Home Chassis Tarot card power meaning for the situation. The meaning of the card is strength in relationships and love

Tarot card power meaning for the situation. The meaning of the card is strength in relationships and love

Straight position

The image on this card is a girl who has subjugated a lion to her will. Thus, the card symbolizes not brute physical strength, but moral superiority. Strength speaks of complete confidence in one’s rightness, moral superiority, energy, spiritual independence, and determination.

However, the appearance of this card should not be taken as a hint of intervention or the will of higher powers. Its nature is earthly, the card symbolizes the power that can be perceived through instinct or intuition. May imply willpower or creative energy.

The force denies the primitive containment of its “black sides,” calling to deal with them once and for all with the help of high moral aspirations. It can also indicate the need to give up something in order to gain something better.
Inverted position

A card in an inverted position indicates excessive use of force (and brute force), aggression, and stubborn assertiveness. He points to a person who is weak in reality, unable to achieve harmony in his own soul, unable to restrain the manifestations of his base instincts.

Sometimes the inverted Force indicates that a certain third party is interfering in a person’s destiny in an undesirable way, and he is unwilling or unable to resist this, although such interference destroys all his plans. It may be the other way around - the fortuneteller himself cannot achieve the goal because he interferes too actively in the affairs of others, he really wants everything to be done according to his criteria.

Strength: Meaning in Love and Relationships

Straight position

In the upright position, Strength speaks of a passionate, sensual, emotionally rich relationship. The card can also speak of sexual passion or the possibility of its manifestation in the very near future.

If such a card falls out to a family man or someone who is already in a permanent relationship, this means that the romance is not in danger of “breaking into everyday life.” Strength shows that this represents a relationship in which fire and romance will always remain.

An upright Arcanum can indicate that a declaration of love will finally follow, which for some reason has been postponed for a long time, or foreshadow a particularly successful romantic date. It also has a not very pleasant meaning - it can symbolize jealousy.
Inverted position

Strength in the reversed position symbolizes a romance similar to a third-rate Mexican TV series - with excessive emotions, artificial drama, noisy discord and other extremes. It speaks of instability, instability of relationships, the desire of one partner to force the partner to act in his own way at all costs, the inability to compromise, negotiate and act together.

Sometimes the inverted Strength in fortune telling about relationships hints at deception on the part of the partner - false promises of marriage or some other steps. It can also indicate that the fortuneteller himself is not sure of his feelings and has not yet decided what he actually needs. It is also possible to indicate existing or upcoming problems in the intimate sphere.

Power: Meaning in situation and issue

Straight position

In any case, the card foreshadows success, which a person will owe to his own qualities and efforts. So, if you were fortune-telling about a career, Strength indicates that the fortuneteller is creative in relation to his work. He will achieve success, although this success will not necessarily be expressed in receiving a high position or a salary increase. Rather, it will simply be a very good result of actions. But the card can also promise material gain - it says that a person can achieve such a goal, he just needs to formulate it for himself.

If we were talking about health, there is no need to worry - Strength speaks of a surge of vital energy.

If a question was asked about some problem, the card should be interpreted as advice to bravely confront troubles and fight them. A person will have enough strength to do this, and the problem will be solved.

Inverted position

Depending on the situation being predicted, the inverted Strength may indicate quarrelsomeness, despotism, lack of one’s own opinion, and abuse of the problems of others. The card may also indicate that the fortuneteller’s problems are explained by strict outside control over all his actions and the lack of his own will.

In some cases, the inverted Power indicates that the fortuneteller cannot solve his problems due to the fact that he does not really take on it, retreats in the face of difficulties, and lets things take their course.

In many cases, the inverted Force warns that the problem cannot be solved roughly, “head-on.” Aggression is unacceptable; it is what causes the problem and can only aggravate it.

In matters of health, inverted Strength can indicate a decline in immunity or an exacerbation of a chronic disease.

Strength: The meaning of the card of the day

As a card of the day, Strength symbolizes passion and success in endeavors. She recommends putting your talents to work or getting active on a personal level. On the day on which such a card falls, there will be enough strength for everything.

If any problems and obstacles arise, there is no need to be afraid. They will be surmountable, but we must act without aggression, but decisively, not be afraid and launch a counterattack. Then all undertakings will definitely end successfully, and the enemy will be forced to capitulate.

The card recommends not to be afraid of problems and “black streaks” in life. You need to do any business with complete dedication, be open and sincere with dear people, without trying to play some tricky politics with them. It is better to formulate your goals clearly and unambiguously. Once a decision is made, it must be carried out, no matter how difficult it is.

However, you should not rely on direct pressure and rudeness; the worst manifestations of your character must be controlled even in the worst situations. This behavior will definitely help you overcome an unfavorable period and achieve what you want.

Strength: Combination with other cards

Major Arcana Wands Cups Swords Pentacles

You're wasting too much energy

Ace of Wands

Loyalty to traditions

Ace of Cups

Emotion management, intuition

Ace of Swords

Pressure from management

Ace of Pentacles

Happiness, success

It's time to act

King of Wands

Luck smiles only on a strong-willed person

King of Swords

Powerful man

King of Pentacles

Rich man

Keep your mouth shut

Queen of Wands

Believing in yourself is the key to success

Queen of Cups

Depraved woman

Queen of Swords

A woman ruled by hatred

Queen of Pentacles

Greedy woman


Focus all your power on getting what you want.

Knight of Wands

Shyness doesn't make you look good

Knight of Cups

Close friendship

Knight of Swords

Help from a devoted friend

Knight of Pentacles

Meeting an interesting person


You have a chance to start your own business

Page of Wands

Know your limits

Page of Cups


Page of Swords

Mockery, enemies

Page of Pentacles

Violation of established rules

Now it is necessary to establish good relations with relatives

Two of Wands

Don't rush the situation

Two of Cups

Good relationships with the opposite sex

Two of Swords

Fighting with relatives

Two of Pentacles

Violence (mental or physical)


You need to find the right partner

Three of Wands

Discover your true feelings about the state of things

Three of Cups

Luck is on your side, getting money

Three of Swords

Problems accumulate like a snowball

Three of Pentacles




Four of Wands

It's time to act

Four of Cups


Four of Swords

Rest from problems

Four of Pentacles

Surprises, gifts

Five of Wands

Don't pay attention to gossip

Five of Cups

Receiving news, communication with subtle worlds

Five of Swords

Breaking up a relationship, you will regret it in the near future

Five of Pentacles

Distortion, struggle


Lack of will, apathy, melancholy

Six of Wands

Fortune smiles

Six of Cups

The meeting will not take place

Six of Swords

Recognition, victory

Six of Pentacles

When learning to tell fortunes, pay special attention to the lasso Strength. The meaning of Tarot is quite complex. The deck covers all manifestations of man, possible situations and energy currents that shape society. Our lasso is very complex. The Tarot card Strength combines many aspects that are revealed in an unusual way, depending on the nearest ones, which should be taken into account in order to avoid errors in predictions.

Description and inner meaning

Let's look at the Arcana Strength. The meaning of the Tarot is encrypted in what is shown in the picture. Many people do not study the thick books of the masters, but focus on it. By the way, they give quite successful forecasts. The card depicts a young beauty carefree playing with the terrible king of beasts - the lion. The animal completely submitted to her will, enchanted by the beauty and kindness of the girl. The pictures vary around this semantic plot. You've probably come across a slightly different lasso of Strength. The meaning of the Tarot does not change due to variations in design. The meaning of the card is that there is nothing in the world that weakness cannot cope with. It contains a special mechanism that allows you to curb any power. A baby who does not have physical strength wins hearts; a beautiful flower makes a rough warrior cry with delight and forget about the harshness of the battles in which he participated. In a practical sense, the lasso speaks of a person’s enormous potential. He is ready to fight for his positions. And he perceives the battle with optimism. This personality transforms negative emotions such as anger, fear, nervousness, jealousy into a positive direction. The Arcana Strength should be interpreted approximately in this way. The meaning of the Tarot for self-development is this: the personality has matured in order to realize and overcome internal negativity. A person understands the destructiveness of some of his aspirations and attitudes. He fights them bravely and successfully. His inner beast is almost conquered.

Impact on alignment (upright position)

Fortune telling with Tarot is quite a difficult matter. It is necessary to analyze the mass of information provided by the meaning of each lasso. If Strength is in the upright position, you should pay attention to the positions of the personalities involved in the situation. One of them is a very unusual, outstanding personality. This person has a positive influence on events. He's probably not trying to stand out or make a statement. But his quiet words are listened to with great respect. He tames anger, reconciles enemies. Power (Tarot) in the reading is perceived positively. It portends hope for a harmonious and favorable development of the situation. We can say that a person is going in the right direction. He was able to realize his own destiny and find the possibility of realizing it. That is, no matter what question is asked, the answer is quite optimistic. You need to listen to the wise advice of others, but trust your intuition. Naturally, the combination of Tarot in the layout also affects the forecast. But Strength softens negative cards. For example, the Tower next to this lasso does not foretell strong shocks. Rather, good friends will come to the rescue in trouble. The change will occur, but it will take the fortuneteller to a new, higher level.

The meaning of the inverted lasso Strength

This position of the card has two meanings. Firstly, it says that a person is ready to give up under the pressure of unfavorable circumstances. He lost faith in success. His potential was wasted in an unequal struggle. He was tired of the constant confrontation. The inverted Strength speaks about this. The meaning of the Tarot does not lose the positive characteristics of the direct lasso. The individual still has enough energy to pull himself together. You just need to redistribute it. Don't give up. Life seems like a brutal fight until you learn to enjoy the process. We are constantly overcoming something. Fatigue accumulates only when you perceive the process as hard work, and not as a chain of natural events. In a practical sense, the reversed Strength suggests that you should take a break. It should be used to analyze your perception of the world. There was a serious mistake made somewhere. It needs to be identified and the worldview adjusted. Strength, even when reversed, is not a negative lasso. It encourages a more thoughtful attitude to the issue, focusing on important points, to the detriment of secondary ones. There is no need to listen to gossipers or react to critics. They only lead you astray. You need to find the strength within yourself to achieve your goal. The path is not as far as it seems. Dismiss those who exaggerate problems, trust yourself.

(straight position)

A couple has every prospect of building a stable union if the Arcana Strength appears in the layout. Tarot views relationships as the mutual desire of individuals for harmony. Everything is important here: their intentions, assessment of the partner, the ability to respect and obey, lead and lead. Our lasso says that people correspond to each other in terms of personal strength. They do not allow any distortions, they keep pace, so to speak. These are mature, self-sufficient individuals striving for union. It is important for them to get a response and satisfy their partner. When you start reading Tarot, you need to perceive reality in a detached way. The person you love has flaws, just like you. They should be understood and accepted, and not tried to be ignored. Strength hints that passion predominates in the union. Lovers are able to show animal instincts, they are open, they have no forbidden areas or topics. However, they sometimes encounter conflict situations. Tenderness towards your partner helps to overcome them. If we are talking about a quarrel, then the recommendation of the Arcana Strength is this: do not be afraid of your weakness, trust your loved one. Your partner should do the same. Sincerely loving people are able to overcome any obstacles, even internal disagreements. You should trust the flow that quickly carries you to happiness. When studying relationships, the Tarot combination is negative: Strength - Tower. This is a sign of a serious scandal that will lead to a terrible loss.

The influence of the inverted lasso on relationships

The couple has an unenviable future; passion has left them, leaving them boredom. This is how the Arcana Strength should be perceived if fortune telling is performed for an old couple. Their relationship has run its course. People are no longer able to give anything to each other. The problem network should be determined from adjacent maps. If the Moon and one of the sevens appear nearby, it means that the deception has been revealed (or this will happen in the future). This event does not allow you to trust your partner anymore. He is perceived as a liar, an unworthy person. Love no longer gives birth to magical worlds. The feeling gradually dies, unable to cope with the troubles that have befallen people. Arcana Strength (Tarot) in a relationship reading leaves hope for change. If it appears in the “advice” position, it means you should get rid of boredom and shake yourself up. The couple needs to change something in the relationship. It's time to look at your partner with new eyes or in a new environment. It is recommended to go to a resort, go hiking, or go to the country. Reversed Strength says that everything can still be changed, but initiative is required from partners, a desire to breathe new life into the relationship. And none of them, unfortunately, have the spirit for this. What is needed here is a shake-up, a sea of ​​pleasant impressions, and no one except the former lovers themselves is able to help. It’s bad when, next to the Arcana Strength in the Tarot layout, the Knight of Swords appears upside down. This is a sign of male weakness of the partner. He no longer desires love pleasures.

Impact on the business sector (direct position)

Arcana Strength indicates that a person has chosen the right professional field. He works with pleasure and achieves good results. In addition, the lasso Strength foreshadows reaching a higher level in the business that a person is currently engaged in. He has already gone beyond the boundaries of his current position. You need to strive for more. In a practical sense, this is a promotion, participation in a new promising project. The person for whom the layout is made is a professional. He should expand the scope of his powers and talents. If there are no negative cards, then there are no obstacles. If they exist, then you also should not give up without a fight. Strength indicates that a person has the energy to overcome all existing obstacles and avoid the emergence of new ones. In plans for material well-being, the lasso is a harbinger of a wonderful, fully financially secure period of life. The work will be well paid, and new sources of income will appear. If a Tarot reading is performed for a man, he should more actively implement his own projects. They are very promising and will bring good results. In general, the Force in the material plane recommends trusting your intuition. You should not listen to people who have achieved nothing in the professional field. They act out of envy. And the person himself moves exactly where he needs to in order to ensure a comfortable and prosperous future.

The meaning of inverted Strength in a work scenario

A person is caught in a vicious circle from which he cannot see a way out. Wrong decisions lead to troubles or losses. The personality reacts to this too emotionally and impulsively. This makes the situation even more complicated. New problems cause an even more nervous reaction. This leads to apathy, a reluctance to deal with a bunch of complexities, to put everything in its place. You need to stop and calm down. You shouldn’t create additional difficulties for yourself by building fences that will then have to be dismantled. There is a way out. He trusts professionalism. If you can’t figure it out on your own, seek advice from a wiser person. The neighboring lasso will point to it. For example, the King of any suit (in the upright position) hints that you have an influential friend who can clarify the situation indicated by the inverted lasso of Strength (Tarot). The combination with Death is also favorable. It is interpreted in a positive sense. You may not currently see a way out of the circle of troubles, but soon everything will change. There will be a ray of hope. It’s bad when an inverted Power falls next to a straight Tower. This is a sign of serious irreparable losses. You will have to start your professional activity from scratch. The acquired skills will not be needed in another place where you will be forced to go. Circumstances are beyond the fortuneteller's control. He will experience extreme stress.

Value in the health chart (upright position)

If you are overcome by illnesses, then the lasso Strength should be perceived positively. It suggests that a person is too pessimistic about reality and is inclined to paint it with black paints. He has enough strength to cope with illnesses and achieve the desired health. You need to communicate more with nature, trying to pacify your negative passions. Often the Tarot Arcana Strength indicates the presence of bad habits that have a bad effect on the body. It was not unknown microbes that ruined our health, but the person himself. He has every opportunity to correct the situation. It is necessary to analyze habits and preferences, identify and eliminate distortions. It's a simple matter, but it requires courage. Just as the girl on the card pacifies the lion, so the fortuneteller must conquer his passions. If we are talking about treatment methods, then refuse surgery for now. The disease can be overcome with medications in combination with moderate physical activity. The force recommends that the fortuneteller limit himself. This could be a reasonable diet, avoidance of excessive laziness, gluttony, and so on. The body needs respect for consciousness. You need to love yourself and try to give your body what is good for it.

The effect of an inverted lasso on health

It’s not very good if the card fell out in this position. This is a sign of lack of strength. The man is tired of the constant struggle with illnesses. He has no motivation, he is ready to give up. But you shouldn't do this. A little more - and the disease will be defeated. There is no need to resign yourself to the current state of affairs. On the contrary, we should resist more actively. You are on the right track. The treatment is chosen correctly, it is necessary to persistently and methodically follow the doctor’s recommendations. You will soon feel such desired changes. Reversed Strength indicates that a person lost heart too early. Everything works out for him, albeit slower than he would like. The presence of the Ace of Swords nearby indicates the need for surgical intervention. This radical method is the most optimal in this case, but the fortuneteller is afraid of it. You should pull yourself together and trust the doctors. If the question concerned the general state of health, then the inverted Strength speaks of excessive indulgence in negative aspirations. Do you abuse alcohol or smoke? Do you eat too much fatty or sweet foods? Card recommendation: pull yourself together and try to limit your desires. Otherwise, the disease cannot be avoided.

Map of the future

If the power fell in a straight position, then you should look confidently into tomorrow. You have enough energy to overcome obstacles and build happiness with your own hands. Ahead is a wonderful time for the full realization of abilities and talents. We need to work more actively. In addition, when you pull out Tarot cards for the future, the Force foretells internal changes. Your efforts in self-improvement will be crowned with success. Achieving personal maturity is the inner meaning of the lasso. You will have the opportunity to look deeper into the essence of events, to understand what was previously hidden. An inverted lasso has a different meaning. It encourages spiritual growth. A step back has been taken on the path of self-improvement. You were unable to learn the lesson, gave in under the pressure of circumstances, and slipped to the bottom of malice, jealousy, and resentment. All this needs to be rethought. It is necessary to understand what caused such a retreat in order to transform the negative into a positive direction. This is serious work, which the card suggests doing in the near future. And trust your own intuition more! There is nothing in life that a creative person cannot handle. And it all depends on who got the Arcana of Strength. The Tarot deck is sure that the fortuneteller has the energy for this, confirmed by an internal basis. And what to do depends on him. Tarot can give advice, but they won’t do anything for you. Therefore, it is necessary to shake off despondency and depression; they do not help build a wonderful world of harmony and prosperity. Namely, it is necessary for a person to feel satisfied with the current state of affairs. Work! And everything will definitely work out. Good luck!

A large field covered with green, fresh grass on the Arcana of Strength, as a symbol of life, prosperity and rebirth. Sunrise– this is the beginning of something new. Against this background we see a girl taming a lion. The girl is dressed in blue dress, denotes wisdom and cool reason. Golden hair color girls are the color of sun and energy. Above her head - Infinity sign, showing the great unlimited power that this seemingly defenseless and weak girl possesses.

a lion often appears in the guise of the king of beasts, and therefore means a formidable opponent. But even the lion doesn't try to resist the girl, which means that she truly has enormous strength, capable of overcoming any life situation. Everything we see on the map speaks not only of a strength capable of defeating any external enemy, it is also a self-confident force capable of defeating the inner beast within itself. This is a symbol of our passions and fears, those qualities that make us their slaves and force us to turn away from the path of spiritual growth. It can be much more difficult to defeat your vicious desires and animal instincts than any external enemies.

Meaning 11 Arcana Tarot Strength in the upright position:

Key meanings of the Arcana Tarot Strength in the upright position: strength, willpower, determination, courage. Purposefulness, perseverance. Love of life. The person who received this card will have the strength not only to make plans, but also to carry them out.

Arcana Tarot Strength on Relationships in the upright position: passion, intensity, liveliness, hot temperament. Stormy, exciting relationship. Dedicate yourself entirely to your loved one and new joyful sensations.

Arcana Tarot Power for Work in an upright position: an upsurge in business, a desire to work and devote a lot of effort to work. Success and goal achievement, which only increases strength and enthusiasm. Creative inspiration.

Arcana Tarot Strength on Health in the upright position: good health. Fast recovery. Cheerfulness, energy.

Arcana Strength advice in the upright position: use all available opportunities to achieve your goal. Don't resist your desires, don't doubt, go forward. Don't waste yourself and your time on unpleasant and uninteresting people. Don't give up on your dreams. And if circumstances require it, be wild and indomitable. Get down to business with passion and enthusiasm, fight for it.

Meaning 11 Arcana Tarot Strength in reversed position:

Key meanings of the Arcana Tarot Strength in an inverted position: self-doubt, weakness, or vice versa, abuse of power. Overestimating one’s strengths, indulging one’s base desires and misusing internal energy. Unnecessary disruption in business and relationships.

Arcana Tarot Power on Relationships in reversed position: indecision, compliance, or, on the contrary, aggression, anger, rage. Quarrels and conflicts. Animal passion, violence. Unnecessary interference of others in your life. Doubts.

Arcana Tarot Power for Work in an inverted position: lack of self-discipline. The task you have planned is beyond your capabilities. Misuse of opportunities. Lack of will, weak character, missed chances due to fear or uncertainty. Or, on the contrary, excessive pressure and aggressiveness harm the business.

Arcana Tarot Strength on Health in an inverted position: deterioration of health, exacerbation of chronic diseases. Depression. Decreased immunity.

Arcana Strength advice in reversed position: Don’t “beat your head against the wall”, don’t waste your energy on something that doesn’t work out. Restore the balance between the spiritual and physical spheres of life (alternate physical exercise and intellectual pursuits, a strict diet and a “belly feast”). Perhaps in some situation you need to show weakness in order to win, or perhaps use your animal instincts? See the Arcana located nearby to understand how to behave, or make an auxiliary layout.


Tarot Strength - the meaning of this card is very life-affirming. It symbolizes pride, a thirst for more, and the ability to withstand any adversity in life.

In the article:

Tarot Strength - meaning

The meaning of the Tarot card Strength in the upright position is positive. Arcanum has very strong energy, pushing a person to be decisive and courageous, to confront various life difficulties without fear. At the moment, fate is testing an individual's endurance; he needs to show courage and patience.

The appearance of the card in the layout indicates that a person’s knowledge and his inner core are now being tested for strength. Fate wants to know how ready you are to defend your principles and remain unshakable. He challenges, so it is impossible to show absent-mindedness, weakness of will, or fear now.

You shouldn’t feel sorry for yourself either, since your main goal is emotional maturity and achieving the next level of development. The individual needs to pacify not only the enemies who surround him, but also his internal demons. The Arcanum suggests that in order to achieve victory one should be unobtrusive, gentle, but undaunted.

Don't doubt your abilities, and only then will you achieve success. The meaning of the lasso may change slightly if it is surrounded by negative cards. This suggests that it is not worth actively showing your position in life, aggression and power. It is better to take time for self-knowledge and accumulation of energy, you will need it in the near future.

Do not use cruelty and violence to achieve your goal, otherwise the result will be negative. If you make the “Card of the Day” layout, then be sure that today everything will work out for you, you will be able to overcome any obstacles, luck will be on your side.

Inverted position

Power reversed in the Tarot does not have the most positive meaning. It can be regarded as a manifestation of powerlessness, vile weakness. The person has absolutely come to terms with the fact that he can’t do anything and doesn’t want anything anymore. Perhaps he suffered from the negative influence of stronger people. Such powerlessness can manifest itself in excellent negative aspects.

An individual may become more prone to despotism and tyranny, trying to humiliate those below him in order to somehow assert himself. Such a person does not know how to control himself or the situation; if he manages to gain power over someone, he begins to mock this individual in every possible way. But in the end, shame and failure still await the despot.

The appearance of the Strength Tarot card in an inverted position can indicate a person’s spinelessness, his uncertainty and inability to resist temptation. Such a person is often stupid, cowardly, constantly depressed and does not trust anyone. The result is a complete lack of harmony and implementation of the plans.

Tarot Strength - meaning in relationships

If we talk about relationships with people in general, then at the moment there is no product or disagreement in sight. You are filled with positive energy, which is necessary in order to communicate normally with other people, to fill relationships with vivid impressions and liveliness.

The Strength Tarot card has a slightly different meaning in a love relationship. The sexual aspect is very important for you at the moment. The union will be strong if the partners satisfy each other physically. If Justice, the Hermit, is next to the force, this indicates excessive control of the sexual sphere, which can subsequently lead to various problems.

The location of the Devil nearby indicates betrayal, the presence of many partners, and an attempt to manipulate your soulmate. It is worth noting that in the scenario for the relationship between a man and a woman, Strength is a card that largely enhances the meaning of neighboring arcana. In an inverted position, the card speaks of lust and uncontrollable passion.

Work and finance

The meaning of the Tarot Arcana Strength in a reading for a professional situation is quite positive. At the moment, you have a sufficient supply of energy to implement your plan. You have extraordinary talent and are able to realize yourself both in creativity and in other areas. The card suggests that the person has a motive. Something forces him to take risks.

For the sake of this something, an individual is ready to completely devote himself to solving some problem, working on a project. In order for everything to work out successfully, you need to concentrate as much as possible on one type of employment. If you don’t know whether to enter into an agreement with partners or not, then the card’s answer is positive. You will really need this kind of help.

If you are at a crossroads and cannot decide on your future profession, then focus on work that involves physical activity. Through hard work and developing your abilities, you can achieve financial wealth, but this will never be your main goal, since you are driven by higher motives.

Health status

The presence of the Strength card in the layout indicates that the person really has very good health, he has an almost inexhaustible supply of vital energy, and devotes a lot of time to sports.

If an individual is currently feeling unwell, the lasso assures that he will soon recover and fully restore his strength. At this point, in order to maintain your physical health, you need to overcome any fears.

If your mind is clear and your energy moves forward towards achievements, then you will not have significant health problems. In an inverted position, Strength speaks of significant problems, deterioration of well-being, and energy exhaustion.

Tarot Strength in combination with other cards

It is not advisable to take the meaning of the Tarot card Strength in layouts literally; it is better to pay attention to which cards are located nearby and interpret them in pairs. Strength in combination with the major arcana:

  • Jester - you are wasting too much energy;
  • Mag - it's time to act;
  • High Priestess - keep your mouth shut;
  • Empress - direct all your strength to get what you want;
  • Emperor - you have a chance to start your own business;
  • Hierophant - now it is necessary to establish good relations with relatives;
  • Lovers - you need to find the right partner;
  • Chariot - instability;
  • Hermit - lack of will, apathy, melancholy;
  • Wheel of Fortune - luck is on your side;
  • Justice - you will be able to achieve what you want;
  • Hanged Man - try to gain time;
  • Death is spiritual emptiness;
  • Moderation - do not rush into battle, it is better to accumulate a little strength;
  • Devil - energy vampirism;
  • Tower - loss of self-control, aggression;
  • Star - you will be able to get rid of a negative habit;
  • Moon - the mask hides an evil appearance;
  • The sun is an attempt to tame the inner monster;
  • Court - replenishment of energy reserves;
  • Peace is victory over yourself.

Arcana paired with wands:

  • Ace - try to keep your nationality;
  • Two - don’t rush the situation;
  • Three - discover your true relationship to the state of affairs;
  • Four - it's time to act;
  • Five - do not pay attention to gossip;
  • Six - luck smiles;
  • Seven - you will be able to overcome any obstacles;
  • Eight - think before you do anything;
  • Nine - suspicion;
  • Ten - a person has practically no internal strength left;
  • Page - know your limits;
  • Knight - timidity does not suit you;
  • Queen - self-confidence is the key to success;
  • King - luck will smile only on a strong-willed person.

Strength - combination with Tarot cups:

  • Ace - emotion management, intuition;
  • Two - good relationships with the opposite sex;
  • Three - luck is on your side, receiving money;
  • Four - nobility;
  • Five - receiving news, communication with the subtle worlds;
  • Six - the meeting will not take place;
  • Seven - you are influenced negatively from the outside;
  • Eight - wedding soon;
  • Nine - fraud, achieving success by dishonest means;
  • Ten - chaos;
  • Page - concentration;
  • Knight - close friendship;
  • The Queen is a depraved woman;
  • King - the influence of an authoritative person.

The meaning of the arcana if there is a card of the suit of swords nearby:

  • Ace - pressure from superiors;
  • Two - struggle with relatives;
  • Three - problems accumulate like a snowball;
  • Four - rest from problems;
  • Five - a break in relationships, you will regret it in the near future;
  • Six - recognition, victory;
  • Seven - deportation, change of residence;
  • Eight - fanaticism, illusoryness;
  • Nine - bad news;
  • Ten - troubles at work;
  • Page - mockery, enemies;
  • Knight - the help of a devoted friend;
  • The Queen is a woman ruled by hatred;
  • The king is a powerful man.

Combination with pentacles:

  • Ace - happiness, success;
  • Two - violence (moral or physical);
  • Three - humiliation;
  • Four - surprises, gifts;
  • Five - distortion, struggle;
  • Six - be vigilant;
  • Seven - concluding a profitable contract;
  • Eight - vanity;
  • Nine - impermanence;
  • Ten - the end of troubles in the house;
  • Page - violation of established rules;
  • Knight - meeting an interesting person;
  • The queen is a greedy woman;
  • The king is a rich man.

Strength + Jester (VIII + 0)
There is strength - no need for intelligence. Waste of energy.
A lot of effort has been spent, but there is no result.
Leaving work.

Strength + Mage (VIII + I)
Force yourself to take action.
Put effort into starting the project.

Strength + High Priestess (VIII + II)
It is an effort of will to remain silent and not spill the beans.
Pressure on the lady. Perhaps, to resolve the conflict, you should be softer and abandon brute force.

Strength + Empress (VIII + III)
Energy aimed at obtaining results.
Energetic strong woman.

Strength + Emperor (VIII + IV)
Efforts spent on putting things in order or creating your own business.
Rule with an iron fist.

Strength + Hierophant (VIII + V)
Strong faith. Support.
Submission to moral laws.
Efforts to restore unity.
Strong man. Patron.
Protection from an older person.

Strength + Lovers (VIII + VI)
Strong feelings.
The need for the help of a strong partner.

Strength + Chariot (VIII + VII)
It will take serious effort to go all the way to your goal.
It’s as if some force forces you to give your all without reserve.
The work performed requires exertion of all physical strength.
Unstable emotional state.

Strength + Hermit (VIII + IX)
Lonely, strong in spirit, going his own way.
There is no need to sort things out and change jobs now.
If you don't have it, you won't get a job.
Wise accumulation of strength to later solve your problems.
Concentration of internal strength.
Wise confrontation.
A period of health recovery is needed.

Strength + Wheel of Fortune (VIII + X)
You will need strength to change your destiny in a positive direction.
Don't miss the chance.
Seize Fortune.
A trip to recuperate.
Strength to move.
Improving the financial situation.

Strength + Justice (VIII + XI)
Good with fists. Establishing justice by force.
Make an effort to achieve objectivity in court.
A period of delay in business.
Limiting factors.

Strength + Hanged Man (VIII + XII)
Dependence on someone or something.
The love affair is in vain.
An attempt to gain time.
Energy is wasted.
Strength is wasted in vain - a person is unable to see things as they are.
The surroundings seem upside down to him.
You need to learn to control your strength and stand firmly on your feet.
Change your mind about the situation.
Period for meditation.

Strength + Death (VIII + XIII)
Test of strength. Impotence.
Abrupt changes can deprive one of strength, and perhaps it is the lack of strength, the ability to resist, that will provoke these changes.
You are about to undergo another personality transformation.
The force that caused it has already appeared, or is about to appear, on your horizon.
Painful transformation.
Anything new will be difficult.
Something will cause unpleasant experiences.

Strength + Moderation (VIII + XIV)
Time will pass, and with it strength will leave.
You need to return to the roots of your inner strength, release it and overcome dependence on your immediate environment.
Finding internal reserves.
Rapidity. Quick problem solving.
A quick break with your loved one.
There may be temporary work or leisure.

Strength + Devil (VIII + XV)
Violence. The desire to resolve any issues by force, regardless of moral restrictions.
Indulgence in vice. Weak willpower.
A person is under the powerful influence of his instincts, completely dependent on physical desires and strives to satisfy his passion, sweeping away everything in his path.
Love triangle.
Stormy passion.
Using power with bad intentions.
Energetic vampire.
The influence of someone's negative force.

Strength + Tower (VIII + XVI)
An explosion of such force can destroy all living things.
The pent-up anger will come down with incredible force.
Fatal loss of self-control.
The man overestimated his strength and overstrained himself.
A blow to health.
Energy strike.
Severing previous ties.

Strength + Star (VIII + XVII)
You are alive with hope, do not lose it under any circumstances. There are chances.
Hope for recovery from addiction.
Convincing victory.
High skill and professionalism
Raising skill.

Strength + Moon (VIII + XVIII)
Strong evil. The dark half is very strong. Serious danger.
Compression phase.
An attempt to hide the dark sides of one's nature.
Study of psychology.

Strength + Sun (VIII + XIX)
The dark half is under complete control of light and goodness and will not be able to break out.
Physical exercise.
The pride and ambition of a person who entered the arena of life to fight for a place in the sun.
You have tamed the “inner beast”.
Self-love is satisfied.
Double the power.

Strength + Judgment (VIII + XX)
The winners are not judged.
Energy replenishment.
Overcome the fear of public speaking.
You're being torn apart.
Something has to change.
Health changes.

Strength + Peace (VIII + XXI)
It is necessary to extinguish the conflict by all means.
Victory over yourself.
Internal integrity.
Working with a big company. A lot of people. Expenditure of effort.

With the Ace of Wands card - restrain ardor.
With the “Two of Wands” card - slow down.
With the Three of Wands card - hide your reaction.
With the Four of Wands card - overcome laziness.
With the Five of Wands card - ignore criticism.
With the Six of Wands card - ride luck.
With the Seven of Wands card - confront difficulties.
With the Eight of Wands card - distribute forces.
With the Nine of Wands card - succumb to jealousy and suspicion.
With the Ten of Wands card - to break.
With the “Page of Wands” card - know your limits.
With the card “Knight of Wands” - overcome embarrassment.
With the Queen of Wands card - believe in yourself.
With the “King of Wands” card - gather your will.

From other sources:
V. Sklyarov "The Great Book of Combinations".

Strength upright with the Major Arcana

Mage - Power
Magician (trans) - Finding confidence and harmony
Priestess - An inexplicable premonition worth following
Priestess (trans) - Lack of confidence in success
Empress - A new round of relationships, including love ones
Empress (trans) - Change of occupation
Emperor - Self-discipline, responsibility
Emperor (transl.) - Loss of trust in a friend, in friendship in general
Priest - Desire for sex. Lust
Priest (trans) - Tests of moral stability
Lovers - Choosing a new direction. New encouraging chances
Lovers (transl.) - The search for the “key” to open the treasured door (Pinocchio’s Golden Key)
Chariot - The Path to Independence
Chariot (trans) - The beginning of a new relationship
Justice - Objectivity, clarity of thinking
Justice (trans) - Gaining wisdom, independence of judgment
Hermit - Period of introversion and closedness
Hermit (trans) - Sustained loneliness. Getting used to it
Wheel of Fortune - Life Lessons to Stimulate Inner Growth
Wheel of Fortune (trans) - The vicissitudes of fortune
Hanged Man - Radical circumstances. World surgery
The Hanged Man (trans) - The period of “sobering up”, returning to the business level
Death - Internal liberation. Emancipation
Death (trans.) - Prometheus. Giver of divine fire. The pangs of creativity
Moderation - Harmonious unity of soul, spirit and flesh
Moderation (per) - Emergency situations, stressful situations
Devil - Spiritual frenzy, frenzy
Devil (trans) - Sadistic tendencies
Tower - The ground is disappearing from under your feet
Tower (trans) - Tower of Babel. Plans that do not match capabilities. Lost in track and field competition
Star - High vantage point. Highest objectivity
Zvezda (transl.) - You need to think about everything again, don’t cut from the shoulder
Moon - Uncertainty. Madness
Moon (transl.) - Wandering in the labyrinths of fate. Minotaur
Sun - High creative potential
The Sun (trans) - Trickery. Game without rules
Judgment - The hour has come for liberation (of any kind)
Court - The idea-fix, oddly enough, will justify itself
The world is a wonderful period of flourishing opportunities. Opportunity flourishes
World (transl.) - Atlant. An unbearable burden
Jester - Parzival, Till Eulenspiegel. Finding
Jester (trans.). Sincere amazement. Baby

Strength upright with the Minor Arcana

2 of Wands - Despair
2 of Wands (trans) - Humiliation
2 of Cups - Excellent relationships
2 of Cups (trans) - Restless connection
2 of Swords - Confrontation at the everyday level: son-in-law, mother-in-law, etc.
2 of Swords (trans) - Superficial analysis of the situation
2 of Pentacles - Violence in the literal sense
2 of Pentacles (trans) - Anonymous letter

3 of Wands - Loss of influence, flirting with the enemy
3 of Wands (trans) - Break of disasters for a very short period of time, change (short)
3 of Cups - Success in everything. Receiving an inheritance
3 of Cups (trans.) - Vain efforts, futility of ideas
3 of Swords - Poisoning
3 of Swords (trans) - Problems accumulate
3 of Pentacles - Infringement of rights Loss, infringement of rights
3 of Pentacles (trans) - Humiliation

4 of Wands - Prosperity at the expense of others
4 of Wands (trans) - Does not change the meaning in an inverted position
4 of Cups - Forgiveness
4 of Cups (per) - Getting to know someone (with whom - see adjacent card)
4 of Swords - Rest, relaxation
4 of Swords (trans) - Motherhood as a given
4 of Pentacles - Gifts, rich
4 of Pentacles (trans) - Guilty verdict

5 of Wands - Hostile attitude towards partners
5 of Wands (trans) - Litigation from the enemy
5 of Cups - Spiritual heritage, esoteric literature
5 Cups (per) - News that did not live up to expectations
5 of Swords - Defamation, rupture
5 of Swords (trans) - Senseless destruction
5 Pntacles - Struggle of factions (political)
5 of Pentacles (per) - Slippery slope, especially for a young girl

6 of Wands - Help, new hope
6 of Wands (trans) - Loss of support from friends
6 Cups - Failed meeting
6 of Cups (per) - Adjustment of plans
6 of Swords - Success after a troublesome struggle
6 of Swords (translated) - Devastating article, publication, loss of “face”
6 of Pentacles - Loss of caution, vigilance
6 of Pentacles (trans) - Inappropriate jealousy. Cassio, Othello

7 of Wands - Gossip, empty worries because of them. Accepting someone else's opinion
7 of Wands (trans) - “Focusing” on a problem
7 of Cups - Clear foreign influence
7 of Cups (trans) - Reciprocity that does not bring joy
7 of Swords - Eviction from an apartment, expulsion from the country
7 of Swords (trans) - Mentoring
7 of Pentacles - Unexpected partnership
7 of Pentacles (trans) - The Treacherous Friend

8 of Wands - Implementation of laws in real life
8 of Wands (trans) - Criticism from management
8 of Cups - Possibility of marriage
8 of Cups (per) - An opportunity to thank a person for his efforts
8 of Swords - Partial success, fantasies
8 of Swords (trans) - Unnecessary worry
8 of Pentacles - Uncompromising situation
8 of Pentacles (trans) - Vanity of vanities

9 of Wands - Trouble, avalanche. Strong structure
9 of Wands (trans) - Quasi-perfection
9 Cups - Triumph. Far-fetched success
9 of Cups (trans.) - Innocence
9 of Swords - Bad Omens
9 of Swords (trans) - Changing readings under pressure
9 of Pentacles - Social Factors
9 of Pentacles (trans) - Fickle partner

10 of Wands - Very strong obstacles
10 of Wands (trans) - Powerless resistance
10 of Cups - Party, charter, union, meeting, gathering
10 of Cups (per) - Irritability
10 of Swords - Failures in the house of Capricorn related to career
10 of Swords (translated) - Passion for “dominion” (“I want to be the mistress of the sea...”)
10 of Pentacles - Family problems end
10 of Pentacles (per) - Lack of support (material)

King of Wands - Minister, strong patronage
King of Wands (trans) - Tolerance of the Highest Order
King of Cups - Influence of a High Person
King of Cups (trans) - Player
King of Swords - A man wearing the mantle of power, perhaps a prosecutor. Prosecutor
King of Swords (trans) - Using the Rear Lines
King of Pentacles - "Bag of Money", a person of Caucasian ethnicity
King of Pentacles (trans) - A dangerous acquaintance. Suicide

Queen of Wands - Strong woman (“Nekrasovskaya”)
Queen of Wands (trans) - Unnecessary connection
Queen of Cups - Venus. "Priestess of Love"
Queen of Cups (trans) - Lecherous Person
Queen of Swords - Woman Driven by Hate
Queen of Swords (trans) - Stepmother
Queen of Pentacles - Oratory, debate. Wise Fairy
Queen of Pentacles (trans) - Fraudster, liar

Knight of Wands - Departure abroad under the influence of a forceful decision
Knight of Wands (trans) - Cancellation of a forceful decision
Knight of Cups - Friendship (D'Artagnan)
Knight of Cups (transl.) - Petty scoundrel
Knight of Swords - Brave friend, protector
Knight of Swords (trans) - Aggressor, possibly domestic tyrant
Knight of Pentacles - Useful introduction
Knight of Pentacles (trans) - An uninteresting man

Page of Wands - The culmination of any process
Page of Wands (trans) - Mismanagement of affairs
Page of Cups - High feeling
Page of Cups (trans) - Concentration on one thing. Neuropathology
Page of Swords - Intrusive friend, bullying
Page of Swords (trans) - Unpleasant Visitor
Page of Pentacles - Brunette, trainee
Page of Pentacles (trans) - Disturber of public order. Sobering-up station

Ace of Wands - Large offspring
Ace of Wands (trans) - Crushing Failures
Ace of Cups - Strengthening feelings, intuition, heightened instincts
Ace of Cups (trans) - Emotional hunger
Ace of Swords - Extreme pressure from above
Ace of Swords (translation) - Intrigues on the part of the authorities
Ace of Pentacles - Soul's Delight
Ace of Pentacles (trans) - Sterility

Ace of Swords + Peace + King of Wands + 10 of Swords + 9 of Swords - Death
Ace of Swords + 4 of Swords - Death by Cancer
Ace of Swords + 4 of Swords + King of Swords - Death from cancer after unsuccessful surgery
Ace of Swords + 4 Swords + Mage - Cancer provoked by corruption

Strength reversed with the Major Arcana

Mage - Inertia. Routine. Failures. The danger of magical influence
Magician (trans) - Unnecessary "excesses"
Priestess - Waiting position, numbness (Rabbit - boa constrictor)
Priestess (trans) - The power of subconscious forces
Empress - Acceleration of the inevitable
The Empress (transl.) - Chasing two hares
Emperor - Parting with old illusions
Emperor (transl.) - Lust for power
Priest - Disgust towards persons of the opposite sex
Priest (trans) - Participation in ugly orgies
Lovers - Uncompromising choice
Lovers (transl.) - Loneliness as a given from birth
Chariot - Failure. Unjustified risk
The Chariot (trans) - Suppressing your own opinions
Justice - Bad conscience. Sucker Punch
Justice (trans.) - High demands on oneself. Torment of conscience
Hermit - Fear of loneliness
Hermit (trans) - Time out. Respite
Wheel of Fortune - Powerlessness. Bowing the head
Wheel of Fortune (trans) - The Yoke of Conservatism
Hanged Man - Stagnation. Braking. Dead end
The Hanged Man (transl.) - “What goes around comes around, so comes around”
Death - The need to dot the i's
Death (transl.) - Separation from the past
Moderation - The need to restore peace of mind
Moderation (trans) - Quickie
Devil - "Devil's" caution required
Devil (trans) - Lies, dirty speculation, depravity
Tower - Smoldering fuse of a time bomb
Tower (trans) - The collapse of your shelter, collapsed walls
Star - “Fox” cunning and caution
Star (trans) - Intuition training
Moon - Fear. Subconscious. Feeling of danger or impending disaster
Moon (trans) - A unique chance, fraught with great danger. The escape
Sun - New Confidence
The Sun (transl.) - The impossibility of reconciliation between two “giants”
Judgment - Decisiveness. Desire to see new horizons
Judgment (transl.) - Orpheus in Hell. Chasing the impossible. Eurydice
Peace - Truce, reconciliation are temporarily impossible
World (transl.) - Resort romance, comic love. The danger of sexually transmitted diseases
Jester - Ignoring important matters
Jester (transl.) - Return to old habits

Strength reversed with the Minor Arcana

4 of Pentacles (trans) - Accusations
7 of Wands - Obsessing over a problem

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