Home Food Working Program of Production Practice Work Program. Thematic Plan of Industrial Practice Thematic Plan of Production Practice

Working Program of Production Practice Work Program. Thematic Plan of Industrial Practice Thematic Plan of Production Practice

Structure and maintenance of industrial practice (pre-diploma)

Themed Plan Practices and calendar distribution of work performed is formed on the basis of the task of the scientific leader of the final qualifying work and is determined by the specifics of the study.

specialty 080110.51 banking


Topic Name Clock
Organization of the activities of the credit institution. Study of regulatory documentation governing the activities of a credit organization
The organizational structure of the management of a credit institution. Organization of document management in a credit institution
Organization of conducting settlement operations
Organization of credit operations
The state of the activities of the credit organization related to the subject of research in accordance with the theme of final qualifying work
Evaluation of the effectiveness of the credit institution related to the subject of research in accordance with the theme of final qualifying work
Analysis of the effectiveness of the activities of a credit organization related to the subject of research in accordance with the theme of final qualifying work
Identification of reserves for the effectiveness of the activities of a credit institution related to the subject of research in accordance with the theme of final qualifying work
Studying the possibilities of mobilization of reserves for the effectiveness of the activities of a credit organization related to the subject of research in accordance with the theme of final qualifying work
Development and coordination with the management of the credit organization of proposals for mobilizing reserves for the effectiveness of the activities of a credit organization related to the subject of research in accordance with the theme of exhaust qualifications
TOTAL 144 hours (4 weeks)

In the course of practice, the student must receive an idea of:

Regulatory and constituent documents of the credit institution;

The organizational structure of the management of the credit institution, the content of the provisions and instructions governing the activities of the divisions of the credit institution, job descriptions employees of units in which the student passes the practice;

Strategic goals and objectives solved by a credit institution;

- list and description of the content of the regulatory documentation governing the activities of the credit institution;

- scheme of the organizational and functional structure of a credit institution and its description;

List of internal structural divisions of the credit institution (branches, additional offices, offices, etc.);

Types of licensees and a list of circles of operations performed by the Bank on the basis of licenses;

Scheme "Bank Document";

A description of the principles of building a document management in a credit institution as a whole (in the context of the description of the organizational management structure) and an exhaustive description of the document management associated with the implementation of the unit in which the student passes the practice.

List and description of the content of the regulatory documentation governing the activities of the Bank for settlement services;

Schemes of services (description) provided by the Bank on the settlement of physical and legal entities;

List and description of the content of regulatory documentation governing the implementation of credit operations;

Schemes of services (description) provided by the Bank for Lending to Individuals and Legal Entities;

Description of the Bank's activities related to the subject of research in accordance with the theme of final qualifying work;

- Analysis of the state of activity of a credit institution related to the subject of research in accordance with the theme of final qualifying work. Including:

a) the characteristic of the indicators required for analysis,

b) the calculation of indicators characterizing this condition for a number of previous (1-2 years) and the present period of time,

c) summarized in the tables and the results of calculations in the dynamics presented in the graphical form

d) a description of the analytical conclusions about the status of a credit organization related to the subject of research in accordance with the theme of final qualifying work.

- assessment of the effectiveness of the activities of the credit organization related to the subject of research in accordance with the theme of final qualifying work,

- a description of the revealed reserves of the effectiveness of the activities of a credit organization related to the subject of research in accordance with the theme of final qualifying work with confirming calculations of the values \u200b\u200bof reserves,

Name of report sections The passage of the practice should correspond to themes designated as thematic terms.

In the application (s) to the report place initial or additional explanatory materials that served as an information base for the study conducted during the practice. Including: copies of documents containing information on the activities of the credit organization, the results of intermediate calculations, formed during the collection of the material database, etc.

The compilation of the report involves the following procedure:

1. Determination of the object of the study (practice sites) (before the start of practice)

2. Coordination of the topics of graduation qualification work (WRC) with PCC release (before the start of practice)

3. Drawing up a WRC plan together with the supervisor (before the start of the practice)

4. Getting a task (application) for the implementation of WRC from the supervisor (before the start of the practice)

5. Collection and processing of material for the report during practice

6. Formation of the report (on completion of practice)

Accounting of settlement operations;

Accounting of calculations using;

The procedure for the formation of accounting accounts for commodity transactions;

Meaning contracts and the organization of their accounting;

Accounting for joint activities.

Topic 3: Accounting for investment in fixed capital

The student must familiarize himself with the instructions and accounting provisions.

See which long-term investments were carried out at the enterprise:

The implementation of capital construction in the form of new construction, as well as reconstruction, expansion and technical re-equipment;

Acquisition of buildings, structures, equipment, vehicle and other individual facilities of fixed assets;

The acquisition and creation of intangible assets.

If there are objects under construction at the enterprise, then it is necessary to familiarize themselves with the registration of the costs produced at a contractual cost, estimates for the construction of a long-term investment cost accounting. It is necessary to determine which method is the construction and and how costs form depending on the project elected by the enterprise. Features of the accounting policy of the enterprise in the implementation of the workflow of the workshop (lead the scheme for correspondence for accounts for this kind Accounting and primary documents justifying costs). Features of the accounting policy of the enterprise at the contracting method (bring the scheme for correspondence of accounts for this type of accounting and primary documents that substantiate costs). In accordance with the requirements of PBU 2/2008, "Accounting of the construction contract agreements (Order of the Russian Federation № 000H from 01.01.2001) follows:

To determine the costs that do not increase the cost of fixed assets that should be taken into account on subaccount "Costs that do not increase the value of fixed assets and the procedure for their write-off";

Set the costs that increase the value of fixed assets, and to allocate the process of forming the cost of vehicles.

If the organization exercises expenses on research, experimental and technological work, recognized as in accounting as investments, then the composition of these expenses should be studied and the procedure for taking them into account.

Determine how analytical and synthetic accounting of sources of long-term investments are organized.

Topic 4: Accounting for fixed assets

The student must familiarize himself with the accounting policy of the enterprise for the accounting of fixed assets. This follows:

Familiarize yourself with the classification of fixed assets used in the enterprise;

Determine the ways of receipt of fixed assets on the enterprise, the features of accounting VAT. Establish primary documents reflecting the operation data, analytical accounting received fixed assets and synthetic accounting data;

Familiarize yourself with the management of the availability of fixed assets, indicate the primary documents, the organization of synthetic and analytical accounting;

Familiarize yourself with the movement of objects;

Familiarize yourself with the features of the accounting policy on the accrual depreciation of fixed assets, clarify an example of calculating depreciation at least in one type of fixed assets;

Fill out primary depreciation documents, familiarize yourself with the synthetic and analytical accounting of the depreciation of fixed assets;

Study the restoration of fixed assets;

Familiarize yourself with the documentary registration of the disposal of fixed assets, analytical and synthetic accounting of the disposal of fixed assets;

Familiarize yourself with the inventory and reassessment of fixed assets, primary documents, analytical and synthetic accounting;

Determine how the results of the inventory of fixed assets are reflected in accounting.

Examine the reflection order in accounting the results of the revaluation of fixed assets.

Examine the tax accounting of fixed assets.

Topic 5: Accounting for intangible assets

The accounting policy of the enterprise for the accounting of intangible assets and depreciation of intangible assets. In the process of studying it follows:

Familiarize yourself with the objects of intangible assets, their assessment in the enterprise;

Fill in primary documents for the posting and disposal of intangible assets, keeping taking into account the presence of intangible assets, the organization of analytical and synthetic accounting of the motion of intangible assets;

To familiarize yourself with the features of the accounting policy on the depreciation of intangible assets, fill in primary documents on the accrual depreciation of intangible assets, as well as study how analytical and synthetic accounting of depreciation of intangible assets are organized;

Examine the tax accounting of intangible assets.

Topic 6: Accounting for Financial Investments

Based on the requirements of the Regulation on accounting "Accounting for financial investments" of PBU 19/2002:

The concept and types of financial investments;

Investment in the authorized capital of other enterprises;

The cost of acquiring shares of other enterprises;
- accounts for the purchase of bonds;

Financial investments in loans;

Accounting policy, accounting for income and losses from the difference in the value of bonds.

Fill out the accounting registers for the formation of financial investments.

Topic 7: Accounting for material and stockpiles

Examine the situation and regulatory documents regulating organizations accounting and internal audit of material and industrial stocks in the enterprise.

Determine the classification and principles of evaluation used in the enterprise.

Examine documentary registration of receipt and consumption of production reserves, fill in primary documents.

Recovering the production reserves in warehouses and in accounting. Examine accounting policies for the study of material and industrial stocks.

Examine the synthetic accounting of the production reserves and the features of VAT accounting on acquired materials and written off into production.

Examine the procedure for carrying out inventory and reassessment of production reserves, the procedure for reflecting their results in accounting.

Examine the tax account of the material and stockpiles.

Topic 8: Accounting for wages and settlements with enterprise staff

Acquainted with regulatory documents, on the basis of which the accrual of wages are accrued in the enterprise. Examine the operational accounting of the number of employees and spent time and labor indicators and its payment used in the enterprise.

Acquainted with general provisions on the organization of remuneration and formation of the Fund, and which apply an enterprise.

Specify which forms and systems are applied at the enterprise.

Determine the composition and characteristics of the wage fund, the order of salary accrual and surgery for overtime and other time.

Examine the order of payment of vacations, calculating temporary disability benefits, employee bonuses system.

Consider the procedure for calculating the average earnings and features of salary accrual under civil law agreements.

h) unfinished production: composition, identification, assessment methods and accounting procedure.

k) Methods for taking into account the cost of production and calculation of the cost of products.

l) costs of circulation, their composition and accounting procedure in trade organizations.

Topic 3: Accounting for finished products and sales

The student needs to familiarize himself:

With the principles of recognition of sales revenues (as the buyer pays the buyer of settlement documents or as the goods and presentation of the buyer's settlement documents are shipped) with the composition and assessment of the finished products in the enterprise.

3) with the composition of commercial expenses, accounting procedure and write-off.

It is necessary to consider the receipt and shipment of the finished products to buyers, accounting for tax on, excise taxes and other mandatory payments on the products sold, accounting for sales of products, delivered to customers performed works and services rendered.

Get acquainted with the accounting system for purchasing goods, the features of accounting for the sale of goods under conditions and transactions.

Topic 4: Accounting for foreign currency operations

To familiarize yourself with the basic principles of the implementation of operations in foreign currency, an assessment in accounting and operations in foreign currency, the concept of "courseware differences" and the order of their reflection in accounting.

Consider accounting operations of software, accounting of cash transactions in foreign currency.

Explore the accounting of export and import operations.

Topic 5: Accounting for Profit and Loss

Examine the relationship of the indicator reflecting the financial result (with a loss) calculated in the manner prescribed by the regulatory accounting and the tax base for income tax calculated in the manner prescribed by tax legislation (chapter 25 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

The student needs to be familiar with the content of the enterprise. Due to what it is formed and in which account is the formation of profits from the main activity. Based on which primary documents and registers of analytical and synthetic accounting, data formation data is generated.

Read other income and expenses (from the sale and disposal of fixed assets and other assets).

Examine Accounting Accounting: To familiarize yourself with the analytical and synthetic registers on the accounting of profit, the specificity of the attribution of penalties.

Dividend accounting: to study the methodology for reflection in accounting operations related to the accrual and payment of income by the founders or.

Consider the further distribution of net profit and the formation of reserves in the enterprise.

Topic 6: Capital Accounting and Reserves

The student must:

Set status legal entity Enterprises in accordance with Chapter 4 of the First Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

1) familiarize yourself with the instructions, provisions on the basis of which the accounting of statutory and additional capital is organized;

2) familiarize yourself with the primary accounting of the authorized capital, with the organization of analytical accounting in terms of "announced capital", "paid capital", "subscription capital". Also analytical accounting should be organized by the form of founders (shareholders). Explore the construction of the charts of analytical accounting of authorized capital.

3) to explore the synthetic accounting of the authorized capital.

4) Consider how the formation of additional capital occurs: reassessment, control over operations related to gratuitous receipt of the property of industrial purposes, as well as with gratuitous transmission, consider the accrual and distribution of dividends.

5) the procedure for the formation and use of reserve capital.

Topic 7:. Intermediate financial and statistical reporting

Study of the procedure for compiling form No. 1 (accounting balance) in accordance with PBU 4/99 "Accounting Reporting Organization".

Consider the procedure for filling out the form number 2 (a report on financial results and their use).

The forms of interim accounting and statistical reporting should be attached to the report, as well as submit completed declarations of the form of settlements on the accrual of taxes in the budget, whose payer is a basic enterprise.

Topic 8: Organization tax accounting in the enterprise and the procedure for compiling and passing the tax reporting

The student should explore the procedure for the formation of the value of the acquired materials, primary documents on the accounting of raw materials and materials, the procedure for evaluating crushed raw materials and materials in tax accounting. Be able to draw up registers for tax accounting raw materials and materials.

The student should examine the methods of depreciation of depreciation according to the requirements of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, the procedure for depreciation of fixed assets, the procedure for depreciation of intangible assets, the procedure for including depreciation amounts. Be able to draw up registers for tax accounting depreciation deductions.

The student should explore the classification of expenses in accordance with Article 318 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, an assessment of incomplete production, the procedure for adjusting the accounting data of the incomplete production for tax purposes, an assessment of work in progress at the manufacturing plant, an assessment of the improved production of the enterprise, performing work and services.

The student should examine what expenses are normalized, the composition of expenses that should not exceed the established amount, the composition of the costs for which the standard is calculated as a percentage of labor costs, the composition of the costs for which the standard is calculated as a percentage of revenue. The student must receive the skills of accounting for normalized expenses in tax accounting registers.

The student must explore the definition of future periods in accordance with Articles 272 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. To have an idea of \u200b\u200bexpenses that relate to future periods and for accounting purposes and for tax purposes, as well as expenses that relate to future periods only for tax purposes.

The student must learn what insurance costs are taken into account when taxing profits and be able to conduct a tax account of insurance costs.

The student must examine the concept of depreciable property for tax purposes, primary documents on the accounting of depreciable property, the procedure for the formation of the initial value of fixed assets and intangible assets, determining income and expenses from the disposal of fixed assets, the procedure for maintaining tax accounting registers for fixed assets, adjusting accounting data To calculate the income tax, types of main funds of the enterprise, the order of accounting for current costs of repairing fixed assets, the procedure for the creation and use of the reserve for the upcoming costs of repairing fixed assets.

The student must explore the requirements of Article 250 and 317 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation and be able to draw up a settlement accounting register when paying fines and penalties, as well as when receiving penalties.

The student must examine the procedure for calculating the regulatory value of interest on attracted loans and loans. Registers of tax accounting percent of software. The procedure for adjusting accounting data for tax purposes.

The student must explore: the procedure for determining the amounts. The procedure for creating reserves for doubtful debts. The procedure for using a reserve for doubtful debts. Unused amounts of reserve.

If the support company is on a special tax regime (a simplified taxation system, a single tax on imputed income, a single agricultural tax), then the issues of tax accounting of property, income and expenses of this enterprise should be covered. With the mandatory lighting of the used accounting registers.

The student should examine the methods of calculating the taxable base for applicable taxes, their tax rates and benefits, deadlines and the procedure for transferring them to the budget. Fill tax Declaration According to existing taxes. Give brief conclusions about the state of tax accounting and reporting in the enterprise, compliance with its tax legislation.

Practice period

First day


    Acquaintance with the place of practice, with the head of practice from the institution

    General acquaintance with the specifics of the institution

    Allocation of up-to-date psychological issues in the activities of the institution, setting the tasks of practice

    Decision of organizational issues

Second day


    Planning Strategy and Tactics Solving Psychological Tasks

    Definition of a contingent for psychological support

    Selection and study of methodological materials on planned activities

All period


    Observation of the functioning of the institution

    Organized observation of studied objects, processes

    Observation of the work of the psychologist institution

    Visiting activities according to the practice plan, their psychological analysis

    Current organizational and methodological work: selection and manufacture of tools, learning and outwardness of educational and methodical literature.

    Maintaining a diary practice

    Organized monitoring of young children.

    Conducting a diagnostic study, studying the plot-role-playing game of preschoolers.

    Preparation of thematic stand in the institution

The first half of the practice period

    Diagnostic work

    Generalization of the results of diagnostics

    Monitoring the consultation of the psychologist the Practice Base. Analysis of this consultation

    These workshops in the first half of the period of production practice are carried out, as a rule, according to the plan of the psychologist, the Practice Base

Second half of the practice period

    Educational and educational activities and propaganda of psychological knowledge (as agreed with a psychologist - head of the practice framework):

    registration of the information stand, exhibition of psychological literature, etc.

    registration of thematic folders,

    compilation of bibliographic lists of special literature for employees of the institution (on request), etc.

    Psychoprofilact work on the results of the analysis of relevant issues and diagnostics:

Group consultations, lectures, conversations based on the results of diagnostics, at the request of the administration and the team;

Registration of the information stand, exhibition of psychological literature, etc.

    Correctional work on the results of diagnosis and by the individual plan of professional improvement:

Educational classes;

Last day of practice

    Summing up Practice:

    analysis of the implementation of tasks and problems imperative to implement the practice program;

    reflection of own activities and its own professional growth.

2. Registration of reporting documentation

Summing up practices

Within the deadline, no later than 3 days after the end of the practice, the practice materials are summarized and formed into a special folder, which is submitted to the Department (to the Protection Commission).

Structure and content of the folder with the reporting documents

Structural part of the folder


Title page folder

Diary practicant


    Calendar and thematic practice plan

    Self-analysis (reflection)


Description in free form

primary diagnostic materials


    Processing results

    Interpretation of the data obtained

    Psychological conclusion

Tables, profiles, graphics

materials in


    Plan-abstract independently developed consultation

    Psychological analysis of the observable consultation

    Thematic selection of guidelines for consultation

According to the results of diagnosis

writing materials

    The plan-abstract of an independent lecture (thematic communication)

    List of sources used

Themes of educational events are coordinated with the head of the practice of the base

correctional and Development Materials

    Program of correctional and developing work on the results of diagnostics

    Didactic materials for classes

    List of sources used

According to the results of diagnosis

Preventive Materials

    The program of psychoprophylactic work in the institution

    Thematic selection of methodological materials on the problem (query)

    List of sources used

On the task of the teacher from the base

feedback from Practice

    From the database practice

    From the department

Forms and methods of control

Differentiated testing in practice is exhibited by a student based on the analysis of the submitted reporting documents, feedback from the base and the Department, the results of the report of the report in the Commission appointed by the head of the department. An assessment for the practice is made in the testing and examination statement and the student's credentials.

Criteria for evaluating the performance of practice

The score is greatly exhibited by a student who:

    got excellent marks for all the activities specified in the Work Program of Practice,

    responsibly belonged to work on the basis of practice,

    showed deep theoretical and practical training,

    showed research and professional culture when issuing reporting documentation,

    qualitatively and on time wrote a practice report.

The assessment is well exhibited by a student who:

    fulfilled the entire amount of work provided for by the practice program

    well prepared and fulfilled all the events specified in the Work Program of Practice,

    allowed minor errors when performing tasks,

    showed interest and independence in work,

    obtained professional-ethical norms of psychological activity and the rules of the internal regulation of the institution,

    on time set, wrote a statement report.

The assessment is satisfactorily exposed to the student who:

    fulfilled the practice program,

    allowed significant errors in carrying out the activities provided for by the program,

    did not show enough interest, initiative and independence in the performance of tasks of practice,

    when performing tasks of practice, a lack of research and professional culture has demonstrated,

    passed a report with great delay.

The assessment is unsatisfactory exposed to the student who:

    did not fulfill the practice program

    irresponsible related to his duties,

    absent on the basis of practice without a valid reason

    not submitted reporting documentation.

Evaluation in Ballhach

Maintaining a diary of travelers:

    In form

Correct registration of primary protocols

Compliance processing instructions for the method

Literacy of the interpretation of the results

Compliance with the requirements:

Compliance with the desired request

Fullness of analysis of the observed consultation

Volume and quality of thematic selection of materials

Compliance with the design of bibliographic lists of the requirements of GOST

Accuracy and aesthetics of materials

Timely report presentation

Reviewer from the base

Completeness and argument of oral report

Answers to Commission Questions

Total scores


    Estimates on P.P. 1 - 15 Exhibits the head of the practice from the Department. The overall assessment for the practice is set by the Commission on the basis of protection.

    Depending on the type of practice (training, production, pre-diploma), a special coefficient of translating points in the ECTS scale is entered.

ECTS estimation ratio with national system

assessment in Ukraine and SGGU

ECTS score

On national scale

On a 100-point scale

Excellent - excellent performance with a minor number of errors

very good - above average with multiple errors

good - generally the right job with a certain number of minor errors

satisfactory - not bad, but with a significant number of shortcomings

enough (mediocre) - execution satisfies minimum criteria

conditionally unsatisfactory - you need to work before reapposition

of course unsatisfactory - serious further work is needed, mandatory re-course

Working Program of Industrial Practice

According to professional module pm.01


Profession 19727 Plastells

Chelyabinsk 2019.

Working program of the professional moduledeveloped on the basis of the Federal State Educational Standard under the Vocational Training Program, by the profession of working "plasteurs" from among those with limited features Health that does not have the basic general or secondary education.

Organization - Developer: State budget professional educational institution "Chelyabinsk motor vehicles".


Demin A.I. - Master of production training of state budget professional educational institution "Chelyabinsk Motor Transport Technical School"

Approved by the Methodological Council of the GBPOU "Chatt".

Protocol dated 09/02/2019 g № 02

1. Passport Working Program of Industrial Practice

1.1. Scope of application of the Work Program

The working program of production practice is part of the working main professional educational program of vocational training by the profession of work19727 "Plastekers" from among people with disabilities (with various forms of mental retardation), which have no basic general or secondary education.

1.2. Place production Practices In the structure of the main professional educational program:

Enters the professional module "Performing plaster works"

1.3. Objectives and objectives of production Practices - Requirements for the results of practice:

As a result of the passage of practice, the study should have practical experience:

Implementation of preparatory work in the production of plastering;

Performing plastered surfaces of various degrees of complexity;

Performing the finishing of plaster surfaces;

Repair of plastered surfaces

As a result of the practice of practice, the student should be able to:

- organize workplace;

Calculate the scope of work and the need of materials;

Determine the suitability of materials;

Create safe working conditions;

Make manually dranched shields;

Navigate insulating materials and metal grids;

Pull metal meshes on the finished frame;

Stuff nails and wed up with wire;

Perform a notch manually and mechanized way;

Punch sockets manually with plugs;

Ending boxes and places of adjoining large-pointed partitions;

Rinse the surfaces with the protection of them with polymers;

Prepare manually and mechanized method of dry mixture of conventional solutions and according to the specified composition;

Prepare solutions from dry mortar mixtures;

Prepare decorative and special solutions;

Perform simple plaster;

Perform solid alignment of surfaces;

Deceive with a solution of wire mesh;

To boost the places of adjustment to the walls of platbands and plinths;

Perform improved shuttering of manually surfaces of varying complexity;

Separating the slopes, muffled and lowered by prefabricated elements;

Terminal surface plaster;

Separate the seams between the plates of precast concrete floors, wall panels;

Perform high quality plastered surfaces of various complexity;

Apply decorative solutions on the surface and handling manually and mechanized tool;

Separate facades with decorative plaster;

Covering surfaces with waterproofing, gas insulation sound-absorbing, heat-resistant, rengenone-pyremic solutions;

Pull the thrust with cutting angles;

Pull the thrust, hollows of a constant section with all kinds of solutions on rectilinear surfaces with cutting angles;

Lining with plasterboard sheets on glue;

Control the quality of plasters;

Perform a hypertension;

Perform single-layer plaster made of ready-made gypsum mixtures;

Puts gypsum putty;

Apply decorative plaster on plaster and cement basis;

Perform the repair of ordinary plastered surfaces;

Repair surfaces lined with dry plaster sheets.

As a result of the development of educational practice, the student should know:

Basics of labor legislation;

The main rules for reading drawings;

Methods of employment in the workplace;

Exemplary rates of raw materials and materials for work performed;

Technology preparation of various surfaces;

Types of basic materials used in the production of plastering;

Properties of materials used in plastering;

Name, appointment and rules for the use of manual tools, fixtures and inventory;

Ways for wetting surfaces;

Methods of markup and breaking the surfaces of the facade and internal surfaces;

Methods for the preparation of various surfaces under the stucco;

Properties of basic materials and ready-made dry mortar mixtures used in plastering;

Species, appointments, compositions and methods for preparing solutions from dry mixtures;

Mastic compositions for fastening dry plaster;

Types and properties of retarder and grasp accelerators;

Basic materials used in the production of plastering;

Rules of stamps and lighthouses;

Technology finishing window and doorways;

Technological sequence of conventional shuttering surfaces;

Technology performing decorative plasters;

Technology for performing special plasters;

Pulling technology and housing

Seam finishing technology with various materials;

Safety technique when performing plastering;

Basic materials used when finishing plasters;

Technology of gypsum plaster;

Safety equipment when finishing plaster;

Species, causes of plaster defects;

Requirements for construction standards and rules for the quality of plaster

1.4. Number of hours:

330 hours

2. Structure and content of industrial practice

2.1. Practice and types of work:

1 course - 120

2 course - 210

Separation name

Number of hours

1. Fill the finishing of plastered surfaces

2. Filling the repair of plastered surfaces


Intermediate certification in form

Differentiated testing

2.2. Thematic Plan of Production Practice

Separation name

Number of hours

Level of development

Performing plating plastered surfaces

  1. Internship
  2. Types of jobs
  3. Preparation of surfaces for plastering
  4. Preparation of solutions made of dry mortar mixtures, decorative and special;
  5. Performing simple plaster
  6. Performing improved shuttering of manually surfaces of various complexity
  7. Performing high-quality shuttering manually surfaces of various complexity
  8. Finishing of slopes
  9. Pulling the corner cutting
  10. Repair works of the plastered surface of varying degrees of complexity
  11. Washing surfaces
  12. Device brands and lighthouses
  13. Improved shuttering surfaces
  14. High quality shuttering surfaces
  15. Outcasting
  16. Pulling the thrust and cutting of the corners
  17. Watching columns
  18. Decorative Stucco Facade Finishing
  19. Performing decorative plaster

Repair of plastered surfaces

1. Perform repair of conventional plaster surfaces.

2. Watching the battered places.

3. Repair of facade

4.Towening of slopes

5. Sustained surfaces.

6. Natirka corners

3. Terms of production practices

3.1. Requirements to minimum material and technical support

The base for conducting work practices is the workshops, educational buildings,


3.2. Information support training

Main sources:

  1. Cherrym G.G. "Technology of shtka work": a textbook for NGOs. M.: Ed. Center "Academy", 2012, 240c
  2. Petrova I.V. General Technology of Finishing Construction Works: Tutorial for NGOs. M.: Publishing Center "Acadmia" 2013. -192
  3. Cherrym G.G. "Plastering work": Tutorials for NGOs. M.: Ed. Center "Academy", 2012, 224c

Additional sources:

  1. E.V. Parikov et al. Materials Science (dry construction).: Textbook for NGOs for NGOs. M, Academy, 2010.304С
  2. Crashing N.N. "Technology of finishing construction works": a training manual for NGOs. M.: Ed. Center "Academy", 2012, 2416c

Internet resources:


http: //euro-remont.b.

4. Control and evaluation of results
Passage of training practice

The control and assessment of the results of production practices are carried out by masters of production training on the relevant topics.


(developed professional competencies)

PC 1.1. Perform preparatory work in the production of plaster works.

Choosing materials. Dosing material. Select the necessary tool.

PC 1.2. Make plastering surfaces of varying degrees of complexity.

Performing plastering by various techniques.

Assessment of the head of practice, mentor.

PC 1.3. Perform the finishing of plastered surfaces

Surface tossing, applying a spray, soil, crossbar with smoking and highlight of the luzgs and juice

Assessment of the head of practice, mentor.

PC 1.4. Perform repair of plastered surfaces.

Organization of workplace and labor protection. Preparation of the ceiling, surface, slopes and other surfaces, plastering and pedaging of old plaster. The expanding and cutting of cracks and cracks with their dressing.

Assessment of the head of practice, mentor.

Forms and methods of control and assessment of learning outcomes should allow to check

learning not only formed by professional competencies, but also the development of general competencies and ensuring their skills.


(mastered general competencies)

The main indicators of the evaluation of the result

Forms and methods of control and evaluation

OK 1. Understand the essence and social significance of your future profession, to show sustainable interest.

- Demonstration of interest in the future profession.

OK 2. Organize your own activities based on the purpose and methods of its achievement determined by the head

- the choice and application of methods and methods for solving professional tasks;

- Evaluation of the efficiency and quality of work.

- Surveillance on educational practice

OK 3. Analyze the work situation, carry out the current and final control, assessment and correction of our own activities, to be responsible for the results of its work.

- solving standard and non-standard professional tasks.

- Surveillance on educational practice

OK 4. Search for information necessary to effectively perform professional tasks.

- The ability to work with information using the capabilities of new information and communication technologies.

- Surveillance on educational practice

OK 5. Use information and communication technologies in professional activities.

- Application software When making accounting and reporting documentation.

- Surveillance on educational practice

OK 6. Work in the team and team, effectively communicate with colleagues, management, clients.

- mastering ways to interact with environmental and people, communication skills, cooperation in various fields, skills to defend their own opinion, to be tolerable to other things, contact in various social groups.

- Surveillance on educational practice

OK 7. Perform military duty, including using the received professional knowledge (for young men).

- Compliance with labor safety and environmental safety requirements.

- Surveillance on educational practice

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