Home Salon Homemade air conditioning from a car radiator. Recommendations for the manufacture of automotive air conditioning with their own hands the air conditioner from the auto-booster do it yourself

Homemade air conditioning from a car radiator. Recommendations for the manufacture of automotive air conditioning with their own hands the air conditioner from the auto-booster do it yourself

I was absent in Moscow about 5 weeks. Returning along the strong heat, which began in Pskov, and smoke - in the Tver region, the capital met a surprise - a great demand for air conditioners and fans.

In many stores of these items, it did not turn out at all, and if something was, it was already 3-4 times higher. The focus on the installation of the split system was stretched for 2-3 weeks.

Absurd burly? No, not at all! Thinking a little, that day of my arrival, my apartment was assembled. However, it was necessary not only to "figure out the brains", but also it took some financial spending.

I will try to present my thoughts in this article.

So, setting the problem:

Given: Enough money, intelligent hands, there is a desire to purchase a split system or a fan, but there is no other.

Question: What to do? The answer is obvious! We will do Condishn.

We try to collect air conditioning with your own hands

No in the presence of a fan - therefore, it needs to be done. We go to the place where it is difficult, at first glance, it was used to find them, but this is the right step. Completely right - to the nearest auto shop (auto parts store), and better for domestic models. We unscrew the volatile or filter of your mixer in advance, for the selection of pipes to it.

  1. Radiator. Any suitable, but more than "Oka". Better without automation, otherwise you will need to turn off. I acquired the cooling radiator 21082-1301012, the cost of about 1295 p.
  2. Automobile fan on the radiator, with a rated voltage of 12 volts, suitable from cars of gas, VAZ, AZLK, IZH, ZAZ, or ZIL (110 W power). Price 1187 rubles;
  3. Fan frame (fan cover) - 250 rubles;
  4. Fastener for fan (cost a few rubles);
  5. It is necessary to purchase reinforced rubber tubes that would preferably cut into the desired size. Probably it will be possible only in a large automotive car shop. Their length is selected based on the distance from the location of the air conditioner to the water mixer. In my case, the following lengths were chosen: the tube on the input and yield of the radiator (the largest diameter) of about 1 meter, from the water tap to the radiator pipe - 3 meters (by a smaller diameter).
  6. A set of clamps (4 pieces), chosen under the diameters of the tubes;
  7. Inexpensive sealant - 50 rubles;
  8. Insulating tape - 10 rubles;
  9. The connecting connector for connecting to the voltage fan - 15 rubles;
  10. Power supply with DC output, with 12 volt voltage. In my own case applied the power supply from the computer to 230 W;
  11. You can purchase a heating electropampa from the Gazelle car, with a set of tubes and clamps. This is for saving flow water. Cost of about 1100 rubles;

My choice fell on such a radiator: the power supply (just such it was at my disposal):
For the entire subsequent assembly, I was spent about 6 hours of personal time. Some additional materials and tools for the manufacture of the radiator retainer were required: Wooden rails, a small sheet of plywood (thickness 15 mm), a tree hacksaw, a set of fasteners, an electric drill and a tree, a rope of small length and tape. It was almost almost already in my farm.

The insulating tape will be required to fit the bending radii, as their diameter is different.

The radiator will be placed vertically, the landing hole for the thermal sensor is muffled. To change the direction of rotation of the fan, change the polarity of the power supply (plus to minus and vice versa).

The assembled device takes a coolness from the water supply system, the excess water can be drained into the sewer. The power itself is not high, so other rooms should be closed, and in particular the kitchen. It is a permanent heat generator in the apartment, which is worth considering.

I managed to reduce the temperature in the room, about 3-4 degrees.

Due to air traffic jams, the radiator worked for 50% of his area, this problem was not solved yet.

If a computer power supply is involved, some nuances should be taken into account, all yellow wires are +12 volts, black ("mass") - minus. The fan wires can be pre-clamping, insert into the power connector for a hard disk, and secure the tape. But in my case, for some reason, performance appeared from the nutrition of the red wires (5 volts), probably due to non-standard block.

As a result, I got such a funny air conditioner (under the radiator towel, which absorbs condensate):

Noise from him is not so big as it would be possible to think.

The main disadvantages of the system are the loss of the fan power due to the inverting of rotation, it is impossible to deploy the design to 180 degrees, and, of course, the constant condensate (there is just a towel or a basin).

Is it possible to improve the system?

It is necessary to collect a normal building, invert the fan with the correct polarity, deploy the flow in the right direction, get rid of air traffic jams in the radiator and reliably suck the wires.

Dear reader, my wish you: do not sit at home in such a heat, and leave somewhere on the sea :)

Various reviews of the modernization of the system and criticism with humor are made with joy. If my feat will be repeated, send pictures to my mail or write to comments.

P.S. The water supply radiator should be from below, and the "reverse" from above. A valve is needed to descend the air traffic jams. Effective performance at maximum water supply, it lowers a temperature of 5 degrees (on the supply of 30.1 on the "return" of 24.9 degrees Celsius).

When using an electroprompa for Gazelle, a more powerful power supply will be required.

In the frame of the fan, the side gaps were sinted (ribbon to seal windows), which increased the efficiency of the cold air flow.

For those who like to make a leisure, the manufacture of the air conditioner into the car do it yourself is a real challenge that you just need to take. Especially if there is an unbearable heat on the street, and your car is not equipped with a control climate system. Homemade air conditioning for cars is not so complicated, as it seems at first glance, the design. The most important thing is to know the principle of work of this device and stock all necessary inventory, because it is precisely from the existing technicians to depend on the design of the future portable autoconditioner.

First, let's figure out what the essence of the mobile air conditioner device is for the car. There are two varieties of air conditioners: compressor and evaporative. For the manufacture of the first, special equipment is required, as well as various expensive parts and ideal knowledge of cooling systems. Another thing is relatively simple evaporative systems. It is, on their principle of operation, the device of homemade coolers is most often based. The whole focus is that for evaporation of water, such a cooler-humidifier requires a large amount of heat, which he takes from the environment.

You can construct evaporative air conditioner for the machine without much costs. To do this, you will need:

  • the simplest plastic container (the unnecessary refrigerator bag is also suitable);
  • cabin radiator stove;
  • two computer coolers with suitable size suitable;
  • true pump;
  • hoses and wires;
  • fasteners;
  • curl plug.

Then the fans are mounted, one of which is intended to blame the compressor of our car air conditioner, and the second for blowing the coolness. Several holes are drilled to collect warm air on the sides.

The installation of all of the above homemade devices is made in any part of the machine interior - the main thing is that the air goes exactly where it is necessary.

It can be concluded that the design of the air conditioner for the car do it yourself is very simple and not at all cost. So if you are looking for an affordable way to save yourself and your passengers - a homemade cooling system is just what you need.

Video "Air conditioner for auto hand"

After watching the record, you will learn from which parts the car air conditioning is, how to collect it and how to care for him.

Unfortunately, a significant part of the huge army of Russian motorists are the owners of cars ,. And in the period of summer heat of their suffering difficult to describe in words. The problem is that most such car owners simply have no money for the purchase of a car air conditioner and its proper installation. Or they consider it inappropriate to spend money on it - because there are so many temptations around! Anyway, they have to ride with all open windows, experiencing solar radiation capabilities in a dense urban stream, and when driving at high speed exposed to drafts.

How to create an auto air conditioning yourself.

It is said that today even budget models are equipped. Perhaps there will be no more than a decade, while the car without air conditioning will be perceived as the most advanced nonsense. But for now, the vehicles without a climate system, one-to-expanse of our immense homeland - harsh reality, and the native car industry is in no hurry to introduce Western standards. So the multi-million-dollar Armada drivers with the onset of heat is forced to invent and experience all new ways to cool the hot iron, and among them only units can boast more or less satisfactory results.

For real Kulibins, we have prepared a selection of the most common ways to try to make air conditioning in the car with your own hands. Perhaps some of these designs will seem naive, some are ridiculous, but they all work, although with different efficiency. Of course, it would be nice to get at least the basic information about what air conditioning systems are, what tools and consumables will be needed for technical creativity.

A bit of theory

At the moment, the classification of air conditioners by cooling method contains only two large categories:

  • compressor air conditioning systems;
  • evaporative devices.

Compressor air conditioners work on the principle of forced circulation along the closed hermetic contour of the special refrigerant, which, falling into the right place, cools it. But since the laws of physics say that if in one place the substance (in this case - gas) heats up, then in the other it should be cooled to be able to work continuously. Therefore, the design of the compressor air conditioning systems is quite complex, and the compressor itself is far from the only and most important component.

Collect a compressor battery - the task is complicated not only in the technical plan. It is necessary to take care of the safety, since the refrigerant will circulate in the system under pressure, which in itself is dangerous. So, at the disposal of home craftsmen there remains only the second option - evaporative devices. They are much simpler constructively, so it is due to the evaporation of water based on the majority of self-made air conditioning systems.

What materials and tools will be required

What will require to construct the acting, spending an order of magnitude less money than the purchase of a regular device:

  • plastic container of a small capacity (as a guide can be called a refrigerator bag, and if you have a broken bag somewhere on a balcony or an attic bag, boldly use it);
  • radiator automotive stove, for example, VAZ;
  • several computer fans whose sizes must match the capacity of the container;
  • not a very powerful trim pump;
  • fastening elements;
  • hoses / wires;
  • curl plug.

If the car has an audio player equipped with a USB port, the task is simplified. For this version of the homemade auto air conditioner, even less details will be required:

  • a small capacity (metal or plastic, even a two-liter beverage bottle is suitable);
  • computer fan (for example, for power supply);
  • adhesive tape, several sheets of paper;
  • USB cable.

Finally, you can construct an auto-conditioner from the old non-working refrigerator (we will need only its freezer). In this case, we will need:

  • electrolovik;
  • several fans;
  • drainage tube (can be made of corrugated suitable diameter);
  • insulating material.

Which of the options to choose - decide, based on the fact that it is in stock, and what can be easily purchased in the nearest supermarket.

Making a car air conditioner with their own hands

Choosing one of the proposed ways to manufacture a homemade air conditioner for a car, strictly adhere to the assembly scheme - any deviation can turn the benefit of the farce.

Method using container

The main component of such a homemade auto air conditioner is a plastic container. Take two computer coolers, measure their diameter. On the top of the container, placing the place where you will need to cut two holes for these sizes. You can cut off the stationery knife with replaceable blades, sharp knife or even scissors - it all depends on the thickness of the plastic. As a rule, computer fans have four mounting holes, we use the screws or screws of a suitable size and we reliably screw the coolers to the surface of our container (they can touch or stand apart, the main thing is that the fan blades look out).

The second important task is to attach in the lid of the plastic container of the stove radiator. This is also a fairly simple work that does not require any special skills - you just need to do holes on the perimeter and secure the radiator through bolts or screw connections. To separate the radiator, we use a piece of any plastic, in size similar to the container lid.

The next step is the installation to the bottom of the capacitance of the trumpet pump. At the pump inlet, we attach the hose, the second end of which we dress on one of the radiator nozzles. If the upper part of the container does not have a rising (folding) cover, it is necessary to ensure this possibility through the use of a piano loop - such a design will be much more convenient, simplifying the operation of our cooling system. At the same time, it is necessary to try to make the lid as intended as possible, for example, using a special soft rubber gasket by setting it around the perimeter of the lid. Such a step will avoid splashing water through a loose connection - we want the salon to remain clean and dry?

The final stage is to ensure the power supply of the pump and fans. For this, their wires must be attached to the wires of the car cigarette lighter (we hope you take care of the safety of compounds by relating them with a tape).

All, air conditioning in the car with your own hands ready. It remains to fill it with water and ice, after which it is easy to connect the cigarette lighter to a regular jack. Note that when the motor is turned off, it is not recommended to operate such a system - you risk planted battery. As for the effectiveness of such a system, it is not necessary to hope for a miracle, but a decrease in temperature for several degrees in the affair area will be guaranteed. Where in the way to replenish the stocks of ice is a completely different story. At least, at the gas stations, this consumable material is not yet offered.

Method using plastic bottles

This design is much easier to manufacture. And although it looks a bit primitive, the effectiveness of such a homemade air conditioner will not be much smaller than the previous version. So, the first stage of our design activity is to work with a bottle. Using a sharp knife or scissors, cut off the upper part of the tank (approximately in the middle of the upper convex rings). NEW set aside, and with the upper part you need to work: divide it about two parts and cut again. We get a watering can with a neck, as well as a small cylinder.

On the conical part of the watering can, do a series of holes around the perimeter, for which you can use either acute breakdown or soldering iron. If there is neither one, nor the other - any other cutting tool is suitable, at least a knife with a narrow blade. We do the same operation with the bottom of the bottle, namely on the convex rim located near the bottom. By inserting a cone into a glass (lower part), we get the body of our air conditioner.

Now it's time to engage in the installation of a fan equipped with a USB connector. It must be inserted into the third part of the plastic bottle. It will reliably consolidate it to help the adhesive tape (referred to as in the people of Scotch). The next step is the manufacture of a car ventilation deflector. For this, it makes the fool from dense paper, gluing the edge of the same sticky ribbon and cutting off the bottom along the diameter of the upper edge of the bottle. This improvised design will help to direct the flow of cooled air to the destination (for example, on the driver).

The smallest remains - lay in the container several pieces of ice (filling it at least half). Plug the connector in the car radio and enjoy the effect! If there is a long parking when the car is turned off, so as not to plant the battery, you can use the Crohn battery. Of course, such a design is unlikely to endure at least a month of use, but if we consider that our costs are not assembling such a design are almost equal to zero - if you wish, you can always make another such autocondary air conditioner.

Method with freezer

Since we will work with a metal container, efforts will need a little more, but the whole design will look solid and reliable. First you need to do the hole in the camera door. To do this, we use the jigsaw, cutting them with a circle with a diameter of about 10 cm.

To ensure air access from the salon, it is necessary to remove the rubber seal from the bottom of the door. We insert the drainage tube into the slot, all the rest of the space thoroughly seal by means of a predetermined seal and the mounting foam, which will be needed quite a bit. Now it is necessary to attach two fans, one of which is designed to cool the compressor, and the second - for the extraction of cooled air outwards. Where to install the design - it does not matter. The main thing is that it does not interfere with either the driver nor passengers and directed the cooled air there, where necessary. In principle, nothing interferes in the presence of free time and "straight" hands to make and try all three options by choosing the most suitable.

Of course, if you are absolutely not satisfied with the non-zeys of such a homemade air conditioning system, no one forbids mounting the universal (at least abnormal) air conditioning. In this case, you will receive a solution that practically does not differ from the standard (some dissonance can cause the device control buttons from the existing interior solution of the instrument panel). The only "but" - the cost of such a solution to the problem will be about 60 thousand rubles.

Therefore, the search for alternative methods of cooling the car in hot weather are not stopped, and the folk craftsmen use any technical innovations to implement a more advanced, efficient and reliable design of the air conditioner made by their hands from the remedies. It is the opinion that good results can be obtained using the window conditioner or its mobile analogue in the car. The cost of such a solution is almost an order of magnitude less - about 10 thousand rubles, and if at your disposal there is already such a working apparatus - it will at all cost you almost free.

The idea is to establish such a monoblock air conditioner in the rear seat area, use inverter 220 - 12 V to power it, and for the output of the heated air, it is simply to launch the appropriate nozzle into the window. However, there is a rather non-obvious error in such reasoning. It turns out that even the most intimid air conditioner for normal operation it is necessary to consume about 1500 W. If at 220 volts it is in principle is not a problem, then a 12-volt homemade air conditioning installed in the machine will not be able to work in view of the enormous current consumed. Explain this with specific calculations.

Suppose the inverter provides minimal losses when converting. In this case, the onboard network will power the mono air conditioner with a voltage of the on-board network (14 V), and current consumption will be 1500/12 \u003d 107 A. In order for the wiring from such a current, it should be a centimeter thickness of one and a half. But it should be noted that many generators do not even have such a high upper current limit. Yes, the inverter must be designed to work with the equipment of the appropriate power (1.5 - 2 kW) - and this is a very specific and expensive equipment that is found in a free sale is a big luck. So try, of course, it is possible, but subject to ensuring the solution of all of the above problems, which, frankly, is unrelated.

Air conditioning on semiconductor elements

Another idea walking on the network is homemade air conditioning in the car on Peltier elements. The idea is that the semiconductor element is quite large area when it is connected to the power supply on one side heats up, about the same degrees cooling on the other side. Purchase such plates - quite real, and the cost of them is not so high. By the way, mobile boxes refrigerators use this particular principle. It would seem that prevents from the pelier on the elements and the air conditioning system? Especially since such a solution will be inexpensive, and almost silent, without the use of the compressor, evaporator, tubes, refrigerant systems and other attributes of the classical auto air conditioner.

Unfortunately, the effectiveness of such a system will approach zero. The reason is quite banal - an insufficient surface area that will give cold to the salon. You just do not feel the difference when the device is turned on and off. Unless you put your hand on the device elements. But there is another problem - difficulty with heat removal from the bottom of the semiconductor elements. You will not be able to solve the problem - even purely theoretically, the effect of such a device will be zero.

Perhaps the ideal technical solution would be the manufacture of a roof of a car from semiconductor plates - in this case the problem of the heat sink is solved, and the cooling area will be sufficient to ensure that the cabin blowing. But there are other issues that require solutions - for example, temperature control. In any case, remove the roof of your car you are hardly decided, and for some reason, automakers are in no hurry to introduce such an idea of \u200b\u200blife.

Let's sum up

In spite of any tricks, the auto air conditioning, made with his own hands, can serve except that the demonstration of your ingenuity and technical condimation. There is no need to talk about the effectiveness of such devices, otherwise millions of domestic cars would have long been converted. Did you meet such machines in your practice? So if you want to ride comfortably, without simulating air cooling in the cabin homemade devices, without installing the classic compressor-conditioner, the compressor type can not do.

Technical progress does not stand still, the world goes to hybrid and electric vehicles, and the design of the air conditioner remains unchanged since the middle of the last century. You should not expect that you will find yourself smarter or lucky hundreds of professionals who are intensively working on this problem. So all your efforts aimed at improving the design of the self-made air conditioning system and increasing its efficiency will sooner or later be successfully forgotten, and the device itself will take an honorable place in the garage. In the end, the cooling capacity of a conventional refrigerator box will probably be higher than your homemade.

Comfort and climate in the auto car are important to each motorist. Car air conditioning is an indispensable part of the climate control system in the cabin of a modern vehicle. To ensure the optimal temperature of the cabin, modern cars are equipped with efficient systems of control climate. Today, the car enthusiast is used to feel comfort in any weather. In winter, the optimal temperature in the cabin is achieved due to the serviceable work of the stove, the summer climate in the cabin controls the air conditioner.

Of course, the owner of the car in full configuration is unlikely to come to think about the independent manufacture of the air conditioner, but the salon of early models of the car often requires improvements. To ensure proper comfort in the hot salon of an old car, you can manufacture the simplest air conditioner with your own hands. The technology of manufacturing the device is quite simple, but very interesting.

How to make automotive air conditioning with your own hands?

In order to make air conditioning need enough free time, the necessary tools and materials. For the manufacture of the air conditioner, we will need:

  • Sealed tank. It is desirable an old portable refrigerator or another container.
  • Radiator stove. Suitable the easiest.
  • Old charging from the automotive network.
  • Liquid pump.
  • 1-2 fans.
  • Tubes, wires.

Stages of work.

1. We establish a water compressor at the bottom of the tank. As a compressor, you can use aquarium pump or a device from a car flushing tank.

2. In the container lid, we do the hole of the required diameter to install the fan.

3. On the back of the cover glue the cabin radiator. To properly circulate the fluid, the output tubes should look down.

4. The pump outlet is connected to the input of the radiator. To ensure a more quiet and even operation of the radiator, you can connect the hose for the discharge.

The above is an approximate technology for making a climate control device with their own hands, which can be refined. For example, in order to free access to the on-board network for other devices, you can connect the power conditioner via USB. Thus, you can provide the operation of the air conditioner and the GPS navigator at the same time.

How does he work?

The container must be filled with ice in order for the pump to guide the flow of cold water into the radiator. At this time, the fans will blow cold air outwards, thereby restoring the optimal climate in the vehicle cabin.

Considering the relatively simple device and the availability of the components, to make air conditioning with their own hands will be able to every vehicle owner. In practice, an independently manufactured air conditioner showed itself as a fairly effective and economical. Nevertheless, due to the simplicity of the design, several obvious minuses arise: relatively large dimensions and a short period of performance. After an hour of operation in a hot summer time, ice is a tide and it is necessary to update it in a timely manner. It is not necessary to fix the device in the cabin of auto, since the air conditioner is quite stable and will not be used all year round.

The considered air conditioner manufacturing technology can also be used for the 220V home network. In this case, you can make the device more overall and productive.

Making an air conditioner with their own hands can be useful and interesting experiment.

Good luck in the manufacture!

Many buyers are not ready to lay out a rather solid amount of money for purchasing a car with air conditioning. Often they argue practical, believing that the driver and passenger can blow the stream of fresh air from open windows. But it is worth noting that the summer ride is not always dynamic, therefore on the track, and in the conditions of urban traffic jams, the air conditioner in the car becomes just a vital element, since it is likely that passengers can get

Why do many decide to install with their own hands? Because this procedure in a specialized cabin is often quite expensive, requiring significant efforts from professionals who make everything necessary to prepare the place and debugging the entire system of cooling the cabin in accordance with the placement of the remaining components of the car. This is due to the fact that the installation of the air conditioner into the car, which is already fully assembled, is a rather complicated and troublesome lesson in comparison with the installation at the car assembly stage. However, often vehicle owners do not stop. That is why you should imagine that in the car do it yourself?

To begin with, it is worth dividing all foreign cars into two types according to where they were collected. First of all, Japanese cars are allocated, as well as vehicles of European brands and other cars produced with the assistance of European concerns or by a similar principle.

Installing air conditioning in the car with your own hands, if the car refers to the first category, as professionals are evaluated, just enough. This is due to the fact that the evaporator in these cars is located next to either at the knees of the front passenger, which allows you to provide easy access to it. It is more difficult to install air conditioning in the car with your own hands, if we are talking about the vehicle of the second category. Usually it takes several days of work, since the evaporator is usually located in the depths of the engine compartment. If the work is performed by a professional, then his work may be facilitated due to the fact that in the car there are wires that are intended for air conditioner. This can also be said about the presence of a special place for the device.

Install the air conditioner in the car from the cigarette lighter is simple enough. Usually everything you need to know is described in the manual to the car itself and to the device you are going to install. First you should build an air conditioner on the floor of the garage to know how it will look. The installation should be started from the installation of the compressor and the coupling. The air conditioner radiator is often mounted in front of the engine radiator. The evaporator must be either in the cabin or under the hood. Manufactured in a specialized service.

It is worth saying that if you are not quite confident in your own power, you should contact the specialists who can fulfill this task qualified enough.

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