Home Engine Registration of compulsory insurance when purchasing a used car. How long can you drive without a compulsory insurance policy after buying a car? How to get a policy after purchasing a used car

Registration of compulsory insurance when purchasing a used car. How long can you drive without a compulsory insurance policy after buying a car? How to get a policy after purchasing a used car

Owning a car begins from the moment you purchase it. And it doesn’t matter what kind it is - new or used, imported from abroad. According to the law of the Russian Federation, any car is subject to registration and compulsory motor third-party liability insurance for drivers who will drive it.

We will tell you in detail whether compulsory motor liability insurance is necessary when buying a car, what it is, how to apply for it and in what time frame.

Do you need compulsory motor insurance when buying a car?

The operation of any vehicle poses a threat to all road users. Therefore, at the state level, it was decided to introduce compulsory driver liability insurance.

OSAGO implies insurance against the risk of liability of the driver in an accident in which his fault causes harm to the health or damage to the car of the injured party. The maximum amount of insurance compensation is 400 thousand rubles. If this is not enough, the culprit himself pays the difference.

When purchasing a car, insurance must be obtained within 10 days from the date of execution of the purchase and sale agreement. You cannot drive without a policy. Otherwise you will face a fine.

Image 1: Extracts from the Federal Law “On OSAGO” dated April 25, 2002 No. 40-FZ, clause 2, article 4 and the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, clause 2, article 12.37

To obtain insurance you need:

  1. Identity document.
  2. Sales and purchase agreement (PSA).
  3. Certificate of registration of a legal entity (if the policyholder is not an individual).
  4. Driver license.

You can buy compulsory motor liability insurance by contacting the insurance company directly or. Payment is made on the website or upon delivery of documents by courier.

The cost of insurance depends on:

  • age and length of service of the driver;
  • type of vehicle;
  • engine power;
  • region of residence;
  • accident-free driving experience and the number of insurance payments (if any).

The insurance contract specifies the subject of the contract, information about the vehicle and its owner, the insurance premium, etc. There are about 10 points in total. The agreement can only be concluded in written or electronic form.

So is compulsory motor liability insurance necessary when buying a car? Needed. Without compulsory insurance, the car simply will not be registered. To register with the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate, you must provide an insurance policy, a policy and a diagnostic card.

Is compulsory motor insurance necessary when selling a car?

When selling a used car, an MTPL policy is not required. If it does exist, the previous owner has the right to contact the insurer for early termination of the contract and receive part of the insurance premium. There is no need to transfer it to the new owner, since insurance is issued not for the car, but for a specific person.

Although, according to Article 955 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, changes can be made to the current policy. To do this, a written application to change the policyholder is submitted to the insurer.

Image 2: Article 955 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation

The insurer may require additional payment of the insurance premium. The amount depends on the increase in the degree of risk and current insurance rates. Changes are recorded in the “Special Notes” column indicating the date of introduction. For certification, the signature and seal of the insurance company is affixed.

New (reissued) insurance may also be issued. This is done within 2 days from the moment the policyholder returns the old car title. It and the second copy of the policy are kept by the insurer. The forms indicate their numbers and the date of re-registration.

If at the time of sale the insurance had expired or did not exist at all, then there is no need to run for a policy. It must be completed by the new car owner within 10 days from the date of conclusion of the agreement.

By the way! If at the time of sale of the car the technical coupon has expired, this is also not an obstacle to the transaction. Passing a technical inspection and obtaining a diagnostic card falls on the shoulders of the new owner.

The purchase and sale agreement is completed in two copies. But we recommend completing three:

  1. For the traffic police.
  2. For the seller.
  3. For the buyer.

All copies must be filled out equally.

We received an answer to the question of whether compulsory motor liability insurance is necessary when selling a car, now we move on.

How to avoid problems when taking out insurance for a used car?

  • readability of the body VIN number;
  • absence of encumbrance;
  • the owner's consent to enter into a purchase and sale agreement.

Otherwise, problems may arise with insurance and car registration.

Also, insurance will not be issued if the technical coupon (diagnostic card) has expired. To get a new one, you can contact the traffic police or a private organization. But we suggest not to waste time in Auto-Service. Our consultants will tell you which insurance company has the most favorable conditions and answer all your questions.

The nuances of taking out insurance when buying a new car

If a car is purchased on credit, you need to be prepared for the fact that the bank may require CASCO registration - voluntary car insurance against theft, damage, etc. This is done in order to reduce banking risks. Refusal of insurance may result in non-issuance of a loan.

If CASCO has been issued, then until the borrower pays the debt, the recipient of the insurance compensation in the event of an insured event is the bank.

Attention! Is it necessary to pay OSAGO when buying a (new) car if CASCO insurance has been issued? Yes. CASCO does not exempt the car owner from issuing compulsory motor liability insurance.

The procedure for obtaining insurance for a new car is standard. The only thing is that you don’t need to undergo a technical inspection. According to federal law, this may not be done for 3 years.

The Supreme Court explained how to properly issue compulsory motor liability insurance when buying a used car

The Supreme Court of Russia clarified most of the features in cases of compulsory civil liability insurance (OSAGO). This was reported to Klops.Ru by the regional society for the protection of motorists' rights.

In particular, now when the right of ownership, right of economic management or operational control of a vehicle is transferred from the insured to another person, the new owner is required to insure his civil liability. According to the clarifications of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, after concluding a compulsory insurance contract, replacing the vehicle specified in the compulsory insurance policy, changing the insurance period, as well as replacing the policyholder are not allowed.

According to the lawyer of the regional society for the protection of the rights of motorists, Pyotr Gubenko, previously it was often the practice of buyers to include themselves in the seller’s policy as one of the drivers allowed to drive, or if the previous owner’s policy was for an unlimited number of persons, then the new owner did not consider it necessary to purchase a new policy , but I took the old one.

“This was done in order to save on MTPL insurance. Now you shouldn’t do this, because if an accident occurs and the at-fault driver has such a MTPL policy from the old owner, then you will have to answer from your own pocket, because it will be considered that the liability of the culprit is not insured, and the previous policy is no longer related to the vehicle and the current owner,” notes Gubenko.

It should be noted that if the transfer of ownership as such did not occur, for example, the car was transferred under a notarized (general) power of attorney, then you do not need to buy a new policy; you can use the old one.

In addition to purchasing a new policy when purchasing any used car, the Supreme Court clarified a number of other situations, the solution of which is unlikely to please motorists. For example, for car owners, on the basis of a general power of attorney, insurance compensation cannot be recovered through the court, even if the power of attorney states the right to receive it.

“The Supreme Court of Russia indicated that persons who own a vehicle on the basis of a lease agreement or by virtue of an authority based on a power of attorney do not have an independent right to receive insurance payment,” notes Gubenko.

According to him, an insurance company can also refuse an insurance payment to a car owner who has a general power of attorney, but only if he does not ask to make a payment in favor of the owner who issued the power of attorney.

Also, if upon the occurrence of an insured event an agreement was reached on the amount of insurance compensation between the victim and the insurance company, then in the future, if an independent examination reveals an understatement of payment, it will no longer be possible to sue. The court will be guided by the agreement, not the examination.

“Therefore, you should not blindly sign any agreements with insurance companies,” the lawyer notes.

You should not expect additional payments for a warranty car at the prices of an official dealer. All prices in MTPL are determined taking into account the provisions of the Unified Methodology, which means that payment will be made at prices from a special directory and taking into account wear and tear (wear and tear no more than 50%), and no one will reimburse the difference between compensation and damages for repairs from an official dealer . It will not be possible to recover the difference from the culprit of the accident.

Apparently, in order not to burden the court, now if the insurance company does not pay the motorist an additional amount within 10% of the insurance payment, then this money cannot be recovered through the court, and the court will return the statement of claim.

Also, the Supreme Court of Russia clarified several points that relate to the payment of expenses related to road accidents. Now you can count on compensation even for towing your car.

“The MTPL insurance company is obliged to pay not only the cost of damage to property, but also postal expenses for correspondence with the insurer, loss for evacuation and storage of the damaged car, loss for calling the emergency commissioner,” notes Gubenko.

If an insurance company has already made a payment in the form of direct compensation for losses, and its amount turned out to be underestimated, and then this insurance company went bankrupt or its license was revoked, then you should contact the Russian Union of Automobile Insurers (RUA) for an additional payment. According to Gubenko, previously, in such a case, everyone refused additional compensation.

In addition, if the insurance company has not made the proper payment within 20 days, then already on the 21st day a penalty in the amount of 1% of the unpaid insurance compensation begins to accrue. Since the insurance company is obliged to compensate not only for car repair losses, but also for other losses (evacuation, car storage, etc.), the penalty is calculated based on the amount of the total amount of unpaid compensation.

Also, if the insurance company does not make a payment within 20 days and then does not respond to the claim, then when going to court, in any case, it will be subject to a fine in the amount of 50% of the unpaid insurance compensation. However, the fine can be reduced by the court at the request of the insurance company, and if the victim receives a payment in connection with business activities, then the fine is not collected at all.

The Supreme Court once again emphasized that the reduction of penalties and fines is allowed by the court only in exceptional cases and only if there is an application from the insurance company.

Buying a second hand car is a process that many people go through when they want to purchase a car. Indeed, most motorists today purchase a used model. And everyone has their own reasons for this. Some have long dreamed of a car that can no longer be found in showrooms: it is simply not produced. Others count on a certain amount, for which you cannot buy a new product. Still others save money and purchase a model that is still in showrooms, but used it is cheaper, although the condition is the same. In general, there are a lot of reasons. As well as issues related to the acquisition process. And here they are worth answering.

Make a deal

So, buying a car second hand represents, first of all, the conclusion of an agreement between the seller and the future owner. This is the first stage of the transaction. What is he?

First of all, the buyer and seller meet. In order for the future potential owner to inspect the car, test it and agree on the amount he is willing to pay. Very often there is so-called bargaining at the hood. That is, the buyer and seller are already on the spot trying to agree on a price.

If everything is clarified immediately, then the contract is concluded at the same moment. This document is a form (which can be easily found today, since the sample is freely available everywhere), in which the data of the seller and the buyer will be entered. And of course, cars. After this, the buyer gives the seller the money and goes to the traffic police department to register the car in his own name on a vehicle that legally belongs to him.

Registration rules

Recently (literally a couple of years ago), the procedure for registering a vehicle in your name has become as simple as possible. This is good news. The first advantage of the innovations is that you no longer need to deregister the car. This significantly saves the buyer’s time, nerves and money.

Secondly, a car can now be easily registered anywhere - at any traffic police department. That is, if a person lives in Rostov-on-Don, but he went to Krasnodar to pick up the car, then he can immediately register the vehicle there in his name. And it is not necessary. So buying a car second-hand has become even easier and clearer.

Nuances worth knowing about

As you know, every business has its pitfalls. And buying a car second-hand is no exception.

The first “stone” is the condition of the machine. For some reason, many people (usually amateurs) are puzzled by what kind of breakdowns there are in a car only if they take a vehicle manufactured in the 80-90s. And they inspect the car in detail. But in vain, because new cars also need to be checked. To avoid unpleasant surprises (breakdowns, etc.), the buyer should insist on an inspection at a service station (at his own expense, of course, and not at the seller’s expense). They will definitely tell you what needs to be changed in the car.

The second “stone” is legality. It is important to find out the WIN code from the owner of the car and check in the traffic police database whether it was stolen, whether there are any arrests, etc. Otherwise, you can be left without money and without a car if you buy it without understanding this issue.

And the third nuance is the availability of free space in the PTS. It must be. If everything is filled out there, then the owner of the car will have to obtain a new title before concluding the contract.

Having listened to all this, a person will be calm about how his car purchase is going. The advice is truly effective and has never let anyone down.

Procedure for filling out PTS

This is another important topic. Documents when purchasing a car from someone else must be in order and correctly filled out. There are six points in a car passport. The details of the current owner and the car itself are written there. In the first column you need to enter some data. First of all, this is your full name. owner. Secondly, the place where the new owner of the car is registered. They also indicate the date of sale of the vehicle and a document that confirms the fact that the person has the right to own this car. Strictly speaking, this is a purchase and sale agreement. The previous owner's signature is also required. And the last thing is the autograph of the new owner of the car.

Before filling out the PTS, you need to check whether it is genuine. Watermarks are evidence that the document is real.

What's next?

The money was transferred by the current owner to the seller, and he, in turn, gave him the keys and the car. What's next? The rule for buying a car second hand is that after this you need to do it as soon as possible. You are given 10 days to do this, but it is better not to delay this matter.

Registration begins with checking the diagnostic card. This is a very important document that confirms that the car has passed inspection. By the way, with the card it is much easier and faster to obtain insurance - an MTPL policy. What to do about it? Contact any insurance company - they will arrange everything. By the way, we will talk about insurance a little later, since this is also an important topic.

If the diagnostic card turns out to be expired, then the new owner himself undergoes a technical inspection. This is done at a special site, which is located on the territory of the traffic police. In general, there is a lot to do, and the deadline is 10 days. If you really want to, you can do everything in a day.


Now about this. The procedure for purchasing a car secondhand involves issuing an MTPL insurance policy. It is necessary! Without this document, you can forget about registering the car. Fortunately for all car buyers, today a policy can be obtained from any insurance company.

The cost of the document is calculated based on certain factors. The first is the city. The second is who registers the car: an individual or a legal entity. The type of vehicle also matters. Age, as well as the length of service of the driver, is a prerequisite for calculating the amount. The power of the car is also taken into account. And of course, the period for which the policy is issued. The bonus-malus coefficient is also taken into account. This is a measure of the amount of insurance payments.

In general, there are many criteria. But what does this look like in practice?

What is the price of the policy?

What you need to buy a car second-hand has already been said. Now it’s worth showing an example of how the price of insurance is calculated.

It will be cheaper if it is issued by a 22-year-old (or older) driver with 3 years (or more) of driving experience with a license. It’s more expensive if you don’t have 22 years or experience. For example, you can take the city of Rostov-on-Don. A passenger car with a capacity of 101-120 hp. With. for those with 10 or more months of experience and the appropriate age will cost 8,900 rubles. If the owner is not 22 and has no experience, then the amount is doubled.

By the way, it is always better to take the number of drivers. This means that if someone asks the owner for a car for a while, he will be able to provide it without any additional documents. But limited insurance means that only a specific person - the owner - can drive this car. He can also include someone else (for example, a husband registers a car and includes his wife in the insurance so that she can also use the vehicle). Only for this you will need a driver's license and a photocopy of this person's passport.

The most expensive insurance is in Moscow (not surprising). There is a policy for a car with a capacity of 151 hp. With. and higher, with a zero coefficient, will cost 55 thousand rubles.

Purchasing a car that has already been taken out on credit

And this happens often. Buying a credit car is a process that not every person is familiar with. Well, it’s worth clarifying the issue regarding the pros and benefits.

This procedure can be very beneficial for the buyer. Because the situation is like this: someone just recently decided to take out a brand new car on credit. I drove it, paid off the debt little by little... and then people demanding money happen. I have to sell the car! An advertisement is placed, a buyer is found... who pays off the balance of the loan and then becomes the owner of the car. And what the previous owner paid goes towards the discount. Although, depending on how much you paid, sometimes you have to pay extra. In general, the point is that a person who is in dire need of money is extremely accommodating and is ready to do anything to ensure that the loan is repaid and the car is sold.


Now about the rules for buying a car on credit. The buyer and seller go to the creditor bank and find out the balance. After this, the amount is deposited into the account. As a result, the loan is repaid and the shackles are “removed” from the car. Then you can enter into a standard purchase and sale agreement.

The transferred amount must be documented with a receipt, this is more reliable. The document indicates that this money is credited towards the ransom for a specific car (write the color of the car, year of manufacture, make, model, body number and all the little things).

This is the easiest way. Some people also try to contact the bank with a request to obtain permission to sell the car, promising to pay off the entire debt after the transaction. But few people agree to this. Another option is to pawn something valuable for the car. A plot, an apartment, a house, etc. But this is also a case in a million.

How to choose?

Many people have the idea that it would be nice for them to have a car, but the vast majority of them do not know which car to choose. It's a standard situation, but there's nothing scary about it.

So, the main selection criteria for many car owners are the following points: reliability, decent technical characteristics, safety, efficiency, quality, comfort and beauty. In principle, if everything listed in a car is normal, then it is an ideal car.

But many people are starting to pay attention to used cars only because they need a vehicle that they can simply drive. Some people simply get tired of minibuses, others are annoyed by waiting for a bus, and others do not want to be dependent on public transport schedules. Such people simply need an economical (that is, either with a diesel engine or a hybrid) car that will perform its main function - to drive. And cars from this category are as inexpensive as possible. A few tens of thousands will be enough to buy. The same “Toyota Corona” in tolerable condition (for the year 90) will cost 50 thousand rubles. Or “Opel Cadet” for 40 thousand rubles. There is a choice, and if you want to buy a regular car for standard driving, then you don’t have to worry, there will be a suitable option, and you can also bargain.

Destroying stereotypes

And finally, I would like to tell the truth about used cars. Many people mistakenly believe that owning a car is the worst option. Not at all! There are such “adult” cars from the nineties, zeros and even the eighties that many new products from some manufacturers will be worse. Take, for example, the iconic Mercedes. In the 124th body, in the 201st, 123rd. These are real “iron horses”, which even today remain in trend, and they serve their new owners, so to speak, faithfully. These cars don't break down - it's a generally accepted fact.

The same “Audi” is also a reliable option, “Volkswagen”. Many people buy old Japanese models, American ones. If the previous owners were good, the car will be in excellent condition. The main thing is that the new owner treats him the same way.

And buying cars that have been used for a year or two is an extremely profitable business! This way you can buy a model in perfect new condition for 1/3 cheaper than it is sold in the showroom. Many people do this.

In general, there are options, but what choice to make is up to the potential buyer to decide.

When purchasing a car, compulsory motor liability insurance must be issued within the period established by law. If this deadline is not met, the owner of the car may be punished in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation - a fine or deprivation of a driver's license. When to get insurance if you bought a car second-hand? Are there any peculiarities in applying for a compulsory liability insurance policy for a used car? How much does insurance cost and what is needed to purchase a compulsory motor liability insurance policy?

When to insure a car after purchase?

When selling a car, you must draw up 3 copies of the purchase and sale agreement. The first will remain with the seller, the second with the buyer and the third with the traffic police. The agreement is drawn up in simple written form without notarization. Although if one of the parties insists on the participation of a notary in the transaction, the other party cannot refuse. After signing the document, the new owner of the car must insure it and register it in his name.

Driving a car after completing a purchase and sale transaction without permits, including an insurance policy, is prohibited by law. P 2. Article 4 of the Law “On Compulsory Motor Liability Insurance” indicates that the owner of the vehicle is given 10 days from the date of purchase of the car to insure his liability. Since it is necessary to issue compulsory motor liability insurance under a purchase and sale agreement according to standard rules, the driver must register the vehicle with the traffic police before purchasing insurance. If you purchased a used car for which insurance was already issued, then it will have to be reissued.

For failure to comply with legal regulations, the car owner may be held administratively liable. For driving a vehicle that is not registered with the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate, a fine of 500 to 800 rubles may be imposed in the first case and up to 5,000 rubles in the second case. The fine for lack of compulsory motor insurance will be 500-800 rubles.

The old car owner can terminate his insurance contract early and return part of the premium paid. He can also contact the insurance company to change the data of the compulsory motor liability insurance policy, adding the new owner as the driver allowed to drive. But such a procedure will not allow the new owner to carry out registration actions with the traffic police - in this case, he will have to buy an MTPL policy and enter into an insurance contract as an insured.

Features of obtaining insurance for a used car

OSAGO insurance when purchasing a used car is issued in the same manner and according to the same rules as a policy for a new car. The only difference is the need to provide a diagnostic card with a passed technical inspection - it is not needed for new vehicles. If the old owner of the car already has a valid technical inspection, then the procedure for purchasing an insurance policy will become even simpler:

  1. Purchasing a car (concluding a purchase and sale agreement, concluding a loan agreement, etc.).
  2. Selecting an insurance company and calculating the cost of the policy.
  3. Conclusion of the MTPL agreement.
  4. Payment for the policy and receipt of documents.

If the car does not have a valid technical inspection, then to pass it the driver can buy a policy for a period of no more than 20 days. With this insurance, you can undergo maintenance and register the car with the traffic police. If the car owner has the money, he can use the services of a tow truck for delivery to the service station and the traffic police without purchasing short-term insurance. If at the time of registration of the insurance policy the owner of the car does not have a state registration plate, then he is obliged to inform the insurance company of its number within 3 days after receiving it. An insurance company employee will make changes to the policy and to the unified information database.

What documents are required for registration?

A compulsory insurance contract is concluded in relation to the owner of the vehicle, all drivers allowed to drive a car or in relation to an unlimited number of citizens who can drive a vehicle. To register for compulsory motor liability insurance after purchasing a car (both new and used), in accordance with Article 15 of the law “On compulsory motor liability insurance”, you must provide a number of the following documents:

  • Passport of the policyholder if it is an individual and certificate of registration if it is a legal entity;
  • Driving licenses of all authorized drivers;
  • Diagnostic card with maintenance;
  • Vehicle registration certificate.

In the application, the form of which is established by Central Bank Regulation No. 431-P, the policyholder must indicate his data (full name, date of birth for an individual and place of registration, TIN for a legal entity), address, telephone number, owner details, information about the vehicle, purposes of use , data of all drivers who have the right to drive a car, period of use. If desired, the car owner can indicate the name of the service station where repairs will need to be carried out if the car is damaged in an accident.

How much does a compulsory motor liability insurance policy cost for a used car?

The cost of the policy is calculated based on the base rate and the coefficients of the individual driver. All coefficients are determined by Central Bank Directive No. 3384-U. The cost of an MTPL policy will be affected only by the driver’s place of registration, his age and experience, vehicle power, driver class, the number of persons allowed to drive and other factors.

An example of calculating the cost of a compulsory motor liability insurance policy for a car

An individual entered into a purchase and sale agreement for a 2015 Audi A4. To purchase compulsory motor liability insurance, the new car owner turned to the Ingosstrakh insurance company. An insurance company employee used the maximum base rate of 4,118 rubles and calculated the cost using the following coefficients:

  • CT (Moscow) = 2;
  • KBM (driver class 3) = 1;
  • KO (one driver allowed to drive) = 1;
  • PIC (driver is 29 years old, his experience is 7 years) = 1;
  • KM (car power 190 hp) = 1.6.

The cost of the insurance policy is 4,118 x 2 x 1 x 1 x 1 x 1.6 = 13,177.60 rubles. Even if the car were new, the cost of insurance would not change with the same driver coefficients.

Depending on the base rate chosen by the insurance company, the cost of the MTPL policy will also change. Central Bank Directive No. 3384-U established a tariff corridor within which insurance companies can set the price for insurance. The tariff varies from 3,432 to 4,118 rubles. The cost will not be affected by the year of manufacture of the car, since you can apply for compulsory motor liability insurance when purchasing a used car at the same rates that apply to new vehicles.


Thus, the sale of MTPL for a used car is carried out according to the same rules as for a new one. You cannot drive a car without compulsory motor insurance only with a purchase and sale agreement; this is fraught with fines from the traffic police. The cost of insurance will not depend on the year of manufacture of the vehicle. The price of the policy is calculated according to the general formula and using the coefficients established by the insurance market regulator - the Central Bank of the Russian Federation - in regulatory documents.

How does obtaining compulsory motor liability insurance when buying a used car differ from similar actions, but in relation to a new car? Those who are more concerned about this issue are newcomers, not only in car insurance, but also on the road in general. It is for them that we will tell you whether there are any fundamental features of obtaining a policy for an old car, and whether the age of the car is so important, such as, for example.

What are the features of obtaining MTPL insurance when purchasing a used car? The main and main difference from the situation of issuing a mandatory motor third party liability policy for a new vehicle is the need to obtain a diagnostic card, which is possible only after a full maintenance. Moreover, only technical stations accredited by the RSA can issue a vehicle inspection document. service.

When to take out an MTPL policy when buying a used car? This issue is regulated by law. Both used and new cars must be insured within 10 days from the date of conclusion of the policy.

Purchasing compulsory motor liability insurance after purchasing a car from a dealership is greatly simplified, since for 3 years you do not need to provide a diagnostic card upon registration. Accordingly, when insuring the new owner of a used vehicle, you will first need to visit a service center, provide the car for inspection, pay for and pick up a diagnostic card, and only then go to the insurance company.

Another difference is that when buying a car from a dealership, you can apply for compulsory motor liability insurance directly from the dealer, but if you buy a used car, you won’t be able to get the service when concluding a policy.

How to get insurance for a used car

What documents are needed in order to obtain an MTPL policy when purchasing any used car? The list of papers is as follows:

  • diagnostic card;
  • certificates of all drivers who will be allowed to drive;
  • personal passport;
  • statement;

In cases where the new owner will be represented by any authorized person, an additional power of attorney will be required to be provided to the insurance company. Many motorists prefer to have it certified by a notary so that there are no unnecessary questions, but you can try to get insurance with a simple power of attorney.

Obtaining an electronic policy is impossible, since for compulsory motor liability insurance it is necessary to provide information that the employee will enter into the RSA database. You should write both general information about the issuance of insurance and make changes regarding the change of owner.

How to apply for compulsory motor liability insurance? Is the presence of the previous owner required to confirm that the car was actually purchased?
No, the owner or his authorized representative can visit the insurer, and confirmation of the purity of the transaction will be a copy of the purchase and sale agreement, which is simply attached to the package of papers. During the 10 days while the car is registered to the new owner, no fines are imposed for driving without insurance, so you can come to the car service for a diagnostic card directly with the purchased vehicle, so as not to spend money on a tow truck.

No serious difficulties are expected when submitting an application to the insurance company. If all the documents are provided, the paper will be processed fairly quickly, since the age of the vehicle in this insurance system does not matter. All that remains is to get the policy itself, and then contact the traffic police and re-register the vehicle in your own name.

The owner has the right to contact absolutely any insurance company that he considers suitable. By law, purchasing a policy is an act of concluding a public contract, i.e. they cannot refuse to issue this document, even if the car is a used one. Usually insurance companies resort to tricks, saying that they have run out of forms or they are not authorized to issue insurance for such cars without compulsory life insurance. You need to understand that this is already illegal and there is a certain responsibility for this, so you need to complain to the Central Bank and the RSA.

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