Home Engine Choose tires for the summer. What summer tires is better? Summer rubber rating behind the wheel

Choose tires for the summer. What summer tires is better? Summer rubber rating behind the wheel


It so happened that our site had two articles similar subjects. Therefore, we decided to combine these two articles in one.

Article 1. Choose tires for the summer

The change of winter tires on the summer model is mandatory for each car. This is due to the elementary safety rules and correct
Machine operation. But how to choose how to choose summer tires for Russian roads and what parameters should be guided first? To solve these issues, it is necessary to deal in detail with the classification and consider the characteristics of popular tire models.

How to choose a tire for a car for the summer?

The determining parameters of the selection is the machine brand, its mass and operating conditions. For the summer season of 2016, manufacturers offer a number of new models and time-tested classic tire options.

The main differences between the winter and summer models are the types of protectors. They determine the quality of the tire clutch with the road surface and a decrease in the effect of external facts - moisture, dust, sand, rubble, etc. Therefore, before you decide which tires it is better to choose, the types of testers should be studied:

The next group of factors are the technical qualities of summer tires. They indicate the maximum burden on the design, as well as high-speed limitations:

In addition to these indicators, it is necessary to pay attention to additional designations on the tires and be able to read the complete labeling. Additionally, it is recommended to choose the models broader than that of winter options.

Top 2016 Summer Tires, their rating. We draw conclusions from the journal "Driving"

The official publication of the tire rating on the passenger car by the magazine "Driving" in professional circles caused a lot of varnish. This is due to the distortion of the test results of the famous brand "Nokian". The official winner on the results of the domestic publication was recognized by the model "Nokian Hakka Green 2". But is it really?

To compare the results of the test, you can contact similar foreign editions - Autobild, ADAC, Autobild, VI Bilagare. Almost all of them preferred to other manufacturers. The difference between the choice is within allowable errors.

Nokian Hakka Green 2

These tires are designed to install on medium-sized And small cars. In addition to preventing an aquaplaning effect, it has a positive effect on reducing fuel consumption.

However, despite the positive feedback from domestic publications, Finnish experts from the VI Bilagare identified it only the penultimate place in their ranking. It is mainly due to the decrease in the operational and technical qualities of the model when testing on dry coverage.

Continental ContipremiUmcontAct 5.

This model is the flagship company. In the process of its development, the latest technological innovations were used. In particular, macroblocks, thanks to which the tire contact is significantly increased with the road.

As a result, the tire tests showed well on dry asphalt, forming a minimum brake path. At the speed trace, the results were no worse. Little passed positions during testing on wet coverage. As a result: VI Bilagare - 1st place; Adac - 2nd. In the ranking of the magazine "Driving" of this model of summer tires of the 2016 season, only the 6th position went.

Goodyear EfficientGrip Performance.

Tires have perfect clutch with a wet surface. This contributes to the unique form of the tread. The technology of active braking, first applied in the tires of this manufacturer, made it possible to achieve better results during tests.

Publication tests: VI Bilagare - 2nd line; Hungarian AUTONAVIGATOR gave the top 1st. The "driving" magazine defined them on the 2nd position of its rating.

As can be seen from the results of the tests of the top three leaders in world ratings differ from the published selection of summer tires 2016 g of the "driving" magazine. This year, companies that specialize in the development and production of racing tires took the last position in the tops. Among them are famous brands - Yokoham Toyo.

What tires are better to buy for the summer? Professional reviews 2016.

Despite the authority of the Summer Tires described editions for Russian roads, it is necessary to choose to choose another criterion - reviews of specialists. They will create an objective view of the quality and technical parameters of the model.

About Nokian Hakka Green 2

"The model Nokian Hakka Green 2 appeared only this year. Last version, I drove about 5,000 km. The main problem was a weak grip with grass, which is a priority for Russian roads in the summer (more precisely - their absence). Apparently, the manufacturer decided to take into account this nuance.

In the new summer tires of 2016, soils appeared. They are located in the side and central regions. In the design, a significant drawback from the last model was removed - separation partitions in the center. They almost completely leveled the expected effect of primer. Now this problem is solved. But more truthful results should be expected at least by the middle of the summer. "

Evgeny, Moscow, 32 years old

"I decided to acquire Nokian Hakka Green 2 as summer tires. First, I got acquainted with the results of tests from "driving." After installation were tested under spring conditions. At first glance, tires behave well - the braking path has decreased, confidence of turns are felt. Side hooks allow you to overcome slush, do not allow you to get stuck in the mud.

The only negative point is a relatively high noise level. But it is felt only when leaving for the primer. Most likely, it is associated with a tread pattern. But this is my subjective opinion. "

Roman, Kaluga, 28 years

About Continental ContipRemiumContact 5

"Put on his Lancer 6 Continental ContipRemiumContact 5. The first impressions are the summer tires are very quiet. Perfectly respond to turns. When driving on puddles at 80 km / h, the effect of aquaplaning was not observed. I tried to accelerate up to 100 km / h - the tire helps ABS. Regarding wear, I can not say anything yet - too small mileage.

Confidently feel in a rut. When you enter the speed at a rotation of 90 degrees, the drift was not observed at all, did not even be powered. "

Sergey, St. Petersburg, 38 years

"Summer tires are simply" flying ": yes, they are expensive, but the quality of the manufacture and reliability of the hook with an expensive at the highest level. I noticed that they were practically silent, perfectly behave on the wet track.

However, after checking emergency braking from 140 km / h to 0, there was a small wrettle on the central part. I hope that this will not greatly affect further operation. "

Vladimir, Stavropol, 30 years

About Goodyear EfficientGrip. Performance.

"Our company purchased Goodyear EfficientGrip Performance tires for service cars - Opel" Vivaro ". Despite the soft coating, the clutch with the road is good, noise at the minimum level. Positively affect the savings of gasoline. On one of the cars after 2000, two small snaps appeared on the side of the tread. While they did nothing with them.

Especially pleased the braking path. I had to make an emergency stop, so the tires in the complex with ABS showed a good result "

Vitaly, Vladivostok, 27 years

"In general, the Goodyear EfficientGrip Performance model, I can estimate 4.5 out of 5. well ride on wet and dry asphalt, wear-resistant. I tried to ride the grass and the soil - the result was satisfied. For the season, there was no "sensible" not a single "bump", although I often went and not quite on the roads.

Disadvantage - over time the noise level increases. And this noted not only me. "

Boris, Astrakhan. 42 years

Article 2. What is the summer tires better?

When to overweight the car on summer tires in 2016?

This question is relevant annually. But disassemble the details of the answer to this question will not be superfluous, and for someone may be open new facts that are sole
Light on the problem. Go! When to change tires on the summer in 2016?

So, first, it is necessary to take into account the geographical location of the region. On the territory of the Russian Federation, winter comes unevenly, and, it means that you need to follow the forecasts of weather conditions.

Secondly, it is important to take into account your geography of trips. If you go in the total flow of traffic jams and through the central highways - there are all the chances that the asphalt in those places dry and summer tires will have to be placed here as a velcro. If your trips are impossible to predict and plan - do not hurry to rebuild your vehicle. In the courtyards, the puddles are often covered with an icy crust, separate sections of the roads outside the city can also sin the same.

In addition, you should not forget the main thing - the change of rubber is better to spend after the moment when the temperature of +5 degrees will be kept steadily for several nights. It is with her that it remains puddles, and the properties of the clutch of summer rubber with the road are maximally revealed.

Is it possible to ride on summer tires in winter?

After the past 2015, the answer to this question became unequivocal. Ride on rubber not appropriate season season is prohibited. It is important to note that, given the peculiarities of the weather conditions of individual regions of Russia, the traffic police can increase the use of winter rubber. It is clearly clear that it is not worth puzzled after the end of the calendar winter.

But, on the other hand, there is no direct punishment for this offense. After all, it is definitely stratum only for tires with a low residual tread height or the presence of different tires on one axis. And for the use of a car with summer tires in winter, a fine may be charged with a size of 500 rubles. And the inspector has the right to endure a warning. It all depends on the human factor.

As a result, we get a controversial situation - if in the winter to go on summer tires from the tread depth, which is settled in the norm for this type of car, then the inspector will confirm this fact, but it will not write a fine for summer tires in the winter of 2016.

However, the situation at the legislative level may change at any time.
Considering the control of the car on the summer tires in the winter, it is worth remembering that it is dangerous. This is especially true of drivers with small experience in driving a vehicle. Also in an emergency, except for itself and its vehicle, you can harm the other participant in the movement. Therefore, press the car on the tires on the tires, and do not save on security.

When questions related to the exploitation of summer rubber, became authorized, it is necessary to move to the selection of the tires themselves.

Summer Rubber Rating 2015 - 2016 publishes the journal "Driving"

This publication presents the models of tires from the most popular manufacturers - Kama Euro and Cordiant, to top models from global firms - Michelin and Pirelli. Also, models from Goodyear, Nokian, Hankook, Continental, Goodyear, Toyo and Bridgestone were presented.

So, let's start considering the main indicators. Let's start considering from the end, namely from the model KAMA EURO 129..

Rubber is really created with regard to roads in Russia - durable and increased wear resistance. From here there are positive results when passing a gauge and confident departure from there. But only the transition to a good asphalt coating impairs the results. There is an excessive noise, with sharp maneuvers in emergency situations does not behave in the best way. Hence the low assessment and last place of the rating.

The only indisputable advantage that manages Kama Euro is a price policy. A set of 4 tires is the most affordable of all presented on the test.

CORDIANT SPORT 3. - Next instance in this rating. The pricing policy of this manufacturer is close to the most accessible. Depending on the place of sale, prices are on a par with Kama. This model is aimed at movement on asphalt coating, which applied to us is the Sport Prefix and the appearance of the tread. From here, there are already two negative points - pebbles often remain in the protective and add unpleasant sounds in motion, and in motion off-road it is easy to sit even in the sand. At the conclusion of experts "driving", this is an example of an affordable model that does not surprise with its characteristics and is suitable for a measured movement of the average car owner.

- One of the common models in the variety of the Great Tire Manufacturer. By the way, they are produced in Thailand. With their tests on test vehicles, increased fuel consumption was noticed, as well as low coupling properties with sharp maneuvers in an emergency situation both dry and on wet asphalt. Otherwise, during the operation of these tires in an urban feature without extreme loads, this is the most optimal value for the price and balanced operational characteristics.

Toyo Proxes CF2.
. Test drivers This model has noted a reduced fuel consumption. In addition, this is the most affordable instance with the inscription "Made in Japan". Otherwise, it shows excellent results on the asphalt coating, but absolutely useless in off-road conditions and even sand.

Nokian Nordman SX.
became a sensation in the category "price-quality". The model shows cool handling and no noise, and also the lack of increased fuel consumption. There are practically no clear flaws.

Hankook Ventus Prime 2. It was this copy that opened a re-driver properties of the car and the first was pleased with all the parameters of controllability and comfort. Only the price may truly upset, as well as their operation on off-road, judging by the reviews of the owners, often led to damage.

Michelin Primacy 3. Opens the four winners. The model will delight with clear handling regardless of whether the wet or dry asphalt on the road, as well as for all other items, among which there is no noise, reduced fuel consumption and comfort in motion.

Goodyear EfficientGrip Performance. - Model of the German bus manufacturer, which is better than all (and even the test leader) showed handling on wet asphalt. And if you move the car on these tires on dry asphalt - there is something to worry about. Coupling properties here is clearly not in order. But all this can manifest itself only in extreme situations. With peaceful driving in the city stream, you will get comfort for a fully accessible amount.

Nokian Hakka Blue.
- The mild rubber, which showed balanced indicators for controllability and comfort on all coatings. Surprisingly combines excellent handling on all variants of asphalt coating.

And finally, the model of the Italian leader of the tire industry was the unconditional leader - Pirelli Cinturato P7.. The model stands out in all indicators of tests, as well as individual sellers can delight the price tag.

What summer tires are better according to reviews?

By asking this question, a little different rating is drawn, in contrast to what is obtained by the testes of the journal "driving".

Almost unanimously all owners of tires Nordman SX. They mark their excellent characteristics when combined with an affordable price. Perhaps the last factor is achieved by carrying its production in Russia.

  • "Enjoyed 195/65 / R15. Due to the presence of longitudinal grooves, no problems are opposed to the aquaplaning. Not a single hernia for 30,000 km, where on Barum 3 things caught. And also quieter the Cordian and Barum Diamondis - they were that this model. With even driving, first of all, on the highway, if evaluating the wear indicator, erased half. I am glad." Andrew

  • "Departure two seasons, satisfied with tires! By rating in the journal "Over the Rule", it is they who occupy 1st place in the price-quality group, so they took them. Simply put, I advise! Cheaper and with the best features do not find anything! " Serega

  • "Unmatched rubber! Chose between her and the Chinese brand. As already understood, she preferred it, because psychologically not ready to trust Chinese brands. Rubber for the year demonstrated themselves be healthy - cuts water at times, turns on the wet asphalt 100-120 km / h - easily (faster I am afraid), in a straight line 160 - the road holds. " Vicer

  • "Holds the road well! In the rain never felt Avcaplaning, even when on the highway from a slide went into a huge kalyuve for 120 km / h! Durable, I thought a couple of times that I would like to see herriation - but no, survived. At the start clings perfectly. We must try to get the sound of squeal! And the turns are inseparable confidently, even when loading cars in 4 people + baggage. " Arthur

Also model OT. Michelin. I liked the car owners. Unfortunately, the price tag is not democratic, but the tires will pay the operational characteristics.

Here are the words of the real owners of Michelin Primacy 3:

  • "This rubber is quieter and softer any bridgestone and even softer pilot. From here and the main, and braking. But it will all manifest on the track. In the city and on the track - a premium business! All with it - handling, acoustic and other comfort! At first, there was not enough on the braking, but then I pulled this habit. I recently put the wheels with this rubber on the third season. " San

  • "Rubber justifies the cost on all items. For the sake of the experiment, I wanted to put the wheels on the smaller diameter in order to achieve comfort and put rubber with a large profile. As a result, the R16 disks bought this Michelin. Rad like an elephant! In all the conditions of the tires have proven themselves brilliantly! And in the city, and outside the city, that in places where the asphalt saw no one, the car rides very softly! The suspension calmly transfers the bumpiness, and I only hear the breeze on the track, because noise from her at least! From the first days, like Primacy 3, Namig drew attention to the fact that the car began to slow down much more confident. If you compare with Continental Sport, then this Michelin is better in all respects! " Toh

  • "Tikhonya. Soft. Cool keeps the road under any weather conditions. Flaws never found. " Alexander

And if the reviews about the question "What summer tires is better?" Add the wheel diameter by 16 inches?

The picture is drawn similar, because "driving" tested on a golf class car. And if there is a rubber in the dimension R15, all sizes and R16 are necessarily available. Such a law for a tire company.

Here are examples of reviews about Michelin Primacy 3 in dimension R16:

  • "Driving style calm. I drive Focus 2 on the 205th rubber R16. Hornly glad, I like everything! For 2 seasons, there were 10-15 thousand km, and rubber in a good state. If you save driving style - another pair of seasons is provided. " Zheka

  • "The too soft and quiet, on dry asphalt super keeps the road! Of course, an important price is important, and it has a full order with it. And the tire recorder noted that it is well balanced. " Oleg

Completing this article, we note that any tires are good with a relaxed driving style and movement along smooth coatings. If you have deviations on one of these items - make a choice from the variety presented on the market.

The selection of tires is an important and exciting question for any motorist. Not only the convenience and comfort of driving the car depends on your correct choice, but also safety. Before the start of each season, manufacturers offer a wide variety of new products for every taste. Therefore, when choosing rubber, first of all, it is necessary to be guided by the conditions for their operation. Buy tires are more expensive - it does not mean to solve all the problems. Currently, good quality products are in all price categories.

Troika Best Summer Tire Premium Class

Summer tires

Michelin Primacy 3.

for cars from average to luxury class. A special asymmetric drawing works well both on a dry and wet coverage of direct road sections and turns. It has four longitudinal grooves and diagonal - to remove water. Safety in the third degree - here are their motto. The block layout reduces the deformation when contacting the road and improves the clutch. Their advantages:

  • good handling and braking with every weather;
  • side stability and no aquaplaning;
  • soft stroke with a reduced noise indicator.

Hankook Ventus V 12 EVO K110

This model features an incredible number of sizes - 85 pcs. from 15 to 21 inches. V is a figured drawing with three longitudinal stripes provides coursework stability and comfortable driving at high speed and when turning. And the enhanced cord increases the rubber resource. Additional advantages:

  • fairly low price for tires of this class with good quality;
  • minimum aquaplaning;
  • reliable clutch provides confident handling in comfortable driving;
  • increased strength increases mileage.

Toyo Proxes T1-R

The high-tech Japanese production tire is designed specifically for lovers of active and fast ride. Thanks to the V - the figurative pattern of the tread, it has excellent clutch and controllability on any coating. Here is its advantages:

  • innovative rubber mixture;
  • the tread pattern prevents axial displacements, which improves stability when moving on wet asphalt;
  • the narrowed central zone of the tread prevents uneven wear;
  • the area of \u200b\u200bthe shoulder zones is increased, which allows you to maneuver at speed.


summer tires

from the average price segment

Recently, the range of summer tires in the middle price category has expanded. Here is some of them.

Continental ContipremiUmcontAct 5.

This tire has generated all the best of Continental models. A new tread pattern with powerful shoulder grooves allowed to reduce the braking path and reduce the risks of the aquaplaning. This model confidently ranks first on many tests of summer tires. Here is its main advantages:

  • the protector with blocks of different rigidity provides reliable control over the movement and coursework stability;
  • shoulder zones with three-dimensional lamellas reduce the braking path even at high speed and increase controllability;
  • wide longitudinal grooves quickly remove water and reduce aquaplaning;
  • it was possible to achieve a significant reduction in resistance to rolling, which raised the level of comfort;
  • the additive into a rubber mixture of effective polymers increased the tire mileage.

Bridgestone Turanza T001

The new model of this company exceeds its predecessor in many indicators. But the most spectacular innovation is an application in the protector of grooves resonators, which significantly reduced the noise level when driving. There are other advantages:

  • rigid outer tread ribs increase control accuracy with any coating;
  • the reinforced cord gives stability on the devices and improves lateral stability;
  • the use of unique silica reduces rolling resistance and helps to reduce the braking path.

Budget Summer Tires 2016

These tires are proven by their appearance: cheap - does not mean bad.

Kumho Solus KH 17

Cheap tires with reduced noise level and decent clutch with a surface. Can quickly adapt to any type of road surface and various climatic conditions. Have the following advantages:

  • the configuration and form of the tread provides increased dynamics and handling;
  • shoulder zones provide stable maneuvering;
  • beveled slats quickly remove water and give resistance to aquaplaning;
  • seamless cord increases wear resistance;
  • the rubber mixture and the tread pattern significantly reduce the noise and increase the mileage.

Matador MP 16 Stella 2

The new generation of tires of this company has good coupling properties that provide a safe and comfortable ride. What is particularly clearly manifested on roads with poor coating quality. They have other advantages:

  • supplements to the rubber of a special silicone component reduces rolling resistance and improves adhesion;
  • high ecological indicators;
  • low noise.

Correctly picking a tire for your car, you will provide yourself safe and comfortable driving on any type of road surface at all weather.

Summer tires are one of the easiest and most effective ways to increase the safety of the car. Winter and summer tires are made from different rubber varieties (first - from soft, second - from solid), so in the heat winter tires "floats" along the road, losing performance characteristics, and this can lead to an accident. In addition, summer tires are different than the winter, the tread pattern to ensure good clutch of the wheels with the track.

Summer tire test 2016 "driving"

The journal "Driving" conducted a test of 14 and 16-inch summer tires at the AvtoVAZ test site in the middle of the last summer season. As a carrier "Autobuvi" performed "Lada Priora" with the anti-lock system and two golf class vehicles.

Summer tire rating 2016 R16 ("driving")

Initially, we present the top 10 tires of the most popular dimension - 205/55 R16. Standing "subjects" from 2600 to 4 thousand rubles per piece.


Russian tires with good braking on wet coating and mediocre - on dry. With them, the test car was the highest fuel consumption.

Price - 3100 rubles.

9. Bridgestone Ecopia EP200

This tires helps save fuel, but failed the test on the wet asphalt. And on the winding road, the driver whose car is "tearing" in such tires, you will have to be alert.

Price - 3550 rubles.

8. Toyo Proxes CF2

These Japanese tires have low driving comfort, but excellent braking on dry and wet asphalt.

Price - 3500 rubles.

7. Nordman SX.

Best price and quality ratio. Drivers were satisfied with the "behavior" of these tires in the usual and extreme driving mode, dry and on a wet coating.

Price - 2800 rubles.

6. Continental Conti Premium Contact 5

The Germans perfectly showed themselves when braking on a dry highway and in terms of fuel efficiency. Otherwise - good, but not brilliantly.

Price - 4000 rubles.

5. Hankook Ventus Prime 2

With such tires, the car will be chained to "stay" behind the track in any weather. Cons - summed up fuel efficiency and driving comfort.

Price - 3400 rubles.


Experts noted the high coupling properties of German tires. With them, cars are pleased to manage and exchange rate stability - without complaints.

Price - 4000 rubles.

3. Goodyear EfficientGrip Performance

The leader in the nomination "Comfort". High grip on the wet and dry track. But on the dry coating, with extreme maneuvering, the rubber behaved not in the best way, for which she was reduced. However, the third place among decent competitors is quite good.

Price - 3700 rubles.

2. Nokian Hakka Blue

These Finnish tires have a record speed on dry permutation and excellent - on wet. Slightly worse (compared to the ranking leader) showed themselves when braking on dry coating.

Price - 3650 rubles.

1. Pirelli Cinturato P7 Blue

Good rubber should ensure not only excellent handling and coursework stability, but also accessible by price. With all these qualities, the winner of the rating, who scored 944 points (choosing the best summer tires 2016, "driving" was guided by a bar in 900 points - an indicator of excellent tires). And tires Pirelli has the best brake properties on a wet coating.

Price - 3600 rubles.

Summer tire rating 2016 R14 ("driving")

It is time to evaluate other summer tires. Rating of 2016 continues Tires dimension 185/60 R14.

10. Matador Stella 2

With such tires, it is better to forget about quick driving, to slow down for a long time in the case of anything. But they save fuel well.

Price - 1800 rubles.


In the pros of Russian tires: good handling in extreme conditions. In the minuses - mediocre comfort and clarity of the course.

Price - 2135 rub.

8. Pirelli Formula Energy

In the dough on the course stability and direction of movement at high speed, they scored 40 points out of 50 possible. But with sharp turns, the Likhach driver will have to try to keep the car.

Price - 2150 rubles.


For all indicators, experts "driving" rated these tires as "just below average."

Price - 2165 rub.

6. Hankook Kinergy Eco

Korean tires "led" are more worthily than the holder of 7 places. Strong middling and in the speed of braking on dry / wet asphalt, and in terms of noise, and controls.

Price - 2135 rub.

5. Yokohama BlueArth

Japanese tires have the lowest fuel consumption, if the vehicle rises at a speed of 90 km / h. They also demonstrated fast rearrangement and braking on a wet road.

Price - 2000 rubles.

4. Nokian Nordman SX

The case is when cheap - does not mean bad. Drivers praised the controllability of the machine with Nordman SX in extreme modes. There are no complaints and on the coupling properties on different coatings. Good anti-crisis solution for the summer.

Price - 1970 rub.

3. Toyo Proxes CF2.

According to confident behavior on the road and rapid braking on a dry and wet surface, 2 from this top-10 is not inferior. The lack of one is not the quietest and soft summer tires.

Price - 2180 rub.

2. Nokian Hakka Green

Tires of the Finnish brand and internationally produced in Russia with extreme maneuvering and demonstrate excellent course stability at high speeds.

Price - 2380 rub.

1. Continental ContipRemiumContact 5

The advantages of the winner: high-speed rearrangement and a small brake path on the wet and dry asphalt (27.5 meters at a speed of 80 km / h and 40 meters when overclocking up to 100 km / h, respectively).

Price - 2660 rubles.


Want to make tires and inexpensive and high-quality - buy Nordman SX. Want to in the heat and in the rain the car perfectly listened to the steering wheel and did not touch on a steep turn, then the best choice is the tires from Continental (for R14) and Pirelli (for R16).

And finally, we will remind the winners (R16, R14). They were Michelin Primacy 3 and Pirelli Cinturato P1.

Publication date: 02.03.2016.

Online store "Tryska.ru" presents to your attention the ranking of the best-selling summer tires, which buyers of our store preferred by choosing them from 385 models presented on the site.

Tire Shop "Tryska.ru" presents to your attention the ranking of the best-selling summer tires, which buyers of our store preferred by choosing them from 385 models presented on the site. Statistical data were collected for the period from November 2015 to March 2016. Please note that traditionally top 10 tires are automatically compiled, that is, according to sales results, and not based on the analysis of the common market and not according to the results of the autosurvornal tests. Also note that after writing the article (March 1, 2016), the demand for summer tires has increased significantly and the rating positions could change.

It is worth noting that in the ranking of summer tires there are no new summer models 2016, because few people know about them and their sales have not yet achieved such results to enter the best of the top twenty. Dear tires of famous brands may not fit into the top, as they have small sales due to high cost.

1. Nokian Nordman SX

The first place for an economical model is a reliable model that Nokian presented in 2011. The tire is ideal for operation in urban conditions. She has an asymmetrical pattern of a tread with wide drainage grooves, which perfectly remove moisture from the contact stain. Nordman SX low noise and has an increased service life.


Russian tire Cordiant Sport 2

Second place in the summer tire of the Russian manufacturer. It is especially popular with drivers with a sports car management style. Due to the asymmetric design of the tread, the tire is characterized by good maneuvering with any meteo conditions. A large number of positive feedbacks deserved characteristics of excellent controllability and efficient braking.

3. Continental ContipRemiumContact 5

Continental ContiPremiumContact 5 Sales Rating Leader

The fifth generation tire in the contipremiumcontact model is a model in third place among the best. Reliable, with balanced braking control characteristics, is distinguished by high quality and low noise. A good choice for those who pick up wheels with a long service life in different types of roads.

4. Tigar Sinerys.

Tigar Sinerys Light Tire

Summer tires on the fourth place in the list of sales leaders. High-quality tires with a symmetric pattern from the child brand of the world-famous Michelin corporation. Tires with a dense reliable protector, soft and low noise. It is well opposed to aquaplaning, thanks to three solid drainage rings in the center.

5. Yokohama C.Drive2 AC02

Stylish Yokohama C.Drive2 AC02

Summer tire with an unusual design of the tread is one of the best-selling Yokohama brand. In this ranking of summer tires 2016 ranks fifth. Despite some noise arising from movement, its positive characteristics overlap this little disadvantage: perfectly holds the road at high speeds, instant braking, fast drainage from the contact spot. The big advantage of this tire is the presence of a large number of sizes, that is, you can choose almost any car.

6. Bridgestone Dueler H / P Sport

BRIDGESTONE DUERER H / P Sport Premium Class Bus

Premium car tires are located in the sixth place. Excellent performance and excellent technical characteristics of behavior on the road contribute to special comfort on the road. Tires with a high speed index and perfect stability on complex turns.

7. Dunlop SP Sport LM704

Comfortable model Dunlop SP Sport LM704

Seventh place in the new summer tire. This is a well-managed, comfortable model, which is increased increased service life. Thanks to the hard central edge, the tire shows an excellent result of high speed stability, and side longitudinal ribs are specifically designed to control when maneuvering on a dry and wet road to be as accurate as possible.


Tire Comfort from Cordiant

In the eighth place, the Russian-made tire model specifically designed for operation on Russian roads. When driving, the smoothness of the stroke. Confidently keeps the road, easy and accurately controlled. Not noisy. A solid central edge does not give her to "lose" the road even with abundant precipitation.

9. Dunlop SP Sport Maxx

Asymmetric model Dunlop SP Sport Maxx

Model from the class of high-performance tires at the ninth place of the rating. It has good coupling characteristics, thanks to which it is allocated in its price range, like a tire maneuverable, with a high resistance indicator of aquaplaning. The tight protector with a solid central edge contributes to accurate controllability in any weather whims.


Tire for crossover Nokian Nordman S SUV

Closes the top 10 year tire for SUVs -. It is characterized by good patency on any types of roads, incl. in sand and gravel. Rib disk from damage. One of the most reliable and wear-resistant Summer Tires Nokian.

In order for the driver to feel confident, staying behind the wheel of the Iron Horse, it is necessary that everything is perfect. The machine must be in a technically good condition, keep the road at a sufficient level. This affects one important piece of car - tire. This article will talk about summer wheels. In order to feel comfortable, it is necessary to choose the right wheels that will not be exhausted, but will be able to provide reliable clutch with the road.


Relatively recently magazine "driving" were carried out tests that showed which tires are the best today. Tested wheels R14 and R15. It is believed that tires of this size are most of all in demand among modern motorists.

Based on the test, the correct conclusions were made and all sorts of ratings of the best and worst wheels were made. Today everyone will be able to familiarize themselves with this list.

You need to start with Summer Tire Test R14 2016. The list is formed solely on the basis of tests. To determine the best wheels, special parameters were installed, including:

- noise.

- Clutch with a surface.

- Fuel consumption.

Old rubber company. Works more than 100 years. These tires are absolutely not intended for quick ride. The car with them can not instantly stop. Pretty noisy. Coupling with dear is not the best. Fuel consumption turned out to be low. The average price is 1,800 rubles per wheel.

Young company engaged in the production of tires since 2005. Among the advantages of tires is excellent handling in conditions of approximate to extreme. Disadvantages - too noisy. In the cabin, nothing is heard, except for the wheels. The price ranges from 2100 rubles in the range.

Famous company worldwide. Many countries have its own offices. Wheels delightfully hold the road at high speed. Fuel consumption acceptable. On sudden turns to keep the car hard. Price - 2200 rubles.

French company producing high-quality products. The journal experts came to the conclusion that the average, no remarkable wheels. User reviews This is fully confirmed. Tires are not for what to praise, but there were no serious shortcomings. To buy two wheels, you will have to spend 4,300 rubles.

The Korean manufacturer managed to surprise pleasantly. It should be noted good braking in rainy weather. It is not bad to hold the car on the road. Noise level at an acceptable level. 2100 rubles must be given in one wheel.

The Japanese always was famous for high-quality products. These wheels are no exception. At a constant speed of movement 90 km / h, the minimum fuel consumption is achieved. Excellent grip with wet road. Pretty noisy. Cost of pair - 4000.

Scandinavian brand, famous for good prices and excellent quality. Price for one wheel of 1900 rubles. Drivers flatterly responded about the tires. Auto confidently behaves on any road. A high clutch level is shown with most road surfaces. Basic consumption is saved.

Open the top tires R14. Disadvantages - even noisy even on the perfect road. Pretty tough. Advantages - help well keep the road. Braking is carried out immediately after pressing the pedal, regardless of the surface. They stand 4360 per pair.

The next wheels of the popular Finnish company. Made in Russia. Sensitive with sharp movements. Show excellent course resistance at high speed. One wheel - 2380 rubles.

The winner of the review was the tires of an American company with branches in Europe. Minimum brake path. Low noise. Acceptable consumption. Low wear level even with an extreme ride rhythm. The price is not very different from other models - 2700 rubles.

Tests rubber R15

Not bad choice for high speed lovers. Rubber is tenacious, but also very noisy. Balancing is easy. Good keeps the road. Wheels wear long. Give comfort on a bad road. Price per set of 80 dollars.

Japanese brand. Wheels quality. Low price - 38 US dollars. Minus - elevated wear. People talk about rubber in positive colors. The main thing is that not noisy and ensures reliable braking.

Among all novelties of summer tires, this model can be distinguished. From the negative bus tires, which has a negative impact on the running part and at the level of comfort. The noise is very strong. Kae behaves well. Not heavy. It has a strong sidewall. Management is very predictable. Fuel consumption does not increase. The price is not too low - 9700 rubles per set.

Korean firm got into this list. High-quality braking even on the bad road. Attention deserves a modern appearance. It does not get too soft from the heat. The effect of aquaplaning is not observed. The main advantage is the price. For four wheels, pay only 80 dollars. It is noteworthy that there are expensive, but less high-quality models in the list. Rubber helps the driver to keep the car on the wet road.

The first place went to the French company. Tires provide better braking. Fuel consumption does not increase. Modelessly soft, which is positively reflected in the comfort of driving. Does not make up excess noise. It is done only in Europe. Costs 120 dollars.

Based on the given data, it is easy to understand what better to choose the tires. If someone has not yet decided on nothing terrible. Compare and choose, because it is necessary to approach the purchase of rubber.

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