Home Engine The work of the driver guys the second younger group. The abstract of the clause on traffic rules in the younger group of kindergarten according to GEF. Topic: driver's work. Task in groups

The work of the driver guys the second younger group. The abstract of the clause on traffic rules in the younger group of kindergarten according to GEF. Topic: driver's work. Task in groups

Extracurricular occupation on vocational guidance "work of the driver".

Author: Sevostyanova Natalia Vasilyevna, Educator Nizhny Tagilskaya Special Correctional School - boarding school № 15

Work description: This extracurricular event on professional orientational activities may be useful to educators of extended day groups and class managers. The occupation is intended for students of 8 - 9 classes.
Purpose: Dating pupils with the professional profession.

1. Didactic: familiarity with the history of the driver's profession; Repetition of previously studied traffic rules.
2. Educational: the formation of a positive attitude towards the professional profession; Formation of positive character traits.
3. Correctional: Correction of thinking, speech pupils.

1. The introductory part. Organizing time.

Good afternoon, dear guys, dear adults!
- Good day!
- Allow our lesson to start.
- Draw on leaves one mug or red, or black, or blue.

- Thank you!
- in color of circles you can determine your mood.
(Hanging the table "Color matching")
(Summing up)
- Now we will play the game, which is called "Challenge Loudly."
(Repetition of the Rules of the game "Leading Sloves")
- no end in the line,
Where are three points.
Who will come up with the end,
That will be ....
- … well done.
- Where there are cars stream,
Road signs a lot
Watching whistles in the whistle,
So there ....
- ... Road.
- So that I take you,
I do not need Oats.
Feed me with gasoline,
On the hoofs give rubber
And then, raising dust,
Will run ...
- ... car.
- knows the rules of movement,
As a teacher lesson.
Plus Snorzka when driving,
Call him ...
- ... driver.
- Well done!
- What is the road?
- The road is ....
"The road is the riding strip, rolled out or deliberately prepared stretching for the movement of transport and people")
- What is a car?
- The car is ....
"The car is a transport lightning machine mainly on a wheeled driving, driven by its own engine used for transportation on the roads of people and cargo")
- Who is called the driver?
- Driver - ...
(Hanging table with text
"Driver (chauffeur) - a man managing)
(Summing up)

2. Home part.

You already guessed that today we will talk about the work of the driver.
(Hanging table with text
"Theme: driver's work")
- The purpose of our classes ...
(Hanging table with text
"Purpose: to get acquainted with the professional profession")
- The professional profession is closely connected with the history of the development of self-devil vehicles. Historically, drivers existed since the appearance of the first machines. The first drivers (chaufferes) appeared in Europe at the end of the XVIII century. They manage steam wagons that could develop no more than 7 kilometers per hour. The very first car constructed the Frenchman Nicolas Kyuno in 1770 (showing the portrait of Nicolas Kyuno and the drawing of a car constructed). But it was just a prototype of that car, which in 1885 the German engineer Karl Benz was constructed in 1885, - the first car with a gasoline engine (showing the portrait of Karl Benz and the drawing of a car constructed). The car moved a little faster pedestrian. People laughed at this mechanical utter and called him "self-polling wheelchair." In Russia, the first car appeared 120 years ago in 1895. Each transport novelty aroused surprise and even late on the part of civilians who preferred to give her management and personal security in the hands of an experienced driver, which perfectly knowing the rules of movement. The first drivers looked like monsters, in their glasses, caps with headphones and long hoods, laced high boots - these were people of the new automotive century (showing the first driver's portrait). Later a taxi appeared, and then trucks, buses. Cars began their conquest of the world. Now we can not even imagine life without transportation and without people working on cars. To date, in our country, the driver of the vehicle is one of the most popular professions.
- Is it easy to be a driver? They will answer this question after reading the passage from the work of N. Nosova "How Dunno rode on a carbonated car."
"Once, when the trafficking was not at home, Dunno climbed into the car, which stood in the yard, and began to pull the levers and press the pedals. At first he did not work out, then suddenly the car snapped and went. The shorteys saw it out the window and ran out of the house.
- What are you doing? They shouted. - Kill!
"I don't rissing," Dunno replied, and immediately hit the dog's booth, which stood in the middle of the courtyard.
Fuck - fuck! The booth crumbled into sins. It is good that the boulders managed to jump out, and then Dunno and it would give him.
- You see what you have done! - shouted smoky. - Stop now.
Dunno frightened, wanted to stop the car and pulled some lever. But the car, instead of stopping, went even faster. A gazebo came on the road. Fuck - Ta - Ra - Rah! The gazebo crumpled into pieces. I have been screaming from my legs to the head. It hooked it on his back, another cracked on the back of the back.
Dunno grabbed the steering wheel and let's turn. The car is worn around the yard, and Dunno shouts into all the throat:
- Brothers, open the gate rather, and then I fracture everything in the yard!
The gates opened the gate, Dunno drove away from the yard and rushed down the street. Hearing the noise, the shorteys ran down from all the courtyards.
- Beware! - Dunno shouted and rushed forward.
Znayka, Avoska, Victor, Dr. Pilyulkin and other shorts fled behind him. But where there! They could not catch up with him.
Dunno challenged around the city and did not know how to stop the car.
Finally, the car drove up to the river, fell out of the cliff and cubera rolled down. Nursery fell out of her and stayed on the shore, and the carbonated car fell into the water and drowned. "
- Is it easy to be a driver?
- … .
- How to get a driver profession?
- It is impossible to become a chauffeur, without having a driver's license, so the first step is driving school. The second step is practice: according to some calculations, the skill skill begins after 30 thousand nailed kilometers. If you wish, you can significantly expand the driver's framework, continuing education in higher educational institutions in the industry of vehicles and become, for example, an engineer of automotive or engineer for the construction of roads.
- What are the requirements for the driver?
- The driver must know the rules of the road.
- Do you know the rules of the road?
- Yes.
- We will spend the blitz - a survey. When survey, you will need to quickly and correctly answer questions.
Questions blitz - poll.
1. What traffic signal is prohibited moving? (Red.)
2. A traffic light signal allowing motion. (Green.)
3. Part of the street intended for transport. (Driving part.)
4. Part of the street intended for pedestrians. (Sidewalk.)
5. Place intersection of roads. (Crossroads.)
6. How to cross the road with one-sided movement?
7. How to cross the road with a double-sided movement?
8. How to cross the intersection?
9. A man walking on foot. (A pedestrian.)
10. On which side of the sidewalk should a pedestrian going? (Right.)
11. On which side of the road should a pedestrian, if there is no sidewalk? (On the left, towards coming transport.)
12. How many turns are there? (Right and left.)
- What qualities should the driver have?
- The driver controls the complex expensive machine, in the creation of which many engineers and workers participated, so he must know the device's device well to care for her, i.e. to serve and repair, be able to manage it at different times of the day, year. The driver must have such qualities as attentiveness, observation, vigilance, caution, prudency, balance, patience, to be a physically hardy person.
- Are you physically hardy?
- Yes.
- I suggest this check.
(Execution of physical exercise
Under the song of the chauffeur "performed by L. Agutin)
- Well done!
- I bring to your attention a video about the driver's profession.
(Watching children video recording about the driver's profession)
- How does the driver work?
- The driver constantly monitors the road, behind the control facilities (traffic lights, road signs, markup lines), for the testimony of devices, for transport, which moves towards meetings and is ahead of.
- Who is the most careful of the driver?
- The driver is more attentive to the pedestrians.
- During the day, the driver overcomes long distances. He gets tired and attention to him weakens. It is necessary to help the driver in every way.
- What kind of help can we have a driver in work?
- From pedestrians, it takes a little - to carry out the rules of the roadmail and keep from incorrect actions on the street of other pedestrians.
- Performing important, the driver's work expects that you will be disciplined on the street and road, and it will save you from accidents.

3. Final part.

And now I would like to know what mood you have at the end of our classes. Draw on sheets one mug or red, or blue, or black.
(Practical work of pupils)
- Who at the end of the lesson is improved?
- … .
- Why?
(Summing up the classes)
- Our occupation is completed. Thank you.

Subject: Acquaintance with the professional profession (chauffeur)


- to acquaint with the profession of the chauffeur;

- to learn logically answer questions, offer answers;

- consolidate knowledge about the machine device;

- to bring up respect for the work of adults;

- instill the skills of cultural behavior on the roads.

Equipment: Toys - squirrel, bunny and bear, steering wheel, cargo and passenger cars, traffic lights, sound sound phonograms and machines.

Educator. Today I will tell you a fairy tale. In one forest lived a squelch and bunny-lazy. (Shows toys.) Do you think why they called them?

Children answer.

The skidder-skill rose early, everything was touched in the house, and the bunny-lazy did not want to do anything, but only funny cartoons to watch. Once in the morning, the skilled cell woke the bunny-lazy and said that guests will come to them today in the forest garden, so we must prepare for the meeting.

Bunny-lazy. What will guests come on? And you guys know?

Children answer.

Of course, by car. Does the car goes?

Squelchka squirrel. The car leads a chauffeur.

Bunny-lazy. Sho ... who?


Chauffeur. He must know a lot and be able to.

Bunny-lazy. Think what is there to know and be able to know? I got into the car, started it with the key and twist the ram.

Educator. Guys, is there a bunny-lazy?

Squelchka squirrel. The chauffeur must know the machine device. What is it from?

Children. From body, cab, wheels, steering wheel.

Sounds a car signal.

Educator. Oh, we have to go to us.

A bear (chauffeur) appears.

Bear. Hello, I am a chauffeur, came to know the way to your home.

Squelchka squirrel. And what car will you go on?

Bear. On passenger.

Bunny-lazy. Are there any other cars?

Squelchka squirrel. Guys, what other cars come?

Children. Cargo.

Bunny-lazy. Do they differ in anything?

Skill - skill shows illustrations. What do you think, what car is light, and what a cargo?

Children answer.

Bunny-lazy.Why are they so called?

Children answer.

Squelchka squirrel. That's right, in passenger people drive, and in cargo cargo transport.

Bear. True, I give you the products to your kindergarten on the cargo car. It is very difficult. It is necessary to wash the car, turn on the motor, do not let go, to watch the road.

Bunny-lazy. Why look at her? Let the car herself goes.

Bear. This is just the clockwork itself, and all the other drives the chaufferes. And the rules of movement need to know that the accident does not occur on the road.

Skill-skill. And you guys know what the light can go, what about what?

Children. On green - you can, on red - no.

Bunny-lazy. I seem to begin to understand.

After all, the driver to become

I need to know the car,

Rules do not violate -

They are on the road to follow.

G. Symin

Skill-skill. You see, bunny-lazy man, now the driver will learn our address and bring guests on what car?

Children. On passenger.

Bunny-lazy. And what products in kindergarten he will bring, remember?

Children. On cargo.

Squelchka squirrel. Or maybe you will say that you can still carry on a cargo machine?

Children answer.

Bear.Let's take everything in the chauffeurs. Imagine that you took the steering wheel. Create a motor and go.

The game "Chauffs and Traffic Lights" is held. On the green light, children "ride", on red - stop.

Skill-skill. Thank you guys, that they helped explain the bunny-lazy, who is such a chauffeur, and they all remembered. Well done!

Irina Kharlanova
Cognitive development of the driver's work (the second junior group)

Cognitive development« Work of the driver»

(second younger group)

purpose: Secure children's knowledge about cars. Get acquainted with the work of the driver. Cultivate respect to labor adults, careful attitude to toys cars. Fasten the skills of cultural behavior on the road.

Educator: Guys, look at what cars we have in the garage. What color are they? What size?

Educator: Tell me, do the cars themselves move?

(No. We are them river)

Educator: And what is the name of a man who drives the car?


Educator: How the driver drives the machine?

(Turns the steering wheel, taking pedals, etc.)

Educator: To work driver, you need to know a lot. Where left, where the right where right. And you want to become drivers? (Yes)

Then play the game "We drivers» .

The tutor gives a task, on the signal to change direction: left, right, straight, brand ....

Educator: Well done. How well you learned drive.

You know the car will not be able to ride without gasoline. And we need to fix their cars.

Didactic game "Racely the car".

On the board card with machines of different magnitude. As well as cards with a canister with gasoline. It is necessary for each machine to pick up a card with the canister of the appropriate size. (Large car - large canister, medium - average, etc.)

Educator: Well done. Your tired cars can now leave. But we must very carefully control the car so that the accident does not happen. What should know driverSo that on the road it was safe?

(Do not rush, be attentive, know the traffic lights, etc.)

Educator: Well done. Now you are real drivers And you can go on the road.

(Children play, water cars, consider them)

Publications on the topic:

"Cognitive development" (FMP) "Little mathematicians visiting Fly - Costs" (Junior Group) Tasks: Educational: Improve the ability to distinguish and call colors. To form the ability to distinguish with the concepts: "one", "a lot", "big",.

Target excursion "Driver's work" Municipal preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 5 G. Volka Saratov region" Revolutionary street, 29, telephone: 7-10-39.

Cognitive-cognitive entertainment "Play Cosmos" (Second Junior Group) Game - Cognitive entertainment for kids "Play Cosmos." Developed and conducted an instructor on physical culture Balmusova Tatiana.

Physical and cognitive occupation "The chicken was walking" (the second younger group) Tasks: To form the emotional experience of children, to promote elementary reincarnation. To raise the desire to do physical exercises.

Abstract OD in the educational area "Cognitive development" "We will help the gnomes" (the second younger group) Integration of educational areas: "Cognitive development", "Physical Culture", "Speech Development", "Socio-Communicative Development".

COMPOSIT OF ADD "Cognitive development" "Bear away from the guys" (the second group of early age) Purpose: To acquaint children with the names of items of the nearest environment: "Toy", "Bear". Educational tasks: Learn to describe a toy.

Abstract ODO in the educational area "Cognitive development" Theme: "Travel of butterflies". Second younger group Software content: I exercise in the ability to play a given number of movements and call them alone, a lot. (Socio-Communicative.

An abstract classes in the educational field "cognitive development", "On a visit to the birds" (the second younger group) Topic: "On a visit to the birds" Objective: Formation in children of ideas about the peculiarities of the life and behavior of birds in the Winter Forest. Educational.

Abstract Classes of "Machines in our Life" (driver watching)

20.03.2016 2103 357 Nikolaev Svetlana Nikolaevna

Ortasi Tobyң.
ұYemdastrylғan Oқu Kyzmetіnің
№ 13 Technicians karts
Technological card number 13.
Organized learning activities
Medium group

Kүni. Date: 03/10/2016
Tәrbeshі. Educator: Nikolaev S.N.
Bilіm take salads. Education area: Cognition
Boulіmderі. Section: Acquaintance with others.
TқYERI. Topic: Machines in our lives (driver watching)
Makatsat Objective: to acquaint with a variety of freight transport (milklood, bread, bread). Show parts of auto: cabin, steering wheel, body, wheels.
Develop the ability to understand the importance of transport to facilitate human life and labor.
Learning to distinguish and call parts of the road (driving part and sidewalk).
Continue to acquaint with the rules of behavior on the street.
Zabdyқtar. Equipment: Toy Transport, Pictures Transport, Presentation
Bilingviadom component. Bilingual component:
Kyzmettіk Kezң.
Stages of activity Tәrbeshіnің ұYemdastrushylқ қыsemmetі
Management actions of the teacher of the balalardyң қыsemmet
Children's activities

Motivational and motivating - guys how you today traveled to a kindergarten who lives far on something
Who lives next to the kindergarten - came on foot, who lives far from kindergarten - drove on the bus, car, taxi (the tutor places the corresponding pictures on the magnetic board).
And car, bus, taxi is that? - What are the people who go in passenger transport?

What is the name of the car that helps to carry the load?
- What loads can carry freight cars on foot, car, bus



Furniture, sand, snow, food, gasoline, milk, etc.

ҰYemdastor -Idzister.r.

Organizational -work cars Our assistants, but without the driver they will not be able to work. The driver must know the device of his car, its parts.
Here we are today and find out with you how the car is arranged.
Considering the car
- What is the name of the place where the driver sits?
- Where are loads?

What does the driver go to the cockpit?

What drives the driver?

What helps the car move?

Gaming exercise "We are going on the bus"
- And now all together rush on the bus. Who will we be on the bus? And how should passengers in the bus and why?

I will talk, and you answer:

Finger game game "at refueling"

Exercise "Guess"

The helicopter is called the heavenly all-terrain vehicle, because he is not required by the airfield to land, he can stay in the air to save fishermen or extinguishing a fire. The main driving force of the helicopter is a huge and powerful screw.
- Guys and now name in one word all these cars. What is common with this transport?

Guys and now name in one word all these cars.

Fizkultminutka "Traffic light"

Presentation of "Special Forces Machines"


Through the door

Answers children

The bus from the stop (drove), to another stop (drove). Then on a small slide (drove or drove) and together with us he is a bridge (moved). He quickly into the tunnel (drove) and from there soon to refueling (drove, came).

All cars in order
Drive up for refueling.
(both hands "cool the steering wheel" in front of them)
Flashing, garbage truck,
With milk milk,
With bread fresh bread
And heavy forestry.
(Alternately, starting with the Mizinz, relate to the palm).

Children guess the riddles. After each correct answer, the tutor shows the appropriate picture or toy.

Does not wave, but flies
Not a bird, and everyone overtakes. (plane)

Without overclocking, it takes off,
Dragonfly reminds
Departed in flight
Children, this- (helicopter).

This is air transport.

House on the street goes
To work everyone is lucky
Not on thin bitch legs,
And in rubber boots.

They are visible everywhere, they can be seen from the windows
The streets are moving fast stream,
They transport various goods:
Brick and iron, grain and watermelons.
For this work, we loved them,
They are called (cars).

Need to go carefully
You can stay for the horns.
Only sorry that the groves are not
What kind of horse? (bicycle) .

This is land transport

Children become. According to the tutor's signal "We start the motors! R-R-R-R-R "Children begin to move, and the educator manages the movement, lifting a round cardboard sheet of the corresponding color - red, yellow or green.
The red light caught fire - it means there are no roads
Yellow - carefully,
And the green light is burning, it means again, the path is open!

Reflective -t.zetusіlіk
Reflectively -corrifying children, let's remember with what "smart machines" today met today with you? Why did they create a person? For a walk, we will remember the rules of behavior on the street, on the carriage of the children's responses

Kүtіletnn nәtij. Predicted result.

Jeanғrtyrtada. Reproduces: A variety of freight transport (milkloz, bread). Parts of the car: cabin, steering wheel, body, wheels.
TүSіnedi. Understands: the value of transport to facilitate the life and labor of man
Koldanada. Applies: rules of behavior on the street.

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