Home Chassis Why do you dream of boiling water? Dream Interpretation: why do you dream of Water, to see Water in a dream, what does it mean Personal dreams and their interpretations

Why do you dream of boiling water? Dream Interpretation: why do you dream of Water, to see Water in a dream, what does it mean Personal dreams and their interpretations

Much has already been said about dreamed water: clean, dirty, in a pond, indoors. But there is another version of the dream in which we see this element. How many people know why hot water is dreamed of, and what it prophesies to a sleeping person? Most dream books interpret it the same way: warm water seen in a dream is a sign of approaching good luck. Is it so? Let's find out!

Brief interpretation of sleep

“A dream is a little life” - this is how you can paraphrase the lines of a famous song. But it’s true that when we experience certain events in a dream, we understand that the subconscious is warning us about something. But very often it happens that when we open our eyes in the morning, we realize: from our “little life” only grains remain - scraps and fragments.

Do not worry! The brevity of the plot is just a limitation of interpretation. But dream books will definitely tell you what awaits us! Here are a few examples of what boiling water means in dreams:

  • Transparent boiling water is a sign of a great mood.
  • Steam rising above dirty water means illness.
  • Swimming in hot but muddy water - beware of gossip.
  • Drinking boiling water means trouble.
  • Diving into the wormwood and realizing that the water is hot means unexpected “pleasures.”

Miller's Dream Book

A well-known dream interpreter interprets that hot water can be dreamed of when a new stage in life awaits the dreamer. Bathing in it means defeating enemies and problems.

The “seething” element as a symbol of unexpected changes

For those who dream of liquid boiling in a saucepan, Pastor Loff’s dream book recommends paying attention to the changes that are “asking” to come into your life. Especially if the water in the pan gurgled so much that the steam knocked off the lid.

But if you dreamed that you were burned by hot water poured into a pan, then you need to prepare yourself mentally for the possible difficulties that come along with innovations. Get burned and not feel pain - you will not notice any inconvenience.

“Boiling” life is a sign of achievements

Seeing hot water filling the Jacuzzi in the bathroom means “conquering the peaks” of your Destiny, according to the Eastern Dream Book. Bathing in a bathtub with hot water means rapid career growth. Swimming in the bathtub in water that gradually becomes warmer means you will have to fight for an increase.

The Lunar Dream Book gives an excellent interpretation of a dream, interpreting a dream in which you see water flowing from a tap. This means that the goal will be achieved. And if instead of water, only clouds of steam come out of the tap, then you will have to seek support from friends.

It’s worse if nothing comes out of the tap in a dream - it’s open, but there’s no water. This may be an indication that you have not calculated your moves correctly, and it will be difficult to achieve what you want. It’s not just you who doesn’t have hot water, it’s not available in the whole house? Competitors will block all your paths.

The article on the topic: “dream book water is burning” provides up-to-date information on this issue for 2018.

Much has already been said about dreamed water: clean, dirty, in a pond, indoors. But there is another version of the dream in which we see this element. How many people know why hot water is dreamed of, and what it prophesies to a sleeping person? Most dream books interpret it the same way: warm water seen in a dream is a sign of approaching good luck. Is it so? Let's find out!

Brief interpretation of sleep

“A dream is a little life” - this is how you can paraphrase the lines of a famous song. But it’s true that when we experience certain events in a dream, we understand that the subconscious is warning us about something. But very often it happens that when we open our eyes in the morning, we realize: from our “little life” only grains remain - scraps and fragments.

Do not worry! The brevity of the plot is just a limitation of interpretation. But dream books will definitely tell you what awaits us! Here are a few examples of what boiling water means in dreams:

  • Transparent boiling water is a sign of a great mood.
  • Steam rising above dirty water means illness.
  • Swimming in hot but muddy water - beware of gossip.
  • Drinking boiling water means trouble.
  • Diving into the wormwood and realizing that the water is hot means unexpected “pleasures.”

Miller's Dream Book

A well-known dream interpreter interprets that hot water can be dreamed of when a new stage in life awaits the dreamer. Bathing in it means defeating enemies and problems.

The “seething” element as a symbol of unexpected changes

For those who dream of liquid boiling in a saucepan, Pastor Loff’s dream book recommends paying attention to the changes that are “asking” to come into your life. Especially if the water in the pan gurgled so much that the steam knocked off the lid.

But if you dreamed that you were burned by hot water poured into a pan, then you need to prepare yourself mentally for the possible difficulties that come along with innovations. Get burned and not feel pain - you will not notice any inconvenience.

“Boiling” life is a sign of achievements

Seeing hot water filling the Jacuzzi in the bathroom means “conquering the peaks” of your Destiny, according to the Eastern Dream Book. Bathing in a bathtub with hot water means rapid career growth. Swimming in the bathtub in water that gradually becomes warmer means you will have to fight for an increase.

The Lunar Dream Book gives an excellent interpretation of a dream, interpreting a dream in which you see water flowing from a tap. This means that the goal will be achieved. And if instead of water, only clouds of steam come out of the tap, then you will have to seek support from friends.

It’s worse if nothing comes out of the tap in a dream - it’s open, but there’s no water. This may be an indication that you have not calculated your moves correctly, and it will be difficult to achieve what you want. It’s not just you who doesn’t have hot water, it’s not available in the whole house? Competitors will block all your paths.

Accidental “flood”, or Be careful...

Do you dream that you see a lot of hot water in your apartment, like a flood, “organized” by a burst pipe? The disease can “knock you down” with a high fever, Vanga’s dream book warns. Was the flood caused by the neighbors upstairs? Someone will “inflict” gossip on you.

Did you dream that you were forced to walk through boiling water, and there was a lot of it on the floor because of a broken dishwasher or washing machine? Purchases made in the near future will be in vain.

Not exactly what was in my dream.

I liked all of the above and found the answer to my question.

Everything is not as rosy as you would like, but everything is almost true!

Why do you dream about water burning, what does it prophesy to a sleeping person?

Sometimes even the most insignificant details of a nightmare can affect its interpretation, so when trying to decipher what you saw, you need to remember the entire vision. Why do you dream about water burning and how much can this dream affect the dreamer’s relationship with the opposite sex?

What if you dream about water burning?

If water burns in a dream, in reality a person should pay attention to his personal life, to the peculiarities of his relationship with his significant other. Such dreams indicate that love has consumed the sleeper and taken possession of all his thoughts and feelings. And there is nothing good in this, because even on the love front you need to adhere to at least a little common sense.

When a person dreams that he enters a body of water with his significant other and the water suddenly catches fire, and his lover or beloved is trying to get out onto land, most likely a crisis has occurred in the relationship. The dreamer should give his regular partner some freedom and not try to control every step. A loved one may get bored with such ardent love and want to step aside, which will turn into a real tragedy for the sleeper. He will feel insulted and humiliated, but in fact he will be the culprit of all the unpleasant events.

You should not take what you see seriously if the day before the sleeper observed some kind of fire. In this case, the nightmare does not make any sense and only reflects experiences experienced in reality, as well as fears for one’s life and valuable property.

If you dreamed that the water caught fire on its own, this means that in reality all problems will arise suddenly, on their own and for no apparent reason. When a dreamer has to set fire to water in a nightmare, in reality he will turn others against him with his actions.

Seeing a fiery water jet in a dream means in reality taking purposeful actions aimed at destroying your own well-being. The sleeper should think about his lifestyle and style of communication with others.

Dreams in which a person had to swim in the depths of a reservoir and watch its surface catch fire prophesy a happy ending to everything that has begun. Certain difficulties will arise in the life of the sleeper, but they will be able to cope with everything. Problems will not affect him too deeply and will pass by or, if we draw an analogy with the plot of a dream, over the top. In a nightmare, saving a loved one from a burning lake means in reality being dependent on him, not wanting to part with him.

What does it portend?

Visions in which it was necessary to extinguish burning water are not always favorable. For example, if it was not the dreamer himself who was doing this, but his significant other, very soon a difficult period will begin in the marriage, associated with a cooling of feelings.

If in a nightmare the burning water flared up suddenly and went out just as quickly, this means that all the difficulties that arise along the path of life will be solved very easily. Seeing burning water in a dream and droplets of blood in it means in reality you will find yourself in a situation in which a blood relative will need help. You should not refuse support from a loved one, because after some time the sleeping person himself will need something from this person.

Trying to extinguish burning water with a jet of flame in a dream means in reality committing very illogical and not entirely correct actions. Seeing a burning puddle on the office floor in a nightmare means problems at work. These difficulties will affect not only the sleeping person, but the entire team as a whole.

Burning water is a symbol of burning feelings and immeasurable love. Such relationships are often accompanied by jealousy and an attempt to control the other half even in small things. Not everyone is satisfied with this format of communication, so in order to maintain a romantic relationship or even a family, you need to slightly change your behavior and give your partner more freedom.

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Dream interpretation water is burning

Dream interpretation hot water

More than half of a person consists of water, therefore water is vital.

According to scientific research, a person can live more than fifty days without food. Without water, the body can function for only a little more than three days.

Good water has no color, smell or taste. As a rule, modern people always have it at hand, so we don’t think about it. Water can appear to us in dreams in different forms: boiling, seething, melting, rain, rotten, sea, soapy. It can also be of different colors, for example white.

Basically, water is a positive symbol and does not predict anything bad.

But psychologists and dream books attach great importance to the appearance and color of the water that appeared to you in a dream.

If you dreamed about hot water

In reality, we mostly see clear or rusty water. But at night the psyche can “get back” and present us with completely bizarre colors in which the water will be colored. So, why do you dream of this or that color of water?

Cloudy, rotten, green slurry - a difficult period in life awaits you soon. Getting bogged down in a swamp means marking time; after such behavior, no prospects will open up for you. Turquoise water quenches your thirst and an unforgettable love affair awaits you. Green water is used in cooking - your husband loves you very much, he will do everything for your happiness. Green water is a positive dream, it means that everything is fine with your psyche, physical health, and emotions.

Fulfillment of cherished desires, happiness. Blue water with a blue tint promises mutual feelings.

If the water was rusty

Red or rusty is a signal of illness. If you dreamed of water that gradually turns red with blood, there may be a curse on your family, as the great seer Vanga believed. Bathing in such a liquid means you will be consumed by passion; according to another interpretation, you yourself will be healed of the illness that tormented you. Also, such a dream, where red water appears, can warn a person of impending danger. Red - rose water for a whirlwind romance.

Such water dreams of change, new romantic hobbies.

Temperature conditions and microelements

Since school, we know that water can be in liquid, solid, and gaseous states. That is, water itself, ice and steam. There is also water that is saturated with microelements and is proudly called mineral. Each of these states, appearing in a dream, has its own subtext. Let's figure it out by answering the most frequently asked questions.

see boiling water in a dream

Why do you dream about hot water? Shame on you. Boiling or seething - great stress, under which you will not be able to control your emotions. Stormy (seething) - to a quarrel with a partner.

Why do you dream of frozen water? To complete calm in work and love relationships. If in a dream, melted, only defrosted water brought pleasant sensations, it means that you needed this break in business.

Melted slurry means the bad period of your life is behind you, now everything will begin to improve and move in a positive direction.

Why do you dream about mineral water? To a complete improvement in life position. You can safely say, looking at the dream book, sparkling water will bring good luck to your life. Even if at the moment there is no sign of success, believe me, soon everything will be just fine for you.

Don’t ignore the dream book; carbonated water may dream of a love affair, which will not harm you at all, but on the contrary will be beneficial.

Literally every dream book gives an interpretation of sparkling water: mineral water – dreams:

  • cool - excellent health, success;
  • warm - health will worsen, problems;
  • drink it - the business you have begun will be crowned with success;
  • a chance to fulfill your cherished desire;
  • spilled - miss your chance;
  • treat someone - keep your mouth shut, you talk too much.

Why do you dream of rusty water? Some kind of illness has settled in your body, pay special attention to the state of your health.

Various nuances

If water is spilled on the floor

It happens that in a dream we dreamed of dripping rain water - events will happen that will greatly affect you.

If you dreamed about deep water, you will soon learn the secrets of your other half, including the true attitude towards you.

Big water, a waterfall, a flood - you are overwhelmed with emotions. Large water in the apartment, for example, a flood - troubles in the family.

If you dreamed of water spilled on the floor, it means troubles, illnesses, quarrels, their severity depends on the degree of contamination of the water. Collect water - now you absolutely do not need excessive impulsiveness, otherwise you can “break the woods”. You can put it all together and deal with all the problems.

A pipe has burst, from which large stormy water is pouring out - to a big quarrel with your spouse due to jealousy.

Hot water drunk from a tap leads to ailments and illnesses in the sleeping person. If you dream that you give such water to a loved one, he will get sick.

To dream that the liquid is soapy and rotten means you are going through a difficult period in your life, a streak of bad luck. Fall into it - you will make too many mistakes. Muddy, soapy water predicts confusion of feelings; you will not know what to do next and which path to choose.

In general, diving into water means difficulties, unless you plunge headlong - such a dream will mean that you will cope with all obstacles.

Drowning in dreams means you are trying to resist fate. Sometimes it is still worth submitting, since such a struggle can greatly affect your health.

To shower yourself is to experience fascination in reality. Wash your face - you will be attractive to the opposite sex. Wash your face with hot water, you will cry, “you will wash your face with hot tears.” Soapy water washes your hands - you are trying to relieve yourself of responsibility for what is happening around you. Splash - those around you will be surprised by your actions.

Stormy rainwater dreams of trouble and danger, calm rain, on the contrary, promises deliverance from all worries and troubles.

Melt water, turquoise in color, will comfort you, which means that all difficulties are behind you. You have a new stage ahead, which will be an order of magnitude better than the previous one.

Strong grief is prophesied in reality by a dream in which the sleeper has warm water to drink. In general, warm water is considered not good by many dream books. Although it is important to pay attention to its color, only green liquid can save the situation.

Turn off the tap - stop communicating with some friend.

If you swam in warm water

You dream of salty sea water, which gradually becomes hot - your cherished wish will come true. Seeing a person being covered by a wave of warm water is a bad sign that portends a serious illness.

Salty sea water leads to ambiguous situations and internal tossing. In another dream book, salty sea water is deciphered as a sign of well-being and health.

If in a dream you are swimming in water that is warm, salty, sea and deep, and also pleasantly turquoise in color, important events will happen for you.

Be careful of boiling water!

If you scoop up liquid from a hot spring and see that it is boiling - to great grief. Are your relatives with you? Very soon one of them will leave this mortal coil. If boiling liquid spills onto the ground, a close friend will betray you.

Boil water in a dream - you are playing too much. The fact is that boiling liquid indicates that you are deliberately playing with your partner’s feelings, making him jealous.

If you dream that your apartment is filled with hot liquid due to a burst pipe, you will soon be knocked down by a high temperature, try not to get overcooled, stock up on antipyretics. But if your neighbors flood you with hot water, one of your friends will “throw mud” at you.

The apartment is filled with boiling water due to the breakdown of household cleaning equipment - purchases that you will make in the near future will not bring you any benefit.

Most importantly, remember the emotions during the dream, as well as after it. Dreams that are good in an emotional sense cannot a priori be negative predictions. But those dreams that caused you negativity, and possibly fear, are most likely a warning of impending danger. The main thing is to understand them well and understand what exactly you can do for your safety.

Dream Interpretation

Burning water

Dream Interpretation Burning water dreamed of why you dream of Burning water in a dream? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Burning water in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation

Dream Interpretation Water is burning

Dream Interpretation Dream Interpretation Water is burning dreamed of why in a dream Dream Interpretation Water is burning? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Water Burning in a dream by reading below free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

I dreamed of water in a dream: interpretation of image options

If you dreamed of water, what could such a dream mean? It is impossible to immediately and completely unambiguously answer what such a dream means, since its interpretation depends on many factors.

First of all, if we talk about water as a symbol, then it is a symbol of life, without it it is impossible to imagine human existence. At the same time, water can destroy. If in a dream a person sees crystal clear water, then this can only mean that a lot of pleasures, good well-being and a long happy life await him ahead.

Usually, water in a dream seems to enhance any feelings that the dreamer feels: so, if it is love or happiness, peace, then a babbling brook nearby will only enhance the feeling of tranquility of sleep, and, conversely, if in a dream a person feels extreme fear, then water may present itself as a violent storm that will worsen the fear.

If the water in a dream is cloudy, it means great sadness, if it is green, it means an excellent career, and very cold water in a dream promises good health.

If a person goes for water in a dream and then begins to draw it, this may mean that he will soon experience success and triumph, but will come to this through great trouble. Washing with clean water is a sign of joy, and watering plants or anything is a sign of sadness and loss. Seeing clean water in a glass means improving your health.

Swimming and frolicking in clear water or walking through clear water means quick success, great happiness. A very good dream in which the dreamer sees the surface of the water burning. If in a dream the water is calm, the sea or lake is calm, this can be interpreted as stability in life and business, success in all endeavors.

If there are small ripples on the surface of the water, this means minor minor worries. But if calm water suddenly begins to become very agitated and a storm begins, then this can mean severe troubles and difficulties in business.

During such a period of life, you should be very careful in work and life.

If in a dream the dreamer becomes a participant in a flood, then in reality he should become more careful: a whole conspiracy of enemies or competitors may be formed against him, and he should become more careful. If a person is pulled into a whirlpool of water, this may mean that it will be very difficult for him to cope with the troubles and problems that have arisen in real life.

Dirty, very muddy water in a dream can only be interpreted as a very bad sign, many obstacles in all matters in real life, impossibility of promotion, sadness.

A large waterfall in a dream means a lot of news, but if this waterfall makes a very strong and menacing noise, then such a dream means that in the near future the dreamer’s main feelings will be only anxiety, annoyance and sadness. You should be more attentive to your surroundings.

If the dreamer walks on wet ground with bare feet and feels his feet getting wet, he should take care of his health in reality: such a dream can promise troubles, illness, and impoverishment. The same interpretation applies to a dream where a person is sitting in a drowning boat.

Now it will be interesting to find out how the most famous clairvoyants interpret dreams about water.

Vanga's dream book. Vanga, in his dream book, believes that water symbolizes change, renewal, evolution and the washing away of sins. But water can appear in different aspects. So. . .

If in a dream a person drinks very cold, pure water, it means that completely new, important events for a person will soon begin to occur, which will be associated with the cleansing and renewal of the world.

If water pours directly onto a person’s head in a dream, then, regardless of the degree of purity of the water, this means that soon a powerful karmic wave will fall on this person, which is useless to resist.

A dream where a person sees muddy, dirty water may mean that in the near future the dreamer will face great difficulties in relationships with loved ones and various troubles. This person should show patience, wisdom and kindness. Seeing how water floods a house or apartment in a dream means a large flow of mostly positive news that can have a great impact on your entire life.

Drowning in a dream means, according to Vanga’s dream book, that a person may suffer due to resistance to the usual and normal course of events, and health may deteriorate. If there are circles on the water in a dream, this means great difficulties that will be overcome, and after that the person will be rewarded.

Dream book of Nostradamus. According to Nostradamus, water is a symbol of life. If in a dream a person dreamed of clean water, crystal water that was collected in a large transparent ball, this means very good weather, which will be more useful than ever for field work.

If the dreamer drinks water from a glass, and suddenly there is an insect at the bottom, this can be interpreted as an imminent trial or litigation.

When a person walks on water in a dream and sees a lot of different fish in it, this means quick success, you just need to put in a little effort. If a person swims under water, this means a discovery that he will soon make either for himself or for everyone around him, and if the water is seething, then this means that right now is the time favorable for the birth of a new science.

If in a dream a person sees water with blood, such a dream means, according to Nostradamus, an early meeting with a great and very influential person who will influence the dreamer’s fate.

In conclusion, it should be noted that not all dreams carry predictive information. Many simply personify a person’s mood, his thoughts and desires, as well as his state of mind.

Water usually dreams of a happy coincidence of circumstances, clarification of protracted matters, or a good rest. Why do you dream of boiling water? You can find out by remembering the features of your night dreams.

Meanings according to popular interpreters

To see steam rising from the heat in a dream means that you will soon find yourself in a situation with an incomprehensible ending. The circumstances will not be completely clear to you, and some facts will seem dubious. However, the dream book assures that after some time everything will become clear to you and you will quickly navigate the course of events.

I had a dream in which you drank boiling water - there will be great happiness in your life. Harmony will accompany you in all areas. Many will kindly envy your joyful reality and ask for advice as a wise person.

If you poured boiling water on someone in a dream - be careful in your communication. You may accidentally offend someone close to you with a word. The following rule will help you easily avoid trouble: think first, then speak.

If you see in a dream how you were scalded with boiling water, you will learn unexpected news that will shock you. Most likely, this will force you to change the plans that you made quite a long time ago. However, in your case, the saying will work perfectly: “Everything that is done is for the better” - and later you will realize the advantages of your new position.

Bringing water to a boil means completing an important task. The meanings of dreams will differ depending on the means with which you heated the water:

  • Using a kettle to boil water in a dream means quickly achieving success in business.
  • Boil water on - you will achieve success after a while.
  • You will surpass yourself in business and reach unprecedented heights - this is why you dream of a boiler as a heating tool.

In the Psychoanalytic Dream Book, boiling water is included as a harbinger of destructive emotions. You will literally “boil” and vividly express your indignation or aggression. However, there will be nothing wrong with this. By releasing the negativity, you will relax and be able to continue communication calmly and constructively.

Remember how boiling water poured from the tap - expect financial well-being. This can happen due to an inheritance, an increase in income, or a successful marriage. If in a dream hot water spilled onto the floor from a sink or bathtub, you will become a very rich man, your savings will last for several generations to come.

If you happen to carry a kettle of boiling water in your hands carelessly and spill water, then in reality you may miss opportunities that are beneficial to you. However, now that you know about it, you are unlikely to miss out. The Dream Interpretation recommends that you pay attention to incoming offers and be open to them.

To see in a dream how water begins to boil for the preparation of some dish (dumplings, pasta and others) means to set in motion a successful business in life. After a successful start, a whole series of positive changes will follow. There is a high probability that these events will lead to a significant improvement in your material well-being.

In your dream, usually cold water suddenly boils (for example, water from a river, sea; soda or juice in a bottle) - you will receive benefit where you do not expect it at all. This could be career advancement, a successful sale or purchase, winning a lottery or competition. Most often, such dreams are associated with a material bonus. Author: Ekaterina Lipatova

This symbol should not be underestimated, because it can indicate quite serious upcoming changes or reflect the real state of current affairs in the dreamer’s real life, unless, of course, we are talking about the subconscious, when the brain continues to scroll through various everyday problems.

What if you dream of a pot of boiling water?

Having finally become convinced that it was no coincidence that a pan of boiling water appeared in a night vision to the attention of the sleeping person, you can safely begin to decipher this symbol using dream books and interpreters. And first of all, in order to understand why you dream of a pot of boiling water, you should understand that in most cases it is a reflection of the state of the dreamer’s soul, and not at all a harbinger of some serious events and trials, although it does not do without certain exceptions to the rules.

And if an empty pan is almost always interpreted literally, symbolizing the emptiness in a person’s soul, which practically cannot be filled with anything, then the same container filled with something will have a completely different meaning. Moreover, it will directly depend on the contents of the kitchen utensils that suddenly appeared in the night dream, because it was one thing if we were talking about a rich aromatic soup, and quite another when plain water was bubbling in the pan.

Usually, simple water boiling in a saucepan indicates to a person that he is bursting with acute dissatisfaction with his position in real life, which, as they say, drives him crazy, causing him to terribly suffer and torment everyone around him.

The boiling process itself in this dream acts as a kind of indicator that indicates how serious the problem indicated above is for him. Thus, a quiet gurgling indicates that the sleeper is still able to control himself, humbly accepting all the trials of fate, although not without great effort. Sleep-routine, sleep-dullness, sleep-hopelessness - this is how this vision can be briefly described. The strong bubbling of water in the pan, literally tearing off the lid, on the contrary, indicates that the dreamer no longer has the strength or desire to endure the injustice of life.

Seeing at night how boiling water flows like foam along the walls of a pan, indiscriminately pouring everything around, indicates that, experiencing painful dissatisfaction with his own work, capabilities, talents and position in society, the dreamer will take out all his evil on his closest and dearest, As a result, constant conflicts will become commonplace in his family.

What does it portend?

A dream in which a person happens to overturn a pot of boiling water over himself will have a similar meaning, however, its consequences can become much more severe, up to a complete break in the relationship. Looking at burned parts of the body in a dream, seeing how blisters inflate or scars become scarred right before your eyes, means that future events will leave an indelible mark on the fate of the sleeper, dividing his whole life into “before” and “after.” Throwing all sorts of ingredients into a pan of boiling water only means that in reality the dreamer will try in every possible way to drown out his dissatisfaction by committing stupid and thoughtless actions.

Expensive trips, trips to restaurants and endless buying of things while your own personal life and everyday life are absolutely unsettled - this is what you can expect in the near future from a person who suddenly sees such an image. And this interpretation will be especially relevant if the ingredients had a variegated unnatural color.

If in a dream you happen to cook a rich aromatic soup from plain water boiling in a saucepan and pour it into plates, then the night vision suggests that the dreamer will still be able to overcome himself and turn the situation in his favor, no matter what happens to him it was worth it.

Boiling water in a dream warns of some unpleasant events, however, their impact on the dreamer often depends on him. However, the dream book also interprets the dreamed symbol as a sign of a successful combination of circumstances or even happiness. The sensations that the sleeper experienced at the same time will help to correctly interpret why such a sign is dreamed of.

Drinking boiling water in a dream without fear of getting burned is a harbinger of favorable incidents. Perhaps this is meeting a person who will be important to you, an unexpected successful turn of the situation to your advantage, or the successful completion of a dangerous undertaking.

Did you dream of seeing water boiling? This is a projection onto the dream of fear of getting rid of certain outdated ideas. The dream book indicates: you need to overcome suppressed destructive negative emotions.

Why do you dream that someone poured boiling water and scalded the sleeping person? The vision warns: some unpleasant incident may darken his joy. Also, getting burned with boiling water means: participation in some adventure will end unsuccessfully for the dreamer.

Options for the development of events

Pouring boiling water in a dream, releasing thick steam, means that in reality the dreamer will find himself in a situation that will seem almost hopeless to him. However, “almost” is still not completely, so try to find a way out. Remember: you can always influence the situation.

Did you dream of seeing rapidly boiling water? This may be a sign of impending decisive life changes. The dream book emphasizes: it is important to remember the sensations when contemplating it in a dream. If such seething caused anxiety or fear of scalding, the changes are unlikely to please. When you were looking forward to boiling water to make coffee or tea, and were anticipating the pleasure of the drink, the changes would be favorable.

Love, relationships

Why dream of drinking boiling water? Happiness in love is possible: a long-awaited meeting with your “soul mate.” The dream book indicates: do not be afraid that you will pass by - the heart will feel its chosen one and will give you a sign.

Did you dream of pouring boiling water and getting scalded? Beware of committing a careless, impulsive act. It can ruin the impression you make on others. The dream book advises: think through your actions and statements, because it’s easy to damage your reputation, but correcting the situation so that people forget about the unpleasant aftertaste is very difficult.

Boiling water in a dream foreshadows quarrels and enmity. You need to control your emotions, since their outburst can harm communication and provoke conflict. Frequent scandals can develop into hostility, so it is better to look for compromises.


Why dream of getting boiling water using a boiler? The vision warns of danger where a person does not expect it at all. The dream book recommends: prepare for any turn of events, analyze the circumstances, draw conclusions. Then you will be able to understand much of what often goes unnoticed, but sometimes is important.

Seeing boiling water in a dream sometimes means a warning. They will make claims against you, and quite aggressively. Don’t let yourself be intimidated, try to resolve the issue without causing too much damage. You also need to pay attention to what sensations arose when you saw boiling water. Anxiety, discomfort - beware of difficulties, and a neutral or positive impression indicates: the problem is fixable.

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