Home Food Trade and entertainment complex "Family". Shopping and entertainment complex "Family" How to get to the Family TRK

Trade and entertainment complex "Family". Shopping and entertainment complex "Family" How to get to the Family TRK

Do not know how to get to the Family TRK in Perm, Russia? Moovit helps you find the best way Get to the TRC "Family" from the nearest stop public transportusing step-by-step instructions.

Moovit offers free maps and real-time navigation to help you navigate in the city. Open timetables, travel, opening hours, and find out how much the road goes to the Family TRC, taking into account the real-time data.

You can get to the Family TRC on the tram or bus. These lines and routes have stops nearby: (Bus) Bus - 14, Bus - 36, Bus - 63, Bus - 77 (Tram) tram - 10, tram - 8

Want to check whether there is no other way that will help you get faster? Moovit helps to find alternative options Routes and time. Get instructions, how to easily reach or from the Family TRK using the application or website Moovit.

With us to get to the TRC "Family" is simpler, which is why more than 720 million users trust Moovit as a better transport application. Including inhabitants Perm! You do not need to install a separate application for the bus and a separate subway application, Moovit is your universal transport application that will help you find the most updated bus timetables and the subway.

The shopping and entertainment complex "Family" is always comfortable conditions for shopping and family pastry. About 1000 diverse brands are represented on the territory of the TRK, without which today is not unthinkable. everyday life Modern man.

The opening of the "family" took place in 2008, and almost immediately the TRC received recognition of professional experts in the field of commercial real estate. In their opinion, he became the best shopping center of Russia 2009/2010. The complex and the residents of the Bashkir capital themselves were appreciated: there are popular shops, restaurants and cafes, a cinema on three floors of a large-scale structure, a cinema and family game. Here are products and services for all family members: for pregnant and future mothers ("I will mom"), children ("Children's World"), sports fans (adidas, reebok, puma), fashion and style lovers ("Petersburg Style", "L'Etoile" and others) - the list can be continued and continuing.

In the recreation area on the 4th floor there are "Cinema Park" - a cinema with 7 halls, as well as an entertainment center for the entire Family "Play Day" with gaming devices, sports competitions, contests. And gourmet is waiting for a holiday of taste floor below, where restaurants of the Bashkir, Uzbek, Japanese and Italian cuisine and cafes are located. In short, no one will leave the Family TRC disappointed.

During the construction of the complex, all modern requirements imposed on this kind of objects were provided. The building has travelers installed for shopping right on trolleys to machines and equipment for low-friendly populations.

How to get

The Family TRC is located on the main city highway - October Avenue, d. 34. Before the stop "Department Store" Ufa ", which is located within walking distance of the complex, there are several types of transport: buses, route taxis.

Address: Republic of Bashkortostan, Ufa, prospekt October, 34

Do not know how to get to the Family to the Family to Sverdlovsky district, Russia? Moovit will help you find the best way to get to the Trade Family from the nearest public transport stop using step-by-step instructions.

Moovit offers free maps and real-time navigation to help you navigate in the city. Open timetables, trips, opening hours, and find out how much the road will occupy to the Family Talk, taking into account the real-time data.

Looking for a stop or station near TRK Family? Check out the list of nearest stops to the destination: Culture Park and Gorky Girl; Sports Palace "Orlenok"; Siberian str. (Pushkin).

You can drive to the TRC Family by bus or minibus. These lines and routes have stops nearby: (Bus),

Want to check whether there is no other way that will help you get faster? Moovit helps to find alternative routes and time options. Get instructions, how to easily reach or from the TRC family using the application or website Moovit.

With us to get to the TRC family easier than a simple, which is why more than 720 million users trust Moovit as a better transport application. Including residents Sverdlovsky district! You do not need to install a separate application for the bus and a separate subway application, Moovit is your universal transport application that will help you find the most updated bus timetables and the subway.

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