a duplicate PTS, they indicate that the original was lost under unclear circumstances.

When restoring the PTS, motorists are advised to come to the traffic police department in a car, the passport of which must be replaced with a duplicate. The vehicle must be placed on an observation deck. Having a car is necessary in case the document replacement requires verification of unit numbers and other important data. It should be noted that after inspecting the car, the State Traffic Inspectorate employee is obliged to put a special mark in the application for restoration of the title about the inspection and certify this information with his signature.

After writing an application and passing the inspection, the motorist submits documents to the reception window and waits for the issuance of a duplicate PTS.

Restoring PTS through the Gosuslugi portal

Restoring PTS through the State Services portal will take much less time than when submitting documents through the MFC. On the portal, in the section regarding vehicle registration, you can find forms for writing an electronic application and correct them online.

After filling out the application, scans of the required papers should be attached to the application, as well as confirm the correctness of the entered data. As soon as the application is signed using a qualified key, it will automatically be sent to the selected (from the drop-down list by region) vehicle registration department.

The applicant will be notified of the date of receipt of the duplicate in a message sent to the email address specified in his personal account.

Submitting documents through State Services is convenient for those citizens who are far from the place where the car is registered (for example, in another city or region) and cannot spare time to stand in long lines. But it should be noted that the document can only be obtained at the place of permanent registration of the vehicle, although this particular action will only take a few minutes.

Through MFC

The design of a new STS in a multifunctional center is simpler. To receive the service you must:

  • prepare a package of documents and contact the nearest MFC personally or through a representative. To reduce the time required to complete a document at the MFC, you can pre-register, including online on the official website of the institution;
  • When you visit a specialist, you will fill out an application for replacement of the STS and set a time for visiting the traffic police.

Thus, if the owner’s place of residence changes, the car’s registration certificate must be replaced within 10 days.

If the document is not changed within the established time frame, the owner (driver) will be subject to administrative punishment in accordance with the current Administrative Code. You can replace the document in any most convenient way.

Refusal to issue a duplicate

Refusal to issue a duplicate is a fairly rare occurrence. The reason for this may be operational information or guidance that the car:

  • is stolen;
  • is involved in an accident and fled the scene;
  • was used to commit an illegal act.

In this case, the applicant needs to contact the head of the MREO with a written request, in which he must indicate his desire to receive a reasoned answer regarding the legality of the actions of officials.

The letter must be sent no later than six months from the date of receipt of the official refusal. If the appeal does not bring a satisfactory result, but the car owner is confident in the legality of his demand, then he can appeal the actions of government officials in court.

We will also answer another common question regarding the procedure related to the restoration of PTS from insurance checks. These documents, in the absence of all others or in addition to them, are not significant. This evidence is not accepted by registrars, therefore, it is impossible to restore the PTS from it.

Possible problems during re-registration

In the case when the owner has all the title certificates and certificates, and above all, the purchase and sale agreement, there are no problems with obtaining a duplicate passport and a new STS. But many people purchase cars by proxy in order to avoid paying taxes. And in this case, it will be difficult to prove the ownership of the car. It all depends on the type of power of attorney.

Also causing a lot of trouble are vehicles that were registered to a deceased person. It will be necessary to look for heirs and settle all formalities. And if the car is new and not yet fully registered without compulsory motor liability insurance, then it is considered scrap and the documentation may not be restored at all. From all these options it follows that mistakes made during the initial design can lead to unsolvable problems.

How not to lose your PTS

The vehicle passport is the main document of the car, but this does not mean that you always need to carry it with you. Keep the PTS at home in a secluded place, since it is not needed when checking documents by traffic police inspectors. A passport is required only in cases where any registration actions are taken with the car - re-registration (sale), replacement of license plates, etc.

Make several photocopies of the PTS and store them in different places. You can also take a photo of the document on your smartphone or tablet.

Additional questions

Is there a fine for losing a vehicle title?

If a motorist has lost the original PTS, he will not have to pay a fine, since there are no sanctions for the loss of the document. The motorist only pays the state fee for issuing a new document. The car owner or his representative will not bear any other costs associated with the restoration of the title.

The title is lost - do I need to show the car for inspection?

A vehicle is inspected when there is a change of ownership, when officially making changes to the design of the vehicle are registered, and in a number of other cases. This does not include the restoration of PTS. This is clearly regulated by paragraph 57 of the same Order No. 605:

Changes in vehicle registration data related to the issuance of registration certificates, vehicle passports, vehicle registration plates, replacing lost ones, unsuitable for use, not meeting the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation or duly approved samples, or the validity period of which has expired, as well as When replacing registration plates, due to their preservation, they are carried out without inspecting the vehicle.

Therefore, if you suspect possible non-compliance with the requirements of the Technical Regulations, this question and one of the most bureaucratic procedures of the traffic police should not bother you.

I lost my title and am selling the car - who should restore the title?

Everything is simple here - the vehicle passport is restored by the person who owns the car. This right is changed by the purchase and sale agreement. Accordingly, both the seller before selling the car and the buyer after the purchase can change it. There are no restrictions on selling a car without a title, but the buyer may definitely have doubts about the “cleanliness” of such a car.

How to restore a title if the owner’s last name has changed

The last name or any other personal data does not lead to any additional steps to replace the PTS. Simply in the application you indicate in the notes that the personal data of the owner of the car has changed.

If the PTS was found after restoration, is it possible to drive on it?

This is not possible, despite the fact that it is more advantageous to keep the original PTS in view of the absence of marks indicating that it is a duplicate. When restored, the old car passport becomes invalid.

I lost my PTS, but I don’t want to restore it, what could happen?

As we noted above, there is no fine either for the fact of losing the title or for driving without this document. If you lose it, you may not restore it at all, but this will impose a number of restrictions on registration and some other actions. You will just have to restore the PTS when you need it.

How to get a duplicate PTS in the absence of the owner

Legally, the owner or a representative acting in accordance with an executed power of attorney has the right to handle the procedure for obtaining a car passport. If the interests of the vehicle owner are represented by a private person, then he must receive a general power of attorney. The document can be valid for three years and approve the implementation of any actions with the specified vehicle (obtaining car insurance, carrying out registration acts, representing the owner in the State Traffic Inspectorate or court, etc.).

The power of attorney is drawn up independently or through auto lawyers, sealed with the signature and seal of a notary, indicating the document number and the cost of services provided.

It requires the following information:

  • date and place of drawing up the power of attorney;
  • information about the trustee, characteristics of the car: make, model, VIN code, body and chassis number;
  • details of the certificate of registration of the car with state registration;
  • activities that can be carried out by a representative under this power of attorney;
  • period of document activity;
  • signature of the principal.

In the case where the principal is a private person, his full name, date of birth, residential address and passport details are indicated. When the principal is a legal entity, then its full name, details and address, full name should be indicated. manager and information about his appointment to the position. In addition, it is necessary to indicate the passport details of the representative of the organization acting on behalf of the company: full name, date of birth, residential address, number and series of the Russian Federation passport.

If the power of attorney is issued by an organization, the document must be confirmed by the signature of a company representative.

In a situation where the car is owned by an organization, the power of attorney is issued by the head of the company, confirmed by a seal and does not require notarization. Such a document differs from a general power of attorney in that it is issued for one specific action with a car, for example, obtaining a duplicate title. The document expires immediately after the procedure is completed.

Issuance of a copy of the PTS in case of theft

To obtain a duplicate PTS, you must not only provide a standard package of documents. Before visiting the traffic police, the owner is required to write a statement to the police about the fact of theft. Based on the application, a criminal case will be initiated. And only after its closure and receipt of confirmation in writing from a police officer, the car owner is sent to the MREO.

Until the police complete the investigation, traffic police officers do not have the right to legally issue a duplicate PTS to the owner of the car. The duration of the investigation can be lengthy depending on the circumstances of the theft.


Using the capabilities of the State Services portal, a car owner can, in case of loss of a vehicle passport or the need to replace it, simplify the submission of documents as much as possible. At the same time, temporary losses are minimized, and there is an opportunity to save on paying state duty, the cost of which depends on the list of documentation being restored.

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