Home Brakes What do the signs in tarot cards mean? Brief description of tarot cards

What do the signs in tarot cards mean? Brief description of tarot cards

The meaning of cards in fortune telling is one of the fortuneteller’s supports when interpreting the layout. After all, it is important not only to ask the question correctly, choose the necessary layout and cards, but also to give the correct interpretation. Below we will talk about the classic interpretation of Tarot cards.

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Interpretation of cards for fortune telling

Despite the existence of several schools of Tarot, in which there are sometimes significant and sometimes not very significant differences, most of the meanings are still similar. This way, you won't have to memorize new interpretations for each new deck. It is enough to know the classical meanings; based on them, it is much easier to understand and remember the non-traditional meanings of modern schools.

So, in any Tarot deck there is 22 Major Arcana And 56 Junior. This is a standard number, and no matter how the names or their meanings change, the number of cards remains the same. If your deck has fewer Major Arcana, or it is not divided into Major and Minor Arcana at all, this means that you are holding in your hands, and the traditional Tarot meanings will not suit you. For all other cases, you can safely use the interpretations presented below.

We provide a brief, very general meaning of each of the arcana, which can be used on or as a hint. It is important to understand that each of the arcana is much more multifaceted and broader in its meaning, especially depending on the position of the card in the layout, as well as on the other cards surrounding it.

Decoding Tarot cards for fortune telling

There are many options for the internal hierarchy of the Major Arcana: cards are divided into titled and allegorical, symbols of the main virtues and astrological elements, signs of luck and universal predestination.
J. Baines, S. Vronsky “Fate on the steps of the Golden Tarot”

"Jester"- this is the first, and sometimes zero, arcan, since some decks begin with it, and some end with it. The card speaks of simplicity, childish inexperience and trust in the world on the one hand, and excessive impulsiveness, “blind” trust, stupidity, on the other. At the same time, the zero lasso symbolizes great potential, unusualness, and often symbolizes "white crows", standing out sharply against the background of the gray mass.
"Magician"- the first of the Elders. Talks about the beginning of a new path, the emergence of a new idea. « Magician" indicates will and enterprise, symbolizes the onset of the stage of implementation and manifestation of initiative.
"Priestess"- the second lasso in the deck and the first female card. This map of knowledge. She talks about the need to trust yourself and your intuition, about the benefits of acquired knowledge about the people around you.
"Empress"- the next Major Arcana, which is a symbol of femininity. « Empress" - This is the embodiment of a woman in the roles of mother and housewife. Symbolizes harmonious relationships, marriage, the birth of children, family prosperity and general material well-being.
"Emperor"- the fourth card, talking about power and authority. Symbolizes a stable position in society, promotion and implementation of planned projects. Sometimes « Emperor" goes too far and becomes a brutal dictator. It also speaks of the help of an influential friend from the outside.
"High priest"- the fifth lasso, also represented by a male card. "Priest" or « Dad" , as it is sometimes called, can indicate both the learning process, both literally and figuratively, and the need for humility and playing by the rules.
"Lovers"- the sixth lasso, which has the main meaning of love. Another, no less common, is the choice between two opposite and equally attractive options.
"Chariot"- 7 lasso, speaks of victory after a difficult struggle or of small victories with daily difficulties.
Following her "Force" tells us about a person’s inner strength, which helps him overcome obstacles in his path.
Further "Hermit" First of all, it symbolizes the stage of loneliness, a period of temporary peace and silence, which is necessary for reflection and the search for meaning, patience, and acceptance of current events.
Tenth Arcana "Wheel of Fortune", as is already clear from the name, says that everything changes, nothing lingers in our lives. In practical terms, the card symbolizes a rapid change of events, a quick change in the current situation.
Eleventh Arcana "Justice" or "Justice", as it is also called, symbolizes rigor and impartiality. He says that it’s time to make a sound decision, objectively assess the situation, and not be led by emotions.
"The Hanged Man" - one of the heaviest lassos in the deck, indicates a person’s weak position, his dependence on circumstances, people and the inability to influence them. By my position « Hanged" offers a new look at the current situation. The card speaks of the necessary, often unpleasant sacrifice that must be made, as well as the lessons that are important to learn and understand in order to move on.
Thirteenth Arcana "Death", as a rule, does not imply physical death at all. We are talking about a metaphorical one. A person experiences changes on a psychological level. The old is already gone, but what the new looks like is still unclear.
Next after « Death""Moderation" speaks for itself. It symbolizes balance in everything. The card shows the importance of avoiding extremes and patience.
The next one of the most popular among the Major Arcana is the fifteenth Arcana “ Devil". This card talks about addictions, negative influences, provocations, slavery in the spiritual and physical sense.
"Tower", the sixteenth lasso, speaks of imminent dramatic changes. However, unlike the thirteenth lasso, the situation changes precisely at the physical level. Usually under this lasso one is unexpectedly fired from a job, loses a partner, and so on. The events spoken of by the sixteenth lasso are difficult to experience. However, it is important to remember that " Tower» - this is always the beginning of a new stage.
Seventeenth Arcana " Star » speaks of dreams coming true, hopes coming true. This card also symbolizes the successful completion of plans, creative implementation and success in any endeavor.
"Moon » , the eighteenth Major Arcana, demonstrates fears and complexes. The map suggests that not everything is as simple as it seems at first glance. The lasso also symbolizes secret knowledge, magic and external influences.
"Sun » - the nineteenth lasso, appears to indicate the onset of a time of clarity, creativity, optimism, and unlocking potential. May indicate pleasant acquaintances, quick marriage and the birth of children.
Twentieth Arcana " Court » also a very positive card. She speaks of the beginning of a new stage, a time when your efforts will be rewarded and you will get what you deserve.

Tarot is a complex divination system used throughout the world. Although many have suggested ancient origins for the cards, no one is absolutely sure where they came from. The concepts and mystical knowledge of tarot are timeless, but the practice of using cards for divination is subject to debate. Many believe that they have Egyptian or Indian origins.

The Tarot itself is a deck of seventy-eight cards, divided into twenty-two major arcana, which symbolize the main events of life, and fifty-six minor ones, giving a detailed view of more daily situations and events.

By choosing a card, we penetrate into its archetype, read its essence, which synchronously corresponds to the energies of our life. You may draw one or more cards to receive advice about a current situation for yourself or others.

Many people are keen on predictions; one of the popular and accurate ways to find out the future is to make a Tarot reading and then interpret it. It is important to know the meaning of the cards. Beginners are recommended to study them; in the future, having gained experience, you can interpret the cards using your intuitive vision.

Here are the main characteristics:

  • The cups represent relationships.
  • Pentacles cover work and money.
  • Swords symbolize conflict.
  • Wands speak of magic and creativity.

The wonderful thing is that anyone can perform fortune telling. Tarot cards speak about your intention. They cannot tell you what is not in your subconscious, because you give the arcana your energy, and they simply reflect it back.

Learning Tarot can begin with learning the meaning of each card, it is important to understand its meaning, this is very useful. But, when you begin to practice fortune telling and get to know your deck better, it will begin to speak to you with its special individual symbols.

Major Arcana

Fool: childlike idealism, innocence, stupidity, unlimited potential. If the Fool appears in your fortune telling, it's time to start something new. Be spontaneous, and embrace the “dope” in you.

Mage: skill, magic, strength. This is an action and ability card. You can achieve what you want.

The High Priestess: the unconscious, dreams, mysticism. The card opposes or complements the Mage. Where he steps forward, she takes a step back to let her intuition speak. Listen to the space between them.

Empress: earth mother, creation, fertility. The Empress is very sensitive and very caring. She tells you that it is important to nourish others and yourself, in particular, this must be done through nature.

Emperor: tradition, authority, rules. The Emperor is a paternal figure in a very rigid, traditional sense of the word; it is the father who is the provider and punishes when punishment is warranted. If an emperor appears, rules and regulations are of utmost importance because they give us structure.

Hierophant: faith, training, conformity. The Hierophant believes in education. He often represents the church.

Lovers: duality, love, harmony. Lovers often talk about romance. Sometimes they talk about a difficult decision in which it is important to make the right choice, but it is not always clear which one, because you want both at once.

Chariot: balance, self-control, war within oneself. The card shows two horses or two sphinxes. By pulling the chariot, you should master both of them. If you do this, you will win.

Strength: resilience, resilience, self-confidence. While the chariot requires a heavy hand, true strength requires a light touch. It is important for you to have patience and compassion, as well as confidence.

Hermit: spirituality, loneliness, wisdom. The hermit withdraws into himself, seeking an understanding of something greater. If it appears in the reading, then it’s time to engage in introspection. Give yourself some time to be alone and find answers.

Wheel of fortune: changes of fate, cycles. Change is the only constant in our lives. The Wheel of Fortune tells us that with each cycle we are moving in a certain direction.

Justice: morality, karma. The card appears when you are trying to do something right or when you feel like you have been deceived. In any case, examine yourself to find true justice.

The Hanged Man: sacrifice, self-awareness, knowledge. The Hanged Man is another union of opposites, and it requires us to let go of something in order to gain control.

Death: change, transformation, completion. Even if the card does not mean literal death, it is still scary because people are afraid of change. Something comes to an end, and something new comes. The door closes, but the window opens.

Moderation: moderation, compromise, self-control. She brings opposing forces into the fortuneteller’s life and teaches them to respect them. This requires a balance of hard work and self-restraint.

Devil: self-deception, ignorance. Talks about a bad situation that you yourself created. The devil insists that you take a close look at your life and see where you have made a mistake.

Tower: destruction, betrayal, starting all over again. The tower is burning about the sudden, destruction of everything you hold dear. It may simply mean a new perspective or a drastic change in life circumstances.

Star: hope, inspiration, new opportunities. After the tower has destroyed everything, the star provides balm for the soul. No matter what happens, there is always a way out, hope. When a star appears, relax and allow the peacefulness and vastness of the Universe to calm and inspire you.

Moon: illusion, mysticism, possibility (positive or negative). Allow yourself to be open to fantasy. Allow the impossible.

Sun: clarity, confidence, guarantor. Now we are back to the light. There is no ambiguity here. Under the sun you should bask in your confidence. The Arcanum tells you that you are brilliant, energetic and successful.

Judgment: condemnation, atonement. You might interpret the Court in a harsh light. But it's better to look at the map differently. Use common sense and meditate on the choices you have made in the past without judging yourself or others.

Peace: completion, fulfillment, unity. The world completes the tarot cycle. You have finished what you set out to do and now you must savor the unity that you have found within yourself.

Minor Arcana

Bowls (Cups)

Element - water.

Cups speak of relationships and emotions. When you see Cups dominating a reading, it means that something is happening in the area of ​​relationships, but Cups can also indicate that you are following your emotions rather than logic or thoughts.

This does not mean a negative thing at all, be sure to remember that there are no “bad” cards, but they can have a downside. If you are driven by your emotions, your reason is left behind, leading to unrealistic expectations and self-absorbed behavior.

  • Sensitivity.
  • Emotions.
  • Love.
  • Sentimentality.
  • Interpersonal relationships.
  • Element of Water.


Element - earth.

Pentacles (coins, discs) - symbolize work and prosperity. This could be work that generates income or work you do in your home to support your family and relationships. It depends on the context, but in most cases, Pentacles refer to work that provides monetary benefits.

The disadvantage that the suit indicates may be greed; it also says that a person is losing sight of what is really important.

  • Material issues.
  • Finance.
  • Wealth.
  • Business.
  • Money.
  • Material profit.
  • Essential pleasures.
  • Hard work and diligence.
  • Earth element.


Element - air.

The energy of Swords appears at some point in the life of every person. We all experience conflict. We fight with ourselves and with those around us.

Swords represent logic and intelligence. Sometimes our minds are at war with our hearts, and sometimes our hearts are in danger from the power of our intellect.

  • Intellectualism.
  • Pursuit.
  • Destructive forces.
  • Aggression.
  • Ferocity.
  • A loss.
  • Disappointment.
  • Air Element


Wands mean fire, creativity. Fire can have a creative function. But it can also be a destructive force if left unchecked.

Usually, the suit has the meaning of a magical moment of beginnings. If you encounter the dominance of sticks in fortune telling, this means that the time has come to realize a creative dream.

This doesn't necessarily mean painting or writing, for example, although anything is possible! The cards may indicate that it is time to start your own business, taking risks.

  • Motivation.
  • Height.
  • Energy.
  • Entrepreneurship.
  • Career or job.
  • Element of Fire.

All minor arcana

Meaning of numbers

  • Aces: Beginning. Creation. Power. Essence.
  • Twos: Balance. Relationship. Cooperation. Duality. Choice. Yin and yang. Existence. Experience.
  • Threes: Generation. Implementation. Extension. Results. Increasing the current state.
  • Fours: Reality. Implementation. Logics. Rationality. Universe. Stability. Boundaries. Order. Material world. Physical body.
  • Fives: Changes. Crisis and transformation. Uncertainty. Changes. Distressful situation. Lots of activity.
  • Sixes: Spiritual balance. Expression. Emotions. Harmony. Education. Compassion.
  • Sevens: Stage of development. Wisdom. Spirituality. Great importance. The number of the power of the sages.
  • Eights: Justice. Judgment. Business and wealth. Success. Abundance, harvest. Manifestation. Accident.
  • Nines: Change will be for the better. Idealism. Optimism. Positive changes are happening. Durability.
  • Tens: Top. Depth. Success. Great happiness. Or a big misfortune.

Face cards

Beginners find yard maps difficult to interpret. When they appear, you should remember that they can have 2 different interpretations - direct and figurative. In the first case, the figure represents an actual person in the life of the fortuneteller, in the second - a symbolic meaning. They may represent events or hidden internal psychological aspects.

In a literal interpretation, physical characteristics and age are first analyzed. The Drow Arcana can also indicate astrological signs. Most often they represent the individual characteristics of people.

  • King/Knight: father, adult male.
  • Queen: mother, woman.
  • Knight/Prince: son, young man.
  • Page: daughter, young woman.


The Arcana depicts a man walking blindly forward and not seeing that there is an abyss under his feet. A dog runs after the man, viciously tearing his clothes and preventing him from turning to the side. As a rule, this image is interpreted unambiguously: this blind man personifies that stage of our life when we wander along the path without understanding the road.

Behind us is the burden of past mistakes and misconceptions. Fussy and restless thoughts (a dog running behind) prevent us from stopping and thinking: “Where, exactly, is my path?” We wander like blind people, without a goal, sometimes not even seeing the abyss under our feet. And it depends only on fate whether we fall into it or pass it safely, never knowing what we escaped.

The Jester card in a personal reading means that you are in a situation where fate requires you to “work out” past sins before you are given the opportunity to start building your life again. No matter how hard you try, you are unlikely to be able to see where the road you are walking so quickly leads to.

You will also not be able to turn away from the path - your time to make decisions has already passed, and everything is now in the hands of fate. And until you again feel like the master of your own life and decisions, you will have to dutifully follow the intended path, relying only on luck and the protection of the Higher Powers.

Believe me, no matter what results you end up with - they will be the best for you!

In a straight position means the beginning of new things. There is energy, optimism, happiness and strength. Predicts unexpected circumstances. Sometimes it means that the person being told fortunes does not want anyone to know too much about him.

Reversed card speaks of rash actions, symbolizes madness and carelessness, a waste of energy and time.

Find yourself something new, try playing a new game.

Avoid any disorder and do not be too frivolous.

Card of the day
Today you should be open to everything new. Perceive everything as unprejudicedly as possible, do not take anything to heart and treat even unpleasant things with only curiosity. The less you remember about your usual assessments and ideas, the more creative and unexpected this day can become for you. If today you find yourself convinced that you will have to start something anew, from scratch, then do not despair, but on the contrary, happily take on a new endeavor. Today you can allow yourself to be a little crazy!

Card of the Year
This year can play an important role in your life as “year one”, from which a new stage will begin. Try to find out and understand all the opportunities that open up for a person who is completely open to the “city and the world.” Let the next 12 months become a period of eternal spring for you. Let go of your seriousness and habitual methods of solving problems, give them a break: let life give you its surprises. Be guided by your innate curiosity. Act instinctively, without trying to figure out where your chosen path will lead you. You have a chance to experience something truly unusual, breaking out of the boring routine of everyday life. And, since the Fool symbolizes carefreeness and the unclouded joy of life, it is quite possible that by the end of this year you will feel much younger than you do now.


The arcan depicts a perfect person - a magician, a person who feels the connection of times, stands above everything and is called to exalt and improve his abilities.

In front of him are four objects: a rod, a cup, a sword and a denarius. They symbolize the four cardinal directions, four seasons and four elements: fire, water, air and earth.

You are a free and independent person, you must make your own decisions, you have enough strength for everything.

In a straight position the card means will, skill, dexterity, the desire to take risks, to use one’s strengths. To wish for nothing and to do nothing is just as terrible and harmful as to wish for evil and do it.

Inverted position the magician symbolizes indecision, hesitation, self-neglect, inability to use one’s talents and abilities, and reluctance to learn.

Believe in your abilities, in your ability to cope with the upcoming task.

Do not think that all means are good to achieve your goal.

Card of the day
“Nobody but you, and never again, except right now!” - says your slogan of today.

Take the initiative. You have excellent common sense, you know what you want, and you have the patience to see things through to completion. If you are required to make a decision, take the first step, show your abilities and experience to the fullest, know that today is the most suitable day for this. Show what you are capable of, act freely and boldly in all negotiations and meetings, and then all partners will be on your side, support and help.

Card of the Year
This year promises to be quite successful for you. It's all in your hands and you can really take advantage of your benefits. You can achieve new success in an already familiar area or discover new areas of creativity and self-realization that will bring you satisfaction and joy in the future. And, of course, you will have a chance to solve your old problems. And in no case, “having lit a candle, do not place it under a bushel” (Matthew 5:15), and do not yield primacy to anyone. Instead, show your best and take the lead wherever possible. You must live this year actively and enterprisingly. Luck is in your hands, you have enough strength, and the card is excellent, so all your goals in your personal life and work may well come true. Any business you take on has a chance to become a masterpiece!


The Arcana depicts a woman sitting at the threshold of the Temple of Isis between two columns. Her face is covered with a veil, as a sign of hiding the truth from the curious and ignorant. A book lying on the lap and half hidden under a cloak means that secrets are revealed only in solitude to wise men who control themselves.

Don't look for explanations or justifications for the decisions you make. Rely on your intuition. Don’t give this power to everyday little things, appreciate every minute alone with yourself, turn to your inner voice. Keep your feelings and thoughts clear, be kind to others.

You should not actively interfere with the ongoing process: wait a little, and things themselves will take the direction you want. If you do decide to intervene, you need to be clear about your goals, otherwise you risk punishing yourself!

In a straight position The card symbolizes intuition and creative forces.

Inverted position- lack of insight and foresight, lack of understanding of the opposite sex. This is a symbol of superficial knowledge, sometimes arrogance and arrogance, or a warning of imminent danger.

Trust your inner voice.

Don't go with the flow expecting a miracle.

Card of the day
Take this day for granted and given, be calm and just observe what happens without expecting anything specific. Let things take their course, intervening only when your inner voice demands it. If you are not bound by any obligations, try to observe yourself with friendly attention: what are you doing when you are not doing anything? What are you thinking about? What are you drawn to? Don't force yourself to sit still, follow your inner urges. And then you will be surprised to discover that the day, which promised to be so empty, turned out to be filled with interesting events and experiences. If you had dreams that day, pay special attention to them: they may indicate something important.

Card of the Year
A year full of mysteries. If you are ready to follow the “guidance from above,” then this year will not only bring rich, unforgettable experiences, but will also awaken your hidden capabilities and allow you to look “beyond reality.” Rely on your intuition. Listen to your inner voice, and it will lead you at the right time to the right place, to the right people, interaction with whom will be very important for you. This year, the year of passive acceptance of everything that happens, may turn out to be unusually interesting and full of surprises - especially if until now you preferred to actively intervene in what is happening, although in this case it is not so difficult to adapt to “reception”. You may want to keep a dream journal to help you better understand the images and advice of your subconscious and use them in your daily life.


In the Middle Ages it was called “Heavenly Love,” the universal creative force. The Empress sits in the center of the radiant sun, and her feet rest on the moon. The sun is a symbol of creative power, the Moon, placed under the feet, means the insignificance of matter and the dominance of the spirit.

If you get this card, rely on fate, take a calm pose and let events take their course, you have everything you need.

The appearance of this Arcanum means that the matter is already approaching a denouement and you will soon find out what fate has led you to.

It is possible that this card is a sign that some woman friendly to you is involved in the matter, who for one reason or another has taken you under her protection. In special cases, it symbolizes imminent marriage or motherhood (in the presence of the corresponding Minor Arcana!).

If the card falls on a man in the layout, it may reflect the presence in his life of another woman, whose influence on the person you have chosen is very great.

In a straight position the card speaks of abundance and material wealth, success in creativity.

Upside down- useless work, loss of creative powers, household chores, sometimes financial difficulties, maybe revenge, or getting rid of a tyrant.

Seek fertile soil and be open to growth and change.

Avoid excesses, but at the same time do not miss opportunities.

Card of the day
Welcome the day: it promises to be very exciting. Perhaps Nature will beckon you to nourish your soul and spirit. But even in ordinary life, a fresh wind of new ideas and creative impulses awaits you. What you have been carrying within yourself, perhaps for a very long time, may finally find a way out today, and what you have given up on for a long time will suddenly come to life and begin to develop rapidly. Whatever you undertake today will ultimately succeed because you will be guided by an unerring instinct to choose the right direction.

Card of the Year
You have an unusually fruitful year ahead. The next twelve months will be filled with promising changes and amazing opportunities for growth. Cultivate your field diligently so that it produces a rich harvest. This is a great time for new beginnings, the main purpose of which is to give your abilities the opportunity to open up and manifest themselves. Be open to all new impulses and proposals that can make your life more beautiful and richer. On the other hand, what you have been thinking about or working on for a long time may take specific forms this year and be successfully completed. Trust the life-giving and healing powers of Nature.


The lasso depicts a powerful man with a scepter, sitting on a cubic stone, meaning conquered matter.

The card symbolizes rational, secular power based on reason, which denies feelings.

If Arkan appears in a man’s personal chart, it means that this man is a leader in the work team and the head of his family; at the decisive moment, such a man will without hesitation take power into his own hands and confidently bring the matter to the end.

When Arkan appears in a woman’s personal chart, it can be assumed that she has some kind of strong patron (perhaps still unknown to her). In certain cases, this card means that a woman is very strongly influenced by a man older than her in age and position.

However, if neighboring cards are negative or if this card appears upside down, you should be afraid that communication with this person will not be easy: he is used to managing not only himself and his own affairs, but also the actions of other people. Most likely, such a person believes that he knows better than you how and why you should live (which he will try to bring to your attention at the first opportunity).

The outcome of events largely depends on some influential person, and from the neighboring cards you can understand who we are talking about.

Upright the card means that the realization of truth is our duty. A person who wins the struggle for truth fulfills his earthly purpose. Represents mature people who have chosen the right path.

Upside down Emperor means denial of authority, inability to curb one's shortcomings and vices, failure to fulfill one's duties. Sometimes submission to a tyrant.

Carry out your plans firmly and consistently.

Excessive pedantry and prudence can ruin any living business and feeling.

Card of the day
Today we need to get down to business thoroughly. Whatever task you have to do today, no matter how long you put it off, it’s time! Today you are full of energy and strength, fate is favorable to you, and the work is literally burning in your hands: you can cope with any task, sort out any relationship and correct any mistakes and shortcomings. If you don’t have such a specific thing to do right now, then maybe it’s time to at least clean up your apartment, fix your bike, or pay your outstanding bills?

On the other hand, this year may mean the need to make some important decisions, maintain what has been achieved, disengage with someone or something, or simply take on new responsibility.

Priest - The Hierophant (The Pope)


The lasso depicts a seated man with his right hand pressed to his chest. With this gesture he invites concentration in order to be able to listen to the voice from heaven, to drown out the voice of passions and flesh. In front of the prince there are two monks - red and black, depicting the geniuses of light and darkness. The genius of good is on the right side: the genius of evil is on the left, only conscience can distinguish them.

Take a look at the map if you feel like one of these monks, then you are looking for a teacher, which would point the way to the truth. If you perceive yourself as a universal figure, then you are able to teach others yourself, but everyone ask yourself: is your knowledge really great?

You need to trust a person whose advice will help you safely overcome obstacles in your path.

Upright the card means that a person needs to know how he uses his will, because everyone creates his life in accordance with his actions.

The card is a symbol of morality, intelligence: wisdom, it can mean an upcoming marriage, good deeds, strong friendship.

Reversed card symbolizes slander, shame, next to the card - betrayal in love. At the moment, the situation is beyond your control, so the best thing to do is to rely on fate and humbly wait to see what ending the development of events will lead you to.

Look for meaning in everything, and devote yourself only to meaningful work.

Don't be proud of what you have achieved, lest you become an aggressive fanatic who is always right.

Card of the day
Start the day by opening to God and the Cosmos, trust them. You have already achieved a lot, and now you have the opportunity to learn or begin to do something that is truly meaningful. Therefore, do not hold on to the old rules and rituals, and do not listen to empty talkers, they are preachers and politicians. Look for the inner meaning of every matter, its most hidden, most valuable core, not visible at first glance, and do not pay attention to the opinions of “externals”. If you are involved in a conflict, try to take a position so that years later you can look back on it with a clear conscience.

Card of the Year
Now the main thing for you is to find meaning in what you do. If you have repeatedly asked yourself why you need all this, or who needs this work at all, then in the next twelve months you will have the time and opportunity to find the answer. But to do this, you will first have to check whether your views and principles are outdated? Having discovered that somewhere you are still guided by outdated dogmas, outdated values ​​or popular prejudices, imposed on you, perhaps even in early childhood, you will understand that the time has come to replace them with living, modern ideas that correspond to your internal attitudes. And here it no longer matters whether we are talking about a specific situation or about your life position in general: this year you have a chance to understand which values ​​are really dear to you and which are not. So don't be surprised if by the end of the year you have formed a completely new, different worldview.


Arkan is depicted as a man standing at the crossroads of two roads. The woman standing on the right and calling to the road in front of her represents virtue. The woman on the left symbolizes vice and temptation. The genius of justice over this group takes aim with his bow, directing his arrow in the direction of vice. This expresses the struggle between passions and conscience.

Don't be afraid of temptations - you can't avoid them anyway. Love is the only force that can heal suffering. Fall in love and you will see that everything will change around you, the colors will become brighter, people will become kinder. You will get to know another person deeply, your problems will go far away. Give your mind a rest, be in the joy of your feelings.

In a personal scenario, it can be interpreted in two ways: on the one hand, it foretells you a situation of choice, by making which you will move to a higher level in spiritual development. In a more ordinary meaning, it simply speaks of a difficult situation in which you have found yourself for some reason, and also indicates a possible way out of the problem due to neighboring cards.

Upright the card means the inevitability of choice. A symbol of inspiration of feelings, guesses. In real life there is love and friendship.

Reversed card means internal division, conflict with oneself. May talk about separation, theft of love plans. Being near, foreshadows imprisonment. So, having asked a question about the prospects for a relationship with the person you are interested in, you, sadly, will have to give up serious hopes for a successful resolution of the situation.

Find a common language with another person in order to strive for a common goal together.

Don't assume a good start is the key to a successful ending.

Card of the day
Listen to your heart - and make a decision today about a certain person, business or plan. If you have been procrastinating or doubting this so far, then occupy your mind with plans for the coming weekend, and give free rein to your inner voice and heart. Find contradictions or opposites that require reconciliation, fix what is broken, restore what has been destroyed. The Lovers card does not necessarily mean great love is waiting for you at the nearest bus stop. Although sometimes this happens.

Card of the Year
A year of intense emotions awaits you. Perhaps they will be connected with a person whom you have known for a long time or, on the contrary, you will only meet him this year, or it will be a job that you will brilliantly complete, or some other experience that pleases your heart. Whatever it is, do not let them pass you by indifferently, but accept and greet them with a loud “hurray!” And where you until now thought that your happiness depended on other people or on circumstances, you will find the key to this happiness in yourself, in overcoming your own internal contradictions. You just need to find your true Self. This will give you the strength to “overcome the threshold” of some new business, cope with the current difficulties of a business that has already begun, resolve conflicts that have arisen and triumphantly achieve your intended goal.


The card depicts a triumphant man in a quadrangular chariot, at the corners of which there are four columns supporting a canopy. The columns symbolize the four elements subordinate to the winner. The chariot is harnessed to two sphinxes, the white one depicts victory and good, the dark one - evil and defeat.

You are filled with energy, hit the road, it will be the discovery of a new world. But remember chariot flies quickly, the path is full of sharp turns. Let your mind guide you, but do not rid you of feelings and emotions.

Chariot indicates that you are a person capable of controlling, if not fate itself, then, in any case, the events created by it. You have either already proven your strength and ability to overcome obstacles, or you are just preparing to demonstrate your power.

Usually it predicts to the fortuneteller that soon some event will happen in his life that can raise this person to another level of success. Test your strength, and subsequent triumph is guaranteed to you.

Upright the card means movement, vigorous practical activity. The card also predicts good luck in work and long journeys. It is interpreted as a symbol of a righteous life.

Reversed card speaks of the unfavorable influence of others, of uncertainty. May mean unexpected legal cases. It’s worth taking a closer look at your own behavior: aren’t you inclined to exaggerate your strengths, which sometimes leads to sad consequences? Or maybe you are too capricious and don’t listen to anyone’s advice if it goes against your opinion? There is a danger that at some point you will not reach the top you need and will lose this game.

If you have a business, take it on without delay or hesitation.

If you don't know how, don't try it.

Card of the day
A good day to start any business. What else can we expect? You have a goal, all that remains is to check if you have “everything with you” in order to go the right way - you never know, what if something is missing. If you didn’t plan any new things or undertakings for today, then this day can become a signal for you, a call to a new business. It’s hard to say what kind of thing this will be, but, in any case, for you it could be the beginning of a new stage of life.

Card of the Year
This year you need a “breakthrough”; you are supposed to rush headlong into a new adventure. This year is favorable for any new beginnings. When it is over, you will find that you have managed to cope with the most difficult tasks. Whatever your goal, no matter what external difficulties or internal contradictions stand in your way, very soon the signal to start will sound! Check again whether everything is ready and whether the goal is clearly defined. And get down to business without delay - with concentration, determination and purpose. You have every chance to achieve your goal, and this luck can significantly change your life and give it new meaning.

Reasonableness, justice

A blindfolded woman sits on the throne, holding scales in her left hand and a sword in her right. Libra is a sign of balance between right and duty; the sword is a sign of protection for good and a threat to evil forces. The blindfold indicates the indifference of the “themis” to the rank of people.

Be honest with yourself, you will have to answer for everything. You yourself wanted to know the truth, illusions have disappeared, you are in pain. You need to pull yourself together and accept the world as it is. Think about how you should live further!

This is a sign of your balance and ability to find a reasonable compromise on many controversial issues. The idea of ​​justice is already inherent in your very character, and you are able to adequately assess any situation, practically without resorting to the help of others.

Upright the card signifies maturity and life experience. Depending on adjacent cards, it may suggest marriage or divorce, or compensation for damage.

Reversed card- breakup, legal, long-unresolved cases, incompetence, grievances. It may indicate your inherent timidity and indecisiveness, when any, even the most insignificant, difficulty forces you to seek support and approval from friends and acquaintances.

Approach the matter soberly and objectively, realizing your responsibility for making a decision.

Avoid bias and belief in the infallibility of your own judgment.

Card of the day
Today you need clarity of thought. If you are going through a conflict or need to make an important decision, first try to maintain decency and consider the long-term consequences of your actions. It is also possible that today you will have to face the consequences of actions taken before. Depending on how you behaved then, your soul will become easy or, conversely, painful.

Card of the Year
This year may be decisive for you. Therefore, give yourself time to properly understand your affairs and make responsible, objective and deeply thought-out decisions. In general, how you live the next twelve months depends only on you. You will reap what you sow by being responsible for your decisions and actions. If this “harvest” is rather bitter as a result of your previous sins, then you can turn this to your advantage: correct the mistakes you made in order to enjoy peace in the future.

Prudence, discretion

The Arcana depicts a wise old man with a staff (support for prudence) and a lit lantern, expressing the light of reason.

It’s time to leave petty worries and usual entertainment behind, you need to think about your soul, the time has come for solitude to understand yourself.

Hermit indicates caution and detachment from the bustle of life. It is a sign of victory over one’s own passions and the desire to comprehend the inner nature of all events that occur.

Hermit speaks of the presence in your character of such positive qualities as prudence, the ability to pull yourself together in time, the ability to manage your emotions - which, in turn, allows you not only to determine your future, but also to actively influence the people around you.

Upright the card symbolizes the search for spiritual values, deepening into the inner world. It also means loss, illness, loneliness, but the situation may turn out to be such that temporary loneliness will lead to the best. The card hints that you should be very careful in your actions - otherwise the situation threatens to turn sideways for you.

Reversed card may indicate a storm in life or nature. This could be refusal of help, stubbornness, or unnecessary secrecy. This is a reason to think: are you too isolated in your own little world, so that it is almost impossible to “reach out” to you? Beware of persisting in your behavior: after all, later, when you decide to leave your “shell,” you really risk finding yourself alone.

Remain yourself, don’t rush things.

Do not isolate yourself from the outside world, do not become embittered, do not become a loner.

Card of the day
This day belongs to you and only you. Finally, take care of yourself, abstracting from the bustle of the outside world. If you have to do something on this day, then do it deeply and thoroughly, without rushing or being distracted. If you need to make some important decision, then let it ripen well until it becomes obvious and natural to you. Maybe meditation, a long walk, or just contemplation of a pond will help you find yourself.

Card of the Year
Yes, you have a serious year ahead - however, in the good sense of the word. You will have to gather your thoughts and seriously determine your attitude towards yourself and the world around you in order to finally understand what you really want. Use this period to reflect on your life: is what you do and how you live still meet your aspirations and needs? If not, then try to determine what exactly you need to change. This is a difficult task, but you also have a whole year of time ahead of you. Solitude helps solve it - retire to a dacha, a monastery, or a desert island for at least a few days. There is no need to be afraid of the Hermit card: it does not mean that you will have to suffer from loneliness for a whole year. It only means that you must find the “path to yourself”, become yourself, and above all - in communication with other people.


On the fortune card is the Sphinx, who holds a sword in the lion's paws. He personifies fate, ready to strike left and right. Everything is mixed up in your house, you don’t understand anything, but in life everything repeats itself - thoughts, feelings, events.

The Wheel of Fortune is picking up speed - don’t make unnecessary movements - it will blow away. Strive for the center of the wheel, for the stationary point - your own “I”. Stop and watch - you will find a solution.

In life, you act boldly and sometimes unpredictably, relying not only on calculation, but also on luck. It’s easy to communicate with you, because those around you willy-nilly become infected with your lightness and cheerfulness.

By nature you are a player, but hardly anyone would dare to say that you tend to do stupid things. For all your apparent frivolity, you have a lot of common sense and the ability to hit the mark.

Means quick success in business, that you are lucky.

Upright card is a symbol of wisdom and change of fate for the better. Sometimes the card predicts an unexpected smile from fate. Next to other cards, it enhances good influence and reduces bad influence.

Reversed card also means change for the better, only after a long time. Sometimes it is resistance to change, which is inevitable anyway. At some point, you stepped in the wrong place and immediately found yourself “overboard.” But you still have hope of climbing up the wheel again! It could also just be a visit from a military friend.

Know your destiny and learn to manage it yourself.

Don't be a fatalist.

Card of the day
There are days when we must submit to the inevitable. If you feel that events are approaching inexorably, then let them happen. Remember that every event has its own meaning, even if it is still hidden from us. So it is quite possible that everything will turn out for the better for you in the end.

Card of the Year
Overall a good year for you. The only problem is that we usually don't realize our luck, at least not right away, so fate has to literally rub our nose into it. From here it is clear that your sense of self this year will directly depend on whether you are able to recognize the sign given by fate. This sign most often corresponds to our innermost string, and not to what we think about ourselves or, perhaps, invent. This is where a dilemma may arise. A person gets upset because things did not go at all as he expected, and does not understand that this is his real luck, which meets the true, deepest need of his soul. Therefore, I advise you to resort to the help of astrology, Tarot or I Ching to analyze each of the following months and find out when and in what way such a sign of fate may manifest itself.


This Arcanum is depicted as a young girl effortlessly closing the mouth of a lion. It is an emblem of strength, self-confidence and innocence.

Don't think that the mind is the only thing you should pay attention to. Remember also about the body, take care of it, accumulate energy in it, then the mind will overcome doubts and give vent to the subconscious, which will lead you to the right path.

This is a sign that at this stage you are the master of your destiny, but only if you really have that inner strength and awareness of your own rightness.

This card is an impartial witness to the immoderation of your nature: you are so life-loving, so captured by your own emotions and thirst for pleasure, that these qualities willy-nilly set you apart from your environment, causing some to admire you and others to envy. Learn to understand the various forces that make up a large part of your nature. In its own way, this is also a lion, which simply needs to be tamed!

This is evidence that you have been on the right path so far. Whether you stay on this path or turn aside is also at your discretion. If you like, the Arcanum “Strength” is always a test of you. So fate seems to be trying to understand whether you have the right to act at your own peril and risk, or are you a simple “imposter”?

Upright card is a symbol of soft, feminine power. The card means courage, the ability to curb passions, good health, as well as success in the business you have started.

Reversed card symbolizes weakness, compliance, self-doubt, poor health. Sometimes intentions are doomed to failure.

Dedicate yourself entirely to your loved one, business, new sensations.

Do not overestimate your strengths, do not bring things to destructive consequences.

Card of the day
Peak performance day. You are full of strength and energy, your soul demands action, so do not be surprised if someone or something passionately captivates you. This does not mean that you necessarily need to have an orgy - just give your feelings complete freedom. You can use this day to do a significant part of some big work. Show your interest, and if necessary, show your claws. Today you have the strength to overcome any obstacles - and to enlist the support and help of others.

Card of the Year
A year of passion awaits you. Maybe it will be a person you love, or maybe some business or activity to which you will devote yourself entirely. In any case, you will experience a creative surge that will help you overcome outdated patterns and memories of the past. Don't be surprised if you find yourself in conflict with some moral principles that previously seemed unshakable. Check whether these are really correct principles - or an empty formality from which it is time to get rid of. Then, having freed yourself, you will feel that this year has truly become happy for you.

Sacrifice, change of priorities

The card depicts a young man suspended by one leg on a crossbar, but his face is calm, and his left leg is freely thrown over his right. In everyday terms, the Hanged Man is a Student, because teaching is always coercion and restriction of freedom.

Something new has come into your life, it seems strange and inexplicable to you. Don't be embarrassed, be open to new things, look at everything differently. If the world has turned upside down, you too stand on your head. Learn, be patient and wait, keep your spirit clear.

The Hanged Man card testifies to the undoubted depth of your nature, the desire to receive only the best, the willingness to make sacrifices for yourself and those close to you. This card also indicates that you have such qualities as caution, foresight and a tireless search for your place in life. In other words, you are a full-fledged and comprehensively developed person and you certainly have something to be proud of!

A turning point has come in your life and it’s time for you to decide which direction to move next. At the same time, it is necessary to make some kind of sacrifice in order to achieve the desired goal. Otherwise, you will still have to lose something, but the victim will already be much more serious!

Straight card layout symbolizes the desire to accept change, life flexibility, elasticity of thinking.

Reversed card means excessive interest in one’s own affairs, a waste of energy, loss of initiative. It indicates your indecision, inability to make the right choice in time, which results in large losses that are inevitable with such character traits.

Change your perspective to understand something.

Don’t be discouraged, give up on yourself and cling to the old.

Card of the day
Today will teach you a lesson in patience. Either something that is already taking too long will take even longer, or there will be a delay in something you never expected. Do not try to speed things up, especially by force: it will only get worse. Perhaps it will be enough to reconsider your attitude to what is happening, to look at everything in a new light. If this doesn't help, then you will have to make some kind of sacrifice to get things moving.

Card of the Year
May this year be a turning point for you. You have reached a dead end, so you still have to turn. If it seems to you that you are in a trap, then do not hang in the “neither here nor there” position, but let the crisis deepen even more. You won’t be able to get out of the trap by force, so don’t try. It's like quicksand: the harder you jerk, the deeper you get stuck. Better be patient and be willing to sacrifice old habits, and also learn to treat your problem as an object of long and fascinating study, and then the solution will one day come by itself. At the same time, it will turn out to be very simple. However, all solutions seem simple - once they have already been found.


The card depicts a skeleton shaking its head in a meadow. This is a symbol of the inseparability of life and death: what should be considered the end and what the beginning?

Another stage of life has ended, soon a new personality will mature in you, thoughts and even friends will be different, only the soul will not change, it moves from stage to stage.

At the moment, you are not just a progressive, creative person - you are characterized by an unconventional view of the world and the ability to actively transform your life, which is given to few.

You have serious changes ahead that can radically change your whole life. One stage of your life gives way to another: this is clearly evidenced by the presence of the Arcanum “Death” in your layout. Such serious changes in themselves are rarely negative. They are like a fresh breath of air, and you can’t help but be happy about them. Meet them boldly - and then you won’t be afraid of any changes!

In a straight position the card indicates an upcoming or already begun personality renewal. This is a chance for something new, a symbol of change. Neighboring cards will tell you about the changes.

Reversed card symbolizes fear of change, stagnation in business, work through force. If there are good cards nearby, it means slow progress towards change. It means a restless, unbalanced character, a tendency to “flutter through life” to no avail, or simply an inability to bring one’s plans to their logical conclusion.

Let go of the old, let it end.

Don't take steps that have no future.

Card of the day
Something will end for you today. Something will finally pass or go away. Perhaps you will be glad that “this” is finally over, or perhaps you will be sad to part with something that once meant so much to you. In any case, be prepared to say goodbye to the past. Do not try to save or revive it. Let it go and you will eventually experience a feeling of liberation and relief, even if it is difficult for you to come to terms with it at first.

Card of the Year
This year could mark an important stage in your life. Something will end, something will lose its former meaning or form, and you will have to say goodbye to it to make way for something new. Therefore, let go of what you can no longer hold on to with any effort (which, apparently, you have already guessed for a long time). Finally get rid of bad or harmful habits, free yourself from what no longer benefits you. The more consciously and easily you part with the past, the sooner the new will be able to manifest itself in your life. If you feel sorry to part with him, or if the future seems too uncertain, be patient: these are normal human feelings that should not be heroically suppressed or disguised.


The Arcana depicts the genius of the sun, pouring life force from one vessel to another. This emblem symbolizes the eternal cycle of energy in the Universe.

Gather your strength, you have a change in fate ahead of you, maybe a long journey. While you have a break, think about what you will take with you from the past to the future.

Just recently, changes took place in your life, events replaced each other with such speed that you had no time to keep track of everything or analyze what was happening. There was a radical restructuring of your views and principles. But all this is in the past.

The card shows that you are a self-sufficient person. You are not capricious or eccentric, you control your moods and are not influenced by other people's emotions. People are willingly drawn to you: the clear and friendly state of mind in which you usually find yourself attracts those around you.

The card indicates a favorable outcome of events, but warns that you should not hope for a quick solution to the problem. The matter will progress slowly, but without any special obstacles. Have the proper patience, and after a while you will safely reach your desired goal!

Upright the card means renewal of mental strength, getting rid of unnecessary emotions, calmness and balance in views. Taking the path of right actions.

Reversed card speaks of the wrong approach to life, excessive emotionality, and unreasonable actions. Sometimes it foretells an imminent marriage. When reversed, it softens the negative meaning of neighboring cards.

Find the right measure and follow it.

Do not allow hackwork and momentary hobbies.

Card of the day
Today is a magical day when amazing discoveries, discoveries, and miracles of creativity can happen with your light hand. Maybe you will be able to bring the right people together, solve a complex problem, or create some cunning recipe. But even if you were going to declare your love, smooth out rough edges or make peace, then there is no better day for these purposes than today.

Card of the Year
This year you can completely trust your guardian angel. Whatever your plans, he will lead you on the right path. If you are tormented by contradictions, if you are rushing between two extremes or do not know how to get out of the next trap, if “two souls live in one breast” and cannot agree with each other, calm down: a creative solution to these problems will be found, and before An unexpected exit will open up for you. Of course, liberation from painful problems is usually painful, but pain is the first sign of healing. Therefore, the main thing for you this year is to remain calm.

Connectedness, materialism

This card depicts an evil demon shaking a torch at two people chained at his feet. This is an image of fatality that destroys everyone indiscriminately: strong, weak, high and low. The only way to fight against the “temptation of the devil” is not to avoid it, but to accept it, move through it and leave it behind.

Do you think the devil has captured your soul? Can't you break free? Look at the card, the chain can always be reset, no matter what it represents: promiscuity, alcohol, gambling or bad habits.

This is a challenge. Can you cope with a difficult situation and what means will you resort to? Devil serves as a definite hint to you: you are being tempted, but what exactly this temptation is - you must guess for yourself.

The card indicates that at the moment the main thing in your life is not spiritual goals. The values ​​that you crave to acquire are of an exclusively material nature.

Whether you achieve what you want or not - the accompanying cards will tell you. You should not forget the old truth: by achieving material well-being and not rising to spiritual heights, you risk gradually falling much lower than you are now!

The card claims that the goals you are pursuing are false and it is better to abandon them now, before you are pulled into this quagmire. However, you should not perceive this as a threat: this is just a warning from fate!

On the other hand, the appearance of this card in a reading of the situation indicates that the goal is, in principle, achievable, however, before you safely reach the shore, you should test yourself. And only if you successfully avoid all the traps of fate, the reward will be the successful resolution of your case!

In a straight position the card can mean a thirst for prosperity, success, fame.

Reversed card- a symbol of abuse of power, the desire only for material benefits. Next to good cards, it foretells pleasant love affairs and profitable business.

Bring a ray of light into the kingdom of darkness.

Do not give in to the temptation to change your principles, do not get entangled in relationships with others, do not get involved in dirty deeds and power struggles.

Card of the day
Although the devil is not as terrible as he is painted, today you will apparently have to face the shadow side of your character. Perhaps you will be persuaded to do some unseemly act or to betray your principles. It could also be some sudden internal impulse that you did not suspect was behind you (or thought that you had overcome it long ago) - envy, jealousy, greed or thirst for power. You should neither be angry with yourself for this, nor blame others, nor should you try to suppress this urge in yourself. Use the situation to bring a ray of light into the dark part of your soul: become aware of this urge and find out its reasons.

Card of the Year
This year you will have to “clean up your basement.” At the same time, something may come to light that you never expected, or suddenly what you thought was one thing will turn out to be completely different. The “basement” in this case is a dark, shadow zone of our personality, every now and then forcing us to commit actions about which we later say “the devil has fooled us.” To realize this shadow of yours, you are given twelve whole months. In this case, all that is required of you is to stop looking for scapegoats and, finding yourself in another “demonic” situation, ask yourself how this could happen. Try to determine the true extent of your intemperance. Take an inventory of the most inconvenient and unloved sides of your soul, which, being suppressed, immediately turn into allies of external forces, every now and then trying to find weakness in us. Give these shadows their rightful place and find out for yourself when and how you need to respond to their impulses so that they do not go beyond what is acceptable to you and others.


The Arcana depicts a tower, the top of which is broken by lightning. Two people, one wearing a crown, the other without, were thrown down along with the rubble. This is a symbol of complete collapse, powerlessness before the formidable will of heaven, but also the cleansing of the soul from sins and suffering.

Your house was built on sand and crumbled into dust, don’t try to restore what was destroyed, wait it out and start building a new house. Soon you will feel a surge of new strength.

The card indicates a restless mind, an inability to maintain good relationships with others, on whom all the blame for what happened is placed. Unfortunately, the atmosphere of scandals and showdowns not only does not tire you. On the contrary, it is this way of existence that seems to you the most meaningful of all possible. In addition, Arkan is a clear indication of the crisis that has come in your life. Moreover, these changes will mainly affect your inner world: there will be a radical change in previous views on life. But you shouldn’t worry - new, more productive and creative ones are already maturing in their place!

This lasso should be gathered with courage and meet the coming shocks with dignity. One period of your life gives way to another, and this happens very quickly, and therefore not painlessly. Do not try to “hide” from the collapse that threatens you - this is not in your interests.

On the contrary, try as fast as possible go through this “obstacle course”, because it only precedes the future rise and new achievements!

In a straight position a symbol of conflict, the collapse of the existing order of life, next to bad cards there is chaos, great losses. Next to the good ones, the “black streak” is coming to an end.

Reversed card means circumstances that cannot be changed. Opportunities are limited, sometimes “imprisonment”.

Break open the boundaries that have become too tight.

Avoid unjustified risks, be prepared for the collapse of previous ideas and hopes.

Card of the day
At least you won't be bored today. A surprise awaits you, which can turn into an amazing discovery, but it can also become a significant obstacle, disappointed expectations. If the sudden collapse of your plans makes you sad or angry, which is understandable; then do not forget that the Tower card ultimately means the breaking of frameworks that have become too tight or liberation from outdated ideas. After some time, you will stop regretting what didn’t come true today.

Card of the Year
This year could be a year of liberation for you - if, of course, you yourself want to liberate yourself. Therefore, it is better to let your bomb explode and demolish the obstacle that stands in your way. Find the courage to break free from old ideas, rules and circumstances. And remember that where you trample on the burning fuse, hold on to an outdated idea or old habit, a disaster will still happen. So check whether your approach to some things is too narrow and one-sided, and whether the values ​​​​that you value so much are not illusory? If you notice that a conflict arises here, retreat, let everything take its course, because the more you fight, the sooner the situation will force you to give up your position. And view these changes not as a meaningless blow of fate, but as a necessary course correction and a decisive step towards your further growth.

Clarity, revelation

The card shows an eight-pointed star sparkling above the head of a young girl holding two jugs, one silver and one gold. The girl is an emblem of hope, pouring out balm on the saddest days of our lives.

Continue to help others, everything you give will remain yours. Only what is hidden will be lost forever. Do not destroy the fruits of hope - you will reap the fruits of faith.

You are still on your way, you have not reached the end of your journey. But you already feel that this end is close and therefore you are worried, what will it be like for you? Take another look at the picture: the night is already finishing its course, and the morning is approaching. Don't doubt it - it will be truly wonderful!

Arcana Star means that you are a creative and charming person. The first helps you create and implement your ideas, the second allows you to build harmonious relationships with others. Whatever business you undertake, it usually ends successfully. Your character also helps you out in difficult life circumstances, even if at some point you enter a “streak of failure”, you never lose optimism and faith in a better future. And in fact, soon everything will return to normal again, and your life will continue to flow among successes and achievements.

Star means a positive solution to the issue and indicates that you will achieve what you want. This card encourages you not to lose faith in your strength, to sweep away doubts and despondency, and under no circumstances give up what you started halfway.

If you are sick, you will definitely recover soon; new diseases simply do not threaten you in the near future!

Upright is a symbol of rebirth and success in any endeavor. It means peace and faith in one’s strength, the emergence of a new friend and love.

Reversed card- stubbornness, bitterness, lost chances, lack of faith in one’s strength, laziness, indifference.

Believe in your luck and in your future.

Don't get carried away by dreams of the future so as not to miss today's opportunity.

Card of the day
Rejoice today: the stars are favorable to you! Remember what you dreamed of? Whatever it is, take up the task today, and it will ultimately succeed, because today instinct will unerringly show you the right path. If you don't have any plans, try to take a bird's eye view of your current situation, so to speak. You will be amazed to see how many interesting things surround you and what new horizons open up before you.

Card of the Year
This year is characterized by the most favorable combination of luminaries for you. You can safely make plans for the future and start doing things that involve a long-term perspective. And if you have just recently ended a crisis or a “dark streak”, it means that the time for new hopes and beginnings is coming for you. Most often, although not always, this concerns love and partnerships. Clear away the rubble, wash your wounds with living water, and look at your situation from a higher perspective. You will see how much good is still ahead of you, and what enormous opportunities you have. And by the end of the year you will feel as if you have bathed in the fountain of eternal youth.

Bad luck, occult powers

The moon is shining above the road with two towers on either side. A wolf howls at the moon, a dog lies curled up, and a crayfish slowly crawls between them. In the divine world this is an expression of the abyss of the infinite, in the physical - disappointment, delusion, secret enemies.

You have come to the knowledge of the Truth, but you are afraid to cross its threshold. It’s too late to turn back, go further to the very essence of things, do not limit yourself to a superficial inspection.

You wander in the twilight of your soul, not finding the road, and not even knowing where you are wandering. At this time of day, your deepest instincts awaken, many of which are even unknown to you. And it’s unclear what scares you more: the area you find yourself in or these strange animals.

This is evidence of your isolation, inability to express your feelings, tendency to melancholy and exaggeration of unpleasant moments in life.

Arcana Moon It alludes to the absence of clearly defined goals and objectives in your life. You wander blindly into the future, stumbling at every step, tormented by thoughts about the futility of your fate and the meaninglessness of existence. Soon, having passed through this "dismal plain", you will emerge again to sunlight.

Frequent repetition of such “emotional lows” indicates a tendency to “avoid the sun.” It seems to you too bright, too highlighting your shortcomings, and you, in your opinion, have simply an incredible number of them! Whether you like it or not, you will need the help of other people to overcome such a crisis.

Upright Arcanum means illusions, creative stagnation, unstable character, and sometimes highly developed intuition.

Reversed card means deception, meanness. A symbol of meaningless actions, the inability to distinguish truth from lies. Dissatisfaction with life.

Overcome your fears and step into the unknown.

Do not wander in the dark, do not go into the world of illusions and hallucinations, so as not to stumble before the threshold.

Card of the day
Perhaps you had a bad dream, or this day for some other reason does not seem good to you. Don't let these ghosts scare you. Even if your mood has deteriorated because you have a difficult or unpleasant task, conversation or meeting ahead of you today, do not try to avoid them. Remember that beyond this threshold of fear something new and important awaits you, so you need to gather your courage and cross the threshold. Accept this day as it is and move forward carefully but confidently, despite all your fears. And you will be surprised to discover how much you have achieved.

Card of the Year
This year, a difficult journey awaits you into a new, unknown country that lies beyond the threshold of fear. If you are lucky, the result will exceed all your expectations. But the path to it leads through an enchanted forest, in which you can get lost. Therefore, do not give in to fear and do not be afraid of ghosts, even if they start to scare you with nightmares. You should not downplay the difficulties awaiting you or turn a blind eye to them. You just need to soberly assess the risk and not lose your presence of mind. Carefully think through all the stages and do your job gradually but decisively, without falling into either hopeless despondency or excessive heroism.


The bright sun illuminates two small children, symbolizing innocence. The painting is a symbol of the happiness brought by the simplicity of life, this is the world of light and joy that we strive for. This is the best card of the Major Arcana..

You have reached a high level of consciousness, you have a rich, wise soul and you have known happiness. Now help others.

Before you is innocence and virtue, to which the world generously gives its warmth and light. This whole image is a reminder to you that without these invaluable qualities, any action or even thought will be doomed to quick death. True success comes only to those who, like children, perceive life simply and wisely, without complicating it with ambitions and ambitions.

Life has given you not only an attractive appearance, but also an unusually clear, truly “sunny” character. It’s as if you carry a piece of the sun within you, under whose protection you invariably remain.

Undoubtedly, you have already appreciated such powerful patronage: after all, there has not been a case in your life when events would have led you to the final collapse of all your plans. Even in times of the darkest despair, a “ray of hope” always shone for you, allowing you to see the light of a new day behind the wall of darkness.

The card portends something unusual a calm and successful resolution. Your plans will certainly come true, although perhaps not as soon as you would like. Nevertheless, the overall outcome of the situation will be extremely successful and you will soon forget that you had to wait some time for the fulfillment of your hopes.

In a narrower sense, this card predicts a happy married life or the imminent birth of a child.

Upright means happiness, prosperity, health, success, fulfillment of desires. This card predicts reward and a good future.

Upside down denotes hot temper, anger, strife. Sometimes health problems or family troubles. This card is so positive that even when reversed it predicts success only after significant effort. Hopes and dreams in matters of the heart will not be fully realized. Temporary separation from your loved one is possible.

Get down to business with optimism and cheerfulness.

Don't overestimate your strengths, don't be naive, banal or frivolous.

Card of the day
This day will be sunny for you and you will be able to enjoy it to the fullest. Perhaps it will simply pass without worries, or perhaps some brilliant victory awaits you. With the joy of life and self-confidence that overwhelm you, today you can take on any new business, finding and attracting like-minded people with you. If you have quarreled with someone or know that they are offended at you, then today is the best day for generous forgiveness and reconciliation of the warring parties.

Card of the Year
This year the sunny side of life will open up to you. All the doubts and fears that have tormented you until now will finally become a thing of the past. They will be replaced by self-confidence, love of life and confidence in the future. You will be glad to feel yourself in the center of events again and again. And just as life will generously and generously gift you this year, you will gift others. Use this period to smooth out all conflicts and take a step towards reconciliation. This openness will bring people to your side, and it will help you in both your work and personal life. And, if you accept these solar gifts with gratitude and due humility, then you will not be in danger of becoming arrogant and alienating others.


The card depicts an angel trumpeting the coming of the Day of Judgment. Below are open graves from which people are rising. It is a sign of change, both for good and for evil.

Something new is entering your life, now you are a messenger of God, an instrument of higher powers. Try to understand the meaning of the task entrusted to you and complete it with honor.

This is a symbol of changes that are either happening in your life at the moment, or are about to befall you. Map Court does not imply sudden changes. Everything has been planned by you for a long time, so what is happening is a consequence of your own activities.

This is an indication of your restless nature, always thirsting for change and giving you regular “shake-ups”. Unfortunately, you are rarely limited only to your own life: your “hobby” is to bring shock and confusion into the lives of those with whom fate encounters you.

However, if there are favorable neighboring cards, this card also takes on a positive connotation. You are a creative and proactive person, not inclined to wait for mercy from fate, but to “meet it halfway” in every possible way in matters of improving your own life. You are always up to date with the latest news, which you willingly share with others. By nature, you are a generous and meticulous person.

The card also means change, and for the better. Either your long-standing desire will come true or your life as a whole will reach a higher level of well-being, both spiritual and material. Or maybe some pleasant surprise will just await you soon.

Direct card position speaks of awakening, renewal, great spiritual energy, the decision to start a new business that will change life for the better. Joy due to the fulfillment of a dream, achieving a goal.

Reversed card warns: don’t delay making a decision, don’t be late, take advantage of the opportunity! Delay threatens losses. If the neighboring cards do not say anything specific, then the circumstances will not change until the one who is being fortune-told makes a decision. In personal matters it can mean separation, even divorce.

Believe that a solution or deliverance is just around the corner.

Make sure that old problems, long resolved and passed over, do not resurrect again.

Card of the day
Today you can solve your problem - whether it’s just arisen or old. Just keep your eyes open so you don't miss this opportunity. You may not need to do anything except wait. Although sometimes, in order to find a final solution, a small internal push is needed.

Card of the Year
This year is about “discovering treasure,” whatever that means for you. You can regain something valuable that you thought was irretrievably lost or destroyed, or, conversely, acquire through participation in some business something so impressive and important that you could not even dream of. If you have had to suffer from something until now, then this year you will be able to get rid of suffering.


The Arcana depicts a kneeling androgyne (a bisexual man) in an oval of two snakes entwined with roses. Around are the heads of a man, an eagle, a bull and a lion (four elements). This is a symbol of a free person who has found his half, achieved harmony with the Universe and the highest level of knowledge.

Everything in your life has taken its final form, you are confident in your calling, you are doing what you should, and you have found your only place in the world.

This Arcanum best of all symbolizes a person’s victory over his weaknesses, which pull him down to the earth and gross material wealth. You have ceased to be a slave to your fleeting desires and passions. You are no longer chasing those ghosts that captivate many of those around you. You have finally found that inner balance that allows you to separate true desires from random ones, and also gives you the opportunity to control your own destiny to a much greater extent than before.

The long period of doubt and torment is over, when you didn’t know what your calling was, or how you could achieve what you wanted. It was as if you had stepped into the light from a valley full of fog and shadows. And if just recently you were afraid to take even a step to the side, for fear of losing the already barely noticeable path, now, illuminated by the light of the sun, you can choose from an endless variety of roads and paths stretched right in front of you.

Of course, previously this diversity would have raised the question in your mind: where to go? After all, there are so many paths, and it is completely unclear which one to choose. But now you have impeccable intuition, which allows you to select one thing from the many and highlight accurately!

The card foreshadows the undoubted success of the plan, regardless of the field of activity. Whether you are hoping for the fulfillment of a specific desire or are trying to comprehend your life as a whole, you have a stage ahead of you full of joy from what you have achieved.

In a straight position Arcanum means success, a series of good events, achieving a goal. In practical terms, the card is favorable in all respects.

Reversed card says that the expected results will not come yet, but do not lose hope. Sometimes it can mean success coupled with disappointment or failure in love.

Find your place and enjoy life.

Having achieved your goal, do not rush to rest on your laurels.

Card of the day
Today you feel an extraordinary surge of strength and harmony with the world around you. Either everything is going as you planned, or you simply do not pay attention to possible interference. Enjoy this day, this heavenly peace, and rejoice your soul. If you are just now looking for refuge, whether in a physical, psychological or spiritual sense, then today you can take an important step in this direction.

Card of the Year
This year you will have a chance to finally find your true place in this world, to find your happiness and joy of life. It doesn't matter whether it's about a new home or about love and friendship that will make you feel happy. You will enjoy this new haven. We can also talk about a new level of consciousness, a spiritual refuge where you will feel comfortable. This year, it’s as if all the pieces of the puzzle will come together, all areas of your life will form a single harmonious whole. This integrity will find its expression in everyday life: you will feel in harmony with the whole world.

The symbols of the Tarot meanings are essential to our interpretation of the process. Indeed, the symbols themselves serve as messages from our higher selves and the Universe. The main reason Tarot is such an effective divination tool is that it deals with the general basis of symbols and their meanings.

Tarot - symbolic oracle, and therefore it is important for us to recognize and understand its symbolic meanings in order to ensure a more accurate reading of the cards.

When you look at a tarot card, you will notice that some symbols will attract your attention more than others. This is no coincidence.

When we gravitate towards specific features of a map, it is your intuition that illuminates important issues. Consider some of the meanings of the symbols below in conjunction with your knowledge. This will provide more clarity and understanding for your overall reading. Remember, the meanings of symbols are subject to your own perception.

Open Doors Tarot

"If our minds are glorious mansions,
and our spirits are the surrounding landscape,
then the Tarot door is a door,
opening up wide areas of ever-increasing
beauty, insight and mystical experience."

Important Note . The symbols chosen to create these pages were taken from the traditional Rider-Waite Tarot deck. Other versions of the deck may not display the same symbols as the Rider-Waite. For example, the Angel symbol appears in Rider-Waite's Wheel card, but does not appear in Morgan-Greer's rendition.

Angel: Angels in the Tarot system symbolize divine messages. They are messengers of important information. When read, their appearance indicates that the message (related to the card) may come in the form of inspiration, divine intervention, or subtlety. Angels also symbolize higher thoughts and ideals.

Ankh: The symbolic meaning of the ankh relates to immortality and balance. This is a common Egyptian symbol whose meaning is "life". Geometrically, the loop at the top represents the sun rising above the horizon, represented by a horizontal line. This captures both immortality (the sun always rises) and balance (the horizon is feminine, the sun is masculine in symbolism).

Arch: Arches symbolize openings, passages and initiations. When read, the arch is a symbol of a new direction. This new discovery or path is indicated by this card.

Armor: The symbolic meanings of armor are applied with protection, preparation and strength. Various tarot decks depict all the knights in full armor (knights usually represent action and strength). Armor indicates the need to protect yourself when you engage in the activities mentioned in the reading.

Bench: the bench symbolizes a moment to examine the details. The benches indicate that you should pause, relax and rest for a while to study or analyze the situations expressed in the card design.

Bird: The symbolic meanings of the bird relate to higher thoughts and matters of the spirit. They are creatures of the air, so they symbolize the highest ideals. They also represent freedom and ascension. When the bird symbol appears to us during a reading, it is a message that we are rising to a higher level, we need to free ourselves from slavery, and we need to make our hearts bright.

Blindfold: As one might assume, blindfolds deal with our inability to see things clearly. They represent an unwillingness to face the truth, an inability to accept facts, or a sign that something is being hidden from us. When reading, blindfolding is a sign that we need to be honest with ourselves, do more research to gain a different perspective.

Boat: The boat is a sign that peaceful thoughts arise in the subconscious. These thoughts will tend to set us in motion, and this is another symbolic feature of the boat. Boats deal with deeper thoughts and the movement (to action) of those thoughts. A boat may also indicate movement in a different direction (usually after much thought).

Brick wall: in the Sun card, a brick wall is a symbol that you have been holding back, or positive events have been prevented due to negative or wrong thinking. When we see a brick wall, it is a message that we must be in a state of resolution in order for the solar energy to shine well on us. This also indicates that we should not stop.

Bridge: Bridges take us from one point to another, and therefore it symbolically represents the resources or help available to us. Bridges remind us that the ways and means to achieve something are always available to us. In the 5 of Cups, the bridge represents a transition from a place of grief (or regret) to another stage of life.

Bull: The bull is a symbol of strength and stability. When we see the bull among the cards, we know that we are dealing with some powerful forces because the bull (Taurus) is one of the fixed signs of the zodiac. The Ox (and Taurus) also carries symbolic meanings of resistance to change, being stubborn and inflexible.

Butterfly: universal symbol of transformation. Butterflies are shown in the Queen and King of Swords cards and usually indicate a change in your thoughts or in someone close to you. Butterflies go through several changes and transformations before they develop into their final state of beauty. They are a symbol of us doing the same thing to achieve our ultimate goal and get a better way of thinking and living.

Caduceus: The diverse meaning of the Caduceus symbol is associated with balance, health, protection and cosmic energy. At the 2 of Cups, the Caduceus augurs well for new partnerships and serves as a message that with honor and respect for balance, new relationships will be fruitful.

Lock: Castle symbol meanings deal with purposes. Locks are physical prescriptions of our need to build (block by block) on a solid foundation in order to achieve our goals. Locks can also have to do with hiding ourselves or limiting us from achieving our goals. They are also a symbol of receiving our desires.

Cat: Cats are associated with alertness, awareness and perception. The image of the cat on the card is a message that there is energy that we may not be aware of, but we can certainly use it. Cats are also a symbol of psychic abilities. The cat will indicate that you must maintain your balance (keep your thoughts to yourself) and be aware of all sides of the story in a card reading situation.

Chains: As one might imagine, the symbolic meaning of chains is usually associated with restriction, conflict and slavery. The chains shown on the Tarot deck card are a message that we may find ourselves in a situation where we have become slaves to our thoughts and vices. This indicates that there is a limitation or dependency depending on the situation noted in the reading.

Children: children represent promise, hope, fresh starts, new beginnings, new ideas and a fresh outlook on the world. Children are full of promise for the future, and therefore they are a symbol of this promise. When they appear in cards in a reading, it can represent the start of a new venture, the promise of a new beginning, or literally mean that children are on the way (new birth/adoption).

Town/Village: Cities and villages are centers or collections of people, thoughts, energy and ideas. They are a symbol of the culmination of a group that meets to achieve a common goal. They also symbolize protection, harmony and teamwork. When you notice towns/villages in a reading, it means that a group effort is required, or you need to tap into some energy centers or thought centers to accomplish what you need to do.

Clouds: Clouds have a symbolic meaning of revelation. Out of the fog of our deepest thoughts, an epiphany suddenly appears, a bright idea appears out of nowhere - this is the basic meaning of the cloud symbol. Depending on the card, clouds can also symbolize confusion or crazy judgment. First and foremost, clouds represent higher thoughts and messages from the Universe.

Dog: Man's (and woman's) best friend - dog symbolic meanings are associated with fidelity, honesty, loyalty and truth. When we have the dog symbol, we can ask ourselves one of the following questions: 1) Where is our loyalty? 2) What do we believe? 3) Are we ourselves faithful? A dog in our cards is also a good indication that we are on the right path, as they symbolize stability and righteousness.

Pigeon: The dove is a common spiritual icon with symbolic meaning indicating hope, purity, aspiration and ascension. In Greco-Roman mythology, the dove is a holy creature to Aphrodite/Venus and is therefore a powerful symbol of love. He is shown on the cards as a promising symbol. Notice that the dove is pointing down - this is the message: "what goes up must come down." In other words, fly high, but remember that everything changes someday.

Falcon: Throughout culture and myth, the meaning of the falcon symbol has referred to a higher vision, transcendence, and rising above the mundane. A common symbol of the Sun among many cultures, the falcon also symbolizes strength, vibration. When Falcon is in your charts, you will be asked to consider whether you are living life in accordance with your vision. The falcon asks us to fly high and burn the sky with our own brilliance.

Fire: Fire is a symbol of creative and destructive power. Among its many cultural symbolic meanings are: energy, transformation, passion, ambition, inspiration and strength. In many religions, fire is a symbol representing a test of faith or a measure of one's purity.

Fish: It is no coincidence that fish is represented on cup cards, because the fish symbol deals with emotions, intuition and creativity. When considering the meaning of the fish symbol, we must first recognize the nature of the water in which it lives: in motion, unpredictable and representative subconscious. The fish is a symbol of prolific abundance and you have the opportunity to use our passion responsibly.

Flag: when we look at cards that show the flag, we get a good idea of ​​its symbolic meanings. A flag is a declaration of change - something has shifted, and the flag makes the world aware of that shift. It is a bright, bold obvious sign that a new day is dawning. This is not about subtle shifts - the flag will announce the event and everyone will hear it.

Flowers: As we have expected, flowers have symbolic meanings of joy, beauty, growth, sensitivity and unfolding. They are the predominant features of the six cups and four stems, but they are seen sprinkled throughout many variations of the deck (see also the sunflower symbol designation). Flowers are all about opening and receiving the light of love, joy and compassion into our lives. They remind us of the best things in life, the good times, the sweet smell of success and the beauty that surrounds us if only we open to its presence.

Globe: Often depicted as the world, the globe has a symbolic meaning of totality - both cosmic and physical. When a globe attracts our attention on a map, it indicates that achievement is imminent; we have the whole world “at our fingertips.” It is also a symbol of understanding, getting an idea - or grasping the "bigger picture". The globe is also the geometric aspect of the circle, which deals with infinity, completion, cycles.

Grapes/Vine: The symbolic meanings of grapes and vines deal with fertility, abundance, transformation and blessing. Considered the fruit of the earth in both pagan and Christian circles, the grape is rich in symbolism. Bunches of grapes have long been depicted in funerary art and are symbols of atonement. Grapes and vines are also found in Greco-Roman art as a symbol of hospitality, generosity and a symbol of youth. All these attributes come into play when we see these dense fruits in the cards.

Hammer: a hammer or striking object is a sign that a point needs to be directed or work done. The hammer is also a symbol of strength, action, masculinity and creativity. Typically, when it comes to calling, when a hammer catches our eye as we read, it can indicate that we need to get the job done and do it well. It may also mean that we need to work out details related to a job or project.

Hand: power, dominance, protection are the primary symbolic meanings related to the hand. Hands have historically been perceived as points of transmission, that is, we give and receive from the hands (energetically and physically). It is no coincidence that all the powerful ace cards are depicted with a hand holding a suit symbol. This is a clear message of strength. It is also a reminder that we can both give and receive the energy that is relevant to the suit in question.

Heart: As one might expect, the heart has long been a symbol of love, joy and affection. The heart is also a symbol of truth, courage and conscience. The symbol of the heart is the center of existence - physically speaking, it gives life to the rest of the body. When we meet the heart in our readings, we must remember our own center and what is the focus of our attention. We can also ask what we love most - what is positive or negative.

Hoe: Yes, it is a tool, and therefore its symbol deals with work, resourcefulness, achievement. But the hoe is also a message that we can make our path easier by using the resources (tools) available to us. The hoe is also associated with the old saying “what we sow is what we reap.” When a hoe pops up in our cards, we need to think about what we are doing and how we are using our resources and maybe we need to get some help.

Horse: Shown on tarot cards, horse symbol meanings deal with strength, movement, action and vitality. Associated in many ancient traditions with the four elements (fire, water, earth, air), the horse is also a powerful spiritual symbol and emblem of incorporating all elements to maintain an equal, strong balance with all things in the Universe. As we read, it gives us pause to consider what we are accused of and why.

House: In houses we live, die, play, cry, grow, hide, dream and much more. Thus, the house is a symbol of our deepest secrets and the tender parts of our hearts. The meanings of the house symbol also relate to protection and the value we feel we need to protect from theft. When houses appear in a reading, it may be a sign that our safety is at risk, but we are already protected.

Ice: Ice symbol meanings relate to isolation, patience, waiting, distance and opposition. Ice is used in Tarot to convey the feeling of separation. It is also used to depict a time of deep contemplation or a process of growth that occurs much later (the cycle of the season), such as spring only emerging after thawing.

Keys: Keys unlock things and as such they represent knowledge, intelligence and reveal things that are hidden from us. The keys symbolize the keys to spiritual knowledge and wisdom. The ancient Greeks depicted keys as symbols of knowledge and life. When these clues come to our attention, we may need to ask if we are blocking our potential and we feel like something is locked away from us.

Flashlight: The lantern carries all the symbolic meanings that relate to light - it is a vehicle for reason, truth and illumination. In Hinduism and Buddhism, the lamp is a symbol of life. Lanterns also serve as a symbol of devotion and embody the spirit of virtue, faith and vigilance, as well as lighting the way in the darkest hour. When the lantern shines, it is a symbol of clarity and life, revealing precious gifts to us.

Lemniscate: The lemniscate (also known as the infinity symbol) is a geometric representation of the infinite and eternal nature of energy. Energy cannot be created or destroyed, it simply continues forever in motion. The symbolic meaning of this emblem serves to remind us of the infinite nature of our spirit as well as our thoughts. When this symbol comes to our attention, it can be a message that we must consider the consequences of our thoughts and actions, the consequences of which can be endless.

Lightning: Usually lightning meanings deal with instantaneous and divine intervention. Lightning is an important message from a higher source, a message for the observer to wake up and pay attention to his/her surroundings. Lightning was seen as a creative spark. Lightning is also associated with both fire and water, and many cultures represent both the creator and the destroyer. When you get lightning on your Tower card, perhaps it is a message to pay attention to what creative or destructive forces are at work in your life.

Lily: The lily has symbolic meanings of purity, innocence and fertility. Additionally, the symbolism of the lily is about vulnerability and the freedom to be yourself and allow others to be who they are. The lily is also a symbolic flower of health and provision. In a reading, the lily can signal growth, development, and the quality of innocence in our lives. Depending on the surrounding cards, the lily can also indicate new relationships and childbirth.

A lion: Emphasizing one of the four fixed signs of the Zodiac, the meanings of the Leo symbol deal with strength, courage, protection. Like lightning, the lion is seen as both savior and destroyer in ancient cultural myth. The lion is a paradox, standing as a symbol of spiritual valor, it is also a symbol of the brutal needs of the flesh. When the lion roars, we are encouraged to consider our level of courage. Are we protecting others or ourselves? Are we strong or just stubborn?

Lizard: symbol of renewal, vision, enlightenment and rebirth. The lizard signifies the importance of vision in the midst of action. In fact, in ancient times (especially in alchemical lore), it was believed that the lizard regained its sight by looking at the sun. A symbol of humble perspective in the face of monumental physical strength, the lizard is a tiny reminder that big results come from small, conscious efforts.

Cancer: The cancer symbol is associated with cycles, regeneration and protection. These creatures are lunar symbols; they throw their projectiles back to new targets, and this is where revival comes into play. Protective symbolism permeates our consciousness, reminding us of the cyclical nature of our lives and the protection we may need for the path we are embarking on.

Moon: Moon symbol meanings are related to cycles, time, psychic power, reflection and the transition from one phase to another. Think about the power of the Moon to influence the oceans and greatly influence the kingdom of nature. Also a symbol of femininity, the Moon is a sign of the softer, intuitive side of all of us. The Moon encourages us to consider our level of awareness. The Moon asks us if we are listening to our intuition and how we are allowing our direction in life to be influenced.

Mountains: on many cards, mountain symbols deal with triumph, challenge, achievement and fulfillment. Mountains also represent infinity. When these mountains come to our attention, we can consider the vastness of our Universe and contemplate our place within it. We can also consider the heights we rise to and what realizing our goals can mean for us and those around us.

SEA: Sea symbol meanings deal with endless possibilities. As you gaze at the sea you will contemplate the essence of vastness, mystery and depth. It seems to be inexhaustible and has wonderful things that we cannot yet see. When the sea in the cards crashes its waves against our consciousness, it is time to pay homage to the great god - this means that we must recognize the growing force around us, the animating force that flows through us - the expansive and expressive nature of the Universe. In other words, we must accept that there may be other (higher) powers in our lives, and it is time to release our control to allow those powers to open up incredible possibilities for us.

FLOW: as you can imagine, the meanings of the flow symbol have to do with the direction as well as the path we choose to travel at any stage of our lives (family, career, love, spirituality, etc.). Currents remind us that lifelong journeys begin with one small step. The flows in our reading indicate the beginning and the steps we take that create the life we ​​live. When currents emerge in our readings, we must consider these things and question the intention and sincerity of the steps we take in each of our paths. We must also re-evaluate the commitments we have made along our life's journey.

Pillars: The meaning of the pillar symbol is balance. Typically, the focal point of the card is set vertically between two tall columns - this is a visual indication that the nominal card has chosen the middle ground. As the columns emerge in our reading, it is time to consider issues of diplomacy, balance, tact and strategy. This is a sign that the transition between the two may be more adventurous. Instead of seeing things as left or right, black or white, perhaps we can consider the middle road - a third option with a new and different perspective.

Jug: the jug is a vessel and therefore we are very interested in the contents. The meanings of the pitcher symbol deal with what we hold in our lives... what does our heart hold? Our minds? Even our bodies? In the Star card we see clean water pouring out - a sign that we must be clean vessels in order to expand, express and manifest purity.

Arable fields: “As we sow, so shall we reap.” This is the main symbol representing the plowed fields that we see in maps. When these fields come into contact with our intuition in a reading, we must remember that what we do and how we do it is critical to our harvest. If we are lazy and careless with sowing seeds, we will be disappointed with the results. However, if we take the time to plant, nurture, and grow our rows, we will be rewarded with abundance. Arable fields are also a symbol of time - it takes time to reap the fruits, we must allow germination to occur, and patience is required as we wait for the results we expect from our labors.

Pomegranate: Pomegranate symbol meanings deal with abundance, fertility, compassion, generosity and union. Used in many cultures as a symbol of fertility and love, the pomegranate, with its leathery outer skin and its juicy, sweet seeds, is a symbol of all-encompassing bliss, reminiscent of passion and luxury. It is also a strongly feminine symbol and is associated with female sexuality. When the garnet card comes up in readings, it is time to consider the power of our divine feminine side. The pomegranate is also a message for us to tap into the luxurious side of life - to recognize the wealth, abundance and wonder that surrounds us at every turn.

Rabbit: Reflective, indicative and quick rabbit characters deal with decisive action, relaxed and good judgment. Rabbits are close to the earth and are therefore very grounding symbols. As social creatures, rabbits also remind us of the importance of friends and family. When the rabbit in the Queen of Pentacles card moves into our awareness, it is time to examine the issue and draw the appropriate conclusion, as the Queen does. It's also a good sign to gather friends and family - get in touch with your loved ones.

Rain: Traditionally, rain had symbolic meanings of purification as well as fertility (ancient cultures revered rain for its ability to keep crops alive). We must use this symbol to wash away the old and embrace the new. When we see rain falling in a chart, it is a reminder that the rain washes away the dirt, the storms pass, and we are left with more fertile soil to plant in.

Ram: Particularly prominent in most decks, the head of the ram has symbolic meanings of determination, action, initiative and leadership. The Ram is also the symbol of Aries, who is the astral ruler of the Emperor. Aries is the first sign of the Zodiac, which further enhances the attributes of leadership, authority and other characteristics. When the ram captures our attention, it is a sign to take charge, stand up, take action and get motivated to achieve our goals.

Ropes: As we expected, the meanings of the rope symbol are associated with binding, restriction. When we think of ropes, we often think of knots and everything connected to them. However, in the case of the Hanged Man, the rope is a utility - it serves as a necessity to move away from our internal knots. When we are attached, we are forced into a state of inaction, and this is precisely the answer to our problems. The more we struggle with the knot that is connected, the tighter it becomes.

Rose: a long-standing symbol of purity, promise and beauty. Rose symbol meanings deal with the promise of new beginnings and hope. We must also take into account the thorns - with the promise of new hope, we may have to endure a few stinging thorns (painful trials) along the way. Overall, the rose is a symbol of the beauty that is ready to unfold in each of our hearts and a reminder that we should take the opportunity to enjoy the beauty around us.

Scroll: The meanings of the scroll symbol refer to knowledge that is transferred from era to era. Scrolls are symbols of ancient wisdom and sacred knowledge - usually of a hidden nature. When the scroll begins to appear in your card reading, it is time to get in touch with the hidden facts - get to the source of knowledge and talk about what is happening in the situation related to the card reading.

Shield: The meanings of the shield symbol relate to protection and covering. Shown on the Empress card, the shield is a likely symbol for a card demonstrating the virtues of love and abundance. However, even in the happiest and most abundant times, the shield is a message for us to protect ourselves from overindulgence and is a signal for us to prepare to protect or defend what we value most (family, friends, future, etc. .).

WAVES: Yes, of course, the meaning of the wave symbol is associated with travel. However, an often overlooked factor is water - it deals with the deeper levels of the psyche and subconscious. When the waves fall in a card reading, consider where your thoughts (psyche) are traveling - what baggage (cargo) are you carrying with you, and are you planning the best course for your thoughts and emotions?

Snail: Snail symbol meanings deal with stable support and stability. Snails carry their homes on their backs, which symbolizes our security in our hearts (security and happiness in this case is an inside job). The snail is also a symbol of slow (but steady) progress. Stability and success do not appear overnight. Rather, success usually comes at a snail's pace.

Snake: Snake symbols deal with renewal, rebirth and development primarily because they shed their skin during each growth cycle. Snakes are also cold-blooded, meaning that they depend on their environment for their body temperature. This is a symbolic message that we must be adaptive, flexible and adapt as much as possible to our circumstances. When the snake appears in the cards, in our minds, we need to ask ourselves whether we need to shed a part of ourselves to allow further growth, or perhaps we need to be a little more flexible in situations at work or at home.

Snow: Snow symbol meanings deal with someone "coming out of the cold", becoming isolated and exposed to harsh conditions. However, anyone who has stepped outside immediately after fresh snow can tell you that the beauty is stunning. Clean, crystal and quiet. These are also the symbolic qualities of snow. When snow falls in a spread, keep in mind that snow is necessary to have spring flowers. Also remember, it's a matter of perspective - we can see the snow as insulation, or we can see it as a new, clean blanket, waiting.

Sphinx: The symbolic meaning of the sphinx concerns guardianship and protection of the secrets of life. Long considered a tyrant in myth, the sphinx was said to continually provoke passers-by with riddles; only those who could answer their riddles were allowed to enter the gates they guarded. The physical structure of the sphinx (some of the human parts of the beast) also symbolizes feelings. When the Sphinx calls our attention in a reading, we are encouraged to answer the riddle - using all our senses and identifying the mysteries that may be holding us back.

Stained glass: Stained glass windows symbolize perception and how our vision (mental, physical and spiritual) can change according to our perceptions and beliefs. The art of glass coloring harkens back to ancient alchemy, where certain compounds are mixed with glass to produce a transformative effect on the viewer. When you see stained glass in a card reading, it is a sign to begin to be honest about your perception of the situation. Do you see things clearly or do you see things through rose-colored glasses?

Star: As long as we can look to the stars, we look to them for illumination, direction and guidance. Thus, star symbol meanings deal with showing light to our lives, offering us navigation when we need it and providing consistency when our life paths seem more correct. When the stars in the cards appear in a divination, you must realize that it is time to look to a higher source for direction, and realize that the starlight in our hearts can also illuminate your path.

Sun: So much depends on the existence of the Sun, its symbolic meanings are endless. First and foremost, the Sun is a symbol of expansion, growth, energy and creativity. When the Sun shines on your consciousness in a reading, pay attention to its position in the sky (sunrise, midday or sunset) as its position is also symbolic. The rising of the Sun is a symbol of new beginnings, the sunset indicates that something is ending or moving on to a new feeling, and the middle of the day indicates that there is great strength in creative endeavors.

Sunflower: If you have ever observed this lucky flower, you will notice that its head is always facing the Sun. This is the sunflower's "always look at the light" message for the answers and guidance you are looking for. When the sunflower is in a reading, it is time to look away from the dark (negative) and look at the bright (positive) side of things, as the sunflower does provide a sunnier placement.

Tomb: This symbol has very little to do with physical death. It's about breaking out of ill-fitting mind sets and liberating yourself from oppression-like belief systems. Often this period of "coming out" occurs after a long time of stagnation - another aspect of the tomb - where we were once confined within a framework for a period of time, we evolve from our tomb into a new stage of understanding.

Triangle: in Ancient Egypt, the Triangle was seen as a symbol of intelligence and indicated the ability to love. Buddhists use this geometric pattern in the Sri Yantra mandala as a tool to invoke the energy of love. The triangle also concerns love, represented in the mother, father, children, and also in the holy trinity. Additionally, this symbol has long been recognized as a sign of balance and creativity.

Wall: see also "brick wall". Simply put, walls deal with separating one area from another. When we need to keep one area of ​​our lives separate from another, the walls in the maps show us this. Take a close look at the context of the "wall cards" in relation to the rest of the reading - which cards indicate that you are separate?

Waterfall: Water is a symbol of emotions and the subconscious. Therefore, waterfalls deal with the constant course and current movement of our emotions. Observing the nature of waterfalls, we see that they usually move at such a rapid speed that they take with them everything in their path - rocks, trees, any debris in the middle of the waterfall are subject to its pull. Additionally, the waterfall results in rocks falling and crashing. This is a lesson that when we don't control our emotions and thoughts, they control us - potentially leading us to undesirable results.

Wolf: The wolf is a symbol of our basic impulses and shows its teeth whenever we try to be ordinary. As a member of the dog family, the wolf is also a symbol of loyalty and intelligence. When the wolf appears in the cards in a reading, it is time to refocus on our core desires and compare them to our loyalties. Simply put, we are true to our core image, which we believe should be maintained in society.

Wreath: Typically, laurel wreaths are depicted on various cards. Wreaths of this type have long been a symbol of victory since the days of the first ancient games on Mount Olympus, where the winner was crowned with laurels (hence the term "resting on one's laurels" comes when one relies on one's credentials). The sweet-smelling laurel wreath is also a symbol of protection, peace and purification and is associated with the god Apollo. This message is that the grace of the Gods is upon us and that we will be winners at this stage of our lives.

Fortune telling with Tarot cards is a complex process of interaction with the subconscious of the questioner. At the initial stage, deciphering complex symbols can cause difficulties for the fortuneteller. Therefore, the most popular way of layout remains the use of the major arcana. There are only 22 of them and each is connected with the previous one. The meaning of Tarot cards can be twofold and depends not only on the location of the card, but also on its neighbors.

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The jester is the zero lasso, symbolizing the beginning of the path. The start of soul development. The remaining major arcana are interpreted depending on the question posed. They can indicate close people and the environment of the questioner, the client himself, events and character traits that interfere or are necessary.

    How to understand the cards?

    To correctly interpret fortune telling cards, the practitioner needs to create a strong connection with them. Common interpretations should not be memorized, but passed through the prism of your own perception, creating your own associations. To understand them better, you need to connect the stories on the cards with your emotions.

      At the first stages of practice, the fortuneteller may encounter an inexplicable phenomenon: in some cases, the same lasso reveals itself differently, causing a desire to decipher it differently, or says nothing at all. This is fine. Such situations indicate the desire of the cards to speak to the fortuneteller, making it possible to better understand the situation.

      There is no universal instruction for a fortuneteller. Each practitioner has his own methods of interaction. Therefore, before starting fortune telling, it is necessary to correctly organize the work with cards and the process of getting to know them. Before starting to get acquainted with the minor arcana, the practitioner must develop a strong association with the base of the deck. If it is not there, the three of cups or the page of swords will only confuse the fortuneteller.

      What do the major arcana say?

      When describing the card, depending on the situation, the major arcana show the client’s internal state. Then the external circumstances that influenced the problem are examined. Both factors make it possible to identify processes occurring in the subconscious and find the answer to the question.

      The given interpretations should be taken as a road sign, and not an axiom. At first, this knowledge is enough if you try to get to know the cards on your own and give them the opportunity to speak through the fortuneteller’s associations.

      In order for the fortune telling process to be as effective as possible, it is necessary to choose the right deck. The most popular decks are:

      • Manara;
      • Rider Waite;
      • 78 doors;
      • Tarot of Thoth;
      • Wheel of the Year.

      The right deck is the key to successful work

      When fortune telling, it is important that the symbols depicted evoke vivid associations in the fortuneteller. Separate decks are selected for different types of work. For all occasions, only one deck can be used - the personal item of the fortuneteller. But it cannot be used for fortune telling by strangers.

      When diagnosing protection and readings on relationships, you cannot use the same deck, even if the owner of the cards asks. These are opposite energies that will conflict and confuse the answers. For diagnosis, it is necessary to use a deck of shadows; if a practitioner studies magic in depth, the deck is selected in relation to the main practice of the fortuneteller.

      Dark decks are suitable for few people. Their energy is aggressive and the practitioner must be able to withstand the messages emanating from them.

      Tarot card meaning

      To get started, some general characteristics are enough. Brief explanation of the major arcana of the Tarot:

      ArcanaInternal moodStraight positionInverted positionAdviceWarning
      0 The jester is the beginning of development. He is open to everything new, chooses new routes and strives to experience all manifestations of life, despite obstacles. The map asks the question: “Where are we going? "But the jester moves on anywayThe interpretation of the jester can be ambiguous. He goes in search of happiness and is ready for new adventures. The jester is ready to fall into the abyss of the unknown, he is interested in finding out what awaits him there. The card represents people endowed with the spirit of freedom. A dog is a friend who warns of danger. Symbolizes the parents, friends and relatives of the questioner. Their worries are a natural process. The questioner is like a baby who is learning to walk and is not afraid of falling. It is important to remember that without falls he would never have been able to learn to walkThe card foreshadows unexpected events and a new life cycle. The changes ahead will be unexpected and all businesses involve some degree of risk. There is no need to refuse the opportunities that have opened up, but you should take a closer look at your surroundings and be careful. One wrong step and the jester will fall into the abyssIndicates the client's low self-esteem. Lack of initiative and thirst for pleasure drag a person down. The questioner is surrounded by dishonest and selfish people. There is anxiety in the client’s soul; he harbors many illusionsYou need to understand your aspirations and fears. It's important to trust your instincts, but think aheadHasty actions and hasty conclusions can lead to dire consequences
      1 Arcana Magician is guidance, help from fate. He is very careful and avoids danger. This is the first person the jester metMeeting a magician means meeting yourself. It is a symbol of self-sufficiency, consciousness, skill. The magician's task is to balance his passions and desires. This is a new round of soul development, it is prudent and conscious. This is a self-confident person who knows how to deal with difficulties and has success with the opposite sex.The magician who appears in the layout symbolizes leadership. The questioner must choose his own path and method of realizing his talents. He is smart, active and hardworking and knows how to play fairIn an inverted position, the lasso denotes magical intervention in the client’s fate. In order to correctly understand the situation, it is necessary to find out from the questioner whether he has recently had any quarrels out of nowhere, unpleasant situations, or whether he has found strange objects. The client’s response and the cards lying nearby will indicate the culprit and how to fix the problem.The card advises you to become a conductor of creative energy. You need to hope for a miracle and perform miracles for othersYou need to listen to your intuition and grab new opportunities
      2 The High Priestess indicates either a woman who has influence over the client or the dominant feminine principle in himThis is a symbol of receptivity to knowledge and mystical discoveries in oneself. Denotes virginity or rejection of sexual intimacy. Represents a sincere, calm and friendly personFor a man, the priestess signifies the search for a female partner for marriage. Regardless of gender, it indicates mystical revelations in the life of the questioner. He himself strives for spiritual growth, or a wise mentor will soon meet on his path. May indicate a desire to leave an existing relationshipThe man is dissatisfied with his wife and the way she runs the household. A person does not understand how to improve his relationships and does not know how to listen to intuition. Looking for a mentor and unsure of himselfThe time has come for spiritual growth and improvement of life. We must strive for purity of soulManifestation of cruelty, coldness and vindictiveness can destroy the life of the questioner
      3 The Empress is the embodiment of everyday life and earthly chores. Represents the feminine principle or a specific personThe embodiment of a business woman, enterprising and caring. She is passionate and able to bring fresh ideas to everything she does. In love scenarios, the lasso falls out if partnership reigns in the couple. The man respects his chosen one, but is a little afraid. If the client’s question concerns work, the card hints that it’s time to ask a woman with similar characteristics for help in business.Soon all your dreams will come true, all necessary preparations have already been made. An early pregnancy is possible. The questioner has everything necessary to change the situation for the betterA woman who creates obstacles. Problems with fertility and sex. Inability to take the initiative into one's own hands, uncontrolled flow of life. A lot of household chores and financial difficulties. Creative block, inability to express oneselfYou need to learn to listen and feed your soul. Creativity, outdoor recreation and silence are best suited for this.You should avoid excesses in everything and strive for harmony
      4 The emperor is an authoritative and experienced person. Symbol of disciplineThe card hints that to gain power you need to curb yourself. Only a disciplined person deserves the privilege of governing. An arcana can denote society, social structures or a person working in this areaMay indicate situations that promote professional growth. Obtaining a responsible position or being assigned a project, the completion of which will result in a worthy reward. May indicate help from an influential person in a higher positionAbuse of power and outdated views. An influential person interferes with the release of creative potential. The questioner does not know how to control himself at all. Dependent person. In the scenario for a woman, the emperor personifies inflated demands on menYou need to determine which area of ​​life is preventing you from moving forward and learn self-control. Self-improvement is the path to successIt is important to be open to new ideas and not interfere with other people's progress
      5 Priest – human need for mystical experience. Search for the meaning of life. Denotes an honest and decent personThe client is concerned with questions of existence and seeks to understand the essence of the highest. He seeks support from religious orders. In everyday understanding, the card indicates a desire to move up the corporate ladder. May indicate belonging to a communityIndicates the appearance of a spiritual mentor or the process of seeking spiritual knowledge itself. This experience will allow the client to find out the answers to his questions. The desire for new knowledge. True loveBase actions and personality degradation. Neglect of self-development. Changes for the worseStudying cultural wisdom will help you find your path. However, you need to be able to distinguish the wheat from the chaffReligious fanaticism can ruin a client's life. Moderation is important
      6 Lovers - encourages you to be honest in your feelings and listen to your heart. This doesn't just apply to love relationships.An important stage has arrived in the client’s life, and his decision determines whether he will reach unprecedented heights or destroy everything. The right choice is a decision filled with self-love. It is the desire to break out of outdated and irrelevant ways of thinking. Unity of opposites and cooperation to achieve a new goal. In love scenarios, it symbolizes the first sex or romantic period of a relationship.The fate of a person depends on a difficult decision. It implies a choice between material well-being and love. In love readings it means a new romanceThe card encourages you not to get hung up on one person and take a healthy look at the situation. The lasso personifies the reluctance of intimacy, love trials, delay of marriageTo achieve harmony, you need to learn to love life in all its manifestations. It is important to realize that romantic love involves respecting your partner's choices.A good start is not the key to a successful finish
      7 Chariot – denotes the desire for change and overcoming contradictionsFeelings interfere with driving the chariot of your life. Rough masculine energy rushes forward and must be curbed. To balance life and accept yourself, you need to part with outdated ideas. Success in business and adoption of an aggressive startA person's destiny depends on the ability to control oneself, uniting light and darkness. Events will occur in the life of the questioner that will help him realize his inner power.The events that have taken place will reveal the instability of the client's position. Destruction of plans, financial losses. Lack of self-confidenceTo overcome all life's obstacles and successfully reach your goal, you need to be confident in your own abilities and the correctness of your choice.You can't overestimate yourself. Vindictiveness will create a lot of problems for the client in the future.
      8 Strength – denotes an internal state. Talks about the need to use force in a certain matterThe power card symbolizes the next stage of personal development. Strength of spirit is the basis for achieving a goal. To achieve it, you need to accept yourself as you are. Self-discipline and acceptance extends to relationships with othersTo overcome a life situation you will have to show strength of character. On a spiritual level, the lasso means awareness of one’s negative character traits and getting rid of them. Discovering new talents and artistryDenial of your negative traits. Lack of self-confidence and interference of strangers in the life of the questionerA lion lives inside every person and interaction with him should be built on affection and love. This is the only way to tame the beastAnimal instincts must be kept under control
      9 The hermit is a symbol of inner lightThe hermit symbolizes the reunification of the feminine and masculine principles. The time has come for fruitful solitude and recuperationInternal work on oneself, search for spiritual harmony, solitude, new goals, spiritual growth. A journey into yourself, getting to know your inner worldLack of desire for self-development, complexes of a sexual nature, base desires. Refusing the help of a noble manThe hermit's main lesson: great things are born in the darkness of emotions. Meditation and solitude will help the questioner set new goalsThere is no need to hide from the world and engage in self-deception
      10 Wheel of Fortune. It's time for unexpected discoveriesThe Wheel of Fortune teaches you to appreciate the present moment. Every person can lose everything in the next second. Therefore, it is important to understand this, accept it and adapt. If life seems unbearable right now, you need to remember that nothing is permanentA period of luck. All paths are open to the questioner, he is cleansed and renewed. Everything old and burdensome leaves his lifeThis is a difficult period and it is necessary to pay special attention to health. Gambling will only bring losses, and new endeavors will not be successful. You need to remain honest and principledIn any life situation you need to strive for calm, this is the only way to achieve harmony in an ever-changing realityFrames and restrictions can only lead to disappointment. It is important to always be open to new experiences
      11 Justice - personifies logical thinkingThe dropped 11th lasso tells the fortuneteller that all current events are the result of actions in the past. All mistakes will be worked out and this cannot be avoided. At an ordinary level, the card encourages being honest and may indicate a meeting with a fair personThe questioner is waiting for a serious decision to be made, possibly related to legislation or law enforcement agencies. Justice calls for caution and prudence. In layouts to resolve the situation, the card speaks of victory in favor of the clientLengthy legal proceedings, business failures, difficult life lessons, health problems. The present moment is a bad time to resolve documentation issuesIt is important to understand that the surrounding reality completely depends on the person. All failures in any area of ​​life are the result of the actions of the questioner himselfYou need to be able to take responsibility for your life
      12 Hanged Man - a revolution in consciousness. Conscious self-sacrifice and acceptance of fateThe card invites the questioner to think about his life and current events. Meditation will help you understand lessons and see new opportunities. All the client's problems arise from a lack of self-control.This is a positive card despite the scary image. It denotes the client’s special mood, his desire to renounce everyday life and engage in spiritual quests. The price of knowledge is a voluntary sacrifice, and this must be taken for granted, without unnecessary drama. At the end of the path there will be light waiting. The appearance of a hanged man in a reading indicates the loss of something valuable for the sake of acquiring new benefits.The card speaks of a difficult period of adaptation to the new. The questioner is at a dead end and cannot find a way out of the situation. He cannot understand the lesson and can only observe the changes taking place. Changes will happen for the better if a person can acceptIt is necessary to radically change your view of the world and current eventsIf it is impossible to predict the end of the situation, there is only one way out - to act according to the circumstances
      13 Death – completion, rebirth. “For a grain to sprout, it must fall into the ground and die.”The card can talk about physical death. But most often the lasso symbolizes radical changes. This is a difficult period. Everything old and unnecessary dies away. Time for creation. All processes come to their logical conclusion. You need to let go of the situation and, like a chrysalis, wait for its rebirth into a butterflyThe old life no longer matters, the universe clears the way for new events. The client will experience rebirth in all areas of lifeThe client is accompanied by a series of failures; a period of stagnation has begun in his life. All events happen very slowly and with great effort. The reason for all the events that occur is the inability of the questioner to accept changesYou need to realize what events should pass away from life, then the loss will not be perceived too painfullyDuring this period, you should refrain from taking steps that will not bring benefits in the future.
      14 Moderation - represents reflection, a time of philosophy and new conclusionsA period of renewal of physical and mental strength. This is a time to live “according to possibilities” without going to extremes and an opportunity to harmonize your life. The only teacher you can trust is the inner guide, the higher self. The questioner must understand that he himself is the only person he can rely onThe card recommends easing the renewal period and refraining from extremes in everything. Excessive expression of feelings and indulgence of passions lead to exhaustion. Moderation must be observed. This is a symbol of the reunification of the spiritual and creative principles, all affairs will be completed successfullyFailure to control your desires and feelings will lead to destructive events. All plans fall apart. The questioner tends to be hot-tempered and does not know how to control his sexual energyTo find harmony, you need to learn to control your ego. Internal search will help with thisDon't underestimate yourself
      15 The devil is a dark principle. True evil is born not outside, but inside a personThis card speaks of getting to know your dark side. She personifies all the base desires of a person and the unwillingness to fight them. The figures depicted on the map can free themselves from their chains, but they do not want to. Likewise, a person does not want to hear his higher self, indulging his inner demon. In a positive sense, the card means the removal of prohibitions that were independently established and prevented one from liberating oneself.The questioner is in a constrained position; it seems to him that he is being limited. He cannot show will and express emotions. His goals are materialistic, he desires power, fame, money and does not know how to control his sexual energy. The card may indicate obsessive desires of a sexual nature.Abuse of power, client is fixated on materialistic desires. He experiences jealousy, anger, lust. To defeat your inner demon, you need to face it head on. The dark beginning is what manifests itself in a person after strong insults. You can’t be angry with the whole world and harm yourself - this is the path to personal degradationArmed with a sense of humor and patience, you need to recognize and overcome your shortcomings. It is important to understand what problems they provoke and why you should get rid of themYou can’t give in to the suggestions of deceitful people
      16 The tower is a symbol of the destruction of false ideals. The beginning of a new eraThe tower is protection. Its height speaks of a proud person, and its destruction recalls the destructive power of pride. Indestructibility is just an illusion. The universe is destroying old foundations. To make what is happening less painful, you need to voluntarily part with old misconceptions. Lightning is a symbol of enlightenment and the discovery of new truths, falling figures are a leap into the unknown and freedomSudden tragic events will happen very soon in the client’s life. They will change all aspects of his life, regardless of the person's desire. Good cards near the Tower indicate that the destructive period is coming to an endA person's thoughts are occupied with sex. He is dependent on old habits and foundations. Rigidity prevents him from accepting change. The only solution that can be made in this situation is to fall, feel the pain, and then get upAt this time, you cannot start new things. It is necessary to limit your communication and be alone. New achievements require solid groundObsession with material things leads to destruction
      17 Star – realization of desires, faith, hope, optimismTo make your dreams come true, you need to return from the world of dreams and start taking action. You need to develop your creative powers by finding inspiration in the present momentA favorable period is coming in life. New opportunities open up, the universe seeks to help and sends a new friend or loveReluctance to move forward, resistance to change, health problems. Friendship, love and loyalty are the guiding stars for getting out of a protracted situation. The exciting question is resolved in favor of the questioner, the universe lends a helping handYou need to maintain a positive attitude and accept outside help. New opportunities and help from above will lead to happinessAvoid complacency and having your head in the clouds
      18 Moon – a time of darkness and facing one’s own fearsThe client awaits the path of fear and immersion in the world of his own soul. The card corresponds to the expression: “The path through hell is a journey through your own soul.”A period of lies and self-doubt. The questioner feels like he is walking in the dark. The surrounding objects frighten him, and he does not know where to move next. Enemies wish evil, but hopelessness and depression reign in the human soulSerious health problems, poor heredity. Doubts, depression, nervous breakdowns. During this period, the risk of becoming a victim of blackmail increases. A rational view of things will help you avoid mistakes; you cannot trust strangers. The card shows the spiritual rebirth of the individual, like a child during birth. He's scared, but a blinding light awaits him aheadYou can't give in to depression. Discretion will help you avoid unpleasant consequences. You need to listen to your intuitionIn order not to get bogged down in illusions, it is necessary to move forward at all costs.
      19 The sun is the source of life, positive self-knowledgeRevival and acquaintance with the inner child. The sun fills the universe with life-giving light and helps restore strength. Professional and personal growth, organizational skills. Getting to know your bright sideThe desired goals will be achieved. Happiness awaits the questioner. He is full of enthusiasm and ready for new achievements. Material well-being and support from loved ones await him.Creative block, apathy and laziness. Touchiness and selfishness interfere with moving forward. For a personal revival to occur, you need to be like a child: strive for something new, not be afraid to take risks, create and explore the worldYou need to set maximum, bright, lofty goals and always move forwardReckless actions will prevent your dreams from coming true
      20 Judgment – ​​spiritual rebirthSomething new happens in life, something important and meaningful awakens in the depths of the soul. What is emerging now is of great importance for the future. All decisions must be made thoughtfully, after much internal work.Rethinking life, realizing the events that have happened, discovering yourself, saying goodbye to the past and mistakes, realizing your talents and receiving a well-deserved rewardThe appearance of this card in a reading indicates the opportunity to discover something unexpected in yourself. The inverted meaning indicates the inability to comprehend the events taking place. Soon the questioner will know the truth, whatever it may beWe need to boldly step towards changeDecisions must be made without hesitation. All mistakes are in the past, no need to remember them
      21 Peace - reward, liberation, paradiseThe highest stage of soul development, the path has come to its end. Reunion of masculine and feminine principles. A period of success and justified expectations has arrived. Arcanum Peace teaches independence, the ability to humble pride and frees you from addictionsThe important process has ended, and all the changes have led to the creation of a complete personality. Many benefits are expected along the path of life: inheritance, promotion, material well-being, love, devotion, travel and change of residence. Any process will be completed safelyThe client suffers from unfulfilled desires and is disappointed with life. He is in a creative stupor and experiencing financial difficulties. The risk of imprisonment increases. The questioner suffers from envy, and the old relationship model prevents him from building a new harmonious unionThe world calls on you to give up illusions, take responsibility for your life, develop discipline and cultivate fortitudePride is a sin that leads to fall

      Interpretation of cards requires complete dedication from the practitioner. Before you start working with clients, you need to understand your own associations. It is preferable not to be scattered among several sources at once, focusing on your own feelings.

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