Home Salon Gasoline nefras octane number. Gasoline Galoshes: application features and characteristics. Description of physical properties

Gasoline nefras octane number. Gasoline Galoshes: application features and characteristics. Description of physical properties

Nefras s2 80/120, or in other words, a petroleum solvent. It is an organic compound. It is a product of petroleum distillation. Moreover Nefras C-2 is a dehydrated product of petroleum distillation. Liquid oily solvent. It has a transparent color and a characteristic smell of petroleum products. You can buy nefras of this type from us.

Nefras s2 80/120 – highly flammable. And also toxic. Therefore, you should always take precautions when using it. The presence of water, alkalis and soluble acids in its composition indicates the impossibility of its use. Nefras s2 80/120 should not contain all this. We offer you high-quality nefras c2 80/120. Our nefras undergoes strict certification, meets the requirements of GOST and fully satisfies the technical requirements necessary for it. Therefore, it is best to purchase this solvent from us.

Based on his personal characteristics, it becomes clear that nefras c2 80/120 begins to boil away from 80 degrees and reaches the boiling point of 120 degrees, that is, its boiling range is from 80 to 120 degrees. Nefras c2 80/120 is also a low-boiling solvent. Refers to one of the most popular types of nefras. It is in great demand in the liquid solvent market. That's why purchase this solvent It's worth it anyway. And the best way to do this is with us.

This solvent that we offer you is of type “c”, that is, with a mixed content of hydrocarbons. Nefras s2 80/120 You can buy from us both wholesale and retail.

I would also like to note the ease of use. Nefras c2 80/120 is presented in a 216 liter barrel, in 5, 10 and 20 liter canisters, as well as in 0.5 and 1 liter bottles. Since we offer you nefras c2 80/120 in various containers, then buy nefras s2 80/120 You can use it in any container with different capacities.

Nefras c2 80/120 solvent has a huge range of applications. Nefras c2 80/120 is used in the rubber industry, mainly for the manufacture of belts and pipes. For degreasing electrical equipment, various surfaces, especially before painting, as well as fabric and leather products. For the preparation of rubber adhesives. For removing fine grease and oil paints. In the production of printing inks and mastics. As a solvent for quick-drying special oil paints, epoxy resins, electrical insulating varnishes, oil, bitumen and ethylene paints and varnishes.

If buy nefras s2 80/120 with us, then he will also have all these necessary qualities. In addition to all this, it can be used as fuel for gasoline blowtorches and catalytic heating pads. For cleaning bearings. For washing fittings before preservation. It has no equal in its use in the optical industry and organic chemistry. It is in great demand when repairing automatic transmissions, engines and other components.

  • Nefras C2 80/120 barrel 216.5 l.


    Nefras s2 80/120, or in other words, is a petroleum solvent. It is an organic compound. It is a product of petroleum distillation. Moreover, Nefras S-2 is a dehydrated oil distillation product. Liquid oily solvent. It has a transparent color and a characteristic smell of petroleum products. You can buy nefras of this type from us.

    Nefras s2 80/120 – highly flammable. And also toxic. Therefore, you should always take precautions when using it. The presence of water, alkalis and soluble acids in its composition indicates the impossibility of its use. Nefras s2 80/120 should not contain all this. We offer you high-quality nefras c2 80/120. Our nefras undergoes strict certification, meets the requirements of GOST and fully satisfies the technical requirements necessary for it. Therefore, it is best to buy nefras c2 80/120 from us.

    Based on his personal characteristics, it becomes clear that nefras c2 80/120 begins to boil away from 80 degrees and reaches the boiling point of 120 degrees, that is, its boiling range is from 80 to 120 degrees. Nefras c2 80/120 is also a low-boiling solvent. Refers to one of the most popular types of nefras. It is in great demand in the liquid solvent market. Therefore, it’s worth buying nefras c2 80/120 in any case. And the best way to do this is with us.

    Its distinctive features are the following: it quickly evaporates, under its influence organic compounds quickly dissolve, but it is characterized by corrosive aggressiveness.

    The nefras that we offer you is of the “c” type, that is, with a mixed content of hydrocarbons, and you can buy it from us. Nefras c2 80/120 can be purchased from us both wholesale and retail.

    I would also like to note the ease of use. Nefras c2 80/120 is presented in a 216 liter barrel, in 5, 10 and 20 liter canisters, as well as in 0.5 and 1 liter bottles. Since we offer you nefras c2 80/120 in various containers, you can buy nefras c2 80/120 in any container with different capacities.

    Nefras c2 80/120 has a huge range of applications. Nefras c2 80/120 is used in the rubber industry, mainly for the manufacture of belts and pipes. For degreasing electrical equipment, various surfaces, especially before painting, as well as fabric and leather products. For the preparation of rubber adhesives. For removing fine grease and oil paints. In the production of printing inks and mastics. As a solvent for quick-drying special oil paints, epoxy resins, electrical insulating varnishes, oil, bitumen and ethylene paints and varnishes. If you buy nefras c2 80/120 from us, then it will also have all these necessary qualities. In addition to all this, nefras c2 80/120 can be used as fuel for gasoline blowtorches and catalytic heating pads. For cleaning bearings. For washing fittings before preservation. It has no equal in its use in the optical industry and organic chemistry. It is in great demand when repairing automatic transmissions, engines and other components.

    As you can see, this liquid has quite a wide range of applications. It is very comfortable. Because it can be used for various purposes. And if you are not yet sure whether to buy nefras c2 80/120, then, of course, buy it! And, of course, with us!

    from 10,500 rub.

  • Nefras C2 80/120 canister 20 l.

    Its distinctive features are the following: it quickly evaporates, under its influence organic compounds quickly dissolve, but it is characterized by corrosive aggressiveness.

  • Nefras C2 80/120 canister 10 l.

    Nefras s2 80/120, or in other words, is a petroleum solvent. It is an organic compound. It is a product of petroleum distillation. Moreover, Nefras S-2 is a dehydrated oil distillation product. Liquid oily solvent. It has a transparent color and a characteristic smell of petroleum products. You can buy nefras of this type from us.

    Nefras s2 80/120 – highly flammable. And also toxic. Therefore, you should always take precautions when using it. The presence of water, alkalis and soluble acids in its composition indicates the impossibility of its use. Nefras s2 80/120 should not contain all this. We offer you high-quality nefras c2 80/120. Our nefras undergoes strict certification, meets the requirements of GOST and fully satisfies the technical requirements necessary for it. Therefore, it is best to buy nefras c2 80/120 from us.

    Based on his personal characteristics, it becomes clear that nefras c2 80/120 begins to boil away from 80 degrees and reaches the boiling point of 120 degrees, that is, its boiling range is from 80 to 120 degrees. Nefras c2 80/120 is also a low-boiling solvent. Refers to one of the most popular types of nefras. It is in great demand in the liquid solvent market. Therefore, it’s worth buying nefras c2 80/120 in any case. And the best way to do this is with us.

    Its distinctive features are the following: it quickly evaporates, under its influence organic compounds quickly dissolve, but it is characterized by corrosive aggressiveness.

    The nefras that we offer you is of the “c” type, that is, with a mixed content of hydrocarbons, and you can buy it from us. Nefras c2 80/120 can be purchased from us both wholesale and retail.

    I would also like to note the ease of use. Nefras c2 80/120 is presented in a 216 liter barrel, in 5, 10 and 20 liter canisters, as well as in 0.5 and 1 liter bottles. Since we offer you nefras c2 80/120 in various containers, you can buy nefras c2 80/120 in any container with different capacities.

    Nefras c2 80/120 has a huge range of applications. Nefras c2 80/120 is used in the rubber industry, mainly for the manufacture of belts and pipes. For degreasing electrical equipment, various surfaces, especially before painting, as well as fabric and leather products. For the preparation of rubber adhesives. For removing fine grease and oil paints. In the production of printing inks and mastics. As a solvent for quick-drying special oil paints, epoxy resins, electrical insulating varnishes, oil, bitumen and ethylene paints and varnishes. If you buy nefras c2 80/120 from us, then it will also have all these necessary qualities. In addition to all this, nefras c2 80/120 can be used as fuel for gasoline blowtorches and catalytic heating pads. For cleaning bearings. For washing fittings before preservation. It has no equal in its use in the optical industry and organic chemistry. It is in great demand when repairing automatic transmissions, engines and other components.

    As you can see, this liquid has quite a wide range of applications. It is very comfortable. Because it can be used for various purposes. And if you are not yet sure whether to buy nefras c2 80/120, then, of course, buy it! And, of course, with us!

  • Nefras S2 80/120 canister 5 l.

    Nefras s2 80/120, or in other words, is a petroleum solvent. It is an organic compound. It is a product of petroleum distillation. Moreover, Nefras S-2 is a dehydrated oil distillation product. Liquid oily solvent. It has a transparent color and a characteristic smell of petroleum products. You can buy nefras of this type from us.

    Nefras s2 80/120 – highly flammable. And also toxic. Therefore, you should always take precautions when using it. The presence of water, alkalis and soluble acids in its composition indicates the impossibility of its use. Nefras s2 80/120 should not contain all this. We offer you high-quality nefras c2 80/120. Our nefras undergoes strict certification, meets the requirements of GOST and fully satisfies the technical requirements necessary for it. Therefore, it is best to buy nefras c2 80/120 from us.

    You can read more detailed information
    Based on his personal characteristics, it becomes clear that nefras c2 80/120 begins to boil away from 80 degrees and reaches the boiling point of 120 degrees, that is, its boiling range is from 80 to 120 degrees. Nefras c2 80/120 is also a low-boiling solvent. Refers to one of the most popular types of nefras. It is in great demand in the liquid solvent market. Therefore, it’s worth buying nefras c2 80/120 in any case. And the best way to do this is with us.

    Its distinctive features are the following: it quickly evaporates, under its influence organic compounds quickly dissolve, but it is characterized by corrosive aggressiveness.

    The nefras that we offer you is of the “c” type, that is, with a mixed content of hydrocarbons, and you can buy it from us. Nefras c2 80/120 can be purchased from us both wholesale and retail.

    I would also like to note the ease of use. Nefras c2 80/120 is presented in a 216 liter barrel, in 5, 10 and 20 liter canisters, as well as in 0.5 and 1 liter bottles. Since we offer you nefras c2 80/120 in various containers, you can buy nefras c2 80/120 in any container with different capacities.

    Nefras c2 80/120 has a huge range of applications. Nefras c2 80/120 is used in the rubber industry, mainly for the manufacture of belts and pipes. For degreasing electrical equipment, various surfaces, especially before painting, as well as fabric and leather products. For the preparation of rubber adhesives. For removing fine grease and oil paints. In the production of printing inks and mastics. As a solvent for quick-drying special oil paints, epoxy resins, electrical insulating varnishes, oil, bitumen and ethylene paints and varnishes. If you buy nefras c2 80/120 from us, then it will also have all these necessary qualities. In addition to all this, nefras c2 80/120 can be used as fuel for gasoline blowtorches and catalytic heating pads. For cleaning bearings. For washing fittings before preservation. It has no equal in its use in the optical industry and organic chemistry. It is in great demand when repairing automatic transmissions, engines and other components.

    As you can see, this liquid has quite a wide range of applications. It is very comfortable. Because it can be used for various purposes. And if you are not yet sure whether to buy nefras c2 80/120, then, of course, buy it! And, of course, with us!

The liquid is poured into tourist burners, lamps, and heaters.

Galoshes have a high octane number. At the same time, the fuel is extremely clean. Contains a minimum of aromatic hydrocarbons.

Therefore, there is a minimum of not only soot, but also odor. Galoshes also have other features.

Features of gasoline galoshes

Gasoline galosh is not only a fuel, but also a solvent. It is considered the best because the liquid instantly evaporates without leaving a characteristic odor on the surface being treated.

Was created gasoline solvent galoshes especially for diluting paints and varnishes, bitumen and oil paints, enamels.

The composition is also used in the production of rubber adhesives. The mixture is used to degrease electrical equipment.

In workshops, bearings can be washed with solvent and used when repairing an engine. In the fashion industry, galoshes are used to remove the fat layer from skin.

The mixture of hydrocarbons in galoshes is toxic. When working with the mixture, mucous membranes may become irritated, skin rashes may appear, and headaches may occur.

To avoid the negative influence of the solvent, wear respirators or adjust the ventilation system. Gasoline galosh application not found at temperatures above 75 degrees Celsius.

The liquid is flammable. When working with the composition, eliminate any sources of fire. Externally, the solution is colorless and transparent.

The liquid is stored in tightly closed containers, away from direct sunlight and moisture. The room should be cool. Guaranteed shelf life – 24 months.

What is the difference between a galosh and a galosh and regular gasoline?

B-70 - this is how it is designated gasoline galoshes. GOST 443-76. But there is another solvent. It is created not according to GOST, but according to technical specifications 308.401-67-108-92.

Thus, manufacturing enterprises do not violate standardization rules. Replacement of one letter in the name, minor deviations from the given formula and, here it is - gasoline galoshes.

Interestingly, in the world of footwear, galoshes and overshoes are the same rubber shoes worn over boots. The only difference is that galoshes were spoken before the revolution.

After the Bolsheviks came to power, a colloquial “distortion” of the word took root.

So in the world of gasoline, galoshes are a later variation, slightly distorted, not made according to GOST.

However, in essence, both compositions perform their function adequately and cost approximately the same. Both liquids are called Nefras, that is, petroleum solvents.

Both galoshes and galoshes differ from regular gasoline in that their octane number is inconsistent. It is only approximately, fluctuating around 52.

The solvent contains a minimum of additives and no additives. Only an exceptionally pure composition is capable of cleaning work surfaces.

Galoshes have a high octane number, but a low bromine number. This is an indicator that reveals the amount of bromine per 100 grams of a substance.

In the case of liquids - per 100 cubic centimeters. Nefras has a bromine level of only 0.02 grams. Regular gasoline has a minimum value of 0.05.

Galosh gasoline price

Gasoline galosh buy You can do it for 20 rubles or 11,000. It’s all about the volume and the manufacturer. One of the Novosibirsk companies offers 0.5 liters of solvent for 25 rubles, and a company from the capital sells the same volume for 70.

A liter of composition from a Samara enterprise costs only 2 rubles more. Liter Gasoline galoshes buy in Moscow possible for at least 80 rubles .

Now, about large volumes, used, as a rule, for industrial purposes. On gasoline galoshes price more than 8,000 rubles, if packaged in 200 liters.

There is also a non-standard bottling of 216 liters, but the cost of such a volume, as a rule, does not differ. 8,000 is the minimum price.

The standard is about 10,000. Barrels are used as containers. For small and medium-sized packages (5, 10 liters) I use plastic canisters.

About 300 enterprises in the country offer gasoline galoshes. Buy The mixture is available via the Internet, in radio stores, and car dealerships.

Gasoline galoshes buy in St. Petersburg(St. Petersburg) or Moscow are usually more expensive than in the provinces.

So, the price depends on the region, as well as the supply in it. There are areas where nephras is in short supply and they charge more for it.

True, it is good that prices for B-70 gasoline are not rising as quickly as for standard automobile fuel.

Use of gasoline galoshes in jewelry

The trend of recent years is from . It covers the metal. Both transparent and colored compositions are used.

It is used to liquefy them. gasoline galoshes. Compound solvent allows you to also work with varnishes.

The mixture is also required for cleaning the joints of parts intended for soldering. Gasoline galoshes or galoshes remove the fatty layer and any contamination from the metal.

Next, flux is applied and the joining of the elements begins. The result is a strong, high-quality product.

B 70 gasoline galosh used by jewelers to clean work tables and any surfaces. The solvent is also purchased for.

Craftsmen use them for soldering and preparing paint mixtures. Experts note that burners with galoshes work better and longer than with conventional fuel. True, the savings are so small that they are not reflected in the cost.

Chemical basis:

It is a low-boiling fraction of dearomatized catalytic reforming gasoline. Boiling temperature limits (80 – 120) °C. Contains paraffin and naphthenic hydrocarbons, no more than 2.5% aromatic hydrocarbons. Mass fraction of sulfur – no more than 0.001%.

Technical data according toTU 38.401-67-108-92:


  • Dissolves rubbers, hot polyethylene,
  • It is used for diluting rubber adhesives and preparing the surfaces of rubber products before gluing and vulcanization.

Directions for use:

  • carefully pour into the container you are using
  • When diluting, add to the paint and varnish material or glue in small portions with stirring until the desired consistency is obtained.

Storage and transportation conditions:

Transportation of products can be carried out by any type of transport in covered vehicles in accordance with the rules of cargo transportation in force for this type of transport. The product must be stored in the manufacturer's packaging, closed, at a temperature from - 20°C to +40°C

Precautionary measures:

Gasoline is a flammable liquid. It must be stored in a hermetically sealed container, away from heating devices. When storing and using gasoline, handling open fire and other ignition sources is prohibited. In case of fire, the following fire extinguishing agents can be used: asbestos blanket, sand, fire extinguishers. The use of water is prohibited.

The cleanest fuel known as gasoline Galosh, occupies a special place in meeting industrial and domestic needs. The universal chemical compound is classified as an effective, odorless and colorless gasoline solvent. Most car enthusiasts know this liquid of organic origin as a flushing material.

Description and characteristics

Interesting product name gasoline Galosh not from the realm of folk names, it appeared thanks to the chemist's surname Kalosh with the emphasis on the first syllable. Gasoline has absolutely nothing to do with shoes known in Russia with a similar name.

Even the nationality of the researcher has not been preserved in history: either Czech or Hungarian. He was the first to succeed in obtaining light fractions in the processing of heavy petroleum products. No one denies the fact that this particular person discovered the reagent.

Initially, the fuel was created for engines in the aviation industry, but over time the scope of application has become much wider. Galosh gasoline is classified as a low-boiling fraction (80-120°C). Unlike known standardized fuels octane number of gasoline Galosh not constantly, fluctuates in the range of 52-54.

Highly purified fuel is obtained by processing raw materials with a small inclusion of sulfur. The substance is called nefras, that is, petroleum solvent. Removal of traditional odors is the result of purification from aromatic hydrocarbons.

The limit for their presence does not exceed 2.5% of the total composition. The composition, up to 50%, contains other hydrocarbons: isoparaffin, paraffin and naphthenic. There are no water-soluble alkalis or acids in Kalosh.

The resulting transparent substance is liquid, meaty in composition, volatile, with a slight odor of petroleum product. Sometimes the mass has a yellowish tint. Galosh gasoline cannot be dissolved in water; it itself perfectly dissolves organic materials. Toxic, flammable and explosive.

According to the characteristics of gasoline Galosh can be classified as a type of fuel and a group of solvents. It is distinguished by its high ability to liquefy oil and bitumen paints, enamel, epoxy resins, paints and varnishes, electrical insulating varnishes to working condition.

Does not leave stains or streaks. Gasoline solvent evaporates from the surface faster than the popular acetone or alcohol. Suitable as a means of degreasing materials prepared for gluing and before painting.

In light industry these are leather and fabrics. Recommended for use as fuel for camping burners, catalytic heating pads, lighters, and blowtorches.


In addition to the gasoline solvent Galosha, you can find a similar substance called Galosha in the retail chain. The difference between them is minor:

  • Galoshes are made according to GOST 443-76, designated B-70;
  • Galoshes are produced according to technical specifications 308.401-67108-92.

Galoshi, a later type of gasoline solvent, followed the standardization rules, but some characteristics were changed. The octane number is slightly higher.

Both brands are not suitable for refueling cars due to their aggressiveness towards rubber and plastic gaskets. Unlike traditional gasoline, the consistency does not have additives and is suitable for cleaning work surfaces. The peculiarity of nefras is its low bromine number per 100 cm³. If regular fuel contains 0.05 bromine, then gasoline solvents contain 0.02 grams.

For the current period, GOST 443-76 has been cancelled. The trade names of the gasoline product Galosh and Galosh are represented by Nefras S2-80/120, a product of the highest purification, a universal solvent in practical use.


Usage purified gasoline Galosh in the industrial sector and household applications is unusually widespread. But motorists are not recommended to fill their cars with this fuel as the main one. There is a risk of damage to plastic and rubber connection parts in the power system and clogging of fuel vapor collection channels.

In emergency situations, it is allowed to use Galosh to temporarily replace automobile fuel, but as an additive or a permanent resource, purified gasoline has a destructive effect on car systems.

Application of gasoline Galosh in other areas:

  • as a refill material for soldering, kerosene devices, lighters and similar fuel-burning equipment;
  • as a means of washing and cleaning with a lubricating effect for bearings, pistons or other parts before repairing a faulty engine in automobile workshops;
  • as a powerful solvent for glue, types of polyethylene, paint and varnish products, in the production of mastic and printing inks;
  • as a means of removing traces of corrosion on car body parts before painting;
  • as a degreasing composition for electrical equipment and aggregate components;
  • as an extractant in the chemical industry for the extraction of organic substances;
  • as fuel for heaters, catalytic heating pads, and travel equipment.

The advantages of using Nefras S2-80/120 in household appliances are as follows:

  • no soot is formed;
  • there is no pronounced smell of petroleum product;
  • The fuel channel becomes less clogged compared to conventional fuel.

Occupies a special place among Nefrasov gasoline Galosh in jewelry making. Accurate calculation, small dosage and high-quality results are valued here. Valuable cleaning solution is needed for parts prepared for soldering.

The joints are processed to remove the fat layer and all contaminants. The quality of the jewelry depends on the level of cleaning. The dilution of varnishes, jewelry enamels, and paint mixtures for coating metals is successfully carried out using a gasoline solvent.

Jewelers treat work tables and other surfaces with B70 Galosh, and use the product for burners as optimal in comparison with other types of fuel. According to experts, burners work longer and better with gasoline solvent.

The fields of organic chemistry, the optical industry, radio electronics, the production of rubber pipes and belts, and the fields of auto mechanics cannot do without Solvent gasoline Galosh.

Fuel is stored in hermetically sealed plastic cans or glass containers. Galosh fuel is a flammable compound, so the work area should be dry and cool. When using, you must take precautions due to the toxicity of the substance, use gloves and a respirator.

As a solvent, the liquid is added in small doses to the main composition and mixed thoroughly. In the process of degreasing the surface of the material, use a napkin or rag moistened with a solution.

The safety of working with gasoline solvent is ensured by following the rules:

  • do not use open fire and do not smoke;
  • carry out work without sparks at a temperature not exceeding 75°C;
  • provide working premises with adequate ventilation;
  • do not allow Galosh gasoline to come into contact with heating, electrical, or gas appliances;
  • Protect fuel containers from sunlight.

In the event of a solvent fire, chemical foam fire extinguishers or permanent fire extinguishing systems should be used. If the product gets on your skin, wash the area with soapy water to avoid severe redness. Disposal of chemical waste after work must be done strictly in accordance with SanPin standards.

Gasoline price Galosh

You can buy gasoline solvent in a plastic or metal canister or bottles of various sizes. For industrial purposes, containers are barrels. Gasoline price Galosh in car dealerships, on the Internet, installed at retail, wholesale. Refined fuel is on average 30% more expensive than traditional motor gasoline.

The region of production also affects the cost of Nefras S2-80/120. In capital companies, imported solvent can be purchased for 90 rubles per liter. In the province where oil refineries have been built, Galosh, among many types of fuel, costs half as much. Thus, the price range is wide, depending on many factors.

In general, the cost of producing gasoline solvent is considered high due to the low yield of the product from the process. The price of a narrow-fraction product increases more slowly than regular gasoline. Experts recommend always having a small supply of clean fuel in your arsenal for automotive and technical needs.

Galosh gasoline is a gasoline solvent obtained during the distillation of low-sulfur oil, it belongs to low-boiling fractions (in terms of fractional composition - 80-110 ° C), the octane number is approximately 52. ​​It is at the same time a fairly good fuel, with a high calorie content when burned, and one of the most effective solvents.

The main differences between galosh gasoline and regular gasoline

Gasoline galoshes were previously produced in accordance with GOST 443-76, but this GOST was canceled, and in modern industrial conditions an analogue substance called “petroleum solvent Nefras S2-80/120” is used, which is produced in accordance with TU 38.401-67-108-92 .

In terms of physical properties, it is a transparent liquid without color (sometimes with a slight yellowish tint) with a specific sweetish odor. The key differences between galosh gasoline and other gasoline fraction products are:

  • Pronounced properties of a strong solvent. It is a stronger solvent than regular gasoline, as well as white spirit.
  • Low octane number. Since galosh gasoline is not used as automobile fuel, an octane number of 50-55 is not a negative indicator, but only indicates chemical properties.

Scope of application of gasoline galoshes

There are three main uses of gasoline:

  • As a solvent. Well suited for diluting paints and enamels, pre-preparation and cleaning of surfaces. Since the substance is one of the most powerful solvents, it is widely used in jewelry, where a minimum dosage and an accurate result are required. In particular, it is used to prepare surfaces for processing or for thinning jewelry enamels. The current mirror of the online casino Va Bank is available 24 hours a day.
  • In the chemical industry, during the extraction process. Being a good solvent, it allows you to effectively extract various organic substances.
  • In everyday life and professional activities - as fuel for burners, blowtorches and other similar equipment.

Price of gasoline galoshes

The cost of gasoline is approximately 20-30% more expensive than ordinary 95-octane gasoline. This is explained by the complexity of the technological process for obtaining the product, as well as the relatively low yield. Since this product is narrow-fraction (that is, only a small part of the oil, when distilled, becomes this type of gasoline), the costs of its production are quite high.

Sold in polyethylene containers of various sizes.

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