Home Nutrition New artifacts on Mars. Artifacts on Mars. Strange deep hole

New artifacts on Mars. Artifacts on Mars. Strange deep hole

The other day, in one of the images of the Curiosity rover, which NASA published on its official website, ufologists discovered a silhouette resembling the figure of a woman.

Let's take a closer look at this and other similar cases.

Ghost Woman

The silhouette looks so believable that for some it may be the embodiment of the desire to find extraterrestrial life. The picture is complemented by the fact that the “ghost” seems to be standing on a stone, demanding attention.


The legendary discovery of the Mars rover Spirit. A photograph from 2008, which shows the silhouette of a creature seemingly wandering through the red desert. Due to the fact that his pose was reminiscent of the famous frame where Bigfoot was allegedly captured, the mysterious stranger was nicknamed the “Martian Yeti.”

Alien Temple

A photo from the 2008 Opportunity rover, in which the layered rock reminded ufologists of the creation of human (or alien) hands. The hoaxers suggested that the footage captured the entrance to a destroyed temple with a large monument welcoming visitors. Nearby, a “Martian ship” was found buried in the sand.


A 2011 image taken by the Reconnassance Orbiter space station, for which there is a fairly simple scientific explanation. Firstly, if these were trees, then, judging by the image, they would grow parallel to the surface of the planet. Secondly, such marks on the sand are the result of the evaporation of frozen carbon dioxide.


A legendary photo that excited people's minds in the late seventies and early eighties. Then many decided that a certain civilization had built a temple in the shape of a human face on Mars.

Giant smiley

In 1976, the Viking Orbiter 1 spacecraft discovered a giant “smiley face” on Mars. In 1999, with clearer footage, scientists were able to take a closer look at it. We are talking about a crater with a radius of 230 kilometers. The find was later used in the famous comic book "Watchmen".


In September 2014, the Curiosity rover sent back a picture of a flawless-looking ball lying on the surface of the planet. However, NASA quickly cooled the ardor of ufologists: the size of the “artifact” is about one centimeter in diameter, and it was most likely the result of a geological process called nodule. During it, something like a snowball forms around some small solid body.

Little helmet, bone and Martian rat

No, they're just rocks.

Flash Light

A Curiosity image taken in April 2014 gave ufologists reason to assume that aliens accidentally revealed themselves with a flash in the dark. However, NASA scientist Doug Ellison dispelled the myth, suggesting that it could be an impact from a cosmic ray - a stream of charged particles.

Drawing on the ground

The only true man-made artifact on Mars are the footprints left by the Curiosity rover.

Just a couple of days ago, in one of the photographs, a mysterious find, a “Martian crab,” was again discovered. These photos, posted on the official NASA website, spread across all media and other sources of information and caused a lot of controversy. We present you a video about this photo.

Joseph Skipper, a renowned Mars explorer, has revealed his latest speculation after carefully reviewing photographs taken by the Curiosity rover.

Photos from Mars are published on NASA's official website. Joseph Skipper, being a virtual archaeologist, carefully studied the panorama of the Martian Gale Crater and discovered further artifacts. His attention was attracted by two interesting objects that contrasted with the surrounding landscape.

The researcher suggested that the new Martian artifacts resemble disks or small cups without handles, or bowls made of white porcelain. Objects can be seen if you enlarge the images. But these are just assumptions; it always remains unknown what exactly is captured in Curiosity’s frame. These photos were taken by the rover in November last year.

Another artifact discovered in the photo from Mars is what appears to be a wheel rim. Perhaps some objects have been preserved from the time of life on Mars of some civilization similar to the one that now exists on Earth.

Another artificial artifact on Mars!

Another fresh news from Curiosity. In the photo behind Sol 545, a very strange artifact was discovered, most likely of artificial origin. Offhand, it is very reminiscent of the details of spaceships from science fiction films.

Generally speaking, it can be anything: a part of a spaceship, a piece of a building structure, a piece of sculpture. One thing is obvious: an object of artificial origin.

As usual, the artifact was discovered by amateurs; NASA traditionally maintains a proud silence, although nothing prevents the rover from moving closer and touching the strange object. This would remove a lot of questions and cut the ground from under all speculation. Alas, NASA prefers to pretend that nothing has been discovered. Question: why?

Fragment of a photograph from 1976. Face

Moreover, a few kilometers from the sculpture they found a cluster of objects that suspiciously resembled four- and five-sided pyramids with a diameter of hundreds of meters - apparently the ruins of some other huge structures.

Previously, scientists believed that all these objects were just a game of Nature, a successful arrangement of shadows at the time of the photograph. But alas, the not very good clarity of the Viking 1 images did not make it possible to definitively prove this version.

Again a picture taken 30 years ago. At the top you can see the Face, below there is a large group of Pyramids, pyramids and other objects called the City, a detail called the Fort.

But, probably, even new, even clearer images taken by the European Mars Express spacecraft at the end of July this year and officially released the other day will not dispel the last doubts.

Second and third perspectives of faces obtained by Mars Express this summer. On the bottom, perhaps, you can see the resemblance to a face.

The region of Sidonia, where the famous Face is located, has coordinates of 40.75 degrees north latitude and 350.54 degrees east longitude. It belongs to the intermediate zone between the southern highlands and the northern plains of Mars. This passage is characterized by wide, rock-filled valleys and isolated hills of various shapes and sizes.

The Cydonia region in a new image from Mars Express, viewed from above. We oriented this fragment in approximately the same way as the frame from Viking 1.

They were much more interested in something else: a lot of interesting details illustrating the results of the erosion process, the formation of embankments from crushed rocks, traces of landslides, scarps and the like.

New artifacts from Curiosity. Coin on Mars

Another photo from Mars taken Curiosity. which depicts an object that has certain associations for us, Earthlings. This coin on Mars. well, or something similar to it, sprinkled with Martian soil.

Since this photo was officially posted on the NASA website, it cannot be called a fake. But whether it’s a coin or some kind of Martian stone is up to everyone to decide for themselves.

Sources: www.planet-nwes.ru, on-the-other-side.ru, ufodos.org.ua, x-mars.narod.ru, joy4mind.com

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Online archaeologists continue to “comprehend” the secrets of Mars through the discovery of various artifacts in photographs sent by rovers, in particular the Curiosity rover, proving that there is or once existed intelligent life on the Red Planet - a fully developed civilization, perhaps even many times over superior to ours. (website)

True, all their finds are so ephemeral that NASA has long stopped paying attention to the latest “sensation” produced by these home-grown researchers. On the other hand, we all know very well that orthodox science does not recognize artifacts that prove, for example, the more ancient origin of man, which are found on Earth by real archaeological scientists. As a rule, such artifacts are either hushed up or disappear somewhere without a trace.

And if you also take into account the fact that ufologists constantly repeat that NASA is hiding a lot, and what appears on its official website (where online archaeologists graze) is just the tip of the iceberg of all the information received from Mars, then it’s not hard to believe : You can also dig up something at this top. However, decide for yourself how you should feel about such unique Martian finds, for which, for example, this month turned out to be abundant...

Kyshtym dwarf discovered on Mars

In one of the images sent by Curiosity, virtual archaeologists recently discovered a “little Martian” who looks like the already known or Kyshtym dwarf. And if the latter disappeared without a trace in the scientific laboratories of the KGB of the former Soviet Union, then the humanoid mummy from Atacama, found in 2003, has been well studied. She is approximately the same size (fifteen centimeters) as the supposed Martian in the photo, who looks out from behind the stone wall.

Most likely, this is a fossilized mummy of a Martian, suggested the famous online ufologist Scott Waring, which once again proves that there was or still is a civilization on Mars. Another thing is that the Martians, apparently, have been gone for a long time on the surface of the planet, but they still leave traces of their presence.

Martian artifact in the form of an engine

Another equally interesting artifact, discovered not so long ago in Martian photographs, is very similar to an engine. At the very least, this is clearly a man-made object - some kind of cylindrical mechanism, sharply different from the stones scattered near it. Please note, online archaeologists advise, that there is a clearly visible pipe on this cylinder, and the object itself is covered either with tiles or panels, and its right end is unrealistically smooth for natural objects.

In the video, when the object is subjected to the overlay of color and shadow, the artifact looks like an Earth sea mine, at the same time it could very well be the engine of a spaceship or some kind of part of a Martian mechanism. Unfortunately, the quality of the image is very low, which does not allow us to accurately determine what it is.

Another June discovery made by Scott Waring on Mars is a bas-relief that closely resembles the face of the Gorgon Medusa. Of course, it is difficult to imagine that the Martians knew ancient Greek mythology and its characters, but it is quite possible to imagine that this mythology itself was born much earlier and not even on Earth.

The ufologist who discovered this bas-relief assures that chiaroscuro cannot so skillfully create the face of Medusa, at least, there is too much such material for reflection on Mars for all these finds to simply be attributed to an illusion, as NASA employees want to present and convince us . Isn’t it more reasonable to assume, Scott writes on his blog, that NASA has much more interesting Martian artifacts, but at the same time is trying in every possible way to keep earthlings completely in the dark about what is really happening on the Red Planet.

The NASA photo archive contains a very large number of photographs of the surface of Mars, which have been processed by many scientists and enthusiasts. Some photographs revealed very interesting anomalies, the origin of which can be attributed to the activities of intelligent beings living on Mars.

1 photo

2 photos

Photo 1 shows an area of ​​the surface of Mars similar to the ruins of an ancient city that once existed on Mars. If you look closely at this picture, you can find the remains of buildings and intensive agricultural activities of intelligent beings who lived on this planet.
A similar image to photo 2 is the ruins of a city with a developed intensive method of agriculture in the mountains of Peru.

3 photos

4 photos

5 photos

In the enlarged image of photo 3, you can find terraces on which Martian crops may have been cultivated.
A similar image in the mountains of Peru (photos 4 and 5).

6 photos

7 photos

The image in photo 6 has an unusual feature that looks more like ancient walls or perhaps the remaining walls of ancient buildings.
The right side of the image appears to slope upward toward the top of the image (approximately north), and the left side of the image appears to first be on a flat surface and then gradually sink into the sand. This may be a naturally occurring feature where the walls may have been covered with sand.
Some semblance of buildings can be seen in the mountains of Peru, shown in photo 7.

The "Martian Sphinx" is located approximately 15 km. north of the mathematical center of Cydonia and inclined approximately 300 relative to the Martian meridian.

In 1979, operators at the Mission Control Center captured this image, number 35A72, received from the Viking. A huge female face looked at the operators from the surface of distant Mars.
Very little time passed, the “optical illusion image” was bought by a certain West German programmer, who, without thinking twice, entered its parameters into the computer in order to bring the image closer, to look at it not from an orbital height of hundreds of kilometers, but from only one and a half kilometers. When the computer printed the result, he... was stunned - the optical illusion completely disappeared, a woman was really looking at him! For its unblinking gaze directed to the sky and its characteristic “ancient Egyptian hairstyle,” this statue received the nickname “Martian Sphinx.”

Viking snapshot of the Sidonia region.
"Martian Sphinx", pyramids of the "city", steep wall (cliff).

The head of the Viking program, K. Snyder, stated that “the discovered image is just rock formations that have taken on bizarre shapes as a result of the play of light and shadows.”

They did not refrain from studying photography at the Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry named after. Vernadsky. According to the candidate of geographical sciences R. Kuzmin, “it’s all about oblique lighting, the light of the low-lying Sun casts shadows from ordinary tubercles, and as for the nostrils and the necklace on the face, these are ordinary interference that arose during the transmission of the image to Earth!”
Indeed, according to the laws of probability theory, the insidious play of light and shadow can suddenly create any image, one on the entire planet, right down to the inscription “Hello, earthlings.” But if this is not a real image, then you just need to change the direction of the lighting and the whole effect will immediately disappear.
And NASA workers rummaged through thousands of photographs and found one more, previously rejected, photograph (70A13), taken on a different orbit and, therefore, at a different time. The Martian sphinx, although barely visible, nevertheless did not disappear! Having received two photographs in their hands, American specialists began computer construction of a stereo image. For some reason, the nostrils, necklace, and other points that were considered interference did not disappear in the new image, but the computer confidently drew the pupils of the eyes and even the teeth in the slightly open mouth!

Another image of a structure that resembles a sculpture of a human face, only it was photographed in another area of ​​Mars - in Utopia.

No, the skeptics said again, such a giant can only be built by a very powerful civilization, but it is not on Mars, and if it were, then why would it need a statue that can only be seen from Space? And the Martian Sphinx again became a coincidence, only now not of light and shadow, but as a result of the weathering of rocks. With a certain degree of stretch, one could agree with such a statement if this were... an isolated case.
If the image of a woman’s face somehow immediately caught the eye, then attention was paid to the structures located 7 km from the sphinx a little later. Structures is an understatement; Tyurin-Avinsky counted as many as 11 pyramids (4 large, 7 small) in this place, an entire “city”! They don't look like the results of volcanic activity or anything else. If these are just volcanoes, then there is no visible crater, lava flows on the walls or around them, and these volcanoes have too regular a shape: three-, four-, pentagonal, sharp edges and a peak. About 10 years have passed since his research; computer technology has come a long way during this time, so what entire institutes once worked on has become possible for just one programmer. The specialist who had to be contacted with this request processed the image, and... now one of the most powerful computers to date shows a three-dimensional image of the Asydalian Plain on Mars. Almost all the boldest predictions were confirmed (photo below).

Moreover, instead of 11 pyramids and buildings, 19 appear on the diagram, “road” lines and a strange round platform appear. The “roads” are clearly not just laid out randomly, two of them approach the pyramids, and three immediately converge to the circle in the center of the “city”. The dimensions here are amazing: the largest central pyramid is almost ten times (!) larger than the famous Pyramid of Cheops in Egypt. If the pyramids are at least somehow close and understandable to us, then we can argue endlessly about the purpose of the “circle” with a diameter of a kilometer: a cosmodrome, a testing ground, an accelerator-type laboratory, a filled-in crater, the central square of the city?..

There is no doubt that the “city” was built a long time ago and is currently uninhabited. How is this known? Judge for yourself: large meteorites do not fall on the surface of the planet very often, but in the photographs of the “city” you can see at least two direct hits of such meteorites on the left large pyramid and at the crossroads of the “roads”. Neither one nor the other was restored, probably because there was no one left to restore it!

Even ancient people, as far as possible, began to study the unique world of Mars through the night sky. People have always known that something special was hiding about the neighboring planet.

Despite being a much smaller planet than Earth, Mars is the most terrestrial planet in the solar system, with many similar geological features, including polar ice caps and ancient (now dry) river beds.

But is there/or was there life on Mars? Despite the controversy surrounding Mars meteorites, which some scientists believe contain fossils of ancient Martian life forms (like bacteria), there is no conclusive evidence that life ever existed on Mars.

But you must admit, this does not exclude the possibility that once in the past there was life on Mars. And although there is no significant evidence for this assumption, there are amazing photographs that provoke strong curiosity.

Floating artifacts of Mars.

The presented image shows two relatively skinny objects casting a shadow on the surface of the planet. Objects look as if the structure is suspended or floating above the ground.

NASA experts attributed the objects in the photograph to the realm of pareidolia - some exquisite tricks of light and shadow (as are all such artifacts). The agency says it's just a "strange rock" shaped by winds and time.

Although it is unlikely that the objects are a spoon and something else (as they say), they still require closer attention. But NASA (at least officially) is not interested. NASA's official position on these structures is that they are natural formations.

Monolith on Mars.

Without a doubt, here we are seeing fascinating objects that have been photographed on the surface of Mars and its moon Phobos. The tall geometric structure looks like a man-made creation - with a purpose unknown to us.

The “tower” appears in the photo as a tall structure with a white tip, casting a long shadow. If the Monolith on Mars is indeed a tower of some kind, it will rise an incredible 6.3 km in height - that's 12 times taller than the largest skyscraper on Earth.

The object is a free-standing geometric block of enormous height. The first thing that immediately comes to mind is the monolith created by aliens from the 2001 film: A Space Odyssey. But is this object artificial?

Scientists believe: "In reality, it is more likely that the boulder was created by breaking away from the foundation, forming a rectangular shape." If this is true, then where is the “root” itself, from which the giant monolith broke off, and was positioned in such an interesting way?

Where is the stone that broke to create this shape? And why did such a tall Tower not collapse under the influence of wind and time?

The object appears to stand perfectly on its own on the flat ground. Of course, we can't say that this is an artificial structure, but we can add it to the growing list of strange Martian anomalies.

Monolith on Phobos.

We must boldly go where man has not gone before - fly, visit asteroids, visit the Moon of Mars. . A very unusual structure on this small potato-shaped object that passes around Mars once every seven hours, says Buzz Aldrin.

Could such “natural structures” be optical illusions of natural geological formations? Well... of course they can. But to directly reject the opinion that structures cannot be artificial in origin is just as unscientific as the statement that they were created by intelligent beings.

At the same time, the suggestion that the towers are artificial is such a big claim that these images should be carefully examined with healthy skepticism, but with an open mind.

Image data from seemingly man-made structures can be dissolved into natural formations to produce more detailed, high-resolution photographs (as happened with Face on Mars).

Pyramids of Giza and Martian pyramids.

The Sidonia region on Mars seems to be filled with mysterious anomalous structures. Southwest of the infamous "face on Mars" is a group of structures called "pyramids". With their relatively smooth, triangular sides, they bear a striking resemblance to the pyramids at Giza.

But should we be surprised at the Martian pyramids if the red world contains the remains of a big city!

Star City on Mars.

The curious formation seen here was called the Star City. This is a rather complex structure, and we cannot but agree with the researchers who saw artificial walls in the photograph. The city is part of a large area of ​​strange patterns, geometric objects and other anomalous curiosities on Mars.

However, according to skeptics, the “city buildings” covering the local landscape most likely have a natural origin: “Large domes and tubes, volcanic in origin, some of the domes have partially collapsed, creating interesting structures. In many cases, the undestroyed features are likely partially empty, and could provide shelter from the extreme Martian environment."

Indeed, assuming that education looks artificial, this does not mean that this is how things really are. We are just beginning to understand Mars' climate, geology, and processes occurring there. The question of whether Mars has running water is still hotly debated. But you must admit, there are some features of this strange planet that are truly mystifying.

Domed crater on Mars.

See one of the most unusual craters on Mars. The photo clearly shows the appearance of a crater with something unusual looking inside. In the center of the crater is a dome-shaped structure, almost perfectly spherical. It has a ball-like texture...reminiscent of Buckminster Fuller's geodesic design.

What's more intriguing is that the dome is very close to what appears to be a system of tunnels or pipelines that run above and below the surface of Mars. Small tunnels seem to connect to larger tunnels, as if forming some kind of huge drainage system. What if there is some kind of structure hiding in the center of the crater?

Martian finger.

A curious photo taken by a rover on Mars shows an object that looks remarkably like a human finger, complete with nail. Obviously, we only see one side of the object, so we can't tell whether the artifact looks like a finger from all angles.

Some have suggested that it is a fossilized finger from a Martian, or a broken finger from a Martian statue, which may be closer to the truth. Or is it again just a strange piece of stone that, from the researchers’ point of view, looks like a finger?

"Rodent" on the surface of Mars.

Mars is indeed full of surprises and artifacts; in the photo we see what has been called a Mars rodent. The object looks an awful lot like a guinea pig, such as one might find in any Earthly pet store.

Is it possible that this is actually some form of Martian rodent? If so, what does he eat there? – There is no vegetation on the planet. However, the funny rodent looks very cheerful from the outside. Maybe there is some form of underground life that the animal discovers in its burrows?

Or maybe it's an optical illusion again, a stone whose shape tricks us into seeing a furry little beast with a nose, an eye and perhaps a front leg.

Bone on Mars.

The image was taken in August 2014 and shows an object that looks very similar to some kind of bone. Some observers compared the artifact to a femur.
However, according to scientists, there should be no bones on Mars, since life has never been discovered there. And, of course, no evidence of large life forms has been confirmed.

Could this artifact serve as evidence of life on Mars, or is it just another strange rock that resembles bone? The coloring, proportions and shape, and even with articular nodes at the ends, immediately make you think of the bones of the limbs.

Unfortunately, without serious investigation, no conclusion can be drawn about the true nature of the artifact, and we do not know whether NASA plans to take a closer look at the suspicious object. Most likely no:

“If life existed on Mars, scientists expect it to be simple life forms called microbes,” NASA said in a press release. “Mars probably never had enough oxygen in its atmosphere to support more complex organisms. So large fossils cannot exist."

Many researchers are sure that this is the bone of an alien Martian animal. Others suggest that the bone resemblance is simply pareidolia—the human brain's tendency to find familiar shapes in random formations.

Martian totem.

It's probably not a Martian totem pole at all. But what is this strange thing? Is this similar to science education? Is there a natural formation comparable to it on Earth?

It looks like an object with rounded objects on it that look like they were specially screwed onto a pole. And all this stands in a very smooth part of the area, in a depression, as if the riddle was specially planted there.

Alien weapon.

Here's another puzzle on the surface of Mars. An incredibly mysterious artifact that observers compared to some kind of weapon, like tanks or anti-aircraft guns. Indeed, we see an amazing resemblance: there is a frame body and a cannon barrel pointing upward.

Maybe this is just another mischief in the games of light and shadow, but looking at such artifacts and anomalies taken together, you come to the conclusion: not everything is so simple in the past history of Mars.

It should be taken into account that only a small part of the planet’s territories has been considered. So what is this unusual rock formation? Or something different? Either way, Mars is an extremely strange and terribly interesting place.

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