Home Engine Fortune telling for the betrothed. Independent card fortune telling for a betrothed Fortune telling on cards for a betrothed with playing cards

Fortune telling for the betrothed. Independent card fortune telling for a betrothed Fortune telling on cards for a betrothed with playing cards

Since ancient times, girls dreamed of knowing their fate and wondered about their betrothed. This type of divination was especially popular among young ladies, because everyone wanted to know about their future spouse, about when she would get married.

And now legends and traditions beckon and attract modern dreamers who want to lift the veil of secrecy and find out about their betrothed. In this article I will tell you how to tell fortunes about your betrothed using playing cards at home.


For fortune telling to be successful, prepare according to all the rules.

  • It is advisable to tell fortunes on favorable days.
  • Before the sacrament, the girl must forget about business, problems and worries, and focus on a specific topic, otherwise the prediction will not come true.
  • When guessing about your betrothed, you need to sincerely believe in the power of magic.
  • Holidays are reserved for divination, during which you can take a break from the hustle and bustle, relax and immerse yourself in the mystery.
  • After the ceremony, the next day, try not to communicate with unfamiliar men, refrain from swimming, and do not wash your hair.

How to tell fortunes about your betrothed

There are many ways to tell fortunes about a betrothed, but each girl chooses the one she likes.

  • Fortune telling for sleep.
  • Fortune telling with salt.
  • On the comb.
  • On the branches.
  • On the water.
  • On flowers.

Conduct the sacrament in the evening. You need to be alone in the room, try to tune in to fortune telling. It is important to follow the recommendations and imagine the image of your future lover, endowing him with certain qualities and external data.

On playing cards

This is the easiest way to look into the future and find out the prospects for your personal life.

You need to guess using a deck of 36 cards. This method is used by the gypsy Shuvans. If a young lady dreams of finding out details about her betrothed, the layout of playing cards for her lover will give the correct answer.

For the ritual you will need a gaming deck. To ensure the authenticity of the ritual, stock up on new cards that have not been played before, otherwise the prediction will be distorted.

We carefully shuffle the cards and lay them out face down before going to bed, and at this time we say:

“Betrothed-mummer, come to me, dream about me.”

Afterwards, without saying a word, we fall asleep. In the morning we take out any card without looking.

  • The jack fell out - the chosen one will be the same age as his beloved, young.
  • The king - the man will be mature.

Now let's pay attention to the suit:

  • ♡ Hearts. The betrothed is nearby, so the young lady should take a close look at her surroundings.
  • ♤ Spades. A new acquaintance will be successful and rich.
  • ♧ Clubs. The betrothed will appear when they stop waiting for him.
  • ♢ Diamonds. The girl will meet her chosen one through friends or relatives.

On paper

Often this type of fortune telling is used by young ladies before Christmas or Epiphany. Charming on paper for your betrothed is simple, but it allows you to find out information about your future chosen one.

You will have to be smart and resourceful, but the most important thing is concentration. Try to completely relax and tune in to fortune telling. This will help you figure out what kind of groom fate will give you.

For fortune telling you will need:

  • Paper. There should be a lot of it, newspaper is allowed.
  • Flat plate.
  • Matches.

We crumple the paper, put it on a plate and set it on fire. Before the paper burns out, it must be brought to the wall. By the shadow that appears, you can see the prediction and find out your destiny.

Another fortune telling that allows you to find out about the groom. In the evening, try to eat as much salty food as possible so that you feel thirsty and thirsty at night.

Before going to bed, say the words:

“My betrothed, my mummer, come to me and give me some water.”

The guy who lets you get drunk and becomes your chosen one will become your husband.

Fortune telling with salt and water

Pour water into a clean, empty glass glass and add a little salt. Drink everything and go to bed. As you fall asleep, say:

“My betrothed, my mummer, come to me, bring me some water to drink.”

The one who brings some water will become the future spouse.

It is believed that the most reliable prophecies can be received on the right days. They learn about this from the lunar calendar. There are days like this in November. These are the 12th, 14th and 18th. It is during this period that fortune telling for the betrothed will be successful and truthful.

Esotericism also suggests paying attention to days favorable for receiving answers to questions of interest.

Day of the monthMeaning
2 You can cast a spell, perform magical actions, ceremonies, and rituals.
6 A good day to learn about the future.
9 Suitable for those who want to lift the veil of the past.
20 Fortune telling is sensual; on this day, find out what the chosen one feels for the person.
22 On this day you can read fortunes on books and learn about the future from its pages.
27 Allows you to learn about the past and future.
28 Unlocks additional abilities, gives certain signs that help you learn a lot of interesting things about the future.

In order to find out the whole truth about your betrothed during the sacrament, you need to follow the advice of experienced fortune tellers.

  • When telling fortunes about the groom, be sure to be alone.
  • We remove all icons.
  • We take off our jewelry and belt.
  • We let our hair down.
  • You cannot cross your arms and legs.
  • After the ritual, you cannot talk to anyone, otherwise your betrothed will not appear.
  • Don’t tell anyone that you are going to cast a spell on the future, on your lover.
  • Turn your pillow over before going to bed.
  • Also turn the sheet over with the bottom side up.
  • Wear your nightgown inside out.

Why fortune telling will not come true

It is clear that fortune telling the groom is a responsible process that requires attention and adherence to the rules. If you do not follow the advice and recommendations, the fortune telling may not come true. Causes:

  • They did not take the icons out of the room or forgot to remove the cross. Religion does not approve of such rituals, so it can interfere with the sacrament of divination.
  • All the tasks were not completed, and after the divination the girl continues to do housework or discuss problems.
  • Fortune telling during the day or on a major holiday.
  • There is someone else in the room.
  • They talked about their dream.
  • They did not fulfill all the conditions of the sacrament.

Before you tell fortunes about your betrothed, remember that fortune telling is closely related to mysticism. Failure to comply with the instructions can negatively affect not only your own destiny, but also the lives of loved ones. To avoid harm, carefully study the information about the ritual, then proceed to it. You will receive answers to questions and learn about the groom.

How to predict the appearance of a betrothed? Card reading.

At all times, young girls tried to predict when they would get married, what their loved one’s name would be, etc. They resorted to different methods: throwing shoes over the gate, asking the names of the first men they met on New Year's Day. Why don’t we resort to such tricks now? They say that cards don’t lie, let’s check?

To tell fortunes about your betrothed, you will need a deck of 36 cards. First you need to choose a card that will represent the fortuneteller - it should be any lady. The chosen card is called "trump".

Now remove the cards from the deck face down, putting every third card aside. Having dealt the entire deck in this way, you should end up with twelve cards set aside. See if there is a “trump” card in this stack. If it is not there, then you will have to repeat this ritual again. Repeat the layout until the “trump card” is among these twelve cards.

Then randomly place these cards face down into four piles of three each. Each stack of cards has its own meaning.

So, the first pile will predict what is going on in the soul of the fortuneteller. The second one will tell about the future. The third stack speaks of various circumstances present in the life of a fortuneteller. The fourth shows what troubles lie on the way to your loved one.

The predominance of any suit in the layout is important.

If diamonds are most often found in these piles, then this portends wealth, prosperity, and a carefree life. If the suit of worms predominates, then you will have many loyal friends and strong friendships. The peaks speak of success with the opposite sex, pleasant hopes and skillful actions. If the vast majority of cards are clubs, then expect unpleasant incidents, boredom, loss of work, humiliation, unfaithfulness of friends and hard work.

Each card has its own designation.

Ace of diamonds - letter. The Ace of Hearts is a love letter. The Ace of Spades is a sad letter. The Ace of Clubs is a false rumor.

The King of Diamonds is an unhappy lover. The King of Hearts is a lover. The King of Spades is an enemy-lover. The King of Clubs is a true friend.

The Queen of Diamonds is an unfaithful woman. The Queen of Hearts is a lover. The Queen of Spades is a lover-enemy. The Queen of Clubs is a faithful friend.

The Jack of Diamonds is a confidant. The Jack of Hearts is a pleasant guest. The Jack of Spades is a deceiver. The jack of clubs is a nuisance.

The ten of diamonds is a gift. Ten of hearts - news from a loved one. The ten of spades is a disease. The ten of clubs is a deception.

The nine of diamonds is an obstacle. The nine of hearts is a love explanation. Nine of Spades - loss of a friend. The nine of clubs is hope.

Eight of diamonds – hatred. Eight of Hearts is fun. Eight of spades - sadness. Eight of clubs - tears.

The seven of diamonds is frivolity. Seven of hearts - fun. The Seven of Spades is a quarrel. The seven of clubs is success.

Six of diamonds is a fun road. Six of Hearts - date. The six of spades is an unhappy road. The six of clubs is a hectic ride.

Now look carefully at the card matches.

If there are three aces in the layout, then this means the fulfillment of desires. Three Kings speak of a wealthy lover or friend. Three ladies - about a lover or friend. Three Jacks - about a young lover or friend. Three tens come up for money. Three nines - to joy. Three eights will tell you about a bad decision. Three sevens are about gossip. And three sixes promise you trips.

If the king of clubs is present in the layout, then this indicates a meeting with the betrothed. If he is not there, it means that a meeting with your loved one is not yet expected.

There are many other card fortune telling for your loved one. It is not necessary to follow any specific rituals. You can simply ask a question of interest and draw cards from the deck, checking the symbols.

They guess not with their minds, but with their hearts. After all, as the Polish poet and aphorist Stanislaw Jerzy Lec said: “You should not believe fortune-tellers who use scientific methods.”

Since ancient times, many girls have wanted to look into the future. Young beauties were especially interested in when the meeting with their betrothed would take place, what the chosen one would be like, and whether it was possible to find out his name. The most popular method used by the fair sex is fortune telling for the betrothed. The variety of fortune telling is impressive, most of them can be performed at home.

Since ancient times, many girls have wanted to look into the future.

By fortune-telling your betrothed on cards you can find out about his attitude towards you

With the help of “name solitaire”, you can find out how your lover treats you. Take a piece of paper and write the full name of the guy you're interested in. For the layout, you need to choose from playing cards related to the major lasso: jacks, queens, aces, kings. Under each letter in turn, lay out one card until they run out. Afterwards, arrange the resulting stack on the last letter of the name exactly in this way.

The layout is carried out until one column remains under the first letter. Next, you need to turn over the cards in pairs and see if there are any matches.

  • Two Aces - he wants intimacy with you.
  • Two Kings - he constantly thinks about you and wants to build a long-term relationship.
  • Two ladies - he is delighted with your appearance.
  • Two Jacks - considers you very attractive.

With the help of “name solitaire”, you can find out how your lover treats you

Using fortune telling on the mirror, you can see the image of your betrothed

Fortune telling on a mirror is the most common way to help you recognize your chosen one. For the ceremony you will need two mirrors and two candles. The ritual on the mirror is best performed at midnight, in complete solitude and silence. Place mirrors opposite each other to create a mirrored corridor. And on the sides there are candlesticks with candles. When lighting candles, you need to say the following words:

“My betrothed, the mummer, come and have tea,” “My betrothed, the mummer, come to me for dinner,” “My betrothed, the mummer, show yourself to me.”

Take a close look at the end of the mirrored corridor, and you will definitely see the image of the groom there. Having created such a corridor, you should say the words of the amulet: “Cheer out of this place!” Lower the mirrors with the mirror surface down. With this action, you seem to close the door between dimensions.

Anyone can use a comb to tell their betrothed

At home, you can perform a fairly simple ancient ritual on your betrothed using a comb. With the help of this ritual, you can not only see your future chosen one in a dream, but also find out his name.

Fortune telling by comb for the betrothed

The night before you go to bed, take a comb that only you use. Let your hair down while combing it and say the following words:

“Betrothed mummer, I’m dressing up for you, good for you. Come into my dream and start a conversation. Tell me your name, tell me when we will meet. I will wait for you and we can be together. With almighty powers I conjure you: appear in my dream. Amen".

In this way, in a dream, you can find out the name of your lover. It is important to remember that only your comb is used in fortune telling; no one else should use it.

Available fortune telling for your betrothed from Thursday to Friday

Fortune telling for the betrothed from Thursday to Friday

Particularly popular are fortune telling for the betrothed, which is carried out from Thursday to Friday. You can use any version of this type of ritual. Each of them is carried out before bedtime.

  • On Friday night, before you fall asleep, you say the words:

    “Friday-Friday, help me dream about who is striving for me.”

  • In the second option, say:

    “From Thursday to Friday I lie down on the mat. Matitsa, turn over, whoever loves you will dream.”

  • From Thursday to Friday you can also apply the ritual with the following words:

    “Thursday with Wednesday, Tuesday with Monday, Sunday with Saturday. Friday is alone, and I, young, alone. I’m lying on the Zion Mountains, three angels in my heads: one sees, another will tell, the third will show fate.”

Young girls especially often turn to Christmas fortune-telling for their betrothed.

Christmas fortune telling is very popular

Christmas fortune telling is very popular among young girls. Because with their help you can determine who will become the husband. This fortune telling ritual is performed before going to bed. You need to eat some very salty food at night and try not to drink water, even if you are very thirsty. At night you need to say the following words:

“Betrothed, mummer, come and give me a drink.” A young man who will give you water in a dream and become your lover.

Christmas fortune-telling using cards is widespread. You should choose 4 kings from a deck of playing cards and put them under your pillow at night, saying the following words:

“Betrothed, mummer, dream about me in a dream.”

You need to remember what color the king is in your dream. The king of diamonds means that the guy will be very desirable, the king of hearts - to a young and wealthy groom, the king of clubs - the future husband will be a military man or businessman, the king of spades - to a jealous elderly spouse.

Fortune telling for your betrothed using cards

Christmas fortune telling for marriage. Every girl is interested in how soon she will get married. On the night before Christmas, every girl needs to take a ring and throw it down the hallway. The girl whose ring travels farthest will soon get married.

Christmas fortune telling for the name. Using this simple ritual, you can find out the name of your betrothed. Men's names must be written on small pieces of paper. After Christmas night, roll up the leaves and put them in a container. Mix the papers well and remove one of them. The name of the future chosen one will be exactly the one that comes across to you on the piece of paper.

With accessible tarot fortune telling you can find out when you will meet your betrothed

You can tell fortunes about your betrothed not only with playing cards, but with mystical cards such as tarot. The ritual of tarot fortune telling is quite simple. Reading the layout is accessible even for beginners. The best time for the ceremony is the night before Christmas. You can perform fortune telling at home, create a special environment and completely focus on tarot fortune telling. It is important to remember that when laying out each tarot card, you need to say one line of the spell. The person to whom the fortune is told must pronounce the words.

Fortune telling with tarot cards

For a tarot reading, you will need figure cards without Pages and minor arcana cards. Layout:

  • When choosing a card from the figured cards, you need to say: “Betrothed, my mummer, appear!” This card will tell you what the character and essence of the chosen one is.
  • The next choice is from the Minor Arcana with the Pages and say: “Look at my pretty face!” The card helps determine what kind of impression you will make on your lover.
  • Next, choose a tarot with these words: “And there’s a star high in the sky!” The card will indicate whether your image of an ideal man matches his personality.
  • An important card that predicts when the acquaintance will take place: “Where are you, my clear falcon, close or far?”
  • When choosing a tarot, say: “May I be desirable to you!” you will learn about his future attitude towards you.
  • The next card: “And my share will be happy!”, talking about relationships.
  • “So that the homewrecker does not stand between us!” An opportunity to find out if a similar situation will arise in the future.
  • The final card: “May everything come true, good luck!”, which determines the significance of the upcoming acquaintance.

Lay out the taro in a semicircle. The ritual must be treated with the utmost care. It is important not only to pay attention to decoding the meanings of the tarot, but also to see the relationship. The tarot reading is attractive because it can be done at home alone or with close friends. The ideal time for carrying out any version of rituals - fortune-telling for the betrothed is at night.

The concepts of “woman” and “love” have long become synonymous words. Every girl wants to be loved and happy, to have a handsome, smart and rich husband, as well as children from him. Therefore, the desire to get married as soon as possible is understandable and understandable. But how not to make a mistake in choosing the only one with whom you should connect your life?

How and where to find your ideal? How to win his heart? Often, in order to correctly answer these questions, you need to live a long and not the easiest life. But there are simpler options. Among them are fortune telling, divination and love spells. It’s not for nothing that our grandmothers loved to play solitaire and ask the cards questions that concerned them. After all, very often they still received answers to them.

A striking example of this is fortune telling about the betrothed, which in different interpretations gave, if not a specific answer, then a lot of hints about the girl’s future chosen one. She was required to see these hints and decipher them correctly. We suggest you try fortune telling of this kind to check for yourself whether the magic of your ancestors still works to this day.

Polish fortune telling with cards for your betrothed

The fortune telling offered here on cards for one's betrothed dates back several hundred years and, according to some sources, came to our country from Poland. It is intended not only to point the fortuneteller to his soulmate, but also to characterize her, as well as predict the possible development of events.

For fortune telling, you will not need the entire deck, but only small cards (starting with sevens and ending with tens), plus a blank card (that is, the one that will represent the fortune-telling girl). The choice of form is carried out in a standard way: a girl under 30 years old is a queen of diamonds, over 30 is a queen of hearts, and over 50 is a queen of crosses. Accordingly, all other cards, in addition to the form, will represent different types of men.

Now you can start guessing:

The resulting mini-deck of 17 cards must be thoroughly mixed and laid out face down in 1 row.
Then, in the resulting layout, you should find your card (form) and keep track of which card lies after it
The card following the girl’s card is the designation of her betrothed (for a detailed decoding, you must refer to the interpretation of the cards given below).

In some cases, it turns out that the form is the last in the row, but this does not mean that the girl will not have a betrothed, just in this case you should look at the meaning of the card that comes before the form.

Fortune telling about your betrothed on cards in a complex way

We take the same deck of 17 cards (from sevens to tens), but we remove the blank from it
We shuffle the deck and lay it out in a circle, and first we should get 1 circle of 8 cards (it will indicate dating in the near future), and under it another one (dating in the distant future), the blank card should be placed under these circles

Now you need to remove the ring from your hand and throw it first into the center of the upper circle, and then into the center of the lower one
Those cards on which the ring will fall will symbolize the men with whom relationships are foreseen in the near and distant future

Then you can take both dropped cards, turn them face down, shuffle them well and then randomly place one above the form, the other below it

The card that will be at the bottom of the girl’s card indicates a man with whom the relationship will not last long, will be unstable and will collapse, but the card that will be at the top of the form will hint at a long-term relationship involving serious feelings.

Detailed decoding of significant cards in the layout

The Seven of Hearts is a calm, confident, conflict-free, but very sociable man; you can always rely on him, since he intuitively senses a problem brewing in a relationship and always strives to eliminate it in the initial stages. He loves to be the center of attention. However, this plus sometimes develops into a huge minus, since he quickly becomes bored with the same lady. To conquer him you must remain mysterious.


Seven of Diamonds - this individual is very fussy and fickle, he makes decisions on the go, is often uncollected and impulsive. He strives only forward and often does not notice the loss. Because of his fickleness, it can be difficult to get along with him, as his habits and desires change from minute to minute. To be with him, you will have to constantly adapt to his life.
The Seven of Spades is a conservative and a pedant, he is used to living in captivity of his own habits and traditions, everything is calculated and sorted out for him. The main priorities are power and strength. Most likely, he will be with a woman only because it is somehow beneficial to him, but if not, he will leave without looking back.
The Seven of Clubs is an eternally doubtful, cowardly person. He worries about hundreds of little things and constantly asks friends for help in solving his own problems. But it’s very easy with him: be his advisor - and he’s yours!


Eight of Hearts – proud but patient. He is polite and courteous. If he likes a girl, he will immediately ask her to marry her. But in no case should you make fun of him, this may hurt his pride.
The Eight of Diamonds is simple and straightforward. He loves the truth, for which he often suffers. Trusting, if not naive. However, if you make him believe in himself, then your life with him can become a real miracle!
The Eight of Clubs is an optimist with a difficult fate. This man has many problems, but he never loses heart. Help him cope with difficulties, and he will try to make you happy!
The Eight of Spades is smart, but boring. It's interesting to be with him, but he values ​​the sound of his voice too much. He must not be offended, otherwise there will be a scandal. At the same time, he is a wonderful family man, because he values ​​family above all else.


Nine of Hearts - good-natured, but distrustful. He loves communication, but does not open his soul to everyone, and is sometimes overly shy. To be with him, you need to show maximum affection and patience.
The Nine of Diamonds is a wealthy macho. He knows his own worth, especially since he always has enough money. True, he also likes to collect girls, so be extremely careful, it’s unlikely that anything worthwhile will come out of this acquaintance.
Nine of Clubs – businesslike and wise. He is calm, balanced and smart - the dream of all those who practice card fortune-telling based on wishes. Loves work and always gets results from it. I am ready to share all the sorrows and difficulties with my beloved. Only a woman similar to him, equally smart and hardworking, can get along with him.
The Nine of Spades is a dangerous individual. Seduces by any means, even despite the fact that the object of his affection does not like him. An unpleasant type, with possible psychological problems.


The Ten of Hearts is a true gentleman. This man is the height of a woman's dreams. He is well-mannered and gallant, easy to communicate and respectful towards ladies, calm, smart and kind. The main values ​​are home and family. To be with him, it is enough to love and respect him.
The Ten of Diamonds is an energetic workaholic, stingy, but he will make a good family man, since he brings everything into the house.
The ten of clubs is an experimenter. He loves risk and extreme sports, he always has many brilliant ideas and hobbies. At the same time, he is quite attentive and well-mannered. Respect his interests and everything will be perfect.
The ten of spades is a self-confident rich man. Usually this is a selfish man who strives only to satisfy his own needs, but he always has enough money. To be with him, you will have to constantly please him.

Fortune telling for your betrothed can be done in a similar way.

The whole beauty of such fortune telling for the betrothed is that it will not only tell you who the person destined for you will be, but will also give information about alternative “grooms”, as well as their intentions and main qualities.

As a result, all you have to do is make the right choice. It is not without reason that they say that a person chooses his own destiny from the few that are offered to him.

A detailed description of all cards can also be found in this video:

How else can you tell fortunes for your betrothed?

In addition to card fortune-telling, there is also a huge mass of different kinds of fortune-telling techniques, most of which are used by girls during Christmas time - that cherished time of the year, which our ancestors used for fortune telling, fortune-telling for love and marriage, divination and similar rituals.

The most popular of these techniques are fortune telling for the betrothed in a dream, fortune telling on coffee grounds, on wax, on matches, on mirrors and, of course, fortune telling on a shoe, especially loved by girls. The latter is easy to do. At midnight you need to stand on the threshold of your house, with your back to the street, take off your shoes from your left foot and throw them over your left shoulder behind the gate (or just onto the street). Wherever the boot lands with its toe, that’s where you’ll have to go to get married.

Fortune telling by candlelight

Girls also love fortune telling with candles, which requires a large vase and 3 colored candles (white and 2 yellow). Water is poured into the water, lighted candles and a saucer with coins (both yellow and white) are placed nearby.

This entire composition should be placed in front of the mirror. Then you should sit in front of the candles and ask the spirits of water, fire and mirrors to reveal the truth about your future husband. They say that as a result of such fortune telling, images appear in the mirror that indicate the future of the fortuneteller.

And we must not forget about modern methods of fortune telling, which perfectly complement ancient recipes for fortune telling. Considering that today almost every home has a computer, a girl of marriageable age can connect to the Internet at any time and play solitaire virtually. For this purpose, on various websites there are interactive fortune telling for your betrothed online (for free).

They will help you find out details about your future husband and tell you where to look for your destiny. And some of them (for example, fortune telling online for the betrothed) will even tell you the name or initials of the chosen one.

Most grandmothers and mothers tell their young daughters or granddaughters stories of how fortune telling with cards for their betrothed helped them find their destiny. The stories sound like incredible or even fictitious stories, but it’s a rare girl who doesn’t use various magical rituals to look into the prospects of a love relationship. Or, some or, are popular, but all girls find a quick answer in card layouts.

In the article:

Simple fortune telling on cards for your betrothed

The most basic way to see the next changes in your personal life is to read cards for your betrothed using a standard playing deck of 36 images. This is a well-known and reliable method, which is often used by gypsy Shuvans, Slavic sorcerers, sorcerers and magicians. To find out the prospects for the development of a relationship with a specific young man, the layout “ Solitaire for a name" will give a comprehensive answer.

In the layout, the highest cards from aces to jacks are used - the number series from sixes to tens does not take part in fortune telling. The selected sixteen cards are thoroughly mixed for several minutes in order to have time to guess the full name of the chosen one and tune in to the magical wave. There are as many columns in the layout as there are letters containing the guy's full name.

Sixteen cards are laid out in several rows from left to right. A stack is formed under each letter. Starting with the one that lies under the last letter of the name, the stack is laid out under the previous letters in the same sequence, from left to right. When the first two columns remain, the cards from the second are moved on top of the first pile.

The resulting deck should be laid out in pairs with the pattern facing up, setting aside pairs of the same value. Pairs will be a characteristic of the relationship of the chosen one to the fortune-telling person.

If among the pairs there are aces, there will be hot sexual encounters, but nothing more. Physiological interest of a young man in a girl when he falls out pair of jacks. The prospect of deep spiritual intimacy is unlikely. Opposite predictions arise when the same couple of ladies. The chosen one is fascinated not only by her appearance, but also does not mind delving into the girl’s inner world. Pair of Kings, guarantees the further development of relationships and the creation of a family.

Expanded layout

A broader perspective on relationships is provided by fortune telling on cards for the betrothed, called "Twelve cards » . One of I'll give is designated as the image of a fortune-telling girl. Of the 36 playing cards, every third one is put into a separate pile, for a total of twelve pieces. If the hidden lady is among those selected, the ritual continues; if she is absent, the deck is shuffled and the selection is repeated.

When among the twelve pictures there will be lady-significator, the selected cards are distributed into four fans of three images. Top three describes the girl's state of mind, second- displays upcoming events in a concise form, which are discussed in detail in. Next three shows the circumstances of today that help or hinder the development of a relationship with a young man. Fourth fan contains obstacles that arise on the path to a harmonious union.

The layout determines predominant suit. Majority diamonds pictures prophesies an ideal resolution of material issues, a cloudless, prosperous life. Abundance hearts suit guarantees the presence of real, sincere friends who are ready to help at any moment. Predominance spades suit interpreted as the success and popularity of a girl among men, excellent opportunities when finding a partner. A large number of club suit is regarded as a problematic, unfavorable prospect for the present and future.

Three or more cards of the same name have a serious impact on the layout. Three Aces predict the fulfillment of a secret desire, and kings- the appearance of an influential and wealthy admirer. Dozens predict monetary gains nines- unexpected joy, sixes- travel, and jacks And ladies- meeting with a warm male or female friend.

Of particular importance in the scenario is king of clubs- a symbol of meeting a person destined by fate. When there are no cards in fortune telling, the fateful acquaintance is still hidden by the veil of time and is not expected in the near future.

In the context of the layout, individual denominations have a certain meaning. Aces symbolize the news red suit- positive, dark- sad or false. For male fortune telling ladies represent lovers, for women kings act in the meaning of lovers. Diamonds warn about treason peak hide secret evil intent, hearts inspire with sincere feeling, and clubs conquer with loyalty.

Bubnovy series describes the relationship with a trusted person using jack, receiving a gift from ten, a possible obstacle from nines, hatred coming from eights, a frivolous attitude that signals seven, and a fun trip if you get a chance six.

Hearts talk about deep, sincere love emotions. Sh esterka predicts a date seven- joy, good mood, eight- getting pleasure, nine warns of a possible marriage proposal, and ten And jack- news or meeting.

Peak images signal problems with health, money, relationships. Jack of Clubs describes minor troubles, and ten- deception when appearing eight of clubs Even tears are possible. Nine gives hope and seven- success.

How to perform the ritual correctly

If you use it, no special magical actions or conditions are required. When doing fortune telling at home, follow the rules.

It is necessary to use a deck that has not taken part in card games. You cannot guess during Orthodox holidays, except for January. Any religious attributes are removed away from the place of fortune telling.

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